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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  May 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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could be a very interesting summer economically for the biden team. >> our producers are reminding us that the three of us are too online. for any of you that have not seen the clip we were referencing for the hearing last night, take a look. this is appears to be the congresswoman doing the sign of the cross and correctly. >> it is the shoulders. she did not attend a catholic institution. >> if you have not been on the twitter, that is what you're missing. >> you know, the sign of the shoulders. that is what you do when you are panicked. >> this is what people get in the morning. the economy. the dow was great. also the announcement. today is the anniversary of brown versus board of education. 70 years. biden. very great speech today that msnbc took live so people can go pooh-pooh on another network but not msnbc. and talked about the historic
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investment. notable. >> simone and michael, my friends. thank you both for staying up late with me. we are going to be back here. literally right here on msnbc tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. eastern for the weekend. we're going to be interviewing georgia senator warnock. be sure to tune in for that. chris hayes will be back here on all in next week. alice wagner tonight starts right now. alex, last night you asked me if you could play the role of simone sanders. i came up with the right retort. that is like asking if you can be diana ross. you can ask to be a supreme, but you can't ask to be diana. >> we've got diana in the studio. >> she can't see you. >> i mean -- i am just a hanger on. i'm just following the band selling cheese sandwiches out of the back of my volvo looking for a miracle. just trying to be part of the magic. that is all i'm doing. >> i know what that is like. >> we love you.
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thank you, alex. have a great night. >> i miss you guys. have a great weekend. oh, what a week. i think if there is one visual that really sums up this week that really sticks with all of us, it is this one. no matter how many times i see it, it doesn't get any less surreal. that is four republican elected officials, including two sitting members of congress and one sitting governor -- four grown men -- all in donald trump cosplay outside trump's criminal trial this week. at least two of those men are reportedly hoping to be trump in vice presidential pick. apparently this is what you do now to show your loyalty to trump did you not only show up at his criminal trial, you not only denounce the trial and the entire american criminal justice system as a sham, you not only say that things trump once to say but can't because he is bound by a gag order -- no. on top of that, you show up dressed like him.
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those gentlemen also took the opportunity to film a fundraising video inside the courthouse. they were joined by trump's son, eric , who apparently didn't get the long red type memo, and by eric's wife, laura, who now runs the committee. laura posted this from inside the courthouse. she assured viewers, you don't want to miss the end of this video. if you missed it, this is the grand finale. >> les make america great again. and he is the man to do it. >> a cameo by donald trump himself. giving a really sad thumbs up. i don't think anyone has ever looked less enthused about make america great again. but the pilgrimage continued all this week. the speaker of the u.s. house of representatives, the most powerful republican in washington, showed up to support trump.
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yesterday so many republican members of congress decamped to the new york city courthouse that this business on capitol hill basically had to be shut down for the day. when they finally made it back to d.c. last night, a nighttime house hearing devolved into chaos with lawmakers hurling personal insults at each other. as with so many things related to donald trump, it is all ridiculous and embarrassing and also simultaneously dark and demoralizing and deadly serious. commerce men matt gates among the most -- posted a photo of himself standing behind trump in the courthouse. it was captioned, standing back and standing by, mr. president, a reference to the instructions to the white supremacist proud by militia in 2020. a few months after that president said that, the proud boys led the charge on the january 6th attack on the capitol. this week, matt gaetz and his ilk may look small and silly prostrating themselves in front of their indicted leader,
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but these people will be his facilitators in a second term. this is from anti-trump conservative mona at the bulwark. quote, the reason trump in his first term was unable to order that border crossers be shot in the leg so that the irs conduct audits of his foes or that the united states withdraw from nato or that the military should rioters after george floyd's murder, or that the justice department lied about election results or any of the myriad other crimes, outrages, or stupidities the former president contemplated was that his own hires talked him out of things or slow walked the mental trump's goldfish attention turned elsewhere. in a second term, those officials would be gone. as his former chief of staff put it, the less the former president learned from his first term is, don't put guys like me in those jobs. the lesson he learned was to find sycophants. though sycophants are lining up
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. indeed, they are. right outside the courthouse. speaking of courthouses, last night also brought the revelation about supreme court justice samuel and his upside down american flag. according to photographic evidence obtained by the new york times, the inverted flag a symbol displayed by the stop the steal activists who insist the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump. that flag was flying outside justice alito's home in january 2021. it was flying there just days after the january 6th attack and while the supreme court was considering whether to hear an election case. the court ultimately decided not to take the case, but samuel alito dissented. he would have taken the case. while the stop the steel flag was flying in front of his house. to the new york times, alito blamed the whole thing on his wife saying she had raised the upside down flag and get a dispute with a neighbor.
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today justice alito went to -- where else? -- foxnews to elaborate further on this news, which involved his wife being very upset about a neighbor's anti-trump lawn sign. >> he gave me a little more context. he said there were some signs out that had vulgarity on them and misses alito addressed that . they were on a walk-through the neighborhood and there were words between misses alito and the man in the house using vulgarity. justice alito said the man used the c word in relation to his wife in front of him. >> in front of the justice? really. >> at some point she was obviously very upset. went home. did the flag. he had nothing to do with it. didn't think it was a great idea. >> he is lucky he only got the flag. he is lucky the justice did not pop them in the eye. >> he didn't think it was a great idea because it really, really wasn't. joining me now to discuss this
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are justice correspondent for the nation and mark joseph stern, senior writer covering the courts and the laufer slate magazine. i know you guys have a lot of thoughts on this. mark, i want to read an excerpt from your ex assessment of this scandal. the sheer pettiness of these gripes -- the fact that these men continue to filter justice to their small, round, grunge- colored glasses -- is what is breathtaking here. if being an unelected, left him appointed, unbound by the rules jurist means anything at all, should it not mean that perhaps you rise above your grassy suburban neighborhood's feelings wars? apparently not. apparently the life altering principle of self soothing your small injuries matters above all things. so, mark, destroy the court and own the libs. is that what is happening here? >> that is alito's m.o. as far as we can tell. frankly, anyone who has been paying attention to justice alito's own behavior on the court probably should have seen this coming, including me.
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justice alito is a tragic and perfect example of what happens when someone's brain has been pickled in the brine of foxnews for years and years on end. he has gone from being a smart, sharp, somewhat partisan conservative to being an all-out maga justice who clearly attempts to wield a lot of benefit donald trump in every way possible and own the libs. it is quite clear that he and his wife are one on this. he and his wife have always been close. she has been known to him to the courtroom for big hearings. she has very strong antiabortion beliefs. justice alito himself attempted to intervene over and over again in 2020. you know, i think it is clear. if he disagreed sincerely with his wife putting up a stop the steel flag, he would have stopped her or he would have taken it down. it is his house too. the fact he didn't shows just how low he is willing to go to
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express his beliefs. it's not enough to say it from the bench. it is not enough to spew it out in bile in his opinions. he has to put it in his neighbor's face. he doesn't even deny it. he makes up an excuse for why he had to do it because his neighbors were mean to them. >> gab. i'm just appalled at the fact that somehow anti-trump rhetoric is seen as an attack on the alito s beer that explains a value system that is at odds with what we think the justice system is, which is supposed to be impartial. >> i feel really bad for what alito says happened to him. to me as a black man on television from time to time, that sounds like tuesday. all right? the level of hate and vitriol he says he felt is what i feel in my daily life every day. and you don't see me outside my house with a flag because the neighbors were so mean to me. that does not hold water. he put up the flag because he agrees with the message.
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to make the point here, he didn't just agree with that message in 2021. he didn't disagree with that message three years ago. right now while this story is happening -- and i don't see any vulgar signs in his face right now -- he is in the process of letting trump off for the very insurrection that alito we no for a locked fact supports. first of all, he has already delayed it to the point where it is almost impossible to bring trump to trial in any situation before the election. and we are waiting within the next few weeks to hear him most likely dissenting from an opinion that would hold trump accountable for crimes committed in connection with january 6th. so this flag thing. it is not a throwaway line. it is not. it is absolutely. it is petty and small and weak. but it is also as you put in your opening, deadly serious because he is using those grievances to let criminals go
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free. so long as they are the criminals he agrees with. >> yeah. you bring up the immunity case. that is actively being decide on by the court. let's play a sound bite from justice alito during oral arguments raising a paranoid grievance. this is what he had to say. >> if an incumbent who loses the very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?
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>> i mean, it just sheds new light on that logic. he is not worried about trump acting with impunity and being able to assassinate political rivals. he is worried about trump being held accountable if he -- i don't know, engages in election subversion. >> the greatest threat to democracy is the man that poses the single biggest peril to it might actually face a trial and a jury of his peers over it. you know, alex, i was in the courtroom for that argument. it takes a lot to surprise me. i nearly fell out of my chair when justice alito made that statement. it was stunning to hear. and i just want to reiterate i don't think that the samuel alito of 10 or 15 years ago would have said something like that. alito used to be really good at playing up some point of agreement with other conservatives so he could build a coalition. he was really good at asking questions that would get justice anthony kennedy on his side, for instance. sometimes chief justice john roberts. he has lost that ability and now he seems to use oral
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arguments as this airing of the grievances. this opportunity for him to speak out to the public and to his peers and say, i am disgusted by what president trump is going through in essence and to put himself there like the congressman in front of the courthouse in new york city as a staunch defender of donald trump himself. i will just add i think there's maybe a little silver lining here, which is that i do think he is repelling some of his conservative colleagues with this stuff. i think justices like amy barrett and even brett kavanaugh are starting to be really discomforted if not disturbed by this behavior. and we are seeing it in some of these opinions like the one that came out yesterday. justice barrett and justice kavanaugh joins this opinion that really kind of criticized harshly justice alito's dissent . said justice alito went about it the wrong way.
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it seems like they might be sending a message to him. you've got to rein it in or we are not going to join your opinions and we will not be on your side. >> buddy, you got to stop flying the stop the steel flags in front of your house while you are taking up questions about january 6th. alito is not the only one that has serious ethics complaints swirling around him. clarence thomas is the other. i kind of wonder whether you think the two embolden each other and whether -- what of john roberts? is there any hope that the supreme court and the leader of the supreme court decides to do anything about this? >> samuel alito and clarence thomas and john roberts and all the rest of them are emboldened by the complete feckless job democrats in congress have done to rein them in. all right? they are emboldened not by each other but by dick durbin. the fact that we are still in 2024 and we do not have an ethics bill -- not the ridiculousness of the supreme court saying it would soft
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police when clearly they cannot police themselves. the fact we do not have a congressional ethics bill with real teeth and real penalties for these people when they are revealed to be as corrupt as we all know them to be is a travesty. as long as -- look, you're never going to get anything with the republicans. mike johnson, matt gaetz, and although trump cosplayers. they are going to do their own thing. the fact the democrats cannot speak with one clear coherent voice on what needs to be done in terms of ethics, reform, limiting their power -- not only in terms of limiting lifetime power button jurisdiction stripping and limiting what cases they can decide. the fact that the democrats are nowhere on stopping these people is what emboldens these people. alito acts the way he acts because he knows nothing is going to happen to him.
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>> you talk about congressional democrats. congressional republicans are united on the cause of judicial ethics. they are worried about judge in new york. this is all happening in real- time. this hypocrisy is unfolding before our very eyes. thank you guys both for spinning this time friday night. >> thanks so much for having us. magica still ahead, the criminal trial of donald trump is about to hit a crucial phase. we are going to get the lowdown on what to expect. plus trump is leading the republican party down what one conservative commentator is calling a steep staircase of decline. we're going to get reaction from a republican strategist, mike murphy. that's next. that's next.
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the new york city courthouse where donald trump is on criminal trial is now serving at least temporarily as a shrine for pilgrimage for the public and acolytes who travel there to kiss his ring and perform other public rituals of loyalty. the new yorkers write in this phenomenon, quote, even in this age, nothing matters. these images of trump there remembering as a visual marker of how far the gop has gone down what they so aptly called in an essay this week the steep staircase of republican decline.
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which raises the question, are we anywhere near the bottom? joining me now is mike murphy, republican strategist and cohost of the excellent podcast, hacks on top. >> good to be here in los angeles. >> where are we on the steep staircase of republican decline? >> the scientific mystery that has eluded mankind is, what is infinity? that staircase may have a couple million miles to go. it has been a terrible spectacle. they actually where the halloween costume too. the formerly serious person. governor of north dakota. legitimately accomplished business leader. dressing up in everything but the orange wig. it is heartbreaking, but you can never especially in this era forget the siren song of, do whatever it takes, because if the election is held tomorrow, trump wins. if the election isn't tomorrow, they are willing to slide under a closed door and do just about
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anything else to get a chance to be on the ticket and shove meatloaf at the president and hope for the best >> it does beg the question, what if in office they do to enable a trump agenda? what is the level of confidence that any guardrails will be left if the minders are matt gaetz and lauren boebert? >> there are serious people in the trump administration before. we are here to keep the lunatic away . you know, a lot of stuff. now it is drags. it is a thin bunch of wacko doodle. i guess i'm for coco doug only on the theory that if we have to have a vice president, he won't do anything because he has proven to be spineless in this process. but if trump, god forbid, passed on from natural causes or whatever, he is a grown up. so we are into that. that is how low the bar is. >> it feels like we are at the bottom stair but we are obviously not. there is always further to fall. i have to wonder given the
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level of alarm in certain corners, she is not so dyed in the wool liberal. there is a very deep-seated level of concern about what is happening here. what is unfolding in our country that seems completely at odds with the polling where trump and biden have been basically frozen in this head- to-head matchup for months. nothing seems to be changing. what do you attribute that to? do you think -- let's talk about the debates because that was the development this week. is that going to change anything? >> i think we are under a political gravity now that i am right, you're evil. the two parties. the two camps. the two tribes. if i am right, you're evil is the ruling equation, anything i do against you is good, including storm the capitol. it is like a bond movie. the villain always thinks they are a hero. right now half the country thinks trump ought to be in jail without a trial and the other half does not believe the
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trial because institutions are all corrupt. why isn't hillary in jail? wise and hunter biden in jail? the old shame guardrails of institutions we trusted is melting away. so the reason it is time is we don't have that many swing voters anymore. the real reason it is tide is people want to fire joe biden. you can argue whether they should or not, but right now in my business perception is reality. they say, we don't like trump. we don't like biden. >> biden is in the front. their frontal cortex. >> you hate them both. who is better running the economy? trump by 15 or more points. if that is the case in october, biden is toast. >> we talk about institutional atrophy. i've got to point to this piece of polling we have that gave some people help about institutions. 24% of republican voters said they would not vote for donald trump if he is convicted. we are now kind of getting toward the tail end of this hush money trial in new york. trump has done his very best. the gop has done its very best to suggest this trial is a sham.
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the judge is crooked. do you think that 24% still holds if he is convicted in this? >> there is, like, 24% crack in the republican love of donald trump. you can see the ghost of nikki haley in the largest county -- indianapolis in the suburbs of indiana. they voted for her long after she is in the bahamas somewhere out of the race. so there is not overwhelming enthusiasm. the problem is the focus right now of most brokers is to fire the incumbent because they think he is too old and cannot run the economy. inflation is very cruel to presidents. you see the same stuff go through the grocery line. he blamed that on biden or the president. your own wages go up. that is me doing a good job. you don't get any credit. so biden has to reconnect on the economy. and i think the debate was a smart move with high risk. this is just like the state of the union. there was a new york times poll. it was disastrous. massive panic. biden did the
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state of the union and over performed expectations. they gave him the secret shot or whatever. he was pretty good. that stopped the panic and got everything going again. now we have a new panic poll from the new york times showing those key states. biden is toast in most of them. it's early. he's got a shot. he said, look, we cannot have this corrosive panic and more. we've got to restart this race. they said, we will do a debate challenge, which is great if we get good joe biden that night. if we get the joe biden who likes to say as he did on arrival network not long ago, you're wrong about the economy. that is a hand into the wood chipper. >> right. yes. >> i like it. >> i do wonder. trump is in minnesota tonight. part of his graduation plan is to have a fundraiser 1700 miles away. why is he in minnesota and what are the states that you're looking at that matter? >> the traditional six states are michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. biden is doing a little better
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there. kind of tide. tiny trump edge. then you've got the three sun belt states. georgia, arizona, nevada. especially in nevada trump is doing quite well now. the biden campaign is thinking, can we expand the map? north carolina may be the republicans are nominating a guy in a clown suit for governor. maybe it all comes together. the republicans are saying, we always come close in minnesota. why don't we put some chips? my liberal friends here in l.a. come up to me between psychiatrist appointments depressed about this is the end of the world. i say, i'm kind of with you on that. what can we do? moved to omaha, nebraska. >> one electoral vote. >> nebraska as you say. each are the only states. a little quirky, that break up the electoral college. everyone else, winner take over by state. republicans hold in congress. that could decide the whole thing. >> oh my god, mike. i'm going to get more gray hair
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just listening to you. speaking of gray hair. what is that hat? >> i'm plugging. i'm a detroit, but i don't want the chinese to take over the auto industry. >> a republican. >> i don't like paying for gas. ev we are breaking down the barrier. ev's are good. >> look at you. mike murphy. great to see you here in the great social state of california. >> thank you, comrade. >> ahead this hour, backlash over arising nfl star's really retro take on women and race. all in a college commencement speech. first, is donald trump heading into verdict watch for this new york city criminal trial? more on that after the break. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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by this time next week, the fate of donald trump in criminal indictment could be in the hands of 12 new york city investments. trump's lawyer told the judge he plans to finish cross- examining the star witness, michael cohen, on monday, my -- re-examination by monday afternoon. with that in mind, judge has told the lawyers of both sides to have closing arguments ready
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by tuesday. the jury can start deliberating trump's fate very shortly thereafter. the wildcard here is that the defense still has not said whether it will call any witnesses to testify. at least two individuals could potentially take the stand. former volodymyr zelenskyy legal adviser robert costello and former president trump -- former president donald trump himself. joining me now, the law fair court correspondent, anna bauer, who has been in the courthouse covering this trial since it began. i have breathlessly consumed that 20 feet of yours, and i wonder. there was a lot made of how the trial ended on thursday. the prosecution obviously is going to be marinating on that over the weekend. where do you think they have the most work to do when they get another crack at michael cohen on redirect ? presumably monday. >> i think there was one moment that really was a point in the defense's direction that occurred on cross-examination by todd blanche yesterday. it relates to impeaching michael cohen's memory of the events in 2016. they brought
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up these phone calls that michael cohen said on direct examination that he had with trump's bodyguard. on cross- examination by todd blanche, michael cohen admitted he did not remember that that phone call related to the stormy daniels hush money payment until his recollection was refreshed by documents that were presented by the prosecution. so i think that what the prosecution needs to do on redirect is try to rehabilitate michael cohen in that direction and also tried to maybe emphasize -- and this might be something that comes up in submissions -- but if they can, try to emphasize on redirect that actually the phone call brought up on cross-examination is not necessarily the one that is the most relevant to the stormy daniels hush money payment and proving trump's involvement. the call with keith schiller that cohen was talking about
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took two days before michael cohen made that payment to stormy daniels . and it was that morning that their call logs show that donald trump had an early morning phone call with michael cohen and then minutes later cohen started opening the bank account he used to pay msnbc. finding a way to elicit testimony that it highlights the most important phone call in terms of trump's involvement is certainly a strategy on redirect. >> when we talk about strategy, i thought it was interesting the defense said they had not yet decided whether former president trump is going to testify. if he took the stand though, anna, there is almost no limit -- practically speaking -- about what he could be asked about. is that right? >> to some extent. there's been some pretrial motions around exactly what it is that the prosecution can ask him about. there's been a number of what's called sandoval hearings in
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which basically the prosecution has to represent to the defense what they would like to ask trump about if he does indeed take the stand. so there are some limits there. of course there are evidentiary rules that require the questions to be relevant, for example. so there are a number of things that really limit the scope of his testimony. but he certainly puts himself in some danger here if he does take the stand because there is a wide range of questions the prosecution can ask. and i think that if his legal team has any say in the matter, he certainly will not be taking the stand. i personally do not expect him to do so, but of course we will see. it is his choice as a criminal defendant whether he does so or not. and he very well could do that. but again, alex, i am doubtful. >> yeah.
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if his lawyers have any say in the matter is an important thing to know because thus far who knows if he has had any say in any of it. there have been can suggestions that bob castillo may take the stand. how weird and unusual is it to have one witness called to the stand to effectively impugn the reputation of another witness? in this case, michael cohen. >> it is not particularly unusual. that is what is called an impeachment witness. so you can put on impeachment witnesses to try to draw out some of the credibility issues with a particular witness. bob castillo, i will add, is someone that the defense has already tried to bring into this case as an impeachment witness of sorts. when trump was indicted and the case was being presented before the grand jury last year, bob castillo is one of the individuals brought before the grand jury. that obviously did not succeed because trump was ultimately indicted. however, there is a very different
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evidentiary standard of proof at a grand jury phase. so perhaps the defense thinks it still will be helpful here to have bob castillo as an impeachment witness. keep in mind that the jurors have already heard a number of things about bob castillo. we heard this week that bob castillo is the attorney who attempted to represent michael cohen after he was indicted on charges related to some of the events in this case and that bob castillo tried to open up a back channel to donald trump through rudy giuliani, who was a client. there was evidence elicited about emails that bob listening to volodymyr zelenskyy in which he made allusions to perhaps trump helping cohen out with some of the charges. these were federal charges he
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brought against him. he said things like, sleep well tonight. you have friends in high places. it very well could be that the defense wants bob costello to take the stand and explain some of these circumstances. but again, it has not been successful in the past, and so it could be something that they just want to steer clear of. i am personally a little bit doubtful that we will see any witnesses from the defense in their rebuttal case. >> well, if that is the case, that means jury starts deliberation next week. that is where we are at with this hush money trial. anna bauer, thank you so much for your time and expertise. >> thanks so much. still ahead denied, $4.1 billion and counting. it's a lot of money. that is how much taylor swift has made from her record- breaking aris tour, which she is performing tonight in stockholm if you're in sweden. nevertheless, her boyfriend's teammates say women like taylor swift would almost certainly be
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we're trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we're solving the meat problem with more meat. it is college graduation season. that means students everywhere are gathering to hear commencement speeches, speeches like the one that took place last week at the catholic benedictine college in kansas. as its commencement speaker, the college chose harrison
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butker, the kicker for this year 's super bowl champion kansas city chiefs. benedictine college is known as a conservative catholic institution. harrison butker is known as a conservative catholic nfl player. nobody thought his speech at the college would be particularly progressive. but i'm not sure anyone was prepared for this. >> things like abortion, ivf, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media all stem from the pervasiveness of this order, pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of america. an entire month dedicated to it. tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion. there is nothing natural about catholic birth control. >> a commencement speech that was really just a laundry list of modern evils from abortion to birth control and ivf to so- called a gender ideologies and pride month and di.
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all of that would have been enough to make this one of the most controversial commencement speeches of this year and certainly one of most controversial speeches from the super bowl champ. but it was this section right here directed specifically at the graduating young women in the audience that really made this one unforgettable. >> i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? some of you may go on to lead accessible careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i can tell you that my beautiful wife, isabel, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vacation -- vocation as a wife and a mother. all of my success is made possible because the girl i met in band class back in middle school would convert to the
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faith and become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. >> the women in that audience have just spent four years -- more than $100,000 and countless hours to earn a college degree. harrison butker told them the most important title they will have his homemaker. the national football league has already disavowed butker's speech saying the nfl is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes hourly stronger. tronger. mr. harrison butker. >> as my teammates girlfriend says, familiarity breeds contempt. >> if you didn't know, that was
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a taylor swift reference, taylor swift is dating travis kelce and while i'm sure harrison butker thought it was a neat thing to drop a pop culture reference , the truth is that taylor swift and travis kelce are literally a testament to the opposite of everything harrison butker was talking about. taylor swift spent the past week filling stadiums in paris as she takes her successful tour global, the 34 yield lo singer is not married, she has no children and has made no indication that she wants to embrace being a homemaker. all of which appears to be pretty okay with harrison butker's teammate, travis kelce, who gets to enjoy a super fancy european vacation including romantic boat rides through italy along with his h multimillion dollar girlfriend. somebody tell harrison butker , quick. we are going to have more on the actual war on women's freedom coming up next. up next
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on saturday during a commencement speech at benedictine college, the kansas city chiefs kicker, harrison butker railed against abortion and ivf , he called birth control unnatural, diversity, equity and inclusion tyranny. then he addressed the women graduates directly telling them that their rightful place was in service to men. harrison butker verbalized a decades long conservative project, one that has manifested into real life policy, they are 21 states with abortion bands, 31 states for anti-de i measures that have been passed or introduced in 12 states with anti-lgbtq+ laws, the antifeminist agenda is alive and well and it is gaining ground. joining me is a law professor at the university of michigan and one of the co-hosts of the
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strict scrutiny podcast. thank you for joining me, just to put into perspective the things that harrison butker was talking about, i want to read this line. the remarks weren't friend or radical, she says they are the law, he was simply saying out loud what republicans have already codified, that women's role in this country is to bear children and support men who are the stars of the show. what do you make of that? >> i think that is a terrifying statement that captures the current political moment we are living in, the district judge in the case that ordered the nationwide ban on abortion, is a judge that devoted on laws that restrict people who are pregnant to get divorced come you people debating whether states can prohibit abortion, and in cases where it would jeopardize their bodily functions.
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you have theories that would allow them to revive the 1873 victorian era law that would prohibit abortion nationwide. these theories are not fringe, they are being propounded by republican politicians, at the state, local and federal level and these are the stakes in the upcoming election and all future ones as long as the republican party leaned into the movement for christian nationalism and the misogyny that underlies it.>> you mentioned no-fault divorce, that is a topic we haven't spent that much time on but is worth talking about, this is speaker of the house, mike johnson in 2016 addressing why it has become a hobby horse of the right.>> remember in the late 60s, we invented things like no-fault divorce laws, the sexual revolution, radical feminism, we invented legalized abortion in 1973. we know that we are living in a completely amoral society.>> arguably we didn't invent those
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things, that was the natural progress of society that is becoming more inclusive. but i wonder if you could talk about what it is about no-fault divorce that irks conservatives. >> no-fault divorce laws allow some recognition that women get to be people, too. and they can choose to dissolve the marriage they entered into rather than have to convince the state, some elected official, may be state or local judge that they deserve to be let go of their marriage. states are attempting to force women into domestic arrangements and force them to undergo childbirth because they view that as the natural order of things, things that speak -- the speaker of the house was decrying, the legal right to an abortion, that boils down to the notion that women are equal citizens with rights over their lives and futures and that is what the republican party is starting to come after.>> i wonder how important you think
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it is to have an nfl star give a high-profile commencement speech that articulates all of those values, in a time when the movement is so clearly at odds with public sentiment on all of these issues. how much does it matter for a movement that is largely intended on doing things that have no public support in the name of putting america in reverse?>> i hope it matters to the extent that it convinces people to go out and vote, many people are starting to falsely equate the political parties and resigning themselves to stay at home because there's no difference. that cannot be further from the truth and that commencement address combined with all the other things in the works, whether it is reviving the federal ban on abortion or many of the other things like dismantling no-fault divorce laws, these are all real choices that the american public faces in the upcoming election.>> it's always great to hear from you, thank you for
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your time this


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