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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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is just like, we don't talk about it. we all come from that. it is hopefully removing the shame, the friendship part is the meat of the whole movie. just the fact that these two came up together, you go through different phases of your life when you have a friend from when you are a kid, and when these big events, life events happen, they kind of pull you away from each other. >> wow. the time has really flown. >> yes, it has. it is so wonderful to and every single day of the week with you. that is all the time we have for today. tune in tomorrow, 6:00 a.m. eastern for another look at the week's highlights. until then, enjoy the rest of your saturday. wear
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donald trump is once again telling us he only accepts election results when he wins. last night at a gop dinner in minnesota he falsely claimed he beat president biden in the state in 2020. back-check.
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biden won minnesota by 230,000 votes. trump's midwest campaign stop came on and off day from his election interference trial in new york. it is a pilgrimage of sorts. a suite of republicans joined. mike johnson parroted trump's lies. joining us is holy in castro and special correspondent molly jong fast. >> so good to be here. i have a question for you. after this week of shenanigans by republicans coming up on the train and spending time with dear leader, what was your take away when you juxtaposed that from the drama outside the
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courtroom and the politics that the republicans were trying to spin about donald trump sitting there with michael cohen, nailing the case. the republican saying ignore that because reality is the reaction was stolen and donald trump is being unfairly maligned and now charged. how should we be reading this week as this case winds down and the ramping up by republicans? >> my favorite thing about what happened this week was you had elected republicans, including a speaker of the house of representatives, the number two theoretically, in presidential succession, delivering speeches to get around the gag order that donald trump has.
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donald trump has a gag order. he can still maligned the judge and he can still maligned the d.a. but he cannot maligned their families. that is with a gag order says. it is not a crazy gag order but he is a desperate to get around it that he brought down elected republicans to do that to his criminal case, which is him testifying and by the way, a lot of the case this week was him and an adult film star arguing about whether they had had a sexual encounter while his third wife was recovering from birthing their fifth child. his fifth child. i'm sorry, the party of morals and values? law and order? what is happening? >> symone? >> i wrote about this for this week. it is a grotesque unraveling, i
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feel like, of our separation of powers. it is literally as many middle fingers as you could find to the founding fathers because what we saw from my opinion, and secretary castro, i'm interested in what you think. the speaker of the house of representatives. to be clear, the trial would be happening if they had had held the duty to keep them accountable. if congress had done their job. but i digress. this is not politics as usual. this is not business as usual. they should be, as cornel belcher said, it is and unraveling of the separation of powers right before our lives. debasing himself, bending the knee. >> you would hope that the voters would do that in this case. >> metaphorically. >> at the ballot box.
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>> it is fascinating. it is a perfect example of where republicans right now put their priorities going down, showing up. and trying to defend or speak for donald trump at a trial that involves his affiliation with a porn star instead of doing the business of the american people. they only have a two vote majority. they cannot lose the 12 people went down there the other day to stand up for trump. what they are telling the american people as we do not really care about doing the business that you sent us here for. we care about are being mouthpieces for donald trump. i spent some time in politics. michael, you did, too. you only do that when you get political gain out of it somehow. summer there because they think they will be trump's vp. summer definitely afraid of the
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base he commands. they don't want a primary challenge. they're not there because they want to do the work of the american people. they don't care about that. >> in case you missed it, let's hear the members of congress defending the former president of the united states outside the courthouse. let's play that. >> we are here of our own volition because are things we can say that president trump is unjustly not allowed to say. this is a corrupt judge. these are corrupted witnesses. this is a corrupt prosecution. >> we will see what links the democrat party will go to to rig or steal another election. they tried to do it in 2020. they are doing it here again in
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2024 by trying to keep the nominee off the ballot. by trying to keep the nominee from campaigning. >> president trump is not going anywhere. he's coming back for another four years and we are not going anywhere, either. >> i would be romeo's if know if you were not sartorial he inspired by the red ties. >> people will say why are you wearing a red tie? >> it is a beautiful color. this is what i think is interesting. they were supposed to be in d.c. at a sham hearing in the oversight committee over merrick garland and the release of audio tapes and's the release of audio tapes. it is not going anywhere. they say sorry, we cannot show up at the appointed time because we have to go to new york but we will be back at 8:00 p.m. and then they chaos that we all watched from this. it is part of a hold. the chaos is the mission. >> it has become 100% theater. one sham hearing in d.c. or the sham showing of a legitimate trial in new york. that is with the republican party today has become. it is
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all about theater and about how much money you can raise by getting out there and defending donald trump. hi might position yourself for him to look upon you as a vp candidate or put you in his cabinet. what is lost is really truth. these guys are out there. the speaker of the house, as you say, symone, putting the reputation that people associate with that title come the speaker of the house, on the line for a guy on trial for giving hush money to a porn star. that totally debases our american political system. you keep at it and keep at it and keep doing it. there are only two parties here and this party has 100% gone off the rails and become a clown show. embraced the chaos and embarrassment.
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the other party that is trying to be serious and substantive, how long can you hold up the world? >> even the serious party that is trying to be substantive can get dragged down into the clown show. want to play for you, molly, a bit of a mashup of the mdg oversight dance that turned into something other than crazy. >> do you know we are here for? you know what we're here for? >> you know what you're here for. >> you're the one talking about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing it up. >> hold on. >> order. >> order. >> retract the words. >> i think she should apologize. >> hold on. >> i am not apologizing. >> then you are not striking your words. >> i'm not apologizing. >> come on. >> i'm curious, to better understand your ruling. is him on this committee and starts talking about somebody's beach blonde, bad built, which body is not engaging in personalities?
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>> what now? >> my favorite moment. >> try to figure out what the bleach blonde bad built >> i just want to applaud the self-restraint. >> i am. >> word we go with this? this is the rest of the year, folks. this is the rest of this congress. >> if you are lucky. >> if you're lucky, this is the rest of the congress. >> when you lost james comer. james comer, who is, by no means a normal republican was even like, what are you doing? the fact that this oversight committee took place at 8:00 p.m. because they were in this criminal trial should not -- they had worked really hard. they started the committee, the weaponization of government. these republicans. they are trying to weaponized the government to go after joe biden. what i think is interesting is that it hasn't really worked.
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>> the needs to be some there there. >> substantively, you have to have something you can make the case with and part of the problem, whether it is the impeachment of joe biden, the impeachment of others. substantively, it has never been there for these republicans are to your point, it becomes not just a clown show, but one that is ultimately destructive to the process which again is the endgame here, to deconstruct the administrative state. you do that in a hearing of the congress. >> one of the things that was fascinating about those couple of moments that we just showed is that you've been in politics. a lot of times that collegiality or outside appearance of, everything is fine and we get along even if you're trying to knife someone in the back, the politics
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outside of that, this is another side of the breakdown of our political system and process were we have these folks more outwardly, openly going at each other like that. this the kind of stuff that you see in other countries anything, what in the world is going on over there? i tell you, for most folks come that looks like another spat. that does not happen among colleagues that often. even among colleagues of different parties. it is descending further and further down and that is one example of it. >> i want to be clear that i think it was congresswoman marjorie taylor greene that is the reason we are at this point right now, specifically in the oversight committee. james comer has love this to happen. no one popped her back and said we are not doing this here. not one senior republican on that committee and i think that i would not have responded the way that the democratic members responded. if a very powerful white men told me to shut up on congress
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wants, decided to write a book and keep my job. applaud the members form defending themselves. i would not depend myself that way, but that is neither here nor there but she's the reason why it is that that. the genie is out of the bottle and the are saying, we are tired of it. you need to do something about your issue. >> they do. that is an excellent point to make that when that started, from the moment marjorie taylor greene began to execute the clown part of the show, the members of that committee, if you notice, there was not a republican at that day that said anything. they just sat back away from it. that tells you everything you need to know about where the gop, in my view, is right now.
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they do not want to fix the problem. just sit back away from it and watch it metastasize and get worse. julian, stick around. more to talk about because we still want to get into biden's team putting a hard stop on any more debates against trump. that is interesting. and new york congressman jerry nadler will join us to talk about the latest controversy surrounding a conservative supreme court justice. you know him when you hear about him. you are watching "the weekend." immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain;
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no more debate about debates. that is how the obama campaign is shooting down the request and more debates. they've agreed to two debates one set to happen next month and the second in september. the request from donald trump for more debates is not the only way he is trying to control the biden campaign. last night at the republican fundraiser he had in minnesota, is anyone wanted biden to take a drug test before the debates. it is ridiculous, just ridiculous and this follows what trump has been doing with his false claim that somehow, the president of the united states was on drugs during his state of the union address because he is so good. it is nothing new. remember 2016? he challenged then secretary clinton to a drug test before the final presidential debate. again, he lost all of the
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debates. back with us is julian castro and molly jong-fast. it is ridiculous that the president of the united states is asking people to take a drug test. >> donald trump, you drop trial first and take the test and we will see what happens after that. >> the only drug test he seems to be taking is a sleep aid. >> why do we continue to follow this foolishness this way? and take any of it seriously, because it isn't. it is all distractive noise leading to nothing. this race is about the competency of both of these men to run this country. one wants to be a dictator, folks. get that through your skulls that this man is a dangerous threat and he is telling you such and so, don't get side wanted by joe biden needs to take a drug test. you do it first. you take the for -- test for some of seven independent tech
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-- test-taker because we think you will be lying. >> nobody is taking a drug test. i think to your point, it is a crazy assertion but he throws that in their to take the focus off the fact that he got beat by the biden campaign this week. joe biden beat him like a drum into a corner. >> it is all distraction. it is about this, not about this. the end of the day the biden campaign got what they wanted and most importantly for biden, we sought the state of the union, the kind of bump he got. showing the american people. let's be honest. some folks were wondering and you can tell in the polling, does this guy still have it? he shows that he does in spades. there is every reason to think he goes in there june 27 and again in september and shows that he has got it. he beat trump when they debated in 2020 and trump does not have a good track record in these
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debates. he got beaten by hillary, soundly in 2016. soundly by biden when you look at all of the focus grouping and pulling afterward and i think that biden can have a huge bump after these debates and especially the one in september that could help propel him to a victory. >> it is stream of conscious. >> part of what i understood and the part of the incentive for having a june debate is that they want voters to tune in. they feel it is for the voters it will be a binary choice and have to make that. when you talk about rfk separately, this choice is real. this is the tray chef to make and we need you to sober up to that come june. we often dismiss polling but there is this from the "new york times". nearly 1 and 5 voters in the united states say that biden is responsible for ending the
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constitutional right to abortion. there is also some fact checking. you are pained. >> i am. >> should i fact check for everyone, that was donald trump. >> but what does that tell us? that you have that number of americans who believe that joe biden, the president who has stood as a champion for women's reproductive rights in roe v. wade. >> 1 and 5 of the people they spoke with. likely voters. >> i am a truther and a lot of the cross tabs do not why not. >> imagine there is a hint of truth. >> it's a messaging problem and people not paying attention problem and a communication problem in the mainstream media has been decimated. there are number of things are going up against. but i think they did incredible sorcery here. she wanted one in june.
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schwan people paying attention. she don't want too many. she did not want donald trump. if you look at clips from the last debate. he is talking over biden. he's yelling at biden. he's not respecting the rules at all and you know, the group that historically does these presidential debates did not do what they needed to do to cut off the microphone. i think they're very smart to go directly to the media outlets and do it that way. they're not going to weird colleges in weird states that might not be helpful. there's a lot of showmanship with these debates that will now not be there anymore. >> secretary, there's a beautiful profile of you and nbc about your new mission and your new role. to elevate latino voices, when you're thinking about telemundo not necessarily yet being part of the debates. >> this is one of the
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weaknesses of what we saw happen coming from the presidential debates commission for the first time since 1988 to basically brokering with each of the networks and in this case, cnn has the first one. i think what you lose is perhaps the spanish-language one. i think you lose a chance at some of the diversity of the anchors because then you're dealing with whoever the network has and i think you have to be thoughtful in different ways about, if this is the new model, what does that mean? at the end of the day i believe they will have a robust debate. i think biden will do well and we are all going to be better for a. a lot of the misinformation or lack of information people have that don't start paying attention or have not been paying attention, is still going to be helped by these debates. long term, this is about the health and strength of democracy and latinos are going to be essential in the selection in two battleground states of arizona and nevada. huge populations there and
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california, there five competitive california districts that may determine who controls the house and whether the election is certified at some point in the future, perhaps. and because of that, the community needs to be listened to and hopefully that will be reflected in the networks that get to have a debate and in the moderators that get to moderate it one day. >> thank you so much for waking up early to be with us. senator raphael warnock will join us to talk about president biden's trip to georgia this week and be sure to follow our show on social media. our handle everywhere is @theweekendmsnbc . ong. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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the supreme court ending the constitutional right to an abortion? of all the registered voters, 56% of those folks blamed trump. the republicans in the poem that is what pole, blamed donald trump. i don't know. >> 70% of democrats. >> i'm concerned about that 12%. and the 6%. >> that's messed up. i'm sorry, that is messed up. that tells you no one is paying attention. >> which is why the debates are important. this is the video that joe biden and the biden campaign put out to get donald trump to box them in. let's play it. >> donald trump lost two debates to me 2020. since then, hasn't shown up. now as i talk he wants to
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debate me again. make my day, pal. i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald. i hear that you are free on wednesdays. >> and a t-shirt. truly the first debate is on thursday but i think you know, in past years, folks would like the debates don't matter and i looked at the coverage around obama and romney in 2012. even 2020 about when i was with the biden campaign what we were saying about the debates and there's nothing that will happen in the debates, they fundamentally change what is going on but truly, these debates will matter. this is different than the last time or any of the times before that, because of where we are with the electorate. >> i think it will matter for the core reason for the first time, people tune in this early and this has not been the play. this summer, you have the olympics and you will have the debate convention olympics convention and the reality is all of a sudden your drawing people's attention into the game
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way earlier than they normally would focus in on. normally it is not until september so you've gone through conventions and you've gone through olympics and people are like, whatever. now i think they will have a very different leadtime into the conversation because how that -- particularly the first one with no audience i don't know what the second will look like the first and will set an interesting tone, i think, for both of these men and how they prosecute the case for the american people going into the conventions which they've never had to do before. now for the first time, they have to set a glide path going into the convention. trump will obviously have to make a decision maybe sooner about his vice president. does he wait until after the first debate to announce his vice president? i don't think so because it is weird and yet the vice presidential debates sandwiched
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in there in july somewhere. the dynamics are really changing politically and i am excited about that. i think it is good. the biden team shook up the system a bit and is a good day for politics what happens if you can shake people and say focus in on this because this matters. >> unaware michael is on this and you think donald trump is going to show up? >> no. my point is i think that's why given his track record, but also given the polling, such as it is, if you are politically looking at this, why would i debate someone when i am leading? >> are battleground polls that say it is very close and their number of battleground polls. >> i think it is a 50-50 proposition whether he shows up. >> were coming back to those odds once it happens. ranking member of the judiciary committee on new calls for supreme court justice
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samuel alito to recuse himself from donald trump's cases. you are watching "the weekend." we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding.
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♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ there are new calls for supreme court justice samuel alito to recuse himself from donald trump cases. the chair of the senate judiciary committee says, flying an upside down american flag, a symbol of the so-called stop the steal movement, clearly creates an appearance of bias. justice alito should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the january 6 insurrection. this is in response to a "new york times" report that an upside down american flag was flown outside of the justice's home days after the january 6 capitol riot, ranking member of the house judiciary committee joins us now here at the table.
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>> congressman, so good to see your. part of what is interesting to me is not that this happened but his response to the "new york times" saying in an email, i'd no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito but he does not deny that the flag was flown as a show of support for stop the steal. >> nor does he deny that it was there for several days. that tells me that it was okay with him. if it had been flown for a couple of hours and he found out about it and said take it down, that might be a different thing, but it was flown for several days. he should certainly recuse himself from any january 6 case relating to president trump because he is associated with the stop the steal movement now whether he wants to were not and justice thomas should also
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this is -- recuse himself for the same reason because his wife was a noted protagonist in the stop the steal movement and you are supposed to, as a judge, you're supposed avoid not just impropriety but the appearance of impropriety. it shows the necessity of an enforceable judicial code of ethics. for the supreme court. there is an enforceable code of ethics for every federal judge other than the supreme court. chief justice roberts had a code of ethics that is completely unenforceable. >> to your point, you have hakeem jeffries making note of that and saying, what democrats are prepared to do, should they take control of the house. let's take a listen. >> we do need oversight of this supreme court that has undermined freedom in many
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instances, including a woman's freedom to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions. and, there been several documented incidences of seemingly corrupt behavior without any consequence. at minimum, in our system of checks and balances, with separate and coequal branches of government, it is congress' s responsible to engage in responsible oversight over the judicial branch. >> it is long overdue to bring the supreme court in line with the rest of the federal judiciary. how does that look, in your view, and what can we -- a what should we be saying now in this space instead of waiting until next january or spring? what should the messaging be coming out of congress about what we are hearing coming out of the supreme court? >> the messaging right now, we
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should enact an enforceable code of ethics. the messaging right now should be that both justices alito and thomas, who are involved in one way or another, at least in the appearance in the stop the steal movement should recuse himself for all cases involving january 6 involving donald trump. you have the immunity case where they both should recuse themselves. they should have recuse themselves on the colorado 14th amendment case, but they didn't. i think it is also very interesting that they turned around the colorado case to the advantage of donald trump very quickly, whereas the immunity case which should be an open and shut case, they refused, special prosecutor smith's request that they skip the court of appeals and then when they did take it up, instead of doing it quickly come the scheduled arguments for the last day of the argument term,
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april 25 and they will probably knock together a ruling for the end of june and beginning of july and and from the questions the justices were asking, it should be an open and shut case. if the president of the united states -- they seem to be trying to look and see, to make it distinction between official and unofficial acts. that is ridiculous. if the president of the united states officially ordered seal team six to murder his rival, he clearly would not be or should not be immune from that. there is no distinction between official and unofficial acts. no court has ever even hinted at that until now because it looks like they will try to do that to favor president trump. this looks like a court majority that is totally in the tank for donald trump. >> lots has been made about justice kavanaugh, amy coney
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barrett. the justices that donald trump himself put on the court but it seems to me that the justices that are most concerning and most dangerous to the unraveling of one of the key pillars of our institution, our democratic republic, are actually justice thomas and justice alito. kudos to the neighbors that came forward. so that we even know this happened, but this is a dire moment. i shudder to think, what if justice judge brown jackson had a black lives matter flag outside the house. would be wall-to-wall covers and the republicans in congress. they would say we need her and her right now. it feels like there is a little uproar about this and by monday we will be talking about it. >> that is especially scary given the docket that the court
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has. >> given the docket it is especially scary and you know, look at some of the other appointees of trump, too. all three of them. remember how i was stolen by senator mcconnell. all three of them, when asked about roe v. wade, assured the senate that is settled law and settled precedent. they swore they would not overturn it but of course they did at the first opportunity. so, none of them have clean hands. none of them have clean hands and i would say we need two things. we need an enforcement code of ethics and term limits on the supreme court, which is the bill that i introduce. >> were about to take a break but i want to do a follow-up with you on whether or not congress -- if we have time, can you call the chief justice in? the congress funds the supreme
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court. congress has direct oversight of the supreme court because of that. are you at a point where you can call the chief justice in and have an accounting of the behavior and the reporting around the behavior of members of his court relative to the things that we have discussed. the refusal to recuse himself from cases that if they were a lower court federal judge, the absolute would be recused. it would not be a question. why is this supreme court allowed to behave above the law, above the ethical requirements that every other federal justice in every other federal judge in the system is allowed? for me that would be worth having the chief justice come in and explain.
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>> i will add one more thing on top of this, sir. i thought no one was above the law in this country but it seems that supreme court justices are because it been allowed to essentially do whatever they want with no consequences. >> it does feel that way. if i were the chairman of the judiciary committee i would see what i could do. senator durbin, the chairman of the senate, perhaps he will do that. i hope you will. >> he's been clear about his calls. >> he's called them before and he has called chief justice before and he did not come. >> someone has explained to the country what is going on here because it seems to be moving and acting with impunity. we have more questions for you, congressman, so stick around. we want to talk to you about donald trump's new york criminal trial. that is something you've heard of. and the parade of republican lawmakers in and out of the courtroom. wrote an article in the news later about the republican allies making their way to the trial and how democrats
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new york congressman jerry nadler is back with us. >> what do you think about the fact that the speaker of the house of representatives and a cadre of followers of the president of the united states, former president of the united states who happen to read be members of congress made their way down to the courthouse this week to stand with donald trump and then assail the system outside of the courthouse and sitting at work doing their jobs? >> the question is not doing their jobs, i think it is
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highly inappropriate and subversive of our system of justice because what they are saying in effect with no evidence at all is that this prosecution and the other prosecution to which the present is subject to, think their 88 felony charges in various different courts, are being manipulated directly and liberally by the biden administration and this is political persecution. there's no evidence for that at all. it is destructive of confidence in the judiciary system. secondly, the former president trump has said that if elected, if reelected, that is exactly what he will do. he has said he would use the justice department to attack his political enemies. he would direct the u.s. attorney to indict president biden and he said i would fire the u.s. attorney toy got one who did. that is a subversion of our system of justice and politicization of our system of
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justice. it's not happening now though they are saying that it is, but without any evidence, the president trump is saying that if reelected, that is exactly what he will do. >> i want to broaden the scope a bit internationally. you voted no on two pieces of legislation this week. the anti-semitism awareness act, which you put out a statement saying we need tangible solutions to the crisis, not political grandstanding and showmanship, that is why and let the opposition, despite the deceptive title, chill speech will do nothing to fund the programs that actually protect college campuses and how -- houses of worship. you have that piece and then also the weapons bill for israel in which you noted, you voted against another cynical partisan attempt to politicize the u.s.-israeli relationship. you have these two very interesting pieces of
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legislation domestically and internationally that speak to the growing anti-semitism in the country. also, the fraught relationship right now that is being played out in israel and between israel and the u.s. because of hamas. how do you -- >> they are two completely separate issues. let's go through them one by one. the circle of anti-semitism awareness act, one piece of background. the international holocaust document, all three of them give examples of speech which in context could indicate anti-semitism but might not depending on the context. the bill that i opposed codified into law the definition
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specifically excluding the other two definitions. i don't know why that was done. for no particular reason but the danger in codifying it is the chief author of the definition with the american jewish community for 25 years said i wrote it but don't codify. to put into law because depending on how it was used, commit criticism of the israeli government be considered anti- semitic and that is why the aclu opposed it and such liberal groups as j street, constructing judaism and liberal jewish groups adverse of the groups opposed it. and i did, too. it is anti-civil libertarian. it accomplishes nothing. there is the definition. for nothing. the other bill -- if you want a bill on anti-semitism there is the manning bill sponsored in the house by kathy manning. it is bipartisan in both houses,
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which sets up a structure in the federal government to execute the president's all of government approach to anti- semitism. that would be a constructive piece of legislation. or that is a instructive piece of legislation and the other thing is if you're worried about anti-semitism on campuses, to increase -- which has exploded up to increase the budget for the office of civil rights in charge of enforcing title vi which prohibits anti- semitism on campus. the president asked for a 25% increase for the fiscal year 2024 and republicans proposed a 25% cut, mostly because they were afraid it would be used for anti-lgbtq discrimination. they propose a 27% increase and republicans proposed a 25% cut. see what happens. the other issue is the one
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about weapons. the president is, in my view, quite properly withholding certain very heavy ordinance. 2000 pound bombs, et cetera, from israel if they go into rafah. they say they're going into rafah. the only use of those weapons is to try to destroy tunnels deep underground, but in so doing your destroying everything above ground. the kill radius of the 2000 pound bomb is 400 yards. which means if you are standing here and the bomb drops, it could be fatal to 36th street. and the president is quite properly withholding that. netanyahu, who i think is the
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worst jewish leader since antiquity is saying that, there were 12 hamas battalions and we took care of eight of them up north and now we have to take care of the other four. that is nonsense. there might be 12 battalions, but they're fighting up north again. the more you bomb them, you radicalize more people and you're creating it. we should have learned that lesson. if you want to follow intelligent policy have to do with the president suggested. bring in various arab countries. have them -- have their military forces occupy the territory. they rebuild it and you do that for maybe a dozen years and then you stand up a representative organization that can represent the palestinians. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate your bringing that to us. more of "the weekend" right after this.
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