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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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civil rights protections. they have eight open investigations. the confirmed that civil rights were violated on the base of race or sexual orientation they were in the process of maybe forcing the district to the process that he neglected. if that comes to a second term, they will do away with his policies. >> let me ask you about the battles and some states, promoting religion. how much influence does that having these debates? >> it's a huge part there is a long-standing movement by the segment of the christian right in america to overturn this, that predates these battles. i write at length in the book about how those movements were
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sought after the backlash schools. they have been pushing bills to force lgbtq books out of the classroom and hang up 10 commandments instead. bring christian counselors to br work as aphid schools. we are seeing medical ross the country. the hope according to some of these folks is to draw a supreme court case that will overturn separation of church and state are american once and for all. >> here's the book, everybody. densely packed with very important information. thank you, mike. thank you. a big day of breaking news. the search for the iranian president's helicopter. an important announcement address for president biden. more as we begin a new hour. wishing you all a very good day from msnbc world headquarters in new york. back to the breaking news report of a helicopter crash during the iranian president.
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in just the last hour, we've learned according to the bucket of vice president of iran that n two people from the helicopter crash or flight have made contact with rescue forces. all of this comes after state media reports that the chopper suffered a hard landing while traveling the mountainous area near the border with the nation of azerbaijan. teams are heading to the light. struggling with heavy fog conditions. let's go to josh, joining us from london with the latest, following the story for the last two hours. what do you know like sending out updates on the search efforts? >> reporter: the big new developments, as you mentioned, was the fact that we are learning the executive vice president of iran, that two people on board have been in continuous contact with rescuers. that they have on multiple occasions now since the helicopter went down spoken with rescuers. the government and leading the
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executive vice presidents are not this posing anything about h what they've actually told rescuers about the condition of the people on board, about the status of president raisi. what exactly happened in the e helicopter crash. that suggests that iran's leaders at this point may know more than they are letting on public way. typically in these kinds of ll situations, iran's government likes to get all of their ducks in a row before they go public with what information they have. that may be the holding pattern that we are in right now. as far as we know, there is no indication that rescuers, who have been trying for hours not to reach the site of where the helicopter went down in northwestern iran, have actually made it to the site. we know that the dense fog and harsh weather conditions have complicated the search and rescue effort. dozens of rescue teams were earlier trying to reach the site by helicopter. the weather made that impossible
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with difficult mountain roads trying to make their way to the site so they can provide whatever rescue assistance is needed for those involved in f the crash. at this point in time, we still do not know what happened to president raisi. we've heard in the supreme leader, the ultimate decision maker in iran, the supreme leader ayatollah putting out a statement for people to pray for the return of president raisi and those on board and telling people to take on that no matter what the work of the country will go on unimpeded. >> it's weird to see in the pictures. the fog is just extraordinary in the area. it's frightening to think of ri the helicopter going up like that. we've mentioned in the last hit with you, maybe 30 minutes ago that the red crescent said they believed they were very close.
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they were approaching the site when they think it went down. again it's reportedly a densely fog then and forested area and that will complicate matters. even just getting to the site. >> absolutely. the breaking news situations have had conflicting reports. some of them contradict each other. there was a report that had them out via media in iran in the last hour saying that they had reached the side of the helicopter and there was information from the government saying no, that is not correct. they have not. this getting that. at this point, we simply don't know, other than the fact that the weather conditions make it obvious to us what they are actually dealing with on the ground there. the fact that it's been difficult with them to find and pinpoint exactly where this is. we know our colleague ross sanchez reporting european satellites are being used to
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figure out if they can see from the sky where this helicopter is. all efforts are possible under way to try to locate and get rescuers to the site. it's being made far more difficult by the same weather conditions that apparently were a critical source of the helicopter going down today. >> you reported it was a convoy of sorts. can you elaborate? do you know the number of helicopters? was it a chopper convoy? >> reporter: there were multiple helicopters that were transporting the president and his aides, similar to when president biden travels by helicopter and there are other helicopters that travel with them. there were at least two other helicopters that were part of the convoy. we were told by the executive vice resident that after president raisi's helicopter went down, the other two helicopters tried to search for president raisi's helicopter. whether or not they were able to locate it , we still don't
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know. >> that's the helicopter we are seeing right now on the screen. you are seeing the last reported sighting of president raisi of iran's helicopter. we got that right now. again, i know you're wallowing all of this news incremental and you will come back to us as soon as you're able to verify because there are conflicting reports. thank you, josh. now we have our msnbc contributor. welcome to you. what do you make of the situation so far? especially what we heard from the vice president. are you familiar with what he said on tv? >> reporter: he has said that hurt i'm not sure if that something that might be to sooth people who are supporters of the regime. if contact was made with anybody on the helicopter, they have to be identified to the
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cell phone or if there's, exactly where the survivors are if indeed there are survivors. there are so many can orts that atv itself goes back on something that it puts out. denies what it said. this report or that report has come out now. according to friends and family and i ran saying don't rely on social media for news as josh pointed out. the supreme leader has gone on television with higher d.c. members. praying for the safe return of the president and his entourage. the friday prayer leader. the prayer leader representatives on the flight. a very senior group from this
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administration had made it very clear that the country will continue business as usual withe or without the resident, which is indicative of the fact that the president is not the top authority in the country. not the decider, as george bush would say. or for foreign policy. >> that's the ayatollah. right. >> yes, the ayatollah khamenei as josh referred to in his comments. >> are you familiar with the forest where the chopper allegedly went down between these two cities? >> reporter: i have not been there. it's a very mountainous forested area. let's also remember right now and i ran, i think it is midnight. almost midnight. it is dark now. further complicating, yes. there are no real proper roads into where the helicopter may
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have gotten down that's why you saw people on what, because they can't fly. the rescuers are literally going on foot where they think the helicopter went down. now it is dark. it doesn't what good. let's put it this way. for a helicopter to go down in that kind of condition, in that kind of environment. rain and now there are survivors in the dark and it can get quite cold in the mountains even in the spring and summer. i think the main thing to remember is it was in all probability an accident, not sabotage or a helicopter being shot down. you can see some rumors on twitter saying that the israelis may be behind this area the israelis have no intention of killing the president of iran. they have gone after generals, but we know the president of iran is not a target of israel. >> give me a sense -- the
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description of him as a real hardliner, ebrahim raisi, and what the implications are if the worst has happened and he has been killed. >> reporter: the implications are that his first vice president, the equivalent of our vice president would take over for a period of 50 days. and his deputy, along with chief of the judiciary and the speaker of parliament would form a committee to ensure that there would be an election for a new president in 50 days. rather quickly, there would have to be an election for a new president read in all pr likelihood, the guardian council would eliminate any candidate who was not a hardliner. we probably see this hard-line government, but again, it does not make foreign policy. it's mostly domestic policy am i concerned with the economy,
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trade, the job protest. those are issues that probably will not change in the administration. unless the worst is happening for iran, then another hardliner would take over. >> we will ask you to stand by and pick decibel to us if indeed we get further information and any confirmation of anything either way. in the meantime, thank you very much for this under station. let's get the political headlines. president biden is in michigan at this hour for campaign events. he delivered the commencement address at morehouse college in atlanta. that was his most direct engagement with college students since the protest over the israel-hamas war. donald trump has made no address, but he will be in back in court tomorrow. the hush money trial could be
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in the hands of the jury by the end of the week. we are on the ground covering the latest developments. we will begin with allie rafah joining us in detroit where president biden reportedly just visited a small business. you know fast about the commencement address and his mission. >> reporter: a very busy travel day for president biden who is now on the ground in detroit visiting small business owners, speaking with them before his expected to speak at the naacp. and before he delivered the commencement address to a crowd of over 400 graduates. the president talking about issues and topics that are important he says personally and in his role as president. things like the role of
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leadership and democracy. listen to a bit of this here. >> you started college as george floyd was murdered. there was a reckoning on race. it's not to wonder why democracy works for you. what is democracy of black men are being killed in the street? what is democracy? a trail of broken promises leaving black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. as you've heard before. there could be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> these visits today to atlanta and detroit represent this large push by the biden team to court specific types of voters and voting blocs. black voters, women voters. we know from poles that the
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president's support among black voters, especially black men, has wavered compared to where he stood among the voting bloc in 2020. we've seen former president trump already tried to seize on the opportunity. the biden team also trying to court women voters read first lady jill biden and the second gentlemen were in michigan days ago talking about reproductive rights and women's issues are those events notably were interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters, critical of the president's handling of the israel-hamas war. remember, we have seen how that would impact this election. remember michigan's primary in february, were over 100,000 michiganders voted uncommitted in protest of his handling of the war. they're well aware of the ground they have to make up with on the voting platforms. >> thank you so much for that. now we will go to jake trailer, south in dallas, where donald trump addressed the nra two
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days before his trial resumes in new york read how did trump attempt to make his case to gun rights supporters? >> reporter: last night, former president trump spoke behind me at the nra's annual convention. he received the endorsement despite the fact that he himself cannot own a firearm because of the many felony indictments he is facing across the country in multiple cases. he was quick to bring this up. he has started doing this thing more and more at campaign events where he is comparing w his legal complications with something that his supporters are facing as well. last night he was saying that gun right owners are having the right to restrict it in the ic same way he's having his right wrist erected. he also railed against our of a jr., who last week, he said was fine with him taking that debate stage alongside president biden and himself. more and more over the past couple of weeks, we've seen ramped up criticism over the former president.
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take a listen tonight. >> rfk jr. i call him jr. by the way, his radical left. don't think about it. don't waste your vote. we need a conservative person with common sense. this guy is radical left who destroyed new york. >> alex, that could be the last time we hear from the former president on the campaign trail before we have a verdict in his criminal hush money trial. we know we will hear from trump on thursday in the south bronx great if he chooses not to testify this upcoming week, we can have a verdict as soon as this up humming week, alex. >> we will see. thank you very much, jake. the week ahead marking the next chapter in history for the former president. what happens in the next five days could change a lot rid we will see what it means. back in 90 seconds. seconds. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
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oops. ♪ (old spice mnemonic) ♪ in less than 24 hours, donald trump will return to the courtroom and what could be his vinyl week of the criminal hush money trial in manhattan. michael cohen will return to the stand tomorrow. opening statements could begin as soon as tuesday the defense decides not to call any witnesses. the case and the former president's fate will be in the hands of the jury. joining us now, adam, who has been in the courtroom throughout the trial and a former federal prosecutor for
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politico, i know you have sat through the testimony of michael cohen monday. donald trump's attorneys will have their last chance to question him and potentially cross and redirect. tell me how you expect this to go. what are the big salient lines of the focus? >> reporter: i think the next big event to happen will be redirect because there was the moment on friday that got a lot of attention where trump's attorney, todd blanche, landed a blow on michael cohen when he confronted cohen with the evidence of the text messages of an october 24th, 2016 phone call with trump's bodyguard, keith taylor. on direct examination. michael cohen had a memory of it that he was calling them to talk about the stormy daniels payments. and todd reached out about that and show that he was concerned about this 14-year-old that was a pivotal moment of the cross
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examination. on redirect, prosecutors will have another opportunity to show michael collins response to that. and point out that in fact, the key phone calls of this case happened to in a row on october 26th, two days later, at the very moment that michael cohen had opened up a bank accounor his shell company to funnel $130,000 to stormy daniels' lawyer, keith davidson. >> you are asking him -- not you -- but they are asking him to recall something that happened in october 2016. do you remember all the phone calls you had in 2016 of october x >> and i think that's exactly what's going to happen on redirect. we have all seen the phone logs now. there are tremendous numbers of phone logs. >> there's lots back and forth, too, right? >> absolutely. i like what will happen on
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redirect by prosecutors, their conversations that you remember because there are significant in conversations that you don't remember because they are less significant. october 26th is an important date or not the october 24th date. the october 26th is the date when he opened up this bank account for the shell company. >> okay, renato, so after trump's attorneys are done with cohen, what happens? they will get a chance for redirect. we referred to that. how big of a cleanup job of the speaker lacks >> reporter: i don't think every significant one. i think the prosecutors will really be wise to think of the adage less is more. one mistake that the defense has made here is by going so hard so much against michael cohen, some of their zingers, like we just talked about a moment ago, were lost amidst all of the ballasts of random questions about every tweet he's ever made and every
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conversation on a podcast that he's ever done. so i think the prosecution is going to want to have a short set of questions. i would do less than 15 minutes on the very high end of questions to refocus things. also keeping in mind, alex, that the defense could eventually come back up and recross based on the scope of the redirect. so they only want to clean up the things that are absolutely necessary and then ultimately, they would be proceeding last the defense has a witness to closing arguments. >> that's the question to you, adam. i've left open the door to doing that did first of all, do you think there will be one? would it be donald trump? and if not, who could it be? >> one piece of history on the question will trump testify, i sat through the civil fraud trial extensively, as well. he had two opportunities to testify. once during the ag's case and
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wondering the defense case. he did not take up the invitation for the defense case. i think the reason for that was at that point he had an excuse. he had the gag order which was very limited her there was no reason he could not testify. but he had that to hang on and i think you will avail himself of that. if he does not testify. i think it is very unlikely that he will testify. expect to hear him say that he would not or could not do that because of the gag order, which is very limited. would not interrupt his testimony in any way, but he will hang on that. >> what do you think trump's lawyers are weighing when they consider calling witnesses and how do attorneys manage clients like former president trump who might want to tell their side of the story? what do we say to them? >> the most effective way of dealing with a client who wants to take the stand, when you think that that would be a bad
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idea is to do a mock or cross examination of that person. usually what i do is confront the client with some of the most difficult documents, difficult emails, difficult questions, and then they think okay, maybe this is a bad idea. that usually changes their mind. what you are trying to do on the defense side is trying to figure out what are the names that i need to get across to the jury? what are the arguments i need to make? in order to do that cannot what evidence do i need or what i like to have along the way during the trial to enable me to effectively make those arguments and get those things across to the jury? ideally, on the defense side, you would want to have a whole slew of witnesses who are not named donald trump who could make those points before the trump organization or others. the reality of course is more difficult than that because it not like an american girl doll that you can just decide okay, i want this. this is my order. order it your way. you get one thing that pops out. witnesses may not either.
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they may not be available. they may not say exactly what you want them to say on the defense. so often what happens is the defense has a very short witness list or a witness list that is zero and they go right into losing argument. >> what loose ends to the attorneys need to tie up in their closing arguments, adam? >> reporter: i think they will have to address the elephant is not in the room. by which i mean helen who had written the bank statements for the case, the notes laying out the reimbursement scheme behind these 34 charges that i think the attorneys, if they are not called, if these witnesses are not called, will have to address their non-presence. that might happen with another witness, keith schiller, who we talked about earlier. i think that they will have to explain the case. the nuts and bolts. the 34 charges.
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the law of falsifying business records. how that gets elevated to a felony. and they are going to have to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. michael cohen has been a good witness for being a guide to this. each attorney, both the defense and the prosecution, will have their time to put it all together. >> last one to you, renato, and that is -- conviction, possible? do you think? and if so, what did it a sentence? >> conviction, i would say, is likely. i thought going into the trial, it's usually a safe bet to bet on the prosecution in a criminal trial. he did not think they were going to win, they would not have brought the case. i think it is becoming more likely throughout the trial, because trump's team has made some very serious errors. if i was representing you and you were the defendant -- perish the thought. there you go.
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but i think i could have gotten a misdemeanor for you or a hung jury for you in this case potentially with some lawyers on the jury. but given who the defendant is in the strategy that they undertook at trump's behest or not, of contesting everything, does getting every point, attacking every witness, going over the top in doing so, they've really obscured the key issues of potential weakness for the prosecution. so i think the prosecution has to be feeling confident going into the closing argument as a result read >> i really hope i'll never have to, but i will put you in my phone just in case. both of you, thank you so much. coming up later this hour, author of the old goats newsletter, jonathan alter, who has been in the courtroom with his observations joining me on
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how this could play out. rudy giuliani taunting the law in arizona thinking he had gotten away with something. the law caught up with him in the cruelest way. the remarkable story next. tory. and we both sleep better. and stay married. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover.
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with new tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal.
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and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. so it was likely not the happiest of celebrations during rudy giuliani's 80th birthday party in palm beach. the former new york city mayor was served with his indictment in the arizona fake electors case on friday during those festivities. it comes after giuliani taunted arizona's ag about evading being served. von hilliard has more. >> there were 18 individuals indicted in arizona three weeks ago. charges related to the alternate or fake electors scheme that came out of arizona after the 2020 election. among those 18 individuals was
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john eastman, formally arraigned in arizona court this last week. i think there are 17 other individuals who are set to a peer or court on tuesday for their own arraignments. one of those individuals who had not been served his actual papers, the indictment to appear, was former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, who is among those indicted in this scheme. rudy giuliani then publicly made a mockery of the fact that arizona investigators had been unable to locate him and to serve him his papers are that all changed at his birthday party. his 80th birthday party in palm beach, florida this weekend at the home of a kerry lake senior advisor. and rudy giuliani was live streaming art of his birth the celebration, including the happy birthday to you song. at the end of the party, as giuliani was leaving, that's when he was formally served his
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papers. this year for rudy giuliani is a moment that is going to require him to defend himself in criminal court now. is is potentially he had not received those papers to appear but he didn't make it through the weekend or quite make it through the birthday party, where i'm told that individuals and weddings dave benton and roger stone were there to celebrate, as well. >> thank you. joining me now, amy barnes and vanity fair special correspondent and host of vast politics but just, molly. welcome to you both. your reaction to this, it is embarrassing. he taunted arizona's ag before hand? >> reporter: this is like the
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trump lawyer game because there is another trump lawyer, michael cohen, testifying criminal court against trump. this is what happens to trump's lawyers. you have to wonder how todd landfills watching these other trump lawyers. i think rudy has been on the decline. we've talked about this before. he was mayor. he had a real political career on his own, and a consulting firm. he got dragged into the trump orbit. it is interesting to watch the lesser figures in trump world tend to get punished for trump himself is running for office again. >> isn't it remarkable? he may not be held accountable in the hush money trial. >> it is remarkable the point that you are making that the
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underlings are identical. >> now let's get your latest on the episode of rudy giuliani's fall from grace? >> at the ultimate florida man story. everything that happens in part up area there's a connection to it. i totally agree with molly. when you look back and take a moment and look at his fall from grace, you look back at 911 and see how popular he was as mayor. now he has the georgia indictment. he had to file for bankruptcy. now he has this latest episode. definitely not a great start to his 80th year. i know it's not really his birthday. it comes up later this month. but yes. >> probably not going to want to celebrate again. >> another embarrassing incident we need to talk about is the devolving of the house
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oversight committee. the responses from crockett and alexandria cortez. how does this reflect the de- evolution of everything on capitol hill in your mind? >> reporter: the interesting thing is that republicans have elevated marjorie taylor greene. she didn't need to be the so- called star in the party. small donors loved her in this sort of drew her a following. she does not belong on oversight. there are a ton of people in congress who can be on oversight. remember she had no committees. so many committees to be on and she said your make -- taking off the committee. kevin mccarthy made a deal with the devil and put people like her on the freedom caucus, people who are really wwf fighters and not members of congress. one to get the oversight there.
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many members of the freedom caucus the criminal trial that day. mindbending, really not how any of this is supposed to work. >> absolutely. they were there supporting donald trump instead of the business of the country. what were they like to do? the business of the country. so it's the same republican controlled committee. attempting to charge president biden despite no evidence of crimes. in congress when you have politically motivated behavior being the first order of business? >> no. i think republicans know that they have a problem because of all the incivility happening here. he saw the speaker play that
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message. some said they should not be involved in this. and it's true. coming to washington it's amazing how involved the congress has become and these cat fights have become routine. can't understand why they put this aside and focus on business. i think it's going to continue to be a problem. especially if they will lose the house. they will have to take a real look at what has happened here. >> it's going to continue to be a problem as long as the reelected. it could stop being a problem at any point, anybody, after november 5th or january when the new congress gets sworn in. let's get to the other issue that is percolating, molly. that being that democrats are asking samuel alito, supreme court justice to recuse himself from cases involving donald trump, january 6th and the like because of the upset and flag with the new york times
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reported. obtained this picture for everybody. it's an upset and flag at his house that happened in the days after the january 6th attack. the symbol of the flag had also been adopted by the stop thus deal movement. if he refuses to recuse himself, how much further does this erode the confidence of the american people in a nonpartisan supreme court, the highest court in the land? >> reporter: alito has all the same problems that just as thomas has. he got the rv. the relationship with harlan crow. he speaks at things. he has loans. he maybe does not pay the taxes on the gifts. it's not clear. alito and thomas have blown through all the norms. the reality is there is not a code of conduct for the supreme court. they need to have one. they have made up one now. >> they have one.
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it's like they have to police themselves. >> it is new and it is self policing. they say they are not supposed to get involved in political activities. it the same code that the people who work for them have. the self policing part of it is the real problem. i think that the senate has an obligation here to sort of draw attention and hold hearings about these two supreme court justices, thomas and alito, who we both see with numerous problems. i love the fact that they both blame their wives. >> like oh, yeah, thanks, honey. all right. good to see you both. thank you and you, as well. we will do this again. meanwhile, in an ugly hotel video, sean diddy combs catching up with the past. hear what he had to say. say. blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours.
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breaking news. sean diddy combs releasing annual holiday video today. a video resurfaced last week showing him assaulting his girlfriend, cassie ventura. adrian, welcome back and what did he say in this video and how is it being received? >> reporter: i will start with the last question. mixed reaction on social media. some and supporting sean combs. others not buying his apology. by contrast, this is the first time he has admitted publicly to abuse against his former girlfriend, cassie ventura. >> inexcusable. i take for incivility for my actions in the video. i'm disgusted. i was disgusting then when i did it. i'm disgusted now.
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i went and i sought out professional help. i had to go into therapy. i had to going to rehab. had to ask god for his mercy and grace. >> sean combs apologizing and taking accountability on sunday just days after the surveillance video was released. he also said it difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life. also responding attorneys representing cassie ventura. we want to share with you what her attorney released in a statement. in a statement you can see his attorney writes that the most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has heard one cassie and other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested that his times were looking for a payday. you may remember when the loss
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it was filed back in november. comes in his team settled within 24 hours. >> thank you for bringing us the latest on this disturbing story anyway you look at it. now back in the courthouse with what happens next. john will share this in just a moment. moment. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪)
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michael cohen is back on the stand to wrap up cross- examination as the historic criminal trial nears its final phase. closing arguments could begin tuesday with jury deliberations by the end of the week. this depends on whether trump decides to testify. saturday night live tackled that very question. >> my defense in the trial is about to begin on monday. i would love to testify. not afraid to testify at all.
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not just going out of fear. you see, they do a terrible thing when you testify which is they write it down. and we don't like that. >> joining me now, jonathan alter. msnbc contributor jonathan alter. anyway let's talk about your thoughts. does trump testify? yes or no? >> reporter: it's pretty clear that he is not going to testify. he is capable of changing his mind, but just moments ago, i got an email from a court of the show that the schedule has been moved up. normally we start at 9:30 in the morning, and tomorrow morning, we're going to start at 8:45. the judge once you pick up as much time as he can. we are going to get this done by the end of the week for the weekends early because the jury is leaving early for memorial
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day thursday afternoon. they have a lot to squeeze in. they will start with continuation of cross- examination of michael cohen. then they will redirect the prosecution. the indications are that the prosecution will rest its case. it does not seem like they will bring on any witnesses. giving the other side notification that they have witnesses. that would mean they have to go straight into closing arguments, followed by the judge's instructions to the jury followed by deliberation. >> good to know. trump's attorneys, jonathan, are trying to make cohen seem like a liar who is solely focused on revenge , but as you write, inside the criminal
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court room and in courtrooms across the country, defendants are convicted every day based on the testimony of lowlife liars and sometimes killers who have stern -- turned states evidence. so how much does the state need to credit towing and to what point will they? does his history of lying and motivations matter in this case? >> reporter: that's the $64 million western. i cannot get in the heads of the jurors. i use my binoculars to look at them intensely every day in the courtroom. they need to establish that donald trump is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. that is the standard. enough reasonable doubt about michael cohen for the jury to not believe a word he says.
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started out well, but on thursday, the defense had a very good day.: acknowledging that he had lied to a judge, to federal prosecutors in a variety of different ways. and they also raise the question in a matter that strangely related to a 14-year- old print color. whether he was lying about this case. that does not do them much good to establish that he has lied on other matters. what they need to do to help trump ether wrap is established that he has lied on this question, about hush money and about informing trump that he was sending hush money. if they can do that, raise that doubt, then perhaps they could get a mistrial, although it and that the odds will favor
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conviction. >> you are echoing the sentiments of most everybody on the show today there was one, though, who said he thinks he might get off and he is a prosecutor. a former prosecutor, but he had his reasons. we will be. jonathan alter, thank you so much. an effort in the midwest that could be critical be on the 2024 election. we have a new report coming your way next. ur way next. for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner and wechild. get in.tter. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t...
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that's because the secretary of state has created a number of initiatives in order to be what he liked to say is proactive. making sure enough people are ready to go on election day. one of the programs is called youth at the booth. here is more. to kick off an assembly about elections, students at lincoln valley high school had to choose a side. each music genre had a primary, leading to a close race between do a leap of and luke homes. >> a really small example, but true to how elections work. come november, secretary of state frank rose hopes the 100 50,000 graduating students in ohio become first-time voters. the goal is to get young people registered to vote and have them consider becoming full workers. it's what he calls grads vote.
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an initiative making it easier for high schoolers to become active in ohio selections. >> were voting for class president. they can vote for president of the united dates and i want them to be excited about that. >> the packet sent to 1200 high schools across the state have two qr codes on the front. 12 registered to vote and another for youth at the booth. people 17 and older to work the polls on election day. >> maybe get credit for doing it that's a great incentive, as well. they will get paid but they will also become really legitimate election expert and probably become the source of accurate information within their own circle of an ounce. >> unlike other states, ohio does not have a poll worker shortage and secretary larose president -- credits that to initiatives like youth at the booth. >> i hope other states will learn from ohio's example >> reporter: teacher adriana barnes says this brings
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learning to life. >> what we are learning in class has lasting effects for the rest of their life. >> reporter: the visit leaving 18-year-old matthew and addie eager to vote. >> learning about the process more and more knowledge never hurts. >> the next generation of voters matters. >> reporter: in the fall, their stickers will be up rated to i voted for it emma barnett, nbc news, new york, ohio. >> she said she was beaming with pride when she saw her students scanning the qr code to become poor workers. >> and she should be. that's a cool story. thank you so much. that will do it for this edition. we will be back next saturday and sunday at 1:00 p.m. eastern. deadline white house is next. n


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