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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  May 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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a programming note, for tonight, battle ground georgia, the latest installment of the turning point series with trevor noah, breaking down the history of voting across the south and how georgia came to lead the charge tonight at 9:00 eastern right here on msnbc. that's it for me. thank you for joining us. i will be back saturday and sunday on msnbc. keep it here. "ayman" is up next. tonight on "ayman", supreme scandal. a symbol of solidarity for trump found hanging on the home of a supreme court justice after the last election. what can be done about it?
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an investigation into extremist in israel and what has allowed them to flourish. we speak to morehouse professor samuel livingston who attended biden's commencement and sent a clear message to the commander in chief. let's do it. we begin with breaking news out of iran, rescue efforts are underway after a helicopter carrying the iranian president suffered what officials are calling a crash landing. the presidents condition is unknown. this happened this morning in the northern part of a man and right now, the weather is playing a big factor in trying to find answers. josh letterman is tracking the latest. what is the latest on search and rescue efforts? >> it's been well over 12 hours since that helicopter carrying
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the iranian president, foreign minister, and others went down in northwestern iran and we still don't know the status of iran's president, nor do we know at this point whether search and rescue operatives have been able to get to the site of that helicopter. it is extremely concerning given the intense weather, the cold conditions, and other reasons to be concerned. the supreme leader of iran has said that he is urging everyone to be calm and continue to pray for the safe return of the president, but is also telling people that no matter what happens, the work of iran's government will go on unimpeded. we know that dozens of search and rescue teams have been trying to locate this helicopter. we've heard that cell phone signal was able to allow rescuers to identify the location of it. they're trying to get military and other teams on the ground, but this has been
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a black hole of information for many hours. the iranian government is not saying exactly what they know including what they heard from two people on board the helicopter who were apparently able to make contact multiple times after the helicopter went down. >> live in london, thank you. if we get any news , we will bring it to you immediately. to washington, where a dispute between neighbors is the latest scandal to rock the nation's highest court. late 2020, despite the fact that donald trump just lost the presidential election, the soon- to-be ex-president and his supporters were in the midst of trying to overturn joe biden's victory. of course, you may remember political tensions were running high, including a normally quiet suburban cul-de-sac in fairfax county, virginia. after attending a protest, a woman's adult daughter returned
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home to that suburb and propped up several political signs against bushes in the front yard. it's not known exactly what was written on the signs but according to a neighbor, one had trump's name on it with an expletive and the other carried a message along the lines of " you are complicit." what is known is that the signs caused a heated exchange to the woman's daughter and another neighbor. in an act of retaliation, that neighbor responded to the young woman's statement by making one of her own. displaying an upside down american flag on her property. the inverted flag became a symbol of the "stop the steal" movement used by transporters who denied the legitimacy of joe biden's victory. there is just one problem with this statement from that resident in virginia. she was the wife of supreme court justice, samuel alito. the photo of that flag outside
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their home was taken january 17th, 2021, weeks after the insurrection at the u.s. capitol and days before joe biden was inaugurated as president. it was the same time that the supreme court was weighing whether to take up a case brought by trump allies challenging pennsylvania's mail- in voting system, which would have had direct implications on the outcome of the 2020 election. at the time, samuel alito was in favor of reviewing the case with the majority decided against it and the report raises concerns over his impartiality of the court is considering two important generates six cases including whether or not the former president has absolute immunity for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. judicial experts said that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules which seeks to avoid even the appearance of bias and could sow doubt about the justices possible bias in cases related to the election.
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for his part, this is how samuel alito responded. he said "i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by my wife in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs." of course, you probably noticed missing from that is any sort of denial that the flag was flown in solidarity with insurrectionist or any attempts by a sitting u.s. supreme court justice to disavow the insurrectionist lie that the 2020 election was stolen. this story is about much more than an inverted flag because we are still living in the shadow of the 2020 election and the violent insurrection that followed. this report is coming to light now and we are still waiting to see if donald trump will ever be held accountable for what he did. the threat the ex-president and his acolytes post our democracy is hardly in the past.
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from the supreme court to the senate, trump and his allies are plainly laying the groundwork for another january 6th right in front of our eyes. this morning, marco rubio refused to commit to accept the results of the next election. >> will you accept the election results of 2024 no matter what happens? >> no matter what happens? no. if it's unfair -- >> no matter who it is. >> this effort goes far beyond sowing seeds of doubt in our election system. trump's allies are working to reshape our democracy, taking inspiration from autocrat. here is senator jd vance, earlier today. >> viktor orban in particular, he rewrote the constitution. he was trying to control the media. these are not necessarily concerning in principle so why would you want to mimic him?
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>> i'm not endorsing everything he's done. i don't know everything. what i do think is on the university principle is the idea that taxpayers should have some influence. it's a totally reasonable thing and i think he's made smart decisions that we could learn from. >> is not just senators auditioning to be potentially trump vice presidential picks, trump himself last night took another page out of the authoritarian handbook, floating the possibility of a three term presidency, something barred under u.s. constitution. >> fdr, almost 16 years. i don't know, are we three term or two term? >> it was three years ago that rioters strung the capital and attempt to assault her democracy on january 6th and with less than six months to the election, fascism is at the gates. donald trump and his acolytes are ready to finish the job.
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a short time ago, i had a chance to speak with jamie raskin of maryland about the crisis at our nation's highest court. congressman, thank you for joining us. let's start with this reporting from the new york times. i'm curious to get your response to justice alito's comments that he had no involvement and that it was his wife's choice to hang that inverted flag. is that a good enough excuse for a sitting supreme court justice? >> look, if we had a binding ethics code on the supreme court, someone would be able to complain about it and then they would be and invest negation rather than just dueling press releases and statements. i would think that for a sitting justice in the united states supreme court, somebody in your neighborhood putting up an anti- trump sign does not really justify the supreme court justice inverting the flag of
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the united states and sending a symbol of distress. the real issue is that we don't have a system for dealing with that kind of problem, but it makes sense to me. donald trump turned the bible upside down, justice alito turned the flag upside down. maga is trying to turn the constitution and the rule of law upside down. it's a struggle for the basic integrity of our political system. >> you bring up an important point about the ethics rules which is a big problem as we have seen with this supreme court and because it's not subject to binding ethics rule. you've introduced legislation to fix the problem. the judicial ethics enforcement act, realistically speaking, is there a path forward for that bill with this modern-day republican party? >> not in this context. they are not interested and
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they don't think there's any problem, which is overthrown the woman's right to choose, trying to undercut the effectiveness of our administrative agencies, like the epa, and has been in a full- blown assault on the voting rights of the people. they like what they've been doing. they will not hear it, but right now we have a situation where the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards. it's the only court in the land in the judiciary or state system which does not have a bindings ethics code anyway to complain if a justice completely violates the basic principles of judging. >> in the absence of any kind of meaningful reform or accountability, the question is , what should happen.
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you got the chairman of the senate judiciary committee calling on justice alito to recuse himself and you have respected constitutional law professors at harvard saying that's not enough. he says talk is cheap, the chairman needs to do more and call on alito to recuse himself. jeremy needs to step up and use the subpoena power to demand his appearance before the senate judiciary committee. do you agree? >> well, all of this is an attempt to compensate for the inadequacy of the current system because there is no binding ethics code or know where you can go to complain. certainly, demands for recusal make sense across the board by citizens, by members of the house and the senate.
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if the senate can render subpoenas to have the justice come and testify about his alleged neutrality, that would be great, but, you know, i don't hold out a lot of hope for any of those things happening. the problem with the subpoena power on the senate side is to enforce such a subpoena, you need 60 votes and the democrats have only 51. i don't know whether or not they will want to go down that road, but the public needs to at least to be understanding what is taking place. there is an absolute collapse of the legitimacy of the supreme court. you have billionaire sugar daddies who are paying for justice is private school tuition's and their cars and mortgages, crazy stuff going on. then, you have a complete inversion of basic constitutional concepts, and an
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abandonment of the supreme court rule when it comes to something like section 3 of the 14th amendment, whose meeting -- meaning could not be more plain if you sworn oath to uphold the election and then you violated it, but the supreme court has done all it can to obliterate the meaning of that. >> let me pivot and get your thoughts on something that was also said today that was extremely troubling and i want your reaction to it as a member of congress, comments from senator marco rubio earlier today. the senate is refusing to say whether he would accept the results of the 2024 presidential election and in dead blamed democrats for sowing doubt about the election. what do you make of what senator rubio did today? >> he's demonstrating his complete submission and subservience into donald trump. that is now the litmus test
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within the gop. will you accept donald trump's approach to elections, which is, he does not accept the outcome of any elections that don't go his way. in some sense, it's redundant to be asking about whether they will accept the results of the election. they still haven't accepted the results of the last election and are stills running doubt and skepticism about whether joe biden one, despite the fact that we have 60 federal and state court rulings and judgments projecting every claim of electoral fraud and corruption that republicans and donald trump raised. now, there's no proof or evidence for what they are saying and at this point, it's up your conspiracy theory, but it is the glue of the republican party, which is what makes them far more like a religious cult today than a modern political party based on facts and
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evidence and critical thinking. >> congressman, i did want to ask about a new investigation into trump's request for the $1 billion in campaign cash, or four major companies in exchange for favorable policies to oil companies following the event held in mar-a-lago last month. as the minority party, i know your investigative powers are limited, but what action are you taking to learn more about that meeting and this possible exchange? >> we have written to the oil and gas executives to ask about what they know about their participation, or their company's participation in this reading were donald trump said, essentially, you guys give me $1 billion and i will issue a series of regulations reversing biden administration progress on climate change. he made very specific statements about liquefied
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natural gas and oil drilling and this is, at this point, it's not really a conflict of interest, it's a convergence of interest. you see donald trump and his team and the project 2025 people coming forward to say, we are going to reverse all the progress that's been made on climate change by giving the big oil and gas companies everything they want and donald trump saying, and i want, in return, $1 billion. the whole country can see what's happening. again, with the current demobilized state of the federal election commission. i don't have a lot of high hope , but at least the people need to know what is taking place. >> congressman raskin, always a pleasure. thank you for joining us. closing arguments are set to begin in trump's hush money trial. will trump take the stand? what we know, next.
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it's unlikely that donald trump will take the stand in his chest money trial closing argument set to begin this week. for people close to the former president, the plan does not include trump testifying and expects the jury to start deliberating later in the week. todd blanche declined to comment , but this should be no surprise given the risk of donald trump riffing under oath liking the tory lease -- notoriously desert rallies. joining us now is nbc legal analyst, the cohost of the sisters-in-law podcast. great to see you. the first question perhaps, is is there any scenario in which donald trump taking the stand helps his case? >> i don't think so. there's a lot of risk. i suppose the one thing he could do is erase any reasonable doubt by getting on
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the stand and testifying under oath and saying everything that michael cohen said is false, that he wasn't aware of payments or wasn't involved, and that michael cohen did all of this on his own. i think that would be belied by the fact that i think it would be dangerous in light of the documents, in light of the testimony. there is serious risk of donald trump testifies that way. >> the walk us through the risk of trump testifying, from the cross examination. >> vacancy a lengthier sentence, if they are convicted. that's the biggest consequence, i suppose. just by testifying, donald trump opens himself up to impeachment of his credibility, which is true for any witness. lots of things that were
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otherwise not going to be admissible are now fair game. things like the case against eugene carol for defamation becomes fair game and lawyers are going to be able to ask about that. the attorney general's case in which there was a finding of fraud in the trump organization for well over $500 million, the trump organization tax conviction last year, he could be asked about that. those are things currently not known to the jury that would be on their radar, so that's part of the risk. in addition, he would be confronted with all of these records, documents, witness testimony we've seen already some of which would likely conflict with his testimony including allegations by stormy daniels about a sexual fair and karen mcdougal. we could go over that ground again and trump would be confronted with those allegations. >> what are you looking for this week with michael cohen
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expected back on stand and jury deliberation shortly after? >> it'll be interesting to see what more happens with michael cohen. to date, he has survived pretty well in cross-examination. i think it's gone about as well as prosecutors might have expected. it's always interesting to see what happens with a witness like this to the rest of the cross examination will be interesting. i expect that the prosecution will do some redirect to try to rehabilitate anything they are concerned about. it doesn't appear the trump case will put up much of the case if any. they made noise about putting on an expert on campaign law but i think the real action will be closing arguments and that is where the lawyers tried to bring the facts together and help the jury process and understand whether the case is been made or not and that's an important moment.
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everything a lawyer does in their direct and cross- examination is, in a way, designed to gather ammunition to use in the closing argument. >> let me ask, with everything that we have on the table so far that we have heard and in so far, do you believe prosecutors have met their burden of proving donald trump's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? >> i do. i think they've put the evidence out there. the question will be whether this jury believes this evidence and it seems that much of it is irrefutable. the documents, the records, the checks, the recordings. those are the things that cannot be impeached. the meaning, i suppose, it requires us to believe the testimony of michael cohen. you have to ask yourself, if he's not telling the truth, what is the alternative truth, that he did this all on his own out of the goodness of his heart, that he took out a home equity loan and went to prison
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just because he was loyal to donald trump and now he has an axe to grind? i think the prosecution will argue not only about the evidence but will ask jurors use their common sense. unless they are swayed by the cross-examination or the argument of todd blanche, there is sufficient evidence for a jury to return a verdict of guilty. >> let us all hope that common sense is not in short supply with everything happening. always a pleasure, thank you for joining us. near times magazine has a new investigation revealing how extremist settlers took over israel. we will discuss that, i had to. , they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety-clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do. you need tamra, izzy, and emma.
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israeli settlements, it's illegal under international and israeli law. villagers often reported harassment and vandalism at the hands of the settlers, but soon after the hamas october 7th attack, those incidents and attacks escalated into threats. desperate for help, villagers made appeal after appeal to the israeli police and the military, but the calls were largely unanswered, so the tax continued until one day, the villagers packed they could, loaded their families into trucks, and left their homes. soon after, the village was bulldozed, either by the settlers themselves or the israeli military. all that remains is ruins. what happened to the people of that small village is one of
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the many stories included in a new investigation new york times magazine, called "the unpunished, how extremist to go over israel." they recount how the long arc of harassment, assault, by jewish settlers is intertwined with a history of abatement by israeli officials. through interviews with hundreds , the pair pulled back the curtain on violence that dates back decades and in israeli state that has systematically and increasingly ignored the violence and they trace how the country's criminal nationalistic movement has been able to move from the fringes of israeli society into the mainstream. after decades of crimes without punishment, israeli officials worry the occupation poses a threat to the integrity of
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their country's democracy. i spoke to a staff writer for the new york times and one of the co-authors of this investigation. i wanted to start off by asking if i can broadly speak, based on the reporting you've done in this investigation, at what point in israel's history did the settlement movement that began in the occupied west bank come back to begin to shape israeli politics and effect its political system with the ideology of the settlement on the far right movement? >> hello. thank you for the invite. i think, as we have heard from israeli officials, it was almost the beginning. shortly after the first settlement was
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established by one of the main movements, the israeli domestic secret service had a lot of successes against palestinian terrorism but again and again, failed against jewish terrorism. as we hear from the person leading, they asked, should we deal with illegal settlement and they said, well, you'll soon realize that they have backup from many politicians in the right and the ultra-right. >> you've seen politicians, now
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playing key, important roles in israeli politics. how has the broad landscape in israel shifted? has the country shifted to the right as a result of the settler movement and settler ideology infesting political ideology in israel? >> well, it's hard to explain. if you try to explain american politics to an israeli, you'll have the same difficulty. the settlers are a minority. maybe 10%. they will say that they do not, that those people, especially in the last two years, they rule the country. the lawlessness, the minister
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ofy and national security. people understand that those people cannot govern. they exposed israel, they have created this situation of collapse. i don't think that they are popular, but i would call it the bb factor. benjamin netanyahu. call anything else, and his again the machine was able to shift israeli people. he realized that this will not sit with him and coalition ever again. he did not fulfill prophecies and he is under trial for
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corruption. they said, we would not, the president of that kind cannot be prime minister. >> we are almost out of time, but is there any scenario or way, based on what you've seen and studied and reported on over the years, that this settlement movement in israel, this ideological movement, this far right movement, can be reined in or constrained or even dismantled so israel doesn't go off a cliff? >> yeah. first of all, i'm an optimist. and sometimes, it does distort my ability to forecast the future. let me say this. even if you put politics aside, the people of israel in the last year and a half, they saw what happened to the country.
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the government of the ultra- right that is really directed and died and and commanded by the ultra-right, they saw what happened in the country. i know it may not look like it from the outside, but i think that this will be seen in the next elections, that will happen i believe, sooner than later and will bring the view of israeli people, those people, the ultra- right, they bring disaster and disaster and collapse and catastrophe to all of the middle east. >> always a pleasure, thank you for joining us. next, all eyes on morehouse college for more than just president biden's commencement address. we will explain.
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if there was one commencement address everyone was waiting for this graduation season, it was perhaps president biden's speech at morehouse college in atlanta. that comes amidst the tense time on college campuses that has mobilized students and their supporters in a way not incensed decades since protest against the vietnam war erupted. he also is taking during an
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election year at historically black college in a key swing state and it was not lost on anyone why he chose to deliver an address there. indicators suggest that president biden is losing some support among black voters, specifically young male voters. many morehouse students and faculty members made it clear that they opposed biden's appearance at their university over his support of israel during its religious war on gaza. this year's validate taurean uses opportunity to speak to his classmates sending a clear message to the president, while standing in front of him on that stage. >> it is my stance as a morehouse man, may, as a human being to call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire in the gaza strip. >> the president who can actually end this war clapped along the days before the morehouse college president said that if the commencement
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was disrupted at all, he would shut down immediately and would not allow police to remove protesters in zip ties. while the graduation is not disrupted, it was met with symbolic protest against biden and his administration's policies. when he was asked to take the mike, morehouse alumni gave him a standing ovation. the class of 2024 remained in their seats with some students expressing solidarity and support for palestinians. the valedictorian added a protest image to the top of his cap. a handful of graduates turned their backs to biden and while the ceremony was on campus, blocks away dozens of protesters chanted for cease- fire. for weeks, students and faculty called for the college to rescind biden's invitation, even pushing out on the decision to award him with an honorary doctorate.
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faculty members were split on whether biden should be granted that and they ultimately voted in favor but dozens of faculty opposed or abstained from voting entirely. and what may be a defining image of these pro-palestinian and anti-were college protest on campuses, we saw one faculty member in the crowd today wearing a palestinian scarf, back turned to biden, fist in the air, a visible act that captures the fundamental political disconnect between biden and many students and young people across the country. that protest went beyond gaza because as president biden spoke on stage, one faculty member stated behind him, holding a flag for the democratic republic of the congo in an effort to bring more attention to the ongoing conflict and genocide in that country. after the break, i speak with the man in his video about a
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the morehouse man, an idea that renowned historically black college has long prided itself on, each student going on to become a social justice minded and exceptional leader in our society with the most famous morehouse man in history was dr. martin luther king jr. when the students and faculty said the college's decision to welcome president biden as commencement speaker went against the idea of a morehouse man and the antiwar, anti- military calm -- politics. as one put it, "it was a moral disaster -- precisely the moment when students all over the country are showing us the meaning of courage, morehouse's invitation to the president shows profound cowardice." with this is professor livingston, professor of
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africana studies and morehouse. great to have you, thank you for joining us . let me start by asking you to give me your reaction to today's commencement address. what did you make of the way the students responded and what you heard from the president at the podium today? >> first of all, thank you for having me. i thought it was, for the most part, as we expected. it was basically a campaign speech. i do think that morehouse men, the men of morehouse, deserve better. i do think that president biden still, in some ways, does not get it did of course, he's better than the alternative that he's facing, but that's a very low bar. so, what we are trying to do in terms of faculty and our students is to express our displeasure with having a
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person who has been fueling a genocidal machine, basically since he has been elected, and his observations after the october 7th attack left many people displeased in terms of how he dehumanized palestinian people. he has disrespected the democratic process in countries like haiti, and in countries like the congo, with his recent deal attempt to appease dander, -- the mining magnet, with an attempt to buy him out of the congo which will leave him unscathed, unaccountable, and will leave the people of the democratic republic of congo without justice. we wanted to express our displeasure. >> i want to ask about the
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congo. you raised the flag, we showed the video of you behind the president and i will get to that moment but let me go back to the rallies in the dialogue taking place at morehouse, in recent weeks, about concerns on president biden as a commencement speaker. what are you hearing from your colleagues, your students, and why did you decide to ultimately hold up the flag of the democratic republic of the congo during the ceremony? >> well, i've been hearing from our students, basically nothing but praise and congratulations. many alumni expressed displeasure, alumni who were not necessarily in the biden administration, expressed displeasure at the awarding of an honorary degree. i perceived -- received messages from former students, thanking me for doing what we did and i was not alone. i definitely had to talk about
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my colleagues, dr. hewitt, dr. dunn, who you showed in that image, but the connections to the congo, for african- americans, is more a question of, how can you not be concerned with the congo especially as in africana studies scholar. the congo is one of the major, what's the best way of putting it, origins of african-american people. the research is clear, between 25 to 46% of enslaved african people were from the congo, and the area that we call today, that represented the part of the congo kingdom. literally, we are talking about our kinfolk and we are talking about one of the greatest human rights situations in the world which history has not done a good job but journalists have not done a good job, historians have not done a good job of
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explaining the connections between the commiseration of congolese people and the united states government, going back to the recognition of the congo free state, going to the assassination, the overthrowing, which the united states was deeply, if not largely responsible for. they may not have pulled the trigger but they set the stage d essentially allowed his political enemies to assassinate him. in overthrowing him, what they did was set up a process, and nothing short of political violence. you overthrow the only democratically elected government and you put dictators in place. really, all of congo's history has been a reaction to a series of islands that the united
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states has cosigned, fueled, and largely driven and to this very day, refuses still to bring to justice the president of rwanda. so, we are connected. we are connected. >> i'm so glad you connected those dots for us because i think that's exactly why i wanted to speak to you. we think of commencement addresses as a transitioning moment in the lives of students, but it's important to remember what is at stake for the next generation with these profound issues they have to tackle when they become leaders in our society. we are thankful to professors like you for educating them. professor, thank you, i appreciate you joining us. a new hour of "ayman" after a quick break. k. t's a nail . -...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here!
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