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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  May 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's 11:00 a.m. eastern and i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin with breaking news from the republican national committee in washington, d.c. that was placed on lockdown this morning after vials of blood
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were sent to the building according to multiple sources. joining us now is von hilliard. what do we know about this? >> reporter: we know that there are at least two vials of blood that were sent to the rnc headquarters. this building is just two blocks away from the u.s. capitol building offices. this is per u.s. capitol police releasing a statement in just the last few minutes confirming that they responded. the u.s. capitol responding and is a a suspicious package and reported at 7:45 a.m. eastern and on-site about two hours and closing the surrounding streets around the rnc headquarters who have not released a statement at this time. it is not clear where two vials of blood came and the extent they may have been dangerous substances. still a lot of outstanding questions. we are waiting for the u.s. capitol police to provide
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further understanding of exactly what this package was, whether it was actually intended for the rnc, why and who it was from. >> von hilliard, thank you so much. more breaking news in florida. a hearing is under way in the classified documents case again former president donald trump. right now, the judge is hearing arguments on a motion followed by trump's co-defendant to dismiss the case. this afternoon, she will be hearing arguments on a motion followed by trump and fellow co-defendant. the first hearing since they delayed the start of the trial which has been set to begin this week. it comes as newly unsealed court filings reveal that documents were found in trump's mar-a-lago home months after the fbi searched it. trump and his two co-defendants have pleaded not guilty. nbc is outside of the courthouse in ft. pierce, florida. good morning. what are we expecting from
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today's hearings? >> reporter: according to our colleagues who were in the courtroom there, jose, the attorney wrapped up his arts to the court on the motion to dismiss what they are alleging is the special counsel's decision to charge walt nada was, quote, selective and vindictive prosecution saying it was a form of retaliation aimed of punishing him for not fully cooperating with the investigation and that is the argument his attorney outlined. he spoke under an hour to the judge. now the special counsel's office is making their counterarguments and arguing against what nada's attorneys allege. it is second motion we will hear later this afternoon is about three co-defendants in the case, including former president trump. their defense is alleging generally procedural failures, saying the indictment fails to lay out in plain language violations of criminal law.
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instead, they are saying they are presenting personal and political attack on former president trump. this is an argument that we have heard the former president make about all of the charges against him and all four of the indictments that are before him right now and that is what we expect to hear more of this afternoon. >> what more have we learned from the newly unsealed court filings? >> quite a lot, actually, jose. first, i want to show you some images that were in those documents. these are pictures of walt nada and old images of the documents but i believe the images of nada himself. there we go. the images purport to show him on june 1st of 2022 carrying boxes from a storage room and one of them labeled classified and around the time that trump's lawyers were at any time so review documents in mar-a-lago and looking at the documents and
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return some of them. this is one example that nada was part of a conspiracy to hide classified materials from the government. another piece of information that we learned that the former president is now putting out on truth social is that the fbi, per standard procedure, had some language about the use of deadly force in these searches. the former president is alleging that this is a -- that this was targeted, that this was a direction from president biden. the fbi, however, has put out a statement saying that they were just following procedure after some inflammatory tweets of other gop members. the fbi saying they followed protocol which includes a standard policy limiting the use of deadly force and no one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter. one other point that i want as to point out here is that the
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documents also show that the former president had additional documents in his bedroom at mar-a-lago after the fbi searched the premise. a judge overseeing those procedures said, no excuses provided how former president trump could miss classified documents in his own bedroom. a lot coming out of these hundreds of pages of additional unsealed court documents here, jose. >> dasha burns, thank you so much. with us to talk more about this is former defense attorney and a former new york city judge who was also a veteran of the new york city police department. what are you seeing in these newly released documents in the mar-a-lago case? >> i think there is a lot to be read in there. it's many pages of stuff we had not seen before. taking a step back. a motion to dismiss the case for
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selective or vindictive prosecution is always a long shot. i filed these maybe once or twice and barely win. when you think about it all prosecution is selective and all prosecution is discretionary. a prosecutor looks at a set of facts say i'm going after this guy but not this guy. it uses nebulous words. can you show the prosecution was in bad faith? that means a lot of different things to lots of different people. all states have limited resources and pick and choose where they prosecute and the nature of the criminal justice system. does donald trump have a stronger argument than most? maybe. you might have something there. but all in you will a, i'm not even aware of a selective prosecution motion that i know of saw first-hand somebody winning. it just doesn't happen very
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often. >> george, the judge overseeing the classified documents cases has not ruled on a series of motions. is it unusual for a judge to wait a long sometime on ruling on motions? >> i mean, it does appear to some extent this case has been slow-walked. but, you know, i don't have information on exactly what the issue she is trying to deal with is, but it doesn't look like she is prioritizing getting this case to trial before the end of the greer, that's for sure. >> no fast track on this? >> can i say something? in fairness, the judge cannon has been criticized and i think the criticism is fair about the speed at which she manages her docket. but raises a question should the judges in trump cases be thinking about the election or treat every case as they would every other case? obviously, they won't. for each judge it's the most important case they will ever hear in their entire career. >> take away the political
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aspects of it is it unusual a judge waits this long to decide on motions? >> when you read judge cannon's order it's not like she just did it arbitrarily to put off the case. there is justification in the order. i think fair to criticize her she lists 14 different motions and matters she has to hear and some of them on the same day, but a fair criticism is that she is just taking too long to do it. one of the things that especially federal district court judges enjoy is near completely power over their own schedule. i've heard people suggest she is a new judge and maybe she needs more time to think about these things. fair enough. i think the criticism is fair it's not moving as quickly as it could be as other judges might handle it. i'm sure you can think of judges that could race through these motions and decide them a lot faster than judge cannon. >> your thoughts on what dasha was bringing up the fact about in one of these null released documents contained a policy
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statement on the use of deadly force while executing a search warrant is in the fbi has said that is standard process and standard procedure. is that what it is? >> i think it's basically this whole issue on the deadly physical force is basically what i would call a red herring. it appears that this is standard operating procedure and standard language used by the fbi. if that is true and take it out like a new york post article and make sure the standard was singled out for donald trump i think is kind of unfair to the fbi. >> the fbi said they didn't add anything. they didn't subtract but didn't add anything to it. >> if you deal with these documents, whether the state or federal level, they are full of boilerplate language. there is so much cutting and pasting going on in the criminal justice system that these are often forms that are filled out. in fact, we refer to some of these forms in the federal context and here in new york city you don't refer to a form
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as a police report. you call it a 302. >> right. >> to show that these are so formlaic you fill them out on a computer and they are that form that is used. they always contain that boilerplate language that, as a lawyer or a judge, you kind of speed through it. you don't spend too much time on it. this may be a bit of a red herring, i have to agree. >> to the new york city hush money trial. what did yesterday's charging conference tell us about what the jury instructions could look like? >> so i was there. >> you've been there quite a bit? >> every day. i've been this every day and so i was there for the charging conference. once again, it shows just how fair and measured the judge has been. i can't emphasize that enough. in particular, there is a major issue that the judge has not actually decided on yet that could be quite crucial. the issue of cause. did donald trump actually cause
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the alleged falsification of business records? the d.a. was looking for kind of a broad standard, just if he acted in a way that could have led to the falsification of records. then that would be enough to go to the jury with that. obviously, the defense was looking for a more restrictive approach. in fact, it seems to me and there is not a final ruling that the judge is taking that under careful consideration and they require that a evidence to a jury that trump in some way acted or proved on a specific document before the people could justify the falsification of records. now in other areas, he went with the people. i just make this one specific example which i witnessed first-hand to just call out the
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demogragry. to bring in people around the country and v.p.w want -- marijuana marijuan it's certainly not justified by the judge's actions and rulings i've seen. >> george, the fact you've been there every day and when the judge in that moment where the star defense witness was on there, he clearly the courtroom. in your experience has that happened? >> zero. >> yeah, it doesn't happen. >> what was that like? >> kind of shocking. it was like a little electrifying! at first, everybody, including me, didn't really quite understand what that meant. are we supposed to get up and leave? the officers were put in a tough spot because, you know, a lot of
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people from the press, not a lot, but some were like refusing to leave, you know? i have a first amendment right to say. we can understand that but we were asked to leave. interestingly, defendant trump's entourage, those sitting in the first couple of rows with him, i believe were permitted to stay and everything that the judge said to mr. costello, who is the witness involved, was on a publicly reported record. >> so all of the years you're on the bench, zero of that? >> in terms of clearing out the courtroom to deal with a specific witness for me and to my personal knowledge, the number is zero. >> danny, let's talk about what we can expect in closing arguments next week. what do you think both sides have to do to strengthen and conclude their case? >> okay. prosecution's path is clear. they have established beyond a reasonable doubt the transactions. first from daniels and then from trump to cohen. the challenge they have is
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proving intent. not that they don't have it. they have evidence of trump's awareness of these payments. arguably beyond a reasonable doubt that trump may have been aware of these enough for a jury to find. the defense's argument is going to be legal. there is some factual element. number one, michael cohen is a liar. we knew that was coming. i expect you'll see an empty chair against. where was alan weisselberg? they could have called him and didn't and his handwriting is all over the exhibits and may show this was a weisselberg and cohen production. thirdly, maybe not from the evidences we heard from witnesses but maybe what we heard in the charging conference. all of that arcane philosophical content. i think they make a argument beyond a reasonable doubt that trump had the requisite awareness he was committing a crime or however it's going to
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be phrased ultimately after the jury instructions are finalized. >> thank you both for being with us this morning. we appreciate it. >> a pleasure. a land dog mark move overnight prompting israeli to lash out. what several u.s. allies say they are prepared to do that the u.s. says it won't. plus, violent turbulence on board a singapore airlines flight and killing one and sending dozen to the hospital. what we come back, 90 seconds, live to an iowa town almost leveled by a tornado and there are reports of multiple people killed. >> i've lived here in this town for 50 years. to see it look like this breaks my heart. t look like this break my heart ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. you know what's brilliant? boring.
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we are following breaking news. a series of tornadoes whipped across the mid killing several people and injuring dozens of others. right now, iowa's governor and other officials are holding a news conference after declaring a state of emergency in 15 counties. the twisters tearing through wind farms in greenfield, iowa, destroying wind turbines and setting others on fire. today, tens of millions are at risk of severe weather from the plains to the south and in to new england. shaq brewster joins us from greenfield, iowa. what are you seeing there today?
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>> reporter: hi there, jose. the damage is so extensive and so impactful for the town of greenfield, a town of 2,000 people. the only people let in are residents. members of the media have to say outside. when you look at the video on your screen right now, you see the extent of that damage. so many homes completely obliterated and cars flipped over! look those trees and how splintered they are. we are hearing from the governor who says this is a search and rescue operation and not updating how many people were killed but saying multiple people were killed and that multiple others were injured. i want you to listen to what we heard from folks as they survived that devastation that you're looking at. >> one thing i really wanted to get was my -- my dad was in the marines and i had his uniform in the study closet and i can't find it. so we are going to try -- my sons are going to come to try to dig through, if we can, and find his uniforms. >> reporter: law enforcement is
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saying today that the focus is going to be on a coordinated effort continuing to bring in supplies, bring in resources. the governor talking about the need for volunteers, especially that this state just last month had to deal with another round of devastating tornadoes and part of a system we know is responsible for at least two dozen, nearly two dozen reports of tornadoes, not just here in iowa, but across the region. it's a threat that is now moving its way east. >> shaquill brewster in iowa, thank you republican the border battle is back on capitol hill. why senate majority leader chuck schumer is pushing for another vote on the bipartisan immigration bill despite struck down months ago. and trump contraception plans if he is re-elected there november. s if he is re-elected november and risk-reward analysis,
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25 past the hour. happening now on capitol hill, senate democrats are moving forward with a vote on the bipartisan border security bill that republicans blocked earlier this year. at the urging of former president donald trump. the bill headed to the senate floor tomorrow, some republicans and some democrats are saying they will vote against it, even the republicans who helped negotiate it. good morning.
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some democrats including new jersey senator cory booker who voted in favor of the bit last time but expected to vote against it. is this a piece of legislation or a messaging bill? >> reporter: we will see how the vote shakes out ultimately. what is clear they are not going to have the votes to pass it as that was the case earlier this year when the senate put up this bill for a vote and it failed. the difference now, of course, is that this is senate majority leader chuck schumer and his tactic and opportunity to take a salient election issue like the border and try to turn it to democrats' favor in the senate at a time where this is a bipartisan bill that fell apart. you listen to the key republicans senator james langford who says he is voting against it when it comes up tomorrow and here is his rational for why.
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>> the bill is no longer a bill and now it's just a prop and that has been my frustration. we wrote it to be a bill to try to actually solve the problem and if this is not the solution let's find out what is the solution. >> as for cory brooker's change of vote in this case, he says because you supported moving on the to bill and voting in a procedural fashion to let the bill entertained and he has issues with the underlying text of what is being proposed here. >> thank you so very much. joining us is puitzer prize winning journalist and nbc political analyst and one of the people i most admire as an aside. >> same, same. good to see you, too. >> kind of basing on this new attempt on the senate to bring back up that immigration bill, is there any possibility of immigration reform in the real
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sense? even piecemeal could be a part of the discussion on capitol hill and could be something that could have an impact positively on our country. >> the way you're talking makes me thinking years ago that might have been happened and maybe a decade ago that would have happened. we can't give up in terms of understanding the role of the united states in worldwide issues of immigration. what is the united states stand for? we are a country of immigrants with the statue of liberty. those are the big issues. but, right now, what is happening in capitol hill, sadly, is, yet again, another kind of tossing the football around. jose, my whole thing is that the economy is such an important conversation right now. you know what would happen if, for example, the ten, 11 million undocumented immigrants now were all given a pathway to citizenship. it would affirm the american and
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grow the american economy. >> they have been vetted and here for decades and committing to our economy from an underground level. >> what is happening on the border right now, i just got back recently, is that people are giving themselves over to the border patrol. you remember how when we reported this, it was -- you runway from the border patrol, right? that is not happening, jose. they are literally looking for the border patrol to say take me with hands up, by the was he. this motion of criminal element and underground trying to sneak in? no. what is inept, you and i know this, jose, because we have been around a while, is how is it possible an organization like the border patrol still doesn't know what it's doing? still the only thing that they can seem to do is gather up, disperse, bring in some migrants
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and hold them and it's completion confusion and the largest law enforcement agency in the country. >> why is there no clear statement of law of policy? and then of basic humanity? >> well, you know i would say this to president joe biden, right? this is a moment for him, because what is happening on capitol hill is just impossible. yes, an executive order. actually, yes, joe biden saying, i'm not buying into the narrative of immigrants and refugees a threat and good for our country and putting an executive order and bring everybody on and change the narrative of our country. >> you know the republican five seconds after that would go right to the courts? >> yeah. but the thing is that all of the data shows what we know. immigrants help the american economy and they are not bringing crime per data. >> i know the beginning of june, presidential elections in
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mexico. i know you just got back there and you interviewed both of the candidates. why what is going on in mexico important to us here? >> here is the big question, jose. which the is more -- country? the country mexico that will elect a woman in a couple of weeks. >> both of the top candidates are women? >> yes. or the united states. which country is more macho? i would say the united states is more macho and interesting political arguments. more than likely, claudia will be the winner. the other one is supported by a strange coalition. >> like total opposition. >> that would be like the democrats and republicans coming together to support a candidate and that is completely strange. in my hour-long interview with her, this is going to be
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somewhat controversial but my takeaway she is like the sarah palin, center left of sarah palin in mexico like i'm new and shiny and bright. but what is there in terms of policy she can bring to the country? i think it's going to be claudia. what happens with a woman president? versus the united states with donald trump and biden as president? it's going to very interesting. >> i hope mexico with come out of the darkness of the cartel corruption and the destruction of people that it has been in charge of and that corruption and that impunity, all of these issues are almost part of, unfortunately, the political culture of a country that is so extraordinarily. >> so extraordinary but, yet, in mexico, at least they are having that conversation, jose. >> yeah. >> they are talking about militarization and the violence against women and about authoritarianism. in our country? that is not what we are talking
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about. so i know thought, jose, that i would say as a mexican immigrant that politically mexico is looking more like a north starr. i'm going to say that. it is and i'm fascinated by it. >> thanks. u.s. official sounding the alarm and wanting to know what happened to the aid delivered through a temporary pier in gaza. you're watching jose diaz-balart reports on msnbc. lart reports on msnbc time to press rewind with... neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. with visible results... just one week. neutrogena welcome to the wayborhood.
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37 past the hour. breaking news. moments ago, a disturbing video was released showing the kidnapping of women at israeli's nalaha base it will go the october 7th massacre. joining is raf sanchez from tel aviv. what more can you tell us about this new video? >> reporter: jose, this video ask very disturbing, as you said. it shows the moments that seven female soldiers were kidnapped from that military base near the gaza border on october 7th. it shows them having these broken conversations in english with their hamas captors. they are, obviously, terrified, they are bloodied. some of the hamas gunmen are threatening to kill them at different points. jose, of these seven female soldiers, one of them was rescued in the early weeks of
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this war, the very first hostage to be rescued alive from inside gaza. one of them was subsequently found dead near the hospital in northern gaza, but, jose, the other five remain in hamas captivity at this time. this video is being put out by the hostage family forum that is a group that represents the families of those 130 or so hostages still head in gaza. they said they decided to release this video in all of its disturbing graphicness because they wanted to remind people what the hostages are going through. they say this video is a damming test to israeli's failure to bring home the hostages who have been forsaken for 229 days. now, jose, these female soldiers were part of an observer unit
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and their job to watch the gaza border. one of the ironies here, it is clear that some of these female observers raised the alarm long before october 7th that something was up and it led to when they burst through the border and kidnapping and killing people. >> this video shows the hamas terrorists threatening and intimidating and even worse, these women was shot by hamas? >> reporter: yeah. exactly right, jose. this is footage shot by hamas and a combination of gopros. many had cameras strapped to them and some of them is shot on cell phones. the footage are at various points posted online by hamas or
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its supporters or in other cases recovered by israeli from the bodies of hamas fighters inside of gaza or those who were killed on october 7th inside israeli. the video has basically been compiled together. it is just unimaginable what these people went through. you can see them sitting there, hands tied behind them. they are among the bodies of their slain comrades and these are young people and they are clearly, clearly terrified. jose, you can't even think what condition they were in 229 days later. >> and no proof of life about any of them. raf sanchez, thank you very much. we will take a break now. thank much we will take a break now
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campaign video but rather created by a random account online and reposted to social media by a -- and has since been deleted. president biden slamming the video as hitler's rhetoric and called trump a threat to america's democracy. i welcome my guests you see on your screen here to the show. von, how concerned is trump team about the fallout of this video? >> donald trump usually doesn't apologize for a social media post. yet again, he doesn't apologize. it took him nearly 12 hours after first being alerted to actually take down this video. you saw joe biden -- >> his account. >> his account on instagram and truth social put out there. he identified and his long time
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aide has the key to the social media accounts and not sure who did but it's part of trump's social media platform is that he posts a lot of random videos and this one is joe biden said at his fund-raiser tonight this is nazi america and why is trump putting out video like this? >> trump has said migrants are poisoning the blood of our country. he has equated the biden administration to the gestapo. is this going to make a difference for anybody? >> jose, this is the kind of thing that makes a difference on the margins. a lot of people say, yeah, most people have made up their minds. as we know, this was a very close election last time and very likely be a close election this time. this is the type of rhetoric and the type of conduct that really does turn off swing voters and swing districts around the country. even though former president trump is doing well in the polls, he is leading in a lot of
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these swing states because a lot of unforced errors he is known for, a lot of people still think that president biden has a strong chance of winning because donald trump is his own worst enemy. i wouldn'ting completely shocked if he personally posted that. we know he likes to control his own social media account. it's evident. over the years that he controls them. so this is another one of the unforced errors that we have come to expect from donald trump and it's the reason why he is still at risk with a lot of these swing voters throughout the country. >> again, the reich. you know? comparing biden administration to the gestapo. he said more than once migrants are poisoning the blood of america. i mean, those statements didn't seem to cost him. is there anything you think that could any way have any consequence?
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>> these words that he is using are about fortifying that extreme segment of his base. donald j. trump knows exactly what he is doing. he knows this is the rhetoric and the language of that element. he also knows that he is not really going to expand his base that much more. we saw it in the last two election cycles. so rather than try to really woo those swing voters, we know who he is. i see this is a wink/wink, nod/nod to the elements infant party that this is their language and how they communicate. they venerate third rank and concepts and he knows what he is doing. whatever he is, he is a master communicator. >> just the words are just -- you know, words matter. in a radio interview, trump was asked if he would support limiting access to contraception. he said he would look into that
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and he would release a comprehensive policy on the issue but on social media he would limit any controls of contraception. again, words matter. is this enough to quell people's concerns? >> i don't think so. are there restrictions on the idfish and we know what is happening with abortion access. i think this is the achilles heel for the republicans in general. and trump in particular. here, we are talking about something that was seen as more moderate. maybe you are completely pro-life, but to prevent unwanted pregnancy, what do you rely on? contraception. if you don't have o that, you s thee extremity of a donald tru. >> vaughn, a lot of people within the trump organization or team will tell you that this campaign is made up of much more focused and targeted people who
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are much more all in the same line. it doesn't seem like that's what is happening. >> i think you are not wrong on that point. but also, this is a campaign operation that is letting donald trump be who he is. there is nobody who is trying to put a paint coat over donald trump the human, the candidate. >> including the rnc? >> including the rnc. usually, a campaign operation has a very strict policy on social media, going through videos reposted. that's not what is happening with the trump campaign here. donald trump is freewheeling. this is what you are watching play out. even in the local interview where he was asked about contraceptives, it's so often on other policy issues, he punts the ball. that's donald trump on his heels not being sure how he is supposed to politically respond in that moment.
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you saw roe v. wade. schumer will force a vote for codifying protection for contraception. in the u.s. congress, it's about to come to those senate members. >> carlos, trump spoke outside his hush money trial yesterday. listen to what he said about the judge. >> the judge he hates donald trump. look at him. look at where he comes from. he can't stand donald trump. he is doing everything in his power.nd >> what do you think he tried to say by take a look at where he comes from? >> that's one of those dog whistles we are t talking about. i think donald trump is probably saying that because this is a hispanic judge, he is predisposed. this is something donald trump said inth the past about anothe judge a few years ago. thisw is how donald trump wins.
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it's all divide and conquer, whether by race, ideology, ethnicity. this is his strategy. it worked for him in 2016. if almost worked for him in 2020. it looks like he is going to try it again. >> vaughn, victoria, carlos, thank you so very much. up next, deadly turbulence in the air. passengers speak out after that terrifying singapore airlines flight. one person lost his life. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. m. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence.
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we are learning about a deadly singapore airlines flight. more information. one person died. 20 are in the icu after a flight from london to singapore experienced extreme turbulence. videos of the cabin show just how terrifying it was. look at this. food, bottles scattered everywhere, blood on the ceiling. joining us now is tom costello. this must have been like one of the most terrifying flights ever. >> i think so. they were at 37,000 feet on the singapore airlines flight. they were over myanmar and thailand when they got towards the edge of a super tropical really dynamic storm. suddenly, they started experiencing dramatic turbulence. the plane was up and down dramatic, up 400 feet, down
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1,200, up again 400. people thrown through the cabin. we had about 70 people in all that were injured. 20 currently in the icu. 70 people, that's a third of the people on board that plane. an absolutely horrific and terrifying flight. the pilot immediately descended 6,000 feet to try to get the air stabilized and made an emergency divert to thailand. you are looking at the mass casualty response on the ground in bangkok. very robust. very impressive. the paramedics and doctors and firefighters rushed to the plane. they had to evacuate, as we said, a good number of passengers. some of them very critically injured. you mentioned the one passenger who passed away. the airport general manager says he apparently had some sort of a heart condition. we don't know if it was a precondition or a heart
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condition as a result of the turbulence. he passed away. his name is jeffrey kitchen of the uk. the ntsb is now going to be sending a team on the way to help with the investigation, because this was a boeing aircraft. it's american made and under international laws, anybody who is a party to the investigation, therefore, will help in any way they can. the ntsb becomes a party to the investigation. >> no indication there were any structural issues with this. it seems as though -- we see that graph. i want your thoughts on that. how quickly and how drastically -- look at that. this was not structural but rather just massive changes. >> violent, violent turbulence. the aircraft itself performed very well. withstood the pressure, the g forces. they are designed to do that.
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commercial planes and military aircraft go through extensive testing. they will bend the wings back, if you will. they will do a force test on the wings inside the testing chambers to make sure that it can withstand the g forces of extreme turbulence. the plane itself handled this well. what you are looking at inside the plane is the effects of everything being thrown around. >> two engines? >> that's right. >> a pleasure to see you. thank you. that wraps up the hour for me. you can reach me on social media. you can watch clips from our show on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," new potential evidence of alleged obstruction by donald trump to hide classified documents from the fbi in mar-a-lago. even as the former president's legal team is preparing for next week's closing


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