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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  May 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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right place and that they have the wisdom and the incite and creativity to make this happen. we just need to see it happen. and we need to keep remembering that of these 128 people, they're not a monolithic hoe hoge jous group, they're from 28 different countries, including eight americas. and a lot of people in america are not aware there are eight americans being held for 229 days now. >> rachel and john, our hearts are with you, our hopes are with you more importantly and our admiration for everything you're doing. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> andrea, thank you for keeping the story alive. >> we are dedicated to this totally. >> it's so important. >> that's all for me today. thanks for all of you. chris jansing reports starts right now.
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good day i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. we are just learning that things are getting heated in court as donald trump today is trying to get charges tossed. not in manhattan but in florida where he's now fighting to end his classified documents case even before it goes to trial. the special prosecutor calling the claims legally and factually flawed. the terrifying turbulence of a flight over thailand, passengers launched from their seats, some slamming into the ceiling of the plane as it hit an air pocket. the flight plum meting 6,000 feet in minutes. what investigators on the scene are looking for. with closing arguments in trump's hush money trial set for next week we're on the verge of answering a question, that's been hanging over the presidential race for more than a year. will the jury's decision also determine the former president's
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political future and is a trump centric race bad for president biden. so a lot to get to. we start with a rare flurry of activity in donald trump's classified documents case in florida. multiple motions today as part of a ple trial process that's already gone on for nearly a year with no end in sight. both motions are attempts to dismiss the indictment, arguments for the first from trump's personal aide just finished and arguments from the second from trump himself, walt naughta are expected to start in 30 minutes. they represent a handful of emotions that judge aileen cannon needs to address, including critical issues like discovery and the use of classified information. all of this leaving the trial date still up in the air. dasha burns is outside the courthouse in florida, ken delaney is nbc's justice and intelligence correspondence and
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glen kirschner is host of "the justice matters" podcast. dasha, what's going on in court? i know there's a lunch break now but before lunch we got a note that things were heating up. what's happening? >> reporter: some spice in the courtroom here in south florida. look, today the defense attorney for walt naughta laid out his case for the motion to dismiss alleging that jack smith's decision to charge walt was based on selective and vindictive prosecution saying this was a form of retaliation for not cooperating properly with the investigation. now afterward his attorney made the argument, it was the prosecution's time to refute that. david harbach arguing for the special counsel's office got a little passionate calling the
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arguments hard to sift through, and a garbage argument to begin with. and in a back and forth with judge cannon at one point things got so heated that cannon told harbach i'm going to ask that you calm down. a lot of flurry in the courtroom right now, the arguments for the first motion just wrapped up. the second motion to dismiss will be addressed after lunch that's focused on all three defendants. where the defense is arguing it should be thrown out because of procedural failures. saying the indictment fails to set forth in plain language actual violations of criminal law and claiming it is instead a personal and political attack against former president trump. which, of course, the prosecution does refute and is going to refute in court today. >> glen, i wasn't there, i only
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know what i'm hearing from friends who are. it sounds like the prosecution's frustration is starting to come to the surface. this is not first time that either one of the prosecutors or frankly a lot of legal analysts have said that some of these motions are just as, she said, garbage arguments. talk to me if there's merit in the arguments today and do you think today's hearing were necessary? >> to start with your first question, these motions are meritless. i understand the prosecutor's frustration. let's take walt nauta's claim he's being selectively prosecuted. the leading supreme court case on the issue of selective prosecution arose out of the vietnam draft. there were 670,000 non-registrants.
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of those 670000. the department of justice prosecuted 13 people. those 13 defendants screamed bloody murder claiming their indictments should be dismissed because they were selectively prosecuted. the supreme court rejected those claims and set an extraordinarily high bar for a litigant, a defendant, to prove, successfully prove selective prosecution. we don't have time to go through the test but i teach it, walt nauta's case doesn't come within 100 miles of that high bar. i can understand why the prosecutors use strong language if they're calling it a garbage motion i would call it baseless and frivolous, which should have been solved on the papers with no need for an oral argument or hearing, that feels like the judge continuing to slow walk the case without even setting a trial date.
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>> ken we got new information about this case from a court filing yesterday about documents that were found in trump's bedroom at mar-a-lago. this is another kind of wild party of this story, tell us about it. >> that's right, krisz chris. this court filing described what happened after the fbi did the search of mar-a-lago and grabbed up the classified documents when prosecutors believed there were still documents the fbi didn't find, and there was still an outstanding grand jury subpoena so they structured donald trump's attorneys to search for those documents and they did and came up with four additional sets, the judge noted she didn't see an excuse as to why mr. trump didn't know there were classified documents in his bedroom. but prosecutors painted a picture of obstruction, the lawyers weren't making a good faith effort and people were moving the documents around
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while the lawyers were searching. and pointed out they had evidence that donald trump, once he realized that the fbi was asking for the surveillance video of mar-a-lago he structured his employees to make sure they were moving boxes outside the reach of that surveillance camera. that was not in the indictment but appears to be a new allegation of obstruction of justice, chris. >> i want to punctuate what ken said and read what "the washington post" posted. bauerried in the supporting documentation for one of the motions was a document that contained a new public revelation. once trump realized that security cameras at mar-a-lago could capture employees moving classified government information officials were attempting to retrieve, he ensured that they would avoid the cameras moving boxes. what of those two things about documents in trump's bedroom and moving boxes mean for this case? >>, you know, it is additional devastating evidence of
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obstruction of justice, of mishandling classified information and perhaps further evidence of violation of our nation's espionage laws if those boxes contained what's defined as national defense information. but going to the next motion that i i guess will be argued after lunch, donald trump's attack on the sufficiency of the indictment, his lawyers claim there is some infirmity in the language that the prosecutors put in the indictment. i think it's also a frivolous motion. let me read one sentence of what donald trump's lawyers claim in their attack of the indictment. saying the indictment fails to clearly articulate a crime and instead amounts to -- these are trump's lawyers' words -- a personal and political attack against president trump with a litany of uncharged grievances for public and media consumption, close quote. that is an angry tweet masquerading as a legal filing. i understand and appreciate why
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the prosecutors who are seeking a fair and timely trial not only for the defendant but for the american people who need this case resolved, i can see why they're frustrated. >> ken, i also want to ask you about something that donald trump posted the other day. we know for a long time he has criticized the raid on mar-a-lago. but he says that the fbi was authorized to use deadly force during the raid at mar-a-lago. kind of implicating maybe that there was -- insinuating something nefarious was going on there. was it? >> chris, he didn't insinuate it, he alleged it. so did his supporters. this is a really disgusting case of disinformation, chris. what they are talking about is a standard form that was included in the warrant package which was a doj statement of policy that federal agents are authorized to use deadly force when their lives are threatened. so are you and i, chris and glen. that's just standard self-defense law. but there was a document that
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explained when they could and couldn't use deadly force in the context of a warrant search and fbi agents say that is included in the supporting documents to a warrant. donald trump's lawyers included that in the filing. some conspiracy theorist started tweeting about it saying it's a an assassination plot that joe biden authorized fbi agents to use deadly force against donald trump, who wasn't there when the raid happened. the fbi issued a statement underlining this is standard operating procedure there was no specific authorization for any kind of force during the mar-a-lago search. >> i have to ask your reaction to that? >> i join ken's description, this is disgusting disinformation. it's planned to deceive people and unfortunately there are some folks who are going to be gullible enough to fall for it.
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every law enforcement operation, officer can exercise deadly force if it is necessary to repel a potentially lethal attack. this is more of the same we've come to expect from trump and his loyalists. >> thank you all very much. in 90 seconds, terrifying turbulence that turned deadly on a flight to singapore. the latest on how the 20 injured passengers are doing after a person who was there described a terrifying experience. that's next. described a terrifying experience. that's next. the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality.
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right now 20 people are still in the icu after dangerous turbulence turned deadly on a boeing 777 flight from london to singapore. the plane made a sudden dramatic climb then dropped again killing a 73-year-old british man. nbc's tom costello is covering this story for us. what do we know about what happened here? >> reporter: good day. this was a horrifically violent turbulence that this plane got into and the ntsb is sending a delegation to assist in the investigation. looking at why did the plane get into this kind of severe weather
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chop on what we think was on the edge of a jet stream. and as you know, the researchers lately, both in the uk and u.s. have said the turbulence is getting worse. specifically in the jet stream because they believe because of climate change. this plane suddenly was going up and down dramatically. up 400 feet, down 1200 feet, up 400 feet again. it was like riding a bronco and the people inside the plane were being thrown violently through the cabin. the pilot descended 6,000 feet to get stable air, declared a medical emergency and diverted to bangkok, thailand. and you have seen the video, the mass ems response on the ground there in bangkok, with pair med digs, doctors, firefighters rushing to the scene and setting up the triage at the base of the plane itself. one person did die, a 73-year-old british man by the name of geoffrey kitchen. he is said to have had a cardiac
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event. other injuries, very serious indeed, including serious broken bones, neck and back injuries, 20 people remain in the icu at one of the local hospitals. the ceo out with a statement today saying how concerned he is about the passengers and about how this event transpired. this is a boeing triple 7, a robust plane set to resist turbulence, and it did. structurally it was intact. but if you're up and about or not wearing your seat belt intoing into that kind of turbulence, you can be thrown about the cabin and the injuries can be very severe. four americans, a family headed to a rotary type of event they were also on board. some of them also injured. now the ntsb is looking into whether there was any warning that the crew should have had going into the whether system or whether this was completely
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unpredictable, catching the crew by surprise with this plane. still on the ground there in bangkok. back to you. >> tom costello, thank you. today a new diplomatic blow to israel as norway, ireland and spain all recognize the palestine state. those announcements were welcomed throughout the arab world and condemned by israel who recalled ambassadors. this is the latest example of israel's growing international isolation. it comes just days after the top prosecutor of the international criminal court announced he's seeking arrest warrants for hamas and israeli leaders including prime minister netanyahu. kelly o'donnell is reporting from washington. western countries are be putting pressure on israel to scale back the war on hamas and look for a two state solution. i wonder if we've heard from the white house about these moves?
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>> reporter: we have, chris. this tracks with a long-standing policy view of president biden and his administration that he supports a two-state solution. but approaching it differently than what we saw with the western leaders today. by that, the biden administration means, it should come from within the direct negotiations between the palestinian authority and israel to have a more organic determination that there is a future for a two-state solution. that's been a long-time view of joe biden and certainly of his administration. now the european countries are trying to excerpt some outside diplomatic pressure at a time we have seen the u.s. taking some of its more sharp public criticism of one of our closest allies in the region certainly and anywhere in the world. and so it's another tactic that these countries are using. and the irish prime minister, the former one not the one who made this announcement today. but when he was in washington
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for the st. patrick's day festiviies explained how ireland relates to the people of gaza of palestine because of their relationship with the england. but from the biden administration, they still want to see that come from direct negotiations. chris? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you for that. today iowa is reeling after a devastating tornado laid waste to the town of greenfield. state police confirming a number of people are dead, although they still don't know exactly how many. after the tornado absolutely obliterated homes, it flipped and crushed cars and toppled massive trees. in one day there were 20 tornado reports across the midwest, 244 reports of high winds. in prescott, iowa, those dangerous gusts knocked over three wind turbines, lighting
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them on fire. bill kearns joins me now. we're not done yet? more tornados could be on the way? >> not just today and maybe into the weekend. talking about the holidays. we're in a rut with severe weather just about each and every day. these are the reports from yesterday, tornados, up to 21, just had another one in nebraska. the greenfield one we're waiting to see how strong it was. that was the storm, it peeled the bark off trees. typically that's winds 180 maybe up to 200 miles per hour. we haven't had an ef-5, the strongest tornado, since 2013. and it's possible this could be near that. so that's how devastated that area is. we don't know what the death total is, they haven't alerted us of that yet, waiting for that information too. today's threats, everywhere in yellow a chance of severe storms from western new york to central texas. this orange area we had the greatest risk and concentration of storms. that's where the threat is this
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afternoon and evening. that includes dallas, fort worth. doesn't look like violent or really powerful tornados but it doesn't take a huge one to ruin your roof or town. so severe thunderstorm watches are up from memphis and little rock, headed towards the busy holiday weekend, people are flying, traveling, there's going to be a lot of air turbulence because of the thunderstorms through the holiday weekend. we have been watching the storm, mccalster, thankfully that's no longer. just a severe thunderstorm watch. you can see the hook, where we watch the chance if we get any tornados. we'll keep you posted rights now, that's just a severe thunderstorm warning. here's the dallas-fort worth area notice the strong storms to the north of town, hail, gusty winds but no tornado warnings for those as of yet. if that's not enough we have had so many storms day after day it
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doesn't take much to get flash flooding. dallas fort worth is under a flood watch. and it looks like on sunday for our friends especially in the midwest we could have another tornado outbreak. getting ready for holiday plans and everything else, pay attention to the forecast. it could be a dangerous day. >> bill kearns, thank you. up next a few phase in the trump hush money trial with closing arguments on the horizon. but is the political strategy of all trump all the time a good one for president biden? you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. "chris jg reports" only on msnbc back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something.
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we are now just days away from what could be a seminole moment in the race for president closing arguments in the hush money case on tuesday and then jury deliberations and a verdict that polls suggest could affect the race. trump has spent 11 days of may so far inside the courtroom while president biden has been out on the campaign trail, most recently courting black voters in michigan and georgia, veterans yesterday in new hampshire. but with 167 days until the election, is 2024 a referendum on biden or donald trump? joining us now matthew dowd,
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chief strategist for the bush/cheney 2004 presidential campaign. if 2024 is a referendum is it on biden, trump, or both? >> well, it's going to be up to the campaigns to communicate what it is. if i were joe biden and his campaign, i would want to make it a referendum on what donald trump -- who donald trump is and what does he want to do to america? what we have in the situation right now is, most of the country thinks we're on the wrong track for a variety of reasons and a majority of the country disapproves of president biden. so you don't want to make it a referendum on yourself. you want to give two visions of how you view the country. explain what donald trump's vision is, which you can do in any sort of chaotic, corrupt, anti-democratic way, and then say you may not like -- then give the impression, you may not like me or agree with me, but i support the basic fundamental principles of america.
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that's the way i would want the election to play out if i were joe biden but we'll see what happens. >> it's interesting because obama aide dan pfeiffer made a similar argument you have to keep this to what is the serious threat as democrats see it, and he spoke particularly about what it would mean for the supreme court. i want to play that for you. >> that means he will have appointed five supreme court justices, all of whom will be around or below the age of 60 when he leaves office. that is a court -- a maga court majority that will rule for decades. >> so you have a former president on trial and we heard joe biden joke about it. he joked about stormy weather, selling the free on wednesdays t-shirts. but it's important to find a way
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to depict this villain as morery -- villainous than funny. >> i think donald trump has to explain how catastrophic would be a second term for joe biden. i disagree with dan on the supreme court. i understand the argument but the problem in political communications is you can't do bank shots. and that's a bank shot because ate's bank shot, he points, gets the supreme court, and this is what it means. you have to go straight to this is what it means, loss of freedom, cuts in social security, cuts in medicare. diminished law and order. all of that has to be presented in a way of basically saying this is not who we are. if you elect donald trump that is what we have. so i think it has to be clear, concise, and it has to be the
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disaster that could be a donald trump for american democracy, the disaster that trump's second term in office could be for america and explain it in particular, specific terms. >> and vaughn hillyard has joined me in studio. that's something both campaigns can control, their strategy, message. what they can't control is what 12 jurors are going to decide in a courtroom in manhattan. i wonder having covered it, covered both of these guys, what are you hearing about the potential impact, if it's guilty, not guilty, or a hung jury? >> if it is guilty we have seen polling indicating there's a segment of republican voters and a majority of independent voters who say a guilty verdict in the hush money scheme trial would lead them to most likely not vote for donald trump. >> but you know a lot of people, including people on the right who don't believe that. >> and a lot of time, five and a half months until the general election here. there are a lot of other variables between now and then.
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in our roles as reporters we try not to forecast too much. but i think what you look at is donald trump is a political figure unlike anything we've dealt with in our histories. he foreshadowed january 6th being a wild day, foreshadowed death and destruction in the streets after his first indictment. and next week you're looking at a messy situation regardless of what the outcome is. you could come up with a hung jury where the 12 jurors are not able to come up with a unanimous decision. at that point in time they could look at another trial or if he's found guilty, you have a matter of appeal, even if the judge sentences him to time in jail that could be pushed off to after the election. so regardless of what the determine station is, the stakes are going to be that much higher because of what the 12 jurors decide. >> matthew, you're going to stay with me. coming up trump's controversial
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comments on birth control. his quick walk back and what democrats are saying. and from uvalde, texas, details from the families coming up as well. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. "chris jg reports" only on msnbc
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the parents of convicted oxford shooter ethan crumbley
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are refusing to help their 17-year-old son as he fights to appeal his life sentence. they rejected their teenage son's request to access for confidential records used in their trials. ethan's lawyers say it would strengthen his case by shedding light on his up bringing. but james urged the judge to deny the motion. the hunt for the gunman in the deadliest shooting in maine's history was quote utter chaos. a report describes scores of officers arriveding at the search scene without orders dressed similar to the gunman create ago situation officers could have started shooting at each other. at one point a group of drunk deputies nearly crashed their armored vehicle into other police who were responding to the incident but the sheriff
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said an internal investigation cleared the officers of those accusations, no one was determined to be intoxicated at the scene. this breaking news moments ago. families of uvalde, texas victims announcing a new lawsuit against state police and school district officers and a $2 million settlement with the city. this week marks two years since a gunman killed 19 elementary school students and two teachers. >> we're receiving the details of the lawsuit announced a minute ago, in fact, there was a press conference in which attorneys are speaking. we know they're taking legal action against the texas public safety with a law enforcement against 92 officers. the attorneys representing the families talked about the law enforcement response that day, hundreds of officers arriving, local, federal, and state, but taking the legal action against
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the texas department of public safety. that comes after the department of justice found, in their review there were unprecedented failures, if not for the failures more lives would have been saved. the lawsuit names the uvalde school district as well as the former police chief who was heavily criticized after the shooting. let's hear the attorney for the families speaking minutes ago. >> you can say a lot of things about the law enforcement response in this case. and very few of them will be good. but one thing you can't say is that they caused the shooting. these were the last lines of defense for these children. but they were failed long before the shooting. >> now the attorney also spoke about the settlement between the city of uvalde and the families. they agreed for $2 million. now he mentioned that the city of uvalde does not have any more
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money and they agreed on that number because more money would have caused the city to go bankrupt. they also talked about other parts of that agreement with the city. there's going to be some type of reform within the police department and then, when it comes to the cemetery, they announced they're creating a board with two members of -- family members of the victims who are going to sit on a board and overlook maintenance at the grave sites of some of the victims. there were a lot of issues in uvalde that the attorney said caused a lot of grief to family members when it comes to the grey sites because of maintenance, money they spent and they say the city didn't make it easy for them. that's why they agreed to create this board. and one of the things the attorney mentioned today was the city of uvalde although they agreed on the settlement and have been in communication doesn't have the resources the attorney said the state could be using to help with this cause. and now, of course, the settlement where they're going to sue 92 officers of the texas
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department of public safety. >> thank you for that. up next a january 6th rioter who pushed through tear gas inside the capital could be returning as a member of congress. and what got rudy giuliani to promise to stop spreading lies against two georgia election workers. that's in our next hour of "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. of "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. try all—new wraps from subway today. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator?
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back pedaling after controversy erupted when he told the local pittsburgh tv station this. >> do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception? >> we're looking at that, and i'm going to have a policy on that very shortly. and i think it's something that you'll find interesting. it's another issue that's very interesting. but you will -- you will find it, i think, very smart. i think it's a smart decision. but we'll be releasing it very soon. >> the biden harris campaign immediately seized on those comments saying trump is trying to rip away our freedom to access birth control too after blaming him for the fall of roe. trump is calling this interpretation of his words a, quote, democratic fabricated lie. i want to bring in julie cirkan on capitol hill and matthew dowd is still with us. trump who needs to appeal to suburban women is backtracking.
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this morning "the new york times" bureau chief said she saw in his comments that he seemed tired, maybe he was caught off guard. could it be that or does he just use we are looking at that as a mechanical response to something he doesn't know or hasn't thought about? >> i think any time you hear donald trump say we are looking at that, means he's never looked at it and doesn't understand the question and wants to move past it. i think just use those of code words of i never looked at this and i don't know how to answer the question. >> but that's not complicated, as you know, should a woman have a right to use contraception, is not exactly middle east policy. >> well, ya for all of this on this panel we would say that. but i think -- you don't know what donald -- donald trump has this -- he always anticipates
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what's coming -- i don't know. it's hard to analyze this in any psych lodge cal way to get in his brain. but he probably thought it was a different question that came in his brain and what came out of his mouth. and, of course, in the immediate aftermath he understood the problem, they understood the problem of this campaign position saying we're going to look at contraception and banning contraception. it's not an unnatural thing to come to the conclusion after what's happened with roe v. wade and other statements his supporters have made, christian nationalists and republican supporters that want to do away with all this. it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that this is what we're looking at. i don't think donald trump is studied this and that's why he was caught in the situation. >> this is an election that's focused on reproductive rights following the fall of roe and sources saying that chuck schumer is planning to force a
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vote next month on a bill to federally codify protections for contraceptives. what's the plan there? >> it's a similar bill that already failed when republicans blocked it last year. it's another effort that democrats now are putting at the forefront months before the november election as schumer is trying to protect his democratic majority. he talked about what his plan is this morn. he held a press conference yesterday with advocates from planned parenthood. this is what democrats want to go on offense about they know it was a winningroe back in 2022. now this is something they're seeing as a chance, something they can use to defend their majority in the senate, to potentially hold on to the white house, to hold on or flip the house majority as well in their favor, and look, schumer is planning on putting this vote on the floor next month. i did ask republicans about this this morning. you heard from other republicans earlier this week, introducing measures to protect ivf, for example.
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this is clearly something that is very tricky for them because most of them do protect contraceptives and ivf for women. they're being put in a bind. take a listen to what some of them said to me and my colleagues this morning. >> planning a vote on codifying contraceptives next month, what is your reaction to that? >> we'll see what the democrats are going to do. nobody knows what they're going to bring up. what we do know is this issue today of securing this border, that is the number one issue with the american people. >> he's going to do these sort of political messaging bills, he's trying to create a political foothold for some of the incumbents. >> it doesn't seem necessary to me. i think republicans support that. i'm not sure why you need to put a bill on the floor. >> reporter: they're saying all of this is a political stunt. the messaging from senator blackburn that was a press conference on the southern border. that is because democrats are also planning tomorrow to force
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a vote on the southern border on immigration actions there. clearly you see democrats trying to go on offense on all of these issues and republicans not taking the debate yet. we'll see what happens next month. >> matthew, this is hardly the first messaging problem for donald trump, even this week, frankly, he disavowed the reposting of video, a question of what's next for america, the creation of a unified reich. he blamed a staffer for that one. he blamed an intern for another controversial post. we know donald trump almost never apologizes for anything ever, but with that small segment that you and i talked about so many times of the truly undecided voter. do they look at this and it rolls off of them? does it register, especially as we get closer to the actual election? >> i think it's going to begin to be a cumulative effect in this because as you know, this
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video posted about a unified reich. before that he talked about poisoning the blood, basically the words of adolf hitler. he said he wants to be a dictator for a day in the course of this, and many of his positions are autocratic, and the way he states things are autocratic in the course of this. i think one off people will be like that's crazy, donald trump, or something else. i think at some point it's going to have a cumulative effect in this. and i think that's the case that the biden campaign needs to prosecute them in the fall. donald trump will say and do other things that lean into this. and at some point, it will have an effect and it will accumulate and voters will be like enough is enough, we're a democracy. >> matthew dowd, julie tsirkin, thank you both. a january 6th defendant is one step closer to returning to the capitol this time as an elected official. chuck hand who was sentenced to 20 days in prison for breaching
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the capitol on january 6th has just advanced to a gop runoff in georgia's second congressional district. nbc's ryan reilly is following this for us. what more can you tell us about chuck hand and his connection to january 6th. >> chuck hand traveled to the capitol with his wife. there's an image of him taking a metal fence, and shoving the piece of the metal fence into his back pocket. it's not clear how long it stayed in his back pocket or what ended up happening to it. he made his way into the capitol, hand in hand with his wife as you see there. you can see the metal gate coming down. that's because officers were trying to run away from the mob that was pursuing him. there's a lot of proud boys in the crowd right now. this metal gate comes back down and his wife pulls him down, and the sentencing document sentencing them, it says his wife tried to keep him away from a conflict
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between rioters and officers and they eventually left the capitol. this is not something he shied away from on the campaign trial, trying to promote it with his underlying brand. he was behind. he was the second candidate but because no candidate actually grasped a majority, there's the runoff election scenario there, so it remains to be seen whether or not he'll be the republican nominee for that seat, chris. >> ryan reilly, thank you for that update. and coming up, this time next week, we could be on verdict watch in the trump hush money trial. an attorney who helped prep the star witness, michael cohen for his testimony, will join us ahead. ahead. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network.
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11:00 am
it is good to be back with you for this second hour of "chris jansing reports." at this hour, the classified secrets in donald trump's bedroom, a judge questioning how the former president didn't notice some of the documents found during a sweep of mar-a-lago, as team trump makes a new move to get the charges dismissed. plus, multiple people killed as a tornado decimates an iowa town. piles and piles of debris as far as the eye can see, after homes can businesses were simply swept away. we are live at the scene.
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