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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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national security adviser jake sullivan sang israel's military operations have been more targeted and limited and have not involved major military operations into the heart of dense, urban areas. we now have to see what unfolds, but after 35,000 deaths and eight months, it is safe to say that the wait and see approach in gaza falls fatally short. the u.n. is suspending food distribution sang at a short on supplies and too dangerous. meanwhile the pentagon says none of the food delivered has so far reached hungry civilians. that is 10 nights "reidout" and one last thing, there is more with my conversation with nathan wade. go to my instagram account free bonus question. "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> right now in the world outside this beautiful campus, troubled waters are slamming against some of our most
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fundamental principles. >> another day, another flag. tonight, stunning new reporting that supreme court justice samuel alito has been caught flying another favorite flag of the insurrection outside his second home. then -- the man has an ankle bracelet and can't leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court. >> congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. and is it a campaign gaffe if you don't understand what you said? >> do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception? >> we're looking at that. >> when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york, i am chris hayes. there is another flag. last week we got the bombshell news that the household of a supreme court justice samuel
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alito had flown an upside down american flag in the days after january 6, according to the flag code of 1942 that should only be done as a signal of dire distress and extreme danger to life or property. after the 2020 election and in right-wing circles that symbol, the upside down flag, became widely associated with donald trump's attempted coup. the idea being that the election being stolen from trump, which it wasn't, had cast the nation into dire distress. in this respect that upside down flag was an endorsement of the big lie false claims of a stolen election and it was infamously flown at the deadly insurrection itself. in a terse statement to the new york times justice alito confirmed the upside down flag flew at his house, later claiming in an interview with a friendly outfit that his wife inverted the flag following an argument with liberal neighbors.
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he still did not explain why a sitting supreme court justice had a coup flag flying over his home. this was a genuinely shocking story. i think on its face enough to require alito to recuse himself from the monumentally important january 6 cases currently sitting before him on the word. -- on the court. not to mention that alito is radicalized as many of us suspected him to be. but i will admit i did not expect this to be a drip, drip, drip kind of scandal that unfolds in multiple parts and multiple news cycles. there are other cases where a person comes forward to accuse someone prominent of sexual misconduct that you think there are probably other people out there, similar allegations. or a different supreme court justice is caught taking gifts from extremely wealthy right- wing benefactors, then it is probably fair to assume it was not an isolated incident.
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i did not think that would be the case with the right wing flag, but it turns out i was wrong. because this afternoon in a follow-up story for the new york times the same reporter revealed that alito flew this other right wing flag over his other house last year. photographs obtained by the new york times along with accounts from a half-dozen neighbors show that the appeal to heaven flag was at the home on long beach island in july of 2023. a street view image from late august also shows the flag. he has the flag in his google street view photos. that is the google image from august, 2023. so the flag gained notoriety because it also hangs out in the office of speaker of the house mike johnson. you see it on the right. it has been around since revolutionary times, but it has
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grown closely associated with the christian nationalist movement, including the title of the book by a guy named dutch sheets, a trump supporter and election denier and one of the most influential christian nationalists in the country. he helped turn the flag into a rallying symbol among right- wing groups in this country. >> the appeal to heaven flag goes back to the revolutionary war, george washington. it was inspired by john locke. but over the past 10 years the appeal to heaven flag has been popularized by dutch sheets. he sees the flag is a symbol of christian revolution. if you look at january 6 you will see dozens of appeal to heaven flags. it may have a long history, but in a contemporary context it has a very specific meeting. -- specific meaning. >> he's right, it was all over the capital on january 6. look.
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while i don't think it is quite as vile of a symbol of the inverted flag, i think it is fair to say and explicitly political statement, right? and unlike the first case where one can take a normal american flag and turn it upside down because, i don't know, you got in a fight with the neighbors, still working on that. in this case he has to a first acquire the flag and then take the action to fly it at his vacation home. not so easy to explain away because you got in a tiff with another set of neighbors or to blame on your wife. this on its own would be cause for sanction for any federal judge who flew it. if you are not on the supreme court and you did this, you would get in a lot of trouble. this time he did not offer a statement to the new york times. he clearly thinks he can get away with this and anything else, much like the ex- president who he seems to want to bail out of trouble. he thinks he can act with total
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immunity. he thinks he is covered by the veneer of nonpartisan jurisprudence and protected by lifetime tenure and who is going to find enough republican senators to impeach him? what the story reveals is what we already know about alito. he has an ideological zealot and a partisan who puts his own personal politics before the law and apparently he thinks so little of us, the american people, he does not even have the decency to pretend to hide it. senator richard blumenthal is a democrat from connecticut on the judiciary committee and he joins me now. i saw some of your comments about the upside down flag. what is your reaction to this latest story about another right wing flag flying over another alito house? >> i wish i could say i was surprised, but i am not. because this political statement, make no mistake, this flag is a political statement. it is part of a pattern. this political statement is, in
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effect, support for donald trump for a religious strand of the stop the steel movement and for theological vision of what america ought to be and how it ought to be governed, which is okay for speaker johnson to fly outside his office. he's a politician. supreme court justices are supposed to be above reproach and above politics and i am sad, really sad and shocked to say that justice alito is rapidly showing himself to be unfit to serve on the united states supreme court. at a minimum he has to recuse himself from these cases coming before the court that will determine whether or not trump is held accountable. >> there are two cases. there is the obstruction of an official proceeding, which dozens of january 6 rioters and insurrectionist were charged with.
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called for his recusal, which i guess is a good start, but it feels like we are at constitutional loggerhead with the checks and balances between the branches. obviously judicial review is important and the court can strike down things that you and your colleagues pass. they can stop the president from doing things. it seems we have evolved into a situation where there is no check on the backend for the art. there is a nomination process, but once they are on there, what can the senate do? what can anyone do if he decides tomorrow he's going to put up a maga flag were come into arguments with a trump 2024 face tattoo? >> or if he and justice thomas continue to take gifts and benefits and trips and other kinds of payments, in effect
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violating basic norms. well, number one, the supreme court is already subject to a code of ethics, so congress can take that action. i know my republican colleagues are not going to vote for a code of ethics, but here is what can be done and should be. chief justice roberts ought to be summoned to a hearing before the judiciary committee of the senate. he ought to show some leadership and be held accountable. of course, justice alito ought to be subpoenaed as well in my view, but likely he is not going to appear and i think it is a time of reckoning for the congress. justice alito says the congress can't regulate, to use his term, the supreme court. but the congress set salaries. it sets rules of procedure. it sets the numbers of justices.
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the founders didn't want the united states supreme court to be above the law. it is the highest court, but justice alito is showing himself not only unfit to be a justice because he is disregarding ethical norms, but as you and all of us know, he has disregarded basic precedents. a total disregard for the president of roe and other measures that take away our basic rights. >> i do think having john roberts come before your committee is a good start and i think he should have to answer for what exactly the code of conduct and ethics, given my understanding and my final question for you, this would not be allowed for any federal judge at a lower level, right? >> it would be a violation of the current code of ethics that applies to all of the other federal judges and that is why i think the judicial conference ought to take action to investigate. has that power.
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if the congress one day at the organization of judges established by the congress ought to do it because any other judge would be investigated. >> it sounds like he might get that face tattoo anyway. senator richard blumenthal, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> his latest pieces titled justice alito is a true believer. his latest piece asks why was alito flying the flag upside down after january 6? they join me now. well, well, well, gentlemen. today is one of those days. i did not see it coming. i did not see flag number two dropping today, but here we are. reactions to sing that story pop up in the new york times? >> my reaction to the latest ray wasn't as strong as my reaction to the first story which i found truly shocking. it is shocking that any federal official would fly and upside
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down flag at their home. this story only confirms that the explanation given in the first story, that it was my wife's doing, she got angry, that just confirmed that that is probably not true and justice alito is more than aware of the flying of the previous flag and i would say most likely endorses the message of both flags. i want to double down. congress does have the power of the purse with the court and one thing congress could do to discipline the court is simply take away justice alito's clerks. take away his office. take away the things that make his job easier to do. >> if there are not going to be term limits, after a certain age you start taking away their clerks and then they have to work for a living like everyone else. adam, you wrote this piece about the psychology of this and
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i want to read this because i feel in some ways the most unnerving and fascinating part of this is the psychology. his motives matter. jurisprudence hinges on sympathy or lack thereof. that was clear before the symbolic gesture of public sympathy. the revelation offers insight to alito's interpretation of the events of january 6 and the approach he has taken on related matters since. the question i have is i think why is pretty fascinating. he has a lot of power. he does not have to affirmatively troll everyone or play this kind of catch me if you can game with the flags outside his house and yet he is doing it why? >> i think that is an interesting question. a report in the washington post a couple of years ago quoted an
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anonymous conservative legal analyst who said something along the lines of alito has a particular constituency. which is an odd statement because judges are not supposed to have constituencies. they are supposed to strive to be apolitical. but i think that sort of get that what we are talking about here because alito sees himself as the voice of real america on the court. his judicial opinions reflect essentially his view of what the conservative movement believes. he sees himself as their representative, so wherever they go, he goes and it doesn't matter how deranged the place that they go is, he is apparently going to follow. >> to go back to the point you just made, jamelle, about checks. you've written about this in a number of columns and you and i have discussed before that of
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various moments the arrangement, the equilibrium has been renegotiated and resettled because there have been points where it got out of control and i feel like we are approaching one of those moments. with the court having this case before them, the sort of get out of jail free card they could offer their guy. i think it is fair to conclude that trump is alito's guy. that there is a sort of crisis in front of us. >> i think that is absolutely right. it is clear that this conservative majority in the court has no real regard for anything but its own narrow ideological and in justice alito's case, partisan interests. that should necessitate for the rest of us in the public and certainly for members of congress an effort to stipulated. legislation is not going to be
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passed because of the current balance of congress, but there are other levers congress can use. democrats on the judiciary committee. not just issuing subpoenas or a request to justice roberts, but really demanding that justices speak before the committee. that justices are not above the constitutional system and one of the things i think we are seeing right now is the extent to which some justices, specifically justice alito, believe they are not just a member of the highest court, but that they are literally above the entire constitutional system and no longer subject to any checks, any balances, any accountability. >> adam, what do you think? >> i think it is a real problem when you have, on the nation's highest court, a person who has fundamentally expressed sympathy with an attempted coup and is now considering, at this very
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moment, considering cases that would affect the prosecution of people responsible for that coup. this is someone who should not be eligible for a low level security clearance, let alone a lifetime appointment to the highest court. this is a man who has not believed in the constitutional order. he has shown he does not believe in the order he has sworn an oath to uphold, he only believes in the political and social domination of people who share his beliefs and i think it is very difficult to draw any other conclusion at this point. >> we have not heard the fight from the neighbors, i will say, so we might get the full story. jamelle bouie and adam serwer, thank you very much. my next guest says congressional probes of justice alito could be on the way. congresswoman alexandria ocasio- cortez will join me after this. . it even works on colors.
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donald trump has been campaigning a lot in the greater new york metropolitan area because he cannot venture too far from the manhattan courthouse he is required to appear in every day for his trial. two weeks ago he took this campaign wildwood, new jersey. drew a big crowd. not as big as he claimed. big surprise. it's not surprising lots of people came out, because there are millions of people and millions of trump voters. tomorrow he is doing a rally where i grew up in the bronx of all places. kind of outreach to working- class voters of color because there has been pulling that suggest some voters are moving to the republican party and trump. however when the poster and this headline about enthusiastic bronx residence ready to welcome trump, the people they talked to include this italian- american guy that owns a seafood store in the bronx in the same neighborhood my grandfather once owned a deli.
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then a white woman from westchester county, definitely not the bronx. two more white guys also from westchester county. the bronx is yellow on this map. westminster is north of it. generally different from the bronx. i will say the post did talk to another person named christopher brian who does live in the bronx and did not know about the rally. saying, oh boy, that's interesting. that is not far from where i live. i will look online to see what this rally is about. enthusiastic indeed. joining me now is someone who does represent parts of the bronx, democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. it is good to see you. i should note the district lines. what do you think about a big donald trump rally in the
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bronx? >> i think as you mentioned earlier, this guy is stuck in court and let's be very clear about the fact that he is stuck in court over hush money payments in order to quiet the story about him having sex with stormy daniels in the lead up to the election and i think because he is stuck on so many charges around fraud and these payments, he is stuck in a pretty tight radius of where he can go. new york city is lou. brooklyn is blue. queens is blue. the bronx is blue and he's got nowhere to go, so he has decided to come to the south bronx. he is broke. he needs to pay the legal funds and busing people and to get those donations so he can funnel them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. >> i will say that it is quite
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nice. it once had a reputation for being ragged, but it is quite nice and i hope people coming down from westchester get a moment to enjoy the bronx. >> i can tell you that the green new deal investments we have secured through community project funds have absolutely beautified everywhere. >> spoken like an incumbent running for reelection. let me ask you this, congresswoman. we had the news about samuel alito and there is a little bit of banging your head against the wall, like what now? i feel like the affirmative decision to fly these flags feels like taunting. he could just not do it. you don't have to fly any flags. you have a lot of power. what do you see as your role as a democratic member of congress in a democratic house majority with respect to this court, specifically aledo and more
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broadly? >> i don't even think we have to wait until we have a democratic house majority, because we have a democratic senate majority and this is an alarm i have been sounding for quite some time. i think what we are seeing here is an extraordinary breach of not just the trust and stature of the supreme court, but we are seeing a fundamental challenge to our democracy. samuel alito has identified himself with the same people who rated the capital on january 6 and is now going to be presiding over court cases that have deep implications on the participants of that rally. while this is the threat to our democracy, democrats have a responsibility for defending our democracy and in the senate we have gavels.
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they should be subpoenas. there should be active investigations happening and i believe that when house democrats take the majority we are preparing and insuring to support the broader effort to stand up our democracy. but i also believe that when democrats have power we have to use it. we cannot be in perpetual campaign mode. we need to be in governance mode, accountability mode with every lever that we have. we cannot take a senate majority for granted. a house majority for granted or a white house for granted. every minute matters and we have to use our power when we have it. >> i want to play in exchange you had last week on the oversight committee that got attention as you might imagine between you and marjorie taylor greene. take a look right now. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up --
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>> hold on. >> order. >> i have a point of order and i would like to move to take down her words. that is absolutely unacceptable. >> are your feelings hurt? >> oh girl, baby girl. don't even play. we're going to move and take her words down. >> i second that motion. >> i would like to get your thoughts on that exchange, after which we will take a break, if you will stay with me. me. tion. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. our biggest challenge? uncertainty.
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joining me again, congresswoman alexandria ocasio- cortez who sits on the house oversight committee and have that exchange with marjorie taylor greene. in some ways there is a fair amount of theater and performance on capitol hill, but i could sense in you at that moment like genuine outrage at what was being done. what is your take away from that moment and more broadly the culture of a place that seems to cultivate those sort of antics? >> first and foremost i know that a lot of folks saw the clips going around that were often highlights of what had happened, but a lot of that was a result of structural changes that republicans decided to make in real time to essentially throw out the house handbook frankly and the house rules for committee guidance and
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committee conduct through a vote. there was a procedural vote in which every single republican went down the line and decided to vote that the comments that marjorie taylor greene, the disgusting comments she made about representative crockett, were in fact aboveboard and acceptable, which is rather unprecedented in the house. these rules were established in the 1800s. shored up in the 1800s after the caning in the senate, precisely designed to de- escalate a political culture of violence when things get too hot. in fact when i was a freshman coming into the house the rules were so widely respected that there would be motions to strike a members words even if they spoke in the second person and used the word, you, instead of the gentleman from so-and-so. so marjorie taylor greene acting in that role is not surprising. what is surprising is chairman
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comber allowing that to be the conduct and not just him, but every republican except for representative lauren boebert, actually. i think that she has been subjected to so much vitriol herself may have something to do. i don't know, but it could have something to do that as women we understand the vitriol that especially happens. if you don't want to catch any, then you should not give any. i think that is what representative green encountered on friday. if you don't want none, don't start none. if you are not going to respect the rules, then it is going to come to you. >> you have been very critical of the biden administration policy on israel and gaza and also strenuous in your endorsement of the ticket. balancing those two. at the top of the list of
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priorities are there specific actions, specific things the biden administration is not doing now that they should be doing that they have under control? >> this is an excellent question because there are things within our control when it comes to the bombardment and the outright famine that is in gaza and unfolding genocide in gaza and there are things not in our control that the netanyahu government is barreling ahead too. i do not believe it is constructive to invite prime minister netanyahu to a joint address of congress and many foreign leaders used this opportunity to lobby the entire congress and u.s. government for their own needs or for a certain view of their priorities. i don't believe that is a constructive role right now. i believe we should be more
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thorough when enforcing a redline at rafah. i believe while there was one individual weapons transfer that was blocked, i think we could be doing more to investigate this. i believe the sanctions with respect to the west bank, we want to make sure we are fully enforcing each and every one of the laws that we already have on the books to the fullest extent possible in order to rein in the aggression as well as, i think, the extraordinary incentives that the netanyahu administration has to continue its campaign in rafah. they have their own political pressures they are responding to and i think it is domestic and international and we have to make sure we are not playing into that hand either. >> the last question related to this when you mentioned netanyahu. there is in a well-dressed -- there is an arrest warrant for him and the head of hamas.
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there was bipartisan calls in the senate to work on legislation to essentially sanction the international criminal court for that arrest warrant ports netanyahu and antony blinken said that he would be amenable to working with a bipartisan group of senators. would you be interested in bipartisan legislation to sanction the international criminal court? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. i will associate myself with some of our strongest allies and even members within the united states congress that assert and respect the independence of the courts. the independence of the icc and what i find particularly disturbing about this attack on the icc is that there is no particular set of evidence that has been presented by any member of any party as to any
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sort of reason why the conclusions are wrong or corrupted or why the process may not have legitimacy and the fact that we are simply attacking a court because we do not like it's conclusion, without any evidence to support that case, creates, i think, and opening of hypocrisy ended could potentially be a gift to adversaries of the united states. because what prevents putin, what prevents individuals and other authoritarians around the world from also disregarding an international body from trying to create accountability for war crimes anywhere else in the world? we have a responsibility in this moment to advance democracy and shore up democracy not just at home, but in order to be an example of a functioning democracy and a fully functional democracy.
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it is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. >> congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. thank you so much. >> thank you. still to come, does donald trump want to ban contraception? the ongoing threat to reproductive rights, and head.
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annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. conservatives have spent much of president joe biden's term single-mindedly beating
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the invasion drum. the idea that america is being slowly destroyed by migrant crossings on the southern border. it is the usual and intensified propaganda, but that was helped greatly by the fact that in recent years record numbers of folks were being apprehended by the immigration and customs enforcement at the border, people self presenting and seeking asylum. it really broke through at pardon least because there were so many folks at the border. if you are like me you may be wondering, where did we end up on that? what is going on with that? i don't feel like i have seen as much about the existential border threat in recent months. it is a fair question to ask. since the beginning of 2024 border apprehensions have dropped quite a bit. according to data from customs and border protection. 300,000 last september to almost half that number last
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month. numbers have declined every month since february to some of the lowest number since biden took office. as noted yesterday, may is typically a month when migrant crossings at the u.s. border spike. the remarkable lowell continues. data showed that border control apprehended about 3000 migrants on monday, we down from the april average and december average of 8000 per day. now a lot of reasons for this. the biden administration work to expand legal migration channels. deporting more people who cross the border illegally and mexico, this might be the most crucial, has ramped up enforcement on its side of the border including making asylum seeking harder for those folks trying to cross which activists say is hindering many worthy asylum- seekers. again, those are policy debates.
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the facts are the facts. border crossings have dropped by a lot and they have stayed much lower over the past four months. have you heard that anywhere? honestly have you heard that anywhere? let's check in and see where this has played out on fox news. >> biden administration refuses to reveal terror watch list nationalities. >> the open border has been courtesy of this president and his dhs. >> the open border policy has thrown at all wide open. >> an increasing number are getting more aggressive. >> we watch men from the middle east and asia pouring in very nonchalantly. >> the numbers are staggering. >> chinese migrants. >> chinese migrants crossing the border. >> over and over you see this from this administration.
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astronomical numbers and they are terrifying. >> i will tell you when it will stop. it will stop when americans get out and vote and get a new president beginning in the next year. >> it doesn't make any difference, they just keep beating the drum and maybe it is working on the american public. it is the same public they tell crime is a top worry now that crime is dropped for two years in a row. americans perceive the economy as historically bad even though the economy has gone for seven straight quarters and unemployment is at lows not seen since the 60s. border crossings are way down, too. if you are an informed person, if you read the paper every day, you still might not know that. if you watch fox news every day you absolutely would not believe it. believe it. shop etsy until june 16th and get up to 30% off father's day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to.
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i think we can at least hope everyone understands there are two coalitions in america, one that wants to criminalize and restrict abortion, and one
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that once abortion to be legal and protected. the republican party, courtesy of donald trump's supreme court justices overturned the federally protected right to abortion, and as trump bragged about overturning roe and putting abortion access back in the hands of the state, republicans across the country are doing everything they can to make sure no woman anywhere in america can have a portion at any time, full stop. and they won't stop there. and here's what happened yesterday when trump was asked about access to not abortion, but birth control. >> do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception? >> well, we are looking at that and i am going to have a policy on that very shortly, and i think it is something you will find interesting, and it is another issue that is very interesting. but, you will find it, i think, very smart. i think it is a smart decision. >> well, that suggests that you may want to support some restrictions? >> well -- >> like, the morning after pill, or something? >> we are also -- things really
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do have a lot to do with the states. >> first of all, he doesn't even understand the issue well enough, care enough, to grasp that saying, "well, we are looking at that," when it comes access to birth control is huge, newsmaking moment. and then he angrily tried to clean up his comments with an social media screen, but here's the thing, he cannot talk himself out of this one unless i think the media let him. because here is what is happening on the ground. republicans have their sights set on the drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, which have been around for decades and are used in the majority of abortions. yesterday, the louisiana house, dominated by republicans, pass a bill putting those pills in the same category as opioids, depressants, and other drugs that can be highly addictive. they will keep doing this everywhere they can, particularly if they win control of the entire federal government in november.
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a protector of constitutional law and global health policy at georgetown law center. the author of "punishing the women: the criminality of motherhood." at some point, you can't read too much into an on the spot response by donald trump, "we are looking into it," because that is just something he wrote when he is out of his depth. but, there is something you can read into the movement that successfully got rid of abortion, or got rid of abortion protections, wants to do around contraception and medication abortion. where do you see that headed? >> well, in the dobbs decision, keep in mind that justice clarence thomas wrote a concurring opinion, and he put as a target, contraceptive access, and as well, lgbtq equality and other matters. it is worth noting that the only exception he thought should stand in dobbs is interracial marriage, something
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that is important to his own personal life. and keep in mind, also, that donald trump appointed more federal judges than any other president, save george washington. biden is trying to make inroads on that, so it is not just a matter of what donald trump will say. of course, he is kind of catch and kill on this, too, and that is not hyperbole in terms of the women's lives that will be affected by unwanted pregnancies, considering that united states has the highest level of maternal mortality and maternal morbidity in all of the developed world. you are more likely to die carrying a pregnancy in the united states than in saudi arabia. so, it doesn't matter, in some ways, what donald trump says, because he has already done is the dog whistle that sets all of this in motion. >> right. well, and now that roe has been overturned, there is open question about say, for instance, this zombie frozen law, the comstock act passed in the height of sort of victorian panic around women's sexuality in the 1880s, if i'm not mistaken, which basically says,
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look, all mailing of all contraceptive material whatsoever, through the post, is criminal. and there is a set of conservatives who are proposing to basically revive the law and start enforcing it on day one with no need for any kind of law making its way through congress. >> there is a through line through america's history with slavery and racial oppression, and the comstock law, and, as well, arizona's 1864 abortion ban. keep in mind, the parties that sought to ban abortion were right nationalists, people who expressed their deep concern and reservation about the abolition of slavery. these were individuals that believe that the united states should stay with a power majority of whiteness, and particularly in places where it looked like black people could
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become free. so, we should never lose sight of what the original impetus were for antiabortion laws. the programs pack this abortion. so, the fact that this has been deeply rooted in american history is not true. it was deeply rooted in a time that was set to keep slavery, and fight against abolition. so, that is the history associated with comstock. >> do you think there is a tangible threat of -- i mean, as legal theories, things that seemed crazy have gotten further than one might imagine. i mean, for instance, in the federal district court, where a single right-wing judge issued a nationwide injection from mifepristone. just the threat that is what today is radical, tomorrow becomes conservative consensus. >> and that is what is so horrific about this. none of this is rooted in a
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civil rights methodology, civil liberties methodology, a methodology that is true to the united states constitution, none of that at all. in fact, it is rooted in matters of fear, and it kind of is a cruelty that is inflicted against women. and let's be clear, the women that this is being inflicted on are amongst the poorest of women. and also, we should keep in mind, children, too, girls who have been affected by this antiabortion lawmaking, including girls that have fallen victim to incest and rape, and are now mothers at 10, 11 years old. >> michelle goodman, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you. that is "all in" on this wednesday night. "alex wagner tonight" starts now. could you can, alex. good evening, my friend. we are going to begin where you touched up upon earlier this hour, the flag. >> you are doing flags? i did flags. i can't -- i can't! >> i can't! >> another flag?