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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  May 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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she never got to check that box. back in 1942, her father pulled her out of school to work on the family farm while her brother was busy serving in world war ii. she left school just one class shy of a diploma. the war ended. she got married, raised three kids and had a career, but never got around to getting that diploma. until this month after her family reached out to the school district. watch this. >> eleanor anne mckey. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> eleanor mckey, now eleanor monager is officially a high school graduate. she says i'm only 99. i might go ahead and take some college courses now. it is all a great reminder that it is never too late to finish what you started. especially something this great. and on that note, i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, i'll see you tomorrow. welcome to the beat. i'm ari melber. the scenes we have been following courtesy of the sketch artist. the jury likely to begin deliberating next week in the only trump case slate today go the a jury before the election. that's a scenario which has people questioning if there is
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real accountability. if donald trump. if simple narrative offered by various groups don't capture what is happening in these strange around extraordinary times that brings us to our stop story right now. here is convicted trespasser, a convicted trespasser, we are about to explain. you can see him pushing forward. this is brazenly passing police lines to break into the capitol that day. evidence shows he also gathered apparent weapons by breaking apart metal fencing, hiding it in his pants pocket and that is something he has admitted in his legal case. his name is charles hand. he is a 37-year-old january 6th convict from georgia.
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he has claimed he should not be able to vote. the party at the state level has stripped rights from millions of people from these criminal records. donald trump, you want to go to the current party leader has claimed he opposed voting rights for felons. now, even those convicted of super serious and grave and rare crimes like sedition that day, donald trump's republican party not only welcomes january 6ths convicts voting. a total reversal and hypocritical. but also, welcomes them as leaders of their movement. able to make policy to be on ballots, to be in government.
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this is the top story tonight because that convict made it to the house seat for the state of georgia. this is the kind of political process that other failed democracies have seen. it does help people to understand it that way. it does not end will. that is no joke. that right there is a crime.
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many of them have been convicted. plea deals. some take responsibility. they said they were wrong to believe trump's lies. i want to tell you the nuance. one told the court, turns out, the election was not stolen. that was an oath keeper. facing responsibility and accountability in january 6th sentencing and i will tell you, even if you don't believe that person, if you think they only were saying what is true to try to get a lighter sentence. it is how the criminal justice system works. we don't bust out lie detectors. the system does reward people
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who say the right thing and the true thing combined with other things to take responsibility. he is announcing he is above the law because he expects a pardon from trump in about six months. this is real. if you haven't heard about this yet. quote. trump is now running more blatantly against the rule of law than his past campaigns. we know on january 6th trump welcomed the crowd. by the end of the day, he was pushed into telling people after they ransacked the place. and called for assassinations
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of pence and pelosi. he did eventually say go home and at that point, after the deed was done, he talked up peace. all-star the time that seemed like the low point. he has now gone far lower. the nonpartisan associated press reporting trump now makes defending the january 6th attack quote a corner stone of his white house bid. and it is closing the circle on his own involvement. remember, i bet you are old enough to remember when one of the conspiracy theory defenses was it was somebody else. it was antifa, a bad thing, but it was liberals. that was a lie. they gave that up. now they say not only did they do it, from january 6th people are okay. they are persecuted. they did it. and now, they are trying to sometimes argue it was effectively okay. or even a good thing. quote unquote. trump honor these defendants and convicts in his rallies. he falsely refer to them as hostages. that is not what they are.
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and an announcer plays their singing rendition of the national anthem. >> please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated january 6th hostages. >> ♪ oh say can you see ♪♪ >> that is eerie. that is the disembodied voice of people in prison singing. that's all for the people who storm the capital. election deniers are closer to the gop mainstream in congress. i told you about that one candidate. and americans are learning some of the supreme court justices who take an oath to be impartial flew a flag cheering on the insurrection and the days after meaning after they saw the violence. so the conservative right has grown more extreme on this issue than ever. the lies that fed the insurrection are for example what justice alito was caught by flying that upside down
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american flag. symbol of the stop the steal effort. alito realizes how guilty he looks. so he is not actually defending that unlike say a republican congressional candidate. he now claims his wife flew the flag without his involvement or knowledge. but since he lives there, that explanation sounds misleading at best. whether he should be put under oath. as some call for him to be off entirely. speaker johnson admitted he wanted to help a cover-up to cover the faces of those who stormed the capital. this is a claim he later walked back. >> i made a commitment immediately. we were trying to blur the faces to protect the innocent.
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>> false. people arrested were not people who happened to be walking through the building that day. this other footage is at one of the other doorways. this went on for hours. the footage is disturbing. the police were brutally attacked over and over by those trump fans. these are the people among others that trump is talking about pardoning. and the broader time line we have shown you before i want to remind you, the gop went from back in 21 calling this an un- american insurrection to later having the rnc claim it was legitimate speech to again what you see on the right, unspeaker johnson going further, that the rnc now only wanting to hire election deniers. that's the political lens. above it, you have what i told you is that mixed picture. the time line shows several
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points. that's the political problem. as for the other lens i told you about, there is justice accountability. especially in the federal prosecution in courts and some of the state probes that took a little longer to get started. i'm showing you here, some of the many trump aids and lawyers punished, prosecuted or now convicted. all four related case at the federal level trying to steal the election. trump white house fed peter navarro is prison now. steve bannon is headed there. prosecutors held arraignments for trying to steal the 2020 race. that includes trump attorney
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christina bobb. and she holds a norwellian spot on the election integrity team. an embarrassing sign of the kind of hypocritical double speak at the party. you have bob just leaving the courthouse followed by some reporters. these are big stories but some of them overshadowed by larger stories like trump's trial. there wasn't a trial of the former president, this i can guarantee you with my understanding of the news would be a multiday national news story. here is the mug shot. of the person that the rnc still claims should be in charge of redeeming election integrity. she is facing justice and accountability. she doesn't have trump's ability to use presidential reference to slow things down at the supreme court buys you an extra six months. and her current legal predicament is a bracing contrast to her past claims. >> we need everyone to vote. i certainly hope both sides want election integrity. >> donald trump won the election this week and
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democrats have made a nasty play to steal the presidency. >> get involved. >> a pivotal election. >> become an election worker. become a poll observer. >> that's the contrast. so it has gotten worse in that sense. can it get even worse? trump is under fire for a new campaign ad that is a german style quote unified reich which has many people trying to figure out if they should feel outrage, fatigue, or mock it. >> what happens after donald trump wins? what's next for america? >> okay, if you zoom in, you can see they slipped in the words a unified reich. a fourth reich, if you will. the good news is trump wants to bring the country together. the bad news is that country is germany in 1933. >> when they saw the ad, even confederate statues are like you should take that down. that's got to come down.
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>> those are the national punch lines which is how some people hear about this. laugh or cry? as the song goes, sometimes we laugh and sometimes we cry. it's a bit of both when you think about what we are up against. as the gop's nominee faces a criminal trial. let's put him to the side and i'll give you the stories i mentioned at the top of this report. it is a fact that he has through his lawyering and his privilege and his friends on the supreme court, managed to duck the majority of the cases. the trial he currently faces is the only one on deck by the election. and to be clear, it is not the strongest case. i have told you that. and it also pertains to conduct before he became president. that's over here, also over here is a political party, the gop, that is now openly
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embracing double down mechanisms to say they are with the january 6 convicts. something else, all the places in this country nonpartisan prosecutors and the independent justice system and judges are going through the evidence and punishing these people. some say they are sorry and don't believe the lies anymore. and some say they are waiting on their part. it is a mixed picture. it is not the extremes of those who say we have already lost and nothing works. and it is also not obviously hey, look at our perfect legal system and perfect supreme court. everything is going to be okay. so with that mixed reality in mind, what are citizens going to do? as we are in this before a judge does judge donald trump. i have a special expert who has thought through these challenges as we are back in 90 seconds. re back in 90 seconds. limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly!
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(inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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what those people did when they violently attacked the capitol to stop a constitutional mandated meeting to accept the results of the electoral college is a stain on our history. we should find them, try them, and send them to jail. and if one of the critical mistakes made in this campaign is donald trump now said i will pardon those people because they are hostages. no they're not. they're thugs. >> republican white house
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veteran karl rogue. che, welcome. i reported on these two strands. your thoughts? >> donald trump is literally the talking villain you see in the james bond buildings. he is like dr. evil telling austin powers what he is planning. donald trump believes this because he has to project strength. he has to be the strong man. he has to be the one in charge. his entire campaign is i am strong. joe biden is weak. the bigger question is why did the republicans fall so in line with this? i think you have to look at it in three ways. one, the donor class fell in line with it. primarily because of tax cuts. as he said, capitalism is more important than democracy. capitalism doesn't require democracy and the donors very much know that. so they are kind of set up for
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that. in addition, if you look at the religious right, patriarchy is what the goal of the religious right authoritarianism and patriarchy is the goal of donald trump. they look at a country. they no longer recognize it. it is not the country they grew up. they distrust the democracy and no longer trust their fellow citizens not to screw with them at the ballot box. >> particularly that racial component animates what otherwise would be completely an unacceptable position. a similar attack by foreign terrorists or any group as you say that would be their out group. you have people like rfk running for whatever vote he
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thinks is being left on both sides of the party, and he, shockingly giving his family's history with political violence which i discussed with him. it left the door open to him with january 6 pardons. take a look. >> i would never say in advance running for political office who will will pardon. >> that is what he is doing. i ask you where he stands on that? >> i'm not going to do that. >> so that will sound to people like you are leaving that door open. you don't need to. do you want to leave that door open? >> i'm not answering it until i look at people's cases. >> where do you see the political gasoline for other figures beyond trump and the far right maga to coddle or flirt with the idea that some of these january 6 defendants
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not only shouldn't be prosecuted but should be pardoned if convicted by a jury of their peers for what they did at the capitol? >> well, if you think about rfk, you know, you are looking at another person going after the crack pot vote. he is trying to appeal to people who do not like our constitutional corridor. january 6th was an attack on our constitution. there is a constituency that does not like our constitution or constitutional order. a lot of those people rfk and donald trump are trying to attract. those are the places where you see the crack emerging. that is where you see that segment of society sort of come out. and they are very much turned on by the language of january 6th. >> jake, sharp and crisp as always. we thank you. i want to tell people coming up when you think about jon stewart's legacy, we have the new jon stewart, his jordan jordan klepper from the daily show with a beat debut tonight. >> i really hope he gets to the
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topic of the border crisis. >> that's one of the bigger things now. because that is completely being rushed under the rug. >> and you are from iowa in. >> yes. >> so you worry about people coming from minnesota? >> you know that minnesota issue. but, first, we have a da insider on this crucial period in the trump trial with closing arguments coming up next. stay with us. ng up next. stay with us.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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here we are, the testimony for donald trump's criminal trial has finally ended yesterday. >> the defense in donald trump's hush money election interference trial rested its case. >> donald trump did not testify. >> the judge conferring with both sides how he will instruct the jury in this case. >> all of this will be in one week. the lawyers make their final arguments to the jury on tuesday. >> the jury is done for this week. court is in session as they have had these duals i have told you about.
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regarding jury instructions. pretty standard. the judge also dealt trump's team some losses on that. the defense was asking it to be harder to convict trump. they lost that bid. he is not going to change the statute for donald trump. the defense said the judge who considered the extraordinarily important nature of the case, prosecutors say it is not a basis for deviateing from standard instructions and the judge sided with the da's prosecution team with regard to trump's defense lawyers they are asking him to change the law and quote not going to do that. we are joined by duncan levan. a prosecutor in the same manhattan da's office. welcome back. what jumped out to now? >> there are two lawyers on this jury. so they will be paying attention to it. and obviously not as sexy as
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hush money payments to porn stars. >> not as sexy as sex. >> true enough. but the issue is that this is the way that the jury will interact with the evidence. and i think while judge merchan has not weighed on it one way or the other and it was a mixed bag. the prosecution won some, the defense won some. but what the defense won i think could have an outcome on the way the jurors really think about this case. because remember, there are two parts of this case. there's the misdemeanor part of it that donald trump caused the filing of false business records. and then there is the bump up part of it and the prosecutors won some minor wins on the jury instructions for the bumpup part. the judge said you don't need to have two different intents. but, where the defense won i think. a meaningful victory, is that with regard to the word cause.
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so the statue doesn't define. the prosecution was arguing for an expansive definition of it that actions were reasonably foreseeable. led to a reasonably foreseeable event that these documents would be falsely filed. >> yeah. i'll slow you down. the prosecution wants to continue what they have argued in the case which is this is how trump rolls. everybody knows it. and they don't like any organization, they don't start from scratch every day. they start from the understanding of how he rolls. >> if the judge doesn't give that instruction. everyone knows what it means. it puts a lot more emphasis on michael cohen's testimony. he is the only evidence in the case where he says he approved it. donald trump approved it. >> the payment? >> he approved the payment. >> did the da ever really put much evidence up to say that trump proactively caused in october the actual bookkeeping? >> that is why this jury
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instruction is so critical. >> what is your answer to that question? >> i don't think so. i think maybe through the testimony of michael cohen. and in that regard. and so,. >> just to remind everybody. we talk about this so much. there is a big difference between him saying pay it off. that is buying the silence. that's the hush money. and that was fairly proven. and pay it off and let's double the amount. let's do the other shenanigans. you said all of that after the fact bookkeeping, they didn't put a lot of evidence up about trump personally caus ing that. >> exactly. all you need is the evidence for that to fall apart. that is all they need to argue. that yes. their false business records, yes, donald trump was involved in this conspiracy with david pecker and the national inquirer to promote his election by unlawful means. but he never actually caused the filing of the false business records. and that is all they need to argue and they need to win over one jury on that point. so i think by the way, under
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new york law, the jury doesn't get to keep the instructions. they are read the instructions. they can ask questions later but they don't get the instructions back in the jury room. so, maybe it will go over their heads. >> why make it easy and straightforward? >> right. >> i have always found that odd. >> there is really no reason that they don't. >> it is a stupid rule. >> also, they haven't released any of the jury charge to the public. >> we will see that eventually. >> we'll see the judge's final one. but both sides have proposed jury instructions and nobody has seen those either. >> yeah. duncan from the da's office. appreciate you joining us. >> yeah. absolutely. coming up, we look at this issue of the lies and conspiracy theories that feed so much of the modern maga movement with a special guest who is critical but also tangled with him. led with him. it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered. protecting you from getting up on this thing
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reagan famously said tear down that wall. we are a long way from that. the embrace of authoritarianism at home has its own creeping effect on policy. and you have the maga cheer leaders like tucker carlson who went to interview putin. there can be space for those interviews but if you watch it and i did. a lot of it was putin saying whatever he wanted and the leader was surprised there
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weren't tougher questions from tucker. burn. trump as president was also quite warm to putin. and trump continues to back putin along with again the foreign policy considerations as more and more of the republican party follows his lead and basically laundering or min mighting what. we talked about the despicable reference to a quote unified reich in a trump campaign ad. this embrace of putin and autocrats as i mentioned echoes in congress. >> yesterday, reporters asked me if i thought president putin was smart. i said of course he's smart. >> you can tell putin is on top of his game. one thing he said that really rung a bell is the propaganda media machine over here. they sell anything they possibly can to go after russia. >> people here in washington
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you see are just ignoring that. making people believe that ukraine can win. ukraine, putin won't lose. he is not going to lose. >> putin was actually pretty well behaved during the trump administration. >> this is a mindset that matters and one of the big questions is why do people feel this way and how did an american first conservative political party become this enamored with a foreign autocrat? our next guest brings a particular view to this. jordan klepper is a member of the daily show. >> he was talking about how he changed the name from crooked hillary to crooked joe biden. >> so he is focusing on the issues. >> yeah. >> china will be paying for wall. >> shouldn't mexico pay for the wall? >> mexico, sorry. >> he has evolved the presidency into a dictatorship we can all understand.
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>> i peel like cult is such a negative word. we are not a cult. >> what was your first rally? >> january 6th, 2020. >> if you are going to go to one. >> go to one. >> well, have fun. try not to overthrow any duly elected officials. >> that was a big one. his new special moscow tools and we are also joined by molly with the podcast fast politics. welcome to both of you. >> thanks for having me. >> you do it different. >> do i? >> a little. >> yeah? >> what is it? >> what you're doing. >> talking to people. >> you talk to people differently. sure. i follow up. i look for the hypocrisies and the ironies. >> we'll get serious. we'll get serious. but let's start with what you are doing. are you looking for jokes first and the insight or the commentary comes after or are you really trying to make a point? >> i think, you know, daily show, we look for bs and we are a comedy show. we wear our bias on our sleeves. we are looking for humor.
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we want to make that always very clear. we find humor in hypocrisy and hyperbole. and what is interesting about it is what becomes revelator is the things that people would tell their friends and not tell a regular news media person. so i think what i prep back in the studio is jokes. ways to contextualize it. let's try to find some humor in it. >> and we have seen the style with of course, the daily show as i mentioned. sort of the stewart discipl. we have seen others do it. sasha baron cohen. you can go back to hunter s. thompson if you want. here is a look at you with some of these folks. >> i would like to see america be more like russia. >> you see in streets in russia, people are walking around. >> who is a better leader?
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vladimir putin or joe biden? >> putin. >> he is well mannered. he speaks well. >> putin is well mannered. he knows where the fork goes, which window the journalist goes out of. >> ha ha unless you are the murdered journalist. >> exactly. >> so when you look at putin, i don't think it is an insult. i'll say this about americans in general. we have a much less awareness of a lot of other countries. than in other parts of the world where you go. it is a survival skill to snow about neighboring countries. i don't think most americans can name 20 world leader. but putin, you can. what do you find when you talk to maga voters about that? is that coming down from trump? does it have to do with the rejection of american democracy? >> i'm seeing a couple of different things. one, we reason into a woman on the road who talked about how much she used to watch putin videos of him riding horses shirtless as if they were cat videos. she found that fun and appealing to her. that for her came from trump saying he is a strong man.
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he likes that he is a strong man. but also that tucker carlson interview that resonated with almost everybody we talked to. they talked about moscow being beautiful. there's part of the crew that uses that as an excuse to be negative to joe biden. i like moscow is great meaning america is crap. because joe biden. it is some of that. but there is an element of this, too. that actually, it likes the authoritarian side of things. we saw that starting to bubble up. >> do you ever have moments where people hear what they are saying and go oh? >> no. that is just a liberal fantasy. that happens here. oh yes. that confronts it with the truth. oh. you are so smart. yes. >> they never have a moment where they go like, wait a second. >> i think that a lot of times, we are so insulated.
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they are surprised by being pushed to really think through how they arrived at this decision. that to me is what is most revelator about these pieces but rarely are they challenged to rethink why they think that. they will chalk that up. and they have been given the blueprint. do they feel embarrassed or small? that is not their own problems getting there. >> i'm curious how much you find of it is performative. if we want to go a little deeper. the presentation of self in everyday life. the idea that there are a range of masks. right? and, when you are with other kids parents. you are in a mode that is different than when you are with your best friends. and that work. and so on. and politically is a mode. do you ever feel like somebody not with regard to you being the person interviewing them. i have been to these rallies too, over the years. i found them more energetic but also more performative than a
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lot of other political rallies including more traditional republican rallies. since you have been spending this time, i'm curious. do you find the people are outdoing each other. and your kids are better than mine. and it is like this, but for politics. you like putin, no. i like a more extreme dictator. >> no. i think right now, you have no choice but to be a part of the political conversation. you took folks who wanted to party and not be a part of the conversation. you bring facebook to this, to be part of the conversation. you have to publish your thoughts and retweet other people's thoughts. suddenly, it is not as if they choose and want to be a part of politics. this is across both sides of the aisle. thaw they now have to be a part of the conversation. i talked to somebody out on the road after trump's first impeachment and we were getting into it talking about the politics and she was, she said trump is the most honest person there is. if he were dishonest, he would be lying trying to stop people
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from speaking, testifying. i pointed out the fact that john bolton was being limited by donald trump. and she said, she took this long pause. she understood that what she said was inherently contradictory and looked at me and said, i don't care. you realize we were arguing over these politics. but it was not the politics. it was an identity thing for her. >> the way you do this work, it does remind us of the civic decay. you almost get the feeling it would be like being on the football field. and saying to the other team in a time-out. you should play on this side. you know your team sucks. that doesn't work. right? but, civic debates not supposed to be that way. it is more important than a game that you just stay with one team forever. >> that is how it is happening out there. this is about consumerism. and that is how politics are seen. we are buying into this. this is our team. it feels like an of the used comparison. feels like college football. like we are out there
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tailgating. that's what it is. i'm a michigan football fan. i have all the hats. i defend michigan football. when i talk to people at trump rallies, that is how they imagine it and i understand an element of this. they don't see government as something that is useful or they have seen a lot of good or at least they can articulate a lot of ways it has helped them. to be part of the political process is not one they want to move it so it can benefit their lives. it is one which the most they can expect to get is to win and feel vindicated. >> to you i say go blue. >> thank you, go blue. >> molly? >> do you see split ticket voters? as much as that is a phenomenon? do you see people where they like their governor in michigan but they still love trump? >> i see less of that at trump rallies. i went to a nikki haley event and i'm seeing a little more of that. the closer you get to the political process, the more
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boring it gets. >> the daily show has had this out sized effect. and people were so happy to see jon stewart return. we have you and jon from back in the day. this was your first appearance. >> oh. remember this? >> i do remember this. >> we are joined by our new senior caucasian correspondent jordan klepper. there is almost nothing you can do to mess up one of these reports. trust me. >> thank you. oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is a big deal to me, jon. >> why is jon stewart back? do we need him as a nation? and what do you think having been through all this about the spread, if you will, the warmth for this style? what was once kind of a niche thing on comedy central. you said we are after the
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puppets. whatever. you have colbert at night. you have politics being jokes in all of the late night shows. we have shown that. they used to steer more clear of that. and we have this style everywhere. your thoughts on all that? >> i grew up a fan of the daily show before i was working at the daily show. what i loved about jon stewart, i trusted him. i knew where he was coming from. i don't think he is pretending not to have a bias or an opinion. it is a comedy show so you know this guy is a comedian trying to find humor. and from that, i think you don't think that there are those mirrors of i'm just a journalist trying to give you both sides. he said i will give you where i see the bs and call that out. that is what people connect to. having him back has been sort of an opportunity for us to just baton down the hatches and get ready for a chaotic year. he is the best to do it and to have him in the office with his tiny small suit and adorable little shoes. he is a very short man.
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>> are you saying how can he big step in a five 7 men's? >> what are you saying? are you short, too? i only see you behind this desk. >> i'm 6 but i was quoting one of the diss against kendrick. >> i thought we could get through a segment. >> in closing. >> you thought that. >> is there even a connection? >> you said he is short. >> oh, you know, too short was a rapper. no, we were having good political discourse. >> i'm not mad at the too short reference. this is why they tune into the daily show. >> are you saying this is why they change the channel. >> i want straight news, instead i'm getting hip hop references. >> part of ari's charm, i can't believe you have never seen the show. >> i have seen it. >> in closing, because we are running over on time. would you say now having sat here, that klepper is more
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smart funny or funny smart? >> i feel like you have aged a lot since that clip. was that 20 years ago? smart funny and also incredibly old. but still. >> wow! >> i want to red mind people. and i want to thank molly for returning. one of our hometown favorites and jordan's debut. tell everyone that jordan klepper's special is moscow tools. you can check it out. we'll fill in a break. there could be more lyrics by the end of the hour. we turn to an important story about the women's rights backlash and what that could mean going into november. that's important. stay with us. that's important. stay with us. this is clem. like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person. but he is an “i can solve this in 4 different ways” person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan
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save up to $800 during our memorial day sale. visit or a store near you donald trump signaling he might support limits to the legal right to contraception. >> do you support any restrictions on a person's right to contraception? >> we're looking at that and i'm going to have a policy on that very shortly. >> looking at that when it is a settled legal right is actually a pretty legally radical stance. trump already trying to walk back from it. we should note, support for using birth control is both high and bipartisan. the supreme court has held it is a right. meaning the government can't limit your choice to do that. there was that outrage when a single justice on the court suggested maybe they should roll back that right. justice clarence thomas. that affects men, women, and all adults. trump back peddling saying he would not try to limit birth
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control. this is a big campaign issue. when we come back, i have something about reverend al sharpton and this. stay with us. sharpton and this. stay with us. announcer what if you could whiten your teeth by simply brushing your teeth? now you can with smileactives, the teeth whitening breakthrough that safely gets your teeth white and keeps them white every day just by brushing your teeth. christine i never thought that whitening my teeth could be so easy. i just put the gel on the brush, the toothpaste on it, brush and i can see my white teeth. announcer simply add smileactives to any toothpaste, and our patented polyclean technology activates into a powerful micro foam that penetrates into the enamel surface to safely lift and remove stains. robert you need a simple way to withen your teeth without strips, without trays, without going to the dentist. and it was about time
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! turning to something fun and maybe uplifting about last night. we had these cards. you can see them. reverend al sharpton joined us. we mentioned his work with james brown. harry mack made up lyrics on
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the spot based on these very cards that al and i held up. sometimes we hear from some of you. after this happened. i heard from so many of you. harry mack rapping for us on the news. >> i'm doing all these lyrics off my brain. i run my campaign. y'all know i rip the mic and i fill this. people got to vote mack. put me in position. y'all know i can't really trust you. these waste time like filibusters. when it comes to rap, i write the laws like the senate. the bomb this, i feel like i be the free style congress. yo, i rip up on the mic. >> these were really the cards. he didn't see them. fact check true. he did that all off the top of


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