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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit ♪♪ good to be with you, i'm katy tur. call it a case of the world's most predictable whiplash, nikki haley who only a couple of short months ago was fending off bird brain insults and slamming donald trump as unhinged and unqualified to lead the nation, is now endorsing him. >> i will be voting for trump. having said that, i stand by what i said in my suspension
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speech. trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me. >> haley is following in the grand old foot steps of many grand old republicans before her. lying ted cruz, little marco rubio and ron desanctimonious, and also of course the 2016 version of herself. >> donald trump is everything i taught my children not to do in kindergarten. south carolina went through a terrible tragedy last year, and the kkk came to south carolina from out of state to protest on our state house grounds. we saw and looked at true hate in the eyes last year in charleston. i will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the kkk. that is not a part of our party.
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that's not who we want. we will not allow that in our country. >> governor, are you going to support donald trump? >> it's great to be -- >> is that a no? >> i would not be here if i wanted -- if i didn't want to make sure that hillary was not going to be the next president. >> are you going to vote for donald trump? are you going to vote for him? >> of course. >> a tepid endorsement i think it's fair to say. >> while none of this is surprising to anyone, there is a wrinkle to the haley endorsement, her voters have consistently and clearly voted not just for her but against donald trump in primary after primary, proven by the fact that they continued to vote for her and not him even after she dropped out of the race. which raises this point from david from in the atlantic, regarding haley's plea for donald trump to reach out to her voters. quote, the only way trump could reach out to trump skeptical republicans is by pleading guilty to the many criminal charges against him and vowing to devote the rest of his life
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to restitution for the victims of his many crimes. let us discuss. joining us now nbc news correspondent vaughn hillyard, the atlantic staff writer and author of "thank you for your servitude" mark leibovich, and political white house correspondent and msnbc political contributor, eugene daniels. all right, so mark, i'm going to start with you on this. talk to me about haley's voters. are they going to switch over to donald trump so easily? >> no, i don't think so. i mean, i think, look, she obviously has a lot of voters or a lot of people using her as a vehicle to vote for whatever it is they probably don't like about donald trump. you know, the question is does she have any control over them. i don't see any reason to think she does. i talked to a whole bunch of people during the campaign, none of them -- at haley rallies. none of them had much use for trump at all, although not a single one of them said to me i'm just going to wait to sort
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of see what nikki haley tells me to do. so it's very unclear if she controls any of the votes whatsoever. look, she's proven time and again and there's a whole bunch of video and a whole bunch of contradictory statements to prove this that her north star here is something in the ballpark of opportunism full stop and we've seen this before. it's dispiriting and i don't think, you know, i don't see yesterday's statement as a massive message for anyone as far as what they're going to vote for in november. >> i guess you've rendered my next question moot, which is that should this still be surprising. even though it's not surprising, how old it be? especially after the way she described donald trump in 2016 but also this year. let's just listen to some of it. >> times change, and so has trump. he's gotten more unstable and unhinged. >> if you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don't deserve a driver's license let alone being president of the united states.
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>> he was thin skinned and easily distracted. >> it's not normal to spend $50 million in campaign contributions on personal court cases. it's not normal to threaten people who back your opponent. >> donald trump is turning the republican party into his own playpen, where it's all about him. >> he's not qualified to be the president of the united states. >> i know we're not supposed to be surprised, but should we be surprised given the way that she described him in that sound we just heard, mark? >> no, and i would say this. here's what's fundamentally depressing about this, i'm speaking to you as someone who -- we've been watching this dance since 2015 to 2016, the default position for almost every republican politician who knows better is to just cave and
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do something similar to what nikki haley did yesterday. some people it's taken longer. there have been a few exceptions here and there who obviously have no future in today's republican party. yes, i don't know if it's a sign of maybe i'm just thin skinned, but yeah, i get depressed every time this happens because she's not talking to us, these politicians are not talking to us the way normal human beings talk to other normal human beings. we know what she's saying. we know what she thinks in private. you know, i think what she said about biden yesterday was quite, you know, quite harsh to biden. i think the white house clearly didn't like it, but look, i reserve the right to be disappointed over and over and over again until this chapter passes. >> people can smell inauthenticity. that's why they don't like politicians because they don't speak authentically. it's also, you know, for their reasons why a lot of voters like donald trump because they believe that even with the ugly, he is authentic. vaughn, has haley talked to donald trump? >> no, it's been more than two
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months since she dropped out of the presidential race. march 6th. >> why do this. >> that was my question as soon as i saw it last night, that she said she would vote for him, okay, did she reach out to donald trump or did trump call her and say if you want to get on board now is the time to do it. well, we know along with our colleague ali vitali that both confirmed by trump and haley advisers that there's no phone call that's taken place. >> what's the deal with this timing? >> it's a good question. this is one of those you have a convention coming up in july, so you know you could expect to see her at the convention, knowing that nikki haley very well likely wants a future in politics. she's never indicated that she's walking away from politics, and so she's going to need to be at that republican convention if she wants a future in republican politics. that's why when we're talking about no labels was looking for a candidate, i thought there was a chance maybe she would take that opening to run. we know that she has presidential ambitions. that's why she launched her candidacy for the presidency. there's little reason to believe as mark was pointing out,
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politicians they keep running. even when they lose, they keep going at it. very few of them walk away. jeff flake walked away, he got an ambassadorship out of it. >> biden and kamala harris, president biden and kamala harris are saying there's room for you on the biden team to haley voters. come join us. let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture here, donald trump's candidacy and what his platform is going to look like. there's some reporting nbc has been doing regarding abortion and what trump team is doing in some states. >> matt dixon put together a great report with sources from across the country. this is going to be at the convention here when the platform of the republican party is voted on, and there's a platform committee at the rnc that will be putting forward together the language that is that of the republican party, and there's concern about some of these new rnc members, some of these new platform committee members that are taking a potentially hard right stance on issues like abortion, on gay
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marriage and the extent that in the general election that would turn off a great middle part of the country here. >> potentially trying to potentially moderate there. >> the trump campaign doesn't want that to happen. >> eugene you talked in playbook today about something that's not being moderated in regards to the efforts toward november by the rnc, by donald trump. this is a stop the steal push, a voter fraud push. explain. >> basically you have this push in congress to have a vote and move it to the -- from committee to the floor about whether or not people who are non-citizens can vote in federal elections. they already can't. there's already something they cannot do, but there are parts of the country, washington, d.c., being one of them, where non-citizens can sometimes vote in local elections, and so what they're trying to do here is muddy the waters and say what they've been saying that democrats want to bring in all of these people from other parts
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of the world to this country so that they can vote in federal elections. you cannot do that if you're a non-citizen. it is against the law. it doesn't matter, right? there's only so much what you're talking about, all of this ties together. it's all about the perception, convincing voters that something is true even when the facts don't bear it out. because of when donald trump has been able to do with the republican party, the reason that nikki haley continue thes -- continues to be in his camp despite all the things he said about her and she said about him is he has fundamentally changed the way that republican voters engage with information. you know this better than any while you were on the road with them in 2016, you can tell them and show them all of the things that everyone knows to actually facts and they don't care. you have democrats calling this what this is and more importantly concerned that this is just setting up the possibility that after the election if biden and vice president kamala harris were to
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win again, for donald trump, which we already know he will do and others to be able to say and tell voters and move forward saying the election was stolen. this is to democrats setting the stage for ha. >> i think you're right to use that word perception, seeding that perception, seeding that doubt for their own benefit. this is what nikki haley is signing on to once again. vaughn hillyard, mark leibovich, eugene daniel, thank you so much. joining us now john kasich, foreigner governor. thanks for being with us. i want you to give me your opinion on what david from is arguing that haley's voters are not gettable by donald trump. >> you know, it's probably true. you know, i'm not sure that they were so much for haley as much as they were not for donald trump. and by the way, it seems as though politics has become an awful lot about expediency. i was one of those people who
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walked away. it wasn't that important to me -- well, first of all, when i didn't win in 2016, i had a shot at doing this again, and the fact of the matter is you cannot do -- you can, it's not wise to do a political calculation today based on what might happen down the road. senator and former governor george moin vich used to say take care of stuff today and what happens tomorrow will take care of itself. so i think haley's decision, by the way, was based on expediency. i think she felt that if she didn't do this she wouldn't be viable in the future. who knows what the future's going to bring, and how will she feel if the future does not bring what she hopes it will bring. so, you know, i think people need to be like connected to what they think is right at the time and not what they think the benefits of making compromises
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today for what might happen tomorrow. and i can't tell you how she thinks about thisment i'm not about to do it, but it sure doesn't look very good. and i think that the people who were for her, some of them were, but i think a lot of them were just like i don't like trump. it's a republican primary. they're still voting for her because it's their one way to express their displeasure with him in some of these states, even after she's been out. >> i wonder what her goal is. it's not like trump voters really liked her either. as you saw in the clip we played from 2016 of my friend jacob soboroff asking her about whether she's going to vote for donald trump. she didn't seem like she was excited to do it then. today she did the endorsement once again. it smacks of inauthenticity and that, as we have been talking about, is repulsive to voters. >> well, you know, i think voters are getting pretty used to people who say one thing one day -- >> but they don't like it, john, that's part of the reason why
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they voted for donald trump. >> i can only talk for me. the only person i can speak for is myself. i went to cleveland but never went to the convention. i helped get the convention to cleveland. i didn't support the guy. i never endorsed the guy. i endorsed joe biden in the last election who i'm not happy with particularly now, but the fact is i was true to myself, and i felt good about it. maybe other people, you know, maybe she feels good to herself. i don't know. but i can tell you for me, i'm able to -- i myself am able to hold my head high and be able to stand on what i thought was the right principle. and look, even if people were mad at the time -- and they were, and some are still angry with me -- you still could have another chance. life can go on. you never know what the future is going to bring. am i right? you just don't know what tomorrow's going to be. >> you're saying is you are being true to yourself. you're being true to your beliefs, and it sounds like
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you're saying you sleep well at night and you're happy about the decisions you made. some of these republicans who say donald trump's a big threat to democracy, he's unhinged, et cetera, chaotic, when they turn around and decide that they're going to vote for him, part of the explanation is that joe biden is a big threat. he's catastrophic. he is a danger to democracy himself. i'm wondering -- i know you're not happy with joe biden, but if you were to name a policy that he's enacted or a legislation that he's been behind that you would equate to donald trump and his threat to democracy, is there one that you would equate as just as bad? >> i mean -- look, the reason i was for him at the time is i felt that he was going to be more bipartisan and that things would be settled down, and that's what i've been disappointed in. i don't think he's been as bipartisan as i would like him to be. in fact, i think he's moved too far away from the center towards the left. i didn't think he would do that, but look, it's really about how
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you look at somebody and whether you decide they should be president based on the whole range of things. i'm not here to cast -- call names on nikki haley. i'm just saying some of those things she said were very dramatic and very strong, and then she went and it looked like she blinked. it didn't look like trump reached out. and so how can i -- honestly, how can i try to judge her other than to look at this and scratch my head and say why. i do understand why, if you want to be a player in the future the calculation today from all the political analysts around you, the calculations today is you kind of got to get with the program. i got to tell you, john mccain was never one who wanted to get with the program, and he did pretty darn well, and actually, john kasich never got with the program, and he's not doing too well. look, i'm on tv with you today, right? so you never know what the future's going to bring, but be true to yourself. >> he's not doing too well or he
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is doing well. i think he is doing well. >> i'm doing very well and there is a future out of politics, but sometimes you can go out. you can come back in and you're more energized, more creative than ever. so i'm a happy guy. >> we'll see if you make a political comeback in the future. >> never know. >> in the meantime, smart political conversations on this show, governor john kasich, thank you very much for joining me as always. >> thank you. and still ahead, what democrats did in the senate today to try to flip the script on republicans over immigration. they say they want to fix things. plus, he said he wanted to testify in the hush money trial. then he did not. what donald trump is saying to explain why he chose not to take the stand? and not one, but now two flags, what democrats are demanding now that a second stop the steal flag was spotted at a home of justice samuel alito.
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another day and another story about another problematic flag outside one of justice samuel alito's homes. this time it is the pine tree flag, also known as the appeal to heaven flag. "the new york times" found it was flown for several days at least in front of his engine vacation home last summer. just like the upside down american flag seen outside of his virginia home in january of 2021, the appeal to heaven flag
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is strongly linked to the stop the steal movement. but unlike the upside down flak, justice alito has not blamed this one on his wife, at least not yet, as he has so far declined to comment. joining us now slate senior writer who covers the supreme court, mark joseph stern. before we get into just the politics of this and the politics within the supreme court and what it means for the country, explain the affiliation this flag has with the stop the steal movement. >> so this is a flag that was used in the american revolution by george washington but then fell into obscurity until about ten years ago when a christian nationalist named dutch sheets began encouraging far right leaders to tout it and then elevated it to the status of a kind of venerated symbol during the 2020 failed coup. if you look at photos of the attack on the capitol on january
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6th, you see this flag everywhere. they are entrenched within the stop the steal movement as a symbol of this claim, false of course, that donald trump actually won the 2020 election and that it was stolen from him, and i really don't think that there's any good excuse for why the alitos would have this flag flying at their beach house except that one or both of them agree with the allegation that the 2020 election was stolen. >> given the allegations against clarence thomas taking money from billionaires, lavish vacations, now with alito having this upside down flag in front of his virginia home and this pine tree flag, both associated with the stop the steal movement as you've said in front of his vacation home, isn't it about time for the chief justice to say something about this? if they are so worried about the perception of the court, why let these two men on the court tear away at the trust in this most important body. >> especially when that trust is
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what gives the court its power, right? if the court loses all respect from the country, it doesn't have any power to enforce its decisions. chief justice roberts has indicated in the past that he understands that. he has made institutional moves, shifted towards the center in efforts to keep public esteem for the court at least somewhat high, and now it seems like roberts is missing in action. i really don't understand why he's not at least trying to get these guys to reel it in or giving some kind of statement to assure the public that they can rely on the court. i think that he's just decided that he has no power over these justices, and i mean, to some extent, it's true. you know, the chief can't stop them from hoisting whatever flag they want or going on some all expenses paid vacation with a gop megadonor. what the chief can do is start refusing to join opinions, start moderating his own votes and
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saying if you're going to go off the deep end, i'm going to respond by shifting to the center. the chief isn't really doing it. the roberts we've seen so far this term has been a very conservative john roberts who by all accounts and as far as we can see doesn't seem particularly troubled by what thomas and alito are doing. >> maybe not. he's a well-respected chief justice and by all accounts he seems to care about the perception of the court. i wonder if just even beyond what you're saying, just testifying in front of congress. i know the democrats want there to be testimony, testifying about how the supreme court works to try to get the public information about the internal deliberations so that they can foster more trust into this body. real quick before we go, there was a big decision about south carolina and voting maps. can you explain it? >> so the supreme court in a 6-3 decision have made it far more difficult for voting rights
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plaintiffs to prove unconstitutional racial gerrymanders. the supreme court per justice alito of all people held that basically courts have to give this overwhelming presumption of good faith to state legislatures that even when the maps look pretty racist as this one did, the state legislators were not drawing districts based on race because it would be, quote, offensive for judges to accuse law makes of engaging in race-based redistricting. a very fierce dissent from the liberals, but it wasn't enough to peel off any votes. it looks like after this decision it will be nearly impossible for victims of racial gerrymandering to prove in federal court that they are entitled to a new and fairer map. >> mark joseph stern, really good to have you. thank you as always. and what senate democrats just did to force republicans' hands on a major election issue and what donald trump is saying about judge juan merchan and what it has to do with his choice not to testify in the hush money/election interference trial. /election interference trial. did you know some dish soaps
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it is the judge's fault, donald trump is explaining why he didn't take the stand in his hush money/election interference trial in new york. speaking to wabc radio, he said he wanted to testify but he decided not to because, he didn't trust judge juan merchan. >> because he made rulings that makes it very difficult to
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testify. anything i did, anything i did in the past, they could bring everything up. and you know what, i've had a great past, but anything. but the other thing is -- and the main reason, and i don't even mind that. in fact, i like talking about it, because we had rigged cases. new york is out of control. the other reason is because they have no case. in other words, why testify when they have no case? >> joining us now nbc news legal correspondent lisa rubin. you can follow his thinking there because he's saying i can't trust it. he's going to bring up past stuff. and then in realtime, he's saying i can't admit that past stuff is bad. i've had great stuff. this is the sandoval hearing, it's not about cheating on your long-time girlfriend. >> even if you love bravo, no, that's not what it's about. >> the sandoval hearing is designed to help a defendant make an educated decision about
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whether they want to testify by having the judge rule on the permissible limits of cross examination. that hearing was held on april 22nd. the people meaning the manhattan d.a.'s office talked about a number of different legal judgments against donald trump that they would like to explore were trump to take the stand, and the judge decided that a number of them were, in fact, things that they could explore. that includes the civil fraud finding that he violated new york state law by fraudulently misstating the value of his assets for an economic benefit. it includes the e. jean carroll verdicts but solely, that would be prejudicial given some of the issues in this case about hush money. they also found that they could bring up violations of the gag order regarding judge arthur engoron and his law clerk. not only that trump failed to take down a post about the law clerk, but also that he continued to willfully and intentionally violate a court order by making public attacks
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on the law clerk despite two prior court orders not to do so, and it goes on in terms of what the d.a.'s office would be allowed to explore. that is what trump is referring to. now, it is not the case that they could have explored anything and everything in his past as he said, but it's also not the case that that past is uniformly a good one as illustrated by some of these judicial findings that the d.a.'s office would have been allowed to -- >> they could bring up everything from my great past. let me ask you about the other hearing we were following yesterday. this is the one down in south florida with judge aileen cannon regarding nauta's motion to dismiss the case. it got tense in there, at least it sounded like it got tense in there. what do we know that happened? >> so one of the things that nauta's lawyers want to do is dismiss the case on grounds of selective and vindictive prosecution against nauta. one of the grounds is a meeting at which a department of justice lawyer reminded nauta's lawyer that he had a pending application to become a judge in the district of columbia and then promptly followed that by a
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reference to having his client cooperate. the implication, according to walt nauta's lawyer stan woodward is is they were saying if you don't turn over your client to cooperate, we'll make your judicial application go not in a way we want you to. we know that you've applied for a judgeship, that judgeship is controlled by the president. it is a federal position, and so this lawyer stan woodward is saying these guys were trying to basically retaliate against my client because i didn't want him to cooperate and retaliate against me by saying that my application for a judgeship wouldn't be processed. judge aileen cannon when the department of justice's lawyer got up yesterday to argue about this and was impassioned about this was not what happened at that meeting told the lawyer david harbaugh you need to calm down. harbaugh was offended by that at one point saying to the "new york times" it's just not right. in other words, he felt that the truth was misrepresented but
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cannon telling him that he was just really getting to exercise for her. >> i wonder if she does grant the motion to dismiss, whether or not that would be a blessing for the special counsel because they could appeal it. >> very much so. >> that's why we have smart people like you here, lisa rubin, thank you very much for joining us as always. coming up democrats knew it was dead on arrival, why did they force a second vote on a border bill republicans previously blocked. and when a new report says is the defining issue, the defining issue, just one, of the presidential election. presidential election. lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio.
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the situation at the border, the southern border will not be fixed, even though republicans continue to call it a crisis and a national security threat, they again refused to back the conservative leaning bill that would try to address the problem. all but one of them voted against it. they blocked the legislation crafted by one of their own, republican senator james lankford. joining us now ali vitali. to be sure, ali, a few democrats voted against this as well, but why did senator schumer, the majority leader bring this up for a vote knowing that it would fail? >> to put more awareness on the issue, katy. i actually just left a press conference with senator schumer and some of his fellow senate distract colleagues making the point that they're putting this issue now at the feet of republicans, highlighting once
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again the way in which this bipartisan bill fell apart just a few months ago when they voted on it earlier this year. you see the things including reduced border crossing, raising the bar for migrants to qualify for asylum, allowing a president to shut down the border under certain circumstances. for republicans, a lot of the things they got in this bill are things they never thought they would get in a bipartisan negotiation. many top republicans praised the work that their own republican representative senator langford was able to get in these negotiations. of course ultimately we know why this fell apart, which is because former president donald trump preferred to keep this as a live ball, an open ended issue in an election year as opposed to seeing progress done in a bipartisan fashion on capitol hill. that's why schumer brought this up again, katy is to report to the fact that republicans would fall in line to what trump wanted and fall prey to the politics. >> ali, thank you very much. speaking on the house floor yesterday, democratic rep jim
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mcgovern of massachusetts had his words stricken from the congressional record. here's what he said. >> republicans are skipping their real jobs to take day trips up to new york to try to undermine donald trump's criminal trial. no time to work with democrats but plenty of time to put on weird matching cult uniforms and stand behind president trump with their bright red ties and like pathetic props. maybe they want to distract from the fact that their candidate for president has been indicted more times than he's been elected. maybe they don't want to talk about the fact that the leader of their party is on trial for covering up hush money payments to a porn star for political gain, not to mention three other criminal felony prosecutions he's facing. >> the chair would like to remind members to refrain from engaging in personalities towards presumed nominees for the office of the president. >> i know you're trying to do your job and follow precedent,
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but, frankly, at some point it's time for this body to recognize that there is no precedent for this situation. we have a presumptive nominee for president facing 88 felony counts, and we're being prevented from even acknowledging it. these are not alternative facts. these are real facts. a candidate for president of the united states is on trial for sending a hush money payment to a porn star to avoid a sex scandal during his 2016 campaign, and then fraudulently disguising those payments in violation of the law. he's also charged with conspiring to overturn the election. he's also charged with stealing classified information, and a jury has already found him liable for rape in a civil court. and yet, in this republican-controlled house, it's okay to talk about the trial, but you have to call it a sham. it's okay to say the jury is rigged but not that trump should be held accountable. it's only okay to say the court is court is corrupt but not trump is corrupting the rule of
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law. >> liable for sexual assault but not rape. other than that mcgovern's words were true. they were officially removed, not because they were not true but because they were in the jargon of congress out of order, and republicans felt the list of donald trump's criminal indictments were a personal attack against the former president. coming up, what taylor swift has to do with the justice department coming down hard on the people that sell you tickets to concerts or the corporation that does so. plus, is it abortion or the economy? what voters are saying about how they will vote even with the threat of ending democracy facing them. don't go anywhere. facing them. don't go anywhere. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacement you can trust. >> vo: schedule free mobile service now at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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fielded the poll in collaboration with bsg and gs strategies, david wasserman. i want to start where i just left off. a significant number of vote essay -- voters say they're willing to risk democracy because they think donald trump will help them have cheaper groceries. >> yeah, katy, in our poll, 59% of voters either said that it was somewhat likely that trump would -- would become a dictator or try and fail to become a dictator, and yet, he consistently led in these battleground states. we polled close to 4,000 voters across the seven closest states, and what we found was that 73% of voters ranked the economy and inflation and the cost of living within their top three issues. 52% ranked immigration and border security among their top three. only 35% ranked the abortion issue in their top three. even among women, abortion came
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in third place, and even though 55% of the voters believe that it's somewhat likely that trump would ban abortion nationwide under a second term, even though he said he's opposed a ban, we are seeing that 53% of voters are more concerned about joe biden handling inflation and the economy during his second term versus 47% of voters who are more concerned about donald trump handling the abortion issue in a second term. >> they also believe that joe biden has a direct influence, direct control over >> yes and no. voters just simply have more nostalgic views of what things cost under trump. i think it's more of a prospective on voters' part that 56% of voters believe that joe biden will not be able to get
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costs down under a second term or a 60% of voters believe somewhat likely donald trump will bring inflation under control. i think it's telling that in this battery of swing state polls, the single worst state for joe biden is nevada. a state that donald trump has never won, and yet trump is ahead by 8 points. it's a perfect cocktail of joe biden's weakest demographic groups at the moment including young voters, blue collar voters and hispanic voters. we found across the seven states that donald trump had a lead within the margin of error among hispanic voters. >> do you think from the conversations you guys had with voters any wiggle room for joe biden to win them back? anything that could happen in the economy to change their minds about him? >> if there is a silver lining for biden, it's that these are voters that he's won in the
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past. and they are open democrats' argument that donald trump wants to pursue additional restrictions on reproductive rights, but right now, the economy is their overriding concern. if there is an opportunity for biden, it's probably to try to go on counteroffensive on democrats' weakest issues, such as immigration and border security and trump's promise to repeal and replce the affordable care act, health care affordability ranks among top concerns. and it is true that donald trump helped kill a senate immigration compromise that would have delivered an immediate measure on a crisis that voters do care about. >> that happened again today. as democrats try to put it to the floor. what's interesting about the
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answer on the economy, and we'll have to leave it here, it it doesn't speak so much to what one president can do with inflation, but just the system in general and how it doesn't allow americans to live beyond the next paycheck and the worry and the all-consuming worry that causes people to put the economy is their number one issue. election cycle after lx cycle no matter how the economy seems to be doing. thank you so much. i appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. ment coing up next, what merrick garland just announced about ticketmaster what and what it could mean for your ticket prices. don't go anywhere. n for your ti prices don't go anywhere. lla) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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coming up empty handed. that fiasco spurred a senate hearing investigating ticketmaster. now the doj is hoping to bring change to the industry. today they announced a lawsuit against live nation, alleging the company has created a monopoly through intimidation and exclusionary contracts with veues. joining us now is senior business correspondent christine romans. is this suit going to change anything? >> it's a ground breaking suit. they want to break up the company. what they are alleging here is that it is an illegal monopoly. ticket master sells the tickets, manages the acts, books the venue and does the promotion. so every piece of the puzzle, they control the price. now ticketmaster says that's not true. it is the teams and artists that set the prices and it's a supply and demand thing here. especially in the united states where there's huge demand. that's why these tickets are going through the roof.
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but the government says there needs to be more competition. it can't be one place you go to buy that ticket. >> there was one comment that ticketmaster made which is scalpers are driing up prices. when you put everything online, bots automate the system and can just buy tickets in bulk and resell them immediately for a hugely inflated cost. is that ticketmaster's fault? >> the government complaint also alleges that ticketmaster actually owns a growing share of the resale market. there had been a big conflict with the golden state warriors where if you bought a ticketmasterer ticket, you had to sell it on ticketmaster. so that would inflate the prices. so that's been part of the debate here. but you look overseas, you can get a ticket at taylor swift in lisbon for $300 for next week. be if you want to go to miami, it's going to be in october for $2,000. >> i want to see taylor swift in paris.
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less money that it costs to go to taylor swift in indianapolis. >> i'd love to go to lisbon. >> you should go. >> it just shows you two very different models in the government trying to break this company up and get more competition. >> i hope they get in control of the scalpers too because that does drive up the prices. i want to go back to standing in lines the a music store. i want go back to tower records. i want tower records to exist again and for me to get in line to get tickets. >> waiting in line with a lawn chair around the block trying to get the physical tukt. and ticketmaster is going to fight this suit. >> of course, they are. >> thank you very much. that's it for me. "deadline: white house" starts right now. hi, everybody. it's 4:00 in new york. if you want to understand why all sorts of folks from all across the political ideolic


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