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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 25, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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tell us the real life story here. how is this still reverberating around families? >> a1 from the '50s to the '80s. and in the series we interview real children that grew up who are now in their 40s and 50s and how traumatic this was. how a lot of them ended up in drug abuse, all kinds of difficult situations. some of them took their lives. it had terrible repercussions. it was not a better situation for them. that's all the time we have. we will be back tomorrow morning. mo rrow morning. we will be back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern. until then, enjoy the rest of your saturday. ♪ ♪ good morning. it is saturday, may 25th. i am alicia menendez alongside symone sanders-townsend and michael steele in washington,
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d.c. today the biden campaign lo launches the difference between communities and communities of colors. the first criminal trial of an ex-president comes to a head this week. a former advisor is here. overnight, to senators are calling for justice samuel alito to recuse himself from election cases. grab your coffee and settle in. welcome to "the weekend". ♪ ♪ new this morning, federal prosecutors are asking for help as donald trump increases his attacks on the justice system.
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the special councils office is now asking the judge in the classified documents case to block trump for making statements that could endanger law enforcement investigating and prosecuting him in that case. the request comes after trump falsely claimed the biden administration authorized the fbi to use deadly force against him during the 2022 mar-a-lago rate. of course, that is not true. the justice department of course followed the standard policy. just one escalation this week of trump's outrageous campaign rhetoric. another example, the social media feed that was later me deleted. the campaign blamed it, as they often do, on an unnamed staffer. joining us now is msnbc contributor and white house correspondent for "politico" and freedom for all representative, friends, good morning. >> it is very concerning. very, very, very, very, very concerning. >> do you share those concerns? >> there is passes him in everything. the thing is, it is esgetting t the point where it just feels like, okay, no big deal. i think that is, for me, a very concerning thing when you take
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that attitude and you layer it into other things we will talk about over the next couple hours from abortion to elections to all these other things that impact people's lives every day, what is systematically happening is a numbing to it. that numbing is away of when the thing hits, everyone goes, why is everybody so upset, i don't get it, i don't understand. i don't how you guys look at it. i know the work you are doing right now, certainly what you are doing, eugene, in covering these stories, what are you picking up on, what are you seeing and hearing from people when they see a presidential candidate out there saying and doing the things trump is doing at this phase in this whole fascist state?
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>> that is just how trump is. that is what you hear from regular voters. that is just trump. that is how he talks, he is not serious. some democrats think that, too. we have heard that before. the numbing you're talking about has not just been going on right now, it has been going on since 2015 when he came down the escalator and changed the way that people perceive how politicians should be speaking, the kind of things they should be saying, what is appropriate and what is not and so far, when you talk to everyday wh voters, some lawmakers say he will not actually do the things he says he will do, right? even though we have proof that in his court, from 2015, a lot of voters say, i don't actually know what he will do but now they do know what he will do and there is proof in e project 25 and all of these other spaces that say this is what donald trump wants to do. >> is that with the race should
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be about? >> that is what biden is trying to make it about. >> it has to be about both of the things. it is about, i mean, i thought you were out there on the campaign trail just as much as the president and the candidates themselves, okay? >> a mini candidate. >> [ laughter ] >> folks out there, when you talk to people across the country, literally, regular folks living their lives and will participate in this election, you hear about the, el okay, trump but you also hear about , you know, what they are doing within their families. they are worried about their healthcare and their kids, housing, right? it is a both and an and, it is not an either/or. >> to your point, it is by design, the shock and awe, we will do so much crazy stuff we will not be able to parse it out with donald trump being crazy but voters are paying attention to core issues and abortion is the most persuasive one. we have trump on tape in his own words bragging about
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overturning roe and punishing women and providers. he is hammering it over and over again. we can also say to voters clearly, this is what a trump administration did. it helps address the vulnerability gap of what trump can do. we have a chance to really explain what democrats can and will do. it is great that senate democrats will have votes on the right to contravention -- th contraception and ivf. we will see administration folks talking about abortion and birth control freedom. >> the former president is giving us the framing for this america he wants to create, an american reich. what was stunning to me about that was how it landed. >> with a thud?
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>> yeah. okay, it wasn't just me. >> i don't think folks know what reich is. >> come on. >> you can't , i am not even going to by this idea that at this point in our history, when you hear the word reich you have no idea what it refers to. >> i want to interject to place himself from the president and i the second gentleman. i think they respond to this, in part, to address the need for shakeup here. take a listen. >> what's next for america? >> this is the official account? wow. the unified reich? that is still's language, not america's. he cares about holding onto power. i care about you. if jewish people are going to vote for joe biden, they have to have their head examined. >> the last person i will take advice from is an anti-semite who said there were good people on both sides after charlottesville. he is the last person i will take advice from. >> i think that speaks to your point though, there is the
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recognition to take people by the shoulders and say this is not normal. >> yeah, it is not normal. it is one of those things i find frustrating. the trump campaign's excuse , it was not a campaign video, it will is created by a staffer online who did not clearly see the word while the president was in court. there are so many levels a bs in that statement. they push it out there. there is no countermeasure to it . i mean, outside of what we just saw for the president and the first gentleman, the secondh gentleman, there is the sense i get in the communities out there that it was aside, it just doesn't land the way i think it should, when i heard it, i literally was stopped. i had to go back and pull it up
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and look at the fine print of it just to make sure it wasn't being misreported because it was so jarring. yet -- >> i think the point you make, symone, bout everybody not understanding the reference which is why the president was so smart to those are hitler's words. we have to keep spelling that out. we assume voters are smart, it is not they are not smart but they are not paying close attention to every little moment. trump is counting on that. he is counting on us not paying attention. the campaign is being really start -- smart. >> he is counting on us not paying attention but he is also selling his supporters an alternative narrative on what is happy. talk about his claim of the use of deadly force at the mar- a-lago incident and not acting - as though it was proper. here's mayor garland responded to that claim. >> that allegation is false. it is extremely dangerous. the document that is being th referred to in the allegation re is the justice department's standard policy limiting the
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use of t'force. t as the fbi advises, it is part of the standard operations plan for searches and, in fact, it a was even used in the consensual search of president biden's home . >> the concern, of course, is that the fact check never gets the people who have already read the line. >> it is too late, largely. we have seen this over and over and over again. republicans find something and once it gets into the bloodstream of the conspiracy theorists, the great thing about conspiracy theories, that are to be true and any fact you try to interject with, you say, you are part of the deep stay, you're part of the problem. it doesn't matter once it gets into it and festers. you watch what it happens, marjorie taylor greene said he knew they were rated kill him. he wasn't there. these are not things that always happen. a larger part of it is you have
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a lot of folks who are in ks government, marjorie taylor greene, lauren boebert, people like that, who don't understand how government works and doesn't understand the standard operating procedure. you don't change from the standard, no matter who the person you are searching and seizing. when they see that, in their y head, they say this is he something new, which is not true at all. sometimes it is insidious, sometimes you have the fact that the biden folks are worried they won't be able to shake enough shoulders, pay attention to this so they are trying all of the different ways but there is so much to get against the wall because there were so many people who believe the trump campaign, the trump administration and the trump campaign before that was so unorganized and professional, of course, something like this accidental third reich reference ended up in this video. they don't know what they are doing. that is how we, in the media,
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can fault them. we know how these campaigns usually work and how the trump campaign doesn't aaa work like that so we have to be careful e in our own coverage, even if it was an accident. if it was an accident, we have to let the american people know but. but this is what it said, accident or not. >> we don't know it was an accident because donald trump himself has been posting ion he social media site from court. i find it very laughable they tried to blame it on a young woman staffer for him. i know we have to go to the next thing, but "politico", i think, put the finest point on e this about fascism, regardless on how or why the video made its way onto the social media feed, the incident highlights a broader problem for the gop. right-leaning corners of the internet are absolutely inundated, inundated with fascism or fascist adjacent comment and it is making its way into the mainstream. >> there is so much, eugene and
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mini, thank you for sticking with us. we will talk about the latest attempt to curb medication abortions in louisiana and how it can be traced back to one person, donald trump. michael cohen's former legal advisor lanny davis on what to expect next week in the ex-president's criminal trial. you are watching "the weekend". ♪ ♪ weekend". ♪ ♪ 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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♪♪ louisiana just became the first state to categorize abortion pills, yes. abortion pills as controlled,
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dangerous substances. if that sounds crazy it is because it is. that now puts those pills in the same class as nakata. governor jeff landry signed the republican backed legislation into law yesterday, falsely claiming it protects women. the biden campaign makes clear who they believe is responsible for this legislation saying in a statement, this is a direct result of trump overturning roe versus wade . eugene daniels and mini timmaraju are back with us. let me talk about this bill because i am fired up. this particular bill started because the state senator in louisiana and her husband and sister, i think he is in jail at this point, put abortion pills into her drink, into our water, multiple times, several different times. she found out what was happening, recorded him and so, yes, she recorded him and everything so the state senator came up with this bill to
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criminalize people to criminalize that particular act and to protect women so that doesn't happen to them. those same louisiana right to life organization came into lobby to add this particular provision to the bell. that is what changed it. prior to this, it was a bipartisan bill and louisiana right to life came in and that is how this became a law. >> we know the supreme court is about to issue a decision on the mifepristone case. it is so awful it even got to the supreme court but it is looking like we will be able to maintain protections for mifepristone in this country. i am hopeful. i am not hopeful with this court but i think we will see more deep red states where
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groups with right to life have the power, trying to take other measures to limit or restrict abortion access. louisiana always has a total ban on abortion. we have been saying all along and this is a play they have been using for decades, restricting access to abortions by 72 hour waiting period, mandatory ultrasound, et cetera. we knew they would find a backdoor way to ban abortion, even though it is already banned back. this is what this is about, attacks on access to care, limiting to what citizens can do in their state and punishing providers for even talking about it. it has created a complete lockton in los angeles -- louisiana. it is so dangerous and it is the conversation, the continuation of the fascist state. you may not think donald trump is a fascist or you may not know what that means but you believe he would make a deal with the most extremist folks of his party to win back power and control. >> yeah, he would. that is why i keep telling folks, he tripped up, it got tripped up this week on the question about abortion and, as we saw from that moment, he is all over the map because his orientation is not to be honest in the pro-life setting. it just isn't, folks, it ain't, baby, sorry about that.
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we got this sound, play that, please. >> do you support any restrictions on a persons right to contraception? >> we were looking into that. i will have a policy into that very shortly. i think it is something you will find interesting. >> okay, that is, that is donald trump's bs answer to pretty much everything he knows absolutely nothing about. he is insisting he will have a policy on that very shortly and it will be fantabulous, you are going to love it, it will wake you up like coffee in the morning. >> [ laughter ] >> it will put you to bed at night, too. that is the kind of policies i make, i am donald trump, please
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buy my bible. that is what we are dealing with here. these are very serious issues. so the counter question that i have for the state of louisiana and other states, okay, y'all want to ban everything. okay, i understand. so are you putting money in s.n.a.p. programs? are you putting money into prenatal care from others? >> the worst maternal outcomes in the country are in louisiana, the worst. >> okay, here's the thing. you want to strip it down and take it away and you are forcing women, you are putting in the infrastructure, forcing women who would make a different choice because of whatever circumstance in your life, particularly if this was a forced pregnancy. so now what are you doing on the back end to support these women who are now mothers? they are looking around and there is nothing there. there is no safety net for them because the state legislature thanks, oh my god, we don't want to have s.n.a.p. programs, we don't one afterschool programs, we don't want things to help this mom we told had to have that child to care for that child in the correct way. >> there is terrible news about
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louisiana and mississippi and all the deep south states. even though roe was the law of the land, they limited access to abortion care, there was extremely limited access to family planning programs. title x, the nation's program that funds contraception was gutted and states have been punished like states like texas, louisiana mississippi because the extreme right, the base of the party, they believe of portion is something that at the end of the day, donald trump is more in line with them than you think. birth control only became legally protected by the supreme court in the griswold decision at 1956. we only have had legal access to contraception since her mother's generation. does donald trump want to put us back in the house? absolutely in the house. >> that is believable.
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birth control is gender equity. a lot of us are equals in the workplace. he does not want that. his party does not want that. >> the thing about donald trump, when we see this answer, is that he doesn't care much about policy. he is not read up on it. that answer, someone who has, as all of us, have watched his campaign and the administration, his answers when he didn't know what the policy was going to be. >> which is also helpful. it allows you to transpose whatever you wanted to policy. >> for any voter watching that, they can say what they think he is thinking and saying. i think the problem that the trump campaign has right now, and the republicans have had for a very long time on abortion, is that they were saying, you know, when we started seeing the dobbs case, this isn't going to happen. this is, you know, this is all of those things. democrats say it will happen. that is not what we are focused on. we are not focused on contraception. we are not focused on ivf. then we have louisiana. they are very focused on that.
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that is what we are talking about. that is what is happening over and over and over again. anytime this comes up, we will see this later on this year, anytime it comes up on the ballot, whether it is referendum so they can limit access, reproductive access and freedom, that side wins every single time because people see over and over and over again no matter what donald trump says or the leaders of the party, the folks that are making the laws and making the policy are operating in a completely different way. >> from virginia to alabama to louisiana to texas, it has given the whole united states legislators the chance to tell ladies what to do with their bodies. thank you, mini timmaraju and eugene daniels very, very much. next up we will get into how the biden-harris campaign is reminding black americans about the threat donald trump poses . be sure to follow are so on social media. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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of course i hate these people. people. the biden campaign launched a new ad, reminding americans, particularly black voters, who donald trump really is. joining us now is the former democratic national ceo and the
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former communication directors who now serves as a senior advisor for the lincoln project. thank you for joining us. welcome to you both. >> thank you. we were all talking about, you know, when we were getting ready for the show this weekend and we ended up in the conversation with donald trump's outreach to black voters, versus what joe biden and kamala harris are doing. we have to separate this thing out. these two things are not the same. when you take a look at what the biden campaign has to do, i feel like it is two prong, but you know, bishop, you had to do this on a number of different scales for a lot of different campaigns. i'm just wondering how you are taking a look at the outreach, but also the juxtaposition between the president and his opponent. >> yeah, it is a surprisingly difficult task because you would think the contrast is really clear. apparently it's not. you know, we are living with the generation where the youngest voters not only what they read about in the history books so they don't understand
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things like fascism and the conversation around the reich. we need to remind everyone who donald trump is and what he did to the country when he was pregnant -- president of the country and what they intend to do, the accomplishments of the biden administration and the third thing they have to do was repeat over and over and over what they will do with they get another chance. we have this huge swath of things they have to do, which are more difficult than they should have to be, given the candidate on the other side. >> see you have "politico" talking about the racist chats between the two campaigns, the campaigns are attempting to court black voters by accusing each other being racist. lobbying accusations used to be a relatively campaign occurrence but the back-and-
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forth is taking place in may of an election year foreshadows a race that will be both toxic and deeply personal. i particularly agree with that last bit of analysis that there will be a higher level of toxicity in this campaign. how are you assessing this at this juncture, the race play by trump , specifically, since he just did a big thing in the bronx, where there were very few black or brown people there, but, okay, that didn't seem to bother anybody. particularly some of the media headlines on it. how are you assessing this race so far with respect to race? >> well, the deeply personal and toxic aspect of this is donald trump's entire campaign
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cell. welcome to donald trump's campaign. have you not been paying attention the last nine years? this is what he does. there is a collective shrug when he does this because this is people accepting this and par for the course, which i think is part of the problem, the normalization of all of this. you talked about the hitler rhetoric he has been doing and that is part of the challenge the biden administration is facing because the people who should be sounding the alarms on this besides them, aren't really doing it to let people know like the facts behind things and reminding the american people that this collective amnesia about donald trump as a candidate, as a president and as a person really needs to change. we really need to remind people how horrible this person is. when it comes to race, we know donald trump is a racist. he has been a racist his entire
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career, his whole life. it is documented. it comes down to the convenient amnesia part of this. what donald trump is trying to do and what his campaign is trying to do is capitalize on that. they are trying to take something, you know, there is a percentage of the black community disenchanted with the democratic party, that has been going on a long time. when i was a republican and you were chairman, we used to see opportunities here to go in and try to get some of those voters to come over to the republican side but for different reasons. when we did it, it was very different from what donald trump is doing. the insulting way in which donald trump and his campaign is speaking to black and brown voters is really infuriating. i don't know if any of you guys have heard some of the urban radio ads that the trop organizations have been pumping into urban areas, places like detroit and others. it is so incredibly insulting and bigoted and chock full of lies trying to pit communities against each other that it is hard to imagine this is going to having an impact. this is what donald trump does. >> yeah. >> you know, this is what he does. i am proud of the biden campaign for getting it out
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there and calling it what it is and making the contrast. they got to do that and remind people. they need to demonstrate what is at stake. that is really important. a lot of people don't realize there are consequences to deciding not to vote or voting for someone else are staying home. there is consequences to that. we have seen what donald trump will do. we know his record, remind people of it. >> leah, there was a great moment, i thought, recently where the vice president was asked the question about attrition between black and latino voters. she expressed frustration. i thought it was very honest that embedded in that question the assumption that black voters are supposed to turn out for democrats, latino voters are supposed to turn in for democrats, they owe them there vote. there is a frustration long shared among all good organizers that they did not require investment, they don't require the same type of unique and culturally specific outreach other communities require an that is coming to the forefront. there is actually an
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opportunity here for democrats, not just to build, but to build better so they have an infrastructure that actually understands the needs, the wants of this evolving community. >> that is exactly right. that is where i see the silver lining, as well. we do often hear the strip about democrats taking black folks and latino folks for granted. this is forcing us, forcing the democratic party to go to the voters and specifically ask for their vote, to specifically address their needs, address their concerns and spend the money that is necessary to reach the communities. this seven-figure ad buy is just the beginning. besides the ad we saw, there is a radio ad playing in areas of black and latino radio stations where people actually get their news.
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we get our news from different places. that is really important we go to where the voters are and respect them enough to i want your vote. here is how i have been addressing your issues and here is how i intend to address your issues. what donald trump is doing is forcing us to go back to basics. >> radio and youtube, do not sleep on either of them. >> leah and tara, you will be with us after the break. you are watching "the weekend". for healthy joints. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body.
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in a doctor's office. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. ♪♪ let's talk more on the old playbook that donald trump is relying on to divide voters. donald trump had a rally thursday in the bronx and he falsely accused immigrants from taking jobs from black and latino voters. that is not true. in the employment is that record was for all americans. and donald trump's world is all about misleading and dividing instead of offering solutions. he just points out big problems. as the association >> associated press reports, trump believes he can chip away at black and hispanic voters,
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particular younger men who may not follow politics closely but are frustrated by their economic situations and draw two trump's tough guy persona. back with us is leah daughtry and tara setmayer. i would like to know if you have a comment. >> well, if i rolled my eyes any harder they would be stuck at the top of my head. first of all, i want to know who are these bronx people? it is not even clear to me they are even from the bronx. the picture is just , it is tainted. i am a new yorker. i view the whole thing with skepticism. i think this is where the pivot has to happen with the biden campaign because people are running around with fake facts and, you know, espousing all of this ridiculousness, which has no basis in truth. that is where the ads don't work, radio or tv, this is the ground game , voted to voter,
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person to person, neighborhood to neighborhood, where you can refute these things and talk as people who live next door to each other about what this will mean for our children, our neighborhoods, our people. that is the only way you combat this. people are not listening to the fact that unemployment is low or that healthcare is available and contraception may be taken away. what they are concerned about is about gas prices, which are the lowest or food prices, which is lowering, about a recession, which there is no recession. they need their neighbors, their friends, they got to have a ground game that addresses these things person to person, neighbor to neighbor, house to house, door to door. >> so to that point, tara, to leah's point, what does that look like, given all the external activity that a campaign has traditionally done in the past? we have talked about some of that. is something different required now to, if you know you are up against an asymmetrical player like trump, you don't know it any given issue or day of the week where he will come from, he could land with something stupid, like saying african americans are getting
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slaughtered, how, what is the counter narrative that, you know, not just democrats, but the rest of america needs to -- >> everybody who is not racist here. >> i need someone to put it down like that, there you go. let's go with that. i will put that in my coffee. let's go with that. >> yes, yes. herein lies the challenge. you are correct when you say we are dealing with an asymmetrical political warfare candidate here. i think this is the challenge for democrats, they haven't fully recognized that you've got to change some of the traditional ways in which you do things and be a little bit more aggressive in how you do them. to leah's point, you have to meet people where they are. that means that the traditional way of political campaigning,
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whether it is ads and things like that, do those things, but you have to have another robust ground game where you are talking to people, meeting them where they are and in all kinds of different ways. the way people communicate today, the way people associate with each other today is a little bit different than it used to be. it is not the rotary clubs anymore, but you find those ways and you find those surrogates who have credibility in the community. you make sure they are armed with facts and the ability to speak to their folks and speak to them, have a conversation. you have to be present. so i think that makes a huge difference. the trump administration, the trump campaign, they are seeing there is an opening here. they are taking advantage of that. the way in which they are doing it, i think, is so outrageous. donald trump is so insulting.
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i am from new jersey, so i get that. i was looking at that and these people are not from the bronx. okay, maybe some of them but most of them are from somewhere else. perception is the reality in politics. it is like you have these people, donald trump is embracing what the tropes are about who black people are or who hispanics are listening to. you have accused murderer rapper on the stage and embracing them. yeah, these guys are great because, you know, they endorse me. then he goes about and talk about the crime in the community. you have two guys accused of major gang violence in brooklyn on the stage with you. who is pointing this out? we need people in the communities to be like, that is the exact opposite. that is who donald trump thanks attracts people of color. it is all of the racial stereotypes, the sneakers, you know, just all of it. it is so antiquated and stereotypical and insulting. meanwhile, you have a president who appointed his first black female supreme court justice
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who has a record-breaking investment in black businesses and in healthcare in amenities and no one knows this. get your surrogates out there on the ground in the community and explain it to people and tell them this is what we will continue to do, not the guy who goes after people of color or election workers and claims all the election fraud happen in black cities and this is the guy we think will be good for us and looks out for us? i don't think so. >> one last thing i would say, he didn't just go to the bronx because he felt like going to the bronx. he is in the bronx because his court case is constraining his movement. >> [ laughter ] >> he is in new york and he
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went to the bronx because it is close to the courthouse. let's remember this is not, i think i will just go see the black and brown people this week. i need to get to court on tuesday. >> [ laughter ] >> being a criminal defendant he thinks will help him in the black community. you are all criminals, just like me. >> [ laughter ] >> it is so ridiculous but this is what he does, this is what he is telling us he believes. he telling us. act accordingly. >> listen to him. >> well, that was charge for me. >> leah daughtry and tara setmayer, thank you both so much. nesh, the war in the classroom. how students are failed thanks to reeducation efforts from conservative activist. yep. you are watching "the weekend". ♪ ♪ weekend". ♪ ♪ what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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♪♪ this week, the louisiana state legislature passed a bill prohibiting discussions of gender identity and sexual orientation is close. the state's new republican governor is expected to provide it. it is part of a nationwide effort by conservatives to impose their values in classrooms. nbc news investigative reporter my kicks in bound breaks it down in his brand-new book, they came for the schools. he points out, quote, america's public schools, since their very creation, have repeatedly become ground zero for this country's most diverse battles over politics and civil rights -- from the fights over evolution and segregation to those over sex education and sexuality. it is not new.
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eyes it is an ongoing effort for quite some time in the extreme corners of our politics to figure out where is the weakest link that can become our strength? in other words, we go in where people are not suspecting, we take over and take control and then we can handle the conversations in the way we want. what you have done is sort of brought that out and exposed it in a way that i think is very, very important. what is your takeaway on this effort? how do you see this playing out? how successful has it become >> one of my goals with writing this book is if you are sitting in a school district anywhere in the country where you see angry parents at school board meetings complaining about critical race theory, gender ideology or the teacher is trying to get my child to change gender with library books, you can read this book and figure out how it fits into a much bigger moment in history
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and why those parents are saying those things, even though they are not true. so we saw, beginning at 2020 and 2021 this really, this push on the right to try to win back disaffected suburban voters by fighting these battles at the local school board level. the theory then, as steve bannon articulated, was, we are going to save the country by going through the school boards. what has happened as a result is, all of the ugliest divisions in our country have
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been forced down to the local level into these previously nonpartisan school board elections but it is not stopping at the school boards. it is going into classrooms. we are seeing, just really ugly attacks on educators, teachers, who just show up to work and do their best to help kids get through, you know, their finals and to help them grow into adults. those teachers are being accused, in some cases, of wanting to hurt kids, of teaching them to hate themselves because they are white or being accused of being sexual predators, in some cases. it is driving teachers out of classrooms. >> i have often said cultural wars are not a distraction, they are, in fact, they are the playbook. your book really teases the cell. christina mcgurk is a fourth- grade teacher at southlake and is a central figure in this book. she says teachers are being forced to teach an appalling perspective on the holocaust. just one. taught more about her and how that is an -- not an isolated incident. >> she is a central figure in the blood. she is a fourth grade teacher, a young christian who went into teaching because she wanted to
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live out her christian faith by helping kids to learn and to teach them to be kind to each other. in 2021, her colleague and i broke the story that the school district in southlake, texas, tried to comply with one of these anti-crt laws. they instructed teachers if you have a book on the holocaust in the classroom, make sure you have one that shows an opposing perspective. teachers were obviously like, what do you mean, opposing perspective? it was a symbol of where was all going, the overreach of these proposals. we were able to tell that story because six teachers came to us from this district and shared what happened and told us their perspectives on the condition they not be named.
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people in this community, i don't know how, they managed to unmask one of those teachers, christina mcguirk, were the teachers who came forward to say this is happening. as a result, she was called into the superintendent's office, the recording of her interview was played on the desk and ask, is this you? she was driven out of the school. the one person who spoke out was the one punished. >> i want to show how we came full circle about the unified reich and how people don't understand that reference. >> a lot of people are making really tough choices right now about where they want to raise their kids and where they want to send them to school. when you have a child, you were not sure if the teacher, by law, will be able to pull out a book to teach the other kids in the class how to be kind to your child, it forces people to think about moving and pulled their kids out of schools. this is a tough decision and the result of the hyper politicization of this issue. >> mike hixenbaugh, thank you so much. his book, ad is out now.
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