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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  May 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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-- that i was empowered. wow. i am so grateful to both of you for what you are doing and for sending that message out. that you are empowered to undertake your responsibilities as a citizen. i want to thank you both, members of the league of women voters solano county. alice freed and rami muth. >> thank you for that amazing conversation. that will do it for me. thank you for watching "velshi" on msnbc. "velshi" errors every sunday morning. stay right where you are. the katie thing show starts right now.
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nailing some three-pointers to help the indiana beavers sale to their first win of the season. the mavericks beating the timberwolves to take game two of the western conference finals. now it is the celtics. the commanding lead against the pacers. today, saturday may d 25th, 202 this is, today. with peter alexander and laura i jarrett. live from the studio 1a from rockefeller plaza visor.
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thanks for joining us on this fine saturday morning. are you ready? ni >> all of those memories facing backwards and the station on the long road. we wish you and your kids facing the wrong way good luck wherever you are. we have a lot to get to this morning. on track to get the busiest in 20 years with millions hitting the road and taking to the skies as we turn the corner and the summer. >> 70 million americans neat ri for severe thunderstorms, high wind, and possible tornadoes. nbc's maura is checking the weather for us from lake michigan in my hometown. good morning.
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>> reporter: folks are expected to take a full dinich of the sun but others are prepping for more severe weather as millions are set to travel for the holiday weekend. the sun rising this morning, ready for summer fun. >> everybody wants to be outside. >> chicago is the place to be. no other place to be. >> reporter: the lakefront beach is a different picture across the country. aaa predicts 44 million people will hit the road or catch a flight for the holiday weekend. the busiest in the last 20 years. vast majority of them are planning to drive. >> i am used to traffic but i'm hoping it does not get horrible. in average price of gas is $3.60 a gallon. >> it makes the trip more expensive. >> reporter: the most popular spots for rental cars, las vegas, denver, atlanta, boston,
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orlando. >> we have extra police on hand to help negotiate that traffic, to make sure folks are moving along. >> reporter: airports are as crowded as the roads. the tsa five of the top 20 busiest days have been this month. screening 18 million people around the holiday. >> i would rather pay the extra money to fly. i hate the traffic. >> reporter: more than 8000 flights delayed on friday. 17 million at risk today, facing more tornado warnings and possible damaging hail. those getting lucky with sunshine, officials warning beach goers that great white sharks were spotted off cape cod. the sign of the start of summer. in chicago the lake water behind me is a frigid 50 degrees hit if you're looking to hit the road to find warmer
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beaches, aaa says the worst time to drive are the prime after two -- is best to hit the road before 1:00 p.m. or after 6:00 p.m. plan accordingly. let's bring meteorologist, angie. rough weather through a lot of the country. more severe threats, who will face at this weekend? >> multiple locations over multiple days. this morning we're watching thunderstorms across the tennessee and mississippi valley. we are most concerned about today's forecast in parts of the central plains and central plains. the chance for long violent tornadoes and gently help her destructive winds. if you live in this area, this is where you want to watch.
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we have a flood risk today, the rainfall rates up to two inches. we will pick up a good amount of rain across this region. tomorrow we see a larger area including 42 million people for the severe weather. indianapolis, lexington, nashville, included. by monday afternoon, the east coast is on top with severe weather. former president trump, criminal trial in manhattan will go to the jury next week. overnight new legal jeopardy in florida. prosecutors asking a federal judge to place a new gag order, arguing his false claims about law enforcement are dangerous. julie is in washington with this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this request from jack smith is the first in this case. it comes after former president trump repeatedly criticized the fbi who searched and seized his documents at mar-a-lago.
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mr. trump took issue with the standard policy the fbi and attorney general are pushing back on trump revealing the same policy was followed during the search of biden's delaware home. prosecutors overnight writing that trumps repeated mischaracterization has endangered law enforcement officers involved in the investigation. a date for the trial has not been set.
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that's an advantage for prosecution. they're hoping somebody is in there who will want to play. if you make i think it will be robert costello that does donald trump in the and. my friend, george,, i love the quirky figurines behind you. it is good to see you. >> tell bonnie and clyde that i say hello. coming up after the break, flat fiasco calls for justice
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alito's recusal. it's growing louder after a second controversial flag flying outside one of his homes. more to come on the katie thing show. keep it right here. craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production,
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another week, another supreme flag fallout for justice samuel alito. this week, the new york times reporting that an appeal to heaven flag was flown outside alito's new jersey beach house. while the flag dates back to the revolutionary war, more recently it has become a symbol of christian nationalism and was carried it by writers. it comes less than a week after the times reported an upside down american flag held by writers on january 6th was
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flown outside of alito's virginia home between january 6 and president biden's inauguration in 2021. justice alito blamed his wife for the inverted flag with her telling a reporter in 2021, it was a, quote, signal of distress. she was having a dispute with their neighbors. two controversial flags in less than a week? i am throwing a red flag for that. jonah me now, ellie. the host of the contempt of court podcast and the author of, allow me to retort, a black guys guide to the constitution. durbin said that justin -- just as a label should recuse himself from donald trump's immunity case. he stopped short of calling for an inquiry that with this news of a second flag, not only is it durkin, but senator -- justice
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roberts to address ethics crisis. do you expect robbers to say yes to meeting with them to discuss what is going on in his backyard? >> reporter: john roberts is the melania trump of supreme court justices. he really does not care. we know that roberts does not care about the ethical disaster that is his supreme court. by his actions. roberts is speaking loud and clear when he does things like allow sam alito to write voting rights opinions, as he did in 2021 and he did this week in the gerrymandering case brought by the naacp in south carolina. not only does roberts let alito write these opinions where alito denies the voting rights of black and brown people across the country, he allows him to write these opinions, he's released the opinion this week. this case i came out this week from the naacp, that was argued
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back in october of 2023. it could have been released any time before the flag controversy. or the supreme court will probably go until just before july 4th weekend, roberts could have put it in the back pocket and released in a couple weeks hoping perhaps the flag controversy would blow over if roberts cared. but, he doesn't. he wants people to know that he does not. that's why he's allowing alito to write opinions and obvious lee doing nothing within his power, hard power and soft power to address the ethical concerns on his court. >> i'm glad you pivoted to the south carolina decision. it's important for people to understand what happened this week with that coming out. not only was it justice delayed, justice denied, but alito is saying there has to be
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direct evidence of racism versus any circumstantial evidence that may result when you look at the results of the gerrymandering that occurs. the drawing of the district lines. is this a new legal standard because it comes from the supreme court? it will be the bar that has to be met in order for any challenges to gerrymandering to be raised? >> reporter: yes, that is what alito did. to reach the constitutional protection of the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause. it is to prevent this kind of racism from happening. to reach that standard now, you can't reach that standard by showing what republicans do through their actions. if they draw district that systematically removes all the black voters from the district, which is what happened in south carolina, that is not enough. what you have to say one alito is talking about direct evidence , opposed to circumstantial, he is saying that you need the map
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maker to sit there while there are drying -- drawing their map and say, i am fitting to do some racism today. that is direct evidence. unless the republican legislature gerrymandering the districts says directly, we are doing this because we hate the blacks, unless they say that, you do not have evidence of racial impropriety in redistricting cases, according to sam alito. look, there are white people who are absolutely racist enough to say that. donald trump exists. i cannot say that it can't ever happen. the idea that you can only prove racism if the racist admits what they are doing, it is bonkers, but it is part of the insurrection. it is part of what alito was driving at. the threat, the thread that ties alito's upside down flag and insurrectionist flags to his
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judicial opinions is this -- he does not think that the votes of black and brown folks matter. all right? he thinks that as long as the majority of white people want something, whether that be donald trump being president or black people not being able to vote in nancy's district in south carolina, he thinks that is okay. the reason why alito does not think he is and insurrectionist, even though he is, even though donald trump lost the election, he won the white vote. he won white men and women. according to alito, that is enough. that means that donald trump should be president because white people want him to be president. that is all that matters to alito. not the votes of everybody else. >> i have a concern about delay, seeing how jack smith gave the supreme court the opportunity to take up the
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presidential immunity case earlier than later. we still sit here today. we are kissing june 1st without a decision from scotus. we will have you back when that decision comes out. i am sure you will have a lot to say. thanks for being here, i appreciate it. still to come, secret weapon, how kamala harris is having success on the campaign trail with swing state voters. it could be the key to lock up the wood for biden in november. confirmation competition. behind the biden administration race to confer more judges than trump, and his legacy regardless if he prevails in this is in 2024. stay with us. ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track.
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trump was out of control when he was president. he lost the election and snapped. desperately trying to hold onto power. he's threatening to run again, this time threatening to be a dictator. >> with just 163 days until election day, there is not enough things said about why americans should seriously consider voting for president biden. how about the strongest two years of job growth in history? the lowest unemployment rate in two years. his student loan relief programs. historic investment in infrastructure. protecting marriage for lgbtq+ and interracial couples. how about appointing 200 judges? joining me now is delaware congresswoman, lisa rochester. she is also a national cochair for resident biden's reelection
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campaign. it is an honor to have you on the show. i could've gone on longer. president biden has all of these accomplishments but they do not resonate clearly with voters the way they should be. how does biden crack that code? >> first of all it is an honor to be on your show. secondly, i would love to say to all of the families out there, this is more mature -- memorial day weekend, we hope they have a reflective weekend to honor our servicemembers. you hit the nail on the head, the president has done so much, working with democrats in the house and senate to do transformational things for this country. for our campaign, our goal is to make sure that everybody understands the stakes and understands the difference between joe biden presidency again and ate donald trump
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presidency again. i actually served under both presidents, so i got to see someone who is focused on himself and a small group of individuals. somebody like joe biden, who wakes up every day thinking about how to make people's lives better. coming out of the pandemic, and having the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. to ensuring that we kept -- kept the cost of insulin for seniors. he would do that for $35 for everybody moving forward. building roads and bridges, having access to internet, making the community safer. for the veterans, passing the pack act. the president has shown the difference between somebody who wakes up every morning thinking about how to do that? as a campaign, part of what we are doing is going to communities, opening up offices
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in different parts of the country. particularly the battleground states, to make sure that folks from those communities can tell their stories. i think of so many people who have come up to me and talked about student debt relief. what they have said, he has been able to relieve $160 billion. people have come up to me and said that it has been a game changer. a capitol police officer had me roll down my window on my car as i was going through security, he said, my wife has been a teacher for decades. for the first time, she is actually able because of the student debt relief, to do things that we to invest in our economy. for me as to tell stories, have a rapid response to the things that donald trump says. create offices and be in the communities. donald trump is going to court, joe biden will meet the people where they are. we believe that we will prevail. joe biden and kamala harris will win again. even the vice president on her
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opportunity to her, economic opportunity tour, is getting out there to touch the people. that is why we are working to make sure people connect their vote to all of the things this administration has been able to do and what we will do in the next four years. >> we have to talk about your historic run for the united states senate. you are the first woman who is african american to represent delaware in congress. you will be the first black woman to hold that seat. in washington, two black women have never served in the u.s. senate at the same time. voters in november will have the chance to double that number should they elect you and angela. what would it mean for you to continue to do what you are doing to break the glass ceiling? >> i have to tell you, first of all, when we did it the first time in 2016, coming the first woman and person of color in
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delaware, our goal really was not about making history, it was about making a difference. having a real impact on people's lives. to be in the house during this time, the ups and downs, and to still achieve things by bringing clean water to delaware -- work on strengthening supply chains and jobs, and focusing on our health and health status, has been an honor for me. to go to the senate, to be able to work on reproductive freedom -- i want my daughter and my granddaughter to have the same rights that i did. to be out of work on democracy as somebody who was trapped in the gallery on january 6. to me, this opportunity is one that i hope i can make a difference. we are hopeful that people will be a part of our movement.
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join our movement because as you said, we have never in the history of this country, we have only had three black women in the whole country serve. we have the ability to have two at the same time. again, that is in of itself in -- a historic fee. we are doing it to make a difference. >> we are looking forward to history being made in november. thanks for joining the show. i appreciate it very much. joining me for more on decision 2024, a former republican congressman from florida. david, let's talk about nikki haley. finally admitting she is voting for donald trump. arguing that president biden is a greater threat than trumpet do you think her supporters will actually follow her lead? or does biden still have a chance with some of nikki's followers? >> some will follow her lead and that's what's dangerous.
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welcome to florida, i know you are a part-time new yorker sitting in a court room all day. my take on nikki haley, i'm surprised she didn't because she wants to run in 2020. like rick desantis, they went after donnell. they caved because to be electable in 2028, they have to endorse donnell. no surprise. we have given her too much credit. we need to stop giving her too much credit. these clearly were convictions that she held out of convenience during the primary and now she has more convenient in a general election with donald trump trump. i say that not to be hyperbolic but there's no difference between nikki and kevin mccarthy and ted cruz and mitch mcconnell and christine gnome. she is one of them. she either is no different between her and maga. the only difference between nikki haley and kristi is a dead puppy. we need to associate her with the maga movement. what she did is dangerous.
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she suggested that donald trump, someone who has interest to shred the constitution, and dated on multiple criminal accounts, somehow less dangerous than sitting joe biden with all of the accomplishments you talked about in the previous segment. okay haley do republican voters. some will follow her, not all of them. joe biden still has an opportunity. >> you and i were chatting off- line about little marco. marco rubio, who still is sniffing around donald trump. you have an opinion that he might be a serious contender for the vp, why is that? >> i want to perceive that with this, i think donald trump is uniquely dangerous. joe biden is doing a great job. i will withhold who i will vote for. marco rubio could possibly win donald trump trump the white house in november. i think he is that strong of a vp pick if he taps him.
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susie, a longtime political operative who is advising donald trump, knows that as well. for a couple reasons, marco rubio vp pick avoids the crazy. kerry lake, the craziness. the sarah palin pick, if you will? and reassures the nikki haley voters, traditional republicans. michael rubio, he's not tried to publicly litigate his flip-flop the past eight years 80 whiteley lead on policy issues. endorsed himself to donald trump and the family and he will settle the nerves of many nikki haley voters. marco rubio is a strong contender for the vp pick and it would not surprise me if donald trump taps him. >> is he a hispanic version of mike pence? >> that is interesting. people said that they tried that with mike pence. that is different.
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he was a republican out of -- with the piety. marco rubio is a policy leader that strikes at the interest of nikki haley voters. peace through strength, reduce taxes, go down the list, he can speak to those. he also is a quiet star. mike pence was never a star, he was next up. i would say it does not bring the hispanic vote. we were texting about this. all politics is national now. what marco rubio does, he brings home a lot of republicans that have showed up for biden and democrats in 2018, 2020, and 2022. >> i think marco rubio is too much of a pushover. maybe that is what donald trump wants. i think that marco does not have panache or the style that would be attractive. i do not think he has a big enough or large enough voice to do it. crazier has happened before.
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david jolly, thanks for being here and your insights. very interesting. coming up next, the pregnancy punishment. what louisiana's latest move to carbonized commonly used abortion medication means for reproductive rights in the south. the looming senate vote on birth control access could accept affect birth control nationwide. keep it here.
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has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil. this week we saw another attack on women's reproductive rights in america. yesterday louisiana governor, jeff landry, a white male republican, signed a bill that reclassifies two common abortion inducing drugs as controlled dangerous substances in the state. it will place the drugs to induce labor and manage miscarriages, in the same category as opioids and
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depressants. possession of these pills without a prescription will be punishable with a prison sentence of up to five years. louisiana is the first state to curb access to the abortion inducing drugs. other states are closely watching, it is sure to not be the last. joining me now is alexis mcneil johnson. alexis, thanks for being here for this important news. louisiana banning abortions with very limited exceptions, none include or incest. louisiana has been very clear, we do not prosecute women while seeking an abortion but we are clear that abortion is not legal in louisiana. what is next? >> i am like, shame on louisiana. the state that already has the worst maternal care already in the u.s. to criminalize these
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drugs. let's talk about medications that are safe, used for miscarriage mismanagement, postpartum, inducing labor, even stomach ulcers. the idea that this is being characterized as addictive medication and putting more politics in medicine, when we note that americans have already spoken. they believe politicians are inherently unqualified to make medical decisions. we know that this is about control. it is just about another way to signal that the state of louisiana can control women's freedoms. it is not about stopping abortion or keeping women safe. it is about control and power and it is alarming. chills are going down my spine. >> senator schumer is trying to help with the fast track bill. the bill is likely to be
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blocked by republicans. talk about how important it is to make sure we see which lawmakers on record our voting which way on these important issues as we near november 2024. >> this is leadership. this is what happens when majority leader schumer stands with 96% of voters who support birth control access. he understands the basic idea that people want the right to privacy and to healthcare. a right to contraception. it stands in contrast to senators like katie britt, who are floating ideas and putting pregnant people in a database. it's important for a leader to take this moment and demonstrate what it looks like to stand with americans. what it looks like to protect access to productive freedom and the idea that this measure could not pass the senate. right? this measure could not pass when you know that the overwhelming majority of people
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in america use contraception is , it is insane to me. >> scotus has not issued its opinion on the challenge to the fda's 2016 and 2021 decision that expanded for mifepristone. >> what happened in louisiana will be exported throughout any 21 band states that exist right now. they are pushing the envelope. dobbs, returning the power to the states to make decisions to abortion access was not enough. they are trying to go further. we should look at this as a laboratory. we should look at this as an opportunity to sport these more tactics, more intimidation tactics, ideas around surveillance and criminalizing
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carrying mifepristone and helping anyone who gets access to medication abortion. putting them in danger. we already know two years over dobbs, this is a system that is a healthcare system that has undergone a tremendous amount of chaos and confusion. a healthcare system in crisis because people no longer can get access to the care they need in the states where they live. essentially what you are doing, you're putting our bodies on the line. you are putting opportunities for freedom on the line and we will continue to see these all the way up until the election. i am sure they will continue to push for a national abortion ban. they will find every single way around that. >> at least some states are putting on the ballot in november the opportunity to enshrine reproductive rights
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access. we will have to see how those fair when november comes around? thanks for being here for and sharing your insight on this issue. i appreciate it. coming up next, a api spotlight, accidental social media influencer and tiktok star, how she's using her platform to fight back against internet bullies and combat asian hate online. don't go anywhere. when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat.
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that's a? the two of you sitting there with chopsticks in your hair, eating ramen, mocking asian languages? that is what was so funny? as a reminder to myself, you are both adults, you are not second graders, correct? that was disappointing. >> this is the last weekend with aapi american heritage
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month. i couldn't think of a better spotlight than to shine on a fellow american woman using her platform to make waves in the digital space. here is accidental social media influencer and tiktok star. i was so excited. i was so excited that you would be on the show. you have over 2 million followers and nearly 120 million likes on tiktok. your journey up until this point was accidental. talk about why that happened? >> not kind of, it was completely accidental. my story is very similar to many people's stories on tiktok. it was a pandemic, i was sitting in my room held up with my family. they were driving me crazy. i was trying to do school with my kids, not freaking out about what's going on and i heard of
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tiktok and people seemed to have fun on there. let's try it. i picked up my phone and started talking into it. i gained a couple followers, a couple hundred. i asked my daughter, hey, mommy is doing tiktok now, how many followers do you think i could get? she was like, i don't know? maybe 300? i wasn't talking about anything other than what was on my mind. the world was going crazy. the pandemic was freaking me out. nobody was working and it was a scary time. i needed an outlet. before i knew it, it became its own thing. i just started -- it came in a journal. i got to work, everything i was thinking. not just current evidence. my whole life. my life and experience as a woman, an asian woman, a mother, a sister, a daughter of immigrants, so many things started alerting out of me.
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a fountain, i could not stop myself. somehow, some people grab a hold of your video and they push it further out. more and more people see it. i was showing up on celebrities tiktok's and instagram's. i did not know what was going on? i was like, i don't know what is happening, but i like it. >> we love it. one of the things that i love about you, you were destroying the stereotypes. i hope that i also do as well. you destroyed the stereotypes of the asian american woman being passive, quiet, and submissive. you do justice. you call up people for their bad behavior when they are especially showing things about asian american communities that are wrong, that are racist. the bad stereotypes. why do you think that is important for you to have a
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voice? sometimes we cannot. we are not given the chance to right the wrongs. >> those two things tied directly to each other. the trope, the stereotype that asian women will be submissive, quiet, we do not speak up for ourselves, we just take it -- simultaneously, i have experienced these things my whole life, where people who speak so poorly about me or my family, or about asian people in general, the work that we do, so many stereotypes and tropes. i can smash all of these things at once. all at once i can be the voice. i can be the opinionated person i have always been. i have always been told to stifle myself, do not talk or laugh so loud. your opinions are so aggressive. okay, so? that is who i am. i have not been able to be myself in so many situations that i wanted to, i know that i
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am not alone. i know that you probably feel the same way. my sisters, my mother, pretty much -- it is so funny to me how asian women, people think they are so docile, quiet, and submissive. do you not know one single asian woman? i do not believe you do. if you really knew them, you would know that is total bs. unlike any asian woman that i know. >> i have less than a minute but i want to make sure to touch upon part of your platform as calling out the wrongs, but also to call up the rights. food. especially the korean flavors that your family grew up loving. i love that you are sharing culturally different cuisines to show people that one thing that can be a tie that binds, a collective love for food. why is that an important part of what you use your large platform to do? >> food connects us all, right? no matter what you do. no matter where you are, you have to eat.
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food connects us. the more i talked about food and shared food, people will say things like, that is a common dish in my culture. we have a food like that, we are not so different. that is something that food really can crystallize for us. so clearly, these foods, this feels like my home. this feels like something i do with my mother or children. it feels so safe and comforting. if we bridge those gaps between people, we will understand that we are not that different. we are not so far apart. our worlds are really similar and we share so much beauty and love. especially in food. >> i have one word for you, -- thank you for being here. keep on doing the work that you are doing. i am a huge fan. thanks for being here. the >> likewise. thank you so much. it was so much fun. i want to thank all of you for joining us. you can catch me next saturday at noon, eastern. you can catch clips of our show
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10:00 am
welcome to all of you from msnbc headquarters here in new york. this is "alex witt reports". we have breaking news as


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