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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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goes back to the stock, is donald trump going to lose money on this or is he going to make money on this? what do you think? >> he can't sell any shares until sometime in september, and the company might still be valuable at that point. of course if he sells any shares, that would be a signal to the market to dump the stock, but a company that has essentially no revenue, no revenue of any consequence, doesn't, and it keeps losing money, doesn't have a future. and i feel badly for the trump fans. i've seen many of them interviewed on tv and heard some on the radio who think this stock will be worth a huge fortune in the future. i don't see how that's possible, especially if trump doesn't get back to the white house. house. >> okay, david k. johnson. it is quite a site this
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weekend. the sand in the surf of myrtle beach, south carolina. but to the south, there is a big problem. it is scorching dangerous heat. and, by the way, it is not even summer yet. very good day to all of you. welcome to alex witt reports. another record number of americans on the roads in the sky for what is expected to be the busiest memorial day travel weekend and two decades , so here is a look at how things are going out there in some busy spots. things are moving on the i-76 in philadelphia. if you could see it, you would see just how many cars are there. and a pretty packed shoreline on myrtle beach, south carolina. you are looking at umbrellas. everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather today. but while many are enjoying the sunshine, severe weather could
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put some holiday plans at risk. millions of tornado warnings and possibly damaging hail. we have got several correspondence in place covering all the angles of the story for you. we are joined by maura garrett. so, maura, this is expected to be the busiest on the roadways. i know you are on the beach but generally traffic from where you are, what you have been able to gleam from reporting, what is it like? >> simply not fray, alex. traffic is not good because of construction. people are trying to take road trips up to michigan and wisconsin. it gets very harry, very fast, and i was chatting with folks here at the beach yesterday. they said they were going to wait, hopefully, to fill up their gas tanks until they get up and out of the city because gases up to five dollars in
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some places. 44 million people, expected to travel this holiday weekend according to triple-a. a vast majority of them are hitting the road. the folks i met here today are spending time on the beach. they are the ones to embrace the sunshine here. ce they will probably get bad thunderstorms tomorrow with that severe weather watch. and you can hear a little bit of my conversation with two siblings i met here yesterday. l any fun plans for you this summer? >> just getting out and j enjoying the weather. let's see. get some good weather going. >> a lot more beach days up ahead, hopefully. >> yeah. hopefully. >> reporter: the city, definitely coming alive here in chicago, but as you alluded to, here in the midwest, we had a t, severe week of weather. 20 million people are still at
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risk of severe tornadoes. and severe hail. do that follows a week of tornadoes that we already saw across the midwest. so starting monday as people s start to go their way home, they will be up against severe weather. nothing like i am seeing agrigh now. >> enjoy, maura barrett. now, let's go to new england and the busy turnpike. you may know drivers there who have been battling traffic. it does not look so bad at the moment. no. it is slowing down a little bit. >> reporter: it is slowing down a little bit. we can see the manhattan skyline right here. we know millions of americans are hitting the road for memorial day weekend. i want to recap some of those numbers that we just heard from maura. 44.8 million americans traveling. about 80% of those will be
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driving. that is actually a 4% increase from 2023. these numbers are nearly matching a record in 2005 where we saw 44 million followers. aw if you are looking at gas and are one of these drivers that are hitting the roads, the national average is $3.60. we spoke to someone heading to the beach and looking forward be to it. not so much to the traffic but to enjoy the holiday weekend. listen. >> we want to hget away from life at home. >> take a moment. a breather. i am not even worried about road rage and stuff like that. just stay safe. >> reporter: any beach stopping or fun activities? >> i already have my bathing dy suit on so -- >> reporter: so she is ready with her bathing suit. already to hit the beach. re
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you know, the worst time to travel is actually right now. so hopefully viewers watching your show, alex , are safe at home. they may want to fewait until 5:00 or later this evening to try to avoid some of this traffic. >> are you sure that is not a pitch to have people stick around and watch the show? nd because we will not be on at 5:00 anyway. let's get down to some breaking news. special filing from special counsel jack smith. fbi agents were involved in a plot to assassinate him during their search of mar-a-lago. this filing says trump's statements are blatantly false and expose fbi agents involved in the classified document casee to the risk of threats, violence, and harassment. here is reaction from one cofounder of the anti-trump lincoln project. >> i nearly escaped death from donald trump. he is basically accusing the government of trying to take him out. and, you know, can million
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people get this email. i don't know how many people get this email. all it takes is one or two to shoot somebody. hey, the government is trying to shoot my president. i am going to fight back. and it is absolutely appalling. >> julie sirkin is joining me now at the very latest. to me all about what prosecutors are asking for here. >> reporter: it is comments in that email from the filing late last night to judge aileen cannon, the judge overseeing of course trump's classified document case that had asked because of trump's comments, quote, his repeated ts mischaracterization has endangered officers involved in threaten the integrity of the proceedings. because of that, he is asking a limited gag order limiting essentially what former president trump can say. what public statements he can say about law-enforcement officials, including those that are involved in this case right
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now. this is of course that cthe fb knockdown. merrick garland said it was untrue. the former president had lied and mischaracterized about the claims. he was saying, in fact, this is standard protocol the fbi was filing and they put additional caution in place to make sure for example the former president was actually in new york when they searched his home two years ago. also making sure that the use of force was limited. of course, merrick garland had also said the fbi followed when they searched joe biden, the president's, will meet in home s in a similar documents case as well. this asis why jack smith asked for that limited gag order. we will see what the judge involved in that case has to say about this filing coming up of course memorial day weekend. alex? >> thank you, julie. the tough words from the former white house cancel about the mar-a-lago case. we are back in 90. in 90.
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joining me now, glenn kirschner, former federal prosecutor and host of the "justice matters" podcast. also aaron doherty. she is a politics reporter with axial's. before we get to the hush money trial, erin, you have written about trump's claim that biden was locked and loaded and, quote, ready to take me out" in the fbi search for classified documents. are you surprised that documents asked to bar him from making statements that could endanger law enforcement? >> i am not surprised. so when former president trump sent out that fundraising blast on tuesday night, it kind of set out this firestorm on conservative twitter about the claim. some of his most conservative allies taking that claim and really running with it. even stretching it further than the former president himself did. we saw that the fbi swiftly and strongly rebuked former president trump's claim and a
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statement said this is factually inaccurate. you know? the policy that former president trump misrepresented is in fact standard department policy. we saw on thursday attorney general merrick garland say that actually president biden, when the fbi searched for his residence for classified documents, they had the same policy out for that search. i think this sort of is the culmination of this week where we are trying to -- to -- to highlight that former president trump's claims were not only misleading but also dangerous. >> yeah. and judge cannon has come under increased scrutiny for her handling of the classified documents case. then here is trump's former lawyer ty cobb this week. take a listen. >> most federal judges would have long ago ruled on all the
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pending motions and frankly this is a case that should have started trial yesterday or two days ago when the original trial date was set. this case could have easily gotten to trial. only confidence and perceived bias has prevented that. >> is judge cannon the reason that trump may not face trial before? and how do you see the ruling for their quest to bar him from making statements that could endanger law enforcement? because this is different than requesting a gag order. right? >> it is. what prosecutors are requesting is that judge cannon modify the conditions of donald trump's pretrial release. remember, he is on four cases. ordinarily they would say if someone on pretrial release is a demonstrated danger in the community they should be detained pending trial. of course that law unfortunately does not seem to apply to donald trump, so it is
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anybody's guess whether they will take this request from jack smith seriously and modified on trump's conditions of release. she certainly should given that he is lying about endangering fbi agents. and then with respect to the product of -- what is the product of this delay is, this is judge cannon's delay. what i think is most concerning is that some months ago judge cannon, when it became clear that on may 20th, the date was not in the cards due to prosecution in new york, she asked the parties, the prosecutors and defense, for proposed trial dates. jack smith centerline 8. donald trump's lawyer said august 12th. they represented they could be ready to go to trial on august 12th rather than simply accepting the date proposed by donald trump's lawyers. she said, nope, not setting any trial date. i have to believe we have come to a point where judge cannon's disqualification cup runneth over and i do hope that jack
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smith seriously considers filing a motion to accuse. >> okay. let us move to the final week of what could be the hush money trial, erin. what should the jury expect when they return to the courthouse tuesday after having by that time seven days off? >> right. i think the seven days off play into the strategies on both sides. i predict that the prosecution and defense will weave together the evidence we have seen over the many weeks of trial so far to make a compelling narrative. i think that the closing arguments in this case are particularly important given the break that we have seen. you know? both the prosecution and defense each remind jurors of the important witnesses and evidence they have been presented. i expect they will try to refocus to the joy despite what the defense will likely say about michael cohen as their star witness and sort of
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undermining his credibility, i expect that the prosecutors will try to remind jurors that michael cohen is not the defendant here. former president trump is the one they are considering and they have to determine between the paper trail of evidence that was presented in michael collins testimony whether he is guilty of the crime. >> i am curious. we will get to the defense approach in a second. had your expect testimony from the 20 witnesses to give the jury a cohesive reason to find donald trump guilty? >> you know what, alex, the prosecutors will argue that michael cohen is an important and even essential witness but he does not stand alone. and his credibility has been so supported and affirmed and supported by the other witnesses and the hard evidence and documentary evidence and things like, you know, phone and business ledgers. i think this sort of pinnacle of the evidence that does
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bolster michael cohen and deeply damage trump are the $35,000 reimbursement checks that donald trump would never have written to michael coll and had michael cohen not told him, hey, boss, the payment is made. i actually chuckled as an old career prosecutor when i heard people saying michael cowans credibility was so damaged because it looks like he may have gotten the phone call wrong in which he told donald trump that the payment was complete. i would ask the joy the question, now, wait a minute, donald trump would never in 1 million years have started writing those reimbursement checks if michael cohen had not communicated to him that, hey, boss, i made the payment and now it is time to reimburse me. whether that call was on a wednesday or a thursday or a tuesday is besides the point. you know that michael cohen communicated to donald trump, mission accomplished. >> i mean, those calls happen
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how many years ago? let me ask you also, glenn, how much room is there for the defense to poke holes in the case? >> you know, they will attack michael cohen. they will go "scorched earth." at the end of the day, they will offer the jury a reasonable doubt defense which is viable but also kind of the last refuge when you as a defense do not have any unified or coherent theory to offer the jury an alternate theory of what was really going on here. then i think the prosecutors will come back and told them, look, you do not check your common sense at the courtroom doors. you know that this entire corrupt scheme was for the benefit of one person and one person only: donald trump. to gain advantage in a presidential election. he succeeded and that is why these crimes are felonies and
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not only misdemeanors falsifying business records. >> as we look ahead to the jury records that are not expected to be public until after the closing arguments, but what did you learn from the lawyer negotiations last week about what they might entail? >> yes. jury instructions are obviously an important part in any trial. but when it is particularly dense and intricate, what the judge ultimately instructs the jury is vitally important in this case and i think that we are seeing that both sides are sort of jockeying for the judge to kind of deliver jury instruction that is beneficial to their side. and for the defense, that means sort of introducing instructions that -- that introduce crimes -- or that make it to ensure that the jury has to reach a very high level to ultimately decide that trump
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is guilty of the crime. >> is that, glenn, what judge murray saw murray saw is due very carefully do? manage the appeal when writing them? >> yeah. appellate courts can be very unforgiving if the judge makes a mistake in the instruction arena because illegal instructions that the judge provide to the jurors are designed to really sort of channel the factual determinations that the jury jurors reach and given the framework to decide okay. the facts as they see them, do they satisfy the elements of the crime and do they prove beyond a reasonable doubt donald trump is guilty? so you know, judge morris on mon is very fashionable and will get it right. >> trump is facing 30 felony
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counts. right? but is it possible the jury could reduce trump's conviction to a misdemeanor and to do that, what it involves trump pleading guilty to the lesser charges? >> you know, i do not think trump will ever plead guilty to anything because it requires responsibility but you are absolutely right, alex. you could say he was absolutely falsifying business records to gain some sort of a tax advantage. he wanted to cheat the state tax authorities. but the problem is that was not the evidence at trial. the one sliver of hope that donald trump had was to convince the jury that he was just trying to spare malan you's feelings and that is why they were involved in this corrupt hush money scheme. the problem is isthere was testimony that donald trump was urging michael cohen into delay the payments as long as you can including until after the election because then it will not matter if this information comes out.
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what does that tell the jurors loud and clear? this was about the election. not about the feelings of any of his family members. >> here is another legal question for you, glenn. jurors can have different ideas of what it took to promote the election in 2016, but they have to agree they did use some kind of unlawful means. does that broaden the prospects of a conviction? >> it does. it does. let me use a more relatable example. a burglary literally is when you go into someone else's home without authority. then you cross the threshold and you climb through the window. if you intend to commit a crime
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inside the home, you have committed the crime of burglary. now, when you are in the home, you might steal. you might assault. you might kidnap. you make burn it down. that is arson. and it does not really matter. the jurors can have different understandings of what crime might have been committed once they were in the house but they do not have to unanimously agree on it as long as you intended to commit some kind of a crime when you enter that home without authority. i think there is a similar principle at play in the issue that you were just raising. >> okay. thank you guys so much. coming up, donald trump goes into hostile territory. what to expect when he enters the libertarian national convention. national convention. is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover.
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breaking news in the war of gaza. israel is pressing on with the airstrikes a day after that ruling by a top u.n. court ordering israel to immediately halt its assault on rafael. although the international court of justice has no means of enforcing the order, the
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move deepening the disconnect between the u.s. and the international community over israel's rafael operation which american officials describe as limited and targeted. joining me now is former state department senior adviser and columnist myra hoch. so the icf ruled that israel has failed to sufficiently address the humanitarian concerns in rafah and has allowed catastrophic living conditions there to deteriorate further. issue is unlikely to comply with the order, but could this ruling along with all the mounting international pressure forced israel to change course in rafah? >> that is certainly what the icf is hoping. that this multitude of opinions, legal and global in nature will force some pressure on netanyahu, but netanyahu as a leader of israel right now is a far right coalition that, one, does not want to see a two- state solution or create the conditions for a two-state
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solution and insist that it will only be done when israel controls all of gaza. none of that is in accordance with what is considered international lot nor does netanyahu feel that he needs to abide by even what his allies are telling him to do. so right now what we are seeing in rafah is looming famine, hundreds of thousands of refugees who are going to be in a place where bombs and missiles will be dropped and they have nowhere to go. >> so egypt has agreed to send u.n. humanitarian aid trucks through israel's main crossing into gaza after israeli troops seized the gaza crossing into egypt and remains an operative there. as the fighting rages on in rafael, how much can egypt's move help the humanitarian disaster in rafah? >> egypt is in a tricky spot. they already have a refugee crisis.
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they also have a challenged economy and they do not want to give netanyahu an excuse to expel palestinians from their hands. egypt is thinking we have a deal with you. we have a security cooperation situation with you. do not make this worse for us. let us try to be partners in this. again, you have to try to actually get food in places where bombs and missiles are currently being dropped. so this is not a safe situation for any humanitarian workers. you also have united states who with its pier try to open up and established. this is why all these agreements and deals and ideas are in place, but the implementation, the accountability, it is not there. >> so the court also expressed concern for the safety of the hostages still being held in gaza and it happened after the remains of three more hostages killed on october 7th were recovered on friday.
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so as israeli forces continue to battle hamas and parts of northern and central gaza, which, by the way, were previously declared free of militants, how does that negate getting remaining hostages released? >> part of why the war in gaza is complicated in terms of booting out hamas is that hamas is not only very skilled at being this aggregate and moving and not having one centralized place, as you said. bombing one area allows hamas to move up to the north which in theory had already been cleared. this is why this type of ground operation is not considered to be the ideal way of defeating hamas. you also have the challenges of the hostages and how they were removed and placed with different subgroups and how in many places the families know they are missing but the families are not able to account for where those hostages are. >> look, you also wrote about what last sunday's death of the iranian president means for the future of iran's leadership
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amid the conflict and instability in the reason. could his successor at all change the iranian regime in any meaningful way? >> reporter: listen. he was so close with the ayatollah, who was the second ayatollah serving since the atomic resolution that made iran a deeply conservative state. he could potentially even be groomed to be the third ayatollah. and he not only reinstated severe policies but had a massive crackdown on protesters over the death. lots of police brutality. so until you have a shift in the ayatollah's thinking, he is the one who controls all of the policy in the day to day decision-making by losing a president or changing a technical election is not going to fundamentally change the course of iran. >> okay, nayyera haq . it is
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good to see you so much. coming up, they are america's future. gen z voters, coming up next. n (ella) fashion mo ves fast. settds is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married.
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new today, president biden and donald trump kicking off the weekend with two dueling appearances. in just hours, president trump is expected to speak to what could be a hostile crowd at the
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libertarian convention in washington, d.c. and president biden just wrapped up his commencement speech of the 2024 graduate military academy. let's bring in nbc's allie roth was in d.c. with more on the president's remarks. how significant was president biden's presence at this in particular considering everything going on in the world right now? >> reporter: we know the audience at this event is one very near and dear to the president's heart and his connections to the u.s. military. in his presence was very well received by west point. at one point, the president talked about how these are being called to tackle so many threats that generations before them have not been called to do and how much of a responsibility that is. he laid out all of the foreign- policy challenges that the u.s. foreign military is involved in and how critical and vital that involvement is. he talked about that now-more than two year long war between
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russia and ukraine and how u.s. service members are working around the clock to support ukraine but, again, renewed his vow not to put american boots on the front lines in that country. he also talked about rising tensions in the middle east as well as the israel-hamas war. he pointed out what a critical role the u.s. military played in helping israel intercept iranian missiles last month and how the u.s. military is helping right now and getting more humanitarian aid into gaza to help palestinians. also talking about the u.s. military's role in the indo pacific as it works to counter chinese aggression in that area. the president also reminding these graduates are really what their role is going to be after today. listen here. >> freedom is not free. it requires constant vigilance.
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from the very beginning, nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in america. every generation has an obligation to defend it and protect it and preserve it and choose it. now, it is your turn. >> reporter: the president, alex, taking a veiled swipe at his predecessor and now 2024 rival, president trump, reminding these graduates that their oath is to the constitution, not to any one party or president. alex? >> okay, allie raffa in d.c. thank you for that. now, let's go to that libertarian convention not too far away. so, emma, president trump is going to speak just hours from now. what kind of welcome can he expect? >> reporter: yeah, alex. it will not necessarily be the warm welcome that the former president is used to. even now, one of the speakers
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was talking about his disdain for the president and how he was really upset that the former president was invited to speak at the national libertarian convention and when he said that a lot of attendance started clapping and cheering as a sign of agreement for that statement. a lot of voters here are really passionate about not electing either trump or biden and want to see a libertarian candidate is seed. a lot of the voters date seed. that i spoke to were members of gen z. they were 24, 22 years old. listen to what they told me. >> i think if you vote for the lesser of two evils evil still wins no matter what. i will go by my principles no matter how small the chances are my success. i am aware that michigan's vote will have a very large impact but i do not think that will change my mind on who i am voting for. >> i think it sends a strong message. people say a third party vote is a wasted vote and you are
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voting for the other team. i don't see it that way. >> reporter: now, alex, alex, those two young gentlemen were actually from the swing state of michigan. here is the thing. margins matter. i want to remind the clock to 2016. former president donald trump beat hillary clinton in the state of michigan by .2%. and gary johnson, who was a libertarian candidate got 3.6% of the vote. and that goes to show if these libertarian voters were to choose either the mainstream democratic republican candidate, it really could shake up the election in a state that is just so competitive like michigan. alex? >> thank you for the history lesson. that reminder, i appreciate that. so the state that just criminalized abortion pills. whether it will drive turnout in november. in november.
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received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. depending on the type of cancer, keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. new alarm over abortion rights in louisiana on friday. the state's republican governor signed into law a bill making louisiana the first in the nation to classify abortion pills as dangerous controlled substances. possession of the drugs without a prescription is now a crime punishable with jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. joining me now is the louisiana state representative amy donna freeman, one of seven but
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democrats who voted against that legislation. louisiana already restricts most abortions. now, mifepristone as well as misoprostol. are they claiming this protects women in any way? >> a senator whose sister was given these drugs by her now ex- husband in texas. initially the bill was just to give somebody prison time and fines if they tried to force an abortion on someone. in the meantime, the bill got hijacked by the right to life. the right to life is very powerful in the louisiana state capital and then they rescheduled the drugs. i represent a district that has a lot of doctors and they came
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and said this will make it really difficult for us to practice medicine. i caution you to call it the abortion drugs because these drugs are used for ulcers, these drugs are used for miscarriages, they are not abortion, per se, drugs. they are used for a lot of reasons. >> good point. i am glad to clarify there. what the doctors tell you about how this will hinder their ability to prescribe drugs and treat their patients the way they want to? >> reporter: what they are telling me is for the most part, they are -- they are hindering their practice of medicine because a different schedule requires different d.a. licenses. i am not a physician, but many of them have called me. and it will really put them in a position where they are going to have patients afraid of the drug. valium is also scheduled. and for us to reclassify the drug makes it appear more dangerous than it really is.
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it does not have the addictive qualities. i think we are 46 in the nation for maternal health care. sometimes we are 48th and sometimes we are 50th. so it will just keep us down on all maternal healthcare unfortunately. >> as you know, we are awaiting a action from the supreme court to see if we will put restrictions on mifepristone. during oral arguments, justices did not seem ready to limit access to the drug so how do you expect the high court to rule and are there high concerns in louisiana and will the situation now open the door for other republican-controlled states with abortion bans to try to tighten up restrictions on the drugs? >> as far as the supreme court goes, i really just cannot comment. i do not know about that case. what i do know is we tend to copycat legislation across the country. and louisiana being a pro-life
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state, which i really call a pro-birth policy, because we do not help them when they are 11 years old. i also expect other republican- dominated state houses to file this kind of legislation. and i absolutely believe that if we have president trump re- elected against our current president biden that we will see more of a national movement to restrict these kind of drugs unnecessarily and against scientific evidence may i add. >> yeah. is that going to drive voter turnout you think? that last point you are making? >> it will drive voter turnout. even though the majority of the state believes in abortion care, we do not have the correct representatives to change those laws at this time. it continues to increase. especially for rape and incest exceptions. i think swing states will be
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driven. even if it is not happening in their states. >> aimee freeman, thank you for your time. this headline caught my attention. insane heat has been scorching miami. ammii. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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take a look at this live picture out of hollywood beach, florida. look at the temperatures there. it is the low 90s, but it feels closer to 100 degrees, and the heat wave is showing no signs of letting up anytime soon. this comes as florida and parts of the southern u.s. are bracing for extreme summer heat. and, look, we are still a month away from the start of the season. some states are already facing extreme heat and humidity. we now charge joined by denise
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chow. we one answer please. i am just kidding. well, not really. they are living up to that state. sunshine. texas, as well. experts are bracing for what is to come. last summer, denise, one of the hottest on record. what is in store this year? >> you are right. it has been a very unique start to the season. and as you mentioned, we still have a few weeks to go. miami is on track to have but it's hottest anacortes history. they have to ave to pinch themselves and remind themselves it is not july. if you go over to texas, there is a severe heat alert. we are seeing heat alerts and triple digits. in some cases, over 110 degrees. this is may. it is unusual for this time of year.
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and last summer broke all kinds of records and 2023 as a whole was the warmest summer on record for the entire planet. that has some people worried about what is in store. >> i want to get to the why, but as far as a danger this poses to people who is at risk? >> yeah. when we talk about extreme heat, initially more than just humidity. it is dangerous and potentially deadly. for us here, if it was a 112 degree heat index we are in an air-conditioned studio so it is okay. but it is really the unhoused population and people who cannot afford air conditioning. it is people who have to work out doors. it is pregnant mothers. it is young children. those are the people most vulnerable. >> yeah. when i see people working construction in the middle of a hot summer in july, i think how are people managing this. what about climate change? how much does this have to do
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with climate change? is that the main culprit of this? >> scientists have known climate changes influencing extreme heat entryways. it is making it more frequent, more intense, and longer- lasting when they occur. greenhouse gas emissions and other human activities are really raising the baseline temperatures on the planet. and everything else just kind of compounds on top of that. think of it as like loading of the dice. it just makes it that much more possible that we will have a heat wave that before may have just been a heat wave. now, it gets pushed into extreme levels. >> and no aimaq, having said we will have an extreme id wheat situation. >> yeah. n.o.a.a. just released their heat forecast. we automatically think about what that means for hurricane season.
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their forecast predicted the highest levels of activity they have ever sold for this time of year. >> wow. >> yeah. the main reason for that is because we have all the ingredients to create and field these big storms in the atlantic. we have a warm atmosphere. we have warm waters. and all of that just kind of, again, loads the dice for hurricanes. >> okay. everyone, buckle up. denise chow, we thank you for the situation. that will do it for this edition of "alex went reports." up next, "the beat." beat."


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