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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 26, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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that you can bring them an early. we had a preview to a lot of people who had been part of bob's life and coming into court and having to explain themselves. as we were watching, we were texting each other and said, i do not think i would say this, but does this make you feel like we need to explore these people? that is how we started making part two and we sent people to court and started filming what was happening and we had been collecting information on this story for 20 years, so it was natural to be interested in it. >> that is all the time we have this memorial day weekend. keep it right here on msnbc . good morning. it is sunday, may 26. i'm alicia menendez. with symone sanders townsend and michael steele. overnight, donald trump food
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and heckled at the libertarian conviction. he doubles down and his authoritarian playbook with a new audience. closing arguments days away and the ex-president first criminal trial. is launching a fresh attack on the judge overseeing the case. how the biden campaign plates go on offense with the trial ends. which lender joins us so grab your coffee or tea and settle in a welcome to the weekend. donald trump hopes to win over libertarian voters in his quest to win big -- win back the white house but that could be easier said than done. >> we must work together combined with us, you have to combine with us. we cannot give crooked joe biden four more years. libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. that's nice.
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only if you want to win. only if you want to win. maybe you do not want to win. maybe you do not want to win. >> ungovernable indeed. your ears do not deceive you. that was the ex-president being met with boos in d.c. and several battleground states in 2020, the libertarian candidate will go more votes than the margin of victory between president biden/trump. the efforts are secondary to trauma in main electoral strategy. deny result of the 2024 election if he does not win. joining us from our -- illinois congressman a presidential candidate joe walsh and ruth ben-ghiat, press of professor of history. >> joe, that went well. that was a good night out. look, why did trump go there?
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what was the point there. my sense, and we were talking and laughing during the break, there was trolling going on. he liked that. what part of his brain was put off by the booing because everyone should love them because i'm donald trump and everyone should love me. the other side was this is good. it's good for the brand. good to remind my voters, my supporters that everybody is after me. the little man problem he has. >> he went there to troll and not to get libertarian, baseball politics. the libertarian party has been overtaken by maga. i think trump thinks he can get the libertarian vote this year. michael, why did he go to the bronx last week? why is he going everywhere? i think he's trying to contrast himself with joe biden that he will get in front of any crowd. he said there were 20,000,
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30,000 people in the bronx last week. there was not. he's giving the appearance his going anywhere to get any vote. >> he's getting desperate. i was wondering, what is donald trump doing at the libertarian party convention or conference, especially because vivek ramaswamy was there earlier as this week when he mentioned donald trump's name there were boos then. understanding this now in the reporting, the libertarian party invited donald trump and president biden. president biden declined. he got a couple cheers while he was there. he got some boos. this moment, i was struck by, he again talked about the january 6 protesters, not calling them protesters. promised a pardon yet again. we want to play this for you and your reaction on the other side. >> it will be my great honor to
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pardon the peaceful january 6 protesters or, as i often call them, the hostages. they are hostages. there has never been a group of people treated so harshly for unfairly in the country's history. this abuse will be rectified and it will be rectified very quickly. if you vote for me on day one, i will commute the sentence of ross albrecht. >> so, that last point, the person's name, many libertarians have called for that sentence to be commuted for that person. he was sentenced to life in federal prison for creating and operating a hidden website known as the silk road. people used it to buy and sell drugs among other illegal goods and services. what is your reaction to all of this? the reason --
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>> the reason he is mentioning pardoning the lawless is that part of his message will land well with libertarians who really believed in small government that should leave people free to plunder the workforce, to make money anyway they see fit, and not be found by any regulations. there's a part of authoritarianism which is more controls on the many, on the masses as we used to say in history, but fewer controls on the elite. then they can exploit and abuse and do anything they want to do. that's part of the libertarian appeal for some of these people. i was -- the booing was interesting. to talk about what you were speaking with joe, this is a guy who has been confined in the courtroom, and he feels he has to be everywhere. he needs those cheers for his eco-all
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the more so the booing was perhaps he knew he would get some of that, but the booing is a lethal blow to the kind of ego the strongman has. the secret of strongman as they are weak and brittle. right now, i think he is going everywhere because he is desperate for attention and that's not him falling asleep in the courtroom. >> it brings me my goal to what you were flagging for us, the piece from rolling stone that your two sources telling rolling stone the president has been actively lobbying republicans to pass legislation that would keep him out of jail forever, essentially. he wants a blank check. this idea of being ungovernable is not just for libertarians but for him. >> it's for him. it's part of the narrative, joe, that you see playing out.
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donald trump wants to place himself above the law because he wants to crime as much as he wants to crime and he doesn't want to be held accountable for that. he wants to do things and use government and a way to execute against his enemies, execute against those who would stand in the way of his idea of what is america's. you have a national polling out that says when it comes to the november 2024 election, it's a blueboard poll, how much do you trucks the election and the aftermath will be free from violence? 51% say a lot and some 49% said not so much. we have these two things that are happening at the same time that in my view are coming to a point of convergence. donald trump out here kind of priming the pump. i am above the law. write the laws in my favor. put me in power so i can delete
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construct the administrative state and blow it up and people's confidence in the system to the point where they think there will be violence. how are you seeing this convergence? >> he is utterly un-american. it is the antithesis of who remember this weekend. here is the danger. trump is an un-american, lawless psychopath, but this race is close. in 2020, donald trump started saying months before the election, either i win or it will be so -- stolen. he wanted january 6. it's not just trump. how many republicans when asked that question, will you accept the results of the election, how many said of course. they are all echoing trump now. i think the threat of violence is greater because now it's not just trump.
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it's ted cruz, marco rubio, it's all of them who will not give a straight answer to that question. >> it is. it is concerning and i think of the election workers and the folks we need election workers. most of them are frankly volunteers across this country. older americans who volunteer their time to work the polls to make sure ballots get counted. those were some of the key folks who were targeted the last time. i think of ruby freeman and shame also what happened in michigan. michigan was literally -- michigan was foreshadowing for what happened on january 6. in michigan that took up arms against the government at the state capitol, gets the governor, and michigan vigilantes is i call them, intimidating folks and tried to overrun a polling place. ruth, how can the american people guard themselves against
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this? what the secretary of state's have been and we have had a number of them on the show talking about what they are doing, but what do the american people need to know in advance -- what will be a consequential but frankly scary time this fall? >> i think we need to be much stronger and messaging that the republican party is doing this because they actually fear the power of the democratic vote. if they did not fear it so much, they wouldn't have invested so much in trying to make americans believe and lose all faith in the election system. trump and his enablers have invested hugely in the since 2016. they also are attacking the whole apparatus of elections, and that's what autocrats do. they combine a propaganda, trying to make people believe the elections are either not
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safe, they erect, they don't matter with a kind of assault through threats. this is what happens in hungary and turkey. you get these people to feel threatened. they have lawsuits. you get them to clean the election apparatus themselves and you put in extremists. they are already talking, lara trump said they would have the rnc will have, they will have election monitors and some could be armed. they are using the whole arsenal of autocracy, threats, lies, violence, which shows how threatened they are that democrats will get out and vote. we have to explain more clearly the why of this and the logic of this and the importance of voting. there are too many americans who did not vote last time. >> they are afraid of your
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power, people. joe and ruth are sticking around because we have to talk about the endorsement that shocked absolutely no one at this table. nikki haley saying she will vote for donald trump in november. later, dnc chair jaime harrison on taking on the vp pick of trump whoever they may be. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. clearing the way, [rumble] [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong.
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so, nikki haley.
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she says she will vote for so much is called totally unhinged in the qualified to serve as president. i wonder who that would be? but, that doesn't mean her voters will do the same thing and that's the key piece. the daily beast reports a biden campaign met with some haley supporters last week after she said she plans to vote for trump part of an ongoing effort to win over republican and independent voters, and that's a good thing. it's good positive movement. as for trump, he has an even talk to haley since she dropped out in march. there has been no communication and back in january he said haley 's voters would be barred from the maga movement. interesting. back with us, joe walsh and ruth ben-ghiat. let's land that in the middle of the table. who wants a bite first? >> i would like to know, i do
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recall donald trump speaking very poorly and not nicely about not just nikki haley but her husband. i am not about to let nobody disrespect my man. i do not understand how after not an apology or phone call, not so much as a carrier pigeon with a post-it note on the back , and she out here endorsing donald trump, debasing herself, bending the knee. >> in the name of political self-preservation. >> so she thinks. >> this is the thing, joe. all of them believe come 2020 and and donald trump is no longer there, you know he's planning to run in 2028, right? did you not see that part of the conversation? they think they will be relevant. they think, this we will pass this moment and the party will come back to me. that's not how this will work. >> if you are a republican and
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you publicly stand against donald trump, you are done. michael, you know this is a republican. nikki haley did this because she does not want to end her career as a republican. you nailed it. she does not have a future. this is trump's party. if donald trump left the world tonight in his sleep, nikki haley is not the republican party nominee. not even close. think about that. it will have to be the trump- just republican and that's not nikki haley. >> i don't know what she's thinking. >> ruth, i view her as the authority on the authoritarians and if there's presidential historians and there are authoritarian historians and i think ruth ben-ghiat is one of those people because she has studied this for so long. ruth, it feels like nikki haley is legitimizing donald trump's
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and techs and, therefore, sanitizing word it is we discussed in the last block. that's a gateway to real authoritarian rule, frankly. >> it is and i'm glad you mentioned the fact that he -- trump insulted her husband and it's called richer will humiliation. it's like a sadistic dictator game. some of the people i study to sleep with the wives of their officials and those officials had to appear the next day and cheer them like on stage. this is taking your enemy down. it's very sad. it's part of the moral collapse of the republican party that she felt it was necessary, as joe said, she will not have a political future. it's a party, the gop that's an autocratic party but a party
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organized around a leader called. and berlusconi's italy which was the same at this party, there was a saying that there is no alternative in the acronym is tina. you can talk about anyone but trump. there is no successor or no other option. it's trump 24/7. it's interesting if we put together the booing by the libertarians and the fact that haley was getting hundreds of thousands of votes being written in in her name, there is a demand for an alternative. many people do not like trump, and it's important we talk about that and show that. and yet, the party in my estimation, i mean, it is frozen. it is stuck around this awful candidate who has a boatload of baggage and liability, and yet nobody can move forward unless they endorse him. >> i want to put on the table for both joe and ruth this
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smashup of nikki haley. not for the purposes of nikki haley, but for a broader question i want to ask on the other side. let's listen to nikki haley in her own worlds. >> donald trump is turning the republican party into his own playpen where it is all about him. times change. and so has trump. he has gotten more unstable and unhinged. he is not qualified to be the president of the united states. you can vote for him and he can, the primary, but he will not win a general. no matter what donald trump thinks, he cannot bully his way to the white house. so, i will be voting for trump. >> [ laughter ] >> right? there it is. here is the broader question for both of you. why is it that so many people fall into that trap of thinking
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that this man is better than any president before him? that is stronger than any president before him? that is better suited, more qualified, to handle russia, china, et cetera? >> it is not him but his voters. the party is his. >> beyond the party. there are not enough republicans for donald trump to win the election just with republicans. >> they want a future in the party. nikki haley wants to remain a relevant republican. she doesn't want to be joe walsh. >> but, nikki haley not so much aside, but what is it about everybody else the falls into this same line of thinking? you and i have had conversations with people that say i cannot stand trumpet at the end of the day, think i will vote for him because biden
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is a catastrophe. how do you look at joe biden and donald trump and say donald trump is the better qualified person to be president of the united states? >> there are other issues they care about. border, the price of gas. >> bread is down impressive gases down. >> a political system that hasn't listen to me. trump is a bad guy but he listens to me. democrats don't listen to me and i hear that all day. >> they just want to lie on the couch and have someone listen to them. whether they do anything does not matter. >> they want someone punching the people they do not like. >> the man who does not listen to his attorneys, his neck and to listen to them. >> ruth, you get the last word. >> that's half of it and the other half is they have been waging a successful campaign to delegitimize not only biden, think every day of how trump
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sure the post of biden tied up like a hostage. it was a decal on a pickup truck. there were two pickup truck's and one had the forever flakes of trump and the other was biden who has met the bad end like in a coop. the delegitimization and discrediting of biden and now the newer line the democrats are the tyranny. democrats. that's why trump is saying sharing this conspiracy theory as are his followers that biden was trying to have him assassinated. when you get people into an existential lather about their dear leader who might be meeting with harm, there is all of that going on too. this information warfare. they have played that very successfully. these are two halves of this
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kind of situation that has been used in the past also to have authoritarians who are depraved , murderers, and stuff, become the man of the hour. >> all right. we've got work, folks. joe walsh and ruth ben-ghiat, thank you for bringing that to our attention. dnc chairman jaime harrison joins a conversation. looking forward to that. follow our show in social media, our handle everywhere is @the weekendmsnbc all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren,
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voters. if she did, she would've been the nominee of the party. >> she came out a little late in term of her criticism. >> the vote -- those voting for nikki, she has become the standard further disagreements with trump. they do not want trump. they wanted known clearly they do not support donald trump. this offers up for the biden team an opportunity, and is good to see them take that out of the gate, to say we would love to have a conversation about you joining us. it's about our country and the future. we know you disagree with us on big policy issues of this administration. we understand that, but right now in this moment, we have, goal and that's to defeat the man who wants to be a dictator. vote for the country. i think that's a very important message for them to get out. it's something i want to raise with jamie when he comes out.
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how the administration side, the presidency, and the politics, the political side converge around this idea. that is what nikki haley represents. >> it is. she used to. >> they are still voting for her. she had a primary in maryland and she got a significant number. >> more than 20%. nikki haley does not understand who her voters were. if you understood who your voters were you would not be debasing yourself like this on the international stage. it's another reason why she was nodding great candidate for president because she did not good candidates understand who their people are. bernie sanders never want go up primary buddy understands who his people are which is why he became a formidable force within the democratic party electorate.
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and remains went to this day because he understands who his people are. i think the biden team, michael tyler, he put out from the biden campaign, put out a statement, he says nothing is change for the millions of republicans who continue to cast ballots against donald trump at the primers and care deeply about the future of democracy. those of the people. i'm interested in what jaime harrison thinks of this. is the chair of the democratic national committee, you're not trying to get republican voters. >> i would be. >> that is different. there is a fine line to walk. they need to john up the pace. >> is a republican chairman, had to create a coalition. that's why i adopted howard dean's strategy. you cannot leave votes on the table. i have to get democratic votes in those areas it's a d+ two or
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three. >> you are going to get votes but not to say, i know -- you are going to get people to support the party line in that sense but this is difference where people are saying, you stay a republican. this is about democracy which is a little different. perhaps why the dnc chair is not the best messenger, but we will have the opportunity. >> jaime harrison is with us next. .
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we don't have an up close view of donald trump's running mate in the 24 newport election because he has yet to announce an. democrats are not waiting. they are sounding the alarm that any vice presidential candidate trump chooses will be in lockstep with his ultra maga agenda. this past week, axios reported the dnc plans to paint his bp contenders as extreme due to their election denialism and
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stances on abortion and other policy issues. joining us is the chairman of the democratic national committee, jaime harrison. we know you heard our conversation. i wonder if you would like to respond anything you heard michael and i say about this, you are the dnc chair. you are trying to help cobbled together a coalition for the president's reelection, and republicans are part of that coalition. >> well, they are. the dnc works hand in glove with the campaign. we look at the dnc as our response ability, the base of the party, making sure they are educated and motivated and they turn out. while the campaign is engaging with those folks that are working with some of the persuasion targets which include nikki haley voters. they have done that since the first day nikki haley dropped out of the race. this campaign has been focused on ads, text messages, and
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having conversations with leaders in the haley group to make sure they understand the joe biden is the only thing that is holding back the threat of donald trump in terms of destroying american democracy. if american democracy goes, if it is destroyed, it's not just for democrats. not just for independence but for all of us. that includes republicans as well. it is important they understand the stakes in this election. that's a reason why they supported the kaylee in the first place. because they adored nikki haley. any of us who knew nikki haley knew what happened a few days ago was going to happen. she will stick her finger in the political wind and do what she thought was in her best interest. those people who went to vote for her were actually voting against donald trump. they did not want what they saw for four years that donald trump pushed forward. that is where we are in the selection. we will talk to those folks in
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addition to aggressively, aggressively, going after and educating our voters in the democratic party. >> chairman, it's good to see you, my friend. it's good to see you. looking good. here is the deal. you've got work to do. that coalition from 2020 right now as well fractured. there is seepage among hispanic voters and among black voters and seepage among women. certainly, the republican part of that that was important in 2020 is another part of that coalition that is running against a wall. how do you find, you are in a ticklish space but i want people to understand, as the dnc chairman with the white house, you are in a ticklish space. you weren't in my situation where i did not have a white house to respond to.
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you have to take into account the political operations and intent of the administration as well as where the president wants to go with his campaign. all of that said, where our efforts right now that will reinforce those measures that bring back -- that tighten the coalition of voters that right now, because of what's happening in palestine, because of the way african americans feel they have been treated by the party, that you are able to resubmit, if you can, that coalition and strengthen it for 2024? >> michael, we faced the midterms. what we heard was the same as now, the polls are saying this and that. you and i know the most important poll is the one that happens on election day. that in the election in the midterms and last november, the polls we have seen and special elections after special elections have demonstrated at
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the end of the day when the market people go to the polls and they see the contrast they have between chaos and progress , between hope and fear, they are going to double down on hope . we are going around the country, and we are not leaving anything on the field. just the past two weeks, where have i been? alaska, nevada, i went to battleground street north carolina. i've been to chicago. i will be in utah osuna going to wisconsin shortly after that. we are going everywhere, every place because not only is the presidency on the ballot but also u.s. senate races and the control of the house, and breaking up some of the super majorities. that means being in rural and urban spaces and suburban places. making sure folks would joe biden and democrats have been able to do. i have gotten red in the face talking about all the
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accomplishments this president has done more legislatively than any president since lyndon johnson. he did it with a 50/50 senate and less than five seat majority in the house. all we have seen from donald trump is a campaign based on retribution payback. he doesn't say about anything about improving the quality of life of the american people but joe biden gets up for black votes and latinos and all americans thinking of how can i make life better for you? how can i make sure the american dream is alive and well for not only you and your children and grandchildren. that's the contrast and that's what i am going out and surrogates like mitch landrieu. we were in eastern north carolina this week, making that case to rural voters and as you know, michael you know this, democrats have not always been in those rural areas. we conceded that two republicans.
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game on and we are going everywhere. we are going to fight for every single vote because we've got the receipts to prove this president works and fights for the american people. >> i was going to say get yourself a bus. i know of what i speak. >> i love a bus. >> he will facetime you from the bus. help us understand the thinking of painting potential vp picks as extreme before the former president has even picked who the vp contender will be? >> we don't have to paint them as extreme. they are extreme. all the maga apples are rotten. everyone. they will bend over backwards to do what donald trump, what they believe they need to do to get into donald trump's good graces. we have seen it in the sunday shows and all the interviews. they will not say, if the election happens and donald trump wins that they will accept the election results.
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this is america. in the president's remarks to the cadets yesterday, he said, you are not pledged to a president of the united states. your pledge to to protect and defend the constitution of the united states. many people that donald trump is looking at in terms of vp, these are elected officials who make the same pledge to protect and defend the constitution. this is a man who said he wants to be a dictator on day one. it's a man who does not believe in our constitution. does not believe in the pledge that he also took. all of them, the election denialism, anti- choice, taking the affordable care act and health care of the american people, selling out working families for billionaires, all of them are extreme. they are all maga rotten apples and we are going to expose them through our project at the dnc. >> jaime harrison, thank you for being with us.
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shake we are following breaking news in the middle east. in a barrage of missiles launched toward israel. launche . you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ music ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ with carbsteady. ♪ unnecessary. ♪
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5:49 am
(bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ breaking news. the military wing of hamas said it fired a barrage of rockets towards tel aviv. the attack set up their right sirens in central israel for the first time in months. nbc producers reported that iron dome recent responded. no casualties have been reported.
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we will continue to follow that situation as it develops. let's bring in a professor at american university and author of cosmopolitan acts. >> good to be with you. >> we were talking when you came on, before the show started, this block. this is bad but it might get worse before it gets better. what are your sources telling you about what is the tone and tenor of the region right now? >> right now there is all these steps i have to take place for things to calm down. there has to be a hostage release. there will not be a hostage release until they stop in rafah. they won't stop in rafah until they get what they want. as you said, it will get worse before it gets better because there's so many things that israel says it wants to do. it's getting very unpopular for president biden here. it's unpopular not only in the region but israel for prime
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minister netanyahu. every time i think i see a way out of it, then something happens and it spirals again. i think these rocket attacks are not only bad for israelis that are facing these in the north, but at the same time, israel will respond in a way that you would expect they would. it's not going to be a small response. it will be a barrage of rockets and barrage of strikes and there will be more fatalities, i think. had you get out of it? how do you get back to hostage negotiations? there is this cycle of reaction and re-reaction that we cannot get out of. >> yesterday the president at the graduation at west point. he spoke on the middle east in a way that to the cadets and to the broader audience of the current mission, as he sees it for the u.s. military. let's listen.
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>> in the middle east, while we conduct diplomacy to secure cease-fire that brings hostages home, the army and navy have deployed a temporary pier on the mediterranean in record time and increase lifesaving aid to palestinians. u.s. air force has conducted two drops. deliver tens of thousands of meals to the people of gaza. in the face of iran's unprecedented attack on israel, we brought partners together including arab nations to sustain the assault. >> humanitarian aid and partnership with our allies. that is the u.s. position. then you have something like this this morning. how much more difficult does this mission become in the face of what we see happening now? >> you see most of the crossings in israel and gaza are closed. what my understanding from speaking to age groups is aid is at a standstill.
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there is no aid coming and. it's trickling in right now after a little bit of uptick after a few months. this will make it more difficult because you have these rockets and they're coming from rafah. israel while was meeting those redlines that president biden laid out, there are no redlines for israel anymore. they will go in and feel they have to do. the humanitarian situation will get much worse. is impossible to think it could get much worse. and the pier, now u.s. servicemen that are working on this will be in jeopardy as well from maybe rocket attacks from hamas. this pier, the air drops, valiant effort but not really effective in terms of what needs to get in and aid groups say, listen, thanks for doing this but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what's needed.
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if you open the crossings, you can get as much aid in as you need. >> there was some reporting i want to make sure doesn't get lost in the news of the day. that's about the u.s. preparing for a prominent role in a postwar gaza. when we interviewed rick stengel he made the argument that he felt the biden administration was trying to deal with the immediate crisis. also, two, and the process, see the opportunity to reimagine policy in the region. i wonder if you think that's an -- do you think it's accurate and secondly, is it realistic? if you think it's overly ambitious project to imagine there's actually an all of this an opportunity for the level of re-imagination? >> we have needed this re- imagination for a long time. and you think of a civilian coming in to oversee -- and it needs to be done. the arabs should be leading a
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the long with palestinians. i think there needs to be a u.s. person there to hold israel feet to the fire in terms of what needs to be done. when you talk a top civilian, does this sound familiar? it sounds a little like -- and the u.s. needs to be careful that it doesn't look as if it's part of this process of being a civilian overseer. that's not what they have in mind. when you talk about a top civilian, they do need to have very senior people there make sure everything gets done, but they need to be careful of the optics. just for palestinians. >> it's interesting because this is well and good, high- level diplomatic talk, but the reality of the situation is the current prime minister of israel, prime minister netanyahu is not someone who is on board with any of the things that have been discussed.
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he has consistently said he does not believe in a two-state solution. these are things he has said and the u.s. position is to stick solution. by minister netanyahu says he doesn't believe in that and he says there will not be a cease- fire until he gets all of hamas. >> to your point, he is unpopular in his own nation and our speaker of the house mike johnson saying he anticipates a prime minister coming here to give a speech. i am not clear how that moves the ball forward. >> it does not move the ball forward. it takes you back to 2015 when the republicans invited him about the iran deal and that was very unpopular. you hit the nail on the head, symone. two different views. the u.s. i think is a reasonable view that most u.s. presidents have had about this forward- looking vision in the region and that's what the arabs have as well. they are willing to take part in a. the saudi deal and arabs
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willing to negotiate and make peace with israel, if there's a palestinian state and you have to prime minister, i don't know if that's really important to him anymore. he wants to stay in power and he needs this war to stay in power. you have two different visions, one from the u.s. and one from the israelis. the u.s. thinks this will be what will give israel's security, and it will help it in long-term. if israelis are saying we do not think that, then you have to ask, and i think people will talk about this a little more, the u.s./israel relationship isn't always on values or interests. it is one or the other or both. if israel and u.s. interests are not aligned, do we have to rethink is really aid, particularly on the palestinians? >> prime minister netanyahu is a barrier. something to watch for sure what israelis will do. elise labott, thank you.
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