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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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if you think about it.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. welcome back to the weekend. on tuesday, closing arguments
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will begin in the 26th in election interference trial. jury deliberations will take place. depending on how long that lasts, we could go into next week. judge -- could hurt him if it comes back for his sentencing. a former federal prosecutor of the southern district of new york. justice matters, indeed. >> what are we going to expect? there is no school this memorial day. on tuesday, court will resume. it is called summations,
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closing arguments, what can we expect? give us a prediction? then we want to talk about some of this rhetoric. >> tuesday you will hear two different closing arguments. from the prosecution you will hear that donald trump had secrets. he did not want the american people to know that he cheated on his wife with two women. he feared that the american people would learn this truth and he told his friend in the tabloid business to take care of it for him. he was at the center of all of that so that these women would shut up. it worked. you will hear the prosecutor point out that this worked, he won and then he covered it up. making sure that the people covered up what he had done. you will hear a closing
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statement about a man that had secrets. the fact that he had lied to the irs. he lied to congress. he lied to prosecutors. now they are going to say that he has lied to you, the jury. pointing out the fact that what the defense will say, the only steps you can take because donald trump approved the payment to stormy daniels. there is no document that says that. there is no document that shows that donald trump actually paid for this. he paid for legal services and that is what he thought he was doing. you will hear them focus on the fact that you have a conviction here, you have to focus on believe the word of a liar. you should not do that in this
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case. the two very different versions of the closings we will see on tuesday. >> davis talked about jury instructions being a key part of this. evidence is key. as a question, what is direct evidence that he paid reimbursements rather than legal fees. a big part of this is how the instructions were set up very much how kristi was saying. once you hear those arguments, the judge will say, this is what you need to know and this is what you need to rule on. how do you see that part coming into focus? >> that is the kind of thing that lawyers obsess about. there is no way to look into the human mind to determine
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someone's intent. you get to infer their intent from their conduct and words. who benefits from the commission of these crimes. as a prosecutor for 30 years, i never had a defendant announce before or at the time of the crime, listen, intent, corrupt, criminal. this is a common sense case. who benefited from these crimes? donald trump. these crimes were to the detriment of michael cohen. he was convicted and went to jail. he had to sneak around and take out a home equity line of credit. this is a common sense case. did he tell a whole bunch of
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lies? you bet he did. will the jury understand at the end of the day that donald trump was a co-conspirator in all this? absolutely. >> let's talk about the defense that you laid out for us. what will they do? a law school professor was weighing in on the possibility of backing the defense into a corner. if they portray everything as lies, they will paint themselves into a corner. believing that she was telling the truth, his denials might work against his lawyers, talk about how tightlipped they are. >> that was a strategic choice, it's unclear why they made it. whether or not the fact that they had -- she was a liar. that is an issue.
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they bit off more than they can chew here. they should've kept it focused to the payments, donald trump saying hey, he did not want to pay her. that is why he did not pay her. he is going rogue and doing his own thing. is that convincing? no. that is the best argument. not focusing on everything being alive. that is difficult, not everyone is a liar. if you are the defense, focus on one person. it was a strategic choice to cross examine a number of people so hard and make them seem like liars as well. there is only one person they needed to focus their fire on. i want them to throw off that everyone in this case is lying.
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you have to say that david pecker is a liar too. he is at the center of the payment. you have to say that hope hicks is a liar. the payment was coming out in 2018, it would've been damaging for the election. that helps the prosecution's case. the defense did not do that. they did not take out the statements that were hurtful and they threw up a lot of lies and accusations that did not hurt the metal in the case. they were strategic blunders here. they should focus their fire more on one person. >> there is someone on the defense side that has been laser focused with their fire. that is the defendant, donald trump, who has been consistently railing against
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the judge. with some of the most racist overtones that we can find. he has talked about his other orders. i can't imagine that this is going to work out well for donald trump if the jury convicts him in this case. am i making this up? >> you are actually not. >> let's say that he is convicted. does the additional behavior factor in? >> will not help donald trump. i think that judge merchan will do voice all of his rhetoric from his sentencing calculation. i think he has done a
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remarkable job presiding over this case. one thing he said that disappoints me is when he found donald trump guilty of 10 counts of criminal contempt of court. that violates the condition of his release. stay tuned for that. he said, i do not want to put you in jail, you are the former president and you might be the next president. he was announcing that he will not apply the law equally. that was a dagger through my heart. i think he is biding his time. in a conviction he will sentence donald trump to incarceration. without that, this has been for not. this will encourage the
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aspiring dictator. >> the sermon of applying the law equally. i am no lawyer. i one time wanted to be a judge. i can see clear as day that there are two systems of justice. >> you are sticking with us, we want to go to new developments. the classified documents case. stay with us. zeize the day with zyrtec. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu,
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the terminal crile -- criminal trial in new york has been going on. a lawyer railed against prosecutors to get the charges against him dismissed. a prosecutor called the allegations a garbage argument and fantasy. judge buchanan has not issued a ruling yet. after not ruling on so many other matters in this case and has postponed this case indefinitely, for now. glenn, before we get into
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buchanan, i want to finish up on the cohen testimony in the trial you wrote a great part about the testimony. >> this is when someone enters into the formal charge. she is testifying against the bigger criminal fish. this is meant to be shielded from public view. you need a co-conspirator. cohen took the stand and
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performed well and answered questions directly and was not combative. we will talk about this in a minute, he talked about his own misconduct. when you compare the performance of michael cohen to the defense witness, you will put them on the stand. i have never had a judge have to clear a courtroom because a lawyer or witness played the fool on the stand and had to be admonished. i love that they brought to the attention of the jury that he was trying to represent michael cohen because he is trying to catch and kill the damaging information. it plays beautifully into the theme of the trial. the prosecutors cross-examined costello. he was telling his partners that this guy, cohen, who is he
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playing with? what is he doing? that is generally not the way that a lawyer talks about a client he is trying to represent. that defense witness did as much damage as any single prosecution witness. >> we have all had our eyes on new york. there are a number of developments that i want to walk you through. on thursday, he called the claims false and extremely dangerous. on friday, prosecutors requesting to block him from endangering law enforcement. and then just yesterday, on true social railing against that move saying if anyone should be gagged, it should be deranged to jack. that is how far off the rails this case has gone.
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>> what he is saying is not only alive, it is so dangerous. he is saying that in the search warrant, there was an authorization to use deadly force. that is a gross mischaracterization of the language in the search warrant. if the officers were in danger in some way, there were circumstances where they could use force. no force was used. they executed the search warrant one donald trump and his family were not there. this is rhetoric. dangerous rhetoric because you are putting the lives of the law enforcement agents that executed the search warrant in danger. why? because there was back and forth about if the names of the agents would become public.
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they pushed back and said that they need to push back. they will be threatened. there is litigation, statements had been made public. still, there is information about them. people are finding out and they are receiving threats. that is why mayor garland had to take that step. he is tightlipped about these things. this is dangerous. we cannot allow donald trump to say things that are false and putting law enforcement lives in danger. judge cannon should enforce the gag order here. i do not think that she will do so. she does not know how to follow the law in this case and has slowed everything. when she does speak on the law, she gets it wrong.
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she was willing initially to make information about these law enforcement agents public when there is not even a trial date and that does not give me any faith that she will do the right thing here. >> let me build on what kristi said. i have jack smith's motion here. it is worse than what kristi related. in this motion, it makes clear that the fbi coordinating to make sure that the day they would execute the search warrant, donald trump and his family would not be in florida. against that backdrop, this is what he said to his angry supporters. the fbi was authorized to shoot me and was itching to do the unthinkable. locked and loaded, ready to take me out and put my family in danger and they were not even in florida on the day of the search warrant. by design and they coordinated with the lawyers in advance.
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this is beyond reckless, this is violence inducing. it is launched from a platform of knowing fraud and lies. i do not know how long the institutions of government, prosecutors, judges, will continue to sacrifice the safety of fbi agents, prosecutors and their families, witnesses and jurors, to the violence inducing rhetoric, there is a vehicle in the law designed to address this when a defendant is on release and is a dangerous to a single person in the community, he is to be detained pending trial. this is another failure of the equal application of the law, we are paying the price dearly. >> if he is above the law, put
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his behind in jail. any other criminal defendant in violation of the rules in all cases, what is the system going to do in response? >> thank you so much, i want to reiterate that the system bent over backwards to make sure that he was accommodated. what else do you need to know? all of the concessions that you give this gentleman, it does not matter. hold him accountable. we appreciate your time, we will see you very soon. we have to ask you about this signal of distress situation.
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that is what the upside down american flag was in their yard. that is what it represented. we will get into it. next on the weekend. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that sense what isn't on the schedule. ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. ♪ to see hundreds of miles of tracks. ♪ [vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh]
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the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. new details -- >> new details on the upside down flag from 2021. his wife told the post that it was an international signal of distress in response to offensive yard signs. you were walking through the new element of the story today. >> long story short, we need to get to the nuts and bolts, long story short, on the day of the inauguration in 2021, the reporter goes to the house to
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ask about this flag. his wife comes outside and they are leaving, not going to the inauguration. she gets into an exchange with the washington post reporter not knowing it is a washington post reporter. i encourage people to read the article, it is illuminating. at the time, they did not know that the dispute had a political basis. every system designed to be the guard rails, it has not risen to the occasion in this moment. this is another example. benefit of the doubt was given to the justice and his wife because why?
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not even looking at the facts and details here. this is after january 6, after everything that has already happened. >> we are not up to the task of holding ruling class criminals responsible for their conduct. mark meadows is up there. he is being indicted in state after state. the federal government cannot get off of anything. three years after the attack on the capital, we don't have a single member of the command structure indicted for anything, that is governmental insanity. why would the post sit on something? the state has kept democracy up and running in many regards. i read an article that exposed the fact that the doj resisted
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the investigation for a year. they will dither democracy away. we have to look inward sometimes if we are not up to the task. i do not know why you would sit on that kind of information. any judge that has shown themselves to lack the kind of fairness and independence that the law requires them to have. >> it is not just bias, the appearance of bias. instead, the court has a consequential docket ahead of them. in many cases about donald trump himself. listen to what sonia said about the state of the core recently. >> there are days that i have come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried.
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there have been those days. there are likely to be more. >> what do you even say after that? >> the united states supreme court justice. why are senators trying to schedule a meeting. when the house is on fire and i am looking for my keys in my purse to unlock the door so i can walk in. that is what is happening here, >> the house is on fire. we have again, we have vehicles to address this kind of stuff.
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congress can open the impeachment inquiry. how about some legitimate ones on supreme court justices who have shown himself to be partial. flying a flag upside down in league with the insurrection is more than appearance. that is him throwing in with the insurrection. when you look at federal law, we have vehicles for this. any justice or judge or magistrate judge that has all three levels, whose impartiality might be questioned, must disqualify themselves.
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they are in violation of that statute. not a lot. >> they flew the flag upside down because they were offended about what a neighbor has said about them. flying the flag upside down is a statement of what you are saying about the country. we don't buy that. it's not flying. >> this roundtable is up for the task of democracy. i appreciate your indignation. thank you for your time. the biting campaign is exploring a shift in strategy against donald trump.
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we are a month away from the first presidential debate. now, how they plan to do that depends on the outcome of the first criminal trial which could wrap up as early as this week. if he is found guilty, we have learned that the campaign is
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deciding to brand him as a convicted felon. with us of the co-chair of the biden and harris campaign. all right, the former mayor of new orleans. mr. mayor, let's start there. less than a month out from the debates, what is the plan? if he is convicted, are we going with the convicted felon trump label? >> if i might, with your permission start off with this, tomorrow is memorial day. the day that we take a moment to step back and remember all of the men and women that gave their full measure to preserve freedom and democracy, i have the honor of standing on the beach where the cemetery is.
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it takes me to a place of being thankful and remembering the sacrifice that people of maine to secure our freedom. then it makes my blood boil that we have someone that wants to be president of the united states that called all of those people losers and suckers because they are fighting to prove tact our freedom. we all, as equals, free and fair elections. the idea that we abide by the rule of law. donald trump is unhinged and dangerous. this is what our strategy will be to tell the people the truth about who he is. when he was in office during the worst pandemics that we have had, his leadership style was to tell everyone to drink bleach. when he did not win the election, he became delusional. he lost by 1 million votes and his idea of leadership was to incite insurrection and when the mob went to the capital for the first time and put the confederate flag in these
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sacred space, he sat back and did nothing. he has decided to do worse and do more. given the opportunity to say what would you do different? he would say, i was too nice. we want to tell the truth about who he was, what he has done, and you all have heard about it, he is talking about asking the country to give him immunity. he is unhinged. dangerous, and we cannot let him get back in the oval office. >> he was also lieutenant governor from louisiana. it's always good to see you. i think this is important. i love the way that you started the conversation noting the importance of this weekend. the biden campaign has put out
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a statement referencing that the american dream, so many sacrifice for is under threat from donald trump. he called them suckers and losers. dreams of a dictator, can i repeat that for those of you that don't understand what this moment is. donald trump calls those who served and died for this country suckers and losers. he sees this as an opportunity to create the unified right. everyone is talking about the economy and gas prices, that is important. let's talk about what people are feeling on that front, you cannot lose sight of this truth as well. how can you create that lane
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where both of those things are brought together? you see the unification of the country around this idea that he is a threat. are you worried about gas prices? guess what it will be for a man who wants to impose tariffs? >> you make the case. the reason we keep repeating it is because some of us have selected amnesia. you and i would argue about the best way to build a road. or maybe the best way for law enforcement to do their work. all of those arguments take place in a frame where we understand that the constitution and people's rights and responsibilities are equal and the system will pull us back into place, donald trump is the first president that wants to burn that system to the ground. he wants to uproot the tree and all of its roots. he does not believe in democracy. that is what president biden is
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fighting for. the president is concerned about the economy. why he passed legislation to create fifth teen million jobs. he is concerned about the cost of living. inflation is 9% down to 3%. we go after big pharma, big oil, companies that are taking profits. reducing the cost of insulin, donald trump wants to get rid of healthcare. this is not an exaggeration. he put three people on the supreme court. if that is the first thing to come state after state with criminalized abortion, taking away voting rights by allowing legislatures to take away the rights of african americans citizens, what will they come for next? that is what donald trump wants. he does not think that the line
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applies. you cannot have an argument about all that stuff if democracy does not exist and freedom is not secured. >> mr. mayor, lieutenant governor, part of this is about highlighting his record and what president biden has done. lots pull up the full screen. the great american comeback. food prices falling, incomes rising across all income levels. this is a conversation we come back to all the time. the job becomes selling those to the american people. making sure that dots are connected, what does it look like connecting those dots? >> this campaign is kicking off. he can ask donald trump why he wanted to eviscerate roe versus
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wade. he wants to talk to donald trump about his need to create political violence. where his idea of creating jobs is the billionaire tax breaks. he wants to talk about his accomplishments. that is the lowest unemployment rate. on and on. his clear message is this, none of those things will happen. let me say this. people should remember that when joe biden took over. we were in the active insurrection. the pandemic was the worst in
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the world. he had the leadership of running through problems and finding solutions putting the american people on the right track. he watched people go through the capital threatening to kill people. when people were dying from the pandemic, he asked people to settle down a little bit. those are pretty clear. this is why i feel confident that joe biden will win. i believe in the american people. when you are facing joe biden and donald trump, they will pick the future and they will pick freedom. >> thank you for taking the time to be with us. stick around at home, there is more of the weekend after
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serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ( ♪♪ ) my name is jaxon, and i have spastic cerebral palsy. it's a mouthful. one of the harder things is the little things that i need help with: getting dressed, brushing your teeth, being able to go out with your friends by yourself. those are hard because you don't want help, but you need it. children like jaxon
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trip overseas even last night. when we mentioned stuff to people, you know that you said this. and they are like, he did not say that. yes he did. you made an interesting point. people hear what they want to hear. even when you present them with, here is the video of him on stage saying x they still do not get that. that will be a big challenge in all of their work that has to go into this campaign. breaking that connection that people have in their minds about the illusion of his success. the first thing they go to is the tax cut and there was nothing else that. >> the rent checks and remember
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he was very happy to put his signature on all of them. >> to be here, it was a smart move. and he branded it. they don't remember the back story. presenting the entire picture is important. >> you made an important point off air and i want to put it on the table. there was an 18 month period where they said we will not put donald trump up there. >> out of sight, out of mind. i think at one point, we went too far. now, we are back to a place where people are hearing him
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again because we are playing his sound and reporting on what he said within context and fact checking it. him not being on twitter, he is not front and center for the american people. he does not seem like he understands what he is talking about. present for the people so they can make decisions for themselves. >> for me, i brings it full- circle. this memorial day weekend it is important for people to understand the men and women who have sacrificed and have given the ability and privilege to be at this table.
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it should matter when a political figure says that they want to control the conversation. they took on injuries. dealing with mental health. they survived military service. that is what i remember. i don't want to sacrifice that for a man that is a dictator. >> more weekend, folks, after this. this. igraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u.
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that doesn't for the weekend. we will see you next saturday at 8:00 a.m. eastern. i can say that. be sure to follow the show on social media at the weekend. somebody said something funny. don't forget on tuesday, beginning at 10:00 eastern, tune in to msnbc for special coverage of closing arguments in trumps new york criminal trial. but velshi with charles coleman starting right now. take it away, charles. >> how is it going? great show today. michael steele, i am with you on the three-piece , on the sunday. we are doing our sunday best. i appreciate it. you are looking great, my friends. >> i feel like -- this is what


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