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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? that's going to do it for me today on this memorial day weekend. thank you for joining us today. we have a quick programming note about tomorrow. we will be on the air from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. eastern instead of the normal time slot because of the holiday. we have a lot to cover and we hope to see you there tomorrow. check us out on all social media platforms. for now, stay where you are because there is much more news coming up on msnbc. oh, there is no way he liked this, donald trump being booed by an unfriendly crowd last night.
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why did he put himself through this? there may be a very good explanation and you will hear it later. a very good day to all of you from msnbc word headquarters. welcome to alex witt reports. we begin with decision 2024 this holiday weekend and the biden harris campaign ramping up attacks on trump. here's former white house advisor mitch landrieu. >> we will tell the truth on who he is and what he will do now. he is now talking about asking the country to give him immunity to take seal team six and assassinate political opponents. president trump is unhinged. he is dangerous. and we cand let him get back to the oval office. >> trump meanwhile, braving a
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frosty reception at the libertarian party convention last night in washington d.c. he solicited support on metphorical bended knee and was subjected to a drone of boos. >> combine with us. you have to combine with us. the libitarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. whoa. that's nice . that's nice. only if you want to win. only if you want to win, maybe you don't want to win. maybe you done don't want to win. thank you, thank you. only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3% every four years. >> well, they loved that. tuesday trump will be back in court once again on the brink of history. by the end of this week, he could find out if he is
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convicted or exonerated in the new york hush money trial. with me now is julie tsirkin. welcome my friend. listen to the frosty reception that the former president is used to. what did the attendees think of him being there. >> i was in the room during the speech and that moment in particular, libitarians who are free thinkers, believe in free speech, that is one of the reasons the organizers invited the former president and the current one who did not respond to the invoitation were so turned off wie trump telling them, vote for me, endorse me, join me. usually those kinds of attacks trump gives like would you rather be losers getting 3% of the vote or do you want to join me work on his supporters but not on this crowd. they got into physical altercations between the few trump supporters that came for this event and the libertarian anti-trump members which was most of the rom. i spoke to some of the people who attended this before the
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trump speech, maybe some minds could be changed, what they were looking for, here's a little bit of that. >> i think it is fantastic that he wants to talk to libertarians because it means our voice is getting heard. i'm going to tell you, i'm not a trump fan whatsoever but the fact is that powerful people want to hear what we have to say and take it into consideration. >> i think this is a mistake. i think this is an egregious error by the chair. he is zapping all of the media attention that should be focused on our convention and our candidates. it is going to this big authorarian who doesn't belong anywhere near the lib itarian party. >> the first woman i spoke with was one of the organizers. i asked if there was something that trump could say to make her vote for trump. you know trump is there looking for voters who are disillutioned
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with democrats. and she told me she would rather eat her own foot out of a bear trap than vote for trump. >> okay, that's harsh but thank you. what to expect in the donald trump hush money trial, we will unpack the scenarios and the legal implications of all of it. in the meantime, turning to the memorial day weekend, on track to be the busiest travel weekend in 20 years. the tsa says on friday it recorded the highest number of travelers screened on a single day with nearly 3 million passengers. bt it is not all clear skies for those hitting the roads. dozens of tornadoes were reported cros five states, causing widespread destruction in oklahoma, kansas, and texas. at least eight people died from the storms and more severe weather is on the way. >> i'm still trying to process it. it's shock, just everything you had and williamsburged so hard
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for all these years is gone. >> that is heartbreaking for sure. we have reporters in texas and new york covering all of this. we will begin in valley view, texas, just north of dallas which saw some of the worst devastation. joining me now is priscilla thompson. today in the aftermath, how is it looking there and what can we expect over the holiday tomorrow? >> reporter: yeah, it is devastation. that is what we are seeing here as you mentioned. eight people reported dead in texas and arkansas. we just got an alert about another death in arkansas. so that number may be ticking up which is what officials said would happen. today looks like cleanup. i want to step aside and give you a look inside this house. we spoke to maria. he is in there right now cleaning up with some of her family members. she and her husband were inside this house last night when the tornado blew through. her husband was hiding in a
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closet and she was holding onto a door knob in the closet. she is so grateful they survived. but she stepped out to find the entire roof of the home torn off and destruction all around. her daughter with her five kids was next door with her husband, kids ages 3 to 18. we looked and we can see that their house comploetly moved off the cinder block foundation. that is the kind of devastation that people lived through. there is a gas station a couple of miles up the road where officials say up to 80 people were sheltering when it crumbled and caved in on them. we know from the broadcast of first responders that there were people trapped. thankfully no fatalities there. certainly, a lot of damage and a lot of trauma as people are working to clean up and figure out what is to come next. more than 400 reported tornadoes have slammed across the country
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nationwide this month alone. that is the most we have seen since 2019. the severe weather is continuing. right now, there are watches in effect in places like illinois and kentucky. this severe storm system of hail, high winds, tornadoes, is continuing to move across the country this holiday weekend. alex? >> i tell you when i see stories like this, do you have any sense where people begin? these storms just happened. they must be in a state of shock, confusion. they look at the enormity of the disaster. where do they start? >> reporter: yeah, i asked her how she was feeling right now and maria told me shock, she is in shock. but they start by coming back to their homes and trying to back up and salvage whatever they can which oftentimes is not much, clothes, memorabilia, photos from kids from the high school graduation, that kind of thing. they do have insurance and they tried to reach out but haven't
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heard back yet. they don't know where they will stay right now. it is a tight knit community. her daughter lived right next door. it is not just her and her husband who need a place to stay but she and her five kids. it is a lot of figuring out what comes next and hope that there will be federal aid or local aid that will come through to help breach the gap as they figure out what rebuilding looks like here. >> thank you so much. again, we are looking at texas. severe storms have been in the center part of the country throughout the south. as you look at that, tennessee has seen it, kentucky has seen it, up into a little bit of indiana, ohio. it has been -- the misery has been spread around. let's put it that way. there are those storms that affected some travel but it is not so bad on the east coast, a different story. we will go to nbc's maya eaglin
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who is joining us from wantagh, new york. it does look beautiful on long island today. what is going on there. >> reporter: we spent the morning at jones beach state park. a lot of people went out there to see the beth page air show, the 20th anniversary of that. but we had to move down for a better signal. this is cedar creek park. aaa is estimating over 44 million americans are hitting the roads. lots of them coming here for the air show. we are have seen a lot of fighter jets hit the sky. some people are barbecuing. we spoke to some people on the boardwalk before we had to switch locations. here's what they had to say about the travel. >> traffic was not bad at all. extremely surprised. when i was a teenager, i used to come to the beach on a sunday, and we would be in bumper to bumper, i lived in queens at the time, we would be in bumper to bumper traffic. today, we just met at about
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quarter to 8:00, we were here before 9:00. it was nice. >> reporter: so many people are also looking forward to seeing the blue angels. the show is scheduled to happen until 3:00 p.m. today. as we were leaving, we saw cloud cover roll into the beach and some scheduling changes had to be made. yesterday, over 170,000 people came to the beach to see the air show. we will see how many of them are out here today. but in the meantime, lots of people in the park, enjoying the flyover from a different vantage point. >> given the fog or clouds that have rolled in over the beach, the blue angels can't fly in that. so they will have to delay that. there is something great streaming online if you want to see a blue angels show. i watched it. it was pretty fabulous. thank you, maya. what can i say, the man loves his papers, what to make of the printouts that donald trump carries in and out of the court each day.
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. in less than 48 hours, donald trump returns to a new york courtroom where he could find out if he is the first former american president to be convicted or acquitted of a criminal offense. lawyers on both sides of the hush money trial are reviewing judge juan merchan's jury instructions ahead of the
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closing arguments. the judge will charge the jury by wednesday and jury deliberations will continue on thursday and friday if necessary. joining me now is joyce vance, law professor at the university of alabama, cohost of the podcast hashtag sisters in law. we also have mark legalovich, author who has written about trump and msnbc political contributor. thank you for making time on the holiday. joyce, what do you expect are in the judge's jury instructions? >> these are pretty standard. most jurisdictions in new york have patterned jury instructions that the judge draws on again and again when they brief a jury on the law. most of it is not particularly controversial. the judge will advise jurors that in order to convict, they must believe that the government has established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, that means proving every element for each
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of the 34 counts. >> okay. but joyce, i want to double check, defense gets the first crack at the jury, right? what would their big finish look like? >> yeah, so for the defense, it is all about reasonable doubt. the defense will try to suggest to jurors every possible gap in the evidence, an area where the government has not met the burden. they don't have to show they are innocent. they just have to establish that the government has failed to meet the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. that's where we will see a focus in this case, perhaps looking at michael cohen's credibility issues, perhaps focusing on the fact that although a crime may have been committed, donald trump was not involved. they will bring all of those pieces into play for the jury. >> mark, one of the key points that hope hicks testified to was that trump always asked her how things were playing politically.
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trump yesterday said it was about a legal expense to a lawyer. doyou see any path where the defense can argue the act as charged were not related to politics? >> yes. and this is more joyce's department but obviously, michael cohen as dramatic as his testimony was gives the defense it would seem to me a lot of opportunity to poke specific holes, definitely a credibility side. there is no question that donald trump is extremely focused on how things play, perception and how to play the media game, obviously. it does seem to me that the michael cohen relationship would create a lot of opportunity for the defense to really focus on his testimony which again, it seemed to have something for everyone including the everybody that wonders about the credibility of the main witness. i think that is probably where that would be headed. >> joyce, based on what you have seen and heard coming out of the
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courtroom, what are your expectations, i'm not going to say predictions, but do you get a sense of where the vurth could go? conviction, exoneration, hung jury? is there a lean? >> i have tried north of 50 cases. usually, prosecutors convict because you have a lot of ability to control whether or not you indict a case, you have a big load of work on your plate, you don't indict the cases where the evidence isn't good. but every once in a while, something goes wrong in trial. that didn't happen here. the evidence came in as well as the prosecution could have asked. every once in a while, you encounter a juror who has a bad feeling about your case or a bad feeling about prosecutions in general and that's not predictable either. but the evidence here was very strong. as mark points out, there is the possibility that some jurors might find michael cohen to be
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less than credible. i would expect the prosecution will argue that you don't have to believe everything michael cohen says in order to convict. but i think that is a tough sell. by and large, the jury will have to believe michael cohen when he says donald trump was telling him what to do, was aware of what he was doing and involved at every step in order to reach a verdict of guilt. that will be if there is a sticking point for jurors. it won't be that the conduct happened. we have seen the checks. the issue is whether trump was involved in a criminal way. >> so the aftermath, mark, take us through the political implications to the american psyche as we look at the what if scenarios. if he is convicted, will there any dancing in the streets? if he is acquitted, can the american psyche stand a retrial? is there a trump trial volatility for the american psyche we should be watching
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depending on the outcome? >> yeah. someone who has tried zero cases in his life, i can say everything you said kind of in its own way gave me a headache. the dynamic we have seen over and over again is that people are very entrenched in their corners here. having said that, i don't think there will be celebrations or dancing in the streets or anything like that. i think in some ways, despite the focus we put on it, it is a pretty peripheral issue for the vast majority of people in the country. i will say that if trump is convicted, it will give his opponents, specifically the biden campaign language to use that could potentially be damming. language like convicted felon donald trump, the kind of thing that the biden reelect has been discussing, to try to hang what happens in this case around his neck. there is polling that says that
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a fairly significant proportion of voters would actually have a now kind of judgment or a new kind of set of facts on trump if he were convicted of one of the things he has been indicted for. that could be an exfactor here. ultimately, we have been predicting, usually wrongly about how things will play out with trump spectacle over the years. so we will have to wait and see. >> right. they don't call him teflon don for nothing. let me do the flip side. the watt street journal says an acquittal could give trump new political momentum . it is possible a hung jury would too. does trump have the ability to swin conviction or acquittal into a win this summer? >> maybe. he is certainly going to try. the mueller report was extremely long and quite damming if you read it closely. no one read it closely or very few people did and he was able
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to turn that into complete exoneration. >> well, bill barr helped. >> that's what he will try to do if there is not a definitive guilty verdict here. he will try to spin this as see, everything, everyone is corrupt. the juramerican jury is not letting cooked go get away with this. so you can imagine what he will say. >> so the papers, joyce, when he is back in court, will we see him wave the stacks of papers as he has done at more than a dozen prior appearances? do we know what that is about? >> it is almost as if donald trump needs a prop when he is walking in and out of the courtroom. no criminal defendant is comfortable or at their ease when they are on trial for their liberty. it gives the impression that someone on trump's team said lets put this big sheet of paper
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in his hands and it will give him something to talk about other than the fact nat he is on trial for committing felony crimes and it will make the transition in and out of the building easier. >> mark, i ask you to assess the paper stack waving around. is there a political motive? is it about manufacturing an image around documents and evidence? like look, i've got the evidence or documents in my hand? >> yeah, it is always about manufacturing an image with donald trump to some degree. it is worth stating that a lot of the papers he has at the ready is because he travels or his team travels with someone whose specific job is to print out positive news coverage that he can read at various points throughout the day that he can bolster his mood or feel better about himself. the whole thing is entrenched in the trump mythology we have seen over and over again in various
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ways over the year. >> we have seen the video of the constrnt drone of boos at the libitarian convention as he begged for their support. he promised to appoint libitarians to the cabinet if he wins. he may be the first political party to address another political party's convention. he appeared uncomfortable doing. why is he floating this netanyahu coalition? is he seeing troubling numbers. >> i think he may be the last major candidate to address a convention like this in the future. it probably bodes poorly for whoever's decision this was. i can't imagine he was happy about it. he is trying to piece together a coalition that is extremely fragmented. that is true of both parties at this point. you never know where you will find the definitive, maybe 1%, 1.5% that could tip you over the finish line in what a lot of us think will be a very close election. so it was a spectacle, bad look
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and probably bad for his mood but that is probably behind whoever was thinking of it. >> and joyce, when will we know the results of the hush money trial, what do you think? >> right. whenever the jury delivers a verdict. they have to go through 34 counts. i don't mean to be glib but this is not one of those cases where the jury walks into the deliberations room and one says does anyone think this guy didn't do it and they all agree and they are back in 30 minutes. this is not one of those. i would think this jury will go through each of the counts, look at the evidence, evaluate the factors and really work through the law that the judge will explain to them as he instructs them in the light of the evidence. we are looking at days not hours for this one. >> okay. we have been having a debate among my team. some thing that if they get it by wednesday morning, it will be friday but some say tuesday the
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following week. do you think one is more likely than the other? >> yeah, i think days 1 the answer. it could be friday. sometimes there is a phenomenon of juries who like to go home with their work done on a friday evening. but this is a lot to get through. it is possible they could come back for the following monday or tuesday. >> all right. shoutout to patrick, he was calling for tuesday. thank you very much. good to see you both. have a good memorial day tomorrow. breaking news, sirens in tel aviv for the first time in months. aviv for the first time in months smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin.
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when francis scott key wrote the star-spangled banner, he wrote about the land of the free and the home of the brave. his picture of the head stones and flags at arlington national cemetery is what many americans are thinking about this memorial day weekend. earlier this week, the third u.s. infantry regiment known as the old guard placed flags at more than 260,000 head stones of
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fallen service members. it is a tradition that started in 1948. 5,000 people are expected to attend tomorrow's ceremony at that cemetery. we are following the breaking news out of the middle east where an israeli official tells nbc news the war cabinet will be meeting in the next hour to discuss the next steps needed to reach a hostage deal. it comes as earlier today sirens rang out in tel aviv for the first time in months after hamas's military wing announced it launched a new attack on the city. let's go to meagan fitzgerald who is joining us with the latest on this. first, what do we know about this meeting coming up? >> reporter: right. the meeting is expected to convene in the next 30 minutes or so. according to an israeli official, they will be discussing next steps to be able to reach a deal. we heard from israel's defense minister earlier today who said efforts to return hostages home
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are ongoing. according to a senior u.s. official telling nbc news yesterday progress was made when we saw bill burns meeting with israel's head of the musod spy agency as well as the head of qatar. that was a meeting focused on trying to revive negotiations around a cease fire and securing the release of hostages. all of this coming when hours ago hamas claimed responsibility for firing missiles into israel's air space. the idf saying eight missiles coming in, being deflected by the iron dome. i want you to take a listen to the sirens and the chaotic scene that ensued.
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>> reporter: sirens in israel for the last four months. it has been four months since israel heard the sirens blaring. there are no casualties at the moment, only a few minor injuries as people tried to make their way into the shelters. this is pretty significant. we are talking about nearly 8 months into this war, hamas is still able to launch rockets into israel. it is yet to be seen how or if those attacks will impact negotiations. this is certainly something that we are following closely. >> thank you for doing that for us, appreciate that. joining me now is admiral james defreedy, analyst and former allied commander of nato. thank you for joining us. sirens have not been set off in tel aviv since late january.
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are you concerned about escalating host ililities there? it shows that hamas still has the accept today this? >> it does. and as the israeli war cabinet, benny gantz, and current minister of defense and a former jeperal, they are meeting with benjamin netanyahu. with air raids going off, it will stiffen the resistance of israelis to stopping their continued fight against hamas. i for one am very hopeful of the talks on the hostages. but realistically, i think it is one in four chance at best that ambassador bill burns can pull the rabbit out of the hat. final thought, bill burns, if anyone can do it, it's him.
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career diplomat, ambassador to moscow, fluent arabic speaker and very smart. tothe degree anyone can pull this together, it will be ambassador burns. >> you have made that statement and he is really supportive of his effort and we will see if they are fruitful but there is suspicion that it will not happen now but maybe incrementally. let's talk about the developments this last week over the conflict in gaza. the chief prosecutor for the international criminal court said he was seeking arrest warrants for israeli and hamas leaders. three countries said they would recognize a palestinian state this week. then the international court of justice ordered israel to end its offensive in rafah. is all of this international pressure making any impact on israel's operations? >> i don't think so directly. let's take those in reverse order. the direction from the international court of justice
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has no practical effect. it is essentially a recommendation to the security council of the u.n. i think it is highly unlikely israel will simply cease operations against rafah. it may reduce the tempo. it may do them in a more couragical and precise way. i think that is realistic. in terms of the indictments, the international criminal court, very different, those i think are misplaced. u.s. policy would say that to create a moral equivalency between hamas on the one hand and netanyahu on the other, it would be as though during world war ii you had an indictment of hitler and of fdr at the same time. it doesn't pass the common sense check, particularly israel a nation that has its own legal
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norms and a democratic system. no real practical effect. finally, the one in the middle that you showed was the recognition of palestine by three relatively small european nations. i think it is important but not determinative. there are already 140 out of the 200 nations that have recognized palestine. bottom line, i don't think any of those three actions is going to be significant in terms of what israel decides to do next. >> we will say netanyahu really blasted those three nations on the heels of that. let's move to ukraine where president zelenskyy is calling on world leaders to join a peace summit next month in switzerland. take a listen. >> to president biden, the leader of the united states and to president xi, the leader of china, we do not want the u.n. charter to be burned, burned
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down just like these boots. i hope you don't want to either. please show your leadership in advancing the peace, real peace, not just a pause, between the strikes. >> meanwhile four russian sources tell reuters that russian president putin is ready to halt the war in ukraine with a negotiated cease fire that recognizes the current battlefield lines. is this a potential starting point even if the ukrainian foreign minister says it is just a way to derail the peace talks? >> i think we are at the beginning of a point where you can sort of see the real possibility of a negotiation, probably towards the end of this year, early next year. we are going to get through a summer fighting season, assuming the forces are static, there is no big gains one way or the other which is what i would predict. and assuming that the west
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continues to support zelenskyy, on the other hand, russia continues to lose so many troops. all of that could come together at the end of the year. i like zelenskyy's statement. i would add to it that he should also ask the soon to be elected leader of india, they are a democratic nation, the largest nation by population. if we could get u.s., china, india together that is a lot of pressure on the parties to get to a negotiation. look for that late this year. >> okay, admiral, sir thank you for your service to this country and nato. we appreciate you. >> let me say one last thing if i could. >> yes. >> you quoted francis scott key, the land of the free because of the brave. those who have fallen, we should
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remember them this memorial day. >> amen to that, thank you sir. coming up next, kari lake and the case of the dropping poll numbers. e case of the dropping poll numbers what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog,
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new warning today about arizona's election from the secretary of state. >> i think we are facing the misinformation and disinformation from the officials in the united states whether it is for political or
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other gain. this is a problem that is bigger than any other problem, the misinformation. >> against this backdrop, election denier kari lake finds herself behind in recent polls in her race for senate. alex tapa is joining us now from phoenix where she had has been campaigning. is her stance on the 2020 election playing into her poll numbers do you think? >> reporter: it is not just election denialism about the 2020 lection that is a factor in this race. it is also the 2022 election. kari lake ran for governor here in 2022 and lost narrowly to katie hobbs and she refused to accept the results of the election as well. in this senate race, she looks on track to clinch the republican primary position here in arizona. but when it comes to a head to head match up against her
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presumptive democrat competitor ruber gallego, she is trailing him and she is trailing trump's numbers who is beating biden in many hoels here. so i sat down with lake after a campaign event on saturday and i asked her what she needs to do to make sure that donald trump supporters are also kari lake supporters in november and why there is a discrepancy between the numbers that trump is putting up in arizona and the numbers she is putting up. i want you tohear what she had to say about that question. >> we are seeing a discrepancy tween how trump is polling in arizona and how you are polling. so if there are some trump voters who may not be lake voters, why is that? >> i'm not worried about it. i know the trump supporters are supporters of mine as well. i know that. i have seen the real good polling and not some of these bogus polls. >> reporter: now kari lake would not be the first political candidate to dismiss polling numbers that are not favorable to her campaign. there is five months to go until
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the election, a lot can change. the big question for kari lake in these five months is can she make that every person who is voting for donald trump is also voting for kari lake. >> yes, that's what she has to do. that had to hurt, why did he put himself through it? the story of donald trump and the big boos he got this weekend. e big boos he got this weekend. in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i,
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click now before the special buy one, get one free offer goes away. new today, the sound of boos still echoing through the hilton after donald trump faced a rowdy crowd at the libitarian convention. the crowd got particularly loud when he asked for their votes. >> the libitarian party should nominate trump for the president
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of the youns, whoa. that's nice. that's nice. only if you want towin, only if you want to win, maybe you don't want to win, maybe you don't want to win. >> well, one audience member shouted lock him up. another yelled donald trump is a threat to democracy. let's bring in republican strategist susan del purseio and david jolly, both political analysts. welcome and thank you for joining on the holiday. susan, why did trump even go to this convention? why put himself in a room where he will be booed and jeered? is he starting to realize his vulnerability and that he needs more votes than just his base? >> i don't think he was really going after votes by attending this convention but he didn't expect for people who are principled. when you are a part of the libitarian party, somewhat small and frankly irrelevant most of the time in politics, you are
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committed to the principles of the party. there are a lot of issues in the liberal party but i will put that aside. i believe that trump went in order to prevent rfk from getting ballot access in about 56 to 58 states which is what the libitarian party would provide the nominee. so i think it was just a strategic decision. you know trump is not used to getting booed but he also yelled back, maybe he is penting up a lot of stuff in court and he needed to yell at somebody. it probably didn't go the way they planned. >> no, because he is used to, it is a safe assumption, he is used to a republican party that has become extremely pliable to his will, right? that's what he is used to now. >> yeah, and this isn't the republican party. they are republican leaning voters but this is a convention.
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this is like the primary, primary, primary. this is a small dedicated bunch. >> got it. so robert f. kennedy jr. spoke at the convention and blasted trump for allegedly violating civil liberties during the pandemic and the trump campaign is trying to brand rfk jr. as a radical leftist. does trump see him as a threat and is he? >> yeah, both donald trump and joe biden want to think rfk is a sympathizer for the other side. it is a fascinating dynamic here. you saw that play out at the libitarian convention. who knows if it was the vanity of donald trump or bad staff work to put him in front of the crowd, but to susan's point, this is a minor party with ballot access in the last two cycles, 46 states, 2% to 3% that t matters. so donald trump was trying to disqualify rfk or someone did
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nominate trump from the floor. think about no labels spending $80 million to get ballot access. the libitarian party has a lot of ballot t access. rfk wants that and donald trump wants that because 2% to 3% matters. the thing is the strategy. trump wants to world to think that rfk is a progressive sympathizer. joe biden wants the world to think of rfk as a vaccine science denier. they are both pointing the finger the roert direction. >> it is interesting, good point. we also saw nikki haley say she will vote for trump. it was not a full throated endorsement. and you know that not only haley but ron desantis and chris sununu are keeping 2028 in mind when it comes to tip toeing around trump. do they think that trump will maintain his grip on the party? >> it is not so much that if trump loses we will have the grip on the party, is that the party will still be dedicated to
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trump. they will remember those who went against him in 2024. nikki haley made a very weak endorsement of trump this week but it wasn't until after she went to her supporters the previous week to have a conversation about her future. so she did this with the okay of her donor base which is important to recognize. but i think all of these candidates, all three of these who are looking towards 2028, they want to do just enough so it can't be held against them. >> got it. let's talk about trump's false claims about the search of mar-a-lago. trump says the fbi was lock and loaded. a democrat strategist wrote that this was more than narcissism on a national scale. it is an example of his ability to manufacture and spread lies that weaken american voters' faith in government. how much are we already seeing a weakening of faith in our
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institutions? >> this is his whole stick. but i would also add to that how dangerous it is. the story of joe biden suggesting that donald trump could be shot during the raid, the facts are just that this is boiler plate language. and every search warrant, including in the search of joe biden's premises as well. it is between the bad faith manipulators and in conservative media, from stove bannon to donald trump himself, who knows what he personally believes. but those who know this is a falsehood and a false story is intersecting with those who don't, the marjorie taylor greene, the kari lakes that whip up consporacy themes. there is an audience that hears this. it is the theme of donald trump for the last 8 years. the government is out toget me, they are out to steal your vote and your democracy and you have to fight back. on january 6th, he said go to the capital with strength and not weakness. he said they were out to shoot
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me. that audience that hears that, there are people in there that will respond with that with inclinations of violence, a dangerous moment compared to what we have seen from leading politicians in the past. >> yes, it remains scary. not you two though. have a great holiday. i appreciate you both. three stories you node to watch and the timeline for this week in the donald trump hush money trial. and lower prices at the checkout lines, where and why next. and is your holiday get away more crowded than usual? you are not imagining things. brace yourselves, there is a new number to hear before you head mome. to hear before you head mome horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover.
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