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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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asset right now, median home prices are at record highs. it's a great time to be a shareholder, a homeowner, an asset owner. trying to raise a family, trying to live your so-called american dream, it's more and more difficult. so you're looking for somebody to blame. you look at people and how they feel about the economy and whether or not we're in a recession or whether or not the president is doing a good job. it's obviously split along party lines. but more and more people feel that we're in a recession and more and more people feel that inflation is going down. in while there were numerous of the presidential election. plus, while donald trump at airports across the country this week and, you're going to want to hear this before you
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get back on the road again. a very good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome, everyone, this memorial day weekend is already a recordbreaker when it comes to travel. the tsa reporting its highest number of travelers screen on a single day friday with a nearly 3 million passengers. but all of this is extreme weather is causing havoc in states across the middle of the country. dozens of tornadoes were reported across five states, causing widespread destruction in oklahoma, kansas, and texas. at least 11 people now have died from the storms and even more severe weather is expected on the way this weekend. >> he worked so hard on that room. >> i feel really bad for them but it is going to work out. >> tough times, we have reporters in place covering all of these new developments. we are going to go now to
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valleyview, texas. that is where at least seven people were killed in the store. joining us now, nbc's priscilla thompson. priscilla, actually think those numbers have gone up in the last hour. talk about, unfortunately, the devastating death toll numbers and what is going on down there, what we can expect over the holiday tomorrow. >> reporter: yeah, alex, sadly it feels like every hour that i talk to you, the death toll is rising. it is now at 11 people killed, including at least two children . and officials are saying that they expect that toll could continue to rise as they're working on rescue and recovery efforts throughout the day today. when you look at the devastation , he gives you a better sense of how something like this happened. you see that house back there, the roof, completely taken off of it, and there were two people, a couple who were sheltering inside of there. thankfully, both of them survived. the husband was in the closet, the wife, yolanda, was in a hallway, hanging onto a doorknob. she felt the wind. she felt all of these elements
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happening around her and i asked her what went through her mind as she was feeling that? i want to play a little bit of what she said. >> i was feeling that i was going to die. that was my last day being alive. it was my last day, that was it for me. so because, everything falling down. so when you hear everything falling down, you know you're going to die because if the wind doesn't you, the house is going to fall on top of you. >> just some extremely scary moments overnight. and i should note that her daughter and her son in law were in this house right here. you can see the entire second story completely ripped off. this house has been moved off of its foundation entirely. and they actually sheltered in a closet inside this home with their five children, ages three
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to 18 years old. and she told me that the two younger children, three and five years old, woke up from a nap and said what happened? a tornado had hit the house. so to come out of that closet and find that their house had been completely destroyed, she really broke down in tears as she talked about he is still in shock and she is worried that her kids are going to be traumatized after all this has happened. and these are the kinds of stories that we are hearing up and down this block. you go just a few miles up the road and there were 80 people, up to 80 people sheltering at a gas station when it just caved in because of the sheer force of the storm. there was a father and son and the son, 23-year-old son, got on top of his father to protect him as all of that was happening. thankfully, no fatalities there. no injuries but you can imagine a lot of trauma from what folks have experienced. in the severe weather is just moving on. we saw just a short while ago, the governor in kentucky tweeting, warning people to be safe as they are seeing severe weather there and in illinois,
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just across the midwest. it has been a disastrous month of may. we're talking about more than 400 reported tornadoes this month. that is the most we have seen since 2019. and it is not letting up, unfortunately. >> alex, it's just heartbreaking, the stories that you are bringing us in the pictures, as well. thank you, though. more than 48 million americans, in fact, still at risk of severe weather, putting a possible damper on any plans to commemorate memorial day tomorrow. take a look at those areas right there carefully, every one let's go now to the record- breaking travel and how people are spending the holiday weekend. my england is joining us from new york. what are you hearing from folks there, maia? probably a little better news than what we see there in texas. >> yeah, absolutely better than that. we actually started the day at jones beach. the 44 million of americans are excited to be traveling, according to aaa. a lot of them here, coming to see the bethpage air show which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.
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fortunately, the show did get canceled because of weather. we had some overcast. but expect it to perform with the blue angels, and we did get to see a lot of cool jets and aircraft before the show did get canceled. yesterday, over 171 visitors came to the jones beach area to catch the show. we spoke to one beach goer on their journey to come to the jones beach area. take a listen. >> it was great today. yesterday i was actually traveling east on long island. it was a disaster, bumper-to- bumper traffic. signs all over the place that they had closed down the parkway but today we got very lucky. >> so, again, folks did get to see a little bit of the show this morning when traffic and the parking lot was cut off. lots of people, i would say, thousands and thousands of people did get to see a bit of the air show but because of the cloud coverage and some of the cloudy weather we have been
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seeing, the rest of the show has been canceled. behind me here at cedar creek park we see some people barbecuing. we see some volleyball games so people still definitely enjoying the weekend. if you're heading home, aaa recommends hitting the road after 5:00 p.m. to avoid some of the traffic. alex? >> i think those folks behind you have listened to you because those people have been there for the last couple of hours. i think they are enjoying a good old-fashioned barbecue and they are not going to hit the road until after 5:00 p.m. thank you very much, my england, for that. decision 2024, the biden harris campaign. there is a bit more from national campaign co-chair and former senior white house adviser, mitch landrieu. >> donald trump wants to get rid of people's healthcare, you want to take people's rights away from them. this is either an exaggeration, he is one of three people on the supreme court for the intended purpose of eviscerating roe versus wade. >> trunk, meanwhile, appeared very uncomfortable at the libertarian party convention last night in washington, d.c. he was subjected to lingering boos and jeers from that crowd as he asked for their
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nomination and their votes. fully the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states! whoa! that's not -- that's nice. only if you want to win. only if you want to win. maybe you don't want to win. >> capitol hill correspondent, julie sirkin. i know, julie, that you are in the room for trump's speech. so did he seem to have any supporters in the crowd there? >> there were some supporters who came specifically to see his speech. these weren't people that were intending libertarian party convention all weekend long. in fact, they saw them gather in like, some of them had suitcases that looks like they just arrived to town. right before trump took the stage, interesting fully, they were actually sitting in the front few rows but the libertarian party delegates
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actually kicked them out to the back of the room so that they could stay in the seats that they paid for. of course, this libertarian convention, this is in a trump rally so i thought that was interesting. trump's whole point of making this appearance, at the beginning, why am i here? why would i come? because he started getting boos even before he got on stage. it is because he, like robert f entity jr. who also took the stage the night before at the same invention and prez joe biden's are also going back going to be a very consequential election in november. solo trump did not get a warm reception at all. he had many boos, including that light that you heard there on the screen. he also spoke for about 40, 45 minutes. a little shorter than his usual rallies where he is facing a sea of people in magna hats and red gear. so certainly a very unwelcome welcome for the former president. in this all, as he heads into what is going to be closing arguments in his hush money trial in new york this week.
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a busy, long campaign weekend. but trials is where he will be the next couple of days. >> let me ask you to turn your attention overseas to taiwan. a bipartisan group of house representatives, as you know, julie, arrived there today, just days after the island new president took office. that was on monday. after china concluded punishment drills around taiwan, how critical of a time is this with tensions so high? >> extremely critical. this is a delegation and more broadly, a congress that doesn't agree on much but they do agree that they need to counter chinese aggression, especially when it comes to what they have been doing in taiwan. this delegation is a six-member group, is led by the house foreign affairs chair, this was a really important moment for them. this is the first group of u.s. visitors and u.s. congressional delegation to visit since taiwan's new president was sworn in to office. the chinese embassy, by the way, actually sent a letter warning the group from traveling to the area because they have been conducting those drills.
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obviously, they do not want to see any high-profile members of the u.s. congressional delegation or from any other delegation, excuse me, that was somebody doing some work over my right shoulder. this is definitely a pivotal moment for delegations in the u.s. to visit at a moment where taiwan is experiencing increased chinese aggression, including those drills that have been happening over the course of two days and mobilizing shifts in the area, as well. this comes a month after congress actually appropriated funding aid to taiwan so they could defend themselves and bolster themselves in that region. >> 100%, china's reaction that they get to a nancy pelosi showing up there in taiwan. drills being conducted, as well. thank you so much for that. looking ahead to closing arguments in the donald trump hush money trial. plus, this opinion piece says michael cohen was a nearly perfect cooperating witness. back in 90 seconds. is some freakin' torque.
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tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. tuesday marks the beginning of the end of what will likely be the only criminal trial against former president donald trump before the november election. the 12 member jury will return to the manhattan courthouse following the memorial day holiday to hear closing arguments in donald trump hush money trial. wednesday, the judge will give the jury instructions about the 34 felony counts against the presumptive 2024 republican nominee. then donald trump's peers, as they are called, will be left to decide his fate joining me now, we have civil rights
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attorney, former prosecutor, david henderson and anna bauer, law legal fellow and correspondent. thank you both for being here. anna, after hearing 22 witnesses dancing dozens of text , phone calls, checks, invoices over about 20 days, do you expect the jury to return to the courtroom overwhelmed with information? what do you think they're going to be looking for from the lawyers on tuesday in closing arguments? >> right, it has been a lot of information over the past several weeks. so i do think that the jurors are going to comment on tuesday into these closing arguments, expecting some type of guidance from the parties. i think to that end, what i'm expecting from the prosecution, in particular, is that they will maybe set out a very meticulous timeline of events, remember that this is a timeline that spans over the course of several years that they have heard about, from 2015, when trump announced his candidacy
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up until 2018 when michael cohen eventually pleaded guilty to several charges, including charges related to campaign- finance, which is one of the predicate crimes that is at issue in this case. so we will have, i think, that the prosecution will try to assist the jurors by setting out a really meticulous timeline so they can put all of those corroborating details out there and keep in mind, they're going to want to do that because michael cohen is a crucial witness in this case, he has testified to unique knowledge and facts that only he can testify to. so one of the reasons that the prosecution is going to be setting out this really detailed timeline is so that they can show the jurors that you don't have to rely on michael cohen's word alone, you can look at all this corroborating evidence. >> and david, defense attorneys give the closing arguments first, advantage or disadvantage to doing that? take us how you expect them to approach the jury.
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>> with regard to closing arguments, you first have to keep in mind what the purpose of the closing argument is, alex. >> all think based on movies you go in and persuade the jury. that is not the way closing arguments work. typically what you are doing is you are approaching a panel that has already made up their mind and they are divided on what their opinions are. you're trying to harm the people that are on your side with the ammunition you need to go into deliberations and fight for what you want them to do. and so the prosecution has got to convince everyone in that room to convict at least one of those 34 counts. the defense, which is what you asked me to focus on, only has to hang the jury. that is victory for them. so they are trying to do is identify one person that they think is obstinance enough, it takes a really obstinate person to do this, to go back there and hold everything up and create a mistrial and a likelihood of them having to try this case again is relatively low. that is what victory looks like for the defense. that is what they are going to be trying to do. >> one salient point that you think the prosecution is going
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to have to focus on to try to make sure they are doing what you described? that anybody who they believe has already made up their mind about trump can be persuaded to come to their site? >> both sides have to do the exact same thing and that is focus on michael cohen. the state is going to do that two ways. the state will say look, we proved our case two different ways, directly and indirectly. directly is if you believe, and, if you think is reliable, if he is trustworthy, he gave you everything you need to convict on every single count. but, folks, you don't have to believe everything that man said because we presented you the barrage of circumstantial evidence which is just indirect evidence that supports what he is saying and give you ample reason to convict. and so in that regard, there's a lot of conflict of mistrial but they cooked the books to cover what was going on in the election. we proved that directly and wells approved by circumstantial evidence.
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>> let's dig further into this because there have been a lot of questions surrounding michael cohen as the prosecution's final witness. as our msnbc legal analyst wrote today, the very fact that cohen himself admitted to his prior lies in criminal activity may very well lead the jury to credit his testimony and use it to convict trump and anna, is there kind of a hidden trap, if you will, for trump's defense team and michael cohen's testimony? >> i do think that it is right that the jury, over the course of several weeks, has been hearing about michael cohen through other witnesses they have heard people say things that, you know, he is a guy who exaggerated. he is a guy who told lies. they hurt about, on direct examination, michael cohen ultimately did testify, that the prosecution elicited testimony from him, in which he admitted to telling these lies. he admitted to stealing from the trump organization, for example. so that by the time that we got to the cross examination, there weren't really any big gotcha moments because michael cohen
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had already admitted or fessed up too many of these things that people think could detract from his credibility. >> and can i jump in and ask you if you think the prosecution could use this. here's the deal, guys michael cohen is a man who knows what it is like to be in prison. perjury is an offense that you can go to prison for. this is not a man who is going to have committed perjury on the stand here in order to return to prison someplace he does not want to be from experience. would that be something that they could use and help sway anyone who doubts his testimony? >> i mean, they certainly could have an element of that. but i think that maybe more of what they are going to be saying is that this is a guy who has admitted to making mistakes in the past. he has accepted some degree of responsibility for that. and he is now here to tell the truth. and here is all the corroborating evidence that you have to suggest that here and
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now, he is telling the truth. so i think that that is, they are really going to be focusing especially on the corroborating evidence rather than motives. >> and each of the 34 felony charges, the counts, rather, the charges, as well, it is linked to either a check or a general ledger voucher or an invoice. is it possible, david, that the jury could just convict him on, let's say, the checks or just the ledgers. or do you see an all or nothing approach to guilt in this case? >> 100%, alex. that is definitely a possibility here. i do not see an all or nothing approach to this case. i'm going to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to predict what the jury is likely to do and that is based largely on how the trial has been
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managed from both sides. on a scale from one to 10 i give the prosecution a nine because when you are a prosecutor, you play the cards you're dealt, very well. but the defense has made such a muddled mess of this that it is just impossible for me to guess. is the jury going to go back there and compromise on some counts? are they going to go back there and say it is just a misdemeanor? it is possible to predict that so the answer to your question is, yes, i can definitely see them convicting on some counts but not others. >> misdemeanor potential that you bring up, that is something that trump and his attorneys would have to agree to the right? to allow that to help? do they have to plead guilty to that if they want to lower the offense? >> i think the likelihood of them going down that road is almost nonexistent. i am only leaving that possibility open because i don't know what is going to happen at the charge conference. they get the law and agree on it, that will be to the jury before they go into this mode. that is finally opening the possibility that anything they have when it comes to closing arguments. >> the jury instructions, they're not going to be made public until after they have been read to the jury. from what you have gleaned from
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emails, talking about, with the prosecutors and lawyers and defense attorneys are thinking about, is there any way to look at the jury instructions and get an idea of how they will lead into the decision? clear right, i think there are a few things that we know about the jury instructions from the charge conference. we also do now have the proposed jury instructions. so those have been somewhat helpful in understanding what it is in the party looking at arguing and closing. i think one of the interesting aspects of the charge conference had it to do with the element of causation. the jurors have to find that trump caused the false entry of records into the trump organization books. and to that end, the defense has been arguing against this very broad notion of causation and then the prosecution wants it to be that trump could just approve of these reimbursement payments and it was reasonably foreseeable that the false entries would then be made.
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the judge reserved judgment on that ruling, and so we will see. it seems, though, that that is one of the really key elements here, is the issue of causation and what the parties will argue to that end. then we have also heard a lot of other things, basically on things like intent, that is another big issue that will come up here. so we will see. but we do have a few inkling of what will be argued by the judge has not yet issued those jury charges yet. so we will see on wednesday when the jury is eventually charged. >> will be watching so closely. thank you guys so much, enjoy the holiday tomorrow. coming up next, the new idea to fund the war in ukraine, and it won't cost america anymore money.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. 27 past the hour as we get
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to look at arlington national cemetery on this memorial day weekend. the tombstones, the flags, and the sacrifice on the lives of many americans. earlier this week, the third u.s. infantry regiment, at least the old guard, placed flags at more than 260,000 headstones of fallen servicemembers it is a tradition that started in 1948. mounting concerns that russia and north korea are planning an october surprise to help get donald trump back in the white house in an expose of nbc news report, the biden administration is on alert to the north korea could take its most threatening oteri actions in a decade, just ahead of the presidential election, possibly the urging of vladimir putin. the timing meant to create turmoil as americans decide who to send back to the white house. joined me now is former cia officer, msnbc national security intelligence analyst and our good friend, welcome, i am glad you're here to talk about this because putin and
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kim jong-un are expected to meet soon and expand the military life between these two nations. officials believe that russia is providing north korea with ballistic missile technology this, in exchange, for sending russia munitions for its war in ukraine. that is what north korea is doing. pyongyang for its nuclear arms submarine. put this improvement into perspective, explain the security threat if that is happening and if the u.s. can do anything to deter this. >> so alex, on a regular day, this is a concern. this is something that the u.s. , of course, does not want to see occur on both sides. russia assisting north korea and pushing forward their nuclear program, perhaps advancing mechanisms in which they could actually increase the ranges of their nuclear arsenal. on the other hand, north korea assisting russia in the war in ukraine. that is a challenge.
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throw that on top of the biden administration, which is fully immersed globally, for example, obviously damaging somehow the war between israel and hamas. and gaza, and on top of that, the war in ukraine, in which we, of course, have a huge interest. the notion that vladimir putin could be stirring the pot, in some ways makes some sense to distract the united states but also to put forth the argument, which conceivably would help the trump campaign, look at the international world right now, crises all over different parts of the globe. this is what happens under president biden. i think it is sensible but clearly, that would be, perhaps he would think that would assist the trump campaign. >> russia has open a new, possibly sitting flight in the northeastern part of ukraine and this has prompted the biden administration to consider, just consider, launching american missiles into russian territory. this move has not been considered before. biden said such a move would violate his mandate to avoid world war iii, mark.
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how risky of a move would this be and how might russia respond? please look, i think we have to do this. specifically for moral concerns. there is an attack on a home depot, a hardware store and kharkiv, killed 14 people over the last several hours. the bottom line is that we are, we have a prohibition on ukraine, in essence, using u.s. kit, what we have given them, do strike targets inside of russia yet russia is launching these attacks against civilian infrastructure in kharkiv which i think we have to reverse that band. this is something that the united states has been begrudgingly done when you think about things such as ascending attack missiles or 16th. first we say no and then inevitably become around. there is a legitimate concern on de-escalation but i think we have seen russia not start world war iii would we have pushed the envelope. i think the biden administration is going to have to now be reluctant.
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but for example, you see reports over the last several days, the state department secretary blinken is really pushing this. i think we'll see it happen. >> interesting, also the u.s. and its allies have taken a key step toward using the hundreds of billions of dollars in frozen russian assets, held in western financial institutions. to find ukraine's war effort. and it could yield as much as 50 billion in short or medium term funding for ukraine is this long overdue? could russia retaliate by confiscating u.s. and european assets? >> i think this is really smart because what it does is kind of removed this issue of how do we keep funding the ukrainian, not only the war ever but the reconstruction effort? politically, of course, this has been almost nightmarish. we finally got the aid package through. and even in europe, while european resolve is strong, i think the worry is, how long is countries be in a position to spend their resources on ukraine? so you have the ability to seize russian assets and pay for a lot of this. there is always the question of this is something that breaks
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regular norms, could russia retaliate somehow? i think it is mark, it is long overdue. but really, on a political sense, particularly for the biden administration is something that could result in additional funds going to ukraine without the political headaches. switching gears a little bit. i want to get your response to donald trump remarks that he can convince vladimir putin to release detained wall street journal reporter, evan gershkovich. putin is going to do it as a personal favor to him. by the way, only to him. but trump will only ask putin to do this if he returns to the white house how might trump inserting himself, into this very sensitive diplomatic situation, undermine the efforts underway to free him? what kind of a quid pro quo could putin require from trump? >> that is a of a question, i think it is important what he
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did. their sensitive negotiations underway. this is something that has to be left to professionals. and in one sense, donald trump is almost saying that those americans who are held in russia will see no light of day until he comes into office and that almost guarantees that there will be no such release until that time. the other part of it is that i am not sure how politically smart it is to say that just because i am friends with dictators, autocrats around the world i'm going to be better at dealing with that. in fact, it is the opposite. something not welcome, certainly from the biden administration who are absolutely engaged in efforts to get the americans, who are still in captivity in russia out. but also, little bit distasteful, as well. the idea that autocrats are my friends and i will be more successful because of that. that is not, in any way, something that america should be proud of >> spot on with that. thanks, my friend. have a good day tomorrow. what if he is found guilty? what if he is found not guilty?
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and what if there is a hung jury? the applications of all the potential outcomes of the donald trump trial from someone who has been in the courtroom for all of it. it. 'll take tha. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer,
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the first ever criminal trial of an american president is expected to wrap up this week. we could be just days away from a verdict in trump's gap city hush money trial which has taken over headlines from the last five weeks. on tuesday, both the defense and prosecution will present
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closing arguments on wednesday the judge will issue jury instructions. and then, it is up to the jurors to decide if trump is guilty of falsifying business records, to conceal a hush money payment to adult film star, stormy daniels , head of the 2016 election. let's bring in jonathan alter, msnbc contributor, columnist and author of the old goats newsletter. welcome, my friend. i want to hear your predictions for the next several days but first, before, your biggest takeaways from monday's and tuesday's witnesses and questioning. >> basically what happened is that donald trump's team stumbled badly at the finish line remember, not too long ago they had a big win one day on cross-examination of michael cohen. they seemed to raise some reasonable doubts, possibly raise some reasonable doubts about his account of a telephone call on october 24th,
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2016. but since then, things have been going almost completely in the prosecutions direction. so on redirect, the hays office, the prosecution prepared quite a bit of the damage from that setback. and then the same prosecutor, susan hoff under, went on to deliver quite brilliant but almost everybody's account cross- examination of the only significant witness that donald trump's team introduced for the defense. kind of a thuggish lawyer named robert costello. and she took in the park, she was testifying,'s throw some more slop on michael cohen's head. it blew up in their face. not only did it cause a moment in the courtroom that was almost , in recent years, unprecedented which is the judge cleared the court. there was a very chaotic exit that i was a part of.
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so even beyond all of that, just on the facts of this case, that witness, castillo, did horrible. and this was the last witness that the jury saw before closing arguments. >> okay, so one of three things are going to happen. you've got trump been convicted, he gets acquitted, or he gets a hung jury. walk me through what could happen in the aftermath of each of those scenarios. >> i actually think there are four possible scenarios. i will get to the fourth in a second. so the first, acquittal. most people agree with me, it is extremely unlikely, given all the evidence we have heard, can't rule it out. you can never predict with juries. obviously if he is acquitted, it would be a very significant win for donald trump. hung jury, where even one or two people want conviction, and then you get a hung jury, it is
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rare in trials. but quit the odds of that, maybe 20%. if that were to happen, i think trump would also have a significant victory, maybe not quite as big as acquittal but big. everything he has been saying has been validated, that these charges didn't amount to anything. full conviction on 34 counts, i am not really in any better position than anybody else to say how that will affect things politically. i think people say that nothing would happen, nothing would change, have not been reading the exit polls that show that a very significant number of republican voters believe that if 12 of his peers find him guilty, they need to take that very seriously. and then also you have the situation where joe biden would be able to argue, he is a felon now and under florida state law, felons are not allowed to vote for themselves. and so even, whatever appeals happen will be after the
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election, will be the result after the election and if he is convicted, donald trump will not be able to vote for himself in this presidential election. full stop. okay. and so that would be significant. not necessarily cost trump the election but would be a significant factor, not with his base but on the margins. these elections are always on the margins. now there is a fourth option that i mentioned, and that is the voting on all 34 counts separately. so nine of those counts are for checks that trump signed that were for phony purposes. and another nine of the counts are for the invoices of phony invoices that michael cohen sent. that is 18 counts. the jury could say look, we're not interested in the checks he didn't sign, his son signed a
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couple of them. we are not interested in the ledger entries. because those don't have trump's literal fingerprints on them. it could be that you have him convicted on nine or 18 out of 34 charges. i actually think politically that would be the best result. people could say, this jury was prejudiced against him. obviously could've done a very careful job and convicted him on nine or 18 out of 34 counts. i think actually there is a considerable chance that is what will happen. >> okay, you have put something in my mind, though. the fact that if he gets convicted he can't even vote for himself. good grief. okay, jonathan alter, thank you. we are going to check on the arizona race for senate and why carry lake finds herself behind in some recent polls. downy. breathe life into your laundry. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had.
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most worried about. here is that. >> i think the biggest talent that we all face heading into november is the perpetuation of the myths and disinformation from government officials for whether it is political or other gain. this is the problem that is bigger than any other problem. this and mal information. >> alex is joining us now from phoenix were election denier, kari lake, has been campaigning for senate over the memorial day weekend. welcome, alex, what are you hearing from arizonans about kari lake running for office again after fighting fiercely from losing the 2020 governor race? >> reporter: well, alex, i've been asking arizonans for months about the senate race and so often, when i ask them about kari lake, the answer i will hear has something to do with election to nihilism. so just a refresher here, kari lake rose to prominence here in arizona after a 20 year career as a local television news anchor. 2022, she entered the political fray, running for governor. she lost that race narrowly,
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she refused to accept a result. recently we have been seeing polls here in arizona that show former president donald trump outperforming president biden here in the grand canyon state. but those same polls show kari lake behind her probable competitor in the senate race, congressman ruben gallego. so i asked one democrat and one republican, one leg voter in one gallego voter what you think kari lake is not performing as well as donald trump here in arizona. i want you to hear what they told me. >> i think it is probably back to the election when she didn't win for the governor and it was a little rough and probably set the stage a little off maybe. >> kari lake is not a serious candidate, she is not serious. she would not be seriously elected. she is a campaign, and election denier. arizona is tired of that.
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>> reporter: so the challenge here for kari lake is when arizonans are asked about her, or when arizonans think about her, one gop strategist says they should be thinking about her policies and her connection to donald trump. that is what he told me earlier today. alex? >> thank you very much for that report. next, the movie donald trump doesn't like and doesn't want you to see. so we partner z their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student.
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the donald trump biopic, the apprentice, debuted at the cannes film festival this week to a packed house and earned an 11 minute standing ovation but not everyone is applauding. lawyers for the former president sent a cease and desist letter to the filmmakers to block it u.s. sale and release, getting the filmmakers of defamation and illegal election interference, calling the film a concoction of lies. the film's producers insist it
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is a fair and balanced portrait joining me now, deadline hollywood senior editor, dominic patten. dominic, my friend, so this movie chronicles under the tutelage of his mentor, how does it depict trump that insights his lawyers to call this full of lies and politically motivated fabrication? >> i think there's a couple of things, alex. sebastian stan, who some of us know as winter soldier, plays the young donald trump. jeremy strong plays were ray cohen. both of them, i will say, near perfection. you mentioned the 11 minute standing ovation. presents donald trump as a very very ambitious and wily. i have to say, socially savvy individual who immediately connects himself to the famous lawyer from the mccarthy hearings and otherwise as a way to rise up in new york. trump is essentially the beginning, knocking on doors,
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collecting rents for his father, who, of course, is the real real estate mogul in new york. so these depictions alone create a conniving atmosphere. but then there is some instances what i think particularly got under the skin of the trump campaign and that is why they sent that may 22nd letter of cease and desist. mainly, i think there is a particular scene, very short where ivana trump, donald trump's first wife, they were having a musician about an intimate moment, to put it mildly, and trump freaks out and attacks are in what is clearly, at best, referred to as a nonconsensual sexual incident. that has something that was brought up in yvonne is trump's divorce papers back in '90s though she letter said not so much. it was also brought up in a couple of books. she went back and denied that. that has had a very stirring effect. but i think that that is just part of the overall of this. remember, the former celebrity apprentice host is more aware than almost any presidential candidate in history of the power of the media. the media is the message to
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him, took quote marshall mcclellan. this movie, which may or may not come out in the u.s. around september, hopefully, what the producers want, that could have an effect on what is going to happen in the election. because, like the p diddy video that we saw in the hallway with him beating on his ex- girlfriend, cassie ventura just a week ago, when you see it on the screen, it is very hard to unseat. >> how concerned are you or, i guess, those who would want to buy or distribute the film in the u.s., that all this legal harassment and the veneer from trump's lawyers could prevent it from actually seeing the light of day? >> let me do a worry cohen moment. i have your letter, this is the letter from the lawyers and with everything you described, one thing that we should really point out, they have given the producers and the director until tomorrow, may 27th, to cease and desist on this and they say they will take further action. the director pointed out very wisely at a press conference in the south of france, that they,
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in fact, this is donald trump's m.o. a lot of huffing and puffing with legal letters and never any follow-up or a follow-up that soon dissipate. tomorrow is going to be d-day for donald trump in that sense. after that, as you guys were talking about earlier, his closing arguments in his hush money trail this week. so this is all happening pretty quickly and it is going to have an effect but i think it is important to say right now there is no u.s. distribution deal for the apprentice the last of my colleagues who are in the south of france have been looking at it. we are going to see where this


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