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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  May 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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and that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, deliberations begin
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in donald trump's criminal trial. what the jury asked for today and what it can mean. plus, white house advisor. what donald trump could offer elon musk if he wins. and biden's next move. officer harry dunn is here to talk about his new role in the campaign as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle. we are 160 days away from the election and today 12 new yorkers spent 4 1/2 hours deliberating over the 34 felony counts in donald trump's criminal trial. they have not reached a verdict yet and will resume tomorrow morning. they did have requests for the court, including a re-rating of potentially crucial testimony. here is my colleague laura jarrett with the details. >> reporter: tonight, jury deliberations wrapping up for
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the day and former president trump's hush money case, the first trial of an american president. the seven men and five women deliberating for 4 1/2 hours after sitting through more than an hour of complex instructions from the judge who told the jury to set aside any bias for or against mr. trump and to knocked -- to not ignore any evidence simply because you want to trial the wind. the judge walked the jurors through each of the 34 counts for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up a payoff on the eve of the 2016 election, which mr. trump denies. the charge, normally a misdemeanor, raised to a felony because prosecutors argue the allegedly doctored records were meant to cover up another crime. in this case a conspiracy to promote mr. trump's candidacy in 2016 through, quote, unlawful means. at trial prosecutors raised multiple violations of other
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laws that could qualify as unlawful means including campaign-finance violations mr. trump was never charged with. the judge instructing the jury today to reach a guilty verdict they need not be unanimous about which unlawful means triggers the felony. a major advantage for prosecutors. >> it is a disgrace. i just want to say it's a very unfair trial. >> reporter: the jury asking for a read back of testimony from the very first witness, tabloid boss david pecker, as well as cohen. and jurors instructed not to consider the possible sentence mr. trump could receive. if convicted he faces anywhere from four years in prison to just probation and the presumptive nominee can still be elected president, even if he is found guilty. >> after the grand jury, excuse me, after the jury began deliberating, donald trump posted a flat out lie on social media. he said he doesn't know what the charges are in the case and
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that he should be entitled to specificity like anyone else. the one thing he got right is of course he is entitled to know what he is charged with. the sixth amendment says so, but donald trump knows exactly what the charges are. he was sitting in the courtroom as the judge gave the jury instructions which included a detailed reading of exactly what the charges against him are. the truth matters, but only if you hear it or choose to pay attention to it. with that let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel tonight and it is an all- star cast. special correspondent for vanity fair and msnbc contributor. former assistant district attorney of the manhattan district attorney's office and now a msnbc legal analyst. a criminal defense attorney and former assistant defense attorney in the manhattan d.a.s
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office and harry litman is here, former deputy assistant attorney general. you were in the courtroom. the spillover room or the courtroom? >> the courtroom. >> the main event. there you go. you got to see the jury. it took an hour to read the jury instructions the first time. what were you thinking when the jury came back and asked to hear some of them again? what did you glean from that? >> first of all it is not at all unusual. questions come in and you think is there a verdict and it will be happening, you know, over the next few days. it is very interesting what you raised. they asked, apparently, we will find out tomorrow night if they really want this, but for the entire 55 pages, takes over an hour to read. he would have to read again if they say we want the entire
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thing. why would they want all of the instructions including some boring and generic ones? i am not sure. that actually puzzled me. the other request i think is more meaningful. >> how much can we read into these questions? people love to make assumptions based on what outcome they are looking for in this trial, but your feelings aside, when you heard about with the jury came back with, what did you think? >> i thought it was bad for the most part for donald trump. the jury is starting at the beginning from the birth of the alleged conspiracy to promote the election. i thought that is not a good thing. why? because you have david pecker really pulling everything together. david pecker is far more important than even michael cohen. he is so valuable. he has the center to this case because if you don't believe
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michael cohen, okay, but i've got david pecker who will poke the holes or fill the holes. if i am the defense i am concerned and maybe speculation out of the gate there are some people who are not sure and people who say listen, there is corroboration. we know we can't just convict on michael cohen, but here is that corroboration. >> every time i hear his name it is unbelievable. i can't. i am so immature. walk us through the process. thank you. when this material is re-red, as it likely will be, what happens? >> so a court reporter will read it, not the judge. a court reporter will do the read back of the transcript and after it is done the judge will look at the jury and that's it and if you have any questions he will ask the jury to put it in a note, so there is never a
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jury raising a hand and having a conversation with the judge. you go back and both sides look at the jury to see if anyone is shaking their head like a particular line, which is meaningless. but you convince yourself, whether you are the defense or the prosecutor, i was right, that is what they wanted to hear. that is what you do when waiting for the verdict. i was always superstitious as a prosecutor. when i got notes that were good for me i was cautiously optimistic, so i think this prosecution team is cautiously optimistic because these notes would lead you to believe are really good for the prosecution because as jeremy said they are highlighting the conspiracy that was hatched at the august, 2015 trump tower meeting. josh steinglass, the prosecutor, that is where he told them to focus, at that meeting. that is where the conspiracy was hatched and that is the testimony they asked for. they also asked for michael
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cohen's testimony to see if it matched david testimony. so that is good for the prosecution, we think. >> so they are on pins and needles and donald trump doesn't get to sit in trump tower, doesn't get to go golfing, can't be typing away on his phone. he has to sit there and show up for deliberations while the jury is in a sealed room. this has to be torture for him. >> yeah and i think we are seeing him act out on social media. trump has historically thought that these indictments were good for him. he has played this as a political trial versus a legal trial. he has made it candidate trump and not defendant trump and this has really backfired for him at least with the civil cases. he definitely thinks he can use this to his advantage, but in
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the end he is a criminal defendant like anyone else. >> reading tea leaves could backfire on all of us, but i know you have noted that there is one juror who some people think could be problematic for the prosecution. why is that? >> as part of this process of going over everything and being obsessive the way prosecutors are, remember, both sides took risks at the end of the jury selection process. they had to go with people that they would have tried to eliminate but didn't. there is a couple people, but i have noticed one whose body language seems to suggest maybe a little bit arm's-length from the others, whose attention seems a little less clear eyed and vivid. that is a standard feature for any jury trial, especially at this point. is there the holdout?
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can i say one more quick thing? >> it only takes one. >> it only takes one and look, that is part of the system. he had to subject himself to the system. if he wins because of a holdout juror it is a disaster politically, but the rule of law had its way. unanimity is part of it. he got everything and nothing more. the evidence, besides being about michael cohen focuses specifically on trump. trump is in the meeting and then there is the phone call that pecker remembers. because he is giving a presentation. the president of the united states on the phone and during this phone call the president says deal with cohen, he's my guy. so it totally corroborates the role of michael cohen and the rolled the d.a.
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says michael cohen played. >> if you are sitting with them minute after minute, hour after hour, what are you telling him? >> i'm telling him to separate things. if i'm having that conversation it is too late. i'm telling him this is a concern, what they asked and what the read back will be. hold onto it. we will find out. control yourself inside the courtroom. i don't think they are really controlling anything. i think donald trump is calling the shots and that is the worst thing possible. at some point, it is actually his attorneys standing up and saying this is my house, this is my courtroom, this is my trench, you do what i tell you to do. >> god bless you, you know that's not happening. >> you didn't ask me that question. >> that's true. i'm asking you to make an educated guess between the three outcomes, not guilty,
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guilty, hung jury. what do you think is the most likely outcome and is a hung jury a clear victory for donald trump? >> for a defense attorney the next best thing to an acquittal is a hung jury because it will be possibly retried, but maybe it won't be. you hate to retry a case as a prosecutor because you have to bring the witnesses back. >> and they know your playbook. >> they know your playbook, so that would be a big victory. i don't think 12 jurors will say not guilty. i would be shocked if that happened, but i don't think it will happen. i think all of the evidence leads to 12 jurors saying guilty on all counts, but i would not be shocked if there are jurors we don't know who say i can't go there or i can only go there for the checks that he signed, the nine checks, but the ledger entries, the invoices, maybe not. then you would have guilty on
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nine counts or 11 counts, because there are 11 checks, and hung jury on others or not guilty on others. that happens in cases where you have multiple counts and i always said is a prosecutor that is good. it shows that the jury was thinking and they were thoughtful. they said guilty on this, but not guilty on that. i think the d.a. wants 34 counts guilty. i think, you know, it could end up that way. if i was betting i would say guilty. >> i will take that bet with you. briefly, a smiling juror is a convicting juror -- you have no idea whatsoever until the four person reads the verdict. >> let's talk about president biden, because while trump was sitting in court, president biden back on the campaign trail and taking a more aggressive stance when it comes
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to trump and his legal troubles. however, donald trump notably, understandably, continues to dominate headlines. the first former president, possibly next president as criminal defendant. what do you think of president biden's current strategy and where should he go from here? >> he is running this slow and steady campaign, opening field offices in pennsylvania. by the way, biden loves pennsylvania. he's very excited to go to pennsylvania. this is what they tell me at the white house. there was one week he went to pennsylvania three times and he was so delighted. >> let's review. he is originally from scranton, it's an important state and easy to get to. >> this is not a criticism of pennsylvania, but this man likes retail politics. he's been in the business for a long time, so they are running this mary normal campaign. again, i have no crystal ball,
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but i think they are opening tons of field offices and it is a good thing. they are trying really hard to pierce this media bubble and whatever it looks like. they are throwing everything at the wall and i think that is a good thing and a stark contrast from hillary clinton's campaign in 2016, which did not have that same kind of fire. you can say what you want, but he is opening field offices and crisscrossing the country and doing the hard work. whether it pays off in november, i have no idea. >> you know i will bring it up. justice samuel alito made it official, he will not recuse himself from any trump related cases, despite reports that two flags linked to the effort to overturn the 2020 election results were flying at his home and his beach house in new jersey. what is your reaction to what he had to say? i asked my wife to take it
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down. she said she didn't want to. what is your take? >> not only were they flying, he knew it. he was squarely before about whether he knew it and now there is no doubt. the actual explanation that we own the house together and i have no power is an embarrassment and also completely misses the point. the point is about the blazing advertisement of what? stop the steel. that is endorsing a substantive view, much more serious than taking money from someone, saying this is my view and the most burning question in american politics and by the way, it is not even a policy issue. there was no steal. it is just flying a flag that is crazy. i think it is the worst thing we've seen. >> even this nonsense argument
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that they flew the flag at their home because they were having an argument with a badgering neighbor. let's pretend that is true. that was not the only flag. they hung another flag in my hometown at the beach, which is not a political place. the political arguments that happen there are, are you going fishing today or going crabbing? if you decide to hang a flag like that you are telling an entire community i am making a political statement while you guys decide what beer you're drinking tonight. so, the argument that it was an issue with a neighbor, that's not even true. >> it is a legal statement and has to do with the freedom of exercise. it is really bad in terms of him prejudging cases. >> so democrats have an opportunity right now. dick durbin should be holding hearings today. he can do this. if he were republican he would do it and if he doesn't want to hold those hearings, he can
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step down and let sheldon whitehouse do it. so i mean, look. alito is behaving badly, but democrats have an opportunity here. they control the senate. they can hold hearings. they can make his life totally miserable and they should. >> which is what republicans do. >> i want to come back to donald trump. >> please. >> outside of the courtroom he does everything in his power to dismantle and tear down one of the pillars of our country, the criminal justice system. now we have someone who sits on the supreme court who at least has the appearance of bias and appearance of disregarding the same justice system and that is extremely problematic. the argument that the dog ate my homework has never worked for anyone and that is really what he says. a silly argument. you have one person who is a former president and one person sitting on the supreme court.
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both have the appearance of tearing down the justice system. >> and he posted on his social media platform -- >> i'm sorry. >> he put out on his social media platform a thank you to alito for not recusing, which if that isn't sketchy i don't know what is. >> all right, we will leave it there. thank you all so much. before we go to break we will check in with that social media platform. donald trump's social media company, i can't believe i'm telling you this. the stock finished the day up a little more than one dollar, about 2.5%. here is the thing, where it is trading yet again has no connection to the underlying value of this company because the actual company is not facing good news. the platform is struggling to hold onto its american user
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base, which is already small. think about it, this is the platform that the potential next president of the united states uses and the amount of americans on it are shrinking. daily visits in may are down more than 20%. in the last month and more than 35% compared to march. you've got to keep thinking, why exactly are people buying this stock? we will keep watching it and make sure you know what is really going on. when we return, these officers witnessed the threat first-hand on january 6 and they make sure voters do not forget it. officer harry dunn is here to talk about his campaign swing for biden. and later, how elon musk could help trump when or at least try to. the 11th hour just getting underway on a very important wednesday night. wednesday night. nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less.
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trump does whatever will get him votes and helps donald trump. he is about himself. he calls the criminals who attacked our capital, patriots. he calls the men and women who died serving, protecting this country, suckers and losers. he constantly echoes the words of dictators and evokes the language of germany, inciting political violence. we can't count on these
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institutions to stop donald trump. it is going to take us americans at the ballot box to defeat him once and for all. >> that was officer harry dunn, just outside the manhattan courthouse where donald trump is on trial. it has been nearly three years since he testified before the january 6 committee and pleaded for congress to hold the former president accountable. now he and his fellow officers are taking matters into their own hands by campaigning alongside joe biden in key battleground states. i would like to welcome harry done, and officer who defended the capital on january 6. his latest book, standing my ground, a capitol police officers fight for accountability and good trouble after january 6 is out. thank you so much for being here. following remarks outside the courthouse, that is not a one- and-done. you are now officially part of the biden campaign. what made you do this and what
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are you going through here? >> so good to be with you again. you are right, it is not one- and-done. we have a long way to go to november and i am all into do whatever it takes to elect to joe biden. >> you showed up for work on january 6, 2021, a day nothing could prepare you for. where rioters were chanting the n-word at you. you stayed on the force for two more years before you resigned and got into politics yourself. you have been begging for lawmakers to hold donald trump accountable. to hold republicans who deny january 6 accountable. what has this emotional journey been like for you? >> it's been incredible. i know that is a very broad term. you know, good, bad. i've been all over the place. i used to play football, so i
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love the term, you leave it all on the field. i will do whatever i can to my last breath to do whatever it takes to stop donald trump. not just stop donald trump. he is the threat right now, the biggest threat to our democracy, but just to stand up for what is right to serve our country and they did that for the last 15 years and now i am doing what is next, whatever i can do to step into the fight to continue to fight for the preservation of our democracy and preservation of our constitution. >> you just ended your run for congress in maryland. what did you learn about voter priorities? what do they want? >> it is no question at all that democracy is at the top of the ballot. obviously people talk about the economy two. what i can talk about with first-hand experience is the threat to democracy and being a former congressional candidate, that is why i ran.
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if january 6 did not happen, america would not know who i am right now. i stepped up and that moment is ongoing. my message all along has been that democracy has been depende justice system, the justice department to hold donald trump accountable. i just want accountability. it seems like we can't count on these institutions. the institutions are only as strong as the people occupying them, as you talked about. what we have to do to stop donald trump is do it as voters as the american people and defeat him at the ballot box. >> i want to ask about nikki haley. she campaigned as a law and order candidate, but she just threw her endorsement behind donald trump. what you make of that decision and what do you think for her
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voters who could be critical in november? you are out talking to voters almost every day. >> one of the things nikki haley said constantly while running against donald trump is he is unfit for office. mentally unstable, unfit for office. those are her words. did he magically get cured from that? where did that go? this is the same individual that she is supporting now, the same individual she said those things about. so what changed? what changed? we have a clear choice at the presidential level in november and that is joe biden. it is very clear which president is going to preserve democracy, going to fight for the american people and who is only going to fight for themselves. joe biden is the one that we need to win. >> what is your message for donald trump as you hit these battleground states and donald trump supporters who seem to be
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with him no matter what? >> that is the thing. these people are with him no matter what, so we need to meet the people that are willing to listen, that actually do believe in democracy. that do believe in country over party. that believe in decency over dictatorship. we need those people. those are the ones we are trying to reach, because like you said there are donald trump supporters that are unwavering and will always hold onto his lies, no matter what. there are those individuals, but there are so many more people. i am out here in nevada right now. nevada, excuse me. >> i was about to say, you better watch out. they will kick you out. >> that's right. just talking to some of the people out here, they believe that democracy is on the ballot this year and like i said, just being out here. being able to talk to voters on the ground in battleground states, in swing states.
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i feel like i am doing my part to continue to tell my story about what happened on january 6 and what can happen going forward. donald trump pulled us on day one he is going to be a dictator. these are there words they are saying. these aren't msnbc talking points. these aren't biden campaign talking points. donald trump has said these things himself, so it is up to us to take it at face value and continue to tell the voters, this is what is at stake right now. and front and center for them. >> officer harry dunn, it is always good to see you and you can mispronounce nevada all the time you want on the show, because i always get it wrong and i always get in trouble. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. when we return, elon musk getting cozier with trump. how that could influence other business leaders to follow suit and could it help land trump a second term? when the 11th hour continues.
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i want to thank elon, a friend of mine for a long time. someone i have great respect for her. a great guy. one of our great brains. we like great brains and he has done a fantastic job. elon musk is a guy i like and respect. a friend of mine, he does a good job. >> the wall street journal is
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reporting that donald trump and elon musk are building an alliance as the campaign heats up. trump is talking about a white house advisory role if he wins and musk is talking about using his clout in business and tech circles to get more ceos and business leaders on board with trump's campaign. cnbc contributor and host of the on the tape podcast. what you think of this new and even cozier relationship between donald trump and elon musk and i want to remind our audience that elon musk is already deeply entangled with our government and foreign governments given all the contracts he has. if he were ever to get some role in the administration, he is filled with conflicts of interest. >> here's the thing. i think you know this. they don't have a particularly cozy relationship and if you take a list of the things they disagree on. china ev's and tariffs, that is something elon is against right now.
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how they are aligned. he is the ceo of spacex, the most highly valued private company out there. they own starlink and the ukrainians are using that to defend themselves versus russia, so there is a whole list of things they do not agree on. subsidies to tvs. trump rails against that all the time. elon does not have a business right now without these subsidies, so i find it very curious. i do think what i found most interesting was this data driven -- >> okay, let's talk about that. it is not just elon musk. you have investor nelson peltz. they are contemplating investing in a data-driven platform focusing on voter fraud. both of these men, absurd lee successful men, know full well there was no broad voter fraud in the last election and by even floating this to donald trump it is like catnip for his
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number one conspiracy theory. how vile is it that they are playing this game with him? >> to me they are scoundrels. when i look at a guy like nelson peltz and look at him siding with trump right now, he has endorsed him. he is going to be giving a lot of money. he will hold a lot of donors. i just don't get it. he is a guy who distanced himself after january 6, 2021. he said it was a disgrace. he said in 2022 he would not be voting for donald trump. why is he aligning with him? he doesn't want a billionaire tax that we know is never going to happen. he doesn't want the text to go up and they want de-regulation. >> they cannot stand the ftc. they talk about it every day, tomorrow, yesterday. how about the fact that not just these two, all of these business guys know that the joe
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biden presidency, look at the stock market. it's been extraordinary for them. all the president biden is doing on subsidies is a grand slam home run for elon musk. none of these guys acknowledge it? >> we just talked about the stock market, that is not the economy. >> it is not the economy for lower income people, but it is great for these dudes. >> unemployment is at 50 or 60 year lows. inflation is still high, but it is coming down. look at the fiscal stimulus the biden administration has been able to put through. i think for all purposes the economy is doing a lot better than i thought it would be doing midyear 2024 right now. >> especially for wealthy people. when you have the debate, do we have a good economy or not, i get it. it is not good for low income people. it is a struggle for people who can't make rent or are trying to buy a home. let's be clear, the richest of the rich people have gotten exponentially richer in the past few years.
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it is gangbusters time for them. what is it that is giving them the willingness? our colleagues are reporting that big gop donors, especially wall street ones, seem absolutely unphased by the fact donald trump could be convicted. why is that? >> it is not just that. this election is about the future of democracy in this country and if you think about all of those folks who distanced themselves after january 6 when we had this violent insurrection on the capital. they made the comments, they came out and said it. when i think about some of these folks, the ceo of j.p. morgan we were talking about a couple weeks ago. well, trump did a lot of good things. at the end of the day if you are the ceo of the largest bank in the world you want people from around the world, you want companies doing business in america, you want them doing business with your bank. >> okay, here is what it is. when donald trump was in office, they thought donald trump was a
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clown. but steve mnuchin called them all the time, jared called them all the time and when covid hit they were all willing to play ball and say private equity firms, come in and figure out what company you own and how we can help. trump had his doors open for guys saying i want to play ball because i want to do business with you forever and biden doesn't say that to him. but his actual policies are good for them. >> what does blackstone want? lower interest rates. what does donald trump keep saying? he is going to lower interest rates. >> and guess what, the president can't control where interest rates are. that's a fact. >> he said he wants to take over the fed. he is a would-be autocrat. he wants to take over the economy. look at all the bankruptcies in his business life the last 50 years. >> bankrupt over six times. as we are watching in his trial,
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he never pays any of his bills in full. always great to see you. when we return, this guy just came from a liberty game. when we talk about was supporting the wnba, this fella. when trump was in the courtroom, president biden was on the campaign trail. we will go into his new strategy when the 11th hour rolls on. rolls on. plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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asked black americans i'm going to quote, excuse the language, what the hell do you have to lose? from a trump presidency? and sadly we all know too well. >> maya angelou says when someone shows you who they are, believe it. i showed you who i am, trump has shown you who he is. >> in a rare joint appearance on the campaign trail, the president and the vice president try today shore up support in the black community and hit donald trump's actual record in the process. for more, let's bring in ron, and my dear friend stewart stevens. he is with the lincoln project. ron, what do you think of this message? did the biden campaign need to
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draw this contrast more often, actually talk about trump's record? >> absolutely. if you look at the results from pennsylvania in 2020, the presidential election, a couple of numbers really jump out off the page at you. one is trump won the non- college white vote by 59 points. that is an astonishing number. how did biden overcome that? he overcame that with black voters and white college educated voters. biden spoke directly to those constituencies today with a number of policies arguments but also i think he delivered two very powerful lines that spoke to the constituencies as well. he asked them if the january 6th rioters were blm protesters and trump was president, what would trump have done? how would he have handled them? and would trump be calling them patriots and offering them
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pardons? that was one great line. the other thing that i have noticed they havedded to biden's speeches is mental fitness. he uses this line, something snapped in trump after he lost the election. i love that line. and i hope that they continue to challenge the mental fitness of donald trump. >> stewart, what do you think? >> look, i think the campaign here is about choices. the more that president biden and vice president harris get out there and draw the contrast for donald trump, the better it is. this is the starkest contrast we have had since the last election and it pales. i went to romney and we lost but when we went to bed, we didn't worry about the country. i would make this race about big stuff.
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he will carry pennsylvania. and he will carry it by a larger margin than last time. >> let's talk about contrast. because president biden has lost some progressive support over the war in gaza. meanwhile, you have nikki haley, donald trump's latest endorser in israel scrawling finish them, writing the words on idf artillery shells. do those voters who are disillusioned with president biden, do they think biden cares enough? do they hear what is being offered by the republican party on the other side? >> yeah. so you have a guy who run on the platform of banning muslims from the country. nikki haley, you know, i said this before. has a great future behind her. she has just become this not serious person who is now going through this sort of trump like
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stunt to curry favor with donald trump. look, i have worked a lot in israel. i'm about as pro israeli as you get. but anything that is inflammatory in this moment does not well serve anybody. and it is just small and petty and really stupid and she should be ashamed of herself. >> ron, how difficult is this one for president biden to thread? the situation in gaza is devastating. it is a humanitarian crisis. but it is hard for him to say to progressives, but what trump is offering you is way worse. but that is the point he needs to make. >> that's true, another thing trump has said is he will deport student protesters. if they are foreign students he will send them back to their country. so that is another contrast. you use the right term thread the needle. the republican party
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overwhelmingly favors maximum support for israel, no help to gaza. no humanitarian aid. it is very simple for donald trump to carve out his position. the problem with joe biden is his base. because he has two conflicting opposing views in his own base. so he has to be careful not to alienate either one. that makes him much nor difficult. >> do you see any group of voter who's are currently leaning or possibly going to vote for trump who won't if he is convicted? >> yes. look. no one likes to be convicted of a felony. there is no part of american life that said i would have hired that person but they weren't convicted of a felony. it has a corrosive effect. i don't think a lot of people in the polls will say i didn't vote for him because he was convicted but there is something about it. it is just not what you want to
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see in the oval office. and i think, you know, as this race goes closer and closer and narrows, it will become a more serious choice. right now, you say you are for donald trump, it doesn't mean anything. but come the middle of october, i think that donald trump will very well collapse. >> well, we will soon find out. stewart, ron, thank you both for being here, i enjoyed having you on. the 11th hour will be back right after this. be back right after this. here's plenty. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost?
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thank you for joining us, before we go. i want to share something near and dear to my heart. i had the pleasure of joining the lessons in dyslexic thinking podcast to talk about my own life. you are probably thinking that is why she can't read the prompter. you are right. we can check this podcast out on the made by dyslexia youtube page or listen on apple podcast. and on that note, i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late.


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