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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  June 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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she was the rock of the obama family and was always there to support them, and even moved to washington, d.c., to help her daughter and granddaughters adjust to their new life in the white house. in a statement, the family's right, at every step as our families went down paths none of us could've predicted, she remained our refuge from the storm, keeping our feet on solid ground. i had the pleasure of spending a fun night with her a couple of summers ago. i loved the time i got to spend with her then. i will treasure it now forever. she was beloved by her family and friends and she will be dearly missed. rest in peace, misses robinson. thank you for watching tonight. congressman jerry nadler will weigh in on the criminal conviction tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.
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keep it here. good evening. tonight trumps conviction has sent the nation into uncharted territory. where does the madness go from here? and republicans and right wing mania are raging over the verdict bowing vengeance and political retribution. another state department official resigns in light of joe biden's gaza policy. stacy gilbert is joining us. let's do this. donald trump's guilty verdict on all 34 felony counts comes only five months and four days before the most divisive
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presidential election of our time. there is a jam-packed calendar in the final stretch to november. starting with a debate between trump and biden set for this month on the 27th. two weeks after that trump will be back in court for sentencing in the hush money case. the charge of falsifying business records, a felony, is punishable by up to four years in prison. but legal experts say there's no guarantee he will get prison time, given that this is his first criminal conviction and it is a nonviolent crime. the republican national convention will convene in milwaukee to formally nominate him as the republican presidential candidate. we have never been here as a country. a presidential nominee juggling his criminal sentencing and three other criminal debates. we are talking about donald trump. someone who has lowered the bar as president being impeached
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twice and criminally indicted in four different cases after leaving office. and he is doubling down on the claims of being victimized by what he calls a rigged system blaming everyone under the sun for his own actions. friday, the day after the verdict, he gave a rambling word salad response from trump tower in new york.>> it is -- it was a rigged trial. it's a very sad thing happening in our country. and is something that i'm honored -- somebody has to do it , and i may as well keep going and be the one.>> i might as well keep going and be the one. 's devout followers believe that an the verdict is helping him to fund raise. was 24 hours after he was convicted, the campaign said they raised $53 million in donations and supporters in congress are rallying behind him.
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how speaker mike johnson said the supreme court should step in to overturn his guilty verdict. and house judiciary chairman, jim jordan is demanding that alvin bragg and matthew koma angelo appear at a hearing on weaponization of the federal government and the unprecedented political prosecution of donald trump that despite the fact that the president has no authority over state courts. he saying the conviction shows that no one is above the law. >> it is reckless. dangerous, irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged. just because they do not like the verdict.>> kicking off our coverage is a political analyst and host of the fast politics podcast. and senior producer of
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deadline: white house and all three are great friends of mine. danny, i will start with mike johnson. he has said that there will be an appeal, which we know, and that trump will win. when he said i want the supreme court to get involved, what is he talking about?>> i'm not entirely sure. there's no guarantee that any appeal from this conviction would land the supreme court. it is not an appeal as of right to the highest state appellate court in the state of new york, which is called court of appeals. you need a federal constitutional issue or another reason to get to the supreme court. >> is the immunity issue that? is he was not president during the things he was alleged to have done. >> he was when he wrote the checks to reimburse michael cohen. but to the extent -- the
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immunity issue could potentially affect all of these cases. it's not likely to affect this case. and we don't know what the supreme court will say on that case which is pending and has to come out in the next few weeks. all i can tell you is that i don't think either side will get exactly what they want. i don't think federal prosecutors will say there's no such thing as presidential immunity and i don't think the trump slide will get a decision that everything a president does that he's immune from prosecution. the supreme court said, it is a decision for the ages. they have to decide what the contours are of presidential immunity. that has nothing to do with this conviction procedurally. it will be appeal directly to the appellate division and the court of appeals, the next intermediate court of appeals in the new york state court system. >> when you woke up 14 hours ago, it's nice.
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was long and had a lot of information. you are in court. for those of us who are not in court, we got a lot of flavor about him falling asleep and bodily functions and things like this. we did not know how this would go with the jury. you don't know how it goes. some people thought the evidence was overwhelming, some thought it was not the first case they wanted to see. what is your sense of how the jury responded to the actual things being presented by the lawyers, in particular, the long closings? >> with the benefit of 48 hours since the verdicts came out, in the moment that we are living through dramatic plot twists of the long closing argument from the prosecution and these notes from the jury. we were trying to read what the smoke signals might mean.
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but now what is clear is the closing arguments from the prosecution got a lot of blowback that they were too long and too granular but this jury responded to them and they hurt it. if you look back at what they said, they were almost in conversation with joshua steinglass. he spent a lot of time talking about -- he said we did not choose michael cohen. you don't need to be friends with him, you don't need to be in business with him. if you don't like michael cohen, look at the documents. the documents do not lie or forget. look at the other cooperating witnesses, and, the first jury note, they asked for 3 excerpts -- four experts four excerpts. they were hearing what he had to say. that if you don't like him, don't take his word for it.
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they seemed to be leaning into david packer's testimony. and another thing they leaned into was he spent a lot of time talking about the recording that he made of trump where they discussed the money and whether it should be in cash and he had a powerful moment where there was a debate about whether the tape was manipulated and he said, go back and play the tape as many times as you need to and as loudly as you need to because this is jaw- dropping evidence. and what they ask for? they asked for headphones. and we were so consumed with the excerpts of the jury and the excerpts of the testimony that the headphone things fell through the cracks. at the time it was interesting. so we don't know exactly what audio they listened to.
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but he spent a considerable amount of time saying play that tape and listen to it and turn up the volume and they asked for headphones. but it is interesting. the other thing is that joshua steinglass spent a lot of time in the final crescendo saying, turn down the volume and don't listen to the politics. look at the evidence and what you can infer from the evidence. when we got the second jury note what they asked for was specifically to be read back the part about in france and how inference works. and they said we explicitly want you to read back the rain metaphor. and when he was reading this very technical jury instructions he said -- he gave them a metaphor about the rain and it was -- you've seen it.>> it is in all jury instructions.
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it's if you go outside and dish you can infer that it's raining.>> the fact that he used inference and they said we have a question about how it works and could you repeat it again. and that's very interesting. and what it says in the moment is the date the closing arguments with a lot of, this is very long and technical and it's the day we stayed very late. and the jury was getting antsy. and there were a lot of questions like, did it backfire? but they hurt him and it worked. >> i saw a poll that said that 67% of people are not affected by this. that leads me to believe that 67% had already made their selection. but 15% say it makes them more likely to vote for trump and 50% say they are less likely.
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for people who do not like donald trump and belief that he's been facing accountability for long time, what is the level of satisfaction?>> joe biden said the law is the law for whomever. and trump is running as an autocrat and attacking the rule of law and the constitution and attacking the norms. so what joe biden did was smart. this is not a victory for him. this is a state case. this is a victory for the rule of law in the jury system. some got news from one place, some got news from another place. in the end they listened to the case and trump's lawyers were allowed to kick off jurors. it's the way it is for every other criminal defendant. and that is what is important. democrats have a big problem, which is they are one party that believes in american democracy.
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republicans have gone all in on trump and there are very few normal republicans -- we saw one comment from larry hogan, the mostly everyone -- even susan collins said even the rule of law is wrong. so what joe biden needs to do and he needs to stand for the norms and that is what he's doing. >> it's about the most unsexy thing i've heard about politics. >> but you know what? he's very normal. and maybe he's the perfect guy for this moment.>> you defended clients. i'm sure things have not gone their way. but tell me about this line between not liking the verdict, not trusting the verdict, and not trusting the system.
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i'm sure everyone who gets a verdict that does not go their way doesn't like it and they want and to fuel it. they want to appeal it. we are past that with trump and his acolytes.>> every criminal defendant who elects to go to trial believes they did nothing wrong. they believe the prosecution has it out for them for they are being persecuted and trump is no different in that sense. he's no different from a defendant who is after they are convicted is happy about a. that's find and not accepting it is why we have appeals. and sometimes convictions are overturned. harvey weinstein was just overturned maybe a month ago. so big cases get overturned because defendants do not accept the verdict.
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what criminal defendants would like to do, and trump has a higher duty as a former president and as a politician and a future president to not attack the very system that he's seeking to be a part of. where talking about the federal system and the state system. but the justice system is something a president should support and a poll. by the way, president biden could make the same complaints that his son is being persecuted by -- not a corrupt administration, but prosecutors have it out for him and he has an argument. hunter biden is charged under subsection of the gun statute that is never charged. so no criminal defendant is ever happy when it's guilty. but that's why we have and appeals process. and you can even later on, once
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it concluded, you can challenge the effective assistance of your attorney and say that my attorney didn't do a good job. finality in the appellate process is a long road. sometimes it happens decades later. i've had convictions or cases that happened two decades ago. we have a system that gives the innocent, to the extent that we jail someone innocent, we give them every opportunity to assert that innocence. when you are the possible future president of the u.s., it's not good for the system.>> what is even more norm shattering is the speaker of the house saying the supreme court -- >> unbelievable. >> i agree with you. of all the people who came out, that surprised me. thank you. i appreciate it. we talk all of the time.
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first time on tv. lisa is a real guide to me. stick around. after the conviction, republicans are talking about law and order and retribution. that is next. a perfect day for a family outing!
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can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. republicans love to call them selves a few things. the party of law and order and the party of lincoln. when it comes to the conviction of donald trump, they are singing a different tune.>> what we saw today was an absolute travesty of justice. i am both furious and heartbroken at the same time.>> this is what i grew up having people in the community tell me about this. >> i believe the supreme court should step in. this is totally unprecedented. >> this is a total travesty. we should not mince words. this is an extremely dangerous day for our country. >> now a group of senate
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republicans led by senator mike lee have said they will no longer cooperate with any democratic legislative priorities or nominations. j.d. vance is calling for the gop to subpoena judge juan merchan and his daughter and punish them. where are we living? these of the mainstream values of the republican party. trump finally faces some accountability for his actions. danny, as we discussed earlier, there are questions of law and process, all of which have a system to address them. this is a bunch of people who are not in the courtroom. they are suggesting they are going start to cease the function of the federal government until something is done to those who are involved in the prosecution of donald
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trump. >> there are a lot of ways to look at this prosecution. i question whether or not it was a prosecution that may not have been brought. the d.a.'s office had to commission an outside law firm to tell them if the theory of liability was a crime. so they were asking them whether this was a crime. i think it's a fair thing to say that it's a case that has a shot on appeal on issues of law. where it gets strange is other people who are not involved in congress threatening to hold the country hostage procedurally because they are not happy with the outcome of a criminal case. it's okay to be unhappy with this, and happens a lot. more than i would like to say. i am often unhappy with my own cases, but the way to go is to appeal. we have a procedure. >> but you don't go home and say you are feeding your family.
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you go on and you do your job. >> there are so many opportunities. it is a long road and the odds are against you when you are a criminal defendant, but there are legal issues in this case. there are factual issues. testimony of stormy daniels, that could be something in the law itself whether or not it is unconstitutionally vague and whether it provides for notice or it allows for due process so the jury can select different options. they are fair avenues for appeal.>> that's not what we've been hearing. we been hearing about how this is a politicized persecution. >> these are people who want to be the vice president or who are scared of him because we know what happens to people who don't please him.
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they are calling -- allies are calling for that. they are mad at the judge. republicans threatening to be obstructionists is one of the funniest things i've ever heard because they've been obstructionists this whole time. >> what nomination are you holding up now? >> and i love that they are going subpoena these people. they ignored their own subpoenas. remember when the january 6th committee subpoenaed them and they did not show up? i'm curious how this works. they are really running against rule of law, which is scary and dangerous. and to turn your party against the american judicial system -- by the way, he has put millions of donor dollars into delay, delay, delay. it's not as if he's had things happen in quick succession.>>
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jim jordan of ohio chairs the weaponization of government committee. >> a new committee they started. >> which makes sense but it seems like the committee is to weaponized the government. they've asked alvin bragg to testify. j.d. vance wants to subpoena the judge and his daughter. if i were listening to you saying here are the problems with the case and here's what i would do if i were trying to appeal it. what is this conversation about? subpoenaing all these people. >> if you -- manhattan, you're going to get probably a judge whose registered democrat. that is the way life is in cities in the courthouse is. if you want someone registered republican, you're better off to go to the role counties.
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city areas you have a lot of democrats and in rural areas you have republicans. the fact that it was brought in manhattan is the odds that trump would have a democrat to be judge. that's not a reason to hold them before a congressional committee to explore his bias. we have a system for raising issues of recusal and issues of bias. and sometimes you make that motion. you're asking a judge to look inwardly and say, hey, we think you are biased. a lot of these motions are denied, but in this case there was not anything from the outside that suggests that this judge was so biased that he had to recuse himself. from optics perspective it might be problematic that his daughter was involved in democratic interests, but judges have daughters and they are political creatures.
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we think highly of judges, but they are politicians and lawyers. the public does not have a lot of faith in them. but once they put on the ropes, we say, well, it's the judge and we trust the judge.>> trump has a maggot judge working on the documents case >> the bottom line is this. sometimes you have a judge who rules in your favor and sometimes you don't. there is not a single lawyer on trial who doesn't think, maybe we got this judge or we don't have this judge. as a defense attorney, it feels like a lot of these judges are former prosecutors. and i said to myself, this judge has it out for me. it's a natural psychological thing to do. but it's a flaw and not a feature. claiming that just because a
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judge may be registered democrat and that makes him biased, that will be an uphill battle, even when the defendant was someone who was a former and possibly future president.>> i don't know where you are watching this, but we had fantastic coverage here on msnbc. maybe you missed some of the posts on another network. >> we have gone over a cliff in america. we are fires and i hope it's at the ballot box.>> i guess we need to shop at banana republic now. because that's what it feels like. >> these evil men and women will be vanquished and the injustice rectified. >> they will be vanquished. >> her husband was pardoned by donald trump. i feel like that should run in
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the chiron. she talks to him all the time and she's his buddy. i think he pardoned her ex- husband and that was kind of a thing she wanted. so i think there is some conflict here they were alternating between two different messages. one was this terrible for american democracy and it's a banana republic. the others this helps in. more swing voters in wisconsin are dying to have a convicted felon as president. and you cannot shop both these ideas. you can't say it helps them and we need the supreme court to overturn this. you have to pick elaine.>> it's great to have you both here.
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1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) maybe you've heard this discussion the last few days. can a candidate with 34 felony convictions become president? the constitution has eligibility requirements and the founding fathers did not think to block candidates with criminal records. if he ends up behind bars, he would not be the first to run for office. there was somebody that ran for president. he encouraged supporters to resist the world war i draft. but this time the circumstances could not be more different. michael beschloss, it's good to see you. let's start with eugene v.
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debs. there are a lot of differences between him and what's going on with trump?>> first of all, he was a socialist and not a nominee of one of the two major parties. and he was in prison on a matter of principle. woodrow wilson had passed. what i would agree with eugene debs, was free expression during world war i and he violated this to show his peaceful protest and he was jailed. so he campaigned from prison, but he wasn't saying that the system is rigged and i've been a victim of unfairness by a prosecutor or a judge or jury's. what he said was, i did this as a statement of conscience and people should understand why i'm here and factor that into your vote. and he got quite a few votes.
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>> a principal position. if i were a supporter of trump, could i say he's taking a principled position? last night he called himself a political prisoner of a failing nation. i don't know, nelson mandela comes to mind. martin luther king was a political prisoner. what is your reaction to trump calling himself a political prisoner. the failing nation seems to be getting a lot of play.>> if you live long enough, you get to hear everything. trump is a political prisoner -- i guess paying off stars and then falsifying business records, if that's a political principle, then he's an example. someone else this week said that the founders wanted a presidential candidate of
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conviction but not criminal convictions. >> well said. he's suggested you're suggesting that he does not shown remorse for the behavior that brought those convictions. what struck you about the language that he's used since the verdict was announced?>> no major party nominee in more than two centuries in american history -- not only, there has been no one who has been a convicted felon, that's for sure , and at the same time, on top of that, there has not been a nominee that says, elect me and i will dismantle your rule of law because it's rotten and i don't like the constitution and i want to cancel parts of that. the result is that you have someone who's promising to be a dictator for a day, and we know it won't be for day.
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in order to bring you no more rule of law, which means anarchy. so anyone who wants a dictator to bring anarchy should vote for him.>> we are trying to figure out what this does and it's unclear how many votes will change. let's talk about his base. they have stuck with him regardless, but he is using that language. we are talking about this morning. the language that mussolini used and other dictators use that i am here between them and you and i am your retribution and i will seek retribution. what you make of that?>> and trump is not hitler, but he used the same language. he said that he too was a prisoner of conscience. i don't think anyone will fall for that.
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and one of the surprises to me, so this is not a surprise to you, is there was a poll in last 24 hours that shows that 15% of republicans think that trump should drop out of the race because it convicted felon should not be running for president and half of those are independent say it's a dealbreaker for them. those are higher numbers than i expected. but a lot of things hinge on what happens on july 11th in sentencing. and people say he may not get any prison time for this whatsoever. what happens from there on in? that's when he officially becomes a convicted felon and no turning back because that's on the heels of the convention at which he will be nominated.>> he is also captured his party
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and installed his daughter-in- law as the head ofthe republican national committee. my guess is there won't be a republican national committee resolution to suggest he should get off the ticket. in 1972 democratic national committee met after thomas eagleton, the vp nominee resigned because it was revealed that he suffered from depression and had three instances of electroshock. it could've happened legally if the republican party were not so enthralled by donald trump. so if the pull from today means anything, and senator murkowski said it's not the strongest nominee that republicans can put forward, if his support among independents begins to diminish, the women outside
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philadelphia says, you know, some things about his program are like, but i'm not voting for a convicted felon, the republicans may have settled themselves with an anvil. i cannot bring myself to believe that the majority of americans will vote for a convicted felon who is promising dictatorship and anarchy. >> good to see you twice in one day. he's been on tv a lot today. >> i will be with you under any circumstances. still to come i will speak with the latest state department staffer to resign over the president's handling of the war in gaza.
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experience and she joins a growing number of officials in education and the interior departments to quit their posts since the war in gaza started following the october 7th attack. gilbert is accusing the administration of falsifying a report to shield israel of responsibility from blocking humanitarian aid into gaza. she said, i cannot continue working for a government that denies and enables israel's deliberate carnage in gaza. she's my next guest.
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you're looking at images of a destroyed $320 million. that the u.s. military installed on the coast of gaza. it was designed to bring aid to the palestinians. president biden face questions when he unveiled plans for during a state of the union address. and why does the u.s. need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to deliver aid. why not just compel israel to allow more to enter gaza given the degree to which america finances israel. this week the u.s. said that deliveries to gaza have decreased by 67% since the closure of the rafah crossing. two members of the administration resigned over
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concerns. one of the officials is stacy gilbert. she was a senior advisor at the state department bureau population, refugees, and migration. she joins me now. thank you for being with us. yours is not a performative thing. you are too far into your career for performative moves like this. the point is there has been a remarkable level of internal dissent among subject matter experts like yourself in various parts of the government and it has not been listened to. the thing that caused you to leave is you expressed your concerns. what happened? >> yeah. the genesis of my move was actually the result of a report -- a joint report that the department of state and department of defense had to submit in response to a request
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from the white house. and that was supposed to assess various countries on two things. the ability to adhere to international humanitarian law, also known as the geneva convention, and whether they facilitate and not obstruct humanitarian assistance. israel was one of the countries. the other countries we were assessing, there was some discussion about, but not nearly on the level that we debated and discussed these issues regarding israel. the subject matter experts are absolutely in agreement that israel is blocking humanitarian assistance. there's no doubt about that. i was very involved in writing the report up to a certain level , but at some point the subject matter experts were removed
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from it and it was moved to a higher level and i did not see it until it was released on may 10th. when it was released, i was on the point of israel's adherence to humanitarian law. i was surprised because the report concluded, as far as i know, the first time the u.s. has admitted that israel is probably using u.s. weapons to violate international humanitarian law, but i was shocked to see that it stated very clearly that we assess that israel is not blocking humanitarian assistance. that is patently false. it is not the dish it's not just not the opinion. there is data showing that israel is blocking humanitarian assistance.>> the point i'm trying to make here for the audience here is there are a
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lot of people mad at how the biden administration is handling this were not subject matter experts. you are talking from the perspective of someone who was involved in the process of making the determination of whether israel is violating humanitarian law and agreements when we provide them with weaponry. you and other subject matter experts made that determination and then it was not in the report. in your opinion, what you feel happened? is it the white house saying this is what the result has to be, is it someone in the middle? who is responsible for that happening? >> the bottom line is, it's a joint report from the department of state and department of defense, so at some point somebody higher up than me made that determination and disregarded the data, the
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evidence, the recommendations from the subject matter experts. to me, -- i've been in government a long time and i've written reports i'm not proud of. this is not that. this is consequential. this is critical and it is a joint report from the state department and dod to congress. this is not a small point. it is absolutely shocking. >> but central to who we are and what role that we play. it's not another unrelated country. i'm sure there are all kinds of countries violating humanitarian policies, but this is one who receives arms and material from us in the u.s. so the general understanding that most americans would have is when we provide assistance to
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countries, they are not working against our interests in providing humanitarian aid to the victims of whatever is going on, and that's with the political argument is. we are building this and we -- there were probably 10 other ways we could've gotten things into gaza that doesn't involve this thing. but what happens? this is not a small act of courage. this is a big act. what happens? we hope happens? that enough people hear your story and are moved by it? because you left your government job. >> i'm able to leave because i know my opinion is shared by many others. if i were the only one who thought this, i would stay in government and keep fighting, that i am in a unique position. being a subject matter expert, i'm in the unique position to step outside of government and
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say, this is wrong. it is absolutely wrong. and it helps my colleagues to say, she's right. i'm doing it for my colleagues. i'm doing it for the humanitarian organizations working in gaza. they wrote and said that israel is blocking humanitarian assistance. this report says, it is not israel's fault, it's their fault. they do not have the capacity, it's dangerous and complicated, but these are professional organizations that do this in conflicts and natural disasters all over the world. they know how to do this. they know how to work in conflicts and danger situations. they are not allowed to do it because israel prevents them. so i'm standing up for them.>>
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this is a big and courageous move. thank you for coming here and telling us the details about what was behind. we will follow your story with great interest. thank you for joining us. a new hour after this. (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers,
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on this new hour, donald trump trump over the rule of all. -- love. congressman, jami


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