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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  June 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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on this new hour, donald trump trump over the rule of all. -- love. congressman, jamie raskin
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on donald trump's verdict. exclusive reporting on how u.s. officials are bracing for north korea to drop and october surprise, possibly at the urging of vladimir putin. two the day after the verdict of donald trump's trial, president biden weighed in and no one was above the law was reaffirmed. that democratic doctrine that the law applies to everyone withstood the first criminal trial of an american president. the days that followed the closing, experts are opined. the system did work. and also according to donald trump, ordered it rigged while leaving the courthouse on thursday in a rambling 33
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minute press conference at the trump tower. in a statement, elise stafanik said that today's verdict shows how corrupt and rigged the american justice system has become under joe biden. june jordan called the verdict a try just the -- charges see. >> it's easy to dismiss these comments, attempts to delegitimize the jury's decision. it has taken a body blow by donald trump and his sycophants. kim spoke to the washington post, forcing donald trump to listen to evidence against him met his rage being controlled by others. he will be directed to try to bring the judicial system down with them.
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that was echoed by david frum. if he returns to the presidency, his hyannis priority will be to smash the american legal system to hold him to someone, -- some account. david frum's point, that is a big if. in order to tear down the system donald trump will have to return to the white house. there in lies the rub. the united states can have a second trump presidency or obtain the rule of law, not both. author of the book, erasing history. rita, with us as well. advisor at the renewed democracy initiative. rick stengel, msnbc political analyst undersecretary of state in the obama administration.
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let me start with you, we spent time the last hour discussing the fact that every criminal defendant thinks the system is against them. every defendant that faces a conviction thinks it is unfair. we have processes for this. donald trump and his allies skipped all the way over to the fact that the system is broken. the system is rigged. there would be no case in donald trump's justice department had not gone after michael cohen in the first place. we skipped to the system is broken. as david frum says, he is mad and looking for revenge. >> he set out a conspiracy theory. the thing about a conspiracy theory, any evidence against it is taken as evidence for. the newspapers are not controlled by my opponents or the communists. when the news says -- we are facing a classic conspiracy type of situation.
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all authoritarians try to take down the courts, media, and schools. >> rita, there have been so many off ramps for donald trump. so many opportunities to say it is a bridge too far. apparently not. everybody put on bread ties and went to court. even people who did not have to have an opinion. mike johnson did not have to come out to say the supreme court needed to get involved to overturn the conviction. what has happened to the republican party? >> there has been an aiding and abetting from the sidelines. i have seen within the republican party, they no longer feel they need to put on the veneer of donald trump. they feel they need to come to his defense because he somehow try to come up with a myth that he represents the views of everyone out there. that is not involved in
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politics. it begs the question, at one point -- when do they get in touch with reality after being divorced from it for so long? there has to be a willingness almost to not comply. a thoughtful rick away from what is been over the past nine years. i do not know that we will see any of that in the next week or two. maybe around the convention, when there is a moment in which the reality sinks in, in july. when everybody is together and saying it has been the status quo for eight years and we need to change it. we cannot take the chance or the risk any longer. voter apathy is astonishingly high and we do not want to take chances on how hard it is to get the turn out to vote for donald trump. that's what has to happen within the republican party to break away from what we are seeing. what is the status quo today. >> the turnout and the vote for donald trump -- we have been
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hearing from trump supporters in congress. and some democrats, the real verdict will come on november 5th i the people in that vote how much do you think this inspires republican voters to show up on election day? if you think it has some kind of galvanizing powerful republicans, what should republicans -- democrats do about that? >> i will talk for a second about the republican party and reaction to how the vote will be. what was so disheartening to me, i am old enough to remember when the republican party was the party of law and order. you might disagree with the decision, but you do not -- the founders had an almost mystical belief in the power of juries as a mechanism of democracy. they put two amendments in the bill of rights about it.
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the sixth and the seventh, returning people a jury trial. larry statement, the one that got him with the trump campaign manager saying his career was over, it was the right thing. let's respect the project -- process. i think it will affect a certain number of independent voters, every pole for the last six months shows some small percentage of republican voters or leaders will be dissuaded from voting for donald trump or dissuaded from voting if he is the convicted felon. he now is. it does not have to be a lot in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, or any of those states. it is the tip of balance. >> you have written about propaganda. one thing we were talking about in the commercial break, donald trump dials it up every time he talks for tonight you will be on fox, or, tomorrow morning. he says things that were
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shocking and it is reminiscent of autocrats and dictators in history, who do more and more outrageous things in the 1970s and 1980s. they would wear military uniforms and medals with nothing they did. and exaggerating character. hitler wasn't exaggerating character. in terms of this behavior about saying outrageous things, even in the face of evidence that are not true. >> what he is trying to do, he is trying to show that shane does not lie. it is only something for other people. a democracy is a system in which has people -- equal respect. the richest and poorest citizen are responsible to each other. what authoritarians do, they show their outside of that system. they cannot be punished for what they say. they stand outside of the system of mutual respect that citizens have because they set their own
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roles. that is what we are seeing with donald trump. with the line, as well. political equality is speaking truth to power. the poorest should feel ashamed when caught lying. what donald trump is doing, he lie so much that there is no shame anymore to be caught lying. you cannot speak truth to power. >> rita, let's talk about what it does to the republican party? there are people like you and others, most of us should think we would like the republican party back. we would like it to be fixed. at least two parties in this country that believe in electricity. for phoenix arise from the ashes, there need to be ashes. what has to happen in? there are lots of republicans we talked to who would like to have debates about minimum wage and universal healthcare and all sorts of things in this country that are important. that conversation is out the
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window. we have mike lee saying that republican should not agree to any nominations or legislation with democrats until the conviction is overturned. >> there are so many issues on which republicans could leave. energy, the environment -- the forward thinking policy solutions that younger conservatives like me have long talked about. there is no space for that when the oxygen is sucked up by donald trump, 24/7. people have been disheartened. you and i both know how we look at politics being treated, it is simply through a partisan lens. because of that, you will not get newer people into the public square. therefore, those voices are missing. getting back to the ashes, getting to essentially a place where the rebuild is impossible. many people lost hope. i am one of them.
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i am a sucker for punishment working in politics for as long as i had, because optimism requires people to believe there are folks out there who will rise up in the moment. the summer could be a moment. be unwilling to accept the status quo. until then the problems will persist. systemic reform is needed. you never hear about it because you do not want to give in, they are the politicians for >> i want to lean into your experience around the world. a lot of elections we think about right now in mexico has an election this weekend with interesting chains going on. andy is election is over and they will start counting the votes on tuesday. that is a country that is on the brink of possibly going the wrong way. south africa, had an election for the first time since the end of the apartheid. david frum says americans can have rule of law or they can have donald trump trump. they cannot have both. this now becomes decisive for americans and the future for america. >> donald trump trump -- a
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symptom and a cause of the eroding of democracy. that has been happening for 20 years around the world. freedom house, a nonprofit, which publishes statistics about moving toward democracy and away. in fact, moving away from it for the last 17 years. donald trump, even though he seems singular, he is actually very much like his other folks and putting the folk that he has locked arms with in hungary. putin. the united states needs to be the exception. we are exceptional in many ways. we need to combat that trend. that is one reason for people who believe in democracy and the rule of law, they need to come out against donald trump. >> i do not know what your dogs politics are, but he or she liked what you had to say because it came up in the
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corner behind you. jason, we go back to the idea that we are not victims of this whole thing. we're all american citizens who have a vote and agency. 100 million americans did not vote the last election. talk about how close the election was. if you want to look at it that way between 80 million votes for joe biden, 77 million for donald trump . it was close. there are a whole lot of people who can come out and say in order to save democracy we have to register to vote. >> i think what donald trump has effectively done, attacked democracy itself. the value of democracy. he made it meaningless. he said that they are a talking democracy, too. the whole goal is to make these ideals that we have, the rule of law, democracy. it seems unclear to people. they do not know who is representing these values that will create voter apathy.
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what we need is the unions, the engines of democracy, the labor, and community organizers , voter registration drive, the democracy to make sure people know the media -- to make sure people know what is a in these articles that we must all play. election. thank you. jason and rick, stick around. i will continue the discussion with you. coming next, russia and north korea planning an october surprise they get donald trump back in office. that's an exclusive, after this. this. comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv.
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donald trump dictator plans hatching a plan to bring the big fellow back to the white house? new exclusive reporting from nbc news, the biden administration has grown concerned over the military alliance between the russian president, vladimir putin, and
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the north korea leader, kim jong-un. officials are reportedly worried that north korea at putin's urging, could carry out an october surprise. taking its most provocative military actions in a decade. the apparent goal is to create turmoil in another part of the world just as americans go to the pole. the phrase, "october surprise", is a long-held thing from ronald reagan after he cut a deal with iran when he -- to hurt the prospects of then, jimmy carter. in january, mere minutes after reagan's inaugural address, iran released the hostages. could donald trump's autocratic allies help produce successful results? rick and jason are back with us. a u.s. official told nbc that
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they have no doubt that north korea will be provocative this year. it is just a matter of how oscillatory it is. what kind of action from -- good run the interference for election? north korea has become a back issue to us. so many things are going on in the world. can they be influential in the selection? >> i cannot really see it. they may try. in fact, i think if they do something militarily, if they launch an attack or do a test of a nuclear ballistic missile, that could literally and figuratively backfire on them. we tend to rally around the flag and support the incumbent when there is some kind of military movement around the world that involves the u.s. north korea is not as president obama said, and excess social threat to the united states.
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what is, the growing partnership of the unlimited partnership between russia and china. they may be orchestrating what north korea does, but, that is an x essential crisis which president biden has talked about. they are offering a different model, anti-democratic model for the modern world. that is what we are competing against. >> let's talk about that, jason. the verging alliance between russia and north korea. i think that rick is right. north korea does not tend to be x essential to us even though they send missiles now and then. vladimir putin needs the war in ukraine to go on long enough for donald trump to be elected. the war will end if donald trump becomes president again. >> that is right. ukraine, is an x essential matter for democracy now. a central location for the fight against fascism. putin, the world leader and urging and connecting these
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antidemocratic regimes. we cannot lose ukraine but we cannot lose this fight. north korea, is clearly helping russia with ammunition for insight against ukraine. as you say, if donald trump wins, the likelihood, it is quite likely, ammunition will be cut off from ukraine. i just came back from kyiv a few days ago and the lack of ammunition for months costs thousands of ukrainian lives. >> you had seen territory lost. it makes me think about the iran nuclear deputy was never perfect but it was hard won. what app is that americans and iranians were at various times caused to sit at the same table to work things out. now we have this problem in israel and gaza. iran is a central player but we have no leverage over iran whatsoever. donald trump seems to think if
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he is president, he gets along with everyone and can cut deals. a post on his social media last week he referenced evan gershkovich, the wall street journal reported who is held prisoner in russia, he claimed he will be released almost immediately after the election. putin will do that for me, but for no one else. talk to me about the relationships that donald trump claims will be better under him. he pulled us out of the iran nuclear. >> i think he is absolutely naove about international relations. his later co-equals in this league of shadows, actually let him feel like he is actually doing something for them. in fact, if donald trump is elected, that will allow them to pursue their anti-democratic means around the world. i mean, yes, maybe putin would release evan if he is elected
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but he will continue the war in ukraine. donna will give him that territory. that is an x essential issue for democracy. that is bluster. it is naoveti. in fact, he would not be effective as the leader dealing with these other folks that he will pull the wool over his eyes >> neto allies are getting very alarmed with this and are making contingency plans for what happens when america will not stand by its allies and the nato allies. >> thanks for the discussion. jason, stick around. alarming calls for spiritual warfare at the republican convention in texas federal policy proposals taking center stage. treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief
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they want government to be god. >> we are in a battle today between good and evil.
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but, god, is with us. >> if you are a believer in the room, it is time to fight with your face. it is time for us to fight the good fight of faith. i am ready to fight. >> oh, my. that was a taste of the republican texas convention last week. what made this conference stick out from years past was the gop's alarming cause for spiritual warfare. it was not fire and brimstone, there were real policies to vote on. such as requiring the bible to be taught in public schools. labeling abortion as homicide. rendering gender transitions as child abuse. turning the united states into theocracy is not exclusive to texas. i showed you a microcosm how the gop embraced the idea of christian nationalism nationwide. according to a 2023 survey, more than half of republicans believe the u.s. should be a strictly christian nation.
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either adhering to the ideals of christian nationalism, or sympathizing with those fears. joni mena, amanda tyler. jayson stanley is back with me, as well. let's start with your reaction to those remarks that we just heard from the texas gop conference. >> i find them incredibly troubling. potentially dangerous, as well. calls for spiritual warfare, putting in stark terms, turns political opponents into x essential threats. they use demonizing language, anti-human language, which can lead to violence. to do so in a state that has rented gun culture, where we have seen mass shootings, this really is a dangerous turn. emblematic of the extreme nature of the republican party in
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texas, it has taken over the republican party. it looks more like an authoritarian theocracy than a pluralistic democracy. >> i want to play some audio of angela paxson. the wife of the attorney general, ken paxton. here she is speaking at a luncheon for pastors in churches. >> our battle is not against flesh and blood. it is against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. >> it's against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. how must we process this stuff? >> is connected to a long- standing emerging movement of dominion is him. the idea is that the institutions, the democratic institutions, schools, media, the courts, are essentially run by demons. they need to be replaced by christians.
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this really is a theocracy we are looking at. we are looking at a situation where they want to transform the democratic institutions into engines of christian nationalism. engines of essentially theocracy. and loyalty to donald trump, as well. this kind of idea of replacing the institutions that are not religious, are evil, demon run. as amanda said, it is right that this is, it justifies political violence of the worst kind. it is classical violent genocidal speech, to call people evil and to place them as x essential threats. they are saying these institutions, government, the courts, the schools, need to be, the people in them need to be replaced by theo kratz. >> amanda, you testified before the january 6th select
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committee, saying that christian nationalism helped fuel the attack on the capitol on january 6. is not an abstraction. we have seen the beginnings of the manifestation of people who in good faith believed they were doing something for the christian faith. how worried are you now that this has grown? it is not diminished, it has grown. >> unfortunately you are right. christian nationalism uses the symbols and the language of christianity. the veneers turns jesus into a mascot for these political claims. what we saw happen on january 6, not just that they, the events leading up to it, the language of christian nationalism. the permission structure. this casting of the political violence in terms of god's will. they were there to fulfill god's will. i believe that kind of language
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helps unite this group of people who came from so many different areas. unite them with common language, in their minds, you unite them with justification for violence. to see this replicated here in the texas republican party, also in other rings around the country. we have seen this language of the reawaken america torpid michael flynn had lines and i attended one of those events to see firsthand. to understand how this is being used to galvanize a group of people, a group that is often armed and willing to take up arms in the cause of political violence but numb in the name of jesus. that is alarming to christians like myself, who are horrified to see our faith used in this way. >> jason, you talked about the list of institutions that
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christian nationalists think are possessed by demons and need to be replaced by christians. you mentioned schools. there is a massive battle underway right now in the schools of our nation, having to do with x essential material. banning books, for example. there is a lot of history in. it is not new at all and it is highly specific but it ties into the idea of nationalism >> putin, just said recently, twice, wars are won by teachers. what does it mean? in russia, they are replacing, they are erasing the history of russian aggression against ukraine. people are not aware of this. once you control the schools, you can control the future. this movement started with a tax on the local scoreboards. they know what they are doing. want to control the schools, you can control people's understanding of the history.
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if you forbid certain history from being taught, if you say that america was founded with a god chose america to lead the world, if you teach that america is fundamentally a christian country, those are going to be things that train young people into thinking that christian nationalism is in fact the history. >> amanda, as a christian, you do not like your religion being misused this way. that is the sentiment we all share. what do you do about it? what do religious christians, who are not nationalists, who do not invoke violent imagery, who do not believe donald trump is some sort of savior who is taking prosecutions and incoming fire for regular people -- what do you do to counter this? schema for christians like myself, we need to normalize speaking out against christian nationalism. we are in the best position to
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explain the people how christian nationalism is a gross distortion of the teachings of jesus. how these attempts for incense to teach the bible in public schools and children as young as kindergarten, to teach it as an authoritative text, is an attack on our religious freedom as much is our neighbors who practice different faiths. for those who do not claim a faith tradition. it is incumbent on christians to take their place in the public square to advocate from their faith-based perspective. against christian nationalism. we can have efficacy without insisting that our particular religion be privileged in law and policy. that is in fact the foundation of religious freedom in this country. we are seeing the foundation of religious freedom under attack by nationalism. we need to understand this threat for what it is. >> you say the foundation of
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this country, jason, that involves the constitution. that involves the supreme court. justice alito, new reporting that he seems to have flown the appeal to have been flagged. that is seen as a symbol of white christian nationalism. this becomes troubling. there are a lot of things about alito and clarence thomas that are troubling but this has a new level of troubling. as amanda says, if people want to clarify the role of religion and religious liberty in this country, alito seems to be on the wrong side. >> that is right. we go back to the question of institutions, the democratic institutions, the courts, the schools, the media, those are three central democratic institutions. we now know that the courts have a systemic problem with being essentially infiltrated by authoritarians. of course donald trump is trying to reverse that and
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clog what is happening. we know that we have multiple supreme court justices who do not seem to be on the side of democracy. this is familiar with authoritarians. the first thing you want to do, the first things you want to do, go after the courts so they can support you. replace them with loyalists. and the schools, as well. having several court justices who are overly on the side of january 6th, or on the side of christian nationalism, which runs against the separation of church and state, is needless to say, extremely troubling. tee thanks to you for an important discussion. i appreciate it. the congressman, jamie raskin, on the gop effort to get the supreme court involved in donald trump's conviction, and more.
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i do believe the supreme court should step in. i think they will set this straight but it will take a while. >> that was house figure, mike johnson, saying he thinks the supreme court should help overturn the guilty verdict against donald trump. that is an example of republicans finally jumping to donald trump's defense and saying the law does not seem to apply to him. we are still awaiting a decision on donald trump's train -- claim of immunity. an opinion piece for msnbc argues, each day that goes by without a ruling from the justices is intentional. now is jamie raskin, of maryland. thank you for being with us. it is a little insulting to ask you this question, given your net level of knowledge of the constitution. mike johnson is chiming in. every defendant who gets a ruling decision against them thinks it is unfair and has a right to appeal and can. mike johnson is skipping to the
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supreme court. it is hard to get a criminal case without an underlying of law. >> the call to the supreme court to step into the new york state legal process is outrageous and outlandish. speaker johnson knows better than that. he is a real lawyer. for him to say that there is no question or doubt that they will end up being involved raises all kinds of questions of ethical questions. the way it works, of course, this is a matter of state law. the appeals will lie in new york. you will go to the highest court in new york and you have to exhaust of state remedies. if you included federal constitutional claims of your appeal, we have not seen one yet, you will be able to try to appeal to the supreme court or tried to move in federal habeas corpus your decision to get the
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course to look at it. mike johnson can get his friends on the court, i don't know if he's talking about alito and thomas or somebody else? just to reach down into the new york system and pluck it out and put it into the supreme court, it is outrageous. >> some of your colleagues in the house have openly attacked the verdict. help me understand this, clearly we can disagree with verdicts and we have the appeal process. the speed and uniformity which republicans decided this is a political prosecution or a persecution, what is your concern about the reaction from donald trump's camp? >> it makes no sense. utterly incoherent. they are attacking the jury system. 12 jurors drawn at random from a cross-section of people in that new york district, they sat there and heard all of the
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facts and evidence. they had jury instructions from the judge which were excellent. but which are subject to appeal if they think there were erroneous jury instructions for this for you get the articulation of the role that the jurors will apply the facts. if they had a problem with underlying law, they should've attacked the initial indictment and said that no, the law against falsifying documents in new york is unconstitutional. or, you know, they should have claimed that you have a constitutional right to cook the books in order to cover up hush money payments from your corporation to someone. they did not make that attack that they are attacking the jury verdict, which means they are attacking the jury process. the reason they shifted over to the overblown theological critique, which sounds deranged to me, too much cognitive
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dissonance at this point. you have the religious right gathering around a guy who is an adjudicated sexual assailant and adjudicated fraudster in new york. and now a convict that felon. these are the people who would say convicted felons should not be allowed to vote again even after doing their time. they should be disenfranchised permanently. they want him to become president of the united states. given this explosive cognitive dissonance, they are saying that there are demons involved and devils. you need an exorcism or something. >> when donald trump walked out of court, he made a word salad. he said that this is a district in which we only got 5% or 6%. andra wiseman was saying that donald trump cannot imagine that a jury can actually do its job. a jury of 12 people can evaluate the evidence, listen to arguments, ask questions, as
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this jury did, to come to a decision that is not in herself and dress. donald trump's world, everything is politically black and white. this was a democratic district and these jurors could not have actually been able to be jurors and do their job and adjudicate this case fairly. >> this is like an atlantic city mob. understanding of people who go into federal or state courts as judges, somebody owns them. donald trump's physician is either that he owns the judge and controls him and he feels that way about eileen cannon, or there is somebody who cannot be trusted and they are a political enemy. the whole world is friend or foe. that is the fastest way of looking at things. as opposed to something we believed in as recently as five or six years ago. or, eight years ago, before donald trump polarized the whole country in thinking in that way.
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we used to believe that there was a rule of law. there were judges who were people that did not fly flags for one team or the other. they could be trusted to interpret the law and apply it to the facts. i'm afraid that his authoritarian extremist approach to jurors has begun to affect justices and large parts of the population. >> center but of the flying flags, let me ask you about alito and thomas who have been asked to recuse themselves for cases related to the capitol tech print thomas's case, his wife was involved. and alito, because of flags at his house and he said it is his wife, as well. alito declined to do so this week as justice roberts declined to have a conversation with democrats about how that might happen. you argued in a piece for the new york times that if there is a way to force them to recuse themselves, can you tell us more? >> it's called a writ of
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mandamus. it's what took place in marbury versus madison. you basically go to the court and say there is a federal officer, a supreme court justice, who is refusing to follow the law. ordering the federal officer to follow the law. this was the and order from the seven justices to alito and thomas to recuse themselves for obvious reasons for the court has said in the williams case, the caperton case, it is an objective test, not subjective. a test whether alito or thomas feels they can be impartial. the question, what a reasonable person would consider looks partial or impartial. if you have a justice who has been likened by chief justice roberts to an umpire, essentially flying the flag to
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a team competing in the world series, he is supposed to officiate the game, everybody would tell you that if you are flying the flag of one of the teams, you cannot officiate the game. that is an expression of bias. at the very least, the appearance of bias and you should not go in. thomas's case is worse because his spouse got directly involved and essentially tried to overturn the election. if you pursue the robberson -- overturn a prior game in the world series he wants to judge or officiate another game. that does not make sense. the supreme court has embraced the aba's roles of judicial recusal. one of them, a judge and justice would be responsible for the reality and appearance of conflicts relating to his or her spouse. >> always good to talk to. thank you for joining us. g us.
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msnbc presents prosecuting donald trump. they get the first-hand perspective from inside the new york court room. here is a preview. >> i did not notice any interaction between former
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president donald trump and michael cohen. but i did notice how closely michael cohen is making eye contact with the jury. especially when he is describing some of the more emotional parts of the story. and his come to jesus moment about why he decided he was going to choose his family over donald trump. >> watch this sunday 9:00 p.m. and is streaming on peacock. that will do it for tonight. we will be back tomorrow at seven we will be back tomorrow at 7 p.m. we will be back at tomorrow, at 10 a.m. eastern. have a great night. night. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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