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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  June 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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he took the time to help me as i lay crouched behind the wheel of the airplane. don told me don't move, just be still and pretend you are dead. i cannot understand why i am alive. am alive. he said i cannot understand why i am alive in such a fine man like your husband is not. >> it has been more than four decades, but like much of what happened at jonestown, it is a question with no answer. that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. thank you for watching. ] shane moore: [shouts] >> i am craig melvin and this is dateline. a recording of a killing.
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capture by the killer herself. >> my jaw hit the floor. >> i heard the gunshot and then i hear him yell you shot me! i was scared to death. >> what story did she tell? if she was terrified of him. >> was it an incident that got out of control or was this planned? it almost seemed a little rehearsed. if i saw her mug shot. here we have this young talented actress. we didn't know the full story. if this is absolutely crazy. she is not who she says she is. i had that maggie in my mind, more is going on here. on here. shane moore was shot to death on a sunny summer afternoon.
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>> hello and welcome to dateline. he was shot to death on a sunny summer afternoon. in that instance a bitter family feud turned fatal. but was the killing a crime? to crack the case investigators have to unravel what happens in the moments before the shot rang out. there was no question who fired the gun. it was something else the shooter did that blew the case wide open. here is keith morrison with killer rule. >> this is an error -- horror movie. the setting, it's disturbing characters. but really ... where does performance end and
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reality began? >> tell me what the emergency is. >> all i can tell you is that a gun went off. >> this is the story about family, ambition, accomplishment. sharing. >> is the person who did the firing of the weapon they are now? >> yes. >> so yes, an horror movie. matthew and his daughter trinity who live in southern oregon. isolated? yes, but not very far from the town of ashland with its shakespearean festival and artists of all kind. trinity and her dad had evolved into a quirky little duo. musicians one night, comedians the next, and stage actors whenever the chance came along.
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>> i was 14 and going into the ninth grade. >> that is when trinity said to her dad why don't we make a movie. >> we were sort of blissfully blind. >> our main goal was to get a story and a script laid out. >> in these mountains myths are as mystic as the rains. he rain what movie did dad and daughter right? from the dark, they called it. >> it ends up being a movie about isolation. >> it's kind of a movie about the human wrist bonds to fear. >> trinities that have been saving for a motorcycle. instead he hired a screenwriter, director, musician, and then came casting. the league character, valerie,
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was in nearly every scene. the success of the scene would be rotting on her shoulders. by the final day of casting ... >> we were sitting in the audition room and we were like we have not filed our valerie. we were kind of freaking out. >> and dan she walked in. >> they just blew it out of the water.'s >> she was such a phenomenal actor. we absolutely adored her. >> i remember we got to this really dramatic theme. i was trying very hard to use every ounce of my training to try to get the scene right. we could hear wynn rehearsing
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with her partner. she had absolute panic in her voice. at first we thought something had happened. like is everything okay? they are just rehearsing the scene and they are much better than us. >> mag was cast as the grumpy housekeeper. that's her with the braided brown hair. and the star, clearly was wynn. shooting began at a rented chateau deep in the mountains. the plot? the stranded staff of a mountain lodge slowly realizes one of them is a killer. when wynn reed was on the set they since they were in the presence of greatness. >> she could turn it on like that. she would walk into the scene with tears already coming down. >> something bothered her. as
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strange as it sounds, she had and feeling that wyn was not wyn. she couldn't be sure. the hair was very different. and her face, may be. yet wyn reminded me a great deal of a old high school classmate, a woman named tucker, tucker reed. >> i really had a strong including that was her. she looks so much like her. >> did she seem to recognize you? >> no. >> it was just so the curator. -- so pick your -- peculiar. >> the high school tucker that meg remembered also had a very present mother. kelly was her name, always
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around. >> her mom would come to the theater to help with her hair and makeup. four memories can be tricky. and now years later on the movie set make began to doubt hers. -- meg began to doubt hers. until the day a woman introduced as a relative showed up on the set. >> i saw that her relative had a bag filled with hair and makeup stuff. >> she recognized her instantly. the relative was kelly, tucker's mom. >> it took me right back to high school. >> meg was convinced her hunch was right. but she decided not to tell anybody. she didn't until shooting wrapped and all were back in town. >> then she was like i'm going to tell you something about wyn. she is on trial for murder.
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>> was in possible the movie killer was a killer? >> a murder case in real life. it turns out the talented actress has mag deadly secret. if it was only in one hand. i remember having it in the air. if i had that nagging in my mind. there was more going on here. there was more going on here. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. wow. as-incredible, isn't it?st abou-yeah.a hd well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance.
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i think it's a great product. action. keith morrison (voiceover): their movie was a thriller called "from the dark." [gasps] what the hell are you doing? >> there movie was a thriller called from the dark. turned out the filmmakers were in the dark. only after they wrapped the chute did they find out their leading lady, wyn, was really tucker. in real life she had shot her own uncle to death. >> when i watch the movie now i feel like someone is messing with me. it's a sick joke that i don't get it. >> hard to understand why tucker would audition for a role like that or why she would kill a men. >> i was absolutely sure that he was going to kill my mother. >> here is wyn, now tucker,
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the date is july 26, 2016. tucker is at the police station. >> to me just on first blush she seemed meek, mannered, a young lady that seemed upset. >> tony young was one of two detectives who heard hours after it happened, tucker's account of how and why she killed shane moore . it happened at tucker's grandmother's house out in the country. >> it was told to us in a way that painted the picture of shane moore coming in or trying to come into the front door of the residence. kelly fighting to keep him out. he was coming in to seriously assault her, to kill kelly and
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tucker. >> you know like in a horror movie , the hand goes around the door. he was wedging himself so that the door couldn't be closed. >> how are you holding the gun? >> it was in one hand. i remember having it in the air. >> did you make a conscious decision to fire the gun? >> no. to fire a gun, i always thought that you have to caulk and gun. this gun doesn't do that. it just fired. >> she didn't know how the gun worked, she said. it happened so fast. and she did warn him, she said. >> can you tell us as best you can exactly what you said to him. re-enact it for us. as loud as you need to be. >> you know you're not supposed to be here. get out of here. i have a gun!
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leave! we all know you are violent. get out of here. there was no mistaking it. >> that same day tucker's mom kelly still visibly agitated told the same story about this frightening attack. >> moments before my brother died he was assaulting me at the door. he was trying to force his way into a house he had no right to be in. i didn't know what shane was going to do. it was horrifying. >> how did this mother and daughter ever get caught up in a killing? kelly was once an attorney and coauthored a best-selling true crime book which was later adapted into a major tb movie that appeared on nbc. and tucker along with her mom and sister coauthored two young
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adult novels, even narrated the audiobook versions. >> she was always sort of ahead of the curve. on everything. i wasn't surprised that she became a good writer. it was during the frantic. not where kelly and i were trying to write something that would sell that she was brought up into. stories were just in the air for her. >> perhaps the biggest story of tucker's childhood was the unraveling of her parents marriage. >> our kids grew up in kind of like a war zone psychologically and emotionally. it was a very intense atmosphere. >> later tucker accused my boyfriend of her. when the university said it found no evidence she held a press conference.
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>> i believe the weaknesses could be pinpointed and fixed. >> after college she moved back to oregon, developed her acting skills and 2 years later shot her uncle to save her mom. >> did he ever threatened to kill you? >> yes. >> to hear this well educated and well spoken woman tell it, this was a clear case of self- defense. after police left the interrogation room she seemed to fall apart. and yes. >> i have that nagging in my mind that it had a lot of different tendrils that there was more going on here. >> indeed there was. >> coming up ... >> it must've seemed very strange? we will a simmering family feud and a shellshocked witness in
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the middle. when dateline continues. the middle. when dateline continues.
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keith morrison (voiceover): the story tucker and her mom, kelly, told the police was astonishing. >> the story tucker and her mom kelly told the police was astonishing, like the plot of some hollywood thriller. it started of course tucker, who in an epic struggle with
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her violet drug addicted uncle shane literally saved her mother's life. >> he was trying to hurt me. >> it was an heroic tale. lives were saved they said, plural. as detective young asked his questions it began to dawn on him something else with that state, money, lots of it. it led to a whole other version of the story. listen carefully. it may sound more like an episode of succession or game of thrones. once upon a time shane had been an attorney in san francisco, but drugs got the better of him. in 2001 he moved on to the family ranch where he took care of the land and his elderly parents. >> my brothers helped my family with the property. >> as my dad deteriorated shane
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took care of him. as he got worse he was wheelchair-bound. my brother will carry him from the chair to the bed or to the shower. there was plenty to do and he did it. >> cheerfully willingly? good guy? if good guy. >> shane's sister kelly got divorced and the parents bought her a house in town about 30 miles away where she could live with tucker and her two other children. the plan was when they passed on kelly will keep the house and she and shane with split ownership of the ranch. complications. >> once my dad died everything changed. >> the problem was as kelly admitted to the police she needed money now. >> i don't have any money. i was looking to get food stamps.
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my mother is taking care of the family with her property wealth. >> kelly's mother did that by merging -- mortgaging the ranch. >> it was just money constantly going out. >> you were aware of the declining value of that place? >> yet. >> shea must've been aware? >> yes. >> they argue. kelly took out a temporary restraining order which decreed when kelly was in their mother's home shane had to stay out. then kelly cooked up another plan. >> i was going to adulterate the will with additional language to say if anyone doesn't let anything happen to my mother or my family he would
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be disinherited. >> shane came up with the idea and asked his mother to sign over the property now by filing what is known as a grant deed. that would prevent kelly from taking everything for herself. it is also what touched off this whole bloody business. >> had he explained over the phone there was a few going on i might not have gone. >> on the day of the shooting shane hired carla to notarize this deed. when carla finally got to the remote ranch house shane was nowhere to be found. it must have seemed very strange? >> as soon as the door shut it was strange. >> carla didn't know about the restraining order. was surprised when she was met by three intense women tucker, her grandmother and tucker's mom, kelly, who seemed upset. >> she kept yelling what are you doing here? >> tucker was standing in a
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dark corner of the kitchen. >> i saw her out of the corner of my eye and i said excuse me. hello how are you? she puts her hand up. she never said a word. >> shane's mom couldn't find her i.d. although she was sure it had been sitting right there. a friend of shane's went to find witnesses who would vouch for her identity. >> from the time the door shut everything was off. >> while they sat at the dining table carla said she double checks with shane's mom to make sure she knew what a grant deed was. >> she said yes, she understood all of that. i said okay. kelly goes i thought this was a will? i said i don't know anything about a will. >> she grabbed the paper out of my hand and ran it and tore it up into pieces.
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>> did she go on talking and yelling? >> she was very excited. >> up until now carla had never laid eyes on the man who hired her, shane. >> i look up and here comes somebody outside of the window walking up from behind the house. i said maybe that's him? she said yeah, that's my brother. >> then she said tucker who had been all but invisible suddenly appeared. >> tucker came up. there was a towel on the table. she reached underneath the towel. when she brought it back this way in my head i went oh, my god. that 438. >> a single shot of gunfire brings a of questions. >> i kept thinking how did that bullet pollution from the front door clear over to the ground? >> when dateline continues. dat
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>> good morning. boeing's highly anticipated star liner flight carrying nasa astronauts was abruptly halted minutes before liftoff saturday. the mission was bound for the international space station. the countdown paused due to computer issues. president biden went to a mass where pro-palestinian protesters were chanting out five. this comes after a three-part proposal by israel that will lead to a permanent cease-fire and see all hostages released. now back to dateline, -- dateline. dateline, -- dateline. into her grandmother'e >> welcome back dateline. i am craig melvin. tucker reed told police her uncle shane moore was trying to force his way into her
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grandmother's house when she shot him. her mother corroborated the story telling police she feared shane was about to harm them. a witness who saw the deadly encounter told a strike bingley -- told a strikingly different tale. >> in this faraway mountain home notary republic kyla triborough felt like she had just walked into a scene in a horror movie where everyone else knew the lines but her. oh, and one of the actors had a gun. a real one. >> i don't really know what tucker is doing. she's behind me with a gun. >> what happened next was so traumatic carla had to be hospitalized afterwards and still suffers from ptsd. this is the first time she has publicly told her story. we can see her demeanor. she is still terrified recalling the scene.
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tucker with a gone, her mother yelling. and this guy meanwhile is coming up to her? >> he wasn't coming in. he was coming up toward the patio. kelly went to the door and said what's going on? i thought we were signing a will? he said while we sign a will? >> carla could hear the conversation, but from where she was sitting couldn't see shane. >> all of a sudden tucker said he's coming in! i remember looking over my shoulder and i couldn't see him at all. >> he wasn't coming to the door as far as you can tell? >> i didn't really know what was going on. did she went toward the door. >> she, tucker with a gun. >> i heard the gunshot. i was like what just happened? i hear him yell you shot me! i didn't know what to do.
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i was scared to death. after that tucker went to her room. i remember thinking there was a phone on the table. i grabbed the phone and i kept trying to dial 911. i put it up to my ear. kelly came around in front of me and i said you need to help me. she goes no. the phone dropped on the floor. i looked at her and i said you had better go in the bedroom and get the gun. i didn't know if tucker was going to shoot us, if she was going to shoot herself. >> the intensity was totally ramped up? >> oh, yes, for everyone. i know i was going crazy. kelly comes back out with the gun down to her side. i'm trying to hold it together.
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i might kelly, give me the gun and give it to me by the grips. she goes no. i go, kelly, i'm shaking. i just need you to hand me the gun. i just want the gun. she leaned down and got in my face and said i said no. i was like okay. i don't know what to do. i was holding that phone in the kitchen. i was trying to dial 911. it didn't work. it starts ringing and i push the button. >> this is jackson county 911 emergency. >> i need someone right away. i need an ambulance. >> tell me what the emergency is. >> all i can tell you is that i gun went off. >> are you in danger? >> she kept telling me to get the phone near someone near the victim. that gave me the idea of how i was getting out of there.
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i had the phone in my hand and i said here grandma talk to my 11. i have to go. >> when she stopped outside she saw shane lying halfway off the porch. >> i kept thinking how did that bullet pollution from the front door clear over to the ground? it was 45 feet away from the door. >> he was nowhere near the front door when he was shot? >> no. >> put me in your brain when you're walking to the car. >> i remember looking at her and i thought whatever. if you are going to shoot me, do it. i stepped over his body, which was the hardest thing to do. there wasn't any other place to go. i remember thinking don't turn around. get in your car and leave. i didn't know what to do. i feel like i was probably in shock.
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>> her memory visit of things shane's body on the outside edge of the porch. he hadn't been in the house at all, which is not the story tucker told the police. >> my mom was against the door trying to push the door. i could see shane trying to get in. moments before my brother died he was assaulted me with the door. >> the discrepancies help to convince the d.a. to charge tucker with manslaughter. it might not be easy to convince a jerry. tucker could be very persuasive. ask anyone who has seen her on camera. oh, speaking of cameras, coming up. >> is coming into the house. >> a cell phone capture stunning video of the kelly and it reveals a very different
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nature's bounty. keith morrison (voiceover): tucker reed was charged with manslaughter, but bailed out in less than a day. and as her case slowly made its way toward trial, >> tucker treed was charged with manslaughter, bailed out in less than hour day. as her case slowly made its way toward trial she made the remarkable decision to audition for a movie about a killer. >> this is a backup in case anything bad happens. if that video, provocative as it was didn't really figure in her case, but another one
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certainly did. a video recorded there as it happens. it's existence unknown until just weeks before tucker was to go on trial. her own lawyer gave it to the prosecution as evidence. >> how did you learn about the videos and when did it happen? >> that was two years later. i received a call from the case agent. he said you are not going to believe this. you've got to come to the sheriff's department. when he pushes a button on his computer my jaw hit the floor. >> tucker have recorded the entire deadly incident on her cell phone. hone. tucker reed: shane needs to stay away from the property. to show shane pacing outside
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the house. tucker puts the phone down, but picks it up again 33 seconds later. seconds later. she's not signing a grant deed. she's not sending a grant deed. she's not signing. i was told it was an-- >> is up >> she was told it was an addendum to her will. >> that is the notary to the left of your screen. >> this is a grant deed. >> do you understand what hour grant deed is? >> he's coming into the house. pick up the gun. >> as the video clearly shows shane does not come into the house. kelly yells at him through the door. >> she's not finding a grant deed, shane. >> frees the video and you can
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see kelly silhouette at the door. shane is not visible and not inside the house. and here just for a moment you can see the gun in tucker's hand. then without warning she fires the gun. the gun. carla tryber: oh, god. kelly moore: she shot him. carla tryber: oh, god. oh, god. oh, tucker. keith morrison (voiceover): with the phone still recording, you can hear kelly ask tucker for the gun. kelly moore: give me the gun, honey. give me the gun. >> with the phone ckerstill recording you can hear kelly asked tucker for the gun. >> give me the gun, honey? >> why? >> then told shane is still alive barely tucker reacts with
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an obscenity. an obscenity. when detective young saw the video he knew right away. >> this was a very different set of circumstances then we were told during the initial interview with tucker. >> during his investigation young discovered just two hours before he was killed shane called the sheriff's office saying he feared for his safety. his safety. remember, tucker told the police she didn't know how the gun worked. that she was surprised when it went off. turned out she had already fired it that very day. very da when detective rtinyoung asked tucker about that hours after shooting shane she seemed caught off guard. >> your uncle called reporting that you fired a gone on the
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property today. >> that's bizarre. >> what was going on in your mind to make you want to test fire that gun to make short work? >> i don't know. >> tucker said after she testfired the god her mom put it on the kitchen table, but hid it under a napkin. >> she said let's put it in a central place just so if there are. >> they were afraid, she said, of what shane might do to them. >> he told my mother if she stands up to him that he would. >> is that something that you saw or your mother told you? >> she told me. >> so tucker never heard shane threaten her. so this question about
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something carlton said he overheard after the killing. >> carlton said that he heard you say something like you told me to do it. do you remember saying something to that effect? >> she told me i had to do it. >> you told me i could do it or something? >> be there. be present while the will addendum stuff is happening. >> but then there was this. kelly to the police just hours after her daughter shot and killed her brother. >> i am so glad he's dead. i do not grieve for my brother. i am glad this man is dead. >> a mother-daughter dynamic almost worthy of a movie. it was daughter tucker who was about to face the judge again.
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and now the charge was murder. >> coming up, tucker reed in court. another dramatic scene . >> if you don't behave i'm going to have to remove you. >> what would her fate the when dateline continues. dateline continues. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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while charged with manslaughter in real life. >> hanewelcome back. actor tucker reed was cast as the killer in a movie while charged with manslaughter in real life. tucker claims she shot her uncle in self-defense. a video of the deadly encounter turned the case on its head, leaving prosecutors to upgrade the charge to murder. now tucker is headed to court where her neck for drama would take center stage. here is keith morrison with the conclusion of killer role. >> no movie role this time. tucker reed charged with murdering her uncle. in january 2019 tucker asked for a hearing, the hearing played out like a trial, complete with evidence and
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witnesses. tucker's own video of the shooting was played, of course. prosecutors also played the call shane made to the sheriff's office earlier that day. office earlier that day. another reason, too. it meant the revolver had been fired twice that day. shane was clearly worried abouth his safety. this call was important for another reason. it met the revolver have been fired twice that day. when detectives examined the don it contained only one empty shell casing, meaning the gun had been reloaded after tucker testfired it. who would have done that? tucker's mom testified under oath it certainly was not her. >> after the gun was testfired did you reload? >> i did not reload it. >> was she pointing the finger at her own daughter? tucker's mom testified she had a run and with shane earlier
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that day. >> he was mostly saying this is my property. you better not mess up my deal with mother. i was afraid. more afraid than i've ever been. i wanted tucker to come off i with the gun. i wanted to have the gun. i was that afraid. tucker came out. she gave me the gun and she took it back from me. she could see that i was panicked. she also knows that i am half blind. >> tucker's all mother had now placed the gun in tucker's hand twice that day. the third time of course was when tucker shot shane. now it was time for the judge to rule. if neil was granted, tucker would be free to pursue her acting career. if denied she would have to
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remain in jail for at least another year awaiting trial. >> no bail. no release. as the judge went on to explain tucker began to sob and hyperventilate. >> if you do not behave i'm going to have to remove you. >> please do. i feel like i'm going to pass out. >> after she was escorted from the court tucker screams could still be heard down the hallway. the filmmaker was in court that day. >> i was there to be supportive. at first there was no doubt in my mind from the stories that we got i could support someone defending themselves, their mother and their family.
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to see contradicting evidence, it -- i was taken aback. >> what was it like to hear your star actors screaming in the hallway as the hearing went on? >> you can't help but think is that another act as well? it wasn't going her way, let's try to shift it. >> detective tony young said tucker was not at all happy about her mother's testimony on the stand. >> i learned a lot from listening to those. it was pretty obvious to me tucker was not the week wilting flower in the whole thing in the dynamic between she and kelly she certainly is the stronger personality. >> tucker is? >> tucker is definitely a lot stronger than she was portraying in court. >> ryan and rhonda moore wanted
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justice for shane. >> he was a good guy. ultimately that is what it comes down to. he was a good guy. he had friends who loved him, nephews who loved him. >> they worried how what a jury reacts to shane? they loved him, but they also knew he was a cranky, reclusive drug user who might be trade as someone less than. >> my brother is not the most sympathetic victim. he doesn't have a history that is going to play well. >> tucker on the other hand. well, we know she played very well. which may be why in may 2020 the d.a. allowed tucker to plead guilty not to murder, but to second degree manslaughter. the d.a. said she had no way of predicting whether hour jury
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would believe tucker was playacting or truly afraid. why do you think they let her plead out to manslaughter? not only manslaughter, manslaughter ii for heaven say? >> i'm going to assume the district attorney wanted to get it out of the way. >> i'm guessing if you are an assistant attorney and you put her on the stand, were you concerned about that? >> yes. >> they were concerned about it. >> i was concerned. >> under the terms of her deal she was sentenced to six years three months in prison, she could be out after serving 5 1/2 years. tucker's dad has he will be waiting for her. >> without taking anything away from my other two children, tucker was my first born. she has always been a brave,
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curious, loving person. >> tucker's mom, kelly, was never charged with anything and now stands to inherit everything. and the movie? there is a seen in from the dark. the moment when all the terror comes to its violent end. a film about a killer, starring al matt keller. -- a killer. who would ever believe it? >> that's all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ateline. thank you for watching. . good morning and welcome to


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