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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  June 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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the like governor will talk about how this is playing out in his state and across the country and what other issues they should be talking about and i will ask him how he thinks the guilty verdict will impact the election. we will be back here tomorrow night at 8:00 and next sunday at noon, but stay where you are because there is much more news coming up on msnbc.
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jaw-dropping numbers from a new poll. what they want trump to do now that he has been convicted. >> good afternoon from washington dc. we began with no reaction from donald trump to the prospect of being jailed. his lawyer also on the talk shows today outlining the defense appealed strategy and saying that trump may not face sentencing at all july 11. we are going to challenge
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this case on appeal. i do not think he is going to end up being subject to any symptoms whatsoever, and we look forward to getting this case into the next court and taken this again all the way to the u.s. supreme court if necessary. >> trump is now the first former american president to be convicted on criminal charges. questioned directly about a potential prison term in his first postverdict tv appearance.>> the judge could decide to say house arrest or even jail.>> i am okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers on television saying you do not want to do that. i said you do not beg for anything. it is the way it is. >> the actress at the heart of the criminal case against trump is breaking her silence in her first interview since the verdict telling the tabloids she wants to see him jailed or used as a punching bag at a women's shelter. >> he has lost touch with reality. you have to find the punishment that not just matches the crime and is fair and just bought thctth a particular person. >> we will get reaction in new
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perspective on what stormy daniels is saying in that interview. another step. 50% of the general american population say they think the verdict was correct. 27% say it wasn't correct. asked whether he should end to his campaign because of the verdict 49% say he should. 37% say he should not be these numbers are similar to april 2023 after trump was indicted by a manhattan grand jury and overall the presidential race remains close within the margin of error. we have reporters and analysts in place ready to cover all of these new developments. we begin in new york. >> folks will recall a year ago the former president opened up that big lead in the gop primary after being indicted. his team hopes they can turn this verdict on its head too, but early polling is showing there may be a contingent of republican independent voters .
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>> this weekend the voters wade in reacting to the former presence guilty confections. >> my reaction was bleep yes. because he deserves it. >> i think this whole thing has been a mockery. i am embarrassed for our country. >> leaving new york for his club in new jersey with a stop at a ufc fight, but for now he has no public campaign appearances scheduled until mid- june. now we are seeing the impact it could have on the presidential race. new poll and taken after the verdict shows a majority approve of the jury's decision. most concerning for trump is the impact it may have on the small pocket of voters on the fence. 11% of gop voters in 26% of independent voters suggesting they are less likely to vote for him now, but largely the
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historic condition keeping the biden trump rematch in that same months long deadlock beware it is changing things is campaign. his team reporting it's rigged in over $52 million since the verdict. narrowing president biden's lead in the cash race. >> no one is above the law.>> republican legislators now lashing out. several senators pledging they are no longer cooperating with democrat legislation or approving judicial appointees. >> they will try to throw him in prison but we are taking the gloves off. >> a difficult fight ahead is the party's presumptive nominee facing legal pressures. >> he has the opportunity to appeal after a sentencing july 11, but the campaign is no referring to him as a victim trying to win at least the court of public opinion in such a tight race. every vote will count. joining me now is former u.s. attorney and now law professor at the university of alabama. and our msnbc legal analyst and cohost of the podcast.
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he has been in the courtroom for the entire trial. thank you both for being here. i want to start with you first. how do you interpret this outline from trump's legal team that they are sang for an appeal in notion that he may not be sentenced at all? >> there is a provision in new york that lets you file motions postverdict like this to see if there are any areas that get the judge's attention. this was a pretty clean trial. i expect to see sentencing july 11 followed by a more traditional appeal. >> you say it has been a clean case. what basis does this case get to the supreme court? >> to get to the united states supreme court there would have to be an error issue of constitutional dimensions, and although his lawyers have suggested in some political
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figures have suggested that might have been immediately more realistically if that were to happen, and i think it's unlikely in this case, but if it were to happen it would follow a full exhaustion of appeals through the state court system.>> trump's lawyer that we just play does not even think he is going to be sentenced.>> defense lawyers have a lot of optimistic things to say for their client after a conviction in virtually every case that i have ever tried, but the reality is when you have been convicted by a jury sentencing follows. all defendants have a right to appeal, and that is a very important part of our system where the appellate court test both the judges decisions about admitting evidence and also legal issues like whether the jury instructions were sound, so his lawyers certainly have a right to and should pursue those arguments on appeal. the judge was very careful with the rulings. they were not one-sided. he often studied them carefully before making them. we will see
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what issues they argue when they finally submit their appellate brief which won't be before late summer or early fall, but at least at 1st glance after observing the trial and reading the transcript carefully it looks like the prosecution is in good shape. >> despite the translators are saying he himself is saying he is okay with either house arrest or even being jailed. what options will be judge consider here and what could influence what ultimately happens in the decision? >> one big factor potentially is the fact that the prosecutors had described their case as a subversion of democracy. that this sort of charge is usually a class c felony and usually uncommon for people who are convicted of such crime to
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receive jail on a first offense particularly at his age, but this is not a normal case. in a normal case there is not a defendant who has a gag order floated 10 times in the findings of a corporate in a usual case that they do not charge into court and first thing that launch misleading attacks against a judges daughter. in a usual case on the statute prosecutors are not describing a subversion of democracy as assistant district attorney put it, so these are all things that could very easily weigh on the judge's mind as he considers his verdict and they could very easily factor into the sentencing briefings as this goes forward. i will say one more word about the options before the judge. it had occurred to me that there was a similar case during the fallout of the 2020 election where right-wing hoaxers have sent deceptive robo calls primarily to black
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communities in a way that was found to be defrauding voters. and in that case the judge came up with a creative solution, and that was having the defendants registered voters in communities, so we could see jail or house arrest. we could see some other option, and so this will all unfold before us now. >> it will be quite a scene seeing him registering voters as a part of some sort of punishment, but i want to play some sound for you because his lawyers and other surrogates on talk shows to say they do not blame the jury for the verdict. instead they blame the judge. criticizing him for his jury instructions and for donating the democrats in 2020. here is what the district
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attorney said about that. >> i really do not think a 20 and $30 donation lies to the level of a serious conflict. obviously others who are speaking for the president strongly disagree with that. i think he handled a very difficult trial with a neutral hand and gave the president every benefit of the doubt that he was entitled to. >> what is your assessment of the judge's approach? >> i think i agree with the said earlier about the measured approach. even the temperamental throughout the trial. talking about the judge handing certain victories to the defense and some to the prosecution. whether it is objections or anything else. during today's morning news interviews one of trump's attorneys had criticized the so- called rulings that had limited or essentially made it clear to trump that if he were to take
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to the stand and testify he could be confronted about certain prior bad acts, and his attorneys have made clear they want to bring that forward on appeal, but i will say this about those rulings. those rulings, like many other, were very measured. they were split down the middle. one of the things prosecutors were not allowed to do if trump took the stand was to ask him about the sexual abuse findings by e. jean carroll that were not allowed to talk about the fact that he was found to have filed a frivolous lawsuit against hillary clinton. these were defense victories, so his legal team may try to pull a harvey weinstein strategy on appeal, but the measure of rulings of the judge in this instance particularly with the sandoval rulings are going to be a significant hurdle. >> that is very interesting. i want to remind folks how we
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got here. they are also talking about the way the investigation was launched after the journal broke the stormy daniels story in january 2018. than august 2018 michael cohen pleaded guilty. implicating donald trump again 10 2019 the feds ended their probe of the hush money investigation without charging donald trump it was december 2021 when he left office without charging trump. february 2020 nixie prosecutors trump's then leading the investigation and they resigned. more than a year later the dea announcing 34 count felony indictment leading the way to may 31, 2024, which is the guilty verdict that was heard around the world here. appeared to maybe have gone away and come back. to give fodder to some of the political rhetoric we are hearing from them that are saying this is politically motivated.
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>> it is certainly being used for political purposes. i can tell you based on 25 years of experience as a prosecutor this is not unusual. sometimes a case appears to have hit a dead end and then down the road sometimes months or years as long as you are within the statute of limitations like this one was. you the new facts come to life for some smart prosecutor comes up with a new legal theory and you are in the position to reevaluate the case may be to bring different charges or more sophisticated charges. it looks like that is precisely what happened here. this is a novel legal theory but also valid. it was fueled by the fact that prosecutors reevaluated the evidence in the case after he became the da. he was hesitant on it initially, or that is the reporter we have at least two when he was apprised of the new approach to the case everyone in the office sat down and thought it was a go. they indicted the case and i
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think the true response to the political disapproval for this lawsuit is that prosecutors indict but don't convict defendants. juries convict defendants. they do it as we heard last week from the judge on the basis of every strict instructions that they may only convict if they believe the evidence is sufficient to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. that is a really high burden for the prosecution, and no one makes that decision. 12 average citizens made that finding, and announced that donald trump was guilty as charged on all accounts. >> it was the 12 jurors that made that decision. a good reminder. stay with me. we will be right back with you. we are going to talk about four very big dates on his calendar. plus more of the reaction
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to donald trump's verdict. back in 90 seconds. stay with us. ap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way.
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up next for donald trump. defense recommendations are due june 13 well prosecution sentencing recommendations are due june 27 the same day the first presidential debate.
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july 11 is sentencing date and four days later he accept the gop nomination for president. stormy daniels is speaking out in her first postverdict interview. she said i think he should be sentenced to jail and some community service working for the less fortunate or being the volunteer punchingbag at a women's shelter. they are back with me. boys are some very interesting words. ting words. is she with in her right to speak out like this?>> stormy daniels has the same first amendment rights that we all do as americans to speak out and say what she wants to say. prosecutors cannot tell her not to speak out. in a perfect world we would all like for the witnesses to stay out of the fray until the appeals process is over, but often you have a case where a victim is not a
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traditional victim, but she certainly has been impacted by it. they have strong feelings. they had been through years of difficult circumstances for themselves, and it is to be expected they might choose to talk to the press when the trial is over. to the point of your question this should not have any impact on the appellate process to the extent there is an issue that translators want to raise. they will talk about whether or not comments made by daniels or michael cohen or anyone else might have influenced the jury either before or during trial. here that seems like it would be a tough path for his lawyers to successfully climb, and i think in a case of this magnitude we have to expect there would be a lot of public commentary by witnesses and others about it.
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>> she's talking about how difficult it was for stormy daniels, and she talked about how difficult it was in her time on the witness stand sitting less than 10 feet away from donald trump. saying it was intimidating with the jurors looking at you, but i am glad it came out in court to prove i have been telling the truth the entire time. it is not over for me and never will be. he made me guilty, but i have to live with the legacy. what stands out about her demeanor during the two days of testimony that you witnessed in the courtroom?>> she talked about her sense of feeling intimidated by the jury. i am nodding in recognition of what i saw on that day one. she looked nervous. she was being testified and it was interesting enough because this was during direct examination. friendly examination by the prosecutors who knew what she was going to say and was just being led gently through her story. on the second day during cross- examination that is where she felt she jumped into her natural wit.
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she was asked a series of very aggressive questions in carried it with humor. time and time again. she had said things like when she was asked about merchandising off of trump she had said merchandising against essentially or excuse me for a moment. that merchandising selling products about the trump prosecution asked about that she said not unlike your client. that was the stormy daniels the people recognized. one who is witty and has these experiences lived and one that i just come to terms with it, so there was a sharp difference night and day between day one and when she overcame the sense of intimidation on day two. >> really interesting when you talk about that change. i want to play a little bit about what he said on friday referencing without saying her
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name. let's watch. >> with these people they were able to use people and nothing ever happened. there was nothing that happened , and they know it, but they were as salacious as they could be, and it had nothing to do with the case, but it had to do with politics. you notice the timing? it was perfect. >> many legal experts have said on this show that if trump admits to having extramarital affairs with streaming daniels and karen mcdougal his defense would have been a slam dunk. why didn't he just admit it, and why do you think he continues to deny this? >> i am not a psychologist. i do think we have a merchandising tip from that clip. maybe she should be selling t- shirts that say people salacious. because it is certainly an interesting way of characterizing her as a witness.
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donald trump could have conceded the affair and likely had it been any other defendant he would have conceded, and i think a fair is a polite word. it really is a one-time sexual encounter. jurors ultimately did not believe that didn't take place. daniels was clear in her testimony. and the problem the defense confronts in this situation is when lawyers have a client who will not face the facts of the case and let them craft a defense that takes into account the facts that are going to be established in court. trump's lawyers could have focused on whether or not he was aware of the repayment scheme after conceding that relationship existed and could have come off a lot more credibly in front of the jury, but because from step one they were forced to take positions the jury that frankly could not credit they ended up in a bad position at the end.
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>> that is one way to put this verdict with donald trump becoming the first former u.s. president to ever be convicted of a felony, so thank you so much for your analysis and your time today. the new hurdle to president biden's a cease-fire proposal for the middle east. that is next. stay with us. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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today israel and hamas are facing growing pressure to accept a new neat cease-fire proposal as israeli prime mr. benjamin netanyahu has accepted an invitation to address a joint session of congress . traveling with president biden in delaware, and she joins me now be where do things stand with the cease-fire proposal?>> reporter: this to has not been
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any movement on this proposal endorsed by president biden on friday. you will remember in the speech he said the onus was on hamas to accept this deal and while they have said publicly they welcomed this proposal they still have not formally agreed to it. we heard from the national security council john kirby this morning who said he expects israel to agree to this if hamas does. that is putting more pressure on the israeli prime minister who says that this deal is a nonstarter unless hamas has destroyed completely. obviously being squeezed from both sides from the families of these hostages and israel who desperately want them to return home as well as from members of his cabinet who are threatening to resign if he accepts this deal. benjamin netanyahu by the way accepting this invitation from house speaker johnson and bipartisan congressional leaders to address a joint session of congress , and the house minority leader is one of the leaders who invited him was
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on meet the press this morning and was asked about her criticism of benjamin netanyahu's handling of this war. take a listen. >> i think there will be ample room to be able to assess what was done right and what may have been done wrong. i certainly criticize the israeli airstrike from earlier this week. we mourn for the loss of people. >> there is still no date set for that address, but his office has he is looking forward to what will be his fourth time addressing a joint session of congress. that appearance will raise questions about whether the prime minister will eventually meet with president biden while in washington.>> thank you so much. breaking news.
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the annual celebrate israel parade is happening right now in new york city. thousands on the ground showing support for israel. we are along the parade route, so what is the atmosphere like and what is security like? >> reporter: we are actually in the midst of the parade along the route here on fifth avenue. it is a very celebratory atmosphere. security is very tight. there are metal detectors and barricades and fencing along central park. the nypd is very clear saying this will be almost new york new year's eve style security. only some entry points coming amid the high tensions with what is going on in the middle east right now. i would say the tone has some music and celebrations, but you can also hear the messages, wring them home. the hostages that are still
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overseas. many calling on officials and dignitaries that are not here to make sure that messaging is not lost. we know there are dignitaries and celebrities and of course elected officials. you can see the masses that are here. what is different this year is we obviously have some of the protests and the things that are highlighting what has been going on in new york city. today not a sign of protesters. just people enjoying the celebration. about 40,000 strong. security is very tight. >> thank you so much for joining us from the parade route as it is happening. the republican members of congress many of them who are lawyers are railing against the donald trump verdict. my next guest was also a leader and has a few thoughts about that. we will be right back. back.
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new reaction in the aftermath of donald trump's guilty verdict including a new morning consul poll showing a majority of voters agree with the jury's decision to convict former president donald trump. tell me a little bit about the
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reaction you are hearing over the weekend. >> that is) we are still in the early stages of understanding how this decision is played out among voters nationwide. he mentioned that morning consul poll that showed a majority of voters approve of the jury's decision here, but that is just one snapshot of public opinion as it continues to evolve. the big question will be how this decision plays out among independent voters and swing voters. well it is still a little early to know for sure we heard from voters across the aisle and across the political spectrum that if they made up their mind ahead of this verdict it did not really change anything about who they were planning to vote for in november. especially true of republicans who were largely standing behind the former president. i want you to hear from one voter in georgia. here is what he had to say about the case. >> i personally do not think it impacts my decision. last time i voted i had just turned 18. i did not have the knowledge about what i knew. won't think about it. it's a
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stain on his resume for sure. that is crazy, but i do not think it will change much. >> as for the former president, he and his defense team are planning to appeal the decision. he was on fox and friends this morning where he continued to cast himself as the victim in this case. >> such interesting reporting especially from the voter who said a conviction is a stain. thank you for that reporting. joining me now is democratic congressman from texas. thank you so much for being here. let's begin with donald trump's felony conviction. your colleagues have been railing against this verdict. calling it corrupt, rigged, a disgrace to our justice system. all of course without showing any evidence. what are your
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thoughts on the verdict, and you think you should serve prison time here? >> i absolutely think he should go to prison. i applied this jury. it took a lot of courage for them to decide they wanted to serve in the first place. we heard about some of the anxiety that they had about potentially serving, and honestly no one should ever walk into a courtroom and feel as if maybe if i serve there might be an issue as it relates to whether or not i will be safe in my home or if my family will be safe. that is a problem, and that is what this particular criminal convicted felon brings to the table. i have represented all folks and i can tell you that even with representing people that were accused and convicted of things like capital murder i never had them concerned about their safety. that is one of the many reasons why he absolutely deserves jail
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time. because he is an ongoing threat to society and to our community, and that is one of the things the judge would take into consideration. as well as the ability to abide by the court's rules and orders, and we have already seen he has no respect whatsoever for the judges orders . >> interesting to hear you say he has no respect for their orders or the criminal justice system because now we have him continuing to claim democrats are using the legal system against him. there is no evidence of that. this morning house speaker johnson said he plans to use congressional authority to fight back. take a listen to what he said. >> we are the rule of law. chaos is not a conservative value. we have to fight back, and we will with everything in our arsenal but we do that within the rule of law. what we will do with our tools in congress in the house is use the oversight responsibility. we have already done that. you saw jim jordan issue a
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request and for the lead prosecutor to show up for a hearing june 13, and we are going to look at special counsel smith, who we believe is abusing his authority as well be the of the funding streams and mechanisms to get control of that. >> you are a member of the oversight committee. we all remember that. i think i bought of that have learned that if you don't do what you think of his plans to fight back and use congressional authority to defend donald trump and republicans? >> number one i want the american people to wake up and see that they can find money to spend money on what it is that they actually want to prioritize. they are saying they have the resources to basically go and attack a state government system. these are the same people that said when it comes to your
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reproductive access and the freedom about what you do with your body we want to leave that up to the states, but this is a state prosecution. there is nothing about this that involves the federal government, but i serve on the weaponization committee as well as the oversight, and this is the definition of weaponize in the federal government basically because it is a matter of if you know the right people hopefully you can get things done on your behalf. this is why people have a problem with government and politicians because they feel they are all corrupt and rotten to the core and showing you exactly who they are. i need the american people to believe them when they show you. they are showing that they do not care about you. they were trying to cut 30 billion from snap just last week. all of a sudden you have money to make sure you can go after a state prosecution instead of feeding americans in this country.>> i also want to ask about this topic. they said after the verdict convicting him they will no longer corroborate with any legislative priorities or
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nominations including senators who are on his short list to become his potential vice president. do you think they will follow through on this? >> i think they absolutely will, but i do not know that they are the most cooperative people that we could go to in the first place. let's be honest. one of the good things right now is that they do control the senate. obviously we have to deal with the filibuster, but let's not pretend this has been a productive congress. when you see those going up and new jobs and an increase in pay that is not because of things that have come out of that. i need people to remember that we have absolutely been productive when we control all
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three of those levers. we know this house is unproductive and interesting the speaker specifically used the terminology of a circus and that not being a conservative value. i would argue that is absolutely who they are. the american people know this has been nothing but a clown show under his leadership and exactly why i believe they are going to make sure that we have the speaker jeffries because the american people know they actually want to get something done instead of everyone deciding the legislative agenda is to bend the knee to donald trump. >> thank you so much for joining us on what is a historic weekend as we take in the news of donald trump being convicted of those 34 felonies. thank you. coming up fast. the date on the calendar that could make or break each presidential candidate. will be verdict play a big part? take a listen. we will be right back. back.
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time will tell just how
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much of an effect donald trump's felony conviction will have on the election. for now in an interview donald trump says the gop is standing behind him. he is also continuing to falsely claim the biden administration is behind the charges.>> the republican party has really stuck together in this. they see it is weaponization of the justice department and fbi. that is all coming out of washington. you may think it is bad. take a look at who opened the case. i am not allowed to talk about it. i have a gag order.>> susan, i want to start with you. could the republican party being so united against the justices to make them vulnerable? especially when you think about where voters are going to say
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maybe i want a party that respects the rule of law. >> that is a great point. it is really what i would focus as the down part of it. if you are in a >> congressional district and want to talk about crime, which seems to be where a lot of republicans are going right now how do you say you want to see stronger laws when you are backing a guy who is a felon over 34 counts? it does create a problem within these districts because it will be about independence or right- leaning independence and some moderate republicans that are really going to be responsible just not on the national level, but on the local level, so i think i was surprised to see so many republicans in tight congressional races back donald trump, but i think that will
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really come back to haunt them. >> certainly going to be something to watch this november. just ahead of the verdict republican former governor of maryland who is now running for senate called on americans to respect the legal process. here is what they said today in response. take a listen. >> i do not support what you just said. i think it's ridiculous and anybody who is not speaking up in the face of really something that should never have seen the light of day in a trial that would never have been brought against any other person.>> she is saying that respect the legal process. saying that is ridiculous. is there danger and how this could affect the trust in overall justice system when you think of this data? >> there is danger. larry hogan is right, and i think the important take away is not just the legal accountability now for donald
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trump of the moral failing of all of the republicans that have surrounded him with this baseless theory that undermines our belief in the system of the criminal justice system and democracy itself. i also think it is stupid politically. what they are doing is stupid political things this week, and here is why. the voters that they need to be persuaded to vote for trump are not the voters persuaded around personal grievance about donald trump's criminality. they do respond to grievance populism and economics that we are being left behind. on that it is still actually effective particularly in a climate where a lot of voters have economic anxiety regardless of where the facts are, but this focus on the justice system and coming after donald trump without any reason, so they will come after you. as somebody hopes republicans
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lose badly i hope they stay on that message because that shows the voters they are focused on donald trump's personal grievance. they are way off message. >> they have been saying they should maybe be focusing on those voters who may or may not be open to voting for president biden and that they might be independent voters that he needs to get over to his side. with that in mind i want to take a look at some of the polls that were conducted immediately after the verdict. 15% of republicans think he should end his campaign in light of that conviction. obviously these can change as they have more time, but is this significant?>> they are a snapshot, but to go to his earlier point. i think larry hogan has to take her remarks as an in
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contribution to his campaign because he is running as a republican in maryland, so to be at odds with donald trump is no hardship for larry hogan. when we look at these polar numbers i think we have to be a little careful because everything is a little new, but at the same time people do not want donald trump's chaos anymore. they are done with it as far as independent voters. his hard-core republicans are going to stay with him, but the one other thing i would caution the biden campaign on is that there was about 5% of republicans who voted for him in 2016 and went to biden in 2020. they are not necessarily a lock for biden in 2024. they could stay home. when you need enthusiasm around every voter you had last time biden still needs some of those voters. >> when talking about what he might need the pulse of this race very close.
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they have president biden leading by just one point, but that is within the margin of error. what do you think could help president biden pull this away more? what you think could shakeup this race? >> i think it is a damming poll. almost holding a mirror up to ourselves in the wake of this event to suggest that half of the country would still support donald trump if that is on us more than joe biden in many ways. he is the sitting president and needs to make a case of protecting our democracy but also access to healthcare and education for all people. also invest in people trying to capture their own quality of life in the united states. i think what is lining up is in intensity campaign by donald trump. the raw intensity of they are out to get me, so stick with me versus a campaign persuasion of
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joe biden. stick with me for another four years and that's protect democracy and deliver in the country for all people.>> thank you so much for breaking all of that down. up next. an incredible sight in the sky marking what happened 80 years ago. your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. the winds are not letting up at all here. we're going to see some power outages. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. are you prepared? you can be with a generac home standby generator. when a power outage occurs, your generac home standby generator automatically powers up, using your home's existing natural gas or propane,
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today's other top stories, and apartment building collapsed in istanbul, turkey killing one person and injuring eight. shocking video taken from a camera across the street chose bystander scurrying to avoid debris. the cause of the collapse is unclear. this just in from atlanta. the city is investigating yet another potential water main break. the city is under a state of emergency as several other water mains have been broken for days. residents are under boil water advisories as crews work around the clock to fix the issue. take a look at this. a mass parachute jump over normandy, france kicks


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