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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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that will do it for us tonight. now it is time for the last
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word with lawrence o'donnell. speaking of great, i am in no less off of your greatness but it's less of a mystery now that i got to spend time hanging with your mother and father a little over a week ago. you know, listen, anyone with that mother and that dad -- i just -- you have such a great launch in life. >> i did. i had a book event in provincetown. lawrence came with his brothers. it was fantastic and really nice and i did not get to see you at the event at all, but you sat with my family and they are all in love with you.
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my mom said, how old is lawrence? >> it is an official secret. >> my dad instantly knew what she was on about. and it was great. it was very kind of you to come. >> i was invited backstage to interrupt you and tony as you are preparing to go on stage, but my rule is never interrupt the stars before going on stage.>> had i known you were lurking, i would've clung to you.>> a packed house in provincetown. by the way, andrew weissmann's sister was there and i could not quite find her in that giant crowd. he's here tonight so i've been able to apologize to him. but it was an amazing night, and , boy, did that room love you.
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>> your very kind. thank you for coming. >> thanks rachel. no american president from george washington to joe biden has ever publicly demonstrated or claimed less of a relationship to religion than donald trump. he has publicly admitted that he does not pray. he might not be the only president who didn't pray, but he's the only one so disconnected from religion that would not occur to him to even falsely claimed that he prays. donald trump says he was brought up presbyterian after being found guilty of 34 felony counts on thursday at 5 pm in his hometown of new york city, donald trump woke up, crossed the hudson river in new jersey on sunday morning at his summer residence in a new jersey golf
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club. there is a presbyterian church across the street. from that country club where donald trump woke up on sunday morning, but as is his custom, he did not go to church on sunday. he never goes to church. never after becoming the first prosecutor in history to convict a former president of crimes, the manhattan district attorney went to church on sunday morning as he always does . it is the churches parents brought him to when he was growing up just a block away from that church. >> i have two words to say, sisters and brothers. are you ready for those words?
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come on. let's give it up for our brother. one of the things brother alvin said, the most heartfelt and compelling aspect of the work that he does with this week was to receive text messages from his students. 's sunday school students. who were so inspired and enriched by him. it made me think of something that happened in may of 1954. 70 years ago we celebrated
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brown versus the board of education. now listen, sisters and brothers. thurgood marshall would not be where he was without the work of charles hamilton houston. but for many years thurgood marshall was a member and stewart of the same episcopal church on 1/34 street. and interesting enough, he would work with young people while he was a member of saint phillips. he told them a story. he said, why are you in church the sunday after brown versus the school board? he said the night it happened we gathered at the legal defense fund and there was a party and i was the first to leave. everyone was walking around saying why are you leaving so early?
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we just won. he said we won this but the real work just begins. so brother alvin, we salute you. we love you and we know that god will be with you and your family. we pray always for your protection and your peace. we know from wherever those great ancestors rest they are all singing your praises, dear brother, and cheering you on. you and your wife and family. let's celebrate him. >> thurgood marshall, the first black supreme court justice did his most important work as a lawyer when his office was within walking distance of that church. the only woman lawyer working with thurgood marshall at the
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naacp legal defense fund was a truly remarkable woman. black lawyers were rare enough in those days. women lawyers were also rare. but there was nothing more rare in the legal profession than a black woman lawyer constant baker motley was at his side she followed thurgood marshall into the federal judiciary and served as a senior federal judge in the final years of her life. the courthouse where jury found donald trump liable for sexually assaulting and lying about e. jean carroll. that federal courthouse where judge constance baker motley was only steps away from the
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manhattan criminal court house where alvin bragg works. donald trump does not understand these people. thurgood marshall constance baker motley, alvin bragg. people who work for government salaries never trying to get rich. dedicated to what for donald trump is just a word. a word he does not understand. justice. he has now met justice thanks to alvin bragg. while alvin bragg was in church donald trump was on fox and friends >> he famously said regarding hillary clinton, "lock her up!". you declined to do it as president. >> is easier when you win. and i could've done it, and i felt it would've been a terrible thing and then this happened to me.
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so i may feel differently about it. i'm not sure i can answer the question. the people saint "lock her up!". then we won and i said openly, all right let's make our country great. >> he is lying when he denies saying that he said "lock her up!". you just heard him say, i did not say "lock her up!". >> everybody screams "lock her up!". >> they should lock her up. >> but that's not the most important thing. and what you just heard him say on sunday morning. the most important think he said was i could have done it >> and i felt, and i could've done it. >> i could have done it.
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he thinks that the president of the united states has the power to lock up someone without a trial or jury unanimously agreed to convict and without a judge sentencing that person to person. i could have done it. no he could not. because thurgood marshall would not let him. alvin bragg would not let him. the founders to today would never let donald trump lock her up and now it's donald trump stern to wait until the sentencing hearing on july 11th to find out if judge juan merchan will lock him up. leading off our discussion is andrew weissmann he is a legal analyst and co-author of the new york times best-selling book the trump indictments.
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also with us is lisa rubin. everyone a veteran of the trump courtroom. it's not that we cannot break up the gang. it is that there's still more to talk about. andrew, over the course of this weekend we saw the two contrasts that we saw in the courtroom. here is alvin bragg teaching sunday school to kids as he does every sunday and there is donald trump telling fox i could have locked her up. i never said i would, and going on in that deranged way of his. this is after him being convicted on thursday. he is still in some kind of trump mode about this imaginary powers. >> as i said when we saw his
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comments after the verdict and alvin bragg, they are embodying the two americas. this is a stark contrast. the other thing we saw today in terms of two different americas is that the current president, who is seeing his son stand trial in a federal case where the current president has the power to tell the doj to get rid of the case. he has the power to issue a pardon. he's not doing either because when you think about this, this is his only living son and he's not doing it because of what it means to be in this country. same kind of principles you were talking about with thurgood marshall and alvin bragg. it is such a contrast.
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there is such a clear, distinct view of what america is and should be in looking at the current president and alvin bragg and other examples and what donald trump has exemplified. >> let's talk about this prosecutor. alvin bragg had a huge decision to make. he knew it was a decision unlike any district attorney had made. the weight of the decision of prosecuting a former president. he made that decision and committed the resources to the team he needed to carry out the decision that he made. he was in the courtroom for the entirety of the summations by the lawyers. he was there out of responsibility and support for the people he can't at this prosecution over to. what we learn about alvin bragg as a result of this case?
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>> we know he's a public servant . one of the images that sticks with me from the trial in addition to sing that footage from the church this weekend is his press conference after the verdict. is flanked by the members of his staff and over one of his shoulders is not the lead attorney but a paralegal who took the stand. when he was in the courtroom he said he was there episodically. the times he made it a point to be there was when his paralegals had to testify to authenticate documents in the case, and he was there for those public servants knowing that that was going to be a difficult moment in their young lives as public servants and wanting to show the full support of the office for them. contrast that to the parade sycophants that we saw every day when trump walked in and left the courtroom.
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it was starting with trump than with trump family members then delete lawyers on the case all the way down to the aid who is called the human printer because she brings portable printer with her to print out the stacks of custom compiled press pieces just for donald trump's consumption. i could not find it more stark that alvin bragg is a person who is an egalitarian public servant who feels duty-bound to support all the members of his office and you saw on that videotape, he's not smiling or taking a victory lap. he was the same person in the courtroom as he was in his own church as every member there is giving him a standing ovation. he's calm. he's modest. there is a humility about him that i don't think most people
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saw. they were instead indulging their own expectations. and we've learned better now.>> adam, he had to put the team together that he sent out into the courtroom. how would you assess that team and how they worked together under his coordination? >> i would say that team -- and i would be remiss not to mention the team went through shakeup before this trial began. before this trial began he lost two top deputies and the deputies had wanted him to bring in an entirely different case and he reassembled his team who brought together a very different case. the original case was going to be tax fraud and he cut a much
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larger aperture and it was about the election. and he had everyone from everyone to reeducate them. and from day one suddenly for years when lisa was talking earlier about his calmness and not showing his hand. he knew there were messages like keith davidson saying what have we done and talking about trump going into office on election night. he did not breathe a word of that. he played the cars's close to his vest and the team he assembled really reconceptualized everything we thought about this case that had been brewing for years. >> we will be back and talk about how judge merchan will
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trump is complaining that his sentencing is scheduled for four days before the republican convention. here is how that happened. his lawyer asked for it telling the judge, your honor, we would ask for a date for sentencing on some date in mid-to-late july. the reason for that is, as the
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court is aware, president trump faces other charges in other jurisdictions in the case in florida there's a three-day hearing scheduled for late june and the work ahead of that hearing requires counsel to be in florida inside a skiff for much of the time between now and the date of hearing and also the date of the hearing itself, which will require us to not be able to focus on this matter. we respectfully request a date at some point in mid-to-late july for sentencing. the prosecutor said, judge, the standard adjournment is six weeks. will not oppose a date in mid july. and the judge said we will adjourn this matter for sentence two july 11th. andrew, sometimes the trump nonsense is beyond description.
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he got the sentencing date his lawyer asked for.>> what is your point? i mean, the parade of lies about the trial in spite of the fact that is in black and white. this is not one where you can argue. you have his claim now which is i wanted to testify but they prevented me. that's is alive. it is demonstrably not the case. the judge made sure on the record. the claim that this was fabricating there was no evidence, the first three witnesses were all aligned with him. david packer, hope hicks, and the chief accounting officer where all people aligned with
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him and none were accused in any way shape or form of lying to the defense not a word was said about their testimony being false. this is where there is actually a record and it is just as false as the sentencing date.>> no mandatory minimum in any of the charges that he's facing. what will the judge's considerations be? >> one of the leading considerations will be lack of remorse. remorse is a big factor in sentencing. and you think what defendant shows remorse? and a lot of them have an opportunity to reflect on what
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they've done and they come to sentencing and their apologetic. on the contrary here not only do we have a person who has pointed out multiple times has been found to be in contempt of court with respect to the gag order 10 times but has a number of other violations of the gag order that we as the press corps witnessed and the da never brought to the judge's attention. count on those to factor into sentencing from the da's perspective. they want to go to the judge and say this is a person who deserves punishment notwithstanding the fact that he's a first time offender. you cannot quantify the damage done by falsification of business records. it's not like he stole $50,000 from adam. but what he did was worse and he risked the foundation of our democracy elections for his own
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self-interest. i think the fact that now he is as outraged as he is about the result will be something the da will want the judge to consider at sentencing. spoke one of the considerations a judge faces is the opportunity and the possibility of this particular defendant committing a crime like this again. if trump were not a candidate for president and he is 77 years old and he's out of the zone of being able to commit this crime again, he's right in the middle of that zone right now. >> we are in the middle of an election. he is currently charged with alleged crimes related to the last election and we are in an election season. this goes beyond any expenditure of money. i keep going back to the gravity of the conspiracy that the prosecution proved to the
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satisfaction of the jury that this was a subversion of democracy. and it lasted more than a year and the co-conspirators in the prosecution framing of the case , quite a few thought that the conspiracy was illegal and put trump in the white house. that is embedded in the verdict that they believed these co- conspirators in their own words and text messages and they had to find the election conspiracy to convict him 34 times. >> we will reconvene for sentencing day. any hint between now and sentencing what will happen? >> we will get papers. we will be getting submissions -- i think alvin bragg, i
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expected to be hard-hitting but fair. so we will have that.>> thank you very much for joining us again. i appreciate it. the republican speaker of the house and his friends on the supreme court are deeply concerned about trump's conviction. senator sheldon whitehouse wants to know how mike johnson knows what his friends on the supreme court are thinking. he will join us next. ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more
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mike johnson said this after trump was found guilty 34 times in a manhattan courtroom last week. but i do believe the supreme court should step in. >> mike johnson is a lawyer and a very pious christian. he believes in miracles, but it did not sound like he was hoping from a miracle. it sounds like he was expecting his friends on the supreme court to save donald trump. but the justices on the court, i know them personally and i think there is deeply concerned about that as we are. >> joining us is senator sheldon whitehouse. he's the author of the scheme.
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senator, what is the speaker talking about? >> i have no idea, but it sure sounds like he's talking about a conversation with justices who are his personal friends that led him to believe that they are very concerned about the trump convictions and they are likely to step in. if that is true, that is a brutal blow to court that is already teetering from ethics scandal after ethics scandal. >> i listened to it a couple of times. i could not quite decide whether he means the supreme court will let the appeals process run its course in this
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particular case and it will eventually after a long time yet to the supreme court and then they will overturn it, or, the supreme court in the presidential immunity ruling will somehow wipe out this case with that rule. >> i been wrong about this immunity case for a while now. i thought this is where the supreme court would try to redeem selves with a fast 9-0 decision saying what everybody already knows, which is that presidents are not above the law and are not entitled to immunity after they've left office. so here we are five months later. so much for the quick decision, and here we are with justice alito comments in the argument that suggests he's taking the
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argument seriously. we could very well have a split decision. but i would be surprised if they could get a majority to say that there is a serious presidential immunity and reach on into private and political conduct in a state criminal proceeding. like i said, i've been wrong about these guys before. i'm overestimating them again that they won't screw this up.>> justice alito in the argument was spouting the notion that every district attorney in america could prosecute every president every time, which is him suggesting that it doesn't require evidence to do that. but since then with his flags flying, we have learned more about the mindset of justice
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alito. >> we sure have. i think flying two maga flags over your two residences, i think flag flying is the definition of an appearance. and it is an appearance of bias because these are flags that are symbolic to the trump maga movement and were carried into the demonstrations and the sacking of the capitol building on january 6th. it's a very serious appearance. but he basically just blamed this on his wife. the one thing i would add to this is behind the peculiarities of his statement and behind the fact that they are inconsistent with statements of other witnesses that are corroborated by
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documents and reporters is the problem that the supreme court is not amenable to fact-finding about its conduct. they are the only nine people in all of government who are not amenable to fact-finding. even president biden had to have an official interview about his documents in his garage. if the president can be interviewed and every other official in government can be interviewed and obliged to give a proper statement, why is it that the body that is supposed to enforce legal process in this country is the one that does not allow the most basic regiment of legal process and that is real fact-finding as to itself. >> thank you very much for joining us again tonight.>> thank you. dr. anthony fauci has saved millions of lives. first by leading the public health
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we are here to investigate covid-19 pandemic and to explore lessons learned. positive or negative and to better prepare future pandemics. >> that may have been why the republican chairman of that committee was there. he is a physician whose questioning was mostly respectful. but marjorie taylor greene showed up in her uncouth performance included refusing to call dr. anthony fauci a doctor. she, as the consistent front runner for the stupidest house member, said she does not think he's a doctor. most republican members of the committee spent their time trying to indict him for what they falsely said was his refusal to even consider that covid-19 could have originated in a lab in china. the top democrat on the committee, who is also a
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physician, summarized what the investigation has discovered. >> over the past 15 months the select subcommittee has port over more than 425,000 pages provided to us by government agencies and private citizens. we've conducted more than 100 hours of closed-door interviews with current and former scientists and federal officials. we found the following. dr. anthony fauci did not fund research through the alliance grant that caused the covid-19 pandemic. he did not lie about research in wuhan, china. and he did not orchestrate a campaign. the select subcommittee does not possess a shred of evidence to substantiate these extreme allegations that republicans have levied against him for
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nearly 4 years. >> in his opening statement he explained how his leadership led to the quick development of life-saving covid vaccines. >> prior to my retirement from federal service in december of 2022, i was at the nih for 54 years and director for neid for 30 years. i was deeply involved in the scientific and public health response to several infectious disease outbreaks including hiv- aids, pandemic flu, ebola and zika flew in under my leadership we were well- positioned to respond to covid- 19. for 2 decades prior to covid we had investigated and invested billions of dollars in technology and design both of which led to the swift development of covid vaccines. less than 11 months after the
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identification of this new virus, safe and highly effective vaccines were widely available and unprecedented accomplishment in the history of vaccincology that saved tens of billions of lives. >> tens of millions of lives saved by the work of dr. anthony fauci. he read one of his own emails urging at the beginning of the pandemic research on a possible lab leak of the virus. >> i now quote from an email i sent to a professor on february 1st, 2020. jeremy, i just got off the phone with christian anderson and related his concern about the site mutation in the spike protein of the virus. i told him that as soon as possible he and eddie should get a group of evolutionary biologists together to carefully examine the data to determine if his concerns were
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validated and they should be reported to the appropriate authorities. i would imagine that in the usa this would be the fbi and in the uk it would be -- in the meantime i will alert my u.s. government official colleagues of my conversation with you and christian and determine what further investigation they recommend. let us stay in touch. it is inconceivable that anyone who reads this email could conclude that i was trying to cover up the possibility of a lab leak. i have always kept an open mind to the different possibilities. >> would you have any reason to cover up any new scientific evidence relating to the origins of the covid-19 virus? >> absolutely not, and that's why it was important to get people together to discuss this in a transparent way. >> have you spent your whole life trying to determine the
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causes of infectious diseases and then stop them to protect the american people?>> yes, i have. my goal during the pandemic was to play a role with my team and the vaccine research center to develop a safe and effective vaccine. we did that in an unprecedented short period of time never seen before in the annals of vaccincology. we know those vaccines have resulted in saving hundreds of thousands of lives in the united states and millions of lives throughout the world.>> he did not have to be there. he was not subpoenaed. but there he was. with his wife sitting patiently and attentively and supportively behind him. he was testifying voluntarily. to a republican-controlled committee. he had already voluntarily testified in private to the same committee for 14 hours.
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and the republicans could not find a single thing to backup the horrible lies that some of them have told about dr. anthony fauci. when republicans could not come close to making their accusations about dr. anthony fauci stick because the kind of thing that works on fox does not work when anthony fauci is there to answer questions, the republicans shifted to complaining about cruelty of animal to animal research. >> the animal experiments that are conducted by and funded by nih go through strict regulations of the proper use of animals and research. with all due respect, i'm not trying to be confrontational. >> nobody knew what she was talking about.
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congresswoman debbie dingell asked about the threats he lives with every day. >> there have been everything from harassments by emails, text messages, letters of myself, my wife, my three daughters. there have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals and credible death threats means that someone was on their way to kill me. it is required my having protective services essentially all of the time. it is very troublesome to me and much more troublesome because they involve my wife and my three daughters. >> at these moments how do you feel? >> terrible. >> joining us now is raul ruiz.
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he's a former emergency room physician. thank you very much for joining us. what was the most important point that you think was made at this hearing today? >> the most important point was that accusation after accusation , we debunked all of their accusations through funding through eco-health created during the pandemic and then trying to lie about it and covered up and suppress the truth. this has been, three quarters of their congress and what they've worked around to prove and we have completely debunked it. the other thing that was important to note the irresponsible and reckless behavior that even though they know the accusations are false they continue to spread the information for partisan gain,
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which is dangerous for 2 reasons. it manufactures distrust in science and distrust in public health agencies and it leads to targeting dr. anthony fauci and other public officials for death threats like you showed here right now. >> we are out of time for tonight. thank you very much for joining us.>> thank you. >> we will be right back.
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thank you for your appearance today and your decades of service. your leadership to republican and democratic administrations and all americans, save countless lives and resources. >> thank you for your testimony and your service. you are a world renowned scientists and patriot. those facts are not disputable. >> thank you and your entire e. team. the science saved millions of lives and kept us safe, including my children. >> i would like to thank you for your testimony and for your decades of service to the nation. >> thank you dr. anthony fauci is tonight's last word.