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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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all right, that's going to do it for us tonight. it's been great to have you here. now it's time for the last word with the great lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence. >> good evening, rachel. speaking of great. i am in no less awe of your greatness, but it is less of a
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mystery to me now that i got to spend some real time hanging with your mother and father. and your brother just a little over a week ago. and so, you know, listen. anyone with that mother and that tab, you had such a great launch and life, rachel maddow. >> yes, i did. lawrence, i will tell everybody what you're talking about. i had a book event in provincetown. it was fantastic. it was really nice. and i did not get to see you at the event at all. but you sat with my family, and they are all in love with you. my mom, i'm going to totally embarrass her. how old is lawrence? [ laughter ] >> it is an official secret. >> hey.
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and my dad instantly knew what she was on about. and hey, it was great. it was very kind of you to come. it was really nice. >> and i was invited backstage to interrupt you and tony kirschner, but my rule is never interrupt the stars before going on stage. >> i known you were lurking in the doorway, i would have clung to you. thank you. >> and packed house in provincetown. by the way, andrew weissmann's sister was there, and i missed her. i couldn't quite find her in that giant crowd. so i have been able to apologize them directly. but boy did that room love you. >> oh lawrence, you're very kind. i'm going to explode from plushing. thank you for coming. >> thanks, rachel. well no american president from george washington to joe
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biden has ever publicly demonstrated or claimed less of a relationship to religion than donald trump. he has publicly admitted that he doesn't pray. he might not be the only president who didn't pray, but he's the only one so disconnected from religion that it wouldn't occur to him to even falsely claim that he prays. he says he was brought up presbyterian after being found guilty of 34 felony counts on thursday at 5:00 p.m. in his hometown of new york city. donald trump woke up across the hudson river in new jersey on sunday morning at his summer residence in a new jersey golf club. there is a presbyterian church across the street. from that country club, where donald trump woke up on sunday
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morning. donald trump didn't go to church on sunday. he never goes to church, never. after becoming the first prosecutor in history to convict a former president of crimes, the manhattan district attorney went to church on sunday morning as he always does. it is the church his parents brought him to when he was growing up just a block away from that church.
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did his most important work as a lawyer when his office was within walking distance of that church in harlem. the only woman lawyer working with thurgood marshall in that office in the naacp legal defense fund was constance baker motley, a truly remarkable woman. black lawyers were rare enough
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in those days. women lawyers were also rare. but there was nothing more rare in the legal profession than a black woman lawyer. constance baker motley was at thurgood marshall's side at all his important legal victories as a lawyer including brown verses the board of education. constance baker motley followed thurgood marshall into the judiciary and served as a senior federal judge in the final years of her life. in the daniel patrick monehan in lower manhattan, the courthouse where a jury found donald trump liable for sexually assaulting and lying about e. jean carroll. that federal courthouse where judge constance baker motley, it was only steps away from the manhattan criminal courthouse where alvin bragg works. donald trump doesn't understand these people.
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thurgood marshall, constance baker motley, alvin bragg, people who work for government salaries, dedicated for with a is just a word, a word he doesn't understand, justice. donald trump has now met justice thanks to alvin bragg. while alvin bragg was in church, donald trump was appearing on fox and friends. >> you famously said regarding hillary clinton, lock her up. you declined to do that as president. >> i beat her. it's easier when you win, and i felt i could have done it, but i felt it would have been a terrible thing and then this happened to me. so i may feel differently about it. i can't tell you. i'm not sure if i could answer the question. hillary clinton, i didn't say her lock her up, but the people said lock her up, then we won.
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and i said pretty openly, i said all right, come on, let's relax. let's go. we need to make our country great. >> and he's lying, of course, when he defies saying that he said lock her up. you actually just heard donald trump say i didn't say lock her up. >> everyone screams lock her up, lock her up. >> they should lock her up. >> you should lock her up, i'll tell ya. >> but that's not the most important thing that donald trump said in what you just heard him say on sunday morning. the most important thing donald trump said was i could have done it. >> and they said lock her up. i felt i could have done it. >> i could have done it. donald trump actually thinks that the president of the united states has the power to lock up someone without evidence, without a trial, without a jury, unanimously
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sending that person to prison. no, you couldn't because thurgood marshall wouldn't let him, alvin bragg wouldn't let him. the defenders of the constitution from the founders to today would never let donald trump lock her up. and now it's donald trump's turn to wait until his sentencing hearing on july 11 to find out if judge juan merchan will lock him up. former fbi and general council and former chief, an msnbc legal analyst, and coauthor of "the trump indictments." also with us, lisa ruben, nbc correspondent, and everyone, a veteran of the trump courtroom. it's -- it's not that we just
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can't break up the gang. it's that there is still more to talk about. and andrew, over the course of this weekend, we saw the two contrasts that we saw in that courtroom. there's alvin bragg teaching sunday school to kids as he does every sunday. and there is donald trump telling fox, i could have locked her up. i could have done it. i never said lock her up. going on in that deranged way of his. this is after him being convicted on thursday. he's still some kind of mode about his imaginary powers. >> well, as i said when we saw trump's comments after the verdict and we saw alvin braggs. they are embodying the two americas. this is a really stark
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contrast. the other thing we saw today in terms of two americas is the current president who is seeing his son stand trial in a federal case where the current president has the power to tell them the department of justice to get rid of the case. he has the power to issue a pardon. he's not doing either. when you think about what it is, this is his only living son. he's not going it because of what it means to be in this country with alvin bragg, constant baker, and thurgood marshall. it is such a contrast. there is such a clear distinct view of what america is and should be in looking at the sort of current president in
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alvin bragg and others and what donald trump has exemplified. >> lisa, let's talk about the prosecutor. alvin bragg has the huge decision to make. he knew it was a decision unlike any that any district attorney ever made before. the weight of the decision. he made that decision. he committed the resources to the team that he needed to carry out the decision that he made and he was in the courtroom for some of the testimony and for the entirety of the submission by the lawyers and clearly the support for the people that he handled them the prosecution over to. what have we learned about alvin bragg, manhattan district attorney as a result of this case? >> we learned that alvin bragg is a public event and a characteristic one through and through. one of the images that will stick with me in that trial and in addition to seeing them this
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weekend is alvin bragg's press conference after the verdict. he is flanked by the members of his staff over one of his shoulders. it's not the lead attorney, but the paralegal who took the stand. when he was in the courtroom, he mentioned that there and the two times he made it a point to be in there is when his two paralegals had to testify to awe then kate documents in the case. he was there for those 20 something public servants, knowing that was going to be a very difficult moment in their young lives as public service, wanting to show contrast that w higher parade that we saw every day. it was literally in rank order, starting with trump, then with trump family members, then with the lead lawyers on the case, all the way down to the aide who is called the human printer because she brings a portable
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printer with her wherever she goes in order to print out those stacks of custom compiled press pieces just for donald trump's consumption. i could not find that more stark that alvin bragg is a person who is really a gallonarin to support all the members of his office. and you saw in that video tape, he's not smiling. that's not a performative source that we saw in the courtroom. he was the same person in the courtroom as he was in his own church of his youth as every member there is giving him a standing ovation. he's calm, he's modest. there's a humility about him that most people saw and instead frankly indulging the soft bigotry of their own expectations on both sides of the political spectrum when it
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came to alvin bragg. we all learned better now. >> adam, alvin bragg had to put be the team together that he sent out into that room. how would you assess that team and how they worked together under alvin bragg's coordination? >> i would be remised not to mention the team that went through a shakeup before this trial began. that he lost before this trial began, and he was proven right that the deputies had wanted him to bring in an entirely different case, and he reassembled his team who brought together a very different case here. the original case was going to be tax fraud, and he cut a much larger thing and it was about the election. and he had everyone from
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steinglass reeducate the public as we were calling it the hush money case for ages. and when peck beer took the stand that for years, lisa was talking about. he knew there were messages saying what have we done? talking about trump going into office. he didn't breathe a word of that and he played the cards close to his vest. and everything we would think about this case. >> we'll be back with the courthouse to talk about how judge merchan is going to be handling sentencing. we'll be right back. tment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment
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how much you can save. defendant trump is now complaining that his sentencing is scheduled for four days before the republican convention. here is how that happened. donald trump's lawyer asked for it. on some date in mid to late july. the reason for that as the court say ware, president trump faces other charges and other jurisdictions. the case in florida, there's a three-day hearing trial.
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it requires council to be in florida inside a scif for much of the time between now and the date of the hearing. and also the date of the hearing itself, which will require us to just not be able to focus on this matter. so we respectfully request a date at some point in mid to late july for sentencing. prosecutors said judge, the standard adjournment is six weeks, so i won't oppose a date in mid-july. and the judge said we will adjourn this matter for sentence to july 11. back with us now, andrew weissmann, lisa ruben, and andrew classfield. but sometimes it is beyond description silly. he got the sentencing date, his lawyer asked for. >> that's your point? [ laughter ]
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>> the parade of lies about the trial. this is the one you go to the video tape. i mean this isn't one where you can argue. you have his claim now, which i wanted to testify, but they prevented me to lie. i mean it is not the case and the judge actually made sure on the loud that he knew it. the claim that this was fabricated. the first three seasonses were all alonged with him. and the chief accounting officer were all people aligned with him and none of them were accused in any way, shape, or form. and not a word was said about
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their testimony before false and now there is no evidence and it is just a witch hunt including joseph biden, this is just as false as the claim as the sentencing date. >> no mandatory minimum prison sentence involved in these charges or any of the charges that donald trump is facing. and what will judge merchan's considerations be? >> i think one of the leading considerations here is going to be lack of remorse. and you might think what defendant who has just been convicted shows remorse? actually a lot of them have an opportunity to reflect on what they have done. they come to sentencing, deeply apologetic in many cases. sometimes not always sincerely, but deeply apologetic. on the contrary here, not only
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does the person that andrew has been pointed out, ten times, but will have a number of other violations that we witnessed. and count on those to factor into the sentencing from the d.a.'s perspective. they want to be able to say this is a person that deserves a punishment and you cannot quantify with a has been done here. meaning it's not as if he stole $55,000 from adam, that he risked the foundation of our democracy for his own self- interest. and the fact that now he is as outrageous as he about the result will be something they
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want merchan to consider at sentencing. >> and he faces the opportunity, the possibility of this particular defendant committing a crime like this again. and if donald trump were not a candidate for president and he 77 years old, the judge could say well, he's out of the zone of being able to commit this crime again. turns out he's right in the middle of the zen right now. >> that is absolutely the case. we are in the middle of an election. he is currently charged related to the last election. and as lisa was saying, this will go beyond money and i want to keep going back to the gravity that the prosecution alleged and approved the satisfaction that this was in their words, a subversion of democracy. and that it lasted for more than a year and the co-
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conspirator and the framing of the case all thought there were quite a few of them thought that their conspiracy was illegal and b, put trump in the white house, and that is embedded that they believe these co-conspirators in their own words and they had to find that election conspiracy to convict him 34 times. >> and we will be reconvening for sentencing day and many times between now and then. any hint on what will happen at sentencing? >> can you get any open hints about that? >> what we will be getting is submissions that will be pretty it. and exactly. and we know, you know, it will say zero. but i think the alvin bragg one, i expect it to be hard hitting, but fair. and so we will have that.
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>> andrew weissmann, lisa, adam. thank you very much for joining us. coming up, the republican speaker of the house says his friends on the supreme court are deeply concerned about donald trump's conviction by a manhattan jury. they want to know how mike johnson knows with a his friends on the supreme court are thinking. senator white house joins us next. a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection,
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the current and temporary speaker of the house,
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republican mike johnson said this after donald trump was found guilty 34 times on the manhattan courtroom last week. >> i do believe that they would step in obviously. >> mike johnson is a lawyer and a publicly very bias christian who believes in miracles. but it did not sound like he was hoping for a miracle, but was expecting his friends on the supreme court to save donald trump. >> the justice son the court, and i know many of them personally. they are deeply concerned about that as we are and they will set that straight. >> joining us now is sheldon whitehouse and chairs the committee on federal courts and the author of the scheme. how they used dark money to capture the supreme court. what is the speaker talking about?
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>> i have no idea, but it sure sounds like he's talking about a conversation with justices who are his personal friends to let them believe they are very concerned about the trump convictions and that they are likely to step in. and if that is true, it is a brutal blow to a court that has been teetering from ethic scandal after ethic scandal. >> and i listened to it a couple of times and ur in this will eventually after a long time get to the supreme court and then it will overturn it or if the supreme court and their
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immunity ruling that will be coming out soon will somehow wipe out this case with that impunity ruling. >> yeah, i have been wrong about this immunity case for a while now. i thought this is where they would try to redeem themselves and saying what everybody knows, that presidents are not above the law and they are not entitled to immunity after they left office. so much for the quick decision and here we are with the alito comments in the oral argument that suggests he's taking the argument seriously. so we could very well have a split decision. i would be surprised if they could get that majority of five
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and then to reach on into private and political conduct in a state criminal proceeding. you know, like i said, i've been wrong about these before. and i seem to overestimate them and if they won't screw it up this badly. >> well, alito in the oral argument was spouting the notion that every district attorney in america would be able to prosecute every president every time, which, of course, is the supreme court justice suggesting that it does not require evidence to do that. but since then with his flags flying, we've learned even more about the mindset of justice alito. >> yeah, we sure have. and flying over your two residences, i think it is kind
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of the definition of the appearance. and these are flags that are symbolic and tay carry into the demonstrations and the stacking of the capitol on january 6. and so it is a very serious appearance that alito basically just left off and blamed on his wife. the one thing i would add to this because you've been an observer and behind the peculiarity behind the fact they are inconsistent with statements that have corroborated by documents and reporters, things like that and the problem that they are not amendable to fact finding about their conduct. and the only nine people in all of government who are not
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amendable to fact finding. even president biden had to sit and have an official interview about his documents in his garage. if the president of the united states could be interviewed and every other official can be interviewed and be given a proper statement, why is it the body that's suppose to be enforcing legal process in this country is the one that does not allow the legal process as to itself. >> sheldon whitehouse, thank you for joining us again. coming up, dr. anthony fauci has saved millions and millions of lives. first by leading america's public health response to hiv/aids, and then by speeding the development of a coronavirus vaccine. the first thing we should all say to dr. fauci is always
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from was there. he is a physician whose questioning today was mostly respectful. but marjorie taylor greene showed up too in her uncouth performance including refusing to call dr. fauci a doctor. she, as the front runner for the members of the house of representatives in history actually told dr. fauci that she does not think he is a doctor. most spent their time trying to indict dr. fauci for what they falsely said was his refusal to consider covid-19 could have originated in a lab in chi who. and summarized what the committee's republican led investigation has discovered. >> over the past 15 months, the subcommittee has poured over more than 425,000 pages of
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documents provided to us by government agencies, universities, and private citizens. we have conducted more than 100 hour of closed door interviews with 20 current and former federal officials and scientists. and what we have found is the following. dr. fauci did not fund research through the ecohealth that caused the covid-19 pandemic. dr. fauci did not lie about gaining function research in wuhan, china. and dr. fauci did not orchestrate a campaign to suppress the lab leak theory. after 15 months, the subcommittee still does not provide a shred of evidence to substantiate these extreme allegations that republicans have levied against dr. fauci for nearly four years. >> in his opening statement, dr. fauci explained how his leadership led to the quick development of life saving
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covid vaccines. >> prior to my retirement from federal service in december, 2022, i had been at the nih for 54 years, and director for more than 38 years. in those posts, i was deeply involved in the scientific and health response including hiv, aids, ebola, zika. so under my leadership, we were well positioned to respond to covid-19. for at least two decades prior to the covid outbreak, we had invested billions of dollars in research on the mrna technology, which let to the swift developments of the vaccines. safe and highly effective vaccines were available and in the history of what saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. >> tens of millions of lives.
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he read one of his own e-mails urging the very beginning of the pandemic, research on a possible lap leak of that virus. >> and i now quote to an e-mail that i sent on february 1, 2020. and he relayed to me the concern about the spike protein in the virus. as soon as possible, he, and eddie holmes, should get a group of biologists together to carefully exam the data to determine if his concerns are validated as they should report it to the appropriate authorities. i would imagine in the u.s.a., this would be the fbi and then the u.k., it would be mi5.
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and i will alert them to determine what further investigation they recommend. let us say in touch. and it is inconceivable that anyone could conclude that i was trying to cover up the possibility of a lab leak. >> would you have any reason to cover up any new evidence that is relating to the origins of the virus? >> absolutely not and that is the reason why it was so important to get it together. >> have you spent your whole life trying to determine the causes of infectious diseases? >> yes, i have. >> and during the pandemic was to play a role with my team at
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the research center to develop a safe and effective vaccine. and we did that in an unprecedented short period of time. never seen it as we all know that vaccine and those vaccines have resulted in saving hundreds of thousands of lives in the united states, and millions of lives throughout the world. >> he didn't have to be there. he was not subpoenaed, but there he was, sitting behind him. he was testifying voluntarily to where the committee had voluntarily testified in private to that same committee be republicans could not find a single thing to back up the horrible lies that some of them have told about dr. anthony
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fauci. when republicans couldn't even come close to making their accusation today and because of the kind of thing that will work on fox does not work when anthony fauci is there to answer questions. the republicans shifted to complaining about cruelty of animal research. >> well, the animal experiments that are conducted by and funded by nih go through strict regulations with the research. i'm not trying to be competent. i'm not sure what you're talking about. >> no one knew what you were talking about. he asked dr. fauci about the threats that he lives with every day. >> and there have been
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everything from harassments by e-mails, texts, letters of myself and my wife, my three daughters. there have been credible death threats leading to the arrests of two individuals. and it means someone who was clearly on their way to kill me. and it is required for having protective suss all the time. it is much more troublesome because that will involve my wife. >> at these moments, how do you feel? >> terrible. >> joining us now is dr. rallies but it was a former emergency room position. doctor, thank you very much for
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joining us tonight. what's the important important point that you think you made today. >> accusation after accusation that we would lead on to all the accusations. and dr. fauci through funding, created the covid pandemic, then trying to lie about it, cover it up, and suppress the truth. this has been three quarters of this congress. their thesis and what they have done to work tirelessly around to prove, and we have completely debunked it. and even though they know that their accusations are false. they will continue to spread that information for partisan game, which is two this trust in sign, dust tryst in this and
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it leads to targeting dr. fauci and other officials for violent death threats as you just showed here right now. >> congressman ruiz, we're out of time tonight. thank you very much for joining us. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at
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thank you, dr. fauci for your appearance today and for your decades of service to our country. your leadership and your
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service to republican and democratic administrations and all americans save countless lives and resources. we owe you a debt of gratitude. >> dr. fauci, thank you for your testimony and your extraordinary service to the american people. we owe you a selective thank you. you are a world renown scientist and an americans. >> and thank you, sir for your entire team of saving lives in this country. >> thank you for your science. thank you for your science that has saved millions of american lives, kept us safe including my children, many of our families right here. >> dr. fauci, i'd like to thank you for your testimony today. and i would like to thank you for your decades of service to our nation. >> thank you, dr. fauci is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. launches new attacks and calls on the