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tv   Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire  MSNBC  June 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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sought by conservatives at the state level. >> when you understand the story of how roe fell what was that legislation to courts, to law and a cultural transformation pipeline, then you can understand, okay, this makes sense in the other big cultural, transformative cases play out. >> like i said it is so comprehensive and the fact you've talked today the right about how they won the war or at least the battle, it makes it essential reading. authors of "the fall of roe" which is right now on book shelves or wherever you order books or kindles, e.-readers. thank you for being here. that is our show for this evening. "way too early" with jonathan lemire. these repeated attacks on the justice department are unprecedented, and they are
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unfounded. these attacks have not, and they will not influence our decision making. i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated. >> that's attorney general merrick garland striking a defiant tone as he defended the justice department during a contentious hearing between house republicans. we'll show you how it unfolded and what happens next as garland faces a potential contempt vote in congress. plus we'll dig into donald trump's new comments that he may jail his political opponents if he is re-elected to a second term. and also ahead president biden signed an executive order drastically tightening the border, and now he's getting backlash from some democrats. we'll break down the divide in his own party and what the issue of immigration could mean for his base in the fall.
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good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this wednesday, june 5th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us. president biden issued an executive order yesterday that will shutdown asylum kwlss at the southern border when crossings spike. under the order border officials will stop accepting requests when daily encounters reach an average of 2,500 migrants at legal points of entry. the shutdown will go into effect immediately as department of homeland security officials say encounters have reached 4,000 migrants daily. the border will only reopen once the number falls below 1,500 migrants. speaking at the white house regarding the border, biden said he would have prefers to do this with congress, but republicans blocked that effort. take a listen. >> republicans in congress not all but walked away from it. why? because donald trump told them
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to. he told the republicans as published widely by many of you, he didn't want to fix the issue. he wanted to use it to attack me. today i'm moving past republican instruction and using executive authorities available to me as president to do what i can on my own to address the border. frankly, i would have preferred to address this issue through bipartisan legislation because that's the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that's broken fixed. for those that say the steps i've taken are too strict, i say to you be patient, and the good will of the american people are wearing thin right now. we have to act. we must act consistent with our law and values. >> we'll have more on the move at the border a little later in the show. turning to some other political headlines now, donald trump is again threatening to jail his political opponents if he wins a second term as
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retribution for the guilty verdict against him in new york city. in an interview with the far right network news max last night trump continued to claim he didn't receive a fair trial, complaining that the jurors never smiled at him. he also threatened to prosecute his perceived foes, specifically former secretary of state hillary clinton who had simply nothing to do with this verdict against him. >> mother theresa couldn't get a fair trial here, i said that. and no, you couldn't. i never saw a glimmer of a smile from the jury. it was a trial that everybody said shouldn't have been brought including bragg didn't want to bring it. nobody wanted to bring it until i decided to run and then was beating everybody by a lot and then was beating biden by a lot in the polls. but, you know, it's a very terrible thing. it's a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that's really the question. wouldn't it be terrible to throw the president's wife and the
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former secretary of state -- think of it the former secretary of state but the president's wife into jail? wouldn't that be a terrible thing? but they want to do it. you know, it's a terrible, terrible path they're leading us to, and it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them. >> really extremely dangerous rhetoric there. meanwhile, day three of hunter biden's federal gun trial will resume in just a few hours in a delaware courtroom, a day after both sides delivered opening statements and the prosecution's first witness took the stand. prosecutors used their opening remarks to tell the jury that the president's son was a high functioning drug addict who lied to friends and family. they said he broke the law when they checked a box on a government background check form that he was not a drug user during the purchase of a handgun back in 2018. the defense countered by offering a counter narrative about hunter biden being in
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recovery and was rushed into the firearm purchase at the center of the case against him and did not knowingly lie on that form. in the courtroom first lady jill biden and hunter biden's sister, ashley, appeared to become emotional when the prosecution played excerpts from hunter biden's 2021 memoir "beautiful things." it included a retelling of his first attempt to buy crack cocaine from a homeless person in washington, d.c. the jury also heard testimony from the prosecution's first witness, fbi special agent erica jensen, whose testimony assisted prosecutors in introducing evidence including text messages, bank records, and hunter biden's laptop. witness testimony is set to resume later this morning with hunter biden's ex wife, kathleen boule, expected to take the stand at some point, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty. meanwhile attorney general merrick garland pushed back
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against republicans at a hearing on capitol hill yesterday to rebuke claims the gop is being weaponized calling their efforts part of a wave of unprecedented attacks on the department. >> these attacks have not and they will not influence our decision making. i will not be intimidated and the justice department will not be intimidated. we will continue to work to do our jobs free from political influence, and we will not back down from defending democracy. >> garland faces the threat of being held in contempt unless he turns over audiotapes of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur as part of that classified documents investigation. joining us now msnbc justice and legal affairs analyst anthony coley. he previously served as the top spokesperson for attorney general garland. anthony, let's start with that hearing yesterday.
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some pretty firm push back from the attorney general, and a lot of attacks from republicans on the justice department and the rule of law. give us your analysis. >> well, first of all, we -- when i was at the justice department that version of merrick garland that the world all saw yesterday, we call that spicy garland, jonathan. and i'm glad the country got a chance to see that. from my vantage point i was at the justice department in the first two years of the biden administration, and i saw this attorney general put in place both people and processes to ensure that whatever decision was appropriate particularly in these cases like the hunter biden case, like biden's handling of classified documents, i saw him put in place people and processes to reassure the american people that whatever decision was appropriate in either of those cases, it was the disputably determined by the facts and the law. and that's what we have here. if you step back and think about and i know we talked about the hunter biden case, you have a
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u.s. attorney from the previous administration who led this investigation and led this prosecution. and i really think that is evidence of how this justice department is committed to just following the facts and following the law and not being swayed by politics at all. >> that's so important when these institutions are being attacked. let's turn to the hunter biden trial. we should of course make this distinction hunter biden not running for office. this is not donald trump convicted last week, but he is the president's son. it's taking a personal toll as i've reported on the president himself. but simply from a legal analysis what did you make of the opening arguments yesterday? how strong do you think the prosecution's case really? >> well, let me start by acknowledging the fact that the most remarkable thing in this
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case to me, jonathan, is that the president has been hands off here. i just mentioned how you have a situation where the president's own justice department is prosecuting the president's own son. but not just that, the white house has indicated even if -- even if hunter biden is convicted by a jury of his peers on these federal offenses, the president would not pardon his own son. and i think that speaks a lot to the president's character and the president's commitment to the rule of law. as to this trial, i think the most interesting issue here -- and we saw this play out in opening arguments yesterday -- is the prosecution is going to use hunter biden's own words here. and if you go back and you read through this indictment, you see reference after reference to hunter biden's book, which is beautiful and poignant and it speaks to how he overcame his battle with addiction.
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but it also provided a road map to prosecutors for how he allegedly broke federal laws. and i think we're going to see more of hunter biden's own words play out through the course of this trial. >> the trial expected to last about a week or two. msnbc justice and legal affairs analyst, anthony coley, thank you for starting us off this morning. still ahead here the latest on a possible cease-fire deal between israel and hamas as top biden administration officials head overseas for yet another round for negotiations. plus, house speaker mike johnson accuses democrats of using the judicial system to go after former president trump. we'll show you his new remarks. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. check on sports and weather when we come right back
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welcome back as.
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we turn to some of the morning other top headlines cia direction bill burns is set to meet with qatari mediators in doha to discuss the latest cease-fire proposal. that's according to a source with knowledge of the negotiations who says the white house's middle east coordinator will travel to cairo for more talks. this comes just days after president biden publicly utah lined a three-phase plan to release the remaining hostages and bring to an end fighting in gaza. the u.s. says it is still waiting for a response from hamas, but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to be distancing himself from the deal as members of his own government are opposed to ending the war without eradicating hamas, a goal that seems hard to achieve. meanwhile, president biden is now suggesting that netanyahu could be prolonging the war for political reasons. he made that comment in an interview with "time" magazine. the interview was conducted back on may 28th abut published yesterday. the president told the magazine, quote, there's every reason for
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people to draw that conclusion. it's an internal domestic debate that seems to have no consequence. whether he would change his position or not, it's hard to say, but it has not been helpful. biden, though, then walked back that claim when a reporter asked him about it yesterday afternoon. >> prime minister netanyahu claims politics with the war. >> i don't think so. he's trying to work out a serious problem. >> meanwhile, the biden administration is assuring the families of the israeli hostages that the u.s. is doing everything it can to secure their release. national security advisor jake sullivan met with the families yesterday at the white house. he posted this message on social media saying he's updated them on where thing stand with negotiate asians and called on both sides to reach a deal. it's believed more than 500 people still being held in captivity. at least 30 hostages are
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confirmed dead but their bodies have not been recovered. we'll turn to the french open and including heart breaking news from the number four ranked player in the world. and a the biggest baseball major league scandal in decades. we'll be right back. major league scandal in decades. we'll be right back. oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. auntie, you can't put that right in the dishwasher. watch me. with cascade platinum plus i have upped my dish game. i just scrape... load... and i'm done. in that dishwasher? in that dishwasher. only platinum plus is packed with more dawn to remove up to 100% of grease and food residue. get the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for ya? yeah. scrape, load, done. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. here's to getting better with age.
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oh, that fast? remember that colonial penn ad? i called and i got information. they sent the simple form i need to apply. all i do is fill it out and send it back. well, that sounds too easy! (man) give a little information, check a few boxes, sign my name, done. they don't ask about your health? (man) no health questions. -physical exam? -don't need one. it's colonial penn guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance. if you're between the ages of 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed in most states, even if you're not in the best health. options start at $9.95 a month, 35 cents a day. once insured, your rate will never increase. a lifetime rate lock guarantees it. keep in mind, this is lifetime protection. as long as you pay your premiums, it's yours to keep. call for more information and the simple form you need to apply today. there's no obligation, and you'll receive a free beneficiary planner just for calling.
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that ball hit well. continues to hit the ball deep. this ball is -- home run. that was just into the first row. actually his frustrated fans didn't let him catch that ball. >> oh, boy, the st. louis cardinals got some help last night from a houston astros fan from the rightfield stands who appeared to get in the way of his attempt to rob a home run there in the seventh inning. truthfully it made little difference. astros go onto beat the cardinals 8-5.
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now we have major news off the field for the nlb it's issued a lifetime ban to the infielder for betting on the sport including wagers in games for the pittsburgh pirates when he was on that team last season. according to it league he placed 380 baseball bets totaling more than $150 million. of those 25 involved games while he was with the team though he didn't actually appear in any of the contests. the league said he lost all his wagers involving the pirates and won just 4.3% of all his mlb related bets. how do you do that? the last active player kicked out of baseball for gambling was the giants outfielder jerry o'connell all the way back in 1924. the legal also announced yesterday one-year suspensions for four other players it found in violation of its gambling policies including the oakland a's relief pitcher michael kelly
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and three minor leaguers. none of them bet on games involving their assigned teams. in the case of all five players the league said there's no evidence to suggest any outcomes of the baseball games wagered upon were compromised, influenced, or manipulated in any way. speaking of gambling, federal prosecutors in california say the former interpreter for shohei ohtani could be deported after he admitted to stealing millions of dollars from the los angeles dodgers superstar to pay off his gambling dets. ippei mizuhara yesterday pleaded guilty to single counts of bank fraud and subscribing to a false tax return after allegedly stealing nearly $17 million from ohtani's bank account without the player's knowledge. mizuhara now faces up to 30 years in prison. his attorney could not be immediately reached for comment. ohtani later addressed the matter in a statement saying in part now that the investigation has been completed, this full
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admission of guilt has brought important closure to me and my family. meanwhile, the stage is now officially set for this year's women's college world series championship. >> deep right ball, back to the wall! coleman hits it out. the opposite field. walk off home run. and the quest for a four peat continues. >> that walk off home run in extra innings sent them past the florida gators and into the title series. number 2 oklahoma will take on the top ranked texas long horns in game one of their best of three series that begins tomorrow night. we turn now to french open and an abrupt end to novack djokovic's title defense and his number one world ranking.
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djokovic announced on social media he's withdrawing from the contest because of a meniscus tear in his right need reshealed in an exam yesterday. the 24-time grand slam champion was supposed to compete. time now for the weather and let's bring in meteorologist angie lassman for the forecast. angie, how's it looking out there? >> it's looking hot. temperatures well above normal in parts of the southwest, jonathan, and because of that these alerts are going to eare main in effect through tomorrow. 29 million in parts of the west coast stretching through texas included in those. temperatures surge in the triple digits today. las vegas set to hit 108, even as far as wichita and denver we're talking about temperatures well into the 90s. this going to be something we deal with aparts portions of of texas and particularly the southwest where records are being broken.
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111 in las vegas, 112 in phoenix. we've got a really strong ridge of high pressure set in place, and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. notice what happens by this weekend friday, saturday in palm springs 105, 110 by saturday. this is the kind of setup we'll see and likely plenty of records being broken across that region in the coming days. meanwhile across the east we've got some rain we're going to watch along a cold front. parts of the great lakes and interior north east and the midatlantic but specifically the ohio valley and southern plains is where we'll see stronger storms developing through the day today before the north east gets in on the action here. and new england as we get into tomorrow a lot of this is going to work into places like new york in the overnight hours, but we will see the potential for flash flooding because of those heavy downpours. >> we'll keep an eye on that. next up here on "way too early," president biden just arrived in france and will soon
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join other world leaders commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. we'll have a preview of the trip where he's expected to make a pointed if implicit comparison with donald trump. we'll be right back with that. cn with donald trump. we'll be right back with that. nw drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ ♪ in my bag like a bunch of groceries ♪ ♪ all this cheese and greens just come to me ♪ ♪ look at me on the go. always hustling. eyes on me ♪ ♪ all eyes on me, brand new drip is what they see ♪ ♪ these diamonds, diamonds on my teeth ♪ ♪ brand new whip is what they see, yeah ♪ freedom you can't take your eyes off. the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator. jeep. there's only one. ah, these bills are crazy. she
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welcome back to "way too early." it's a little before 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this wednesday morning. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. just a short time ago president biden arrived in paris ahead of
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traveling to normandy where tomorrow he'll mark the 80th anniversary of d-day with a speech and an even bigger one. next in total the president will spend five days in france. indeed on friday he'll speak at the famed point to hawk cliffs, a site of the d-day landings where allied forces fought back against infautsys while in normandy president biden will meet with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy to discuss the ongoing russia invasion. reuters reports the meetings over the next two days will focus on isolationism and the need to stand up to dictators. joining us now national security and political reporter for politico, paul mccleary. paul, good to see you this morning. so let's talk a little bit about this trip. it's obviously at its core to mark what happened 80 years ago the incredible heroism there on
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d-day and a setting also ronald reagan when he was president did the same in a famous speech. but it's also the present day. tell us how president biden hopes to underscore allies to them that the u.s. is committed. >> good morning. yeah, this kicks off a big month for the president and world leaders in general. you have this trip where biden will make a major foreign policy speech while in france, and then he travels for two weeks to italy for g7 and have a nato summit in washington. all three meetings will include leaders from all over europe, nato and other allies. they're going to have to hash through these issues like russia, ukraine, indo-pacific. it's a big moment for biden especially during a presidential election year where these are going to have to be campaign events in a lot of ways. so he's going to have to really thread the needle here in some
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ways, and as you said speaking to the need to keep an international focus on u.s. policy and his own polies and keep these alliances together while also giving a nod to the isolation strain of the united states. you have the border crisis in the south where he just issued a major announcement yesterday he won't speak about but there are policy opinions at home while he's octing on the world stage. >> i'll be surprised if he invokes donald trump by name. trump and biden more or less in a dead heat for this november's election. and trump when he was president threatened to blow up nato, undermine these very alliances. and we know he would take a very different approach to the war in ukraine. talk to us how important it is for president biden to sort of address the elfingerprint in the room while he's over there? >> exactly. i would be shocked if he mentioned trump by name, but he's obviously taken a different
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approach. trump is unpredictable. we're not totally sure what he would do in ukraine. but biden last year it took seven months to get the $60 billion supplemental through for ukraine, but that finally got over the hump when republicans agreed to it. biden took that as a victy as he should, but it was hard and really did erode american standing in europe. nato leaders i talked to are spooked by that episode of not getting that package through for so many months, and it eroded a lot of trust in europe for the united states and even how long the united states will stick in with ukraine. the united states is not about to abandon ukrainian a second biden administration, but we don't know how much more money is coming, how much more patience the u.s. government and congress either controlled by democrats or republicans will have for continuing this funding for a war in ukraine. >> paul, then later in the week after the d-day ceremonies biden
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is going to spend some time in paris with french president emmanuel macron including a state dinner. you just wrote for politico about the relationship between the two. tell us a little bit about it. >> yeah, the relationship between washington and paris has always been somewhat fraught. the entire 70-year anniversary or history of nato. there are some tensions here. macron and his government have pushed to send more military advisers toia crane to train ukrainian troops. biden does not want to do that whatsoever. biden not interested in sending more troops. france recently banned israeli companies from participating in a major defense show happening outside paris later this month. again, biden is not about to do something like that. there's been some tensions over policy in the indo-pacific and places like that. so the relationship is good. it's better than it was a few
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years ago, but they don't see eye to eye. macron wants france to take a larger role in nato, wants europe to be strategically autonomous from the united states and nato, kind of european-ify nato more than it is now with the u.s. and the world. those are things happening on the side lines, but there are some issues to iron out here and there are some tensions between the two men and policy. >> you make a great point how europe and particularly france trying to trump-proof what they have there in case he returns to office early next year. good reporting this morning. paul, thank you. still ahead we'll go live to cnbc for an early look what's driving wall street as investors await new payroll data. plus, elon musk is accused of insider trading. we'll dig into the lawsuit filed against the tesla ceo over shares he sold nearly two years ago. we'll be right back with that. t ago. we'll be right back with that.
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2:37 am
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even if you're not in the best health. options start at $9.95 a month, 35 cents a day. once insured, your rate will never increase. a lifetime rate lock guarantees it. keep in mind, this is lifetime protection. as long as you pay your premiums, it's yours to keep. call for more information and the simple form you need to apply today. there's no obligation, and you'll receive a free beneficiary planner just for calling.
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welcome back. it's time now for business, and for that let's bring in cnbc's silvia amaro who joins us live from london. good morning, silvia. stock futures up sightly as investors gear up for private payroll data due out later this morning. what are economists anticipating? >> so that's right. futures at this stage do suggest it could be a positive start to trade sessions today, though a marginally positive start to the trade session. and this is after we had quite a muted session on tuesday after that jobs data came in well below what analysts were expecting. just to give you some context here ultimately job openings came in at 8 million vacancies in april, and analysts were expecting about 8.4, so the data actually suggesting bit of softening really when it comes
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to the u.s. economy. today all focus is actually on adp figures. economists are expecting private employers added 175,000 jobs in may. let's see what will be the final figure. and on the corporate front it's a quiet day, however we are expected to hear from lulu lemon. they're due to post after the mavgt close. >> india's markets saw their biggest one day loss in four years after that country ruling party, prime minister modi's party lost its parliamentary majority. what does this mean for investors? >> so we have been keeping a close eye on the indian market in the wake of the election. on tuesday during that session the main market actually wiped out all of the gains they had registered for 2024 so far. the key here was the fact that traders were digesting this result. there was showing narendra
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modi's party, the prime minister's party would be getting a smaller representation in parliament. however, today during the session we saw indian shares moving slightly higher. ultimately, though, this is still a space of a lot of volatility as traders are still waiting for details when it comes to the next government. however, just a final point to say this is very important market for some of the big u.s. companies such as apple and tesla. they are looking to expand over there. >> and lastly, speaking of tesla, a shareholder for that company has filed a lawsuit accusing ceo elon musk of insider trading. what's the latest? how serious is this? >> this is very serious. so the latest is indeed that elon musk and tesla's board, they are facing a shareholder suit over his sale of $7.5 billion during in late 2022. that preceded a report in
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january 2023 that actually sent sales sharply lower. so this is, of course, being looked at now. but this is not the only story that has caught our attention when it comes to elon musk and tesla in the last 24 hours. cbs also reported that looking at correspondence from nvidia staffers, this suggested that elon musk also diverted a sizable shipment of a.i. processors that have been reserved for tesla to his other company, "x," formerly known as twitter. in fact, we actually saw tesla shares slipping as much as 1% on the news during tuesday's session. let's see what will end up happening today, but no doubt, john, a lot of pressure here on elon musk from several fronts. >> yeah, we're definitely keeping an eye on that. cbs's silvia amaro live from london thank you as always.
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welcome back. we return now to the southern border and president biden's executive action is facing a mixed reaction from his own party. leadership is voicing support for the president, some progressive members are voicing real concerns. take a listen. >> we have a broken immigration system and clear challenges at the border. president biden has taken decisive action to try in a good faith manner to address the challenges at the border in a manner consistent with our country's heritage as a nation anchored in the rule of law. >> instead of falling into the republican attack on immigrants or falling into republican-like
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policies we should have our own pro-immigrant, pro-working, pro-american, pro-civil rights vision for immigration in this country. >> it is extremely disappointing that this white house would choose to double down on the previous administration's harmful and flawed immigration policies. >> joining us now congressional reporter for politico daniela diaz who has been covering this issue. let's start with the complaints there, which we just played some from progressives. tell us more about what they're saying and what fears do they have as to how this could impact the upcoming election? >> jonathan, i do want to emphasize it's not just progressives who are really upset about the biden executive action that would strengthen asylum restrictions on the southern border, it's also congressional hispanic caucus members who from the very beginning have been incredibly frustrated with the process and the communication with the biden
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administration when it comes to anything having to do with the southern border or immigration reform in this country. so it's really a wide array of democrats in the caucus on both sides who are really upset about this executive action. they were hoping -- and this is what we heard again and again for years and years not even just the last couple of months but immigration being such a contentious issue in congress that the biden administration or specifically this administration would care on stricter border measures on the southern border with some, quote, thoughtful immigration reform such as pathway to citizenship for unindicted immigrants. so this is the criticism we're hearing, and of course as you saw just saw hakeem jeffries, democratic leadership, standing behind the administration and explaining why biden had to do this. >> so, i mean, the president in making this announcement yesterday again said he preferred to deal with congress. and we know as we've covered so thoroughly here there was a border security bill that
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republicans helped draft and then later helped kill. so is there any -- any hope at all that congress will take this up, or will this loom as a major election issue and we'll see where we are in january? >> jonathan, this is probably one of the most contentious issues in congress, has been for decades. this is why we saw just months ago that bipartisan senate -- senate bipartisan deal fail after president donald trump essentially killed it within his own party. and that is why you saw the biden administration feel very forced to move on something in the border ahead of november considering it's one of the biggest issues for voters ahead of november. and that is why we don't expect a lot of movement in congress on immigration in the coming months because it's unable to get enough votes by both sides to be able to move forward any sort of comprehensive immigration reform considering the closest thing they could have come to happened just months ago and was killed by the former president.
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this is really why the administration felt their hand was forced considering congress isn't able to on this. >> and with the election four months away a sense they had to do something. daniela, thank you. we'll talk to you again soon i'm certain. up next house republicans going after the doj following donald trump's criminal conviction. we'll dig into the plan that house speaker mike johnson's now laying out to crack down on the agency. and then coming up on "morning joe" we'll bring you a closer look at the president's executive order aimed at curbing the influx of migrants at the southern border. department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas will join the conversation. plus, plus, former capitol police officer harry dunn will be a guest to his initiative to nation's democracy. the senate is to vote on
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contraception. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren will join us to weigh in on that. "morning joe" is just moments away. n on that. "morning joe" is just moments away pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. sup? -who are you? choose acid prevention. i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ listen. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque.
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welcome back. house speaker mike johnson is laying out a plan to take on the justice department following donald trump's conviction last week. during a news conference yesterday, johnson announced a three-prong approached to curb the doj's authority using legislation, congressional oversight, and the appropriations process. in his remarks, johnson accused democrats of orchestrating trump's many legal issues in order to prevent him from winning in november. >> when the verdict came down against president trump, there was something comparable that happened around the country. we have reached a new low. when you have activist prosecutors and the way the campaign is going, they understand the polling shows is crushing joe biden and they are in panic mode and they see this happening and they are so desperate as to stop him they
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are willing to use the judicial system to do so. it is a new low. and it's a dangerous one. because what they are doing is they are eroding the people's faith in our system of justice, itself. >> joining us now is msnbc contributor and author of book "how the right lost its mind" our friend charlie sykes. i'll give you the floor and just weigh in here about your analysis of what he had to say and its impact on americans' faith in our system of justice. >> well, it is interesting how congressional republicans are all in on this. i mean, it was, as you point out, erroneous. but also an indication of the way that the republican party is all in, not just in supporting donald trump in spite of his criminal behavior, but embracing, embracing his attacks on the criminal justice system so they are all in on
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obstruction of justice, possibly trying to shut down the department of justice which they won't be able to do. but, also, donald trump's pledges of vengeance and retribution. and, you know, i think that, jonathan, one of the task we sometimes have here is not to become numb to all of this. you know? it is one thing to say that, you know, donald trump, you know, that, you know, donald trump has turned the republican party in to a cult, but the extent to which the republican party has transformed itself from the party of law and order to the party of we will defend donald trump at all costs is really, really remarkable. >> yeah. we are seeing johnson talking about stripping doj funding and that is defunding the police, if you will, which was the attack the republicans used a few years ago. let's dig into this further. you did on your new piece with the headline "trump's cheerleaders for vengeance."
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compare to what we saw in 2016 when that "hollywood access" tape dropped and the response to the republican party to the response now after the verdict. >> this was something that i originally had written for "the atlantic daily newsletter." you can think what happened last friday was a -- after 2016 after "access hollywood" there was soul searching and they didn't find anything there but a decent interval the republicans said can we go along with this sort of behavior? fast forward to what we saw last week. there was no hesitation whatsoever. it felt as if all of the statements of support were prewritten. then, again, the number of prominent republicans and conservatives who basically said that, you know, that not only is it wrong that donald trump was prosecuted, but we now need to go after democrats. and so it is this -- you know,
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it's sort of easy to think of this as trump's vindictiveness when he says i am your retribution. i think obvious he has a constituency for the politics of retribution and that his base will be demanding and you're seeing from speaker jon a real possibility that republicans will support a trump 2.0 presidency avengence. >> let's take another look at the aftermath of the verdict which covered sort of the hard right republicans. but let's get your read on how it's playing with average voters, sort of those independents and swing voters. we see a little movement in the polls. not a lot, at least not yet. you're constantly talking to people each and every day. is this verdict go to resonate and even a little and in a close race, might that be enough? >> well, there is two reactions. obviously, the republican megabase is fired up about this and they are angry about this but they are not the ones who are going to be turning the outcome of this election as you
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point out. and i just -- i remain incredibly skeptical of the notion that any felony conviction by donald trump and the fact that he continues to face felony charges, is in any way a political asset going into november. i have a hard time imagining independent voters who have been skeptical of him in the past saying, yes, we are going to vote for him now, especially as, you know, we are now about to have, you know, five months of democrats and the media describing donald trump as a convicted flop -- felon. the reality is that donald trump's character, his behavior and his fitness for office is on the ballot and it is not being portrayed in the most positive light when you have a jury of his peers saying, yeah, he has committed 34 felonies. >> yeah. on a closing note on that, it does seem like there is more and
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more pressure among democrats to make this a bigger issue to not just ignore it from president biden and his fund-raiser in connecticut, talk about the the biden campaign twitter account repeatedly uses the phrase convicted felon. as one democrat put to me it's their job to make this sinks in and that is what the campaign is going to be for. charlie sykes, thank you. thanks to all of for getting you "way too early" for us on this wednesday morning. "morning joe" starts right now. >> show your support of trump and america with the official upside down american flags. these are not your regular flags, which are only good for right side up. these flags are handmade in china, the country upside down from us. each one is individually stitched by an upside down seamstress priced at $249. do we love this deal? yes, we do. order your official trump


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