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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  June 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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(man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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it is good to be back with you, on this second hour of "chris jansing reports." at this hour, breaking news. the jury in hunter biden's trial was just dismissed for the weekend after emotional testimony from hunter's daughter. what we know as our team on the ground tries to get answers. and the chilling new video
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of the moments before a woman unleashed hell on a mother and her 3-year-old toddler. the new details of what led up to that horrific attack. also, donald trump's latest target, well, in his words, the unselect members of the january 6th committee, why the former president is now calling for them to be indicted. plus, boos and the walkout, the negative greeting from some lawmakers in the pennsylvania state house when officers who defended the capitol during the insurrection walked in. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments, but we begin with nbc's ken dilanian who's outside the courthouse in wilmington where the hunter biden jury was just dismissed for the weekend. ken, do we know why this happened? >> reporter: yes, chris. in a word, there's been a change of plans by the defense after announcing that james biden, president biden's brother would be a witness for the defense, and we saw him walk into the
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courthouse today. hunter biden's attorney, abbe lowell told the judge they decided not to cause him after all, nor any forensic effort and they're going to wait to decide on monday whether to call a final witness, which we understand to be hunter biden. the trial will resume at 8:15 on monday. it's not clear what prompted this change of strategy, but i will say that the consensus of our team here at nbc news is that the naomi biden testimony, the testimony of hunter biden's oldest daughter did not go well on balance, for the defense. she did humanize hunter biden, she teared up and told the jury she thought he was doing well in terms of his drug addiction during the period where he owned the gun. on cross-examination, prosecutors confronted her with some very disturbing text messages and evidence that he was in communication potentially with drug dealers and we can presume that they would do the same thing with james biden.
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if he came into court to testify that he believed that hunter biden wasn't using drugs. the point is prosecutors have evidence he was using drugs. it's not definitive. it's enough that they can continue to introduce it and use it to cross examine these witnesses, and so bottom line, james biden will not be appearing at this trial, and we'll wait to see whether hunter biden will testify in his own defense on monday, chris. >> they have the weekend to make the decision. ken dilanian, thank you. now to disturbing new video showing the moments before police say a woman stabbed and killed a toddler and stabbed his mother at an ohio grocery store. nbc's maggie vespa joins us right now. this attack happened in five seconds. what does this video tell us? >> you said at the top of the show, this woman unleashed hell on this ohio mother and her toddler. we have the surveillance video released by north olmstead police, a city near cleveland.
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you see the woman who's highlighted. she's carrying a knife. look at the hand swinging closest to the camera. this was on monday, leading up to the attack, and police say, you can see no one tried to stop her. no one was stunned. you can see people not noticing, it seems like she had her knife, and right there, is where she sees the mother and toddler with that cart, she turns and she follows them out to the parking lot. police say this was a stranger on stranger attack. they have no idea why this woman, bianca ellis zeroed in on that mom and toddler. here is what police say happened next. >> spotted mrs. wood and her son, and then proceeded to follow them out to the parking lot and somewhere near their vehicle ms. ellis attacked the two of them. the young child suffered two stab wounds, one to the face and one to the back, and then she suffered one to her shoulder area. >> now, just adding to, again, the hellish context of all of
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that, that stabbing attack was caught on camera, we're obviously not going to show that video. that's why police say they have such a strong case against this woman. her name is bianca ellis. she has been arrested and indicted on ten charges, including aggravated first-degree murder for the death of julian wood, his mother margot wood survived the attack. she lost her child in this random stabbing and ended up being the one who pulled through. bianca ellis set to be arraigned on monday. in the meantime, she's being held on $1 million bond. >> beyond heartbreaking. thank you. to the trump campaign, after the former president called for january 6th committee members to be indicted. nbc's vaughn hillyard is reporting on this. what more can you tell us, vaughn? >> reporter: right, chris. in the last days, donald trump has equivocated when asked about whether he would seek retribution against his perceived enemies if he were to
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take back the white house. he suggested other republicans have urged him to do so, he has said he would have to see exactly what such action would look like. of course those comments are happening after a year in which he has suggested the arrest of several individuals as a potential imprisonment of bill and hillary clinton, he made those comments just this week, and just yesterday, well in route to the state of arizona for a campaign event here, he posted on his social media account that the individuals, the members of congress who were a part of the january 6th select committee should be indicted. he directly referred to the not only adam kinzinger as crying adam kinzinger, and liz, quote, out of her mind cheney, but he's suggesting that it should be the individuals who are part of the select committee that are the ones that should be indicted. they are the ones, not him, who committed crimes by, in his words, deleting evidence that they had gathered in not turning
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it over to this current congress. now, there has been no direct allegations or inquiry into actual any illegal wrong doing on the part of the january 6th select committee. instead, those members who are part of the committee, they released a full report. 845 pages, as well as transcripts of each of their interviews, and the committee maintained that they had preserved all relevant records, that they were statutorily obligated to preserve before the turn of the congress and before the january 6th select committee came to an end. all of that said, donald trump clearly still top of mind is at a federal election interference case continues to loom over not only his campaign, but of course after the november election, whether he wins or not, the potential of that election to continue or i should say that trial to continue to move forward, chris. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. some of the police officers who were attacked at the capitol on january 6th were greeted with boos at the pennsylvania state
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house. nbc's ryan reilly joins us with more on this. what exactly happened? >> yeah, so these officers have been going around to various swing states on behalf of the biden campaign. this wasn't really a direct quote unquote event. this was giving honors to officers who served on january 6th, and you had boos there. you had people walk out, and it really sort of speaks, i think, just to the difficulty of the position that the republican party is in in some ways here because so many in the republican base believe the election was stolen and believe that what happened on january 6th was, you know, exaggerated wasn't that bad. you end up with targeting of individuals who did their duty on january 6th including as we saw last week, michael fanone, who was actually, you know, his mother was targeted after he spoke out against donald trump. this facilities into an ongoing pattern. i got a chance to speak with officer gwynelle last evening.
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he said it was shocking, but not surprising to see what happened at the pennsylvania state capitol there. they walked out, began jeering at us, and they'll probably go on tv and say they support police. gonell was telling me that essentially the republicans literally turned their backs on him because they turned away and walked out. i should say some of the republicans there, democrats have told nbc news did actually stand and applaud. there were a lot of republicans who turned away and walked away, chris. >> ryan reilly, thank you for that. up next, 40 years apart, but striking very similar tones. how joe biden looked to harken back to ronald reagan's speech this morning. we're back after this. is morning we're back after this. you want thicker, stronger, fuller hair? you need expert skincare. new dove scalp + hair therapy serum active skincare ingredients targets the source of beautiful hair. your scalp for visibly thicker, stronger, fuller hair.
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(aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. today from a cliff on the normandy coast, president biden honored the army rangers who 80 years ago executed a daring mission that opened the door for the d-day invasion. 40 years ago, president reagan stood on that same spot, hailing those same rangers, the heroes he immortalized as the boys of point du hoc. one message that isolationism isn't the answer, not during a cold war, and not now. >> we in america have learned bitter lessons from two world
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wars. it is better to be here ready to protect the peace than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. we learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments. >> a feared dictator that conquered a continent had finally met his match. because of them, the war turned. they stood against hitler's aggression. does anyone doubt, does anyone doubt that they would want america to stand up against putin's aggression here in europe today? they stormed the beaches alongside our allies, does anyone believe these rangers want america to go it alone today? >> joining me now, douglas brinkley, presidential historian, professor at rice
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university, and coauthor of "the nixon tapes" 1971 to 1972. i'm watching ronald reagan, and what an iconic speech that was. it isn't the first time we have heard a president pull from the reagan playbook. for this democrat, joe biden, what do you make of his choice to evoke that famous speech and the particular device of linking events to today? >> well, it was essential for joe biden to link it to ronald reagan, because reagan went there, and gave really one of the best speeches in presidential history june 6th of 1984. the speech was classic, biden stood at the same spot. these were the u.s. army rangers, second rangers of division that came and climbed the cliffs 100 feet straight up to destroy with grenades and gun-to-gun combat, destroyed
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these giant blasting guns that were pointing out over the english channel, and by their valor at point du hoc it allows so many americans not to get slaughtered at omaha and utah beach. i'm here in simi valley. yesterday i was with peggy noonan and all the people that were part of great stage crafting by mike deeber, that incredible spot in normandy by the white crosses and the stars of david, and it's become a place to go to talk about democracy and the cost of freedom, and so i think biden connecting it to ukraine, talking about putin being the new authoritarian threat like hitler was, you know, back in world war ii was apropos. >> peter baker wrote about this in the "new york times," i'm going to quote from him. like mr. reagan, mr. biden wants to use the inspiring story of the rangers at point du hoc for the case of americans at the
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face of aggression and for himself. the difference for biden of course today is the growing nationalistic fervor, right, in the republican party led by donald trump. and the message may be the same, the geographical backdrop is the same. how different is the political backdrop? >> well, of course it's different, but this is, you know, i think if the biden administration sees our present state kind of like europe in, say, 1938, not world war ii, and not the great victory of the battle of normandy. but that this is an ongoing fight that, you know, fdr framed world war ii. you have a choice between totalitarianism or democracy or communism. there were three choices in the world. the fact that our soldiers of democracy failed, biden needed to be in europe, have a powerful
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moment when zelenskyy came there to normandy and talked to a veteran, and said you to an american veteran, you saved europe, and talk and try to give nato some momentum. i mean, the whole building block of u.s. foreign policy from harry truman all the way to joe biden has been nato's first. put all of the attention on nato. keep the atlantic alliance tight and strong. only donald trump has been an aberration from that. he's an isolationist kick back, and we had a lot of isolationists in the 1930s that want america to pull up a wall around the u.s., and don't engage or help countries in need. biden, i think, correctly has upped the ante that we are going to stick by ukraine, come hell or high water, half the republican party is with biden on this. it's going to be a big issue in this campaign, and curious to see how trump talks about
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ukraine because i was aghast when he backed off of supporting zelenskyy and our democratic ally in ukraine, and seemingly is favoring putin, and trump had said, you can do whatever you want with the nato countries if they don't pay their bills, and saying all of this ugly raw meat kind of thing. nato is the united states. it's how we keep democracy alive and well at home and around the world. >> you know, we always have talked about whether or not we as citizens have learned the lessons of history, and it occurred to me as i was watching the events unfold over the last 24, 48 hours or so, this will almost certainly be the last u.s. president who will have been alive on the actual d-day. we look at those incredible men who to quote my colleague kelly o'donnell showed this life force to make this trip.
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they are in their 90s, many over a hundred. probably the last time they will go to normandy. does the lesson start to fade as the people who were a part of it fade or how is it kept alive? how are the lessons of history and in particular this lesson kept alive, doug? >> well, i wrote a book called the boys of pointe du hoc about the u.s. army second rangers, and i got to interview them and got to interview on tape 150 d-day veterans, including people on the first wave and the oral histories will live on and on. people like tom hanks right now is gearing up with the history channel to do like 36-hour world war ii commemoration pulling together oral histories, video, tape, so we have to constantly remind ourselves of what the second world war was. i mean, we were attacked by fascism on the pacific, japanese, and hitler declare war
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on us. we pulled it together. we won. and i worry that was the world war ii generation or what tom brokaw dubbed the greatest generation disappears. all of it, guys, i interviewed, chris, from d-day, and i became great friends with jack coon, they're all gone. here i interviewed these people and they're gone. i credit reagan for making june 6th this day that presidents have to go and think about the cost of democracy. before reagan, we would focus in our country on pearl harbor. pearl harbor was unpreparedness. we lost the battle of pearl harbor. june 6th reminds us what a democracy can do, and if we put our shoulders to the wheel, the democratic traditions can reign around the world. i find it very significant that whoever is president, following
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the war and liberation of western europe commenced, even though it was a hard record after normandy in the battle of the bulge and the march to berlin, the u.n. prevailed and i think d-day is the single greatest military event in u.s. military history, nothing like it. >> maybe somebody's calling to give you a review of your appearance, doug, can i just say that -- >> i think they're trying to kick me out of my room. >> have you passed the checkout time? >> i passed the time. i saw people loitering in the hall, when is he leaving the room. >> well, we will release you, but i'll just say i'm a tiny bit jealous. i would have loved to be a fly on the wall for your conversations with peggy and others. i take great pride in knowing you overstayed your welcome to be on the show.
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douglas brinkley, thank you. >> there was margaret thatcher -- >> we lost him. a new investigation into potential police misconduct. we'll show you disturbing video when we're back. plus, remember them, the st. louis couple who made national news during the black lives matter protest in 2020, why they're pushing to get their guns back. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. reports" only on msnbc (♪♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] (man) every time i needed a new phone, get flea and tick medication di had to switch carriers.... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon it's never a good time for migraine, especially when i'm on camera. that's why my go-to is nurtec odt.
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right now an investigation is underway into a shocking scene caught on camera. it appears to show two seattle police officers hitting a man with that batons at a bus stop last week, then one of the officers grabbing the man's hair before using his knee to pin him down. we should warn you, you may find this video disturbing and hard to watch. >> whoa, what the heck. oh, my god. oh, my god. now, we done know exactly what happened before the video began. seattle's office of police accountability says it is investigating the encounter. nbc's janelle griffith is following this for us. janelle, walk us through what more we know about this. >> yes, chris, so last night, i spoke to the man who recorded the video.
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he said that he was on a bus when he came upon police beating this man. and he was so disturbed by what he witnessed, he described it as an injustice, and he said he felt compelled to start recording. now, it's important to note that the seattle police department hasn't said much about the incident at all. i have asked them repeatedly about the condition of the man who was beaten, and they have ignored my requests. they have not identified the two officers involved or confirmed whether they're on administrative leave while the beating is investigated. but the office of police accountability is aware of the video, and they are looking into it. >> but the man who you spoke to who took the video, he saw essentially what we saw. he doesn't know what happened leading up to it or what might have precipitated what we're seeing? >> exactly. he said he came upon the beating. it was already in play. it was already in motion. but he said that the officers didn't know that they were being
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recorded, and he speculated as to the man's, you know, mental state which i didn't do my reporting, but he said he just believed the man wasn't in his best state of mind, therefore he doesn't believe that the use of force was justified. >> i know you'll stay on top of this story, and we'll wait to hear from the accountability office. janelle griffith, thank you for bringing this to us. the st. louis couple that made headlines for waving guns at black lives matter protesters have clean records. now the couple is pushing to get their guns back. nbc's jesse kirsch is following this story. i wonder what the mccloskeys are saying, and what reaction we're seeing to the judge. >> i spoke to the husband in the couple seen from the viral
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images in 2020, and he referred to the plea deal and everything around this as nonsense, something that should not have been on a legal record, and you might remember that this couple had previously been pardoned by the governor of missouri. and so effectively, it was as if they had not committed the crime previously. there was still legal paperwork, a paper trail tied to this case. with an expungement, the legal records are wiped away from the public eye, and i spoke with mark mccloskey about this earlier, asking him why he wanted to take that step, what the practical purpose of that was, because of course their story is well documented in the public record because of all of the coverage that that couple has received. they have also, you might remember, were involved at the republican national convention in 2020, speaking in support of president trump. they have been aligned with the republican party and with the right. and to this day, the couple continues to maintain that they did not do anything wrong and refers to the protesters, they
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say, as trespassers who were in a place they should not have been. here's part of my exchange. >> the onslaught from the left has never ended. after we finished the criminal proceedings, then the bar association decided that defending ourselves against a mob on the front porch was a crime of moral turpitude, that we lacked the moral integrity to continue practicing law, and asked the missouri supreme court to suspend our law license. that was pretty offensive. >> reporter: and so at this point, the expungement process for him was about getting a clean record for himself and his wife, and at this point, as you mentioned, chris, they are trying to get back the pistol and the ar-15 that are seen in those images that were seized when they pleaded guilty to the misdemeanors, which, again, they have since received pardons for and have now had the records on those cases expunged as well, chris. >> jesse kirsch, thank you. up next, the vp on the
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campaign trail, the message kamala harris is sending today, and the senate candidate she's working to boost. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. "chris jg reports" only on msnbc ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis
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in the last few hours, vice president kamala harris had a rare chance to campaign with someone she calls a dear friend, and someone who could make history in the u.s. senate.
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angela alsobrooks is running against larry hogan in maryland. if she wins and lisa blunt rochester wins in delaware, a race the cook political report reports as solid democrat, the u.s. senate would make history. doubling the number of black women ever elected to the upper chamber. i want to bring in symone sanders townsend, the former chief spokesperson for vice president harris, and cohost of msnbc's "the weekend", and white house continue, aaron gilchrist, they let him off the property of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, and he's here with us. officially today, this was an event about marking gun violence awareness day. tell us about vice president harris and her message in support of her friend. >> so there really were two pieces here. there was an event about gun violence. it was a campaign event. they were talking about the work the biden harris campaign has done, standing up the office of gun violence prevention at the end of last year, also talking about some of the rules that
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have been put in place by the biden administration, and also urging congress to do something about assault weapons, to ban assault weapons. that's something we have heard from the administration before. the other part of this, though, was vice president harris's endorsement of angela alsobrooks for senate. she's currently the county executive in prince george's county maryland, right outside washington, d.c. she's the former state's attorney in that county, which we know vice president harris was also a prosecutor in her former life. they are good friends. they have known each other for many years, and the vice president says in order for democrats to maintain control of the senate and do more in congress in the next cycle, they need to elect angela alsobrooks to that seat. i want you to hear more about the support for ms. alsobrooks. >> we have known each other for quite some time, maybe before some people were born. and she is a fighter for our most fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own
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body and not have her government tell her what she's supposed to do. and when we win majorities in the united states congress in november, angela's vote will help president biden and me restore roe v. wade and reproductive freedom for millions of americans. and so the vice president has said that angela alsobrooks is a compassionate fighter, somebody who's going to be tough on crime. here's the thing in maryland. it's a state that is reliably blue. it will most likely go for president biden in november. the senate race is very different. larry hogan is a former maryland governor, who i even saw a commercial this morning, it sounds like he's running as an independent. he's a republican, running as a republican. that's a message format that may do well for him in maryland, as he was a likable and favored governor at that time. and so it's going to be a tough
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race for angela alsobrooks. i would not be surprised if we see kamala harris show up for her more before the election in november. >> i think you can make the argument, simone, that she is running both angela alsobrooks is running both for and against history, right, and when i say against history, "the new york times" reports that 75 black women have run for the senate since 2010, just ten have even gotten a major party nomination, and it also, i don't know their back story, but it doesn't surprise me that they're friends because in my experience covering candidates and candidates of color, there are so few at that level that there is a bond that comes from experiencing something nobody else really knows or understands. is there enough of an apparatus in place to support black women candidates for office right now. >> well, look, i think the black women who are on the ballot, who
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have received the major party nomination, you cited two of them, angela alsobrooks in maryland and lisa rochester in delaware, i think they have the support. the seat that lisa is running to attain is one of two, again, one of two seats in delaware. joe biden used to be a senator from delaware. lisa rochester would be the first black woman ever elected to represent the senate in delaware. same for angela alsobrooks when it comes to maryland, and i do think that the democratic party, by virtue of what you're seeing today in angela alsobrooks and governor wes moore, very popular governor who has a strong machine behind him, having just come into office a little over a year or so ago, helped power angela alsobrooks to be the democratic nominee. so i think there is an
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infrastructure. but the road is definitely hard for black women candidates. it's hard for women candidates in general, and you overlay race on top of that. that's why i think it's so important that vice president harris showed up today. she knows angela alsobrooks because when vice president harris, in her former life, when she was the d.a. in san francisco, then the attorney general in california, she was the only black woman of senior elected top cop, top cop, as prosecutors like to call themselves, to be honest, top cop this the state, in the country, all of these black women coming up under her, looked up to her and looked to her as a model. the things she did in california as a model. it's no surprise to me that the event they came together today was for gun violence. an issue that the vice president has led on since the time she was in the attorney general's office, through her time in the senate and white house. >> let me ask you about the big picture of the campaign, the
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biden campaign launching an ad, played before the first game of the nba finals, and i want to listen to part of that. >> joe biden has made defending our basic freedoms the cause of his presidency, and he's running for reelection to finish the job. to protect the freedom for women to make their own health care decisions, the freedom for our children to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to vote and have your vote counted. under joe biden, the sun will not set on this flag. american democracy will not break. >> i think it's fair to say, i'm going to go out on a limb, but there are plenty of people who might be more inclined to a watch a basketball game than a presidential debate, let's say, that's upcoming. but can i ask you about that outreach? i think there are probably a lot of low information, low propensity voters, right, that may be part of that audience. how do you do that outreach? it's only five months, and five months may seem like a long time. it's such a small sliver of the
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voting population that's going to decide the election. only five months to your point until november 5th. less than that, when people actually started voting. in michigan, early voting starts before election day, september, people will be casting ballots in michigan and other states across the country. it's not nonpartisan, right, because it is a partisan message that they are bringing to an audience that is not looking for -- to have a political meal, if you will. they're reaching the nonpolitical group chats as i would like to say. showing up in unlikely spaces and places. you know very well, chris, where campaigns will have scheduled stops and unscheduled stops that are called otr, off the record stops. they're not on the calendar. they're popping in somewhere where people are not expecting them. as a surprise. but to also have a conversation and meet voters and people, and interface with folks they haven't otherwise been able to do.
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i think you're going to see a lot more of that from the biden-harris campaign. we have seen the trump campaign do a little bit of that. not as much. they have not had robust outreach trying to expand their base of voters. for biden and harris, it's going to be critical that they bring back that coalition, and propel them to the white house in 2020. a number of base voters who folks would say are reliable democratic voters, they need to be turned out, and they have to be reached, and i think that's why we're going to see, for example, tonight, gun violence awareness, having a special wnba game here in washington, d.c., and the second gentleman is showing up to see the indiana fever take the court against the washington mystics. again, a place where voters who aren't coming for the political meal, they're coming for the basketball, but they're going to get the second gentleman. >> aaron gilchrist, and symone sanders townsend, thank you both. make sure to see symone on "the
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weekend" tomorrow. latino voters in a heavily democratic part of the state to rethink their support for him. david noriega is covering this story. you visited a border city there where you spoke to voters who have concerns about supporting president biden now. what did you learn? >> reporter: yeah, chris, so it used to be that the democrats had on the issue of immigration, specifically, a very clear advantage over republicans with latino voters, and to be clear, they have that advantage, and a lot of liberal pollsters and analysts, caution about overstating the extent of the shift that i'm talking about here. the shift is happening. the gap is narrowing, and in a heavily latino swing state like arizona, that could be pretty consequential. take a look. on arizona's border with mexico sits the city of nogales, where 95% of residents have hispanic roots and where republicans are hoping to capitalize on antipathy towards migrants that
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have crossed the border. >> i am mexican, 100%. i am against all the illegals. >> i see a lot of people wanting a handout, instead of coming to work. >> reporter: yvette comes from a prominent democratic political family in nogales. now she's a maga republican, and the chairwoman of latinos for lake, which supports trump ally, kari lake in her race for the senate. >> we're seeing so many people from like 160 different countries that don't even speak english. >> reporter: the republicans seem to be winning the messaging war on immigration, and gaining traction with latino voters, many who are immigrants, who are not part of the trump base. the question is whether they'll reach enough of them to flip swing states back to trump. most latino voters in the southwest are mexican americans who have lived in the border lands for generations or part of a wave of immigration that started in the 1980s. hundreds of thousands of arizonians live in a household where someone is undocumented,
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fear that trump will deport their loved ones pushes many to biden's side. >> compared to the trump administration, biden is better. i don't really live in that fear that i did when trump was in office. >> reporter: this is a race with tight margins, and any erosion in support in a swing state like arizona could be a real blow to president biden. in a county where 60% of voters are registered democrats, some prefer to hide their face when confessing they're switching parties. >> have you always been a republican? >> no, i was the opposite, democrat. >> ralph preferred to keep his last name a secret. >> last time i vote for biden, i regret because he's changing everything. >> reporter: so you voted for biden but wish you hadn't. yeah, because he's failing in a lot of things. he's bringing people from all the countries around the wall.
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>> reporter: biden recently took executive action to severely restrict asylum for migrants at the border, but it's too early to tell whether that will win over voters, like retired chemical engineer, unhappy with biden's handling of the border, but that doesn't translate to a vote for trump. >> do you know who you're going to vote for? >> it will not be trump. i can assure that. >> reporter: chris, a lot of liberal advocates want to see biden reelected say this is happening in part because the administration has ceded the territory to republicans, instead of offering a coherent narrative on the issue of their own. >> david noriega, thank you so much for that. up ahead, a stronger than expected jobs report out this morning, so why is that both good news and bad news? we'll be right back. ig rht back. (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you verizon business.
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don't do this for a living. >> it is confusing, but look, if we just take a look from the main street's perspective, this is good. you want to see more jobs get added. 272,000 jobs added in the month, that was way above what economists thought. expected maybe 190,000. the one thing that did catch attention is the unemployment rate ticking up to 4%. we haven't seen the number since january of 2022. we have to remember this is still the 30th straight month of the unemployment rate being at 4% or lower. we haven't seen a streak that long, chris, since the late 1960s. this economy by all standards on the labor market side is still good. the problem is inflation, inflation, inflation, the federal reserve thought the high interest rates would make inflation go down and the labor market. the labor market is still chugging along. that means the fed isn't likely to cut interest rates in the next meeting which is next wednesday. >> in the last 30 seconds, i have to ask about meme stocks and the de facto leader. roaring kitty did a live stream?
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>> this is a guy who got meme stock investors excited. gamestop shot up, he's trying to do it again. he had a live streak at noon. apparently the investors weren't excited about it because the stock did tank during the live stream. the stock is looking good and the company is issuing new chairs to capitalize off of this and do a little bit of fundraising. i guess good for game stop. >> brian cheung, i know you're heading out to san francisco for apple. we'll see you netflix week. >> see you next week. before we go, it is the end of an era. tonight, pat sajak will spin the wheel of fortune for the last time. he said it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. he's hosted the game show for 41 years. when he took over, e.t. had hit theaters. diana ross and lionel ritchie had one of the top songs of the
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