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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  June 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪♪ good morning and welcome back to "the weekend." we are following two breaking stories. first, president biden is currently in bilateral talks with french president emmanuel macron. continue to visit commemorating the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy. the two world leaders are expected to deliver joint remarks later this hour. the other breaking news is out
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of israel. four hostages rescued alive, 245 days after their capture by hamas on october 7th. shortly after news of the rescue, the war cabinet minister the latest statement where he was expected to resign from netanyahu is emergency government. that spring and nbc's raf sanchez from tel aviv. what can you tell us? >> reporter: this raid took place at 11:00 a.m. in broad daylight in central gaza according to the israeli military. hundreds of israeli special forces swarming in and say they rescued the hostages from two separate apartment buildings. we believe that the three male hostages were being held together and noa argamani on the left of your screen was being held on her own in a separate apartment building. the israeli military says they are all in good medical condition.
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and at a hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. you are seeing on your screen the moment noa argamani was united with her father . we met him on october 8th, 24 hours after his daughter was kidnapped. you can only imagine through his tears and his sobbing he pleaded and pleaded and pleaded with the people holding her not to harm her. and today he is holding his daughter once again. as far as we know, she has not seen her mother yet. who has terminal brain cancer. she is in another hospital in the tel aviv area. she has been telling the world her dying wish was to see her daughter again and we believe that reunion is going to happen sometime today. >> what about the other hostages that were released? what do we know of their physical state. i can imagine everyone's mental state is in shambles.
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physically, are they okay? and anything coming from the idf about potential rescue operations for the 120 other hostages that still remain in captivity? >> reporter: so, three others hostages rescued today are all in good physical condition. we have not seen as much video of them as we have of noa, but we saw two coming off a helicopter in tel aviv they were walking along side israeli forces for all three of the men were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. they are shlomi ziv, and meil jan and andrey kozlov . in terms of potential other rescues, it is important to put this in perspective. we are months into this war. and israel has rescued seven
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hostages alive. in months. as much as there is celebration across israel today, i don't think anyone is operating under the illusion that all the hostages are going to be rescued like this. there is still an understanding in this country that to get most all of those 120 hostages back, it is most likely that there will have to be some kind of deal with hamas. and it is not clear at this point what sort of impact today's rescue will have on the negotiations. officials and site guys are saying 50 people were killed by israeli fire during this raid. and the head of hamas is political wing is saying if israel believes it can change the situation through force, it is delusional. it's also unclear whether this successful rescue today may make regimen netanyahu feel slightly less political pressure to negotiate with hamas for the
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rest of the hostages and as we know, guys, there is that cease- fire proposal on the table right now laid out by president biden last week and the world is waiting to see whether or not hamas will accept it. >> nbc's raf sanchez live from tel aviv. thank you. we will be monitoring development this hour. let's bring in our negotiator and senior fellow for the carnegie endowment for international peace. your thoughts, can we pick up where raf sanchez left off. your thoughts on these new developments. four hostages have been rescued by the idf. in central rafah today. >> on a human level, for a nation that has been in a state of collective ptsd since october 7th, this comes as an extraordinary moment and also a demonstration for israeli defense force which bears
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tremendous guilt and probably shame for the surprise attack on october 7. it reflects to a degree the competency and professionalism and courage which has long characterized many of the idf operations. on a political level, it does present, i think, i sort of victory of the netanyahu narrative. the longer we remain in gaza, the longer is really intelligence operates with the proximity to figure out where hostages are. and in essence it validates that narrative. on the other hand, 120 hostages , 30 plus israelis were killed on october 7th. the bodies were brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity. the grid my reminder of the degree of difficulty that the
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israeli face -- it does reaffirm that israel suggests 56% of israeli public favor the biden cease-fire for hostage negotiations. i think it is a mixed message, but today, i think many israelis are ecstatic with the news that the redemption of israelis which represents a identity for that state of israel, it's a moment and with enormous satisfaction. >> david you still have 120 people that are being held captive. you still have a question mark about hamas' response to joe biden's proposal. netanyahu reticence to engage in discussions around the two
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state solution. and israeli people in many respects very apprehensive about the leadership of netanyahu and in the prosecution of this war. so, even though this is an important opportunity and hope, those reality still exists and at one point, at what point, does that kick back in? is it six hours from now? 24 hours from now? when people realize that, yes, this happened, but still, there is a lot of has not change in the movement. towards resolving this crisis. >> michael, that's an excellent point. this is a headline, and the reality is that member of the war cabinet reportedly to announce his exit from the war
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cabinet has been postponed. that's also a reminder of the fact that if he leaves the government, you will be left with the most extreme right government in the history of the state. a prime minister on trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust three years running now and do in district court sees no reason right now to favor the biden proposal even though he has accepted over the reality of domestic political realities and if there is a core constituency, and elemental to the prime minister's calculations, it is that right- wing government. again, i think you are right. it is a moment and the israelis are right to exult in this moment but by no means does it shed any light, it seems to me, on a likely pathway out of this. hamas has not responded to this and they probably will not come back with a clean yes. and maybe a guess, but. they are under tremendous
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pressure from qatar but i guess, but, again, the administration will have the onus on hamas. it may well provide the prime minister with breathing room not to accept the president's proposal. we have many bad days ahead. >> aaron david miller, we have a statement coming in from prime minister netanyahu. the entire nation salutes you and the brave fighters who risk their lives today to save lives. once again, you have proven that israel does not surrender to terrorism and ask with creativity and courage that knows about to bring home our abductees but we are committed to doing so in the future as well. this is the part i want you to weigh in on you will not let up until we complete the mission and return all our abductees home both the living and the dead. >> there you have it. it's a validation of the prime minister's view, i think, and
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as long as the work continues, not only the greater chances of political survival, but he may rationalize the greater the possibility of additional israeli success. the killing in -- the architect of the actual terror attacks. i think that statement reflects exact lee who the prime minister is. >> you -- if you are president biden, what are the conversations you're having with her interest and this morning understanding that the president is focused on an important anniversary. >> i think the administration has only one alternative. that is to continue to press and see whether or not the negotiations -- if hostages are released in exchange for palestinian prisoners in a six- week six cease-fire, i think that is the only practical pathway out of this for this
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administration and for the president who is facing the most consequential election in contemporary american history. where any factor, any factor at all, in a close election could sway the results one way or the other. >> david miller, as always, thank you for joining us at the last minute. next, the revenge toting after historic conviction. you are watching "the weekend." so you don't zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪
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as donald trump awaits sentencing in new uric he is musing about the prosecutor -- if he is re-elected. here is how he responded when a reporter in arizona asked him about jailing his rivals. >> the world is different now. they are doing things we've never done up there doing what they do in several countries.
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the only reason they brought the cases because i was running election. they could have brought it seven years ago but nobody wanted to bring it because there is no case. when you asked me the question, will be doing, i will talk to in about three years from now. >> here's a quick fact check, folks. trunk was charged in new york because the evidence led to prosecutors to believe that he committed a serious crime. not because he was running for president. not because he was running for office. they couldn't bring the case seven years ago because he was the president of the united states at the time. now, more important is the desire for retribution. that is the thing and how it underscores so much of trump's attacks on our institutions. that has become a central pillar of his 2020 campaign 2024 campaign. running is now is charles coleman and anna bauer.
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welcome to you both. >> should we -- i mean, charles, you are warmer prosecutor. should prosecutors be concerned if he winds re-election he will go after them? >> not only should prosecutors be concerned that the entire electorate by larger measure the height entire american people should be concerned. i think donald trump is shown when he's going to do something regardless of how ridiculous it is, he will do it and particularly if you look at the judiciary and dogs and everything else that occurred during his a administration, we have evidence this is someone who intends to enact whatever it is he has to to keep his word in that regard. this is something that even as ridiculous as it sounds, to cause extreme amount of concern. as i listen to him during that
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voiceover a moment ago, i thought to myself, donald trump ran for president because they brought the charges. it wasn't that they brought the charges because he is running for president. people can construct any maneuver necessary to enact his retribution, as he says, on the judiciary for whatever he feels they have done unjustly to him. >> here's the thing. it is not just trumpet it is his cronies. take a listen to what they had to say. >> unless republicans unshackle themselves from their self- imposed restraints, and are as ruthless and fighting to save america as the democrats and fighting to destroy america, every facet of republican party politics and power has to be used right now to go to toe to toe with marxism and beam apps communist. >> all of this is about one thing. it's about shutting down the maga movement and shutting down grassroot conservatives and shutting down president trump. there is not a built -- that
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will ever shut me up. all victory to mag a. >> i'm sorry, it is real early in the morning to hear from those two but i think it is important to hear what they are talking about. the other thing that strikes me, they used to be they threats of prosecution. a year ago, you had the former president's and he would go after president biden and now you have adding by name hillary clinton, alvin bragg to that list, the threat is becoming increasingly specific. >> it is becoming increasingly specific and it's really chilling rhetoric to hear. you hear this and it undermines the rule of law. this rhetoric. but i think what is important is that trunk, if he is elected, what is going to matter is who the people are around him. people will like maybe steve manning, and he knows from his
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previous administration that if he selects people who push back against him and are willing to stop him, he's not going to get what he wants. so i think this time around, one of the things that will be different there are these promises of retribution may, is that trump is going to be thinking about who it is that he will be putting in his potential administration and this time around, i think it will be much less willing to put people in power who are going to say no. >> charles, here is my thing with all of this. the fact that we are still talking about this almost as if it is this universe of maga and trump and the democrats trying to battle them but at the core of it is a political party and institution that support that party, heritage for example. that are hell-bent on one
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thing. retribution, payback. you got the new york times noting that the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats at the verdict surpasses anything seen before and trump's tumultuous years and national politics. what is different now is the range of republicans who are saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. a couple things. what the hell are they so angry about ? when they had control of both the house, senate and white house, they did nothing with it. they did not -- we are going to change, were going to put in these polys, didn't happen. yet, the american people sit back and look at this and they are like, let's do it again. let's put the same people that listen to miller. you listen to bannon and the american people are saying, give me more of that. because right now, donald trump and joe biden are tied or trump
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is slightly ahead because people are paying a buck more for gas. how do you break this? how do you get people to understand what this means for the criminal justice system, what it means under the rule of law, what it means when a president, a former president running for office again, wants to throw people tripped up it's not just going to be the people they see on television. this will extend to everybody else downstream. >> michael, i have to say, we have to take a step back. i'm glad you frame the question the way you did because republicans have shown they want to have the authority of the rule of tyrants but accountability of toddlers. what i mean is if you remember during midterm elections, i said republicans were politicizing the issue of crime and justice in america and they got mad at me for saying it. we have seen that play out on the national scale particularly
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in the wake of donald trump's conviction are in new york. we cannot enter into my face any further we we are allowing the just the system which is supposed to be there, balanced and equal, to be used as a political weapon. that is ultimately what republicans are seeking to do. they realize when it speaks to the notion of accountability there is a possibility that their leading candidate will be put in jail or held accountable under the rule of law. what do they want to do? not only do they want to change the rules, but they also want to see and have him use it as a weapon and have the party do the same. that is deeply troubling for all of us to understand what the separation of power is supposed to be on the true purpose of the criminal justice system should be. >> we will talk on the other side about pacifically alvin bragg and how they are trying to , what you are saying, into action. stick around.
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don't go anywhere. we have more to discuss in a moment. go to but first, we have news in paris. we got video of joe biden and french president emmanuel macron during their meeting. according to the pool report reporters there with the two world leaders, they were seated across from one another in a garden. there was no coffee on the table but president biden was talking and his voice was too low to hear what he was saying. the only snippet heard by the radio pool from npr was saying, quote, my last conversation with xi, referring to present xi of china, that is all they could hear. we are expecting formal remarks from all of them and possibly in this hour. when we do we will bring it live. much more ahead untrantitle here on msnbc.
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we have to talk about the alvin bragg. >> i am just -- okay. for people who don't know jim jordan sent a letter to the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg asking him to testify. if this sounds familiar it is because the committee has not made clear the scope of the testimony and this is bragg's response and they are saying we look forward to discussing with the committee staff how the office may accommodate the invitation but also protect the integrity of an ongoing terminal prosecution. this to me, the best way to protect new york's sovereign interest is to not legitimize the shenanigans. this reminds me of when fani willis got a similar letter and she told jim jordan where they could put it. >> it is exactly like the fani
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willis situation sherry. -- fani willis situation. i think it's understandable here that alvin bragg does want to testify because trump has made so many false claims about this prosecution and specific prosecutors. he has claimed for example that matthew calendula is a plant from the biden administration so i understand why it is that he wants to maybe go and testify and it is to be seen whether he actually will end up doing so. he says in this letter he would not do so until after sentencing on july 11th but i think that it is really some dangerous ground to walk on here because it very well could be the case that there -- you know, he gets into a situation where there are things that are selectively edited from the testimony. while it is understandable that alvin bragg want to testify, he really will have to be careful
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and try to really limit the scope of the questioning if he does end up testifying. >> i saw michael steele shuffle his papers and when i see that, it's his thing. >> this brother needs to stay his behind home. he does not need to do this because all this is is the biggest pumpkin move of the year. if he shows up, those individuals on that committee are there for one purpose. and that is to hang him politically. that is what it is. the sound bites are just the beginning of it. remember, charles, the president whether you do it now or after sentencing, there is an appeals process. this thing isn't over. this is still going. why would he want to legitimize the take down of his prosecution , the successful takedown of his prosecution of a former president based on the facts
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and the law, right? a jury found donald trump and convicted him. why go back and subjected to a political process where the feds have no authority and congress has no authority here to call him up and asked him about his prosecution. >> michael, you're absolutely right. i could not agree with you more. i think alvin bragg is operating from a spacer he thinks he has justice on his side and nothing to hide. he can defend that. the problem is the arena you are talking about this committee, they are led by jim jordan and don't care about truth or justice. we wouldn't be having this conversation if they did because we also know if donald trump was acquitted or a mistrial, he would not have been subpoenaed. this is only the function of donald trump being convicted and this is not anything that alvin bragg needs to engage in.
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leave it alone. >> can you repeat that one point . if donald trump had been found not guilty or a mistrial, what happened? >> this would not be happening in jim jordan would have not issued that subpoena. >> let us add to the list. clarence thomas finally acknowledging the lavish gifts he received among the disclosures. two vacations and 2019 that were funded by billionaire harlan crow. are you seeing the type of energy from members of the house and senate to appropriately investigate the supreme court given the level of crisis we are seeing out of this court? >> look, we have seen some efforts by house democrats to reform the ethics code and have some oversight over the supreme court. of course, the supreme court has repeatedly said over the years that congress does not have the authority to really
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administer any kind of oversight. there was some ethics reform last year, however, there is no enforcement mechanism for that. we're seeing by the examples recently, justice alito refusing to recuse himself from the presidential immunity decision or january 6th case decisions, citing that ethics code and claiming that he does not need to recuse. i think it is clear that there are some issues here with enforcement of those ethics reforms. but i think actually one of the deeper issues here is not even ethics oversight and the supreme court, it's how much the supreme court or the truth that many of the justices at least, feel there is some sort of impunity that they have had because these are people who have lifetime appointments. so i think one of the real question that maybe people should be considering is not so
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much of what the ethics reforms can do, but whether there are other legislative solutions like term limits for supreme court justices. >> i mean, some things have been done and why could argue that the democrats need to be more crafty. it's like the house is on fire and they are looking for the keys to open the door and unlock it and walk through. i'm not a lawyer, so i don't know. maybe i am wrong. the rest of us just need to sit down and be grateful that clarence thomas acknowledged what propublica told us years ago. >> this is how the illegals work until they don't. to your point, you have to force a different way. we have seen that passing any real checks on the supreme court, this is what we can expect. this court is interesting because they had on a power grab for the duration of the last few terms. it's only going to get worse.
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democrats, if this is something they are sincerely concerned about and really matters to them, they will have to use alternative means and get more creative rather than expecting the court to police themselves. >> i would like to argue that you need to go toe to toe. thank you both so much for sticking with us on a winding newsday. president biden does damage control with progressive after his executive action on the border. we are joined by caucus with greg since our next. you are watching "the weekend."
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it's an idea whose time has come. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone. it's a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world. but we should. it is our commitment. [music playing] in a few moments president biden and french president emmanuel macron will give remarks after their bilateral meeting it comes at the end of the strip to france what has thus far focused on memory the 80th anniversary of the date. focus has now shipped to modern-
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day challenges and conflicts. president biden and his administration are now working to remedy progressives restoration over his newly signed executive action to tighten border security. his moves which would simply shut down asylum request once the average number of encounters top money 500 is met with backlash from most republicans and some democrats. for different reasons. joining us now is congressman greg casar and good morning, congressman. >> thank you for having me on. >> sir, your first initial thoughts when you found out about this executive order. is my understanding the white house did a round of calls to members of congress and a number of progressive allies to give them a heads up of what the president's order would be.
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executive action, pardon me. >> we know this has been building up and potentially coming because it is my first term and i'm sitting here in san antonio, texas, where we welcome so many thousands of immigrants over the last few years. we have seen how they basically , republicans, have covered up for every failure there is i pointing to some vulnerable group of people. right now they are trying to pick on poor and desperate families fleeing violence especially from latin america. i think they have been setting up this trap that unfortunately president biden has been pushed into with this executive order. so, my first reaction we need to provide better alternative and more progressive vision for why we need a better immigration system rather than falling into the republican trap which makes immigration less legal disorder actually closes legal pathways, restricts legal pathways to migration,
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which is the opposite of the direction we should be going in. >> how do you reconcile that with the vast majority of americans who have an opposite view of what you just described? they don't have a progressive view of immigration policy. they have a more restrictive view of immigration policy in the president is trying to walk a very fine line here. given that neither the congress nor prior administrations have done squat on the border. so, it rests on his desk in the face of a very contentious election against a demagogue who wants to round people up and ship them somewhere. outside the united states for he doesn't care where. and the american people seemingly are applauding that because they are giving him the upper hand on immigration policy. so, how do you -- how does the
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present walk that line? if this is not the way to walk it? >> you have made some really important points and i will tackle a few of them. first of all, i am a supporter of the president and donald trump has been the most anti- emigrant president not just in modern history but as long as anyone can remember. we have to be strongly opposed to his presidency. i do not enjoy disagreeing with my own president on this executive order. the problem is, republicans in the congress has spent much of their time as possible keeping the border and immigration system is broken as possible. of course, the average american disagrees with saying these difficult images on the border. seeing people stuck in lines, sucking camps, there is not an orderly process.
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but it has been republican officials who have caused that. they are the arsonist and they try to track -- tried to blame president biden, the firefighters, for the flames they had set. so instead we should go to your question, what with the american people truly support? where should we go? one, or legal pathways so folks can apply to come here. i believe that most americans do not disagree with many progressives on immigration. they just want to see a more legal and orderly pathway. second, we actually should try to find ways to reduce some of that burden and resource strength on border communities. this order will not reduce the number of people getting pushed out and displaced from latin america, immigration doesn't start on the border. it starts in their home country. we have to have a conversation about why there are record numbers of people being pushed out of their homes. that is why i am drafting legislation to address how they
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are pushing folks out of their homes without resulting democracy. we need to change the policies that leave latin american countries in debt and we have to stop pushing people out of their homes before we blame asylum-seekers. especially as we recognize d-day. we fought for the values i learned in world war ii that we should not be turning people away from violent and destruction. that is when we set up the laws that we should be protecting. >> i want to make sure we get to this. is reporting that the white house in addition to all this is looking at the possibility of parole in place for undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. if you ask me, that is a political lay-up and about keeping american families together. your counsel to the white house suggest a series of executive actions and authorities that would in fact enhance and benefit immigration in this
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country. >> we got to get that done. i appreciate your bringing that up. we remember when president biden was running for re- election in trying to protect dreamers and their parents as well. how important that was for the latino community and our economy and campaign. president biden needs to put forward positive vision for immigration and sign positive executive actions. i think it is the right thing to do both morally and politically. >> we have more ahead. this is "the weekend." stay with us. so go ahead, lived with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background.
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i am so struck something the president that on thursday be the generation when history is written about our time, it will be said that when the moment came, we met the moment, we stood strong and our alliances make younger and we save democracy. do -- the use of the week there. it's not just joe biden who will save democracy. it is not kamala harris who was a democracy. it is we, the people, the voters of the united states of america who are tasked with this undertaking. >> a peep will have the power. we went up the people have the power. it feels as though politics is this existential thing and the world leaders and the images
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we've been putting on the screen today, and these are the people making the decisions. we are just, you know, we just have to roll with the punches but the reality is these folks work for us. at least when it comes to a democracy. the people have the power and i keep going back to that article about president biden and all the things he has done on the world stage to expand and strengthen nato. and the author wrote that in america president have to earn their mandate. we give the president, the governors, the senators, members of congress, their mandate and we have to be involved. this is a pivotal moment for americans and a pivotal moment for the world. i shudder to think what happened and what the world is and 30, 40, 50 years from now if donald
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trump is elected in november. >> that is a point i made to charles. the power rests with us but we seemingly right now have a mind to not use it on behalf of democracy but to use it to exact a punishment on democracy. the retribution narrative resonates with far more americans that we want to be honest about the >> i was going to ask you who that we was in your sentence. >> we, the american people. i mean, in any other universe, this is not a contest for the next president of the united states for the presidency is firmly in the hands of the man who is arguing on behalf of the country. and its role in the world. but that is not where we are. it's not the conversation we are having to in the do you know what, michael, you're right.
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one could argue that he's talking about republicans, but he is talking about voters who this message of retribution is resonating with. who traffic in the bigotry, racism, misogyny and all the phobias. the people willing to prop up not just donald trump but the entire apparatus that is around him that is the republican party right now. the voters are the ones who have emboldened these elected officials and frankly people have to take a look at themselves. it seems like this is exactly who some people want to be. >> the reality of it is, this is not all republicans. the folks in the election process, the republicans don't have the numbers to command 70, 60%, 50% of the vote. they don't. they make up in total about, what? 32%? in a general election of
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identified voters. i think we have to be honest about that. in this moment of commemorating the day, and normandy, and all the men and women, quite honestly, who sacrificed on the day is a profound message back to us to say, history is not just something that goes to the dustbin. it is something that you put in the soul of the country. two reminded of its virtues and values. when you are confronted with an existential enemy, like donald trump, and i use those were delivery, then you have to go to that well to find the strength to do the right thing at the ballot box. i understand gas prices and inflation. in gases going down. >> gases going down and inflation is coming down.
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i understand that, but the truth the reality is what does it mean for the soul of the country? >> looking forward to hear what president biden and president macron have to say. that does it for "the weekend" this saturday morning to there is more exciting things coming up on msnbc including the remarks from president biden and french president emmanuel macron. we will see you back here tomorrow at 8:00 eastern. follow the show on social media at @the weekendmsnbc. we will see tomorrow. tomorrow. a and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it's the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea,
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