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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  June 9, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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the minority of the american people should not control the courts for the next generation but that's where we are if we don't change it. >> he's the author of the nation that never was, a ground breaking reinterpretation of the american story. before i have go i want to let folks know, that in the coming weeks i'll be in a several cities in canada to discuss my book. i'll be in toronto on monday june 24th in conversation with peter mansbridge. i'll be in vancouver on thursday june 27th in conversation with ian hannah. i hope i see you in person. nna i hope i see you in person.
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to dismantle it. the cochair of the biden/harris campaign is coming up first. a braking exclusive from nbc news, in the last few minutes. donald trump will sit down withl a probation officer tomorrow. andrew wiseman will tell us what to expect. also today, four israeli hostages rescued and scores of t palestinians killed in the process. we will talk about where things go from here. s later, two loyalists installed on the house intelligence committee at the former president has. congressman jim hines is ranking member of that committee and my guest, and he has some thoughts. okay, so maybe you turn on your tv or you looked at your phone and you see some video or some article about the president of the united states traveling overseas.
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is giving speeches, he's meeting with foreign leaders, and it is one of those things that may feel very, very far away. in more ways that one, it might seem like something that doesn't warrant as much attention as the other issues may be grappling with every day at home. but this week was different. and here's why. because president biden's trip to normandy this week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day was an ve important reminder of why the rt values of the leader of the world really do matter. especially today. >> isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago and it is not the answer today. the autocrats of the world are watching closely. to see what happens in ukraine. to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. we cannot let that happen. to surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable. >> those words you heard from
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president biden have always been true. and in delivering the message the next day, the president sees the mantle of the guy who used to be the hero of the republican party. now all of you history buffs likely caught this in the moment but biden's speech was delivered at the very same spot where president ronald reagan famously renewed america's commitment to freedom and democracy were years ago. that wasn't an accident and to hear both of them now, side-by- side, you would think they are almost completing each other sentences as they speak about the sacrifice of the brave soldiers and the role of american leadership in the world. >> the range and the skill of this class did not know that they would change the world, but they did. >> let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. >> they are asking us to do our job, to protect freedom in our time, two different democracy. >> one's country is worth dying
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for and democracy is worth dying for because his the most deeply honorable form of of government ever devised by man. >> we often talk about the ideals of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. but we don't y,talk about, is h hard it is, how many ways we are asked to walk away. >> we learned isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable risk as to tyrannical governments, and expansionist intent. ex >> as any of you believe, the rangers would want the americans to go it alone today. >> let us stand for the ideals for which they lived and died. >> president biden and president reagan agreed on a lot. but all of this is a reminder of how in line both lyrical parties have been encore the bulls for decades. because this is the brand of american resolve and resilience that presidents are known for si
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on both sides of the isle. most of them, and released. with one obvious exception of course, you know who it is. ow in stark contrast with president biden, donald trump is selling an apocalyptic vision of america and he is hoping that the voters forget te values that of long made our country great. trump sees a path to victory not by celebrating the country he wants to lead, but by denigrating it. >> we have become a failing nation. we are a nation that is in tremendous trouble. our country is going to hell. >> this is a failing nation right now and it is only getting worse. >> we have a very sick country. we are failed nation. >> the truth is donald trump couldn't really care less about preserving the values that the united states has long stood un for, through many presidents of both parties. and his campaign isn't about preserving our freedom, it is about preserving his own. it is not about upholding american greatness, it is about staying out of prison. this is why the country trump
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describes is virtually unrecognizable from the one described by reagan and biden sc and many, many presidents between. the republican party is the party that wants spoke glowingly of american exceptionalism. that pride and optimism from the top though is not -- is now long gone. trump is the same guy that couldn't be bothered to pay respects at an american cemetery in france. ca the very same one that president biden visited just this morning. trump is the same guy that called the veteran to sacrifice their lives, suckers and losers, a direct vote. just let that sink in for a moment. so right now, we are five-month from the presidential election and there is a big choice out there between one candidate who knows america is already great and another who calls it a failure. one who honors our allies and one who heralds our enemies. one who wants to uphold the legacy of d-day as many residents have, and one who wants to squander it. when we are presented with the contrast, that is stark with i stakes as high as they are, we
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all need to take note. joining me now is national cochair for the biden/harris campaign, mitch landrieu. thank you for taking the time. i want to start with what i laid out there because what struck me from watching the speeches this week of president biden giving them overseas, and echoes of reagan, a clear ho reminder to me and many people of how far-flung from our values america's values, trumps values are and part of the message was also about fighting for something bigger than yourself, as the rangers did hear i wanted to ask you, what does the campaign hope that people watching from home, people just tuning in, may take away from the speeches that the president gave this week? >> it is great to be with you, thank you. most americans, i was mesmerized by the trip this week , commemorating the 80th anniversary of the most heroic day in the history of america and the history of the world. those young men, 17 and 18-year-
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olds scaled that incredible battlefield and fought tierney. the president went there to remind people with sacrificing for democracy looks like, but he was standing on the soldiers of not just ronald reagan but franklin done merlot -- called delano roosevelt and general eisenhower who was the supreme commander who later became a president. he was republican. and president ronald reagan and joe biden. the big idea, america is the greatest country there ever wasa and the greatest country because we are built on the greatest idea that we come to the table of democracy as equals and we have to defend democracy against autocracy. we never used to have a conflict about that idea but for some insane reason the r republican party now has, a guy that wants to turn that idea on its head. he's become isolationist to be -- nato is a thing that preserved peace over time and es it is in fact true, based on
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donald trump's actions in the last couple of years that c democracy is at risk abroad and at home. and you have seen it time and time again. so the selection is a real decision between autocracy and democracy and notwithstanding the fact donald trump is now a convicted criminal, now somebody who has declared to be a sexual abuser and cool xu unquote, rapist by a court. somebody who has judgments against him. this man talks in a way that is completely antithetical and unhinged from what the world knows about america and of ow course what america's value is of themselves. this choice is between a guy that gets up every day and thinks about the american people and is calling on angles among us versus a guy that wants to tell you everything is going to hell because that is what he sees when he looks in the mirror. >> i think there is a contrast that is so stark as i laid out and i could not agree more. i'm grateful you talked about some of the past presidents. it is important to remember that. there are key moments toin debates, in elections as you
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and i both know, the debate is of course one of them coming up in just 18 days. i am the first to say and i have said many times that there's a lot of business to do to draw that contract that you outlined , reminding voters of the re choice they have. but one thing everyone is watching as how the president will talk about trumps convictions. you just referenced it. it is part of ichis story. we just learned trump is going to sit down at his probation t officer tomorrow. what should we expect? how will the president talk about this in 18 days at the debate? >> can we stop on that fact, rather -- i will talk about the debate but a guy that wants to be president of the united states, has to sit down with his ovation officer. that is just an astounding at statement that sometimes people walk by. i don't think most americans will walk by that. we can always have a debate about how big the country should be or how small, what the taxing policies are. at the end of the day the president of the united states
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is a person who is supposed to wisdom, character, judgment and is supposed to reflect the best america has to offer. when you put these two men next to each other and their vision of the world and their characters, in my opinion is not much of a choice. t even people that disagree with some of joe biden's policies have to agree that his character, his wisdom and judgment are just much more reflective of great american values and i believe during this debate, joe biden will take it to donald trump. the member joe biden is the only politician standing that has ever be donald trump. he beat him by 8 million votes. donald trump is a loser. you can count many times that you can use that word for him and at the end of the day joe biden has debated donald trump twice and beat him both times. i am fully confident the president will show up again and do the same he has done in the past. on election day when americans have to choose between democracy and autocracy, between goodness and bad, the ee right way to do things and wrong way to do things, they're going to choose a future for
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america that makes sense for ic who we have always been and who we want to be. >> i don't think we should whistle past the probation officer meeting and i'm glad you called that out. i wonder, chris christie had wo debate advice. basically suggesting the president should engage with lies about his record and even his family. it is interesting advice, but i want to know what you think about that. >> which president he's talking about, he must be talking about trump. when his lips are moving, he's lying. >> of course he was, he's giving advice to joe biden about ignoring trumps lies, ignoring attacks on biden's family members in the debate. what you think about that? >> i understand that. listen, joe biden, anybody who knows joe biden, knows about ow his story. before he was sworn in, his wife and child were killed and two of his sons were left. joe biden went home every night and took care of those kids, one of those kids, beau biden subsequently died tragically from being -- from brain cancer and hunter had a huge problem
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with substance abuse. thest thing that draws me to th story is not about hunter or biden. hunter is not running afor president. donald trump is running for president. but it tells me about joe biden that joe biden is a great human being. he loves his son unconditionally. even in his darkest times, joe biden never left him behind like he's never left america ke behind. he never it. le people who talk about joe biden in a way that makes him look old or something like that, joe biden shows up every day fighting for people, fighting for this country. in he's done it his entire life and that is the joe biden you are going to see who will take it to trump and he's going to beat him again. in the debates, and beat him in the election because donald trump is a ca loser. he's been a loser his entire life and he will lose again. the reason he will lose again is the american people are good people. they don't believe this countryy is gone. they will lift this country up with joe biden. >> always a pleasure talking to you, thank you for taking the time this afternoon. >> thank you, good to be with you. coming up, a bizarre facebook post about a juror, a
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letter from judge juan merchan and a friday night we got about something that could be absolutely nothing. and trump will sit down with a probation officer tomorrow. andrew wiseman is standing by an and he will be coming up next. we will be right back. right b. t of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. here's to getting better with age.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue.. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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there is a bit of mystery, a little intrigue surrounding the verdict of donald trump's criminal trial. in a letter to the prosecution and defense, judge juan merchan data from a user who claimed to advance knowledge of the jury's decision. the post, which was set to be one week old as of friday said quote, cousin is a juror and says trump is getting convicted. thank you folks for all your hard work, exclamation point. nbc news has not compacted -- contacted the user and the post has been deleted but it's part a temporary frenzy of
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speculation about the potential of juror misconduct. jury deliberations are meant to be secret and if a juror did share information with a cousin or anyone for that matter, it could give trump pretext to contest the verdict. but there's some reasons to doubt the credibility of the claim on that facebook post. for one, the user describes himself on his profile as a professional trash poster, only use a different word which i will not use because this is a family show in the middle of sunday afternoon. and subsequent post from the same account told people to quote, take it easy. suggesting his online commentary is intentionally designed to derail discussions and cause reaction. in other words it seemed there's a good chance was just a prank. of course, that didn't stop trump from seizing upon the post , suggesting the verdict was unfair. he waited -- weighed in with a single trial, mistrial and his allies of course like sean hannity got ahead of their skis. >> okay, was affixed from the
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beginning and was this caused by mistrial? i assume a motion is going out and being written as we speak. if that is not caused by mistrial i don't know what is. >> if that is not cause for a mistrial says sean hannity, i don't know what is. joining me to break it all down as always is andrew weissmann, top prosecutor under robert mueller. we are going to take a quick break and we will be right back. back. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪
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we had a momentary technical difficulty, it happens. what we love talking with andrew weissmann is. i got them back . he's top vascular under robert mueller and msnbc legal analyst. one of our favorite people to talk too. andrew, thank you for dealing with the technical issues with us. we start with the outline of the news i just went through, before the quick break. knowing what we know now about this facebook post and all of the details around it, what you think happened? >> i'm actually a little bit surprised in the five week trial , that is so high-profile that we have attacked these issues before. i've done a whole series of high-profile matters, and there's always allegations with respect to the jury. both sides or reporters, or people up to no good. do research on the jurors, sorts of allegations come out
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about whether they were honest in their statements to the court, in connection with the jury selection process, or whether they started deliberating before they were supposed to, or something that is alleged to have happened during the deliberations. almost invariably, something where you lose jurors or there some kind of allegation afterward and judges have to deal with that. and so i have been surprised we kept all of the jurors, for the entire trial, and there are a lot of bad actors out there, with motives to try and do research on the jurors. and that has not happened. this has all of the indicia of being fake, including the person basically saying that recently, that they were trash posting. again, i am using their words or a politer version . it doesn't seem like this is anything.
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the judge did exactly what you are supposed to do, to make sure that both sides are aware of it and it is donald trump team, if they want to submit something on it, they can. i don't think this is the one for people to go down the route of fox news clips that you are playing. but again, i just wasn't surprised by this. i was more surprised that it hadn't happened yet. >> that is an important reminder for people and obviously there will be more efforts to do this, if they pop up again, including by bad actors. i want to ask you, right before we came on there was exclusive reporting by nbc news, that trump is scheduled for a zoom interview with the probation officer tomorrow. it is over zoom, which i think isn't typically how it is done, although this isn't a typical scenario. how do you expect this to go and what are you watching for? >> so the manor is certainly not normal. usually it is in person. not by zoom.
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but you can imagine, because of the secret service, et cetera, the combinations have been made. this is one where donald trump, it is his to lose. you know, there's nothing wrong with his telling the probation office, i didn't do anything wrong and i am not admitting guilt, and i am planning on appealing. every defendant has the right to do that. but if he were to start saying the kinds of things he's been saying during the trial, and after the trial and attacking the jurors, the witnesses, the judge, family members, to have anti-law enforcement or walls anti-law enforcement sentiment, it is not going to go that well to say the lease. he will also be asked a lot about his personal finances and turns of paying a fine. you will be asked about whether he's associating with criminals. and it is sort of remarkable, the kind of thing you discussed with your last gasp.
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but he's going to discuss whether he still coordinates with roger stone, paul manafort, steve bannon. remember, all of these people have been found guilty by a jury , and are felons themselves. so that is another area, where the probation department can ask questions and it will be interesting to see what donald trump has to say about that. >> what he says and when you say it could not go well, what could be the impact of this meeting? what will we hear after it is over? >> sure, and this is a standard part of sentencing, where the probation department, there is sort of an arm of the court, and they give a private, confidential report to the judge. so we will not directly see it. we may hear about it, through the parties. but there is a report given to the judge, both sides should have access to it, to challenge
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any statements. but it is basically allowing the court to learn more information about a defendant. in connection with donald trump, you may be saying, how much more, what possibly do they need to know? but he has not been through this process, and so this is part of what probation does with every defendant. most defendants are not that well known to the sentencing judge. buddy here, there are as we mentioned, areas about for instance, his associating with known felons. as something that we have not heard about directly. we also, i can imagine the judge, or at least probation being interested in statements, with respect to jurors and witnesses, and the judge, and what, if anything that he's planning on doing in connection with that regard, what his statement about with respecting
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responsibility. >> i'm always grateful. thank you for dealing with technical issues and being here to respond to the breaking news. i appreciate it so much. there's a story been on my mind since i saw reporting about it the last couple of days. summer olympics as you know in paris is coming up, just a few days away. right now, of course the focus should be on the athletes, preparing, on paris getting their city ready to host the world. but russia has other plans. according to an intelligence report from the microsoft threat analysis center, they've fired up disinformation apparatus to undermine the upcoming games and of course the host country of france. now it is worth noting, russia is banned from competing due to their ongoing invasion of ukraine. but this disinformation campaign seems to have two clear big objectives. the first is denigrating the reputation of the international
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olympic committee and the second is creating the expectation of a violent breaking out in paris during the games, like the fear mongering tactic we have seen before. so how are they doing this? according to the report, beginning last summer, pro- kremlin social media accounts began to promote a series of videos including a feature- length documentary attacking the leaders of the international olympics committee, called olympics has fallen. the fake documentary is narrated by an ai generated voice, of tom cruise. but he himself had nothing to do with it. his voice and likeness worst nolan. and it is intro, even imitates netflix's branding and makes it confusing for probe kremlin actors also used the cameo to deceive celebrities into recording videos and edited them to make the videos look like endorsements for this fake documentary. a tactic which the kremlin backed actors have used to push
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anti-ukraine propaganda around the world. at all sounds a little sophisticated. pretty sophisticated and kind of hard for the average people to make sense of and differentiate, and that is why it is so different -- dangerous. all part of undermining the parents a lot -- paris olympics. fear mongering videos pretend to be new sources in order to dissuade people from coming to the olympics. and in one particular clip, impersonating french broadcaster french 24, the russian created disinformation falsely claimed 24% of purchased epics for olympic events had been returned due to fears of terrorism or event fear mongering again. and a more explicit attempt, disinformation actors produced fake press releases posing as none other than cia and the french intelligence service, warning potential attendees to stay away from the paris 2024 olympics due to again, allegedly risk of terror attack.
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one larger aspect of the campaign dubbed doppleganger is focused on cloning spoofs of reputable media outlets, making it more confusing and then using those fake sites to push pro-russian disinformation. but some of the most worrying disinformation being directed from the kremlin has looked to impersonate militant organizations and fabricate threats to the games, mid- tensions felt around the world from the israel/hamas war. accounts showed ruffini painted in paris that threatened violence against israelis attending the 2024 games. several images referenced the horrific attacks of the 1972 munich olympics, where members of a palestinian terrorist organization killed 11 members of the israeli and olympics -- olympics team. it appears these images may have been ai generated. microsoft did not observe confirmation that the graffiti exists, suggesting the images are like the digitally
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generated. but what is important to remember, is this russian disinformation is not actually isolated to the paris olympics. it is complicated and detailed as it is, we have seen similar before here in the united states for years. of course the kremlin and infamously targeted the 2016 residential election, we remember that and no doubt they are attempting to interfere again, leading up to the 2020 for olympic -- 2024 olympics. and the threat it poses over and over again, to current and former national security officials and this is what they have said repeatedly. >> i hope our intelligence community is equipped to respond, may be better than we did in 2016 but they will come for this election. >> the russians have proved themselves to be adept at interfering and if he has a chance, he will do it again. >> do you think they're going to intervene in our election
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again? do you worry about that? but they are already intervening in our election. that is happening now. >> the consensus from people who know well, is that putin will try to interfere in our election again and seeing how they have targeted the olympics, it should be a wake- up call to what the kremlin and putin are capable of. and the links they will go to undermine the western pro- democracy forces. coming up, someone investigated by the fbi, would it be my first choice to sit on the house intel committee but it is apparently not a problem for house speaker mike johnson. congressman jim heinz joins me after this break. this break. getting a walk-in tub? well, look no further! safe step's best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you'll also receive 15% off your entire order.
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a lot is happening in the world, obviously. but this week, house speaker mike johnson appointed a couple of diehard trump loyalists to the house intelligence
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committee. and we should pay attention for couple of reasons. the intel committee handle some of the most sensitive information there is involving state secrets, foreign policy, inter-workings of the cia and fbi. speaker johnson just appointed election denying congressman scott perry and abuser ronny jackson to that committee. let me tell you, those are problematic characters to have access to our nation's top secrets and congressman perry was the poster boy for trump's efforts to prevent efforts from certifying president joe biden's election victory. even confiscating his phone to investigate his role in the plot. three years later thanks to speaker johnson, perry will oversee the fbi, and thomas min jackson, the former white house physician and member of the u.s. navy, who was stripped of his military rank were allegedly making sexual and it denigrating comments about a female colleague and abusing prescription medication. congressman jackson has called the acquisitions lyrically motivated, which sounds an
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awful lot like something donald trump would say. that brings us to why speaker johnson's appointments are so egregious. according to punchbowl news, the republican chair of the intel committee, congressman mike turner did not know about the appointments because the speaker of the house went around his own chairman at the behest of trump, according to the report. and the speaker is playing politics with the committee at a time when our intelligence committee with dealing with threats from a range of places, russia as i was talking about, china, and also engage in high- stakes operations across the world. the israeli military rescued four hostages from central gaza and in operation killed at least 274 palestinians, according to gazan officials. and we are learning the u.s. assisted in providing intel that helped with the hostage rescue. so my point is that stakes are pretty high as lawmakers who oversee our intelligence committee, they have important roles and by appointing jump accolades, speaker johnson is
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signaling that he's more interested in appeasing trump. congressman jim heinz is ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee and he joins me now. and i want to talk about the appointments but i want to start with news from over the last 24 hours, about the release of the, or rescuing of the four hostages. we have all seen the videos, incredibly touching. jake sullivan this morning, acknowledged a cease-fire and hostage deal is the best way to get the remaining hostages out, in addition to ending this war. and i want to ask you, can the rest of the hostages be rescued through operations in your assessment and how concerned are you if that is the planned approach, especially given the civilian death toll that we saw the separation? >> good to be with you. the rescue operation was a remarkable operation in the tradition of israelis forces going back to the raid, where
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they rescued civilians from a hijacked airliner in africa. but to answer your question, no, there's simply no way these operations succeed because of exquisite planning, competence and also luck. luck is not always on your side. anybody who needs a reminder of that, just watch the mogadishu operation that led to the movie. no, that is not an option. the only option for the reading of all the hostages is for all parties to agree to a cessation of hostilities and release of hostages. and i know that bill burns and others are working away on that, but that is a heavy lift. >> prime minister netanyahu is addressing congress next month and the u.s. and leaders within israel, you included, have been pressing him for a clear plan on how we will end the war and what will happen in gaza on the day after. this is something officials have been pressing for since the beginning. he seems to be ignoring the
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pleas, while proceeding with the military campaign. is there more leverage, do you think the u.s. should be using to push netanyahu to produce a plan and what you hope to hear from him, when he is your next month? >> there is more leverage and it is terribly painful to talk about, much less apply, because israel was attacked. and i've been critical of the way they conducted the war, and there is plenty of room to be critical about that. but at the core of this is the fact, there is no way for israel to win this, purely militarily. hamas, disgusting terrorist though they may be, have a vision for a future and it is a dark, horrible evil vision. but my complaint with the prime minister, apart from the way they conducted the war, with out attention to the military and situation is that he offered no ulterior vision.
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you cannot win this unless you participate or put forward some sense of hope for the future on the part of palestinians. if you don't do that, they will adhere to the disgusting and the dark vision hamas or others offer and it is time for the prime minister to actually engage in what the future of the palestinian people might and should look like. >> he seems resistant, hesitant, all the things to do. let me turn to the intel appointments because we've spoken a little bit, and i believe you have a great deal of respect for the chairman, turner, and it sounds like reporting that you learned about the appointments through news reports. have you talked with him specifically about this, and is that true? >> i don't want to get into my private discussions with the chairman. one of the reasons i don't want to do that is chairman terminator and i have worked very hard when he 47 for the last year to establish the committee as a nonpartisan
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context in which people, though we have different ideologies and belong in a different parties where we are focused on probably never more critical job of making sure the intelligence community is doing what it is doing. in the service of that i am not going to open fire on these new appointments. i'm going to observe that for generations, speakers of both parties have appointed the most serious minded, leased flammable and volatile members, and we see the appointment of two people with a history of, i would argue, putting donald trump's interest ahead of the national interest. i'm not going to go further than that because i'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, whether they deserve it or not in the service of trying to keep the committee functional. but donald trump, from the moment he became president showed his disdain both for the intelligence community, as well as the truth, that they are all about providing to power. again, it is concerning when you see congressman perry statement about now the committee will finally do real oversight.
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what an insult to chairman turner and the people who have been toiling in those vineyards for a very long time. fingers crossed, but it is not a happy day for me, anyway. >> it is such an important point, the intel committee and to democrats and republicans have historic work together to address so many important issues, such an important tradition. thank you so much for joining me. i appreciate you taking the time. up next, it was just the beginning and now republicans are setting their sights on birth control. i will talk with republican lawmaker expanding access to -- blocked by her own party. we will be right back. back. and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen!
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i've talked on the show about the threat to abortion rights around the country, but now there is an effort to go even further, due to the sowing of the misinformation and -- that is causing the limited access and blocking of efforts to ask and access to contraceptives. in louisiana, a bill to enshrine the rights of birth control was killed, and in idaho, religious activists are pushing lawmakers to ban access to emergency contraception and intrauterine devices. and in missouri republican lawmakers blocked a bill to widen access to birth control pills by falsely claiming they induce abortions. a cosponsor of the bill was republican state representative tara peters, who is not a supporter of abortion rights but according to her was
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republican men in the statehouse killed this legislation related to access to birth control. peters said quote, it surprises me the ones that know nothing about these types of things are the ones that are making the decisions. very well said. joining me as republican state representative tara peters. thank you for joining me. and that quote i read, and i read it earlier this week and said, i want to talk to her and hear about this. you alluded to a lack of understanding, of how i heard it was lack of understanding of how contraception works. among opponents of this bill. which i thought was an interesting call out. what did they not understand? any woman out there knows how contraception works. >> actually the bill was very simple. one page, all it allowed was a woman with a years supply of existing prescription to get all of her prescription at once. it was an annual supply when
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she went to the pharmacy. a simple bill does not mean less complicated. i thought it would be a shoe in, it was going to be -- misinformation started being spread and at first i thought they need to be educated, so we created material when we were whipping the bill for the community, to explain the difference. and initially, once education was proposed and they were still making roadblocks. then there was something a lot deeper than that. so very surprised, again, that even after education, there was an attempt to stop this legislation. >> it is surprising and i noticed that birth control and access to it is broadly supported by members of both parties, independent, democrats and republicans. where is this information coming from, do you have a sense of where people who are opponents of it, even after they are educated are getting their information >> i try to put my feelers out and the only thing i can think
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of is that it is a lot easier for their base to go along with the base as opposed to understanding it, and i think that we lose sometimes when we think we are representing all of our constituents and not just the ones that are our party base. so i think that is forgotten a little bit. i was never able to pinpoint the science, after the education was initially done, and why the efforts continued. but anyway, it is not rocket science. there is some science to it, right? the contraceptive prevents pregnancy and abortifacients a board. i don't understand why that is obligated. >> what do you make, you noted why it is important for people to have access, and that is why you are fighting for this. what you make of the pattern happening in your state, happening in other states where there's efforts to block access to contraception or to bills like yours that are trying to protect women's rights to this.
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>> i was joking recently that in the state of missouri we passed legislation to make marijuana legal in our state, right? there are millions of women in this country and why is this a topic that we are preventing access to contraception? i understand in missouri we are non-abortion state and again, very pro-life. but we need to make sure that we are giving women the tools that we need to prevent pregnancy and this should not be a fight in this country. this should be easily the things we take -- that we make a priority for you. >> i think so many women across the country, democrats and republicans, independents, and affiliated people will agree with you. thank you for joining me today and helping to explain this. it stuck out to me this week and i wanted to talk about it. thank you, again. state representative tara peters, i really appreciate it. i've got one more thing to tell you about before we go today. we're back after a quick break.
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that does it for me today. but we've got a big show planned for tomorrow night. my guest will include pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and new york congressman dan goldman. i'm very excited to talk to both of them. in the meantime be sure to follow the show on twitter, tiktok and instagram. and remember you can listen to any show as a podcast. we'll see you back here tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern but stay right where you are because there's much more news coming up on msnbc. very good day to all of you


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