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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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delay tactic. if hope at best they might get an evidencey hearing. how the boxes were organized this way. whether or not there is something of allegations of bias and improper storage. on on the merits, it doesn't absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022. when he turned stuff over to the archives. he is talking with his lawyers they are telling him to turn it over. we keep finding stuff. it will not ultimately change anything. but it will quite possibly the way judge cannon handles things but it will drag things out a little more. >> we are at the first
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anniversary of the mar-a-lago case. anyone's guess whether we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you for your time tonight. >> have a good night. that is our show. now it is time for the last word with jonathan who is in for lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening. i would love to know if we are going to have a classified documents case but who knows. >> prepare a sheet cake with the number not on the cake and eat it or not. >> let's just eat it anyway. >> have a good show. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, oh three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors many president biden's home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was
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not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i'm the president. i am also a dad. jill and i love our son. and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect 2 judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. joe and i will also be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. he didn't attack the verdict. he didn't say it was rigged. no. all the wild and irresponsible reaction to the verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felony to misdirect from other
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crimes. bigly crimes. unnamed. unspecified. imagined biden crimes that are much bigger and badder than all the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. steven miller posted the hunter biden verdict was proof that doj is joe's election protection racket. the trump campaign called it a distraction from the real crimes. one right wing commenter thinks it was cover for the trump prosecution? >> you go after donald trump and hunter biden. >> okay. in republican's defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser and now 34-time convicted felon
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for president. in a new op ed, merrick garland denounced the republican attacks on the justice department. quote, they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today the doj sent a let tore jim jordan to confirm there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. quote, the department has no control over the district attorney. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th the day after donald trump's sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan da's office said it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation following the full count felony conviction in people v trump. nonetheless, we respect our
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government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, neil, argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law, an msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast court side. thank you so much for being here. so now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some kerry matheson red yarn over a cork board stuff. did you have that on your bingo card? >> it is almost impossible. the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. for years these conservatives have been crowing about a politicized justice department. what happened today, the
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justice department convicted the president's own son. his only living son. imagine what that would take. the president gave you that job. you have the power as every attorney general does to end the prosecution. with the stroke of a pen. and you didn't do it. that's what the rule of law is all about. and, similarly, the constitution gives the president the power to pull the plug on any prosecution. that is part of article two. so biden, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn't do it. that's the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn't hear joe biden wining about a trump judge though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump. rather you heard the president saying he would accept the
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outcome of the case. i know no other word for that but presidential. >> he even went so far as to say he wouldn't pardon his son. we saw this with judge merchan and it is merrick garland's way too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these overthe top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionally to the trumpian all-out war on our justice system? >> i was really glad to see the attorney general's op ed today in the washington post saying look, what the department does is justify the rule of law and we do so fairly and impartially. that's the justice department that i saw jonathan when i worked there in two different administrations. and it is like why people respect this country so much. this morning i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150
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new citizens from 54 countries and what do they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this. even the president's own son could be convicted by the president's justice department and the president's prosecution arm because this president respects the constitution and respects the rule of law. unlike some of these republicans who spit on this every chance they can. >> what do you expect to see when mat hat tan da alvin bragg testifies? >> i expect to see a big nothing. all sorts of innuendo related to how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son though it was overseen by a trump appointed special council. and adjudicated by a trump judge. i'm sure we will hear cray-cray
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like that. the justice department said today there was no communication between the prosecutor who is the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories and the justice department. zero. none. so have the hearing by all means. that is part of congress' responsibilities. but it would be nice to have some facts in these hearings. >> be nice to have some. but i'm not expecting any. thank you for coming to the last word. >> thank you. so, here is how you know trump knows it could get much worse for him. he is a dumb son of a [bleep] >> convicted felon trump indicted for his unsuccessful
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attempt to overturn the 2020 election praised the january 6th rioters who attacked the capitol calling them warriors. >> those j6 warriors were warriors but they were victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election. that's what they were doing. >> while trump was ranting in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander-in-chief is somebody who gives a [bleep]. i served in the united states marine corp. >> i'm ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. >> i'm matthew mclaughlin. >> it is the first time i'm shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me
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to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield but when we return home. >> i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility and when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. >> who criticizes veterans. who doesn't see it important for him to go to the funerals. >> donald trump has zero accountability in his life. >> he is a draft dodger. simple as that. >> yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon. a mandatory requirement before his sentencing july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth. a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important.
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>> let's be clear. they are all ghosts trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity. equity and inclusion. banning books about black experiences. trying to erase and rewrite history. it is not just about the past. it's about our present and our future. it is whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. folks, black history is american history. >> black history is american history. joining us now, former assistant democratic leader in the house of representatives, congressman james cleiburn. a cochair of the biden harris 2024 campaign. congressman, always great to see you. welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event
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last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act. lowering drug prices. but listen to how roy wood jr. talked about that achievement. >> we have legislation for cheaper prescription drugs. insulin is down to $35 if you are a senior. i don't know if anybody here has paid for insulin before. but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs so we appreciate that $35 right there. >> i love the relatable roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? >> well thank you very much for having me. absolutely. we have to get this out there. this administration has a
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record that is unequal even cannot be imagined. by a lot of people who thought about these things as we went into the last election. this administration with this rescue plan has brought young children out of poverty. with this infrastructure bill is put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. the chipping science act. it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done. joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me well, he isn't talking loud enough. he didn't show the kind of energy we want.
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we are about substance. substance. not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what will leave for our children and grandchildren a country to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud. you can misrepresent. you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i used to listen to my dad's sermons and one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that get them. not their words. if you get caught up on the words, they will pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president. this administration.
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biden and harris. >> let's talk about, some more deeds. because today, the biden administration announced that medical debt can no longer be considered in credit scores. president biden has made debt elimination one of his pitches on the campaign. but new polling shows americans are split on student loan forgiveness. three in ten adults approve while four in ten disapprove. how concerned are you about those polling numbers we see on the screen right there? >> i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear. we are talking about eliminating this compounded interest. and all these things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have a constituent. not a black constituent. a constituent in north
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charleston who wrote a letter to the president with a copy to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years he has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest. and paying for it for more than 20 years. and still owed money. so when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest. not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney says that this was a bad deal, how can it be a bad deal? the principle is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there by people who are making money when the original principle was paid back a long time ago.
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so that is what is going on here. so nobody is paying anybody's debt. they paid off the debt. the compound interest people are collecting and putting people in the poor house as we say down south. >> let me get you on one more thing. let's talk comments that entertainment 50-cent made on capitol hill last week. listen to this. >> i said i'm identifying with trump. >> why do you say that? >> because they got rico charges. >> congressman, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they have rico charges? >> look. he should have been with me last saturday night at this south carolina naacp freedom
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fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in there, male or female, for donald trump. should have been with me at greater target memorial ame church on sunday morning. 100% for joe biden. not a single person there. for donald trump. i don't know where 50-cent is hanging out. but i hang out with the naacp. i hang out with the black community. back faith community, and i don't see any support for donald trump. these people are not worried about rico, they are worried about their children's student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin when it comes to their health care. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broad band deployment. that's what they are getting from this president and they are not thinking about whatever
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it is 50-cent is talking about in rico. it is down in georgia. that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violateing the rico statute? come on 50-cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. >> congressman, always great to see you. thank you for comeing to the last word. >> thank you very much for having me. all right, 50 cents. coming up, we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who isn't celebrating. justice samuel alito's wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation at seeing pride flags from her house. and that's not the only reason we should be worried about what's on those secret recordings. that's next. those secret recordings. that's next.
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my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their home associated with the stop the steal movement and carried by rioters at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife martha anne alito are revealing more about what
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motivates her to fly flags. >> you know what i want? i want is a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he is like oh, please don't put up a flag. i won't do it because i'm deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i'm putting it up and i'm going to send them a message every day. maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag, it is white. and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the world vergogna. vergogna in italian means shame. >> that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq plus community during pride month. people. like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them
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a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags that she is flying. and for what it's worth, i don't think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha annes in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but this is martha anne alito. she is not just any random person. she is married to a supreme court justice for life. one of the most powerful people in the country who is actively rolling back americans' constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v. wade. and that laid the foundation for another right wing justice with a right wing wife. clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq plus community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that affirm the rights of same sex
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couples including same sex marriage. martha anne alito longs for the day when 74-year-old justice alito is quote free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. your reaction to what we heard. >> shocking but not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags. it's a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a symbol to talk about how they want to push us back into the closet. when i talk about what it represents, tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting where 49 members of our community's lives were stolen forever. this kind of violent action and
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political rhetoric leads to real world outcomes so anyone that is listening to her, anyone that is watching what she says, should be very, very concerned. not only about her words but what it means in terms of the actions of people that are listening to her. >> uh-huh. this audio, new audio from justice alito tonight. listen. justice alito tonight. listen. >> kelly, does this sound ominous given the two abortion cases and january 6th cases to be decided? >> to me it sounds hypocrital. i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of
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democracy. and now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this who is espousing these belief that's are concerning for someone on the highest court of the land. so i do think that anyone that is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito's mouth, you should be concerned. but i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq plus person, a woman, someone who is nonbinary, we don't have the luxury of putting our fear into a state of analysis. it is more critical than ever that we get out and we vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. >> uh-huh. trump is out there giving comfort to anti-abortion groups promising to defend life. these also sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting.
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>> they don't. they have said the quiet part out loud already. we have to remember that when roe v. wade was overturned and justice thomas' concurrence, he said out loud, the next the court should revisit lawrence. they should revisit griswold. they asserted our basic rights as lgbtq plus people in this country and our right to contraception so any time they say that these things are not on the table, look at what they are doing. we should be very concerned about what we are seeing and take it as a call to action. at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count. and there is something that we can do right now about how this court has gotten so far disconnected from its actual mission in our democracy. >> as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night. but that's not the point why
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i'm bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. >> across our nation, we witnessed a full-on attack on hard fought hard won freedoms and rights. including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride. the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate. the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation's true and full history. and the freedom that unlocks all others, the freedom the vote. >> how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november. what is at stake is more samuel alitos or more ketanji brown jackson. >> exactly. what i saw from kamala harris, that is leadership. at the end of the day when we
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think about this election coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is two fundamentally different visions for our country. when you talk to people, a lot of our fears are the same. worried your kids will have a better life than you do. concerns about inflation. making sure schools are good and welcoming and safe. but i want to make sure that whoever we elect that their solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v. wade to all they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights not only of the last ten years or last 40 years but the last 100. we have got to do something about it for the sake of all of our communities and especially for the sake of our kids. >> kelly robinson, thank you very much for comeing to the last word. >> thank you. coming up, it's election
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night in nevada. a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris and a muster win seat for democrat ifs they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jack see rosen joins us next. rosen joins us next.
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it is primary night in nevada and on sunday, donald trump issued this warning for voters. >> if we win nevada, we win the whole thing. >> donald trump is vying for
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nevada's six electoral votes in a state that has not voted for a republican for president since george w. bush won reelection two decades ago. in fact, joe biden won nevada by 33,596 votes. and republicans haven't won a senate race in nevada since 2012. but in 2022, democrat steve sisilak became the only incumbent to lose reelection that year. voters across the state cast their ballot ins today's primary election. the polls close at 10:00 p.m. eastern but it is still early to call the republican senate primary. with less than five months until election day, donald trump told his supporters exactly what he thinks of them. >> i don't care about you. i just want your vote. i don't care. >> joining us now, democratic senator jackie rosen of nevada. she is a member of the armed services committee and is running for reelection to the
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u.s. senate in 2024. senator rosen, thank you for being here. donald trump called you a quote terrible senator at that rally on sunday. because he knows if you win, it will be you and not a republican voting for federal judges in abortion legislation. and a whole host of other issues. >> well let's be clear. donald trump lost nevada twice and that's a fact. and he clearly doesn't know about nevada because if he did, he would know i have a record and i have a record of being one of the top ten most bipartisan senators overall. top ten most effective democratic senators. the top two most independent democratic senators serving in the senate. nevada voters want someone who will support a woman's right to reproductive freedom. my presumptive opponent sam brown, he wants to take away those rights. he wants to sit in your doctor's office looking over your shoulder. people in nevada want me to
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protect social security and medicare. like we did when we lowered the prices for prescription drugs. maga extremists want to take that away. i took care of my parents and inlaws as they aged. i would never never want to hurt them. never want them to pay higher prices. i don't know what he is thinking but i want to protect seniors. i always have. so donald trump doesn't know our state. there is a clear choice here. there is a senator who wakes up every day putting nevadans first, someone who only puts donald trump first. that would be sam brown. >> senator, a poll was conducted of latino voters and found that 18% or one fifth of likely latino voters are considering voting for a candidate other than president biden or donald trump. senator rosen, how are democrats reaching out to and
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mobilizing latino voters? >> i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. and my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i myself lived here the last 50 years just about. we are in the community all the time. we are listening and we are responding. i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee. we talk about all the latino small businesses. so many entrepreneurs. we want to be sure they have all the tools that they need to keep and start their small business and thrive. it is really important. and we talk about education. and our environment. we are connecting with our latino voters. the same issues that matter to everybody else. >> senator rosen, the late long time nevada senator harry reid
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built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? >> what that means around nevada state. we work together to make sure we do our field program. we are talking about the issues. we coordinate. being sure we are communicating. working together. nevada families, they really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters. we will have the new va hospital. they are searching for their 50- acre site now. it will be a game changer fir the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is seniors, veterans, students, or a tourism economy.
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we are listening and delivering. >> senator jackie rosen of nevada. thank you very much for coming to the last word. >> thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast and one of the big reasons is biden's strength in the key swing state of wisconsin and particularly, with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that's next. the trump base. that's next. yself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue... and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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election forecast showing biden is slightly favored to beat trump in november. the reason, the fundamentals favor biden and biden has a better chance of taking pennsylvania and all of the blue wall states. the washington post has a report about bidens success so far in wisconsin were republicans will renominate convicted felon trump at their national convention next month. particularly with white college voters that make up the trump base. wisconsin democrats contribute strength with white voters with the progression that has faded but not disappeared and part of it to tenacious organizing. biden's campaign is invested in
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a unprecedented field operation in wisconsin with 47 campaign offices across the state. more offices then biden has in any other battleground state staffed by more than 100 full- time campaign workers. even the republican governor admitted to the post that the organization is on the side of the left. joining us now is the wisconsin democratic party chair and the green county wisconsin democratic county chair. been, you have worked tirelessly to defeat the scott walker gop machine but it still must feel good to have walker praised the democratic organization. >> it does feel good, it is the result of a huge amount of work by thousands of people in the most role parts of the state. our motto is, we work date wide
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and year-round. we do not take anybody for granted were right anybody off. that is what it takes to be victorious in wisconsin. if we take wisconsin we take white house. >> tell us about the green county voters you are reaching out to. is this looking for 2020 biden voters that may be going soft war truly undivided voters? >> the issues they care about our kitchen table issues that a lot of us talk about. affordable healthcare. women's reproductive rights, voting rights, saving our democracy, good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues. >> what do you say back to
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them? >> we talked about some of the issues that president biden and harris put forward. the jobs that have been created. money that has come into green county for various rings such as our ymca and county seats in the city of monroe. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. >> on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about trump if anything? >> that they really do not want him back in office. >> it is as simple as that. been, how voters get their information has changed, much more now on social media then with traditional advertising.
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how has that changed voter outreach? >> the first thing we have to assume is there is no silver bullet. you may get something on the local news that reaches some voters. some are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up at the grocery store. we have to be everywhere. social media platforms, foreign science, door to door organizing, phone calls and text messages. show up at parades and county fairs, we build a surroundsound environment. we assume just because you said something somewhere does not mean anybody heard it. you have to say it everywhere and over and over. that is what it takes. trump is trying to confuse people. we need to bring people's focus back to what affects them
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directly. their freedom to make decisions about their own body and living in a democracy. who is fighting for them. trump promising wealthy donors whatever they want. that contrast does resonate for people but you have to go to where the voters are. >> sandy you have been nodding in agreement. my last question is, if biden were to come to green county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? >> that is a good question. i would guess to just be honest with them on what he plans to do for the voters, listening to them and what their issues are is the most important. being able to address those. if biden could come to green
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county, they would be ecstatic. >> we have 90 seconds left, same question been, what would you say team biden needs to work on or watch out for? >> we love biden coming to the state because he does listen to people. when they hear from him they moved toward him and when they hear from trump they move away. we have 97-99 assembly district covered. anybody that wants to help us organize you can volunteer at the website. biden really digs into what he is delivering. he announced a $3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon and stars and never did anything. that contrast really lance. for people that wonder what
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jobs they will have in 10 years, when biden shows up and does something it clicks. we want him to keep coming and we think we can draw a contrast with trump who talks big and delivers nothing and uses power to exact revenge instead of serving the people. >> i think it is guaranteed that biden and harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very much for coming to the last word. we will be right back. ht back. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. ♪♪
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11:00 pm
that is tonight's last ward, the 11th hour starts now. tonight, hunter biden is guilty in the federal gun case. what is next for the president's son as he awaits sentencing?