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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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wing groups and famously he met with donald trump in 2016. jared kushner helped cut a deal where they would get access in exchange for not fact checking. david smith himself said we are here to deliver your message, so it is a very partisan operator, but he is really pulling the strings behind local affiliate neck works -- affiliate networks that unfortunately viewers may not know what is going on. >> over 185 tv stations, plus the baltimore sun. judd legum, thanks for your time. that is our show for tonight. now it is time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell.". >> good evening, alex. sheldon whitehouse is joining us to talk about the supreme court. alex, i was fascinated to hear your interview with the alito neighbor who was in those
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street arguments with alito, especially your point that i will highlight, too, of mrs. alito being caught on tape and saying i am german and saying it in a way that clearly intends to be threatening. what could she possibly be referring to with german being threatening? >> i don't know. as someone who has some german background in my own family, usually you don't try to play up the retribution nature of the german people if you don't have to. history as a guide suggest maybe don't do that. >> it is one of those indicators of just how wild it is at the alito home when it comes to what is happening with their flags, which clearly justice alito knew all about, as your interview proved conclusively. >> wild is one word for it.
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i will be curious to see what senator whitehouse has to say about it. have a good show. the stock market closed at an all-time high once again today. proving once again today that republican businessmen don't know what is good for them. and yes, i am using the antiquated term businessmen deliberately, because the thinking of the people i am referring to is antiquated. the last time it made any sense at all for republican businessmen to vote republican, was back when they all really were men. no women allowed. in the 1920s. back when the stock market crashed in 1929 under republican president herbert hoover and then the country sank into the deepest depression it has ever suffered. there wasn't a single republican politician who had any idea what to do about that.
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then came democratic president franklin delano roosevelt, elected in 1932, in the depths of the depression, and that democratic president created the policies that saved the american economy. if your business survive to the depression it was because of the policies of the democratic president, franklin roosevelt. those policies help your business survive the depression. franklin delano roosevelt held the banking system together by himself in the first days of his presidency. when the entire banking system was on the verge of collapse. the whole thing. what did republican businessmen do? they opposed president roosevelt. they have never known what is good for them and what is good for them is a democratic presidency that knows how to get things done to help their businesses keep running.
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the economy does better under democratic presidents. that is a simple fact of american economic history and there are many businessmen and businesswomen who understand that and vote accordingly. they vote in their own self- interest for democratic presidents. but republican businessmen remain the dominant voice in american media and it is a voice that is almost always wrong. and so there are noisy republican businessmen who are now voicing their support for donald trump without ever thanking joe biden for helping them get richer than they have ever been. during the biden presidency. those people never thanked president obama for getting the economy back on track after the financial crisis of 2008, when wall street investment banks
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collapsed. those wall street investment banks collapsed in the final year of an eight year republican presidency. those wall street bankers got fabulously wealthy beyond their wildest dreams during the eight years of the democratic presidency of bill clinton and then some of them lost everything under the republican presidency of george w. bush and many of them still enthusiastically vote republican, because they are unable to be educated. we do not send our best wall street, we send our greediest, and many of them are too ignorant to understand how competent democratic presidents enrich the economy and always make the rich people who vote against them richer. not all of the people in business are too dense to understand that. democratic presidential candidates get plenty of
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contributions and support from investment bankers and business owners and business executives who actually understand how the economy works and the government's essential position in the economy. infrastructure spending is one of the simplest illustrations of this. scheduled and rescheduled infrastructure week for four years and never passed a single bill providing a single improvement in american infrastructure. not one brick. donald trump built nothing. joe biden passed an infrastructure bill and signed it into law and did it with bipartisan support in the senate. many republicans voted against that bill in the house and senate and now step forward to take credit for the infrastructure improvements that that bill is delivering an republican congressional districts and republican states. infrastructure improvements are
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usually planned carefully for years before the first day of work on a project begins. this year we saw a case of emergency infrastructure work like we have never seen before when 112,383 metric tons of freight of a container ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge across baltimore harbor and instantly closed all shipping in and out of baltimore. that was not a problem for baltimore businesses. that was a problem for the world. grain harvested in the great plains is shipped to countries around the world through the port of baltimore. that means there were businesses large and small in places like iowa, nebraska, kansas, that would be hurt by the closing of the port of baltimore. the first stage of the story was tragedy for the six men who
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lost their lives working on the bridge when it collapsed in the middle of the night. 35-year-old and 24-year-old. 26-year-old castillo cabrera. and 35-year-old jose lopez from guatemala. a 38-year-old from honduras. 49-year-old from el salvador. the second stage of the story had to immediately be the reopening of the port of baltimore and the third stage, the reopening of the bridge. reopening the port meant clearing the bridge debris so that a clear, unobstructed channel could be established through the port that is 700 feet wide and 50 foot the to accommodate the huge container ships that use the port. until the port was open, every
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ship on the oceans of the world headed for the port of baltimore to deliver imports to the united states had to be rerouted or weight and that would add the cost to the exports and the imports involved, which means it would add inflation in the same way that the broken supply chain during the covid pandemic created inflation around the world. and every ship that was in the port of baltimore, ready to leave that night and deliver america's exports around the world, was then stuck. could not move. stuck. none of those ships could leave until that channel was reopened. none of them. that meant that every business that had good on those ships for export around the world was losing money every day. every american business. shipping exports on those ships lost money every day those ships
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could not run. the only thing that was going to be able to get those ships out of the port of baltimore was competent government action and the american economy was lucky. american businesses are lucky that everyone involved at every level of government that needed to coordinate on this emergency infrastructure project is a democrat. democratic president joe biden. democratic governor wes moore. democratic mayor of baltimore, brandon scott. anything less than full emergency speed and response to this infrastructure emergency could have meant that it would take a year or years just to reopen the shipping channel in the port of baltimore. 11 weeks. 11 weeks led by joe biden. the emergency infrastructure
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project in the port of baltimore took 11 weeks. and this week the port reopened. >> i've been waiting to say this for every day for the last 11 weeks. maryland, the fort mchenry channel is fully cleared and the port of baltimore is reopened for business. this would not have happened without our extraordinary partners in the biden harris administration. i remember the first phone call that i got from the white house was around 3:30 that morning. and they have been in lockstep with us every single step of the way. they helped us to stand up
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small business administration recovery centers in baltimore to help individuals and businesses affect did by the collapse. they delivered $16 million in emergency funding just days after the bridge fell. president biden himself took the time to come to baltimore and meet with us about the path forward. maryland is deeply grateful for the leadership of president biden and the leadership of vice president harris. >> that was governor wes moore at the port of baltimore today. there is another version of this story that could have happened. president biden goes to baltimore and promises to do everything he can to reopen the port as fast as possible and then he fails. then the resources cannot be coordinated with the highly skilled workers needed immediately to do the work of dismantling the bridge and dredging the channel. the workers and equipment ready to do this kind of specialty
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job are not just sitting around waiting for emergency phone calls. failure was more likely than success in this mission, in this timetable. just ask donald trump who did not build or rebuild anything during his presidency. if joe biden failed at reopening the port of baltimore, republicans would be campaigning against him in november, saying he failed to do that. donald trump of course would be promising to reopen the port of baltimore on his first day in the white house again and trump voters of course proof that nonsense because they have proved they will believe anything. that is not the way it happened. joe biden delivered on his promise and when he did he makes it look easy. no republican businessman is going to say thanks, joe. this is what winning in good government looks like and most
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voters will never realize. most voters in the country will never realize how important joe biden's governing skills, including his emergency governing skills, are in solving a problem like this that no president before him has ever had to face. joe biden couldn't turn to anyone in the white house and say how did lyndon johnson handle this? how did ronald reagan handle this? joe biden had to use all of his experience in government and his understanding of the region and supports importance to the american economy to quickly figure out how to handle this. >> president biden made clear from that first day and those early hours that the federal government would do everything we could to support the city, the county, the state, to get the port back open and get the bridge rebuilt and what followed
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was an embrace of the people of baltimore by the whole administration and really the whole country to get the port back open in less than 100 days. >> being a republican businessman means you never have to say thank you to the democrats who save your business. leading off our discussion tonight is governor wes moore of ireland. -- of maryland. he is also a member of the advisory board for the reelection campaign. governor, thank you very much for joining us tonight. it is an impressive feat. anyone who knows anything about marine salvage operations and how difficult they are to execute. getting this done in this amount of time and opening up that channel -- >> thanks so much. i remember the admiral who runs the coast guard, when i saw her on day three. she said this is the most complex maritime operation she had been part of.
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but i tell you, lawrence, i remember that first morning when i first spoke to the people of my state and i knew that my job was to provide a measure of calm and also a measure of comfort and certainty to the people of my state. i have to tell you when i got that phone call, the first phone call from the white house at 3:30 in the morning, i had a chance to speak to the president and he said we are going to be with you every step of the way. the same thing i was trying to offer to the people of my state, he offered to me and every single step of this journey to be able to bring closure and comfort to the families of the six marylanders who were lost that morning, to make sure all of the workers and first responders who were impacted. we have thousands of people who lost their jobs. when that ship crashed into the bridge. to make sure they knew they were going to be seen and supported. to make sure we would stop at
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nothing to get the federal channel reopened when people told us it could take up to a year to get the channel reopened. because we worked together we were at -- we were able to show instead of taking 11 months we got it done in 11 weeks. all of that happened in partnership with the biden administration. i'm so think that we had an administration focused on competence and focused on compassion and focused on keeping their prominences. -- their promises. this was a case study on how to respond with speed and hard to get big things done. we showed government can get big things done if you work together, but that is because we had the right partner that we needed in the moment with president biden and his entire team. >> americans used to fully understand that our seacoast ports, important seacoast ports, are not local operations.
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that they are feeders of the entire country and exporters for the entire country. just that image of the containers behind you in that shot today, the materials that we see in those containers, those are not for the people of baltimore. that was not made by the people of baltimore that is being shipped out here. that is the whole country using this port. talk about the national importance of getting this channel and this port reopened this fast. >> you know every time you order something on amazon, people have to remember, where do you think that is getting delivered to? when people order new cars, where do you think that is coming in from? when people have agricultural equipment. the port of baltimore is the largest in the country for agriculture equipment. for the restaurant getting spices and sugars, where do you think they are coming in? the port of baltimore services two thirds of this country. billions of dollars flow
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throughout the port of baltimore. when you look at the fact that we had a chip the size of three football fields closing down the port of baltimore, that has supply-chain challenges and significant economic challenges. the ability to work with speed to get the port reopened. the human impact of the workers, the thousands of workers directly impacted, but also the fact that this was a core artery for american economic vitality and growth. when you have the port of baltimore, the largest port in this country for new cars, heavy shops, agricultural equipment, coal, collections of different items. now seeing that port reopened. this was an incredibly celebratory moment not just for the workers impacted, but also for the american economy. it goes to show our measure of
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dynamism and how fast and important the rebound was to make sure everybody in our country can be supported. >> we all know if this happened at the port of los angeles, something like this, president biden would have worked just as hard to get it fixed, but he does not have the kind of personal familiarity with that port as he has with the port of baltimore. this is a guy who passed through the port of baltimore to and from work every day in the united states senate when he was commuting from delaware to washington. there must've been an advantage in speaking to the president about a place that he knows as well as he does. >> it was also great. he also has family history. as he told me his father, his grandfather, they called baltimore home. he even says baltimore the right way. it was great working with someone who knows and sees us, but i will tell you there is something else special about baltimore. for far too long baltimore has been a community that has been
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historically neglected. when you think about things like redlining and how lines were made up to create racial segregation. it's birthplace was baltimore. when you look at communities that have been chronically neglected. the children of baltimore have double the asthma rate of anywhere else in the state of maryland. if you look at measurements of economic inequality that existed within the city of baltimore. i think that is something the president takes personally. so when we came in we made a commitment that this was going to be an administration, the moore administration that was going to center and focus on supporting baltimore. when you're looking at the growth we have now seen in baltimore, baltimore now has the eighth fastest growing economy in this country. since her administration has come on board, we have been able to work together in partnership to make sure that the homicide rates in baltimore are falling faster than any other american city in this
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country with the exception of one. right now if we can keep pace with where we are with homicide and violent crime, the last time the homicide rate was so low in baltimore, i was not born yet. so the momentum we are seeing in the city of baltimore is real, but also because we are working in partnership and working in partnership with the biden administration, who has been so centered on making sure that baltimore and the people of baltimore are not forgotten in this moment. >> governor wes moore, thank you for joining us on this important night for maryland and for the country. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, republicans blocked a vote in the senate for an enforceable code of conduct for supreme court justices and justice alito's wife gets into fights with her neighbors and uses, for some reason, her german heritage, as she puts it, as a threat. that is next.
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the idea that you can trust a supreme court justice with no independent review, no fact- finding. each the judge in his own cause to follow the rules, has been blown to smithereens by the conduct of the supreme court justices themselves. >> the highest court in our land should not have the lowest ethical standard. >> because the republican members of the supreme court
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believe that nothing about their conduct or their thinking should ever be reviewed by anyone, desperate measures have led to trying to pierce what is really happening at the most political supreme court of our lifetimes. so the wife of a supreme court justice was caught on tape saying these words angrily. look at me. look at me. i'm german. from germany. my heritage is german. you come after me, i'm going to give it back to you. what could samuel alito's wife possibly mean when invoking germany and being german to inspire fear in the people who, in her mind at least, come after her? >> i'm german. i'm german. my heritage is german.
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you come after me -- >> many peoples of the world have much to be ashamed of. none more than germany and germans. mrs. alito sounds proud of being german and is also proud of flying flags. here is the flag that was used to express that specific ride, the pride of being german, beginning in the 1930s. is the fear that that flag created around the world the fear that mrs. alito wants to create in her threatening use of her heritage? look at me, look at me. i am german, from germany. my heritage is german. okay, tell us more about your family. what did they do during the war? i mean your relatives who were
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still in germany, living under and perhaps, like most germans, supporting adolf hitler in everything he did. tell us more. in that same secretly recorded conversation, mrs. alito expresses her outrage at having to even see a pride flag. a flag under which not a single human being has ever been sent to a gas chamber. >> you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon of the pride flag for the next month. i said i won't do it, because i am deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense i'm putting it up and i'm going to send them a message every day. every week i will be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag and it is white with yellow and orange lames
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around it and in the middle is the word vergogna. vergogna in italian means shame. >> there was an attempt today to bring the supreme court into the 20th century when democrats advanced a bill to create an enforceable code of conduct for supreme court justices. the only members of the federal government to don't have one. republican senators refused to allow the bill to even come to a vote. joining us now is one of the proponents of the bill, democratic senator sheldon whitehouse of rhode island. he is a member of the judiciary committee and also the author of the scheme, how the right- wing used dark money to capture the supreme court. senator whitehouse, thank you very much for being here tonight. the debate that did not happen on the senate floor today was a remarkable thing. that we have senators now, republican senators, who firmly
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believe that there should be absolutely no way at all to review the conduct of supreme court justices. >> yeah, they had a hard time making that pitch. they basically drove two theories. one was to change the subject. they talked about woke. they talked about the fbi. they talked about abortion. things that have no direct bearing on the matter at hand, which was an ethics code for the supreme court that is enforceable. they also said we were trying to interfere with the independence of the court and to violate the separation of powers, which is a strange argument to make because the bill would ask the judiciary to create its own ethics process, which would be implemented by employees and members of the
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judiciary. so when you have a judiciary with an ethics code that is operating within the judiciary. that is run by members and employees of the judiciary, it is very hard to understand how they can say that is a separation of powers problem. in fact that is the way the existing code works. they never complained about it. the justices never complained about it. the judicial conference that oversees the judiciary was created by conference -- by congress. disclosure laws, judicial conference. is now investigating thomas's compliance. all of that passed by congress. no complaint, no fuss. so you know it is a tell when the arguments against what you are trying to do don't even address what you are trying to do. >> one of the things that
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struck me was the argument that this bill would allow lower ranking members of the federal judiciary to examine the conduct of their bosses, as one of the senate -- republican senators put it. first of all they are not their bosses, but that is like saying the members of the police department can't possibly investigate the mayor. >> and not to mention the fact that the thing that they say is impossible is actually happening right now. we know from the judicial conference records that the current investigation of justice thomas for the second batch of harlan crow freebie yacht and jet travel for thomas is being investigated by the judicial conference, which is made up of those district and circuit court judges.
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i don't know how they don't know that. i don't know how whoever is preparing the remarks doesn't alert them to the fact that the thing they are saying can't be done is presently happening without objection from the supreme court. without objection from thomas who is the subject of the investigation, so we really step into lala land superquick when arguments have to be made against a supreme court ethics code. >> and we've already seen corrective measures taken by these judges because of press reporting. senator, we have to squeeze in a commercial break right here if you can possibly stay with us. we will be right back with senator sheldon whitehouse. tor start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.”
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and we are back with senator sheldon whitehouse. senator i wanted to listen to some of the testimony at your hearing today about what is happening to people who live in states where abortion has been banned and they have to travel out of state. let's listen. >> i was at risk to organ damage to my kidneys and brain, but i was not that enough for an exception for the abortion care in texas. i was going to have to flee the state where my family lived for eight generations and i was terrified. the bounty laws in texas had us worried about who could turn against us. was it safe is to attempt 12 hours in a car through rural
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texas as i was violently ill? what if i got worse? exceptions to abortion bans are fiction. they don't exist in texas and i am living proof of that. >> senator whitehouse you had experience with this in rhode island. there were testimony from healthcare providers in rhode island dealing with people fleeing their home states because of this. >> the woman whose clip you played, lauren miller, had twins and she discovered during her pregnancy that one of the twins was not going to survive the pregnancy and may very well, as a result, kill the healthy twin and may very well even kill her, leaving her husband alone with her 2-year-old toddler. so obviously she needed really good medical attention and like any person who needs really good medical it -- medical attention, she wanted to trust
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her doctors. she found that her doctors in texas were so frightened that they would refuse to tell her what her options were and let her know that they would be unable to provide procedures that would keep her safe and healthy. so she had to embark on this adventure with her husband out of state, figuring it out for herself because the ability for doctors to care for her came to a sudden end when the locket then and frightened them out of following what is medically indicated treatment. thankfully the end of the story is a happy one. she went to colorado, got the care that she needed and the baby is healthy, she is healthy, and everybody is back home in texas and it all turned out all right. but no thanks to the law. she could've lost her life. her son could've lost his life
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and she had to go through real hell to get the care she needed. >> senator, what do the republicans on your committee have to say to her? >> not one engaged with her. they brought in antiabortion professional witnesses, one of whom had been scolded by a judge in florida for the quality of her testimony. to give you an idea of how they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. nobody would engage with her. senator cruz of texas -- >> senator sheldon whitehouse, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. coming up, kids who survived the massacre at sandy hook elementary school graduated from high school today and they remembered their first-grade classmates. that is next.
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florida congressman maxwell frost represents orlando and said this today. >> today my heart is heavy. i am brought back to this moment in history, where on june 12, 2016, 49 angels were murdered in cold blood on the dance floor of pulse nightclub. my city, my district, and my home of orlando, florida. i am angry. i am angry that we live in a world and live in a country where dragon -- where gun violence can drastically change your life. i am angry where a senate chamber where most folks seemingly don't want to do a single thing about it and i am angry that i have been fighting for this since i was 15 and we are still in this fight. we will continue to honor the lives of those 49 angels with nothing but action. nothing but sweat equity until
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we and gun violence in this country because true justice is not one person behind bars. it is when we can wake up with the confidence to say this will never happen again. >> it was an emotional night in newtown, connecticut. of the 330 students graduating today, 60 survived the sandy hook elementary school shooting when they were in the first grade. during the ceremony, graduation ceremony, students and their families reserved a moment of silence and read out the names of the 21st graders and six educators who were murdered by a mass murderer with an ar-15 assault rifle. last night, speaking at the annual every town for gun safety conference, president biden said this.
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>> folks, you are changing the nation. you really are. you are changing the nation. the executive action my administration has taken to reduce gun violence. more than any of my predecessors. cracking down on ghost guns and so much more. folks, we are not stopping there. it is time once again to do what i did when i was a senator. ban assault weapons. after a school shooting in iowa that killed a student and a teacher, my predecessor was asked about it. you remember what he said. he said you have to get over it. hell know we don't have to get over it, we have to stop it and stop it now. >> the republican candidate for president who lost his gun license after being convicted of felonies in new york remains very proud of doing nothing
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about guns. >> during my four years, nothing happened and there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. we did nothing. we did not yield. >> joining us now is david hogg, cofounder of march for our lives. he is a survivor of the school shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school in florida. david, thank you for joining us tonight. this is one of those really painful days of memory. >> it is. thank you for having me, lawrence. >> as we go forward with this subject, president biden very clear, wants to ban the ar-15. donald trump very clear, once every mass murderer to be able to get the best possible weapon for mass murder available in the world. wants to be able to buy an ar- 15 over-the-counter forever. >> the contrast could not be more clear.
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president biden in terms of what he is done fighting gun violence in every state across the country. more than arguably every president in american history. march for our lives had been pushing for the creation of the office of gun violence prevention at the white house to help implement and ensure the federal government has the entire response coordinated. i know after hearing all of these things about what happened in orlando. after hearing about sandy hook, it can be hopeless. but i have hope tonight, as hard as that may be to believe because the congressman you showed, congressman maxwell frost, i remember hiring him from my dorm room as a college freshman because he was march for our lives first national organizing director. i got to work on his campaign and now the first gen z member of congress is an advocate to organized with us at march for our lives. there is hope even if it does take time. we just passed the first federal gun law as well.
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over 500 i risk individuals have been prevented from getting a weapon. i know it is hard talking about this because we know it is having an impact. the fbi came out with a report that in the last quarter of 2024, the first quarter of this year, the gun violence, the murder rate is down over 20%. we have a lot further to go, but that is significant. we are making progress and we can't stop until nobody fears gun violence inside of school or outside of it and i know i'm not going to stop. >> david, i know that you know that governmental changes take time and sometimes they can take painfully long times, but most of the governmental changes and improvements we talk about are not matters of life or death. it is not an issue of if you don't make these changes people are going to die and they still take a long time. here, in a matter that is life
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or death, you have to ask the supporters of your cause for patients. these are young people that are not experienced with the length of time it takes to get things done in government. how do you try to encourage them to summon both the patients and the urgency at the same time? >> i think it comes down to giving them a place to put it. especially at the state level with the work i am doing to elect young people around the country. our first candidate got elected in virginia. secured a one seat majority in the most competitive race in that state and i got to see him in committee kill a bill to arm teachers because of the majority he was critical in securing and i got to see him introduce a bill to offer tax credits for gun owners for gun safes and gun locks, which is essential because most school shooters get the guns from their parents household.
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darius got the bill passed in virginia and i know it is hard to talk about, like i mentioned, about the shooting that does not happen, but we can rest more easily knowing there is progress being made and for young people i would say don't have patience. we have to keep fighting, we have to keep trying and if you are tired of seeing this, tired of seeing the inaction, tired of seeing school shootings in the headlines and not leaving them in the history books where they belong, run for office. get involved. show up at your state legislature. these people in power will not be there forever. you as a young person has the greatest asset that anyone can have on their side in politics, which not even the nra can buy more of and that is time. you will outlive people maybe with the exception of maxwell. it is a matter of what will we do to make school shootings stop being our headlines and we as a country have the ability to do that, but we have to choose and believe it. >> become the next maxwell frost.
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david hogg, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, lawrence. >> we will be right back. . and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? and take back what's yours.
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