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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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to now attack the jurors after the verdict, or why he should now get to attack the judges daughter. none of that really has changed, and if anything, what we've seen from nbc news reporting, brian riley talking about threats to jurors, people trying to identify who these jurors are and threaten them with violence, another we are leaning toward sentencing, if any of that is revealed and he keeps ramping up these attacks on them, that is only going to intensify, so the need to protect these jurors and the court staff, the prosecutor step and their families has not gone away. this case is still pending. >> yes, and from the stage of a presidential debate that a lot of people are presumably tuning into does not keep anybody any safer. thank you for helping me understand the machinations of trumps legal team. that is our show for tonight, and a reminder, you can listen to every single episode of alex wagner tonight as a podcast for free. scan the qr code on your screen or search for alex wagner tonight wherever you get your podcast. now, it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening, alex. nancy pelosi is going to be our
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first guest tonight on the day that donald trump returned to the scene of the crime, as it were. we will see what speaker pelosi might have to say about that. >> yes, i am eager to hear her assessment, and what she felt when donald trump was on capitol hill. have a good show. >> thank you, alex, thank you. on january 6, 2021, after the trump mob attacked the capital, tim cook, the conscientious ceo of apple, reached into his conscience and presumably the conscience of the company he runs, and said this. today marks a sad and shameful chapter in our nation's history . those responsible for this insurrection should be held to account, and we must complete the transition to president- elect biden's administration. it is especially when they are challenged that our ideals matter most. those responsible for this insurrection should be held to account. today tom --, tim cook met with
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the person responsible, donald trump in donald trump's first return to capitol hill since he incited the attack on the capital on january 6. tim cook's meeting with trump today was arranged by a business lobbying group in washington that calls itself the business roundtable. companies pay big money to be members of the business roundtable, which in turn lobbies for those companies in addition to all the individual lobbying work done by the law firms and lobbyists that companies like apple higher by the dozens in washington. and this guy met with donald trump today, in donald trump's return to capitol hill. >> there is no question, none. president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. no question about it.
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the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. >> donald trump did not set foot in the capital today or on government property because his meetings were presidential campaign meetings. they were held off campus from the capital, first with republican members from the houston business roundtable then republican members of the senate. republican members who voted to impact donald trump on his last impeachment trial did not attend the republican senators meeting with donald trump, but mitt romney and bill cassidy, who also voted to convict trump in his last impeachment trial, did attend the meeting with donald trump today. nbc news caught up with senator romney on his way to the trump meeting.
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>> reporter: do you plan on confronting him or bringing up any kind of january 6 related issue? >> no, this is not the place for that. >> no, no, this is not the place for that. that is the very polite version of the ultra polite utah senator, mitt romney. maybe too polite this time. what is the place for that? one place for that is the federal courthouse a short walk from where they were meeting with donald trump was scheduled to stand trial for crimes federal prosecutor jack smith has accused him of but the supreme court blocked that prosecution by accepting a delay they never should have accepted. donald trump is claiming something no one has ever
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claimed before, that the president of the united states has lifetime immunity for any and all crimes committed while he was president. andrew weissmann will join us tonight to consider the unconscionable delay the supreme court has imposed on the criminal case of the united states of america versus donald j. trump. this is not the place for that. this is not the place for republicans or anyone else to stand up to donald trump. that is what they thought today. even a senator like mitt romney who knows that donald trump hates him because mitt romney voted guilty in both of donald trump's senate impeachment trials. >> now, we gather due to a selfish man's injured pride, and the outrage of supporters who had deliberately misinformed for the past two months and stirred to action this very morning. what happened here today was an insurrection incited by the president of the united states. those who choose to continue to support his dangerous gambit by objecting to the results of a legitimate democratic election
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will forever be seen as being complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy. >> this is not the place for that. it is also not the place for any exhibition of male ego by anyone other than donald trump, and it is impossible to overstate just how peculiar that is as our first guest tonight, the first female speaker of the house, nancy pelosi can attest. there are many forces that make the wheels of power turn in washington. political convenience, policy goals sometimes, ambition. throughout the history of the republic, there has been no force more consistent than male ego, and so one of the most fascinating things to reserve in the republican senators public adoration of donald trump is the complete and utter collapse of male ego in a place that used to be run on the fuel of male ego.
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90-year-old chuck grassley was in the meeting with donald trump today. when i was working in the senate, chuck grassley had a rough edged ego that was often activated as a cover for his chronic ignorance. the ignorance has expanded, and the ego of chuck grassley has evaporated. and then, there is senator rafael cruz. trump attacked his father, lied about his father being involved in the assassination of president kennedy. donald trump attacked senator cruz's wife, heidi. he ridiculed the way she looks and here is what the outraged candidate for president, senator cruz, said about that then. >> donald, you're a sniveling coward. leave heidi the hell alone. donald trump alleges that my dad was involved in assassinating jfk. now, let's be clear. this is nuts.
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>> there was real suspense then going into the 2016 republican convention of whether or not the deeply offended senator cruz would even endorse donald trump, the republican nominee for president, but senator cruz looked into his heart and found nothing. nothing that would prevent him from endorsing the presidential candidate who attacked and lied about his father and attacked and lied about his wife and there was senator cruz today and that lineup of utterly ego list republican men, craving their moment with donald trump, craving a possible handshake or a possible pat on the back or a wink or a smile. a glance, anything from donald trump. watch. watch now. senator cruz craved that moment after donald trump passes by, senator cruz pays more attention to other more obscure people in the room.
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he kept clapping after donald trump left the room. after the door was closed, did he think donald trump could see through the door? today, the president of the united states is doing the nation's business in italy at a
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meeting of the g7 countries including a meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy in which president biden signed a ten-year security agreement with ukraine. they both took questions from reporters. >> today the discussion is focused on developing ukraine's air defense system based on the most advanced western complexes and enhancing long-range capabilities so my question is, can you provide any details on the initiative and about the readiness of our allies to take part in it? thank you. >> i would be happy to respond to that. we have acquired commitment from five countries so far for patriot batteries and other air defense systems as well as we have let it be known to those countries that are expecting from us, air defense systems in the future, that they are going to have to wait. everything we have is going to go to ukraine until their needs are met, and then we will make good on the commitments we made.
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to other countries. >> donald trump could not understand that question or that answer. the president who was only three years older than his republican challenger, but is accused of being too old for his job has now flown across the atlantic three times in the last week, and will fly back across the atlantic from this european meeting all the way to los angeles, where he will be joined in a campaign fundraiser by president barack obama, george clooney, and julia roberts. today, the biden-harris campaign released this ad. >> on january 6, donald trump lit a fire in this country. 140 officers were injured. the siege lasted for seven hours. >> stoking the flames of division and hate.
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now, he's pouring gasoline, pledging to pardon the extremists to try to overthrow our government and inciting them to try again. there is nothing more sacred than our democracy, but donald trump is ready to burn it all down. >> i am joe biden and i approve this message. >> leading off our discussion tonight, speaker emerita nancy pelosi of california. speaker pelosi, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i have been wondering all day what your thoughts and feelings have been today. with donald trump returning not precisely to the scene of the crime, but certainly the neighborhood of the crime. >> well, he would want to give the impression that he had come to the capital, but what did they go to a bar on capitol hill or something like that? but, whatever it was, what the republicans and trump are trying to do is pull the wool over the eyes of the american people. what happened that day was as it was described by mitch mcconnell, by tim cook, though they may have amnesia about what happened that day.
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but, the fact is, it was an assault. it was the scene of a crime, a crime of an assault on the capital with confederate flags flying under the dome that lincoln built. lincoln built that dome, confederate flags. a crime against the constitution, and its peaceful transfer of power. a crime against injuring people, a crime against people, whether it was members or whether it was police officers, law enforcement, the staff, all, the trauma continues. it was a terrible thing when it happened, and it is a terrible thing that they are trying to deny it. this is revisionist history. this is whitewashing, as you say, but it is pulling the wool over the eyes of the american people. as far as those people going to business rounds, almost i care
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about is not paying taxes. they will put up with anything so they don't have to have taxes. as i would recall to your attention, i know that you know, that the only major piece of legislation that was passed by the republicans and donald trump when they and he were in power was one bill, a tax bill that gave 83% of the benefits to the top 1%. 83%, adding 2 trillion dollars to the national debt, and then they come when we are trying to negotiate a budget deal and say we really can't afford to do what you want to do for women, infants and children in terms of food and the rest because you know that's going to add to the national debt. it is just appalling. have they no shame? the classic question of the 20th century. it applies to them now.
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>> speaker pelosi, you are uniquely positioned to comment on this phenomenon that i've been wondering about during the trump years. watching the collapse of the male ego in that institution for you started as a freshman member of the house, you were surrounded all day in a culture controlled by the male ego, these very powerful committee chairman who, for legal reasons and other reasons but definitely for ego reasons, would fight any slight incursion into their jurisdiction. there were all sorts of jealousies involved that you know about, that i know about in the house, in the senate, and we could see that male ego energy running wild around the place, most of the time, in an unproductive, negative way that got in the way of progress and so it has astonished me. it has astonished me that among -- and i mean this as a male ego issue, that among republican men in the senate and in the house, male ego
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somehow disappeared, and i don't think social psychology has ever seen a phenomenon like this before in the history of the study of male ego. >> well, as i said, we don't agonize. we organize. i don't agonize over there mostly insecurities, as you describe it but understand this. this guy who was a former president is a master of projection. everything he says about somebody else, whether it's a judge in the courtroom, a witness, a juror, a member of congress, a woman, and opponent in an election -- everything he says is a projection of his own shortcomings. crooked this person -- he is crooked. lazy, this person. he is lazy.
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name any subject, any subject that you can name. wacky this person. he knows he is wacky. he knows he is an imposter so if we're going to do cycle analysis -- psychoanalysis, i think we have to have him in person in front of some healthcare professionals but i do wish there would be an intervention from his family, assuming that they love him beyond his resources, that they would intervene, that the republican party would have an intervention. they have become a cult to a thug and that is really a tragedy for the grand old party, what they were, so really then going into insecurities, really, you know, the insecurities i am concerned about are of some of the voters out there who fall for his line, but i am here tonight to say to you on this day when he tried to return to the scene of the crime, he didn't dare come to the capital, as he didn't dare come to the capital on january 6. but, we cannot let this be
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whitewashed. this is a disservice to the vision of our founders for democracy, the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform that fought for our freedom that he wants to dismantle, and the aspirations of our children to live in this great country with respect for the institutions, and concerned about their future. he just doesn't care. but, let us forget about him. let's just talk about unifying the country. putting forth what joe biden did with the democrats in the congress, house and senate. he had the first bill that we had, right away, the rescue package. shots in arms, money and pockets, people back to work, children safely in schools. a child tax credit taking half the children and poverty out of part of the. the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
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we had 13 republicans, but that is bipartisan, in the house. more in the senate, i think, but a bipartisan bill creating jobs. the i.r.a., saving the planet, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, the p.a.c.t. act to protect our veterans who may have been exposed to burn pits, the chips and science act to make us preeminent in the world and independent for the production we need to be preeminent in the world and that is not any reason to vote for us. we are not saying we deserve it. we are saying we have proven we can get the job done. instead of one bill for the richest people in the country, joe biden, under his presidency, our infusion of resources into the economy, 15 million jobs. what's his name, the worst job record since hoover hoover. the worst job record since herbert hoover.
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lowest unemployment for 40 straight months. low. inflation coming down. when people talk about cost of living, that is a legitimate concern, but we are preeminent in the world and taking down inflation, and what we have also done, while in concerned about the cost of groceries, as anybody would be for families, but think about how we have reduced the cost of medicine, of healthcare, reduced the cost of prescription drugs. in our bill, if you are a senior on medicare, and you need insulin, before us, it was five to $600 a month for seniors. under joe biden and the i.r.a. legislation, it is $35 a month. so when we talk about the cost of living, we have to talk about the cost of healthcare as
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part of that, so again, it is about the kitchen table, the cost of living, a woman's right to choose, which is an economic issue as well as a democracy issue. so, let's just talk about what is at stake for people in the election, because they don't care. they do not care. they care about the 1%. they don't care about your kitchen table issues. and again, always projecting his own shortcomings onto other people. >> speaker emerita nancy pelosi, thank you very much for sharing your perspective on what is at stake in this election and in the way we govern. thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you for your attention to january 6. we cannot let them pull the wool over the american people's eyes. our democracy is at stake. coming up, what the supreme court took 16 days to decide in 1974 regarding presidential
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immunity, the current supreme court is not taken 50 days and still has not issued a decision on the simplest question the court has ever faced, about the american presidency. that is next with andrew weissmann. ew weissmann. how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. (music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture.
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july 8, 1974, the united states supreme court was presented with a novel question. is the president of the united states subject to a subpoena for tape recordings of his conversations in the oval office? 16 days after the supreme court agreed to hear the case the court issued a unanimous opinion on july 24th, 1794 ordering republican president richard nixon to comply with the subpoena and surrender the tapes to investigators. that unanimous supreme court decision forced the president
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of the united states to resign the presidency because those tapes contained evidence of richard nixon committing crimes in the white house. each supreme court justice who joined that opinion knew that their opinion could bring an end to the nixon presidency by supplying evidence for impeachment, which it did. those justices knew the weight of the decision they were making , but it was, in essence, a simple decision turning on the simple principle that no one is above the law. after the current supreme court agreed to hear an equally simple case, maybe even simpler about the presidency, the republican controlled supreme court took eight weeks just to hear oral arguments of the case. it has now been seven weeks since those oral arguments, and the current supreme court still has not announced its decision on the simple question, our former presidents immune from prosecution for crimes they commit while president? no one prior to donald trump and possibly the current republican supreme court justices, have ever thought that former
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presidents could not be criminally prosecuted. it is the kind of case that the supreme court should have been able to decide in 48 hours at most. the shame of this republican supreme court is not just ethical violations, the financial corruption of clearance thomas and the unconstitutional musings of justice alito caught on tape. it is the procedural corruption that this republican supreme court has brought to the case of the united states of america versus donald trump, the first prosecution and history of a former president for conducting a conspiracy against the united states to overturn a
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presidential election. joining us knows andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel and former chief of the criminal division of the eastern district of new york, msnbc legal analyst and co- author of the best-selling book "the trump indictments." 16 days from oral arguments, a decision in 1974. we are now on the 50th day and nothing. >> let me add to that timeline. it was december of last year that jack smith asked the supreme court to take the case directly, and they said no. that is six months since he said let's just decide it now, and then all of the statistics to the time that you noted. the delay is the message. the delay is the decision, because no matter what they say at this point, it's too late for this trial, in all reality, to actually happen in terms of d.c. and to your segment with nancy pelosi, it is a way of not reminding the voters. it's not holding somebody countable. it's saying yes, it's okay to whitewash because the delay has happened already, and so this is one where liz cheney remarked that the courts basically has held up when she
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talked about the 60 or so courts that said you know what, the election was not stolen, the lower courts, by and large, have held up. you cannot say the same thing about the supreme court. it is totally shameful what they are doing. >> so, even if tomorrow, as the cut announced tomorrow or next week, come up with an incredibly simple and possibly even unanimous or high majority opinion saying that no, there is no validity to the trump claim at all, just none, just like the nixon decision, no validity whatsoever to the former presidents position, your point is, whoever managed to delay this long, whether that be alito, thomas, roberts -- whoever managed to create this delay has succeeded in the intent of the delay, which is no trial before this election.
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that if we cannot protect donald trump from the actual constitution, if we can't change the constitution for him, we can change his court date. we do have that power and when you listen to those alito tapes, you're listening to a man who to me seems absolutely capable of thinking that way. >> absolutely. you could end up with a decision where they put in lots of flowery language about no man is above the law but in fact, this man is, because the judge in the case, the district judge, has said that she will give about 80 days, because that is how long the stay was before the trial was intended so even if there is a decision tomorrow, the trial, and all reality, is unlikely to start for 80 more days and at that point, you can imagine a lot of arguments and appellate briefing on the issue of if it is appropriate when someone is a nominee for president to have a trial and to have that going on during the very last months of the campaign. to me, it is so hard not to
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view this as intentional because as you point out, the court has, not just in the nixon case, but it has repeatedly acted faster and it can act faster, so to me, the delay is clearly intentional. it is so undermining when you have the supreme court of the united states undermining the rule of law. i mean, just think about that. this is the highest court in the land, and it is not living up to its oath of office in the way that many district judges appointed by republicans and democrats, trump, not trump have actually honor their oath of office. >> this is worse than all of the money clarence thomas is taken for everything he's taken money for. we could go on. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. start coming up today, republicans in the house of representatives held a hearing
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designed to defend donald trump against the criminal charges he was found guilty of by a manhattan jury unanimously. as you might have predicted, the hearing backfired on the most incompetent republicans in the history of the house of representatives spectacular. that is next. f my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi.
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>> show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today.
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hey, guys. want to get your hands up, you're hanging out with a convicted felon, donald trump. i don't think anyone on our side did. that is why we are here. >> that is one of the memorable moments that republicans invited today in house judiciary committee hearing that was supposed to focus on manhattan district attorney alvin bragg. nevermind that the senate judiciary committees have never investigated any attorney in america ever before. alvin bragg successfully prosecuted donald trump on 34 felony accounts of falsifying business records with criminal intent to influence the 2016 presidential election and violated election law. alvin bragg is already agreed to a. a hearing in that same committee, the house judiciary committee, on july 12, the day after donald trump will be sentenced in the case prosecuted by alvin bragg.
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there is no reason for alvin bragg to agree to testify to the house judiciary committee but he has agreed to do it and so there was no reason for the republicans to have a fake hearing today about alvin bragg when he's not there in which the republicans have to sit on the full side of the room listening to the truth. >> i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. lt. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty. guilty.
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this is what the jury pronounced unanimously on every count. >> joining us now is democratic congressman eric swalwell of california. he served as impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump in the senate. congressman, sometimes they make it too easy for you. >> and sometimes it's okay to have a little fun. >> but, it is a complete corruption of the very concept of a house judiciary committee that it would suddenly decide to go around the country or weight, not around the country, just go to one place in america to study and investigate the workings of one district attorney, something the house judiciary committee has never done before. >> and lawrence, there is a perfect contrast in the president's son, who was convicted earlier this week. he wanted to plead guilty,
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still had to go forward with the trial, accepted the outcome and republicans, my colleagues and fox news or fox, not news, they were celebrating the american jury system then republicans today were attacking the impartiality of judge merchan because he made a small contribution years ago to president biden when president trump's judge in the florida case of stealing national security secrets is a judge that he appointed, and the supreme court that is delaying the immunity case has a judge who flew the insurrection flag at his house just days after january 6 and then take it back to like, why do your viewers care? why do everyday americans care about this? it is because donald trump is asking for a job and responsibilities that no other felon would be afforded.
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no felon would be given a security clearance. no felon could serve in the military or preside over the military. no felon could visit the countries that the president of the united states is going to have to visit and by the way, the conditions of any felon's probation terms are that you can't hang around other felon's. problem, most of donald trump's campaign team and many of his white house aides in the last administration are felons. >> as you go forward in the committee, what are you anticipating when alvin bragg actually does, in july 12th? >> to show that alvin bragg brought a case in a city where donald trump chose to live, and that case was tried by neighbors that donald trump chose to live with and that jury was, in part, picked by donald trump, so 12 jurors, 34 times made a decision, and 408 straight times, they declared him guilty, and that was entirely based on the evidence, so this is about our jury
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system, but i still think we have to take it back to why should everyday people care about this, and every second you are bringing alvin bragg and or doing the work on behalf of donald trump, you are not doing the work that the american people care about. eight years ago, the pulse shooting happened. no work to in gun violence on the judiciary committee. no work to go after corporations who are gouging us on groceries and gas. no work to bring down the cost of healthcare, so there is a cost for this lunacy, and this fidelity to a felon the show everyday. >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for joining our discussion. start coming up, donald trump tried something today that no presidential nominee has ever tried, insulting, attacking and lying about the city where his nominating convention will be held. it should come as a surprise to no one that the city has a black mayor. that is next. black mayor. that is next.
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talk about things that he thinks are horrible, that all of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy. obviously donald trump is wrong about something, yet again. i find it kind of perplexing. i kind of kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in wisconsin because he's running for president. he obviously wants to win wisconsin to win the election so to insult the state is hosting your convention i think is kind of bizarre. kind of unhinged, in a way, especially considering the fact that in milwaukee, there are about 50,000 republicans who live right here in the city so you're calling their home horrible. i don't quite understand that. >> in 2020, joe biden received
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194,661 votes from the city of milwaukee and donald trump received 48,414 votes in milwaukee. joe biden won the state of wisconsin by 20,682 votes. for trump to win wisconsin this time, he would have to get more votes than he got last time. even he should understand that, and apparently, donald trump thinks the way to do that is to lie about the biggest city in wisconsin. joining our discussion now is democratic congresswoman lynn moore of wisconsin. she represents milwaukee and is a member of the ways and means committee. thank you for joining us y tonight. what was your reaction when ou . you know, i saw your segment with nancy pelosi's speaker emeritus, nancy pelosi earlier. and she got it just right. that this was a really great example of projection. donald trump is projecting on the city of milwaukee horrible things that really pertain to his own character. i mean, he's a horrible person.
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it's not just these 34 felony counts, but he's a sexual assaulter, and there are 54 more counts out against him for really trying to undermine our elections and undermine and really inspiring an insurrection. so he's a horrible person. and you know, lawrence, i'll just have to say this. you know, the mayor of milwaukee has worked very, very hard with all of the republicans there in town to make sure that this convention is successful and has all the resources that it needs. i personally hounded the appropriators, both democrats and republicans, to increase the security budget by another $25,000 -- $1 million to make sure the delegates would be safe and have a good time in milwaukee. and to have this slap in the
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face and to call us horrible is a disgrace and it shows his extreme ingratitude. you know, the selection committee chose milwaukee for all of the reasons that we love milwaukee. it's a great place on a great lake. we have a vibrant business community. it's a very diverse community. and wisconsini tes and milwaukee yans are very, very friendly. so i'm disappointed and more than that, lawrence, i, you know, all of his sycophants and apologists, that's even worse than donald trump calling it horrible. people making excuses, never our delegation in particular, making -- senator johnson -- making excuses for him rather than recognizing that he is the one who is horrible, not our great
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city. >> you make such a great point about the host cities always, not just milwaukee, but every host city to conventions of either party always goes all out. it is very common for those big cities to be democratically run -- run by democratic party politicians. that's very common, because most big cities do have democratic electorates. and no matter how many republican conventions come to democratic cities, they always get the same support. >> absolutely. and we've gone way out of our way to be helpful and to be friendly, and we will continue to do that despite his horrible comments about our great city. i just want to say this, a few weeks ago i had a meeting with our police chief, and you know, crime has gone down all over america, and we're really proud of the fact that crimes like murder and rape have gone down
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in double digits. and one of the biggest problems we have in milwaukee right now, you know -- and i'm not poo pooing it, but it's reckless driving. and again, i don't know many people in milwaukee who have 34 felony counts against them. >> well donald trump -- >> so our crime rate sure is going to go up when he joins us in milwaukee in july. >> that's right. they had to find a city where donald trump wasn't facing indictment, so milwaukee was on the list. representative gwen moore, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thanks for having me. tonight east last word is next. > tonight east last word i next -you the man! cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪
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of former newsweek columnist howard fineman, who was a frequent guest on this program and many others. the president said, great journalists hold a mirror up to the nation to reveal the good, the bad, and the truth of who we are as americans. for four decades, howard fineman was one of the great journalists of our final. his career covered much of mine and throughout the debates over big issues and historic campaigns i respected his reporting and insights whether i agreed or disagreed with him. where i believe all politics is personal, howard believed all journalism is personal, no matter the issue or who he was interviewing, he always thought about the people he grew up with in his cherished pittsburgh or where he first started as a reporter in louisville. he understood the fundamental role of journalism in our democracy is to illuminate, educate, and shed light. with his focus on the facts and ability to tell a great story, it's no surprise why howard was
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a trusted and respected voice for millions of americans and true friend and mentor to countless colleagues. above all, in the decades we knew each other, it was clear that his love of family was the greatest story he ever told. jill and i send our love to amy and their children nick and meredith. we know what it's like when cancer takes the life of a beloved family member, but no matter where you are, he will always be with you. , he wil always be with you tonight donald trump visits capitol hill for the first time since january 6th while president biden signs a ten-year defense agreement with ukraine. then the supreme court rejects a challen