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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  June 15, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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are still tickets available so get them while you can. you can check ali velshi social media account for all of the details. that does it for me, melissa murray. thank you so much for watching. velshi airs every saturday and sunday morning from 10:00 a.m. until noon eastern. do not switch off. off. i am katie phang. here is the week that was. hunter biden is found guilty on all three charges tied to the possession of a gun while using narcotics. >> i will not do that. >> the house attorney general wants to hold merrick garland in contempt. >> what do republican friends
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do? simply put they engage in fantasy. the widely used abortion pill can stay on the market. >> a 6-3 decision, the court said that a law aimed at banning machine guns cannot include bomb stocks. former president trump back on capitol hill. >> we are republicans. >> we will choose families over felons and people over politics. donald trump's week ended the way it began with misinformation, disinformation, and lies. the former president will be
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taking in just a few hours to the conservative turning point usa group. he celebrated his 78th birthday with a speech before supporters where he lied about president biden's trip to the g-7 and called immigrants murderers and terrorists. this week also gave us several examples of how hypocrisy is alive and well in the gop. hunter biden was convicted on felony gun charges and republicans were whining that the doj refused to pursue more serious charges. the complaint is also weapon eyes against conservatives. meanwhile on thursday, trump returned to the scene of the crime, capitol hill. his first time since january 6. so that lawmakers could line up to kiss the ring. those who he has attacked in the past.
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california congressman calling out the cold programming. take a listen. just a show of hands for anyone in the room that hung out with a felon today? hey, guys, you might want to get your hands up if you are hanging out with donald trump. i don't think anyone on our side did. >> joining me now is someone who did not raise his hand. eric swallow who is a member of the homeland security committee. it's always good to have you here on the show. let's start the conversation today with hunter biden. republicans are doing mental gymnastics to keep the false narrative alive of a two-tiered justice system targeting conservatives. let's be clear. hunter biden was found guilty by the impartial jury, just like donald trump, right? >> the prosecutor in that case, for all the talks of bias
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against trump, the prosecutor was originally appointed by donald trump. and then hunter, who tried to plead guilty and was not able to, the president accepted the verdict. the verdict system and of the jurors were celebrated on fox news and within 24 hours, they went after alvin bragg. he is the independent prosecutor with no connection to donald trump or joe biden. and brought a case in the neighborhood where donald trump committed his crimes. donald trump as you know is allowed to participate in the selection of the jury. 12 jurors made 34 decisions and 408 times they said guilty. let's look at some of the other inconsistencies here. his stolen documents case, he is being tried by a judge that
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he appointed. on the issue of whether he has immunity or not, two of the justices on the court are pro- insurrection justices. his home is been flying the insurrection flag and his wife attended the january 6th rally with donald trump. there is no consistency here other than absolute fidelity to donald trump. >> this week we saw donald trump returning to capitol hill for the very first time since the insurrection. republicans were praising the presumptive nominee celebrating the unity of the party. you were there, your thoughts about trump being back in the capital that he helped deface? >> donald trump at the capital is nothing to celebrate. he incited and aimed a violent mob at the capital. hundreds of police officers were harmed, democracy barely
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survived. i don't believe it will survive again if he was going to fire up so many people. in a country that is armed to the teeth. stepping back here, if you are hanging out with a felon like my republican colleagues were doing, you are not helping the people who sent you to washington, d.c. to fight for you. that felon is asking to be able to do something that no other felon could do. no felon in america could have a security clearance. no felon can serve in the military, let alone preside over the military. visiting all of the countries you have to visit to be commander-in-chief. he wants to be treated differently. when it comes to your priorities, they are not going after companies that are gouging you on gas or not. they are not working to lower
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healthcare costs. democrats are saying that we choose families over felons. verdicts over vengeance. we are going to choose every single day as to how we settle our scores in america, voting over violence. >> another thing that congress is not doing, that the house republicans are doing, it is getting the job done for americans. what are they doing? the judiciary committee is holding hearings about if the prosecution of donald trump where they attacked the charges in the case against him was held this past week. people know, you are a former prosecutor yourself. you are a trial lawyer, how in unusual is it for the republican party to insert politics into the rule of law? >> they are calling the jurors liars. they were donald trump's neighbors and they are saying that the jurors are liars. as you know, jurors are different beasts. it does not matter what their
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politics are. when they go into a courtroom, more than anything, they are there to follow the law. they put aside everything else. the beauty is that they are the one part of our system. the legislative branch, the executive branch. the one part of the system where they are accountable to no one but the law. when their job is done, they disappear. the fact that they still found him guilty, 408 straight times as they made those decisions, it shows that the evidence was overwhelming. this is an attack on our constitution which they claim every day that they want to uphold. in the first part of the bill of rights is the right to a jury trial. >> the house did pass a military policy bill.
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they packed it with conservative prison visions targeting abortion rights. this thing is surely to die in the senate. why bother including those provisions in the first place? >> this is an extreme republican party that is attacking freedom. while we have shown is that this is a freedom election. the freedom of your body to make decisions about it. to breathe clean air and read the books that you want to read and not have the government tell you what they should be. freedom from violence in your kids classroom. financial freedom. healthcare freedom and how you decide to get healthcare and making it affordable. this is a freedom election we are going to. there is a debate. under two weeks i can promise you that as donald trump
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continues to ban abortion and threatened to appoint judges that will declare this war on families, joe biden will show that one party stands for freedom and the other is taking a wrecking ball to it every day. >> thinks her being here. it's good to see you. breaking news out of london today where princess kate made her first public appearance since she revealed her cancer diagnosis in march. arriving in a horse-drawn carriage with prince william and her children. celebrating the monarch's official birthday. standing side-by-side with king charles who is battling cancer on the balcony of buckingham palace. they watch a flyover from the royal air force. still to come this afternoon on the katie phang
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show. the latest installment on project 2025 and conservative plans to remake society from top to bottom that can take away civil rights for millions of americans. i will speak to congresswoman presley when we come back. how the supreme court decision to reverse the ban on bump stocks meaning that americans will be -- we will explain on the other side. sid. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. old spice gentleman's super hydration body wash.
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nobody's gonna bring a faux ficus into my house... (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. (reporters) kev! kev! (kev) whatchu gonna ask me about next, man? practice?
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the supreme court handed down two big decisions this week on life or death issues. on friday, the conservative majority overturned of the trumpet era ban on bump stocks that allows a rifle to fire more rapidly. connecting the band in 2017. the deadliest shooting in
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united states history. able to fire over 1000 rounds because he had used bump stocks to transform his legal rifle into a machine gun. they are not machine guns according to clarence thomas who wrote the majority decision. the justices were unanimous maintaining access to the abortion pill. rejecting a plan to undo the fda approval holding that the plaintiff did not have standing to sue. that does leave the door open for future challenges. on the federal level. well doing nothing to restrict access to medical abortions. joining me now is in mill heiser. ian, let's talk about the bump stock band that they claim they
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are not making a weapon into a machine gun. >> i was very surprised by this decision. i thought that the argument went better for the side in favor of banning bump stocks. there is a federal law that bans machine guns. this case could've gone either way. the way that the court has handled cases where the law is ambiguous in the past, they refer to the federal agency that is in charge of regulating. you are not just dealing with a pro-gun court. a court that is eager to aggrandize power into itself. and overrule the decisions of federal agencies. even federal agencies that are controlled by donald trump.
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>> in the decision that was the first abortion related case that was decided since overturning roe v wade two years ago. the ruling was very narrow. it was a great ruling in my opinion. it dodges a real question. if you can find plaintiffs, aren't we didn't laying the inevitable? >> this has been embarrassing. this judge down in texas was a christian right to lawyer before he became a judge. because of a quirk in the way that case assignments were, and you plaintiff that wants to get any case they want in front of
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him. he just rubberstamps the outcomes that conservatives want. the judiciary and supreme court recognized that this is an embarrassment for them. there is this pipeline where the judge did whatever right- wingers wanted to do. the problem, like you said. they did not shut down the case. these plaintiffs don't have standing to sue. anyone at all can bring the case whenever they want. there are three states that have shown up that will show up in this courtroom. he will issue another order trying to ban mifepristone again. it is a merry-go-round, again and again. >> you are expecting a few consequential decisions in the coming days, for the former president donald trump is immune from prosecution in the federal election interference case and others by claim of
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immunity. why have we not seen an opinion yet from mifepristone -- scotus on this? >> he is not immune from prosecution. it does not matter because he has already won. what you wanted to do was delay this trial until after this election. he does not want the burden of being a twice convicted felon and does not want to be convicted for the most serious crime that he has been charged of. if he wins in november, he is president he can order the justice department to drop the charges. he wants the court to delay this case until after the election. they have held onto the case for so long that it will not be possible to have the trial until after the election. no matter what the court says, it does not really matter. trump has already won. >> i am very interested in the progression of this.
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we were supposed to get a warning from scotus before the end of june? >> they are handed down because the justices want to go away on summer vacation. it could go into july. i think that is unlikely. i have covered the court for about a dozen years. the only time he went into july was 2020. that was because of the pandemic. maybe ian i have less than 60 seconds. assuming that there is no criminal need from donald trump, the fact she will conduct an evidentiary hearing with in the scope of his duties in the oval office and what is falling outside of his scope of duties in the oval office. db lasted a little bit. can you envision a mini trial,
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these hearings being a mini trial of the hearings of the crimes that he has been accused of. >> potentially. you could have a fight over what evidence can be admitted in the trial. some of them have heard oral arguments, whatever the judge says about the evidence can be appealed. when it is appealed the trial is paused again. the likelihood we get to a final verdict is very small. >> we will have to have you back. we are trying to keep track. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. coming up. hypocrisy over democracy. my conversation with ayanna pressley for the threat that republicans opposed to our nation. that is next. next. et whole boy deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists
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it sounds like something out of a dystopian novel. a group wants to dismantle our government. ban abortions and restructure the justice department and eliminate the department of education. replacing civil servants with loyalists. this is not fiction. the villains are the right wing think tank. what i have outlined for you, what i've been sounding the alarm for the past few months about is project 2025. for the first 180 days for a second trump administration. the threat is very real. earlier this morning i spoke with ayanna pressley about this latest danger to democracy. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. my show we spent a lot of time talking about project 2025. i was thrilled to see that you
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are a founding member of the recently created stop project 2025 congressional task force. i do have to ask you, what are the realistic actions that this task force can take in order to keep the most radical agenda in the history of the united states from becoming a reality? >> yes, i am pleased to be a founder of the stop project 2025 task force. we make sure that donald trump is not re-elected president of the united states of america. it has been my experience with extreme republicans that they do not make threats, they make promises. this new task force to stop project 2025 will be doing exactly that. bringing the awareness to this far right manifesto that will
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dismantle the government as we know it. everything from the department of education to reinstating executive action so that they are hiring partisan trump sycophants. bands on books, bans on abortion. eliminating title i funding from k -12 schools. it is wild and frightening. >> it seems that you have seen the writing on the wall for a long time about this erosion of individual rights. you've been a member of the pro- choice caucus and access task force for years. do you see this supreme court decision as a victory for now? especially as republican colleagues block legislation to get birth control and ivf? >> as the far right manifesto
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rings out, jobs are just the beginning. after that, we saw the dominoes fall. first birth control and contraceptives and then ivf. when it comes to the ruling that was a procedural one, i have been managing my expectations based on the rulings on jobs and affirmative action. i'm surprised and relieved. this is a tremendous victory for reproductive health care access. it is safer than tylenol. safe, legal, and effective. i am bracing myself for future challenges. i know that they will stop at nothing to make real a nationwide ban on abortion. consider what that means and the implications. it is life-and-death. the far right extreme have
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enlisted the supreme court in this far right agenda. >> donald trump recently sat down and he had this to say. i have so many black friends and if i was racist, they would know better than anybody. he said they would not be with me for two minutes if they thought i was racist and i am not racist. in my opinion, he does not protest too much. he is clearly doing a lot of moves like this in advance of the 2024 election. >> katie, i don't care who donald trump's friends are. i care about what his rhetoric is and what his policies are and the harm that he has caused. the best remedy for the future is the past. he called for the death penalty for babies.
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now the social park 5 and discriminated against black tenants when he was a landlord. while in the oval office, played a critical role in getting a bench that is far right extreme and imbalanced. he has questionable ethics which is why we need ethics reform, we need to expand the court to right size this and bring balance to restore integrity there. policy is my love language. project 2025 which is nothing but a blueprint for much more of it.
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>> every thursday now as the term ends for the supreme court, we are waiting with baited breath to see how the conservative scotus rules. we have not gotten a ruling from them on the claim of terminal immunity for his conduct while in the oval office. we just got a ruling on bump stocks that they do not tell if i as a machine gun and you can use one. furthering the gun culture of our country. there was a note and some language and the concurrence that said that congress, if they want to do something about it, they can do it. talk about how frustrating it is to want to protect all americans regardless of party affiliation and you keep getting to these roadblocks. >> it is incredibly frustrating.
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folks on the outside looking in, why cannot everybody get along? being the adults in the room. it is very difficult to have an honest conversation with dishonest people. our colleagues across the aisle, they are not interested in negotiating good faith. issues that are suburban, urban, or rural issues of shared consequence and importance of shared constituencies. they would rather pursue impeachment investigations. the 118th congress has been chaos and dysfunction under the republican majority. they have governed with callousness and cruelty and contempt for the american people. when you don't want to do things like insure that hungry kids can be fed, i do not have any choice to think that you will legislate from a worldview and from an aim to legislate
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and exact harm. they are very disconnected from the daily struggles of everyday people. they are not centering the people. it is nothing but chaos, callousness and contempt. we need to make sure that the project 2025 manifesto is not me leave -- made real. if donald trump is elected, all of these things will happen. bands on books and bodies. to replacing them with trump sycophants and that is just one example. i am proud to be part of this task force to shine a light on
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this frightening blueprint. >> thank you, congresswoman ayanna pressley for joining me. we will be watching you tirelessly defend democracy. >> thank you. coming up next, a tale of two judges. legal drama in florida and new york. delaying justice for the congresswoman who appointed them. keep it right here. sts positiv, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways.
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on june 24th, a judge in florida arguing to grant the request to modify donald trump's bond conditions. so that he cannot continue to endanger the law enforcement officials involved in that investigation. his lawyers are responding in an opposition that smith seems to restrict his first amendment rights ahead of the first presidential debate. meanwhile, in new york, another judge will decide of his future includes -- two judges with one common denominator. a convicted felon. joining me now, barbara quaint
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and author of the best-selling attack from within. it is never too early to have you. glad to have you a little early. let's start with the upcoming sentencing for donald trump in new york. it will happen on july 11th. does he get probation? prison? we love to manage expectations. let's do that right now. even if donald trump is sentenced to jail, what is the chance of him getting in anytime soon? >> not anytime soon. many defendants have time to get their affairs in orders, a matter of months. it seems likely to me that donald trump will appeal and there is a possibility that if the judge does impose prison time, he could allow that time
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to be deferred until after the appeal is decided. i don't expect that we will see donald trump behind bars before the election, regardless. >> let's stay on this for a hot second. if he is sentenced to whatever it is, probation, prison, jail, that is deferred. are there bond conditions that apply to him? going to the national convention, he is not supposed to associate with known felons and people of the criminal enterprise. no matter what he ends up doing with his sentencing. >> absolutely. the bond conditions remain. that not associating with people that have felony convictions.
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it also includes the gag order. the request by his lawyers to indicate that is over. that should still be in effect and remain in effect. it does not stop him from saying what he wants in court papers. it prevents him from taking cheap shots outside of court including at the convention to protect the integrity of the proceedings. all of those conditions will be in place throughout the duration of the appeal and all these things. >> talking about gag orders, i was irritated with the opposition filing that he did yesterday. he wants to call it a gag order. that is not what jack smith is seeking here. seeking the modification of the bond conditions of donald trump in the florida case. specifically because of the threats and danger that he poses with his statement that he is making about law enforcement officials that were
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involved in that case. what can viewers expect to happen on june 24th when judge cannon has a hearing to modify trumps bond. >> this will be interesting to see what judge cannon does here. we saw it was kind of a no- brainer because donald trump was going after and attacking and threatening people who were involved in the prosecution. in this case, what he is seeking is a modest amendment of the conditions of release. to get the same kind of projections in place. he can attack the special counsel himself, he can attack joe biden, he can attack the justice department. not as requested the individual prosecutors at the justice department involved in his prosecution. those who have been receiving death threats. it is not controversial at all,
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these kinds of orders are imposed in cases all the time. judge cannon is holding a hearing on this. in light of some of the other decisions that she has made in this case which seem to me very favorable to donald trump, i do not know if it is a given the way it was in other courts that she will prohibit donald trump from making these statements. >> it has not been noticed and for our viewers, the notice of public information that is given out that a hearing usually indicates. this bond modification hearing is non-evidentiary at this point. can we expect testimony? if it will be noticed as not having any evidence? >> probably not. what the judge will allow is to make a witness swear under oath. there is a dispute if he said
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things are getting. that is why you have to do fact- finding. the parties will agree as to what the facts are. the question will be for the judge to decide what to do about it. should there be restrictions or should he be permitted to speak? this is framed as a violation of first amendment rights. the first amendment is not absolute. courts impose gag orders all the time. this modest restriction based on conditions of release. it does not violate the first amendment. that is a fallacy that it prevents people from saying anything at all. the order restricting what donald trump consent is not violate his first amendment rights. >> i want to ask you about the decision from the doj, correctly in my opinion that there were no violations
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occurring by merrick garland to be held in contempt in any way because of a failure to turn over information to congress. specifically, the letter sent to mike johnson saying that it was done appropriately and all compliance was done. why is there an incorrect false and disingenuous assertion being made about what is happening here with executive privilege. >> one thing that is really important is that congress received the substance of everything they have requested. they received a transcript of the interview between robert hurd and joe biden. they want a recording of that's conversation. it will have a chilling effect on future investigations and
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future interviews. they attach as the exhibit to the court filing, the interview of a witness that said that he refused to allow his interview to be recorded. it was dangerous and will be used against him and put out in the world. in risk to his safety and his life. for the same reason, we say that you can have all the substance you want and have the transcript and we are withholding this recording because we know what you are going to do with it, you will use it for improper political purposes. >> thank you for getting us so much smarter, appreciate it. coming up next, celebrating and remembering all of the father and father figures we know in our lives including those with us and those who have moved on. my message, coming up next. nex . and year after year, you weathered the storm
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when i was growing up, my parents never told me i couldn't get a tattoo, it was intuitive i came home with one, there would be consequences. the idea of a tattoo was also very scary to me. the permanency of it. the idea that if you chose poorly you would be stuck with it for the rest of your life. you can imagine how shocked my mother was when i told her i was getting a tattoo at the age of 47. i might be my late 40s, i still
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have a healthy concern about what my mother thinks. when i asked her for a clear copy of my father's signature and explain why i needed it, she immediately understood and supported the decision. on september 15, 2022, on what would've been my father's 91st birthday, i went and got his signature tattooed here. on my right wrist. i lost my father five years ago on father's day. it was a hard moment in time for me and my family and for the last eight years of his life my dad suffered from alzheimer's and dementia. they weren't easy. they were difficult and traumatic and scarring. for my dad to die on father's day was tragically fitting. i often tell the following story because it reflects the resilience of little kids and it brings me incredible comfort. my dad passed away around 11:00
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at night. my daughter that was four years old saw how sad i wasn't asked, did something happen to poppa michael? she was brave and had visited him in hospice, never scared to be around her grandfather. before you was in hospice she was eager to visit him at a rehab facility and was never scared of the sounds on the smells. never scared of the idea of death. i suspect it has to do with the innocence of her youth as it does her strength at such a young age. when i wept and told her that her poppa michael had finally passed away, remarkably, she did not cry. she looked at me and said, mommy, poppa michael gave you your last father's day. the following day we saw a rainbow as we were driving in the car, she told me that it was poppa michael writing his scooter up to heaven. he had problems walking and needed a cane and eventually a wheelchair.
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he was writing that rainbow without a care in the world and she has identified several butterflies that are flying amongst us. i spent so much time thinking every day about my late father. a force of nature coming to united dates from south korea with nothing and building a life that surpassed the american dream. not all endings are happy endings. it is remarkable how much i remember of him with love and admiration. i cry when i talk about my dad. despite the years and the passage of time. my father was the best of us. quick with the best, a smile, never above self-deprecating humor. always having a joke at hand. they say it is supposed to get easier as time goes by. i've learned that it actually doesn't. that's okay. if you feel the tears this weekend for your father or grandfather or that person not
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held a special place in your life, it's okay to cry. it's okay to be sad. it's okay to grieve that part of you that is missing. grief is not a shadow to avoid radar cloud to wish away. grief is love with no place to go. the permanency of my grief is like a tattoo. i carry with him now each and every day. i wish my father a very happy father's day. i want to thank all of you for joining us today. you can catch me back your next saturday at noon eastern. follow us on social media. you can catch clips of the show on youtube and you can listen to every episode of the katie phang show for free. follow now and please don't go anywhere. msnbc reports is up next. next. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ )
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and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives.
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welcome, to alex with reports. president -- vice president harris just met with president zelenskyy. they spoke with dozens of world leaders. announcing 1.5 billion dollars of usaid to ukraine. >> we support ukraine not out of charity,


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