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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  June 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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the judge has yet to decide if the parent company should be liquidated in order to pay these debts. one of the attorneys for the family so they will move quickly to collect damages. in moments we have the ceos coming up who met with donald trump. some called him meandering and said he does not know what he's talking about. communications director will
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give us his. good day. welcome everyone to "alex witt reports." breaking news. several idf soldiers have been killed in an incident in southern gaza. let us go right to matt bradley. he is joining us from tel aviv with more on this. matt, we are not able to get a lot of details yet. what do we do know, you probably have them. what do yoyou know? >> reporter: they have said that they are investigating by that i mean the israeli defense forces. this was an meincident that the regret. it is not supposed to happen per se. they said that this was a bomb or explosion of some kind that ignited an armored personnel vehicle. some sort of armored vehicle that was caring large number of troops. eight people were killed. the only one we can mentioned is a 23-year-old captain.
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there were others who are not identified because according to the idf their bodies were so badly burned that they still cannot actually make a positive identification. because of the situation they are saying they are going to open some sort of investigation because what they think happened and this was the information that my colleague god from the israeli defense forces that there was some sort of explosion that may have ignited flammable materials or ammunition inside this vehicle and that is why we are seeing a large loss of life. deaths and more are not supposed to happen in this way. this is something that is supposed to be avoided. there is supposed be safety redundancies to keep flammable materials igniting when a vehicle like this is heads. we are also hearing news from the gaza strip that the floating peer that was e established by the united states government announced in march was set up about two months later has been on-again and off-again delivering millions of tons of aid. now it is once again offered
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authorities have said they have had to disconnect it from the shoreline in anticipation of bad weather. just a little while ago it was so badly damaged it was taken out of commission for a while. they are ouremoving the pier , presumably moving it to a beach or some sort of port in israel. that is where it will wait out the storm. it sounds as if the u.s. military does not want to see this pier damaged again. they are taking more precautions. this is a lifeline for much needed food aid and all ate into the gaza strip, where but w.h.o. just want earlier this week that millions are facing malnutrition. we have already seen hundreds of thousands facing what looks or at least acute malnutrition. many are children. >> it is absolutely heartbreaking. i think this is the third time the pier has met with some sort of setback. matt bradley, thank you so much for information on both fronts.
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let us go now to decision 24. new reaction to the thursday visit capitol hill. he returned to the area since the january 6th capital attacks. here is jamie raskin with my colleagues at the weekend earlier today. >> he came back to the scene of his crime. he made no apology to 150 capital officers, mpd, montgomery county police officers who were injured and wounded by the bobby unleashed against us. president biden says his star-studded fundraising event in california has already raised a record $28 million. the alheadliners included georg clooney, julia roberts, jimmy kimmel, jack black and others. donald trump will speak to supporters in detroit later on. he celebrated his 78th birthday on friday in a rally in west palm beach. senate democrats say they will escalate efforts to
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investigate potential ethics violations from justices alito and topless. over the organization ties with foreign investors which include several middle eastern governmentsin and whether those investors may be seeking influence we have a number of correspondence in place covering all the developments. we will start with julie tsirkin . welcome. what can you tell us about the new efforts to investigate members of the supreme court and this news about investigating jared kushner as well. >> reporter: a lot of news on the front in terms of democrats beefing up their investigation board and then generated kushner's justices are completely separate. let us start with the supreme court justices. yes i had a conversation with one of the democrats on the judiciary committee days after new information that clarence
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thomas, a conserved justice on the court who is already embroiled in controversy took on harlan crow, a private jet from the years of 2017 to 2021. why is this relevant? these were not included in clarence thomas' own disclosure forms a couple of days before. he had to amend the form after the democrats published and unveiled this information. they are closing the door on their investigation as a relates to harlan crow. one of the members on the committee told me yesterday that they had more of a fact- finding mission to go under to keep going to make sure they ey could unveil any other improprieties when it comes to clarence thomas. samuel alito at well with the flag controversy. i want you take to listen to jamie raskin, a senior democrat on the judiciary committee and what he had to say to our colleagues this morning, alex. two the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards. they are the only court that does not have of finding ethics
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code where you can actually go to make a conversation. >> do they need to write that code for him? >> as soon as we have the right congress. the democrats want to do that right now. t we went in inspector general in the supreme court like we have one in homeland security or the department of defense. we want a binding ethics code. you can actually make a complaint that will be heard. we have the right to impeach supreme court justices. we can impeach them and hwe ca change the appellate jurisdiction. >> reporter: republicans controlled the house right now. democrats control the senate with a slim majority. they tried to pass an ethics code of conduct for the high court this week but were blocked by republicans. meanwhile another investigation also launched by senate democrats, ron white who is the chairman of the senate finance committee into jared kushner because of the $2 billion at his firm that had received from the saudi government just six
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months after the former si president left the white house and after kushner left the white house as well. this is something that white has been looking into for a long time. because kushner was tapped by trump to lead and be the front man and the point person on middle east relations. there was a lot rsof investment and conversations with the saudi government. why did eslooking to potential improprieties. this has to be pointed out that this comes after republicans in the house have made a very big deal about hunter e biden potential busine dealings over foreign business dealings with china and the others like that. this is clearly something that democrats are escalating and trying to counter in terms of the g narrative something that relevant with the former president running in november against her by them. >> keeping you busy. thank you. let us now go to julian frankel at the convention in detroit.
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maga approved lawmakers are taking the stage ahead of donald trump as we speak. one is -- what has the president up to before the addresses evening? >> reporter: former president donald trump will be here later today after speaking at a roundtable discussion held at a predominately black church. we may hear him discuss his campaign's efforts to court that a minorityts voters and younger voters. we heard from longtime trump ally, steve bannon, who described the stakes of the 2024 presidential election using violent rhetoric. i want you to hear what he had to say earlier, including what he said about january 6th defendants who are now being prosecuted for their involvement in the capital attack. take a listen. >> are we at war? is this a political war to the nice?
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are you prepared to leave it all on the battlefield in 2024? on the afternoon of january 20th, we must free the 1400 patriots and must incarcerate the criminals. >> reporter: alex, earlier this week we heard from rnc chair ir and co-chair michael watley, who are on the ground here in michigan and encouraging volunteers to participate in their election day, election day initiatives and to encourage early and mail-in voting. >> julian frankel, rathank you much. in just a moment we'll talk about donald trump's meeting with several ceos and why some thought he failed to impress the room. anthony scaramucci, former sc white house director and founder of skypers capital will give me his take just a little e later on this hour.
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let us go to breaking news. biden set to usissue new executive action that would protect undocumented spouses of american citizens. we will go right to aaron gilchrest running us from los angeles for the president is hosting a fundraiser tonight. what can you tell us about this initiative and when it would go into effect? >> reporter: multiple sources tell nbc news that the president is set to announce as early as tuesday but this executive action will happen and it would protect about half 1 million undocumented immigrants from being deported from the united states. this would be, in particular, undocumented spouses of legal u.s. citizens who are living in the state and it would allow them to work in this country legally as well. this would specifically impact those spouses who have been in the u.s. for at least 10 years. protecting them from deportation
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. sources tell us that would be roughly 500,000 people living in the united states right now. a week or so ago when president biden made an announcement about executive action around immigration and migrants coming across the southern border. he hinted that there would be additional actions that he would be taking in the weeks to come. back then, he announced this measure that would restrict asylum access to people coming to the u.s. border if the number of people coming to the border reached a certain threshold and not be temporary until the number had decreased. in making the announcement the president indicated there would be more to come. he would continue to take executive action to the extent that his authority allows it. because, he said, the u.s. congress has not taken action to deal with a crisis at the border and to do with a broken immigration system. this announcement that we should expect this week from the president on this
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additional action is something that is in line with what he suggested a couple weeks ago in saying that there would be more to come. obviously, the president is here in los angeles for this major fundraiser. you mentioned it will happen tonight in downtown l.a. something that is going to be celebrity laden braided star- studded, as they say. $28 million already raised by the event that will happen here. this will be an opportunity for president biden and former president obama to sit together and talk about the campaign and stakes of the selection the president has said that democracy is at stake. so many freedoms in this country are at stake and that is why he is going to talk to this group of supporters. people who have deep pockets and large levels of influence and lots of social media following. they will be able to take some the talking points from the president and former president today to spread the message to the people who are attentive to them over the course of the next several months. >> it is l.a.
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nice job, 72 hours on the executive action announcement set for tuesday. appreciate that, aaron gilchrest. coming up, the supreme court and acdonald trump's immunity claim. why is it taking the court so long? we are back in 90 seconds. in 9 0. good to go unscripted. good to go on a whim. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions,
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fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you're good to go. ask your doctor about switching. a new look at some of the evidence that led to donald trump's hush money conviction on 34 felony counts from wall street journal scoops to text messages between hope hicks and michael cohen. had her notes on bank
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statements to trump's signature on ethics declaration as well as on several checks. the slides from the manhattan d.a. closing arguments were obtained via a freedom of information request by msnbc. joining me now legal analyst chrissy greenberg. she is a former federal prosecutor and deputy head of the criminal division at the us see and why. she was in the courtroom for the trial. really graced us with her understanding of what happened almost every weekend. trump is not fighting to terminate the gag order before the first presidential debate on june 27th. has the judge been bending over backwards to try to accommodate trump during the trial? would he change the calendar because trump finds the timing inconvenient? >> reporter: i don't think he will change the calendar for the sentencing, if that is what you are asking. i think that july 11th date is pretty set.
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>> okay. trump completed the virtual meeting with the probation officer. that happened monday about 30 minutes or so. that special a combination drew the attention of the public defenders but he did at mar-a- lago. he was not in downtown manhattan doing that. giving trump's pension for bloodless city, marketing, why would details of his probation interview not be reported in the press? do you have any sense of how it went? >> reporter: we know that it was brief. i think under 30 minutes. these things can take a while. they also take a while because a lot of defendants in criminal cases have lengthy criminal history to talk about. lengthy, you know, issues in terms of mental health or education and employment they have to go through. a lot of that would donald trump in terms of his employment and educational background, his family, a lot of that is already well known.
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he does not have any criminal history. i expect maybe that is why it would have been shorter than we would sometimes see. in terms of the fact that it occurred at mar-a-lago, i don't know that there is anything that is improper about that. if you have gone to the probation office, there are a lot of other criminal defendants in cases at the probation office. it would've been white a headache for secret service and for law enforcement generally to arrange the visit there. i don't think the fact that there was a special accommodation made in this case is so surprising. >> got it. almost everything about this case is incredibly unprecedented. this can join that ranking. the rnc is preparing for a convention that trump might not attend if he gets a home confinement sentence. can the judge of boyd his sentence a big influence by politics?
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>> reporter: if i had to predict here i would predict that john will -- donald trump will attend the rnc. i believe he will impose a jail sentence here. whether that is some sort of home confinement is unclear. i do think he will impose a jail sentence. i also believe that that sentence will be stained, meaning put on hold while donald trump pursues his appeal. as we know in these cases, the appeals can take a long time. not just talking months, it could be years. even if a jail sentence was not stayed pending appeal, typically, in a case like this with white-collar defendants that have been out on release while they have the trial. typically, there is a surrender date that is given before they would go to jail and that is a few weeks out to allow them to
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get their affairs in order. given the dates of the rnc, july 15 through 18th, i don't see any way that he is not attending the convention. >> case and point to what you're saying. steve bannon was convicted two years ago and has yet to report to prison. he will do that july 1st. let us talk about the supreme court. it did not put out its ruling on trump's immunity claims yesterday. george conway says even if the court delays the ruling until the end of this month, trump's generate 6th trial could start right before the election but what do you think of that timeline? the -- what is the reason is for this holdup? >> reporter: i did not think it would come down this week. i think it is towards the end. maybe not the last day. leading up to the end of the term. i think they anticipate that there will be protests.
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i don't think that donald trump is going to win. i don't think the supreme court will say he has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. i do think there will be some compromise where they say some private acts, he does. there is going to be that he would not have immunity for and some of the public acts, he would. i think that is going to be splitting hairs about what acts fall within the outer perimeter of his duties. they men -- they may send this back to judge truck and. if that happens, i think that would be an unpopular opinion. they may anticipate some protest here. i just do not know the date are going to want to deal with that. i do think this will be kicked as late as it possibly can get to avoid that scrutiny. in terms of why it is taking so long, i think they anticipate the reaction and that is
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largely why. >> christie greenberg, we always appreciate you on the show. thank you so much. turco coming up, the push to bring a to starving people in gaza. and it takes another unbelievable turn. unbelievable turn. blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. with usps ground advantage®. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible. learn how at (man) mm, hey, honey. looks like my to-do list grew. "paint the bathroom, give baxter a bath,
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breaking news, eight idf soldiers have been killed in the southern gosar's -- gaza city of rafah. the soldiers were traveling in an armored vehicle when it was hit by an explosion. investigations are underway to see if there was flammable material inside the vehicle that was ignited by the blast. joining the now former state department senior adviser -- welcome. how much might this rational calls for a cease-fire? >> reporter: biden has gone all in on a cease-fire. we are seeing white house press conferences, back channel negotiations. the secretary of state is in the region trying to make something work during press conferences. the challenge we have is that
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the of their parties, the opposition party is at war. hamas leadership and benjamin netanyahu have to want the cease-fire just as badly. the world wants it. palestinians and israelis want this to stop. these two leaders are really benefiting politically from those were continuing. hamas will tell the public they think they are winning this war. for them the loss of life and the casualties they see this as riling more people to their cause . they don't see an incentive to agree to having israeli troops potentially occupy gaza and benjamin netanyahu does not see an incentive to stopping what he sees as an effort to completely end hamas once and for all. >> i just want to tell viewers those are live pictures we have scenes of the weekly sabbath sundown protest that we get in
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israel against the government and many facets of protest. mostly, why the hostages have not been brought home. this one looks particularly dense. a lot of people in attendance tonight. for the third time in the month the u.s. pier up the coast of gaza is planning to suspend operations because of rough seas. how big a blow is the removal of this pier to gaza and talk us through the concerns the united nation holds about participating in humanitarian aid delivery that is brought in from this pier. >> reporter: the united nations has worn for months that's famine is imminent but we are seeing those exact conditions that the global community has been trying to avoid. part of the challenge is that netanyahu was not guaranteeing or creating the passages of safety that were necessary for boat world community to bring food in. we all remember the killing of the team and the folks on the ground. it now started again
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with independent efforts to bring in food. the united states being the staunch ally of israel try to come up with its own solution because the solution was not going to be at that point telling netanyahu to end the war. they tried to build this pier using u.s. military resources. the seas are rough this is not something the united states has done regularly. this is a challenging area and condition. what it has done is shown the world that when the united states says, it is going to help solve the problem, the united states is not capable of doing it alone. and that the real-time conditions, literally, how the ocean and then works are things that we are all still navigating to your point, your question about what this does for the united nations, who bears the responsibility now of making sure that the people of gaza are not starving while
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hamas and israel are at war? united states has not been able to solve that problem. arab nations and neither has the u.n. what we do from here is a serious question. >> there are a lot of questions. one of them being a senior hamas leader having addressed the questions regarding the remaining hostages. take a look at this. >> reporter: how many of those 120 are still alive? >> i don't have any idea about that. no one has any idea about this. >> hang on a minute. no one has any idea about this. how does the lack of knowledge about the status of the hostages that they are holding complicate cease-fire talks? how can hamas not know? >> reporter: when they took hostages almost nine months ago on october 7th, they were prepared for a variety of different reactions from israel. probably did not anticipate
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that a full-scale ground invasion was going to be the answer. hamas took hostages and dispersed them throughout the different areas of gaza. and in the responsibly of some other organizations. this aggregated, not in direct control but what that has led to over nine months of people moving around and trying to keep people safe is the fact that there is no formal list. there are guesses and estimates. this place against netanyahu politically as well and hamas knows this. they see the protest as well. netanyahu made a calculation to do a ground invasion against the idea of a mealy going into hostage negotiations when there was still more of a sense of where the hostages were and things were more concentrated in an area. that is something that the people of israel deeply, deeply
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remember. there was an internal dialogue debate about what the priority should be. is it invading and eradicating hamas or is it getting hostages home? these protest and what you see are netanyahu having to wrangle with this strategic question of the longer the war goes on, the less likely israeli hostages are to return home. >> that point, something that is being expressed by those who are demonstrating right now in tel aviv. thank you so much. former white house mitigation director anthony scaramucci on donald trump's solid bow of retribution. akin' e. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! [ engine revving ]
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a new pitch from donald trump might be exactly what america's top corporate leaders want to hear to get behind his presidential bid. however, at a business roundtable in washington this week trump's muddled speaking style did not impress many of the ceos in attendance. >> i spoke to a number of ceos who i would say walked into the meeting being trump supporter- ish are thinking they might be leaning that direction who said that he was remarkably meandering and cannot keep a straight thought and was all over the map. these are people who i think might have been as you predisposed to him and walked out of the room less predisposed to him.
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>> 20 now is white house communication director and comanaging partner of skypers capital anthony scaramucci. great to have you here. at this meeting, trump went right to what is top of mind for ceos. he will loosen regulations and extend the tax cuts from 2017, lower the corporate rate to 20%. this was welcome news. many were disturbed by trump's meandering and incoherent remarks wooded fears of another chaotic trump presidency discourage corporate leaders from backing him this time around or are they coming back around to him? >> it is a little bit of trump- nesa, if you will . i could name times they all pulled their support including steve schwartzman.
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for some reason they decided for these little policy promises that he is offering. they will switch over to him. jeb bush ultimately was right, alex. he is the chaos candidate. it was a chaos presidency. i would just remind these people that they were not happy when he was president. yes, they got their tax cuts that we have also balloon the deficit. that is going to call home to reduce -- roost for these easels. it is a mix of inflation and the general malaise a presidency like trump would cause. i say inflation because he wants to deport 15 million people from the country. he also wants to jack up tariffs by 20% or in some cases higher than that. this is making inflation great again sort of strategy. >> i think i'm going to attribute what i'm about to ask to something i heard you say if
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the ceos are all about the bottom line. they are all about money. that is their business. you have suggested that the foundation of democracy that might be shaking under a trump presidency does not do anything to help the business community. >> i did say that. i will take it one step further. it is the rule of law. you have people like steve bannon and project 2025 talking about a post-constitutional america and talking about trump as their red caesar. when things like that happen in a society, you get a breakdown of the rule block. i would just remind these business leaders what has made america so fantastic as a capitalist country is the predictability of our laws. just imagine someone like donald trump with those whims, his promises to go after his people that dislike him. i just
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think it would be unmitigated disaster. i would take a disagreement with policy with president biden over the systemic integrity of the united states and also in the keeping of the traditions of our constitutional republic and democracy. >> did anyone who attended that meeting talks you and give you their opinion of it ? >> i have not talked to any of those people. i'm very close to andrew sorkin, so i take him at his word about him meandering. that is not a great meeting for donald trump. he knows people in the room don't like him. i'm sure he came in there a little mixed. he tries to put a big charm offensive to those that do not like him. it is like the bully that is trying to shine for a moment. he is better in those rallies where he can talk about electric votes and shark attacks . he is way better at that then he would be actually articulating economic policy in front of a fortune 500 ceo.
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i am not surprised that he was meandering all over the place. >> the electric engines and sharks, that did not make sense. let us move to donald trump who has intensified his pledges of retribution against his political opponents if he wins a second term. what is different this time is the number of republicans joining his threads to use every available instrument of government go after everyone from democratic lawmakers to judges and president biden and his family. what are your biggest concerns over your former boss and members of your party promising to weapon nice the fbi and justice department to target their political opponents? >> i hope i am in the top 50. i know he has a 1000 person list of people. if i not made the top 50, i don't think i am doing a good enough job of explaining how maniacal he is in his legions of supporters. it is a very scary thing. he means it. i just want to you imagine the
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handmaids tale armored vehicle roaming around in our town and deporting people and forcibly taking them out of their homes and deporting people. he is also talking about concentration camp -like settings pretty have to figure out a way to get these people out of the united states into other countries. they will be in holding tanks for long periods of time. he said he will go after people and take their fcc licenses away. i've got to believe that msnbc is going to be at the top of the list alongside of me and as per and mark millie, buddies of mine. we laugh and say, i wonder where we are on the list. i just want to be in the top 50. i don't think i can get to the top 10. i think there is other people that are there. i would be disappointed if i am not in the top 50. >> that was a great answer. let us talk about team trump preparing for the possibility he will not attend the republican national convention next month.
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his campaign said there are no plans other than trump appearing in person to accept the nomination. yet, preparations are being made at mar-a-lago and in milwaukee if trump chooses or even has to appear remotely. why would this be happening ? do you think trump believes he may be in jail or home confinement during the convention? let me ask you this. do you believe trump when he said, he is okay with facing jail time? >> no. i think it is the right thing to say. he is a media savvy guy. you have to tell people that i am okay with it and put on a brave face. he is absolutely not okay with it and he will be freaked out in a jail because it is totally outside of his normal environment. i do think that he is running the risk that he will be there. he has broken the law. he is a convicted felon now. he is also not listening to the judge related to the gag order. he is going after witnesses and the judge. going after the judge's
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daughter. he is really challenging the court to sentence him to something. he is probably getting signals from his attorneys that you will likely get some kind of home confinement and you may have to give that speech in milwaukee, which he says is a terrible place. i think it is actually a cool place. i have been there for a number of sporting events. he may not end up being there. they have to prepare for that. the flipside is the judge may start that sentencing after the convention so it does not look like he is interfering with the political system. >> good point. let me ask about this new book that is titled from wall street to the white house and back the scaramucci guide to unbreakable resilience. it is based on the lessons that you learn during your career on wall street at the white house and elsewhere. you emphasize how disappointments and failure were key to setting you on the right path. i'm curious the key message you want readers to take away from your book. >> the big message there is you
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have to be nice to people. if you have setbacks there people that will come to help you. the second message is watch her ego. i went to work for donald trump in the white house that was an ego based and pride based decision. it was me trying to fit a narrative of myself. i grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood and went to fancy schools and have success on wall street. now i was going to get to work for the american president. my wife probably despite -- disliked donald trump. she did not want me to work for him. it caused a very amount of marital problems for us. thankfully, we fix those. i write honestly in the book about how humbling the whole process was to get fired like that. also, how do you build yourself up from a situation like that? i think the critical lesson for me is it is more humble and psychologically minded.
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i think it has given me this platform to speak out about the danger that donald trump represents. obviously, it is not great for my business to speak out against him. i don't care. i think is important to get on record for my family what i saw, what my friends like mark esper saw. john kelly, for that matter. and to speak out openly about it. this is a tough time for america right now. it is hard to believe that it is this close given the damages that donald trump caused the society. he attempted a coup and that he is back at the senate and they are clapping for him. this is a remarkable case study and profile of cowardice. i just tried to write in the book about being true to yourself and stay in the game is half the battle sometimes when things are not going your way. >> sound like a few people on capitol hill ought to read your back. that said, i wish you happy father's day and enjoy the game tomorrow with your family. two wild stories about
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now to two harrowing incidents that we are learning more about today giving summer travelers to pause. first in april a plane nearly crashing into the ocean off hawaii and that in may when another aircraft with into an uncontrollable midflight. tom costello has more. >> reporter: a very close call in april the faa confirming it is investigating a southwest flight that came within 400 feet of slamming into the ocean attempting to land in bad weather. a southwest memo to pilots is a less experienced first officer inadvertently pushed the control column forward and then cut the speed. causing cockpit alarms to go off before the captain ordered an aggressive climb. no injuries. southwest tells nbc news nothing is more important than safety.
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the event was addressed appropriately as we always tried to continuous improvement . meanwhile the ntsb is investigating another incident that happened in may on a southwest flight from phoenix to oakland. at 34,000 feet the 737 max 8 suddenly went into what pilots call a dutch role. oscillating and rocking from side to side. pilots regained control and landed safely. a postflight inspection revealed damage to the standby power control unit that provides backup power to the rudder. the faa says it has no reports of similar problems involving other 737 max. >> i do not think we have a fleet problem here. there's something unique to this airplane and that is what the investigators will concentrate on. >> reporter: another concern the faa looking at counterfeit titanium from china made its way into the boeing and airbus supply chains with forged documents. boeing provided the concern to
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faa. both boeing and airbus say there is no sign that any aircraft was made was suspect titanium. >> reporter: does the faa have enough inspectors right now to keep an eye on boeing? >> we feel like we have enough inspectors but we continue to hire and train more. >> reporter: this comes as the tsa addicts it could screen a record number of passengers sometime next week 3 million in a single day. >> tom costello, thanks for that. there is an article about donald trump black voters. it is remarkable for many reasons but one, what he said about his black friends and the other why famous black americans that they are supporting him but we will talk to the author of this article next. bori the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled...
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! these lights are so bright in my eyes that i cannot see too many people out there.
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but i can only see the black ones. i cannot see the white ones. you have all seen the mug shot. you know who embrace it more than anyone else? the black population. it is incredible. you see black people walking around with my mug shot. they sell shirts for $19 apiece. it is pretty amazing. >> donald trump in south carolina in february. new today, fresh insight into donald trump's claims about why some black voters support him but trump saying in an interview he cannot be racist because he has a hole many black friends. al sharpton had this to say in response. >> i have known donald trump he tried to be friendly and come to my convention. i believe he is a racist. that is not what we have to prove just look at his record pretty he is always race baited. >> joining is now a political reporter at semafore.
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you spoke with him i understand at mar-a-lago. why does he not understand that i have black friends defense is a problem especially when you consider his mug shot comment? >> reporter: that is a great question but i want to give context about when we have this conversation. we talked about his friends who he met in the '80s and '90s over the course of a decade or so. and that he is still friends with them and often playing golf with them. one of my last questions, what is your message to black americans who say that you are a racist. he pointed to those specific friends to say, we just finished talking about all the friends that i have in the black community. i thought it was an interesting response because so often people use that trope when they
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actually don't have black friends or they have one or two black friends. i think he was pointing to the people who we just talked about. >> did he give you a reason for why he sees a spike in support among black men? >> reporter: well, in particular, talking about the conviction thing. he said -- his original response to that question was, they are taking jobs away. they understand that the border is open and because of that, they are losing jobs. they make more money when i was in office. these are all the basic, you know, talking points that republicans give you. however, i brought up specifically, was he going to use this idea that black americans are gravitating towards him because of the convection? he said, no. he would not make that a message for his campaign but decidedly told me that, you
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know, this is something that he has seen out there and people are telling him. >> i know but you spoke with several famous athletes and sports figures who support trump i think mike tyson, lauren taylor, don king, herschel walker. why do they support him? >> reporter: they just know their friend from the '80s and '90s. there take he has always been fine to me. i remember very pointedly, this was not an article, but mike tyson said some of the famous celebrities he often argues with over trump, he says, they are hypocritical. they were saying that when they were getting free tickets to his boxing matches from trump. they see this person as the same old guy that they fraternize with in the '80s and 90s. to them, he has not changed. he just became the president >> let me ask you quickly because you point out donald trump vigorously promoted lies
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about barack obama not being born in america. he was born in honolulu. there is also the his bashing of the central park five. how do some of these athletes respond to these contradictions? >> reporter: that is a great question. i was surprised to see they did not defend that. when i spoke to mike tyson as well as herschel walker, both said they did not like that. i think herschel walker said something like, but that is just politics. that is just how politics go. barack obama was on the campaign when i was running. he did not say very nice things about me but i did not take it -- hold it against him. mike tyson sorta said the same thing. in g. him. >> is a dangerous to interpret the reaction from these few friends with whom you spoke as if that reflects a greater sentiment among black men? >> you know, i point that out in the article. all of this


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