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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  June 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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all right, that's going to do it for us tonight. >> in europe, the generations old fear of the far right appears to be slipping. that is the top line from this week's eu elections. setting to retain power and radical right parties will now make up the second biggest block in the european parliament. in germany, a blow to u.s. ally after the anti-immigration and anti-muslim party alternative for germany beat his social democratic party in last week's vote. that was after the parties lead candidate sparked a major scandal saying last month that the members were not necessarily criminals. in france, right wing's national party delivered a
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defeat the french leader responded by calling for a stop election. a risky move that could inflict further losses. both personally and for the president's party. the news overseas, mainly sparked headlines here at home speculate over what the far right victory could mean for our elections in november. theorizing that the blocked success could forecast a donald trump win in november however if you ask the atlantic there is quite a few problems with that prediction. according to her, trump isn't america's version, in fact much worse. while europe's right wing is fueled by similar kind of naturalist fervor, the success of their politicians is marked by their appearance to tact to the center. as applebaum points out, while their goals may be more secretly radical they are succeeding by hiding that radicalism from voters.
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the same though cannot be said for donald trump. quote, the former president is not talking to the center and he is not trying to appear less confrontational. on the controversy he is sounding more extreme, unhinged and more dangerous and perhaps the most dangerous distinguish the ex-president attack on democracy. a harvard political scientist and co-author of how democracy i told the associate press that it stands in contrast quote they are much less openly authoritarian than trump and none of these guys have rejected election results. the real risk is not that we could follow europe's lead could follow hours. after steve bannon was pushed out of the white house the x trump adviser made it his mission to bring trumpism to europe and
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entangling across the continent. even planning to turn a former monastery in italy to a gladiator school for populace leaders. that project was shuttered due to legal issues earlier this year and bannon told political he plans to reopen the will adding, the reboot would be launched by the inauguration of the second trump presidency. that kind of ambassador preaching overseas is no surprise that views of our country's democracy are souring abroad. they say although the u.s. used to be a good example to follow, it no longer is. so as applebaum warns, quote we aren't in danger of falling european loaders in an extremist direction because we are already well past that. if trump wins in november, america could radicalize europe , not the other way around. let's discuss is now with the professor he of history and
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michelle goldberg the columnist at the new york times. it is great to have both of you with this. ruth, your reaction to the european elementary election results. calling this a win for the far right too simplistic in your mind? >> i mean, i am the last person to under s may the gravity of major countries like france and germany having such gains in the far right. and this is both the appeal of those politicians. extremely smart and appointing as leader of the national rally party 28- year-old jordan who could be the next prime minister if things go back -- bad for micron. this was a vote for youth. the national rally party, its history a father had founded it
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and he was a famous white washer of the holocaust, pro -nazi so having this 28-year- old at the helm is very smart. we cannot underestimate what will happen there. >> michelle it's time to the u.s. and what this may mean for europe if trump win's. does his rhetoric set him apart from far right leaders on the world stage at the moment you're doesn't make him more dangerous that he out of all the kind of populace far right leaders around the world he is the one that perhaps more than others retracts -- projects and refuses to acknowledge whether he would accept the results of the 2024 election? >> right. i think that steve is absolutely right and he has told me this for that the kind of rhetoric, the violent rhetoric in the talk about locking up his opponent, the talk about hardening the
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january 6, quote unquote warriors. you don't hear that type of language from le pen or even afd in germany it is much more violent and frankly much more -- i think what we see in the results of these elections is something we see all over the world which is just the incredible anti-encompass in frustration with the status quo. it is surging and seems to be doing really well, the uk where they just had years and years of rule or tory misrule. this is kind of what biden is up against and i think we look at biden's whole numbers here and you can blame that on various decisions that he made, but i also think we need to
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keep in mind that pulls for incumbents are really bad everywhere and in most places quite a bit worse than biden. >> ruth, what is your take care? is donald trump markedly different than europe's pirate politicians. the overlap in some ways and in our they seeking different ways? >> there is a lot of overlap in terms of platform. conspiracy theories about public health. great replacement theory. for example, hosting the g7, so extreme about replacement theory, she believes it is a plot to flood europe and italy with muslims and nonwhite immigrants. she closet ethnics institution -- all of that racism, anti- immigrant, euro skepticism, anti-nato sometimes, that is
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common. by the way, to the first point you're making about america being the lead, we already had this because he had his own january 8th insurrection and it didn't work and now he has been banned from politics. but the renaissance included this playbook exploited by the u.s. to another country. >> so, to that point, ruth. let me follow up because i mentioned that if you moments ago. does that number risk slumping even further in november and how big of a test is this election to america? either way i guess, and other words to stand as a beacon of democracy. even if they reject trump. they rejected him in 2020 and he is on the things of the confidence american democracy
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seems to be declining even with trump not in office. >> he did enormous damage in his four years, too. american democracy abroad. he had the thuggish secretary of state. he pursued self dealing. trump businesses are international. international enterprise. and he just brought down the prestige and integrity of american democracy the and that has lasted because also other countries see that this is a bipartisan country in a very powerful country in one of the two parties is enthralled to this cult leader and behaving in ways that are negatively autocratic so that brings down our prestige in the world as well. >> all right, ruth ben-ghiat, michelle please stick around.
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we have a lot more to discuss with you throughout the course of this hour. we do have some breaking news out of michigan that we want to bring to you at the moment but at least nine people have been shot at a/mark in the city of rochester hills. it is about a half hour north of detroit. moments ago, police spoke to reporters on the scene and they have confirmed that the shooter is not yet in cost the but is contained about a half-mile from the e&p right now investigators say they believe the shooting was a random in the gunmen had no connection to the victims. they said that the shooter drove up to the waterpark and started shooting and emptying 30 rounds before running off. again, as of now, at least nine people were shot this saturday at a splash park in rochester hills, michigan. we will keep you updated throughout the course of the next hour. he will take a quick break and be right back. stay with us. ht back. stay with us.
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donald trump's trip to d.c. thursday didn't just including meeting with the republicans in congress. it also pitched his economic vision to the corporate leaders.
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some of the notable ceos included tim cook of apple, jamie diamond of j.p. morgan, and brian of bank of america. these ceos have not officially endorsed trump but these meetings, some billionaires who spent the last three years distancing themselves from trump and seem to at least be returning to him. here is what he had to say about nikki haley just last year. >> a very liberal democrat. i urge you to help get a choice better than trump. and here is jamie dimon talking two years later about trump and his policies. >> you have it right about nato. you have it right about integration. he grew the economy quite well. tax reform work. he wasn't long about these critical issues. and that is why they voted for him.
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>> and there is nelson powell who came out after the january 6 insurrection. >> i voted for him in this past election this past november. today i am sorry i did that. now he says he will be voting for trump a second time over fears of president biden quote mental condition. peltz even hosted last month. then there is david sachs a prominent elon musk ally. slamming trump right after the capital attack >> i think he has disqualified himself from being a candidate at a national level again. >> now, after trying to fail and turn up he has gone in on trip -- supporting trump. billionaire hedge fund manager
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also joining the chorus of critics condemning trump after january 6th, calling for trump to resign. now he is back on the trump train after initially backing rfk jr. and then nikki haley. the ex-president even won back in and millionaire. >> it is time the country moves forward. i like to think the republican party is ready to move on from somebody who has been for this body, a three-time loser. >> well, you guessed it. griffin is now praising the three-time loser us middie who will improve america's standing in the world. last, but certainly not least, we have found her in gop make a donor, how lambert who just last summer was making the case for ron desantis. >> he is a candidate that can
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win those swing states and i just don't simply think that president trump can do it. >> of course, once ron desantis campaigns crashed and burned in spectacular fashion, he went back to trump saying that i don't know if anyone really believed he was a threat to democracy. >> not to be fair, investor and tv personality mark cuban has frequently called trump out rephrasing -- referring to him as a snake oil salesperson and supported biden's policies. and reid hoffman has argued no national ceo at 1a man like that in the white house outspoken in their supported biden are in the minority and we should be clear about that. it is obvious why many are casting their values and memories aside for donald trump. cnbc reports that trump promised the ceos they will see tax cuts in the curtailing of
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regulations.this came after he told house republicans he was considering an all tariff policy that would eliminate the income tax altogether according to those who spoke anonymously to cnbc. experts call a sure way to hurt low and middle class americans but sure is a sweet deal for the billionaire donor class who made us help donald trump get re-elected. we we'll be right back to discuss this with my panel and more. stay with us. more. stay with us. sung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. for moderate to severe crohn's disease, skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage
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for the break we talked
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about billionaires returning to trump after he left the white house and some are now helping close the gap on president biden early fundraising lead. here to discuss this, ali, and also with us, michelle goldberg. you have these billionaires flip-flopping on donald trump. it is clear they don't care about the threat trump represents or poses to our democracy as long as they get their tax cut and bottom lines worked for them. >> yeah, first of all to everybody watching around the world it is good to be a billionaire because if you have trump you have a man that'll treat the oval office as is atm. it is all quid pro quo. he has told his investors to invest in me and i will to be more tax cuts.
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in addition, i will deregulate industries because it has never gone wrong. especially during climate change , which trump doesn't believe in. it is disturbing to see billionaires invest in a fascist , wannabe fascist and literally give up our freedoms, democracy the, because for them there bottom line is better in their interest in our democracies and our rights in progress and i will say this, historically, democracy is better for capitalism here so all of these capitalists, billionaires who think a fascist will be better for them you have another thing coming. the second thing i will say is, those who think trump will help them and go against the woken di i give you the fascist in italy in the fascist in germany. this is not a new story. look i can look what happened to those millionaires. once a fascist power they threw their back on them and through them under the bus. >> michelle i want to get your reaction to this reasoning from blackstone ceo stephen
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schwartzman who recently endorsed trump. he told axis that the right of anti-semitism was a crucial fact there for him endorsing trump. and as somebody who follow this closely it is hard to see how you can look at trump and see this guy the same trump that called very fine people regularly accusing jewish people who do not report israel as quote this oil and plan on the anti-semitic trope dying with a white supremacist, nic fontes, the holocaust denier. shooting at the synagogue that took place almost four years ago, a little bit over four years ago and how do you make sense of that guy being the better president to combat anti- semitism than the one that we have right now >> i think it is a result of this really dangerous but also very widespread completion of anti-semitism and opposition to
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israel. so, donald trump, although he had connections with benjamin netanyahu he is more likely to be far more willing -- far less likely to criticize or try and restrain them in any way. even joe biden, was obvious the far too indulgent of the israeli right. so, i think there is this idea that has become extremely mainstream that the democratic party has indulged, kind of radical racism of israel that can only be motivated by anti-semitism. the other thing i think we have to look at is, i wish joe biden would lean a little bit into some of these criticisms. the fact that billionaires have turned on him in some ways is an indication of his -- of the
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antimonopoly action that his administration has taken on the fact that his administration has been uniquely prounion and prolabor. so, if the kind of all the guards have decided they don't like him, he could potentially wear that as a badge of honor. >> is going to say, president biden, the first president to cross the picket line and down with union workers who were protesting, as you said michelle, this is a guy who has positioned himself as prolabor and fighting on behalf of the workers of this country. i can understand why the billionaire class and does not like him. some of these billionaires have rushed to defend trump amid his guilty verdict in the hush money trial. is this knee-jerk reaction show they think someone in the class like trump, should be above the law? >> yes. these are sociopaths who think accountability does not apply to them. they are the masters of the universe or it they are
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the superhuman, the super men above us and how dare we hold them accountable. how dare women have rights. how dare people of color actually have a chance. they are against woke, against di, against his college students for these multiracial, multi-cultural. one of these meetings with trump he promised to setback this moment 20 or 30 years. in addition to getting tax cut and deregulation, he promises to go after their enemies who make them uncomfortable. and that is workers amending rights, workers demanding a fair wage, people of color and women who will challenge them here trump, then becomes their avatar he will become their bully who will punch down and michelle makes a great point. for democrats, provide and i say, i am with the rest of you. i'm with the majority who wants to tax the rich. i am with the workers. the 1%. those are trump skies.
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those are the bad guys. that is lex luther i am with the rest of you. lean into a hardened tax the rich. >> michelle, trump's meeting with the ceos may not have gone as well as he hoped . let me play for you and our viewers who have not seen it yet how andrew from cnbc describe that meeting. >> i will say that i was surprised . i spoke to a number of ceos who i would say walked into the meeting being trump supporter ish or might be leading the direction saying he was remarkably meandering and could not keep a straight thought. was all over the map and that it is maybe not surprising but was interesting to me because these are people who i think might have been predisposed to him. >> i mean, how does billionaire class, have they been living under a rock because that's what i took away from that. it is not that they felt he was meandering or that he lost his train of thought or that he
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couldn't keep a straight thought. is that, have you not seen trump at a rally before. have you never heard him speak? he is meandering and can keep a straight thought. >> well, i think if you ever attempted to believe that kind of billionaire earnings as a result of some very special intelligence. they should just amuse you. these people were presumably alive between 2016 and 2020. but due to motivated reasoning. due to their own economic interest, they have convinced themselves that guy has changed.i want to point out something that matt store, the analyst wrote just this weekend. i haven't noticed before and i think it is an interesting observation. he pointed out that trump has mostly stopped attacking big corporations on a trail the way he did in 2016. and so, i think their emerging alliance of convenience and it
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kind of behooves everybody involved to pretend not to notice all the ways that trump is obvious the. >> yeah, he definitely needs the money as well. michelle, don't go anywhere. i worst of the week, bad debaters addition is up next. debaters addition is up next. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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first, primary race in new york, previously attacking the bowman attacking him of taking money from hamas. over his objection to the ongoing station in gaza at this week's primary debate vladimir took things to a whole different level what this ration is -- racist and homophobic attack. your constituency is not harrison it is not even there to be part of the events of those communities. >> nevermind the fact that dearborn , home to the nation's single largest community more than 600 miles away from bowman district and now you would think this kind of anti-arab dog whistling would be condemned by democratic leaders, but instead following the debate vladimir got a key endorsement from none other than hillary clinton. up next, we have january 6th fighter turned georgia congressional candidate. he was
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convicted of a misdemeanor for illegally demonstrating inside the capital on january the sixth but when it came to finally debating his primary opponent, this past week he pulled his bazaar stunned at the very beginning. >> this race is very simple. it is the eighth district money or 2nd district heart. the choice is yours. if the dollar versus the change , this is where i get back in my truck and head back to southwest georgia because i got two races to win. >> thank you very much. you're not staying, sir? are you leaving? okay. >> my panel is back with me. michelle. who is your pick there. latimer or hand? >> i will go with hand . i think that he was on the stage to begin with but even more i think it was a way he left it. >> what about you , who are you
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going with? >> gosh. literally i would have to say hand because he literally did not debate. both latimer -- it's a good reminder that islamic pays. we are all bigots. >> michelle, i have one more bonus for you. it is no epic and needs to stand alone and it own category. we have gop congressional candidate for colorado and a self-described pro-life catholic who believes everybody who should choose life every time and who voted against abortion rights in the state legislature . here's the thing. he has raised the impact of his girlfriend's abortion which he paid for by the way. here is him trying to justify this hypocrisy to a local reporter. watch. >> why do you seek to deny the choice that you said was best for your girlfriend -- >> let me explain.
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>> i am a pro-life person. i think you should try to choose life every time here but there are exceptions and there are times when you need abortion. abortion is a medical procedure. >> is one of the exceptions when you are the father? >> don't personalize it. it is not about me. >> you told the story. >> that doesn't matter. that a story. that is not that important. >> all right, first of all this is the worst of the week segment. let's put that aside for a moment. have to give mad props to that journalist, kyle clark for doing the interview because that is a text book example of the kind of journalism, the kind of questioning we need more of in this country. against our officials were just full of hypocrisy. full of double standards brazenly lying to the american people but when it comes to their own self interest as we saw with that on congressional candidate, he had no problem saying that you know, it is all right for a woman to use an abortion when it is his girlfriend.
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but not for every other woman in this country. women in this country do not have the name right as the girlfriend of richard. >> you know, there is something that people say within the pro- choice unity. sometimes they will say that everybody believes in three exemptions. but i have never heard somebody actually say that >> abortions for me none for thee. i like the fact he is honest and open about it. >> is the double standards of republicans not just on abortion issues. it is on the way they project on so many other issues, but the fact that he brazenly is coming on tv and then telling basically making the best case possible for choice. saying it is a woman's choice
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it is a private matter and there should be exemptions to it. but based on the arguments that are commonly cited in society that is a personal choice. but then he has no self- awareness that he will go back into political position and curb those rights for women. michelle? >> also, he is not the only one. there is at least one republican in congress that has been widely rep ordered that he has paid for abortions and votes consistently for antiabortion deflation. in some ways, it is not even hypocrisy, i think that what a lot of republicans believe is that they should be able to make these choices and particularly when it parallels the career of an ambitious man. but they basically believe they should be able to make these choices for themselves and for all the rest of them.
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>> wajahat , to what extent do you think, a clip like this or the debate around abortion is going to be a determinative factor come november. we know that it obvious he has had an impact obviously sends roe v. wade was overturned. we have seen that in one-off races here. we have seen that on a constitutional referendum. but what do you think the overall impact will be come this november? will it be immobilizing fact? >> i think it already has shown to be a mobilizing factor. danielle modi and i have been saying for two years ever since dad was in shoot especially older and younger generations of women have shown repeatedly in special elections at they will come out and vote on this issue. are you talking about some redness dates. they will vote for this issue and the fact that republicans are stuck in the corner you have the alabama supreme court
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and the arizona supreme court attacking ivf and they want take us back to the 19th century and the fact that they have gone in on dobbs i know they are stuck with extremism and they cannot do that anymore. this is where you unleash kamala harris, unleash her every single day until the elections mobilize on this issue and democrats actually went. president biden could actually win on this issue. in this clip proves it. michelle, final thoughts in terms of what democrats with a clip like that? >> i think they have to play it over and over again and they also have to link it to the republican party at large. specific the.donald trump who is known to be the amoral playboy who is also the person was possible for ending the right to legal abortion in this country. although people we talked about politics for a living, i think it is so obvious to us that sometimes we forget that a lot
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of people in this country don't connect donald trump to the supreme court justices that ended roe v. wade. so it is the drop of the democratic party to hone in on that connection for them. >> all right , michelle goldberg, wajahat ali. great to see you both. thank you. next up, spokesperson, james elder on witnessing the shocking shootings of two palestinian fishermen in gaza. his tory next. ave a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. old spice gentleman's super hydration body wash. (whispered) vanilla and shea.
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israeli military once again facing heightened scrutiny. rescuing for hostages killing at least 274 palestinians. we are learning more details about how it unfolded. running to an investigation by nbc the news reports the hours long braid was apparently the end of a much longer operation. post on the israeli military channel show idf special forces known to disguise themselves to blend into the population of gaza have been operating in the area in today's leading up to last saturday's surprise attack. he ultimately entered as displaced palestinians in a humanitarian truck and attacked residents with intense ground and air attacks when nbc news asked for confirmation the israeli military declined to comment. an analysis of missile affect rent filmed by nbc news crew as
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they were collected by residents showed there were pieces of hellfire missiles weapons that are primarily manufactured by lockheed martin in the united states. a horrifying aftermath of bodies strewn on the streets and walls covered in body parts, battered by the explosions. u.n. experts describe the raid as one of the most heinous acts in israel's assault since the october 7th hamas attack. meanwhile starvation is eminent in gaza at least 20 children have died of malnutrition and dehydration plus far according to a new u.n. report out this week on the war crimes committed by israeli communities since october 7. the october -- numbers expected to rise as half of gaza's population could face starvation and death by mid july. earlier i spoke to james elder, unicef's global spokesperson who is on the ground in rough
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up. >> since you have been back we have been checking in with you regularly. i want to start with what you have seen this time around. i saw this time you posted something that caught the world's attention and something that is very troubling about seeing two fishermen who were looking for food for their families shot dead at a beach. tell us about what you saw and witnessed. >> it was horrendous. the whole day was horrendous to that civic situation it was a convoy on one's a taking lifesaving supplies. for 10,000 children. it was a 25 mile round-trip. you do all of the vetting before hand a nice trip we spent eight at checkpoints nearby and during this time as we waited on the coastal road, i spent time watching fishermen who are out there with a single net
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trying to catch fish for their family. maybe they were university professors or accountants. i don't know. they were out there fishing and all the sudden i was commotion at the israeli checkpoint. there was a tank and automatic weapon fire in the fisherman were shot. i was with the world health organization we had a doctor and a paramedic. immediately they called to those authorities to see if we could get permission to go to the beach to see if there were any signs of life. to see if we could help these men in any way and that permission was denied. that permission was denied and a half hour later the other freshman, friends and relatives, decided enough. they wanted to go there. we gave them body bags and they put the fishermen in the body bag and brought them where i saw them. one had been shot in the back and one who still had fishing net around his ankle. he had been shot in the neck. >>, james, just to be clear,
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with a posing any threat to the israelis or any others. were you able to document any of this or capture any videos or pictures of this incident? >> based on what we saw, no threat what so ever. there was definitely a proximity to a checkpoint for the check is much higher there on flat land good they are at sea level in a checkpoint is obvious the much higher than that. from what we could do with an untrained military eye. no threat what so ever. they were fishing. >> we know you have had to wait up to eight hours a military check messages try and get aid just to be turned around and denied entry. what were some reasons they gave you or what are some reasons you are able to observe as why this aide could not pass through to where it needed to get to the supplies of course as you know are a matter of life or death.
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>> very much so. there are getting to the north where the nutritional crisis is the most serious. mostly because of restrictions in getting aid there and of course because of the devastation to livelihoods in agriculture. the reasons given were that it was a closed truck. our truck/van was open and a full inspection was given. from what i understand from social media i have no direct contact i would rather not get into a he said, she said pitch with matters of course. it was also said that we were offered to transfer our supplies, our medical and nutritional supplies to another truck. that was at no point ever conveyed to us. this is not a new occurrence. this adjustably because i was there and bearing witness to what was happening. that was really just drawing attention to what to happened to these two fishermen. someone's son, father, husband. all those things are the restrictions are not new.
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they have been scores and scores going on for months. the backbone of aid on the gaza strip, they haven't been able to lead a mission since january or february. it is very, very common for missions to be stopped or denied, delayed. for aid to not get into the gaza strip. this is not a reoccurrence. >> let me ask you, james, about a report that came out this week about our news organization. nbc he is in the israeli military has becoming under scrutiny for their operations at the refugee camp last weekend. the united nations said in a statement that the israeli military entered as disguised displaced persons and aid workers in a humanitarian truck. you are a humanitarian worker. what is your reaction when you hear about these details. i who is actually working to try and deliver aid to people in desperate need? >> their allegations so i just
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can't. i cannot, to an allegation that i can, to the impact of that operation. i was in the hospital, the major hoss will, two or three days later. two or three days later is quite a time to still walk across with the doctor and be walking over told him that the wounds of war and walking over children with immense burns and walking past children who still need major surgery, but the hoss will is overflowing for that operation. 400 patients as i saw records come in. 400 millions even today, today when i went there, the first family i decided to talk to again they are in a car because we have seen the systematic devastation of the health system. these aren't opinions, these are facts. we do need to get away from the war of words. 36 fully functional hospitals eight months ago and only a handful now that are partially functioning.
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the hospitals are going in the first family i saw was a little boy who was very serious the wounded when he was asleep at 5:00 in the morning. this is about 10 days ago and the next thing you know he is in the rubble with his mom. we spoke to him and his family. his mother also in the hospital. only explained that yes, she is alive but her other two children were killed. this is not unique. this is heartbreaking and horrendous when i heard the stories, countless times now. >> all right, james other with every story you tell it is just more heartbreak and grief for all of us who have to sit and watch this continue. thank you for joining us and i appreciate you. i know it is dangerous out there. please be safe, my friend. and thank you for making time for us at home. tomorrow night when art meets activism. we will speak to grammy nominated hip-hop artist belly about his decision to drop an album entirely inspired by the
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war in gaza. that and more starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern only on msnbc. until then , i am ayman. have a good night. i'm rements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn't know who i would be. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment
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