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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  June 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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welcome back. 12:00 p.m. eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific. i'm in for andrea mitchell. we begin with a major shake up in israel. netanyahu announcing today he is dissolving the war cabinet, which has been responsible for managing the war effort for more than eight months. this comes as israel's military says it will pause fighting along the route in southern gaza for 11 hours a day to allow humanitarian aid in for the millions of desperate palestinians. netanyahu reportedly disagreeing with this pause calling it quote, unacceptable. the idf says it struck targeting
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after hezbollah launched a barrage of rockets in israel on friday. joining us now, raf sanchez in tel aviv. let's start with you. why did the israeli prime minister dissolve the war cabinet and what does it mean? >> reporter: primarily because those centrist opposition figures who joined his government a week after the october 7th attack in a show of national unity have now walked out of the government. they left with a pretty stinging rebuke of prime minister netanyahu, accusing him of playing politics with the war. saying that he has no plan for the future of gaza after hamas. and so prime minister netanyahu says look, the war cabinet was created to accommodate these opposition figures joining the governments on an emergency basis and with them gone, there is no need for the war cabinet to exist. we are expecting the decision
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making will be centralized going forward in prime minister netanyahu and the israeli defense minister who is a relative moderate, but it is interesting that he is not inviting those far right members of his cabinet to join the war cabinet. instead, he's keeping them on the outside. that may be a sort of pragmatic move and those far right ministers are deeply frustrated saying they want a bigger role in managing the war going forward, jose. >> and you have new reporting on the tactical pause. what's been the response? >> reporter: well, jose, it's been welcomed by aid groups who say that they need all the help they can get in terms of getting food to the people who need it inside of gaza. the big issue has partly been the amount of food crossing over into gaza each day, but also, it actually distributing it to the people who need it and the idea of this pause is that there
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won't be fighting in the area around the critical shalom crossing which should make it easier for humanitarian organizations to reach it. there has been a furious reaction from the far right of the israeli government who thinks there should be less aid going into gaza, not more. as you mentioned, prime minister netanyahu says that he was unaware this decision was being made. he says it is unacceptable but an israeli government official says israel's government operation will continue in other parts of gaza despite this pause in the eastern region. >> raf sanchez in tel aviv, thank you so much. i want to bring in keir simmons who's in beirut today. the idf spokesman said today that hezbollah's increasing aggression is bringing us to a brink of wider escalation. what exactly is the danger there?
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>> i think that statement was very impactful and designed to leave anyone watching in no doubt that israel and the idf intends to ensure safety for israelis on its northern border. the border with lebanon here, which of course has been targeted by hezbollah in the past nine months. now, israelis on the other hand, have been targeted hezbollah and they hit another hezbollah operative just today accord to an idf statement. the message is that israel will not accept any kind of threat. it's difficult though when you watch those kinds of messages to figure out whether or not it is, what the message is that israel tends to take action in this part of the region or whether in fact it's simply trying to say to hezbollah don't you dare. it's very difficult to see the
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difference between those two. the question you asked, and it's a good one, what will the implications be. well, if there was a increasing war, there's already a simmering war between hezbollah and the idf. if there was an increasing war, that would risk dragging in groups here like palestinians. there are many, many syrians here. in lebanon. potentially, you would then see an escalation with regional actors involved. countries. of course, most worringly for washington, perhaps iran. that would then have the potential to drag the u.s. in. that isn't even talking about the kind of refugee crisis that would unfold if there was a real war, if you like, between israel and forces here in lebanon. there are millions of refugees here already. potentially, they would spill out into europe. it would be very, very serious crisis. and that is why you're seeing
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the presidential senior adviser on his way now in israel on his way here to lebanon to try to diffuse tensions. >> and it's important to kind of if you would, to explain to us just the impact and the size and the influence of hezbollah in lebanon. >> reporter: yeah. that's right. it is the dominant force here now. and of course, hezbollah absolutely backed by the israelis. iranian. hezbollah is a proxy force for the iranian. i think it's also though worth making the point, jose, that in the last past nine months, there have been many, many moments of escalating tension and it hasn't boiled over into a full scale war. there have been 13 hezbollah leaders killed. 131, 341 hezbollah fighters. those numbers compared with gaza, for example, seem quite
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low. i think it's just worth keeping in mind that ostensibly, hezbollah and the israelis and the american capitals have been clear they don't want to see this turn into a full scale war in this part of the region. >> keir simmons in beirut, thank you so very much. joining us now, senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace. aaron david miller. he helped develop u.s. policy in the middle east and served as senior adviser for arab israeli negotiations. what do you think of the impacts of netanyahu's decision to essentially dissolve this current war cabinet? >> thanks for having me. if there's no war cabinet, then two of the most extremist ministers in the government can participate in the key decisions relating to the israel hamas
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war. so the decision making group has gotten smaller and no longer there, it's the prime minister, it's the minister of defense. who have galant who has problems. netanyahu fired him last year. then was forced under pressure to take him back. and a couple of other non-voting members. that's the main thing. in terms of the, netanyahu's motives and the politics. i hate the use the expression across the aisle, but without gantt and icen coat, there is no again broader support at least among the political elites for the israel hamas war. or less support. it's harder for the prime minister to say well look, we've got members of the opposition, well schooled former minister of defense, two chiefs of staff who
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are basically agreeing upon policy. now, that's gone and basically decision making is on him. >> and aaron, just what was the message and just, i'm just thinking of even you know, commander in chief responsibilities and rights when the israeli military announces a tactical pause to get more aid into parts of gaza. netanyahu says it's unacceptable. didn't know about it. what's that about? >> that's a kabuke game. perhaps akin to the proposal the president laid out in his may 31st speech and is now ensconced in a security resolution. voted for an israeli proposal. 14 yeses and one on stengs. basically legitimizing an israeli peace initiative.
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those are israeli ideas. the prime minister, for political reasons, seems to have walked away from them. the same thing with the 11-hour humanitarian pause. this has been in the works for weeks. probably even before rafah. he was well aware of the fact the israeli defense forces were considering this and they announced it on saturday. so again, it's a kabuke game designed to appease as many constituencies as possible. >> you have a new article in foreign policy magazine. i really ask everybody to read it. it's an important one titled why biden's gaza gambit is likely to fail. you write netanyahu and biden are all on clocks that are out of sync. what do you mean by that? >> i empathize and sympathize with the administration. i think the object is what they should be doing.
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it's like woody allen said, 80% of life is showing up, but he's only partially right. 80% of success in life, certainly in negotiations, is showing up at the right time. you've got three different clocks. the netanyahu clock and the sinwar clock, which are more aligned. they see no reason, frankly, to scale down this war. hamas thinks it's winning and the prime minister can't win or lose the war because frankly, he must maintain himself in power. otherwise, the courts on trial for bribery, fraud, breach of trust now for three years in a jerusalem court. if he goes to jail, he's going to have to cut plea agreement that will probably cut him from politics. the only party that's in a hurry is the biden administration. on this specific issue, time for them is an al lie.
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for the hostages, the hostages' families, time is an enemy. >> appreciate it. up next, a preview of former president trump's mar-a-lago meeting with speaker johnson. also, new developments from the hunter biden legal team. we're back in 90 seconds. you're watching msnbc. we're back in 90 seconds you're watching msnbc. -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food.
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breaking news. hunter biden's legal team appears to have filed a motion for a new trial on all counts in his delaware case. ryan nobles joins us from the white house. ryan, what exactly has happened? >> well, we're trying to get clarity because hunter biden's legal team did appear to file a motion for a new trial based on jurisdictional questions, but that particular piece, that motion, that legal filing has now subsequently been removed from the court's website and said it was placed there in error. we're trying to figure out if there was something not necessarily complete with the document. that it went up earlier than his legal team wanted it to. but we at least get a sense of what his team is arguing and what they're hoping, which would essentially be a hail mary attempt to get a new trial. they're suggesting an appeals
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court, who the legal team had gone to asking for this case to be thrown out before it got to trial, answered a number of questions related to the case, but didn't answer a third question related to the case. basically left that question open. and therefore, the court in which this case tried this case did not have the proper jurisdiction to impanel a jury and move forward. in other words, the appeals court needs to reconcile all these questions that biden's legal team had and therefore, that makes the trial moot and that it should not have happened. we'll have to see exactly how the court would answer this question as it moves forward, but this is the attempt that hunter biden's legal team has right now to try and get him out from under this conviction he faced last week in a delaware courtroom. a rather convincing conviction on three different counts. this is obviously something the biden white house has been forced to deal with. we saw a strong show of support from the first family around hunter biden during this period
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of time. especially from first lady, jill biden, who was in the courtroom six out of the seven days that the trial was held. mike memoli caught up with her over the weekend in an exclusive interview with she talked about toll this is having on the family, but despite the fact that the president is going to intervene and try and help his son out with his legal problems. take a listen. >> your husband, the president, has said he wouldn't pardon your son. >> correct. >> as a mother though, you must want to see this burden lifted off your son. >> well, joe and i both respect the judicial system. and that's the bottom line. >> reporter: and this of course stands in stark contrast to what you've seen from republicans and their response to donald trump's legal woes suggesting that it was a kangaroo court, a banana republic that donald trump was under an unfair judicial system. the biden family, while they don't necessarily agree with the conviction and are concerned about hunter biden's legal problems, have not gone as far
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as to criticize the judicial system or suggest the president will use the power he has to get his son out of this legal situation. here, you see them attempting to try and find a way out of it through the legal process. we'll have to see if they update that filing and do attempt for a press on a new trial in that case in delaware. jose? >> ryan nobles, thank you very much. well, president biden and donald trump are sharpening their attacks against each other. in a new ad, the biden campaign slams the former president as a convicted criminal. in battleground michigan over the weekend, the former president boasted about his legal troubles while targeting the president on inflation and the border. >> i'm the only one in history who got indicted and my numbers went up. i'm the only one in history who got impeached and my numbers went up. >> next hour, the former president hosting republican speaker mike johnson at
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mar-a-lago in florida as he solidifies his grip over the republican party. the jockeying to be trump's vice president continues with marco rubio helping with debate prep and byron donalds getting teased a bit by the former president on saturday. >> would you like to be vp? huh? tell you one thing, he'd be a good one, too. >> at a star studded democratic fund-raiser, president biden and obama painting trump as a major threat. >> the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down. the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. >> joining us now, nbc news correspondent, vaughn hillyard and ali vitali and jeremy
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peters, "new york times" reporter. president biden and trump are drawing their battle lines. how are they trying to frame their opponent ahead of the first debate next week? >> we're just ten days away from that first debate in atlanta, georgia, one of the refrains we should expect from biden is the fact that another trump administration could lead to two conservative supreme court justices nominated by donald trump. of course during his first administration, he nominated and successfully was able to place three conservative supreme court justices on the bench. you should also expect joe biden to focus on the idea that the progress made under the democratic administration was abled by donald trump and that the u.s.' role in the global order could come into question with allies who have heard donald trump repeatedly over the last two years call into question u.s. aid and resources.
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not only going to russia, or ukraine, excuse me, but potentially to support other allies of the united states and other nato members in the event russia were to invade and use aggression. but also for donald trump, you should expect next week for him to focus on immigration and the contrast between his administration and the biden administration as well as the price on goods under the biden administration practically over the last three years. what we expect next week, number one, no crowd. cnn has rolled out the agreement that both sides, both camps made, that will include no studio audience, but microphones. will be turned off while the other is speaking. there will be no problems allowed. a pad and paper and can make notes. they will also be provided water. 90 minutes, two commercial
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breaks. both men aren't going to talk to their campaign teams during the 90 minutes. >> meanwhile, trump is hosting mike johnson in mar-a-lago today. what do we know about the meeting and what's the latest on the race to be trump's running mate? >> the former president trying to show he has power over his party. he did that last week in his first appearance on capitol hill since the january 6th insurrection. by and large, they called it a pep rally. sources tell me the meeting with former president is having at mar-a-lago with the speaker and head of the nrcc, the house's campaign arm in charge of keeping the majority for house republicans here, this meeting is supposed to be a continuation of sorts of the meeting trump had with the full house republican conference last week. now of course he's doing it with two senior leadership members as they try to chart a path forward towards another house majority here on the house side.
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on the senate side of this building, they're also trying to take back that majority. as far as the veepstakes go, you've got people on both sides of congress, house and senate, vying for that position. hearing from them over the course of the last few days as they try to audition on television. watch. >> donald trump j. trump is leading in polls all over. every time a poll comes out. >> he's committed, smart, funny. nothing like he's portrayed in the press. >> we need a visionary leader and i believe that donald trump is that visionary leader. >> praise will get you everywhere, or at least in this case, somewhere in these veepstakes. we're watching the ways these potential vice president contenders are trying to get on tv as much they can. we know image and what happens in the media matters greatly to the former president and in our conversations with people close to this veepstakes process, it
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looks like the more we see of these folks on tv, the more it could have impact on the actual standing in this ongoing veepstakes contest as it continues down to the convention. >> and jeremy, back to what we were discussing have vaughn with president biden being asked during his campaign event. do you think the supreme court could be an issue that could motivate people to come out in november? >> i think, jose, that it is much more of a galvanizing factor for democrats this time around. not just because of roe v. wade being overturned, but because you have the possibility that should clarence thomas or alito retire, who are in their advanced age, their 70s, that would give donald trump the opportunity to appoint more
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young conservatives. therefore, solidifying the conservative majority on the court for another two generations or so. i think though that the issue of the court for republicans is a little more complicated because this will be the first time in you know, a half a century basically that roe v. wade won't be a motivating factor for them. and we saw in 2022, when amy coney barrett was confirmed and that really cemented the republican majority at 6-3 on the court. the republicans didn't do so well in those midterms because barrett was confirmed right before these midtermed. i've heard some republican strategists say that a little bit of an impact on voter enthusiasm. one said to me at the time that social conservatives, religious conservatives, after the barrett
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confirmation, felt quote fat, happy, and lazy. so, without roe v. wade, the court isn't as much of a factor for republicans. now, as for the issue of abortion, it's a little bit more complicated than people are making it out to be. in states like michigan and wisconsin where it's in play as a political issue, i think democrats will be energized by it. but in other states like michigan where it's taken off the table, i think it's less of a motivating factor. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, the surgeon general sounding the alarm on social media and america's children. plus, trump courts black voters in michigan trying to make inroads with a key biden constituency and watching msnbc reports. constituency and watching msnbc reports. nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults.
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the u.s. surgeon general is out with a big demand calling for tobacco style warnings for social media platforms. dr. murthy is requiring a warning that would require users to the potential dangers. this morning, he spoke exclusively on "today" explaining why he thinks a warning like this is so important especially for adolescents. >> not only have companies not
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demonstrated their platforms are safe for kids, but there's growing evidence of harm. when adolescents spend more than three hours a day on social media, we're seeing an association with a doubling of risk of anxiety and depression symptoms and the average amount of use per day is nearly five hours. >> joining us now, kate eshelman, pediatric psychologist at the cleveland clinic. thank you for being with us. i'm wondering what your thoughts are on this push by the surgeon general. >> thanks for having me. i think it's an important statement and need. >> so, what kind of a need is that that's important? >> sure. so, you know, social media use is relatively new for most parents. it's second nature to the kids, but i think that having a warning just puts a call out there, makes an awareness for parents to know there are
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dangers involved. social media is not all bad but there are risks. i think collaboration with parents, community agencies and the platforms is very important. >> putting a warning on the apps or social media sites that kids go on, the parent doesn't know what's on those sites for the most part, right? so what are the, what are the dangers of young people spending as the doctor was saying, sometimes up to five, six hours a day on these things? >> yeah. there's actually a variety of risks. i think one thing we look at is the time kids are spending on these apps and if they're on these apps, what are they not doing? they're not being physically active. not engaged with their families. not with their friends in the physical sense. so it limits other important
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things they should be doing. but also, there's evidence that increased screen time can lead to impact on mood, increased agitation, irritability, depressed mood. but also what is happening in those interactions with others? social media, there's a great platform for bullying. and the negative peer interactions, which is detrimental to health. not to mention all these challenges we see on there and when we look at the population of kids using these, they don't have fully formed frontal lobes. their executive functioning is not fully formed. we see these things that people are doing and all of a sudden, it seems like a great idea. not thinking about the risks to physical safety and mental health. >> it does no doubt change people, right? i mean, that relationship with social media for that, for those many hours, does change people. how do we as parents or folks
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just have loved ones that are very much changing because of social media. how can we help? >> i think it's important and you know, to be aware. what are you kids doing? have conversations with them. having the opportunity to check their phones. you know, it's important for kids to have privacy, but it's also important to know what they're going, what they're doing and what's going on. so talking to your kids, your kids friends parent, engaged with the school. just try and be aware of what's going on and asking for help. again, a lot of parents didn't grow up with this technology, with these platforms and may not be familiar. so, reaching out to your community and asking for help and connecting with them is important as well. >> thank you very much for being with us. really appreciate your time. >> thanks so much for having me. up next, donald trump's message to black voters about president biden. you're watching msnbc reports. pe you're watching msnbc reports.
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donald trump spent his weekend predominantly black church, he came out against president biden, calling him quote, the worst president for black people. later, he spoke at the turning point action convention. his second time in two weeks headlining an event for the conservative group whose founder
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charlie kirk has questioned qualifications of black pilots and whether martin luther king jr. day should be a federal holiday. joining us now, dasha burns. good morning. before trump took the stage at the turning point action convention, you spoke with the group's founder. what did he tell you? >> charlie kirk and turning point are looking to play a big role in this election cycle. the foundational mission of the organization was to bring in young voters into the conservative movement. this cycle, they're also launching a ballot chasing initiative and partnership with the trump campaign in arizona, michigan, and wisconsin, where they're trying to turn out voters to vote by mail, early voting, in-person. charlie kirk, the founder, is sort of a right wing provocateur of sorts who's known for making headlines about some continue controversial statements. take a listen. >> the former president here in detroit before he's coming to
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speak here, he's meeting with some black pastors. he's really been trying to reach out to the black community, bring them into the fold. you've said some stuff on your podcast. you've advocated against dei in that context. you've questioned whether you could trust black pilots. >> correct. what did i exactly say though? >> we can play the clip. >> you should. according to the united airlines, they will lower standards. >> sure, i'm not debating what you said. but in the context of that, you've also questioned before mlk should have a federal holiday. >> yes. >> how do you convince voters of the republican party -- >> we just held the largest minority outreach event in the movement. and we were really warmly received. i think black voters aren't falling for the nonsense of white liberal siren songs of racism. they want their country back. we'll see what happens. >> charlie kirk does have the former president's ear on a lot
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of issues. i've asked him what his advice is to the former president to get young voters engaged. he said more tiktok, logan paul, and ufc fights. >> dasha burn, thank you so much. joining us now, democratic strategist, susan, and basil. challenged president biden to a cognitive test. what's your reaction to that? >> you mean the cognitive test where he talked about his white house doctor and couldn't remember his name and got his name wrong? the one who administered his medical review while in the white house? i think that's donald trump just trying to use probably the only thing that really shows the two men in an appearance issue between them. that is age.
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it's a very real thing, but when you blow it like that, donald trump just shows he's also not qualified because frankly, maybe joe biden stumbled a little, but at least he's not unhinged, can't remember names, and just goes off and not remember what he's talking about with those sharks and electric and boats, what have you. >> i mean, basil, you pull from "usa today" today and suffolk university finds that president biden has lost some ground with black voters. among those voters in pennsylvania and michigan, president biden is still their top choice over trump. how much weight is there to the narrative that biden is losing support from black voters? >> i don't think there's a lot of weight to it. i know the republicans and the trump campaign want to continue to pitch that narrative. but i think what black voters are responding to is that number one, there isn't sort of this mass exodus from democrats or from joe biden. but like any other voters in
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this country, they want to hear from their president. even saw that with students at morehouse that say look, when you come down here, just talk to us about what we care about. there's nothing wrong with voters responding to a poll, african american voters saying we like joe biden, but like the democrats but you know what, we want to hear more from them about the future. that is i think normal, but also remember that the older snapshot in time. that there is some time for joe biden to go out and talk to black voters. i always say that kamala harris is a really great surrogate for the administration and for the campaign and even if you don't think she's been underutilized, they could certainly be utilized more to direct a lot of those messages. >> i'm just thinking biden and the president and trump with set to debate in just ten days. the importance of that, the weight and influence that debate could have, you think?
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>> well, i think it will be an extraordinary, extraordinarily important debate in the context of this entire campaign. in part because it was joe biden that challenged donald trump to the debate and in some ways, has drawn the former president to respond joe biden's terms. so i think it was very important strategic decision on his part, on the campaign's part, to do that. to susan's point earlier, i think donald trump will do everything he can to try to equalize some of the conversation around age and competence, but at the moment, joe biden's running the country. and he's in charge of a massive bureaucracy where the economy is doing better, where joblessness has gone down significantly over his tenure. and what donald trump will do is kind of say what he said before in 2016 to black voters. what do you have to lose? if you read the heritage
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project's 2025, you have a lot to lose. so that's the kind of comparison that i think biden's going to draw in that debate style. >> susan, what are you thoughts on this upcoming debate? the muted mikes, not being able to speak to the staff, et cetera, et cetera. who's that's going to benefit and impact? >> and don't forget, there's no audience there either for either candidate to feed off of. i think that is going to be one of the most frustrating parts for both of them because they both like a good reaction from a crowd. and they're not going to have that. also with the muted mikes only allowing to be on when they're speaking, will pose another challenge. donald trump isn't going to shut up just because the mike is muted. i think he will do everything he can to try and rattle joe biden and i hope biden's ready for that because even if the rest of us can't hear it, my guess is
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there will have to be some kind of outtake moment from the debate from all of what donald trump said when the mike wasn't on. >> thank you both so very much. up next, princess kate makes a brief return to her public duties since the first event she's back at since her cancer announcement. we'll bring you that and a whole lot more. you're watching msnbc reports. e lot more you're watching msnbc reports. boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching.
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52 past the hoyerment it was a special weekend for the british royal family. the announcement that she is making good progress with her cancer treatment is good news. princess kate made her first public appearance since revealing that diagnosis, attending a birthday celebration honoring king charles. nbc's kelly cobiella has details from buckingham palace. >> reporter: the king's birthday parade is one of the most important royal events of the year. princess kate was with her family for that iconic buckingham palace balcony appearance over the weekend telling the world she's making good progress a. royal return for princess kate. smiling to the huge crowds from her carriage surrounded by her children. later beaming on the buckingham palace balcony for the king's official birthday parade, sharing a moment with prince william. it's the princess' first public appearance since announcing a khanner diagnosis earlier this
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year. >> such a challenging time for the royal family and to have everyone back together on the balcony really reassured people that things are going in the right direction for both the king and for kate. >> reporter: princess kate also releasing this picture and sharing a very personal statement friday saying she was making good progress, but admitting there are good days and bad days. on those bad days you feel weak, tired and you give in to your body resting. adding, on the day i feel well enough it's a joy to engage with school life, spend personal time on the things that give me energy and positivity. >> i think people have seen the princess speaking in a more personal, intimate way than ever before. she's opened up in a way she never has done before and sharing her vulnerabilities as well as the positives in this journey. >> reporter: the palace sharing these tender moments behind the scenes with kate and her children, who are also back in the spotlight for the first time
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in months. 6-year-old prince louie smoted yawning, then dancing. big sister princess charlotte giving him a judge. the youngest royals making their social media debut with a touching post on father's day saying we love you papa. the palace said the picture was taken by kate. mrins william posted his own father's day tribute to the king. in her statement princess kate said she was blown away by all the messages of support. the palace is stressing this does not mean she's back to null-time work. she herself said in a statement that her treatment is ongoing and will continue for the next few months. >> kelly cobiella in london, thank you. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. you can always reach me on social media, @jdbalart. thank you for the privilege of
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♪♪ it's great to be with you. thank you for joining us. i'm ana cabrera in for chris jansing. big stakes call for big bucks. how prebs's re-election campaign is putting $50 million to work just ahead of next week's critical first debate. does their focus on donald trump's legal