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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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one last thing before we go tonight. >> this starts with a really cheery little episode, i guess and a really cheery little thumbnail sketch of a doomsday
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weapon designed to kill everyone on earth. so, you know, how is that for a tease? episode 2 is out today and wherever you get your podcast, i hope you listen. that will do it for us tonight and now time for the last word. i do have episode two meant to look forward to because, like you, i spent today engrossed in anthony fauci's book and i will do an event with him thursday night, which i am sure, by the time you are halfway through your first comment tonight it was sold out for thursday night. rachel, the book is so rich, as you know and that was a tip of the iceberg discussion. i could do an hour with him just about what he went through at the beginning of the mystery of the hiv-aids investigation and those chapters where they don't know what they are dealing with and it brings us all back to that time and all
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the work he did long before he ended up, once again, saving so many lives during the covid-19 pandemic. >> even what he tells you about the zika virus, that is some mind blowing stuff in terms of the way it was handled or mishandled in the way the people in government dealt with that and that will absolutely curl your hair. even the details with the start of covid and the phone call he got on new year's day of 2020 from the reporter asking him about something going on in central china. and the image of the hospital that was popping up in places where there weren't even supposedly 800 infections and what that meant and of course the interactions with trump and the cameos from people like stephen minh nguyen who
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wandered through the covid response understanding what was going on and screwing it up. it is living history because he is going through it and the way they are targeting him but it will be a definitive record of american public health in the 21st century. >> we will do more than an hour and a half i think on this but i will begin where it all began, as you know in bensonhurst in brooklyn. his story growing up and just his elementary school through high school, is a book in itself. >> you health to tell the story about the doctor and i won't step on your intro for that but when he is born, literally, the night he was born, and what the doctor who delivers him is wearing when he brings baby anthony fauci into the world and you can't make this up. >> the book is just a great
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book and it's incredible and even if it had no controversy and it it is a wonderful wonderful book and just an astonishing life and at any point you could stop that book and say, okay, that is an amazing life. and he is 40 at that point. we could go on and on, rachel. i have to say that was an invaluable our that you just delivered to us. >> i am looking forward to that. joe biden, the president who some seem to think is too old to be president, flew across the atlantic ocean four times in a week and first of france to attend the ceremonies commemorating the day and then back to washington and then back across the atlantic to italy for the all-important g7 meeting. and then the longest leg of his flight schedule was from europe back across the atlantic and this time all the way across the country to los angeles. where on saturday night, when i would have been prohibitively jetlagged to even speak,
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president biden and an appearance with his most important friend in politics, president barack obama, laid out the stakes in these -- this presidential election. >> this president what he did on january 6, to hear what he is saying now and if he said he doesn't win will be a bloodbath and it's outrageous what he is talking about. >> if donald trump does win the electoral college, he has promised pardons and immediate releases from prison to all the people who violently attacked the u.s. capital who tried to overturn the election and the greatest single crime ever committed against democracy in american history now has the full and open public support of one of our presidential candidates, who just happens to also be a criminal defendant accused of being the lead
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conspirator in that crime against american democracy leading up to and on january 6. on saturday night, president biden heighten the stakes in the election by pointing out something that we all should have seen as obvious before president biden said it. and he said if donald trump wins the electoral college again, he will be in a position to immediately appoint at least two extreme republican members of the supreme court who will need to extend the life of the trump court for another 40 years. >> these threats to birth control and ivf are not in our liberal imaginations anymore. they are really real and these decisions, these very personal
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intimate decisions are now being made by nine unelected judges, one of who flies his flag upside down and one of the others drives around in a $267,000 gift on vacations. i do think we are wondering what can we do about this. >> elect me again. i tell you why. and i am not just saying that. the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees, two more. he has already appointed two that have been very negative in terms of the rights of the individuals and the idea that is he reelected, he will appoint two more with flying flags upside down is really -- really mean this. >> could this be the scariest part of all of it?
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>> i think it is one of the scariest parts. the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. never. i talked constitutional law for nine years and this guy knows more about it than most. the fact of the matter is, this is never been a court that has been this far out of step. by the way, when we said, after the decision that overruled roe v. wade, the dobbs decision, you had clarence thomas talking about the fact that there will be other things we should reconsider including in vitro fertilization and including contraception and including all these things. and by the way,rights. by the way, not on my watch. not on my watch. >> here is the outline of the two judge deal he was talking about.
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clarence thomas is 75 and he doesn't look especially healthy. he doesn't look like he likes his job. he has already been identified as the most corrupt supreme court justice in history given none has actually been accused of a crime but clarence thomas violates ethical standards and financial disclosure rules that an unprecedented level that makes them the supreme court justice who has financially exploited his position at the supreme court justice more than any other justice in history. nobody else is close. how much money would it take to get the 75-year-old clarence thomas to resign from the supreme court so donald trump could replace him with judge eileen mercedes cannon who could serve 40 years on the supreme court after she dismisses the charges against donald trump in the criminal
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case that jack smith has brought against donald trump for violations of the espionage act which judge cannon would absolutely do as soon as possible if donald trump won the electoral college and he wouldn't even have to ask her to do that. clarence thomas won't just get a brand-new motorhome for resigning from supreme court. they will give him a private jet and they will give him whatever it takes. clarence thomas will live the life of an ultra rich man for the rest of his life, the life he has always wanted to live, the rich man's life. and then there is 74-year-old samuel alito, who would be similarly convinced with similar financial inducements to leave the supreme court so he too could be replaced by a 40-year-old republican right wing extremist, who would extend the trump courts rule another 40 years. yes, your boat means possibly
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40 more years control of the supreme court. samuel alito's wife would then be free after her husband left the court to yell anything she wants that her neighbors, but she might then be rich enough to live in a gated community that would block her off from many exposure to anyone other than extremist trump republicans who share her views of flags including her publicly expressed utter hatred of pride flags and that is a very easy to judge deal for donald trump and rich republicans to execute. at the event on saturday, president obama said this. >> the power of the supreme court is determined by appointments. it is determined by elections. and, so, what we see now is a
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byproduct of, in 2016, there were a whole bunch of folks who, for whatever reason, sat out. they said, well, we are not enthusiastic enough. we are not feeling inspired enough. why bother? hopefully, we have learned her lesson. because these elections matter in very concrete ways. we are now seeing how much it matters when it comes to the supreme court. >> not inspired enough. one of the conditions that the biden/harris campaign knows they are facing is some degree of what president obama was just talking about and some degree of voter apathy which exists because joe biden has brought sanity back to the presidency. some voters don't appear we remember how bad it was under the trump presidency.
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and because of the normalcy of the biden presidency, some of the voters have not had much reason to pay much attention to the actual accomplishments of the biden presidency. when president obama gets out on the campaign trail, this is what those voters will be hearing from him. >> i have talked about this before. i have talked about this before. at its best, the presidency is a relay race, right? you take the baton. you run the race and we get the affordable care act started. but we did know at the time that even though 20 million people were getting health insurance from it that didn't have it before, there were some people who are having trouble affording it because we couldn't fund all the subsidies the people needed. joe comes in and boosts the subsidies which means millions more people are able to access
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healthcare and they could have some security and on climate change we fund clean energy at record levels when we first came into office, joe and i together. we moved forward in terms of making sure that fuel efficiency standards on cars have changed. we got the paris accord done. that isn't enough to deal with the size and scope of the challenges we face. joe comes in and makes historic investments in clean energy. so i do take great pride in what the biden administration has accomplished. and it is a reminder that we don't have to just vote against something in this election. we have somebody to worry about, and there is a whole
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agenda we should be concerned about. but we can take pride in affirming the extraordinary work joe has done. we want to make sure we build on that and pass it on to the next president rather than have a president who wants to reverse the progress that has been made. >> leading off our discussion tonight is andrew wiseman, the former fbi general counsel and chief of the criminal division of the eastern division of new york in a legal analyst and author of the new york times best-selling book the trump indictments. thank you very much for joining us tonight, andrew. this is a discussion about the stakes in the presidential election and this is what matters. most coverage of elections, unfortunately, focuses on other things, optics and poles and things like that. this is what we actually know and what the two candidates want to do and what their records show they will do. when joe biden on saturday night started talking about the
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two justices, i had thought already that it was highly likely that you get clarence thomas's resignation in a new trump term for obvious reasons that i just outlined including there is no limit to how many motorhomes he can get if he hands over his supreme court seat to donald trump. but then there is the justice alito seat and somebody else in his mid-70s. it is somebody else we now know once a trump judge to replace them whenever that day comes. john roberts is 69. if judges are looking for the moment where they can get a reliable extremely conservative to write wing judge appointed, the trump years would be that time and those kinds of appointments could extend the trump court and it could control another 40 years.
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>> yes. that leaves aside anything that happens just because of bad luck. >> let's assume nothing else and let's assume only that and that is a tremendous amount of bad outcomes. >> right. exactly. justice so to mayor i wish her the longest life as possible but she is the same age as justice roberts. there is no question that if you have lived in the last four years, you know the supreme court is on the ballot and you have seen the right that women have a go away and they have 450 years and you have justice thomas talking about as you noted that that is the beginning and not the end and under a new trump administration, it is really no holds barred. the other thing i would point to is not to think about what
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could happen, but to really focus on what is happening right now. you and i talked about this a few days ago which is that six months ago the court was asked to take up the issue that is the president immune to criminal prosecution and it's a question that nobody even thought you would dare ask and the results of that is to give this former president immunity and that is something this conservative trump supreme court has enacted and basically saying there will be no accountability for his conduct in january 6 and they have completely whitewashed that in terms of having criminal accountability. in new york we have seen what happens when you have criminal accountability. trump loses. there is a reason he doesn't want to have a trial and the
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supreme court is by it's an action aiding and abetting exactly that. >> andrew, what is it mean in your experience, what are the stakes at the justice department itself in this presidential election? >> i have had my disagreements with merrick garland in terms of things he has done or hasn't done. the one thing that you know about merrick garland is he is the complete antithesis of william barr in terms of understanding the rule of law and the independence of the department of justice from the white house. people need to understand that is the norm. it isn't set in stone and bought and that independent of the department of justice is what separates us from and
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autocracy. here judge sessions, the reason he was canned is because even though he may disagree with everything he stands for politically, he understood that it was an appropriate to take orders from the white house and you could just not prosecute republicans and prosecute democrats for committing crimes and that isn't what the justice department is about and that is what you are hearing from donald trump, steve bannon, steve miller and a whole series of politicians which is fundamentally antithetical to what it means to be in this country and we would be a completely different country under a trump 2.0 administration because of what would happen to the doj and the courts. >> thank you for joining us on this discussion tonight. >> you are welcome. coming up, another stakes of the election, the united
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states is no abortions. the texas abortion ban claims to have an exception for the life of the mother, but our next guests life was in danger. texas refused to save her life or the life of the healthy twin she was carrying at the time. you will hear what lauren miller told a senate hearing about that when she joins us. that is next. next. and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it's the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more
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texas state law prohibits all abortions. the law claims to have an exception for a pregnancy that places a female at risk of death. >> exceptions to abortion bans are a fiction and don't exist in texas. i am living proof of that. >> that is our next guest, lauren miller testifying to the senate judiciary committee. one of the amiable traditions of senate hearings that has disappeared apparently in the trump republican party was the treatment that hearing witnesses get from their home state senators. it didn't matter whether the senator agreed with the testimony of the person from their state. it was very common for a senator from texas to graciously introduce witnesses from their state and be extra attentive to their testimony and take pictures with the
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witness from their state and the witnesses family. but when lauren miller testified to the senate judiciary committee, that didn't happen. senator cruz didn't even show up for the hearing. the texas congressman now running for senate against senator cruz met with her before the hearing and you will now get to hear what senator cruz refused to even get close to and that hearing. you will now get to hear what left every republican senator at the hearing literally speechless and not one republican member of that committee had one word to say to lauren miller. this was after she said this. >> the inhumane abortion bans strip me of my autonomy and kept me from making life-and- death decisions about my health, my children's health and the future of my family. my pregnancy wasn't my om and
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-- own and it belonged to the state. ultimately the opinions of texas politicians and government lawyers overrode the medical judgment of my physicians and trampled my constitutional rights to life and health. i was forced to travel out-of- state for the essential and life preserving medical care that i desperately needed, and abortion. several weeks into my second pregnancy, i wound up in the er following 36 hours of unrelenting vomiting and was treated for severe dehydration and, to be safe, they looked at the baby. there is nothing that can prepare you for the shock, terror, and excitement of finding out that you are pregnant with the twins. my husband and i embraced this family expansion and began planning. that is until i learned at the 12 week ultrasound that one of my twins was unlikely to
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survive. it was shattering and there were so many concerns about his develop and including the most devastating diagnosis, half of his brain was filled with fluid. we went through more testing and more ultrasounds. the news only got worse. our amazing medical team kept arriving at the same awful conclusion, one of our twin sons was going to die. it was a matter of how soon. every day that he continued to grow, he put his twin and myself at greater and greater risk. the answers should have been simple. i needed an abortion of one twin to save the other and to save myself. before roe v. wade fell, i would have been able to get that procedure in dallas and my own community. but because of the new abortion
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laws in texas, every single medical professional we spoke with told us the medical care i needed was a legal in texas and they were terrified to even suggest an abortion for the twin who could never survive. the most helpful indirect information we received came from a doctor who was so frustrated with the situation that after one of her most devastating ultrasounds, he ripped off his gloves and through them in the trash and told us, this baby isn't going to make it to birth and i can't help you and you need to leave the state. only days later, i ended up in the er again so sick that i feared the placenta would detach and i would bleed out. i was dehydrated and shaking uncontrollably as they work to stabilize me. i was at risk of organ damage to my kidneys and brain, but i wasn't that enough for an exception for the abortion care in texas. >> lauren miller traveled 700 miles to colorado to get the life-saving medical treatment that she was denied by the republican government of texas.
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>> and abortion was the best chance of saving our other son and preserving my health. yet there were no options and there were no next steps. we reached the point where healthcare ends in texas. i was going to have to flee the state where my family has lived for eight generations. i was terrified. now we had to scramble to navigate the logistics of traveling out of state for an abortion and the bounty laws in texas had us worried about who could turn against us. was it safer to attempt 12 hours in a car through rural texas while i was ill? what if i got worse?'s flying was faster, but what if i was pulled out of security lined -- line in question are not allowed because i was sick. should we leave our selves home and allow one cash and exceptions to abortion bans are a fiction and they don't exist in texas and i am living proof of that.
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>> lauren miller will join us after this break. [ surprised scream ] don't panic. gift easy with etsy. i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn't know who i would be. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80.
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women were denied abortion services in texas even when lives were at risk because of pregnancy. the texas supreme court rejected the lawsuit and refused to clarify the so- called exception to the texas laws provision that appears to
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authorize only abortions necessary to save the life of the mother. lauren miller was one of the women who sued texas. >> i liked my doctors and nurses in texas and i felt for them their hands are tied in what they could do. the team in colorado was incredible. they were trying to do everything from help me just know what would happen with the procedure to following up afterward with mental health resources and support groups for others who have been through my situation. and also who are now going back to these states where abortion is banned and we are silent -- silenced and erased. >> when did you come home to texas?'s >> it is a bit shocking for a 15 minute procedure that could've been done 3 miles from
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my house and it took several thousand dollars and three days. the entire time we were in colorado, we had clear blue skies and sunshine. it was amazing and we touched down in dallas again and it was night and it felt once again blackness had come over us. we didn't tell anybody what had happened and we didn't tell anybody what we did because we were so scared. >> joining us now is lauren miller. thank you very much for joining us tonight. i can imagine what it was like to go through what you went through. and then to go through that day of testifying to the senate judiciary committee. how did it feel to not have the support or even the acknowledgment of your texas senators, either one of them could have been there at that hearing. >> thank you for having me here tonight. it was pretty shocking that neither of them acknowledged me at all and senator cruz, on that subcommittee, couldn't
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even be bothered to show up and he was simply too much of a coward to face the situation he had forced me into, or he just didn't care. neither of that is really a great recipe for a representative in congress. it was shocking and disappointing. >> i want to clarify some points of your story for the audience because i know they are wondering. you are pregnant with twins and the abortion was for one or that part of the pregnancy and how did the rest of the pregnancy go? >> correct. i had what is called a single fetal abortion which is the reduction of one twin. it was remarkable. i had been so sick and i didn't reach my prepregnancy weight until i was in the seventh month of pregnancy because i had been so ill and couldn't eat anything. but hours after i had my abortion, i could eat dinner. the rest of the pregnancy was
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very unremarkable and normal. i had a happy healthy son at the end of it. >> it is so stunning to me that we talk about the life of the mother and one of the things that nobody ever refers to as we talk about this probably until you brought it to our attention is what about the life of the twin, the other potential baby who, during the pregnancy is threatened by the other? x >> exactly. there is a situation that hadn't been contemplated because in a sense it didn't really matter because the exceptions, i don't think they were ever intended to work and they were there to be a that could be repeated enough to be believable by virtue of repetition and if antiabortion and politicians, et cetera continue to repeat it, they could get people to vote against their best interest and
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for their own dehumanization. >> for the start after it was overturned and after they started an thing these laws some of these with exceptions, i haven't referred to their exceptions because i refer to them as abortion bans when discussing them because you will have to prove to me there are exceptions and proved to me that the exceptions work. i was just doing that with kind of an instinctive understanding about the ways laws are executed without even knowing that your story and others would be coming along to confirm, as you say functionally no exception in texas? >> that is correct. we have very modest asks and it is like how dead do we have to be and we couldn't even get that clarity from the texas supreme court. i remember when i have read that i had to go back and
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regret it and what i saw upon reading it and what i had missed was us and we were there and we had been completely erased and they didn't even refer to us as the plaintiffs and they referred to her lawyers instead which is such an absurd situation. that is the reality that these exceptions are not supposed to exist and if they could erase this entirely it could distract from the fact that these exceptions are not real. >> are there support groups in texas trying to help women who financially, on their own, don't have the capacity to make it to colorado or make it to somewhere where they can get help? >> there are. there are networks that are trying to help people to get out of state and the unfortunate reality is we shouldn't have to have any of these. we should not just go back to roe v. wade but have natural protection -- national protection for abortion because this is healthcare.
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there are a lot of reasons to get an abortion and everyone is fine. but there may be situations where it is really necessary regardless of what you want. it may be something necessary to save your life or in a situation like mine to protect they wanted pregnancy. >> this goes to the stakes in the presidential election and republican say they want to enact a national abortion ban similar to texas and democrats say they want to enact in the law basically restore roe v. wade through law. >> the stakes of this election couldn't be higher and this is an election that is literally about our lives and this is about the dehumanization of half of this country. and if donald trump and these republicans continue to have their way, there will be a national abortion ban. there is no week when it is
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reasonable and i had my abortion at 15 weeks. if that proposed 15 week ban is in place, i would have nowhere to turn. i would maybe or maybe not be here but my son would definitely not be here. >> thank you very much, lauren miller for sharing this tonight. with just 10 days until the first presidential debate the campaign is reminding voters about donald trump's felony convictions and a democratic strategist simon rosenberg will join us with his assessment of the presidential campaign as of tonight. that is next. at is next he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets.
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i think part of what has happened over the last several years is we have normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying. all right? we have this spectacle of the nominee of one of the two major parties sitting in court and being convicted by a jury of his peers on 34 counts. >> everything about donald trump has been disqualifying since he announced his first presidential campaign, but none of that matters to a disturbingly large minority to
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american voters and in the next election we will find out whether being found guilty of crimes is still disqualifying for a presidential candidate. >> in the courtroom we see donald trump for who he is. he has been convict did of 34 felonies and found liable for sexual assault. he committed financial fraud. meanwhile, joe biden has been working, lowering healthcare costs and making corporations pay their fair share in this election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family. >> i am joe biden. i approve this message. >> they released that advertisement today as part of a $50 million advertising campaign you won't see unless you live in one of these six are seven electrical college swing states that will decide the presidential election and most americans won't ever see a presidential campaign television advertisement this
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year because most americans live in states that aren't up for grabs in the presidential election. that means the voters in the swing states are super voters and extraordinarily empowered voters whose vote means much more than mine ever has. most of the undecided voters and those swing states consume very little political news and that is why presidential campaigns have to raise a lot of money to get television advertisement, expensive television advertisement to in effect invade those undecided voters favorite television shows but according to polls many if not most of the undecided voters are, to put it mildly, underinformed. joe biden's decision to schedule an early debate next week should improve the information flow even to those voters. today the they released a statement saying, "trump approaches the first debate as a convicted felon that continues to prove he will do
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anything and harm anyone if it means more power and vengeance for donald trump." with the first debate 10 days away we are joined tonight by simon rosenberg for his assessment of the state of the race and he is a democratic strategist and author of this book. i don't follow the polls because i do rely on you to do it for me and tell me what matters and whether it be polls or any other factors affecting the state of the race tonight. >> i think a few things and it is great to see you again. one is that we have seen -- with this advertisement is doing is establish this basic choice of modern pragmatic democrats fighting to make things better and in joe biden's case has made things better and the extremism of maga and when we put that choice in front of voters going back to 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023
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and early parts of 2024, we had another good special election last week and we can we -- keep winning and we take this new information and there are voters who haven't checked in and making sure they know that donald trump of 2024 is a very different candidate. he is a sex offender and fraudster and convicted felon and this is important information for voters to have and if you live in the battleground states you will have it in your face in the coming weeks and the second thing is polling. we had six national polls taken that shows biden improving 2 to 4 points in the last few weeks. i think that was expected and many of us felt things would shift and things don't move really quickly but i do think if you're looking for encouraging news for joe biden, it is there if you want to see
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it. i do think we are in better shape as we head into the debate next week as we were. >> i want to alert most voters who don't live in or near the swing states who won't feel the exposure of the campaign or getting a lot of trips. california, of course, will be getting president biden to come out there but it will be primarily for fundraising as it was on this weekend, but if you are in the philadelphia media market say in new jersey, you will pick up some of this campaign. but most voters out there will be saying, what are they doing? because they aren't being exposed to those advertisements. >> i think it is important for this show and you to bring the campaign happening in the battleground to your viewers because most don't live in the battleground. i do this on my chronicles and try to share these advertisements with my readers because most of them are not in
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the battlegrounds to help them understand what is happening and it is a divide between living in a battleground and living outside the battleground that will be dramatic over the next few months. i think we should feel good about where we are right now. i think what you said about the importance of us are bringing this debate earlier in the cycle is important. we need voters to have more information. we are confident them when -- that when given the choice, that we will come out on the right end of that as we do election after election all across the country. >> the debate coverage that will matter the most will be on local tv coverage of the debate in the battleground state. we say here on our coverage of it, or any of the national coverage of it, that is not the kind of stuff the undecided or the swing voter in the swing state can solve.
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>> most of the people in the country will consume the debate after the debate. i have a feeling this debate will get a big viewership. i have a gut feeling it will be a big one because it is so early and so distinct and it isn't part of the fall and people will check it out because it is interesting and it is a big opportunity for joe biden to tell a story and i think one of the reasons we are confident on what will happen is we know that when people are informed about joe biden's record, his numbers go up and we see that in the debate next week. >> simon rosenberg, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> we will be right back. and i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. it's a life-changer. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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