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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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good to be with you. i'm katy tur. president biden just announced a major new executive action to protect roughly 500,000 undocumented spouses along with the children of those wives and husbands. it is an election year move that could do a lot to appease progressives who have been angry about president biden's moves at the border. we've been talking a lot about that. it's something the dhs secretary
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told bloomberg news has already resulted in a significant drop in illegal border crossings. those moves that president biden made at the border. the details on that in a moment, but first, the details on the new action from today. an immigration advocate calls it quote, the biggest thing since daca and that it is a smart political move by president biden. joining us now to talk all about it, get all the details, kelly o'donnell. nbc news homeland security correspondent, julia ainslie, david noriega and joyce vance, because there will be a legal component to this. to julia, walk us through what this action is intended to do. >> yeah, i think the first thing is a lot of people don't realize there are some immigrants here who can't automatically become citizens by getting married to a u.s. citizen. those who cross illegally are
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sitting in limbo because if they want to apply, they have to leave the country and sometimes, they might be denied reentry. it's a huge risk for families and a lot of people decide not to take that risk and to stay living here with undocumented status. i spoke to one person like that today. javier castro who stands to benefit from this. here's what he said. >> an action like this has been way overdue. people said the same about daca, that it wasn't necessary. turned out to be a very successful program. so, i don't see it as a bad thing. in fact, i see it as life changing in a positive way for hundreds of thousands of families and people. america's going to be stronger because of this. >> now, javier has lived in the united states since he was 3. he's a daca recipient, but daca often because of challenges in
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court, whether these people are going to be renew school district a question for them. so he thinks if he can get on the pathway to citizenship, he'll be more secure. >> we're also going to get into the political ramifications and benefits as well. so ten years, you have to be in this country for ten years. you're married to an american citizen. it also extends to your children, which would be the stepchildren of the american citizen. this could affect 500,000 spouses. at the same time, julia, there are new numbers on border crossings and part of this move is in reaction to the anger caused by biden's moves at the border. shutting down the border, which angered progressives even though a good portion of the democratic party was in favor of it. talk about the latest numbers on border crossings? >> that's right. also on the eligibility, this is a finite group. so if someone gets married
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today, they don't qualify. they have to be married as of yesterday. yes, those border numbers have fallen by nearly half since the president announced that executive action. now, as we've reported here, they are still allowing some people into the country. releasing them with court dates but just look at how much those numbers are fallen. even more so this week. it's something we can expect the biden administration to start taking a victory lap on, but i'm told it could be too early. we know you have record breaking heat that could be keeping some people from wanting to make the journey and oftentimes after a big announcement, we'll see smugglers and cartels hold migrants back to test the waters what a new policy might look like. it could be we're in that phase. we saw that last year after title 42 then they got back up to record highs by december. some are saying it's still too early to tell the real effects of this policy. but for now, you can see those numbers have come down significantly. >> david, let's talk about the
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human impact here. we heard the interview that julia did with that dreamer who thinks this can lead to more permanent position for him, more stability. what about these spouses and these stepchildren who have been living in uncertainty? >> yeah. so when you think about the impacts of this, you have to think there's not just every individual person who could directly benefit in this program, but each one of those persons is connected to any number of people in their household, their community, whose lives will also change as a result of this. this is something i learned directly after years of reporting on daca. pretty much from the beginning of the program that's transformed families. not just individuals. one big difference between daca and this, if it survives court challenge, this is more solid, more sort of durable than daca because daca never actually conferred legal status. every recipient i've ever spoken to, no matter how happy they
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were, they always understood it to be tenuous, fragile. something that could go away at any moment. this new order doesn't confer any legal status or path to legal status that didn't already exist, but it makes it much easier to get there. it removes what many people consider to be prohibitive obstacles. once you're on the path to getting a green card and citizenship, that's something that's much, much harder if not impossible to take away. it's the half a million people who will benefit directly. thest the half a million people they are married so. everyone else in their household. think about in nevada and arizona. crucial swing states. states that an estimated hundred thousand voters, registered voters live in mixed status households. i spoke to someone in nevada yesterday for example whose mother could benefit from this program. she says this is dramatically changing the calculus of some of the u.s. citizens in their family who are thinking on the fence about whether they want to
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vote for biden or not. this is really pushing them out the door to vote for biden because it is a concrete, material, huge change in the quality of their life. it's going to take time. months even for them to apply, but they're looking suddenly at a future that is completely different in terms of stability, reliability, knowing whether they're going to stay in the u.s. than it was just yesterday. >> it's also 500,000 people that will now be paying taxes on the books. not just sales tax, but income taxes as well, which is huge for the american tax space. i'm struck by what you're talking about in terms of daca recipients. i interviewed a bunch of recipients when it was announce nd the obama years. the relief these college students felt because not only could they feel at peace at college, but they could also work to help pay for the bills at college.
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they could actually get a job on the books to help pay for their college tuition. again, we're watching this podium. this is not president biden, obviously, but once he does come out, we're going to go to it. kelly o'donnell, you're at the white house for us covering this from the presidential angle. why this announcement today? >> i'm in the east room where it is packed. about 200 people waiting to hear from the president at any moment. when he is here, i'll have to stop. they're talking about wanting to do it now as a part of the ongoing work where the president believes congress should have been doing more. i specifically asked the press secretary if this is a counterweight to the asylum executive order you've been talking about in this conversation earlier and she says no, it is not. although i think many other observers would see it as a balance to that with tough actions at the border. this is something that has an impact on american families.
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that's one of the things that was emphasized today at the briefing. that on average, the families who would qualify for this would be in the united states. the spouse who is not a citizen, 23 years. minimum of ten, but on average, they believe 23 years. as david was indicating, the american native spouse who is currently a citizen would be a voter as well. but this event which will be the president and the first lady, is about 12 years since daca was first brought on to the national stage. and has been a program that they believe this builds on and allows for people who in many cases, came to the united states through no fault of their own. those were the young people of daca. at times, those include spouses now married to american citizens and they believe that this is the right kind of approach to address what they say is aban dantley a broken system.
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if congress is not acting, the president can take this action. critics will say this is giving benefit to people who initially at some point did not follow the laws of the country and that there are some enhanced ways of getting that path to a green card compared to others who might be in the country only five years for example. they wouldn't qualify for this. so it is a program where the white house says they've tried to have a defined scope. they've tried to focus on american families and not wanting to put them as risk. especially those with children and families by having to leave the country as we've heard in our conversation here, that had been part of the process. so there are a lot of questions about how it will play out. certainly in terms of the president's re-election, this is a key piece. especially in states where there are very large latino and hispanic communities. arizona, nevada. swing states to be sure. and also with the same action that we talked about about the
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asylum border executive order and some reduction in crossings there, that those are steps that fill up different pieces of what is a complex and different immigration problem. i expect the president shortly. >> his border move is broadly popular with the democratic party. we are about two minutes into the two-minute warning so the president could be coming out at any moment and we're seeing this naval officer right there saying wrap it up so i assume that means the president's about to come out. maybe he's talking to me and he's telling me to wrap it up. i'm not going to do that till i see the president. joyce, let me ask you, legally speaking, what are the challenges? >> well, there's almost certain to be a fast challenge saying that president biden lacks the statutory authority to parole
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those people in the united states. someone who's permitted to remain free and not required to stay in custody while their status is worked out. the precedent here is that parole has been granted under statutory authority to military members' spouses who lack immigration status. so the biden administration's justification will be they're simply using the preexisting parole power and see challenges saying no, this goes further than the existing statutory authority. >> the aclu is suing on the border policy. so they're facing a couple of suits. >> that's right. immigration has become a can't win for losing sort of an issue for the biden administration in court at least. the politics i won't weigh in on but they do face a challenge from the aclu. earlier this month, they took policies in that legislative package that failed to pass in
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congress, implemented this policy for border control and shutting down access to applying for asylum for immigrants already inside of the united states without crossing through a border controlled area. and said that they would not be able to apply. that now is under challenge by the aclu. >> so julia, we're looking now at a number of people that have lined up behind the podium. a number of lawmakers including local officials. it appears at least one religious leader who is here to support president biden on this executive action. again to give up pathway to citizenship to grant a work visa at the very least to women and men who are married to u.s. citizens in this country. and have been here for at least ten years. had to be married though by yesterday. can't get married today. a number of lawmakers including a number of familiar faces we
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know well around here as well. julia, as we wait for these last moments, president biden to come up, how is dhs or the border patrol responding to the moves that president biden made at the border? the executive action to close the border? >> there are a lot of people early on telling me they didn't have the resources to carry it out. in fact, just two weeks ago, we were reporting they were still releasing migrants because they didn't have the space to hold them, but now, we understand that look, the numbers have gone done so that's given them some relief. the question is is that just messaging or actually the policy? they've done a record number of deportation flight. not a record previously to this order, but it's been enough to send a message. but i think what a lot of the success of the border comes down to and doesn't get talked about a lot is what mexico is doing. this administration has been
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very successful in working with mexico to interdict more u.s. bound migrants. >> i think when you see everybody rise and take out their phones, i think the president's coming. it was a question regarding the border moves and shutting down the border and immigration flights, just a financial question. how would this happen without the power of the purse? without congress getting involved in how would border patrol and dhs have enough money to enact these changes at the border? i think it's interesting what you said about the mexico side of things. obviously, there's been a leadership change in the last few days in mexico with mexico electing its first female president. jill biden is at the podium. i'm going to assume she's going to introduce her husband. the president. let us listen in and see what she has to say.
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>> okay. thank you. >> thank you. thanks. see javier, they all showed up for you. oh, please, sit down. please. so, who knows the possibility of a dream better than those who traveled miles just to find it? i've seen it over and over again in my community college students. immigrants and refugees first generation americans who take nothing for granted. they show up, they don't complain. and they only ask for one thing in return. the chance to work hard and
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build a good life for themselves and for their families. that's the promise of america. that's the promise that drew joe's and my ancestors to the united states. that we are a nation defined not by language or ethnicity, by race or religion, that america is and always has been defined by us. we the people. so today, i want to tell you an american story. you came to this country over a decade ago to work, to study, to find a future. you made a plan and then you fell in love. so you built a life. a home. one filled with big smiles on little faces. with laughter and skinned knees.
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with pta meetings and soccer practice. you go to the school of your dreams and start a business and tutor kids in math after school. and all you want is to give your child all the possibility of the world but hanging over you is a shadow. a missing piece of paper, the possibility that your family may not be able to stay together. it's a story that too many families all across the country live every day. since joe took office, we've heard from those mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, about the agony of that shadow. so joe is doing what he always does. leading the way with compassion and experience.
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taking the action of our nation that our nation needs to thrive. today, joe is helping our country continue reaching for the dream of america with our different backgrounds and believes, each of us makes our nation and remakes it in big ways and small ones. we are millions of individuals that add up to something so much bigger than any one of us. and that's what joe is doing today for all of us. for communities that are stronger because of the immigrants who call them home. for the thousands of families who have added their bright and beautiful threads to our american tapestry. for those mothers and husbands and dreamers who have waited so
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long, worked so hard, and given so much. for people like javier who is able to pursue his dream of being a nurse thanks to daca. who saves lives every day. whose family needs him and who shouldn't have to live in fear. please help me welcome javier kiros castro.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, my name is javier kiros castro. my resilient parents brought me to this country to give me a chance and a better future when i was just 3 years old. i am a dreamer. growing up undocumented was not easy. like thousands of other immigrants, my parents endured hard labor in order to provide for the family. they are a symbol of the american dream. and they helped me with my dream, which was higher education. now i have a beautiful wife,
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hailey. and two magnificent children, all of whom are u.s. citizens and who are counting on it. thanks to the daca program, by the way created by then vice president biden, i was able to become a registered nurse. i have a bachelor of science in nursing from lipscomb university in nashville, tennessee. i now have the privilege to work for houston methodist. the largest, the number one hospital system in all of texas. being a nurse has allowed me to give back to my community while supporting my family. especially during the pandemic. i helped take care of patients in our covid-19 critical care
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unit. saving american lives was only possible because of daca. it allowed me to live and work and build a family in the only country i have ever known and loved. i stand before you today filled with hope and gratitude because it is a privilege to personally thank president biden for delivering on his promise to protect american families like mine. his actions today will prevent hundreds of thousands of families like mine across america from being torn apart. allowing us to continue contributing to our communities and build a brighter, bigger future for our children. it is now my great honor to introduce the president of the
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united states, joe biden. >> thank you. today's a good day. immigration bill that included this provision but it never got off the ground. needed more help. and now, today, a significant portion of it has been passed by executive order.
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thank you for the introduction of sharing your family's store. we've been a significant consumer of healthcare in my family. spent a lot of time in hospitals and for our family. any way. and i always said that doctors, nurses make you want to live. not a joke. a lot of time in icu. with my son. a lot of time. and you know, it's, if there's any angels in heaven, they're all nurses. men and women. not a joke. thank you for what you did to help us get through the pandemic, pal, and for all you're doing for your country. my name's joe biden. i'm jill biden's husband. thanks to all the members of congress, homeland security secretary, not sure if i'm going to introduce you.
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all kidding aside. secretary mayorkas as well as secretary sarah and advocates and law enforcement and faith leaders. two weeks ago, i did what republicans in congress refused to do. i took action to secure our border. that includes restricting unlawful crossings at our southern border, making decisions on asylum more quickly and so much more. and so far, it's working. encounters have dropped 25% at the border. we've seen the lowest number than we've seen in a long time. but folks, it took this step after bipartisan agreement one of the most conservative republican senators had help to work through in over a four, five-week period. the strongest bipartisan security agreement that's been seen. but we're about to move forward. when republicans walked away
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from the deal for the most pathetic reasons. donald trump got on the phone, press can confirm this. calling senators says don't. don't go ahead and do this. don't support this legislation that had bipartisan support. and he said it would hurt him politically and help me instead. so much for republicans caring about the border. i also know many people in this room had concerns about steps i'd taken. i heard from many of you and many people behind me of the concerns you felt as the president and i had to take these actions. every nation must secure its borders. it's that simple. if trump and the republicans wouldn't do it working with me and i would do it on my own and i did. at the time, i took these steps to secure the border and i also said i would move to fix problems and made moves unfair, unjust, and provisions that made it no sense at all.
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specifically, steps that would be good for dreamers, married couples, and for americans. that's why we're here today. a few days ago, we marked the 12th anniversary of taking care of dreamers that president obama and i put in place. there are a few of these areas thafd the most positive impact and gotten support. these young people, hispanics, south asians and more who came to america america as children have been able to live and learn out of the shadow. out of the shadows. so many of them have graduated from high school and college. they're starting families on their own, building successful careers, serving our nation in uniform and so, so much more. much better than a strnger nation of dreamers like javier. so today, i'm announcing new measures to clarify and speed up work visas. to help dreamers land jobs and
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high demand, high skill professions and see our economy grow. it's the right thing to do. i want those who have been educated at u.s. colleges and universities to put their skills to work here in america. i want to keep building the strongest economy in the world with the best workforce in the world. we've created 15 million new jobs. record small business growth and i doubt why the action we're taking today matters. if you wonder about that, just ask business leaders, labor leaders. economists. elected officials. they know it's good for american business. the american economy. good for america, period. this step builds on other actions we've taken to support dreamers from defending dreamers from the courts and expanding
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access to healthcare for millions of americans under the affordable care act, including for dreamers. the second action i'm announcing today is about keeping families together. my dad used to say joey, family is about the beginning, middle, and end. about keeping couples together who are married where one spouse is a u.s. citizen and the other is undocumented. an thaifd been living the united states for at least ten years. these couples have been raising families. sending kids to church and school. paying taxes. contributing to our country for ten years or more. matter of fact, the average time they've spent here is 23 years. but living in the united states all this time. the fear and uncertainty. we can fix this. and that's what i'm going to do today. fix it.
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here's the point. doesn't require any fundamental change in our immigration law. there's already a system in place where people were talking about today. but the process is cumbersome, risky, and separates families. must go back to the home country. for example, in mexico for example. fill out paperwork. obtain long-term legal stats. they have to leave their families in america with no assurance they'll be allowed back in the united states. so they stay in america. but in the shadows living in fear of constant deportation. all this even under the law
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today, they're eligible for long-term legal status. today, i'm announcing a common sense fix to streamline the process for obtaining legal status for immigrants. married, excuse me, to american citizens. who live here and have lived here for a long time. for those wives, husbands and children who have lived in america for a decade or more but are undocumented, that action will allow them to file paperwork for legal status in the united states. a lot of them will work and remain with their families in the united states. let's be clear. this action still requires undocumented spouses to file all required legaler paperwork to remain in the united states. requires them to pass a criminal background check. doesn't apply to anyone coming today. this action is a better way. it doesn't tear families apart while requiring every undocumented spouse to fulfill their obligation.
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the action will go into effect later this summer. and by the way, just as was true for the protection of dreamers, steps i'm taking today are overwhelmingly supported by the american people. in fact, polls show over 70% of americans support this effort to keep families together. the reason is simple. it embraces the american principle that we should keep families together. in 2013, president obama and i took a similar action to allow undocumented spouses and children of america's servicemen to stay together while they apply for legal status in america. servicemen protecting our nation should not have to worry about keeping their families together for god's sake. this policy has been in place for over a decade and it's working well and so will the new one. let me close with this.
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i refuse to believe that to secure our border, we have to walk away from being an american. generations have been renewed, revitalized and refreshed by the talent, skill, hard work, courage and determination of immigrants coming to our country. look, the statue of liberty is not some relic in american history. it stands and still stands for who we are but also i choose to believe that for us to continue to be america and embrace immigration, we have to give up securing our border. false choices. we can secure the border and provide legal pathways to citizenship. we have to acknowledge that the patience and good will of the american people with being tested by the fears. they don't understand a lot. these are the fears my predecessor is trying to play on when he says immigrants are in his words poison in the blood of the country. when he calls immigrants animals. when he was president, he
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separated families and children at the border and now he's proposing to rip spouses and families from their homes and posing detention camps. it's hard to believe it's being said, but he's saying these things outloud. folks, i'm not interested in playing politics at the border or immigration. i'm interested in fixing it. i said it before. i've said it before, i'll work with anyone to solve these problems f t that's my responsibility as president. that's our responsibility as americans. because the simple truth is there's not a single damn thing we can't do if we put our minds to it. we've got to remember who in the hell we are. we're the united states of america and nothing is out of our capacity. we're a nation of immigrants. that's who we are.
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god bless you all and may god protect our forces. thank you. >> president biden announcing executive action on giving a pathway to citizenship and protected status to the spouses of american citizens. spouses who have been in this country for at least ten years and who have been married at least as of yesterday. president biden saying there that he's not interesting in playing politics on the border. he wants to fix the border, which is a not so subtle illusion to the politics of the border. which former president trump completely squashed just the other day. there was a bipartisan
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compromise in congress to try to address the problem of the southern border. president biden saying just now that he's willing to work with anyone on the border and in point of that, he was working with a bipartisan group of lawmakers in congress of senators led by conservative senator langford of oklahoma to get a bill done. the bill that did get done was congress leaning. more so than liberal, so much so that it angered some democratic lawmakers. but that bill didn't get to the floor of the senate. didn't get past the senate into the house because former president trump didn't want it to because he wants the issue of immigration to be one that he could campaign on. he wanted the problems at the border to be issues that he could use in this election year. that's the message he relayed to conservatives to shoot down this conservative leaning bill. joining us now to talk more about the politics of today,
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former press secretary, paul ryan. brendan buck, also co-host of the weekend. simone, what is the political line the white house is walking on immigration? >> look, i think what you laid out at the top after the president's remarks is very important. that there was a bill that congress had negotiated feverishly over a very long period of time that was ready to be put on the floor, voted upon, and would have passed. had tough restrictions in it as it related to immigration. things a lot of progressives that i know were not particularly fans of. and it was donald trump that tanked that bill. things like immigration reform. you know, tax policy. all these things are things that should go through congress. joe biden is a former senator.
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he spent more, he's been elected official longer than i've been alive and he believes not legislating by executive orders or actions. the fact that he has now taken two actions on immigration using the power of the pen, executive actions, is notable. because congress was unable today their job much like 12 years ago because congress did not do their job. the president has now stepped in and done what he could on enforcement actions. but also on something that will, that affects frankly almost a large portion of those daca recipients from 12 years ago. the daca population has not grown substantially over the last 12 years. to be a recipient in 2012, you had to be here in 2007. it's about 530 folks that that program. little over half a million.
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but 50% of those daca recipients, they now are married. they have families. these are individuals that are going to benefit from the program the president is announcing today. folks who are american in every sense of the word except on paper and joe biden is trying to do something about it. >> i remember interviewing a lot of them when the executive action was first done and they were just entering college. they were kids who had been here since they were babies. who only knew as their home and the idea of being deported to somewhere they had never been, somewhere they had no family was a persistent worry. a persistent fear for them as they were moving through life. also a lot of them didn't know they weren't documented until they got to a point where they needed to try to get a driver's license and they realized then they didn't have the papers to do that. what are the political risks here for the president, brendan? >> yeah, the president clearly tried to present himself as
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leaning forward, being a strong leader on this issue. i think that, and in politics. it feels to me more like this is a person who's twisting in the wind on this issue. everything you said about the senate failing to pass that bill is true, and yet, he still continues to be trailing significantly on any polling on this issue and donald trump is continuing to set the tone on it. all of the action to strengthen border security as you said clearly upset the left and this is just sort of a whiplash reaction. i have a hard time believing he would have done this had he not upset a lot of progressives in congress and the activist community. that said, i think it's actually pretty good politics for him. one, to keep the left at bay and keep them in a better place and in the activist community, but also to put a better face on the people that donald trump is threatening a mass deportation
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of. the president can talk all about what he's doing on this issue and it feels like it's not really getting him very far, but if he can turn the script and talk about what donald trump may potentially do, he's talking about deporting 20 million americans and if you can change the face of those people to people who are patriotic people who have been here for a very long time, i think that could benefit him to a certain degree. but all of this matters if he can actually take advantage of this. to date, none of what he's been able to do has shown much return. >> is it fear? he used fear to his advantage in 2016, talking about undocumented immigrants committing crimes. he had the, i believe they were called angel mothers behind him at a lot of the rallies talking about what happened to their children. he tried to use it the other day talking about a machete wielding man in mcdonald's. i think he was insinuating it
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was a migrant problem even though that didn't seem to be the case. he's still trying to rally on the emotion of fear. is that what is enabling him to maintain control of this issue despite the fact that again, just fundamentally and factually he has been torpedoing attempts to actually fix the problem at the border? >> it's a playbook that's existed for decades. there have been conservatives who have sort of beat this drum for a long time pretty effectively. so i think everything you said is true. i think the biggest problem is that the problem is very real at the border. and that there has been a huge influx of people and it's not anything that even donald trump could solve very quickly. it's one of those things where you can talk about and describe the issue however you want, but as long as there is a problem, and i don't think even passing the bipartisan bill would solve the problem in a meaningful
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enough way to change the dynamic people are seeing. so until the problem the fixed, whoever is in charge in office is going to get blamed and donald trump has a particular brand of shamelessness where he's willing to talk about those things. even though when he was president, certainly, there was no, the immigration crisis continued on while he was in charge. >> yeah. and the wall wasn't built across all the southern border then people were still getting through. on the subject of president biden's executive action on the border the other day, trying to limit the illegal crossings, there's been polling on it, simone, among democrats. nearly half, 49%, agree biden's executive action. so these are not democrats he needed to win over today. the ones that agreed with this last executive order. the ones that he is trying to
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speak to today, who are they exactly? >> i think that it would be a, it would be incorrect for us to put what we are seeing today squarely in the realm of purely partisan politics to further one's agenda in advance of the election. much like it would have been a der election of duty when daca was signed. this is about is this good policy that also happens to be good politics. what we are seeing with the enforcement actions the president took that are not popular, they're popular with the people who were polled in the poll, but there are base voter democrats, progressives. people who have to go out there and work on behalf of the president, who disagreed with the actions he took, frankly.
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but he needed to take them because congress didn't act. this is what we're seeing, the tight rope of governing versus campaigning. donald trump will say whatever he wants while campaigning. very racist, home phobic, antiimmigrant rhetoric. he is talking about rounding people up and putting them this camps. having people executed. that is the most un-american thing i've ever heard, frankly. but he's saying whatever he wants to say because he doesn't have the burden of governing. joe biden does. regardless if the american people give him another four years in november, the actions taken today, whether one is a democrat or republican, people who believe in america, who believe in what the statue of liberty stands for, who we say want to be as a country should be proud. >> he did also say we can both secure the border and provide legal pathways to citizenship. we can do both politics and
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policy at the same time. guys, thank you so much. coming up, what another boeing whistleblower is accusing the company of doing with aircraft parts and trying to hide it from the faa as its ceo apologizing directly to the family members of those who have died in boeing crashes. in boeing crashes. right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo. it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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dave calhoun is being asked by senators in the homeland security investigation sub chitty to explain how the jet maker could ensure passengers safety after a series ever mid-air mishaps that were deadly. and a number of whistleblowers including one today who alleged the company mishandled faulty plane parts and then tried to cover it up. >> our culture is far from perfect. but we are taking action and we are making progress. we understand the gravity and we're committed to moving forward with transparency and accountability. while elevating employee engagement every step of the way. >> this, by the way, is his first appearance on capitol hill since a plane -- a panel on a plane blew out on a 737 max jet on an alaska airline flight. joining us now, ryan nobles. so ryan, what sort of questions is he getting? >> reporter: well, within of the big things that senators are
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looking for is accountability. why did this happen and what are you going to do to fix it. and while calhoun has promised to do that, he hasn't provided perhaps the specifics that many of the senators are looking for. and some of the senators are even specifically asking why he is still in this job. calhoun has said that he will retire at the end of the year, but he is still in charge of the operation and some of the senators believe he should go right now. listen to what senator josh hawley pressed him on today. >> it is a lot of this and it is this and that. but meanwhile you're getting paid a heck of a lot of money. it is unbelievable. if anyone is coming out of this deal good, it is you. why haven't you resigned? >> i'm sticking this through. i'm proud of having taken the job and proud of our -- >> proud of this record. you're proud of there safety record? >> i'm proud of the boeing people. >> you're proud of this safety record. >> i'm proud of every action we've taken. >> every action you've taken. wow, there is some news for you. well behind you, you can't see
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it, behind you the folks are showing pictures of the people who are the victims of your safety record. and i think we could all see them. and i think the american public when they fear to get on airplanes, they understand your safety record. >> reporter: and so calhoun who makes tens of million dollars a year will get an additional compensation package once he retires as ceo. he has been the target for the senators looking for more answers as to what exactly, what went wrong and how they could fix this in the future. keep in mind that boeing, one of the biggest clients, one of the biggest customers is the federal government. so this is even though they are a private company, the lawmakers have a lot of over sight into how they conduct business and there could be accountability coming. >> and there is questions about whether calhoun is getting that extra compensation package to be the whipping post for lawmakers and allow somebody new to come in and start fresh and allow him to take all of the heat and allow the company to move
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forward. ryan nobles, thank you very much. coming up next, virginia voters are at the poll. what role donald trump and kevin mccarthy are playing in a maga versus maga race in virginia. a a versus maga race in virginia my restaurants, my tattoo shop... and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (waitress) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. man, the fish tacos are blowing up! so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. ♪♪ ♪♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme
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maga republicans are being divided by a primary race in virginia today. on the ballot, republican congressman and chair of the house freedom caucus bob good versus john maguire. maguire was at the stop the steal rally ahead of the insurrection which has firmed up his place in trump world. while bob good is on shakier ground because he endorsed ron desantis against donald trump for president. that is not all. he also voted to remove kevin mccarthy making him two enemies. joining us now, ali vitali. so explain this race. >> reporter: if you like political vendettas, this race is for you.
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because of the stakes that you just laid out there. bob good is working against not one but two powerful republicans in this primary challenge that he's facing because kevin mccarthy has this the next stop on his revenge tour. most republican operatives think that this could be kevin mccarthy's likeliest chance of ousting one of the eight republicans lawmakers that helped oust him last year and good is working against former president trump who endorsed his opponent in this race as well. you're right to mention the fact that good had backed ron desantis during the republican primary last year. when i asked good about that, he came down on the idea that that he's united behind trump now and think that trump will get behind him if he win this is primary on tuesday. and when i asked him about mccarthy, he told me, nobody cares about kevin mccarthy. we'll see if he's right begin the fact that last week i was covering mccarthy's first stop on the revenge tour in south carolina. there the candidate that he was working against is the one that
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ultimately won. now we'll see what happens tonight in virginia. but certainly this is one of the races where the candidates are pretty similar if not the same on policy. both of them for example denied the results of the 2020 election and maguire's case he went to the capitol on january 6. although woe make the point that he didn't go inside. we'll see who comes out on top. >> he was at the stop the steal rally. ali, thank you very much. and that is going to do it for me today. "deadline: white house" starts right now. hi there, everyone. it is 4:00 in the east. giving license to a convicted felon, he used his platform, one of the biggest in the world to attack and intimidate and threaten is a bridge too far for the highest court in the state of new york. even if they are the presumptive republican presidential nominee with a debate on this schedule in less than ten days. the new york court of appeals dismissing the disgraced


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