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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  June 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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wantses want -- wants to go back in time does he regret being president. >> he told me he would not of run for president if it was not for "apprentice" but he missed being on "apprentice" it is clear. >> can we get him a show? truman show him? give him something to do that is not this? >> the book is called "apprentice in wonderland" thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. that is my idea. that is "all in." alex wagner starts tonight. >> thanks to you at home for joining us. 12 years ago this week, then president barack obama signed one policy, one changing hundreds of thousands of lives, the policy of deferred action
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of childhood arrivals or daca. provided protection for young people who were undocumented. young people who came to the united states as children, often brought by their parents or loved ones. they grew up in this country, attending schools and places of worship, many without knowledge of their legal status until years down-the-line. often finding out when they applied for a driver's license or a job or college. for all intense and purposes they are american, woven into the fabric of this country which is why 12 years ago president barack obama took action. >> imagine you have done everything right your entire life. studied hard, worked hard, maybe even graduated at the top of your class only to suddenly face the threat of deportation to a country that you know nothing about.
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a language you may not speak. i will not give up on this issue. not only because it is the right thing to do for our economy and ceo's agree with me, not just because it is the right to do for our security. but because it is the right thing to do, period. i believe that eventually enough republicans in congress will come around to that view as well >> they did not, in the end. president barack obama was unable to pass comprehensive immigration reform despite a deal reached with 60 votes in the senate to provide path to citizenship. republicans blocked it. 2016 they voted for donald trump. part of the effort trump pledged to roll back all of president barack obama's achievements including daca. >> we have to, we have to make a whole new set of standards when people come in. >> you are going to split families >> chuck, chuck, no, no, keep
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the families together. keep the families together >> keep them together out? >> they have to go. >> what if they have no place to go >> we will work with them. they have to go >> trump was elected he made good on one of those promises, 2017 they tried to rescind daca declaring it unlawful and unconstitutional but the backlash was swift. lawsuits were filed and it was tied up in the courts. in the meantime, trump administration moved forward with other plans, immigration and border strategy that was inhumane. 5,000 families forcibly separated. children, torn away from their parents as a result of 0 tolerance policy. the impact of his border policy so vast that nearly 1,000 children remain to this day separated from their families. june 2020 a few months before the presidential election united supreme court ruled that trump could not proceed with his plan to end daca.
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it was a huge victory. daca was temporarily saved as president biden came into office determined to turn the page on his policies and find a legislative solution. earlier this year, you will remember this, a group of senators released an agreement to impose tougher immigration and asylum laws, another attempt at immigration reform in congress looked like it might pass. until donald trump torpedoed it to deprive biden of a key policy victory. two weeks ago president biden signed an executive action that would enact immediate restrictions on asylum seekers. today he announced the most significant immigration policy change since barack obama unveiled daca12 years ago. president biden using his executive powers to keep american families together. biden's executive action today grants far reaching protections to the undocumented spouses of american citizens, a move that
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would shield an estimated 500,000 people from deportation. in order to qualify, noncitizens must have been living in the u.s. for at least 10 years and married to a u.s. citizen. he can not have a criminal record. biden's actions today would provide opportunities for work permits and eventually residency and citizenship down the road. it is an example, a shining example of the government taking direct action to stay true to the core values of this country. to fix problems effecting american families. >> these couples have been raising families, sending their kids to church and school, paying taxes, contributing to our country for 10 years or more. matter of fact the average time they spent here was 23. people we are effecting today. living in the united states all of this time. with fear and uncertainty. we can fix that. that is what i am going to do
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today. fix that. [ applause ] >> now, one of the people that you see there over the president's shoulder, homeland security secretary mr. secretary, thank you very much for being with us on this historic day. obviously welcomed news for a lot of american families. walk us through how this policy is going to work. >> thanks for having me, good evening. this is all about family unity. a spouse, wife or husband who is undocumented and has been in this country for 10 years or more that undocumented spouse may now have a path to a green card to lawful permanent resident without having to do what they once did which is leave the country and apply for that benefit without any assurance of when precisely they will be able to return. now they can apply by staying
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together with their spouse, their u.s. citizen spouse and also so very often their children, including u.s. citizen children t. is about family unity. primary goal of our immigration system, a fundamental value of our country and today, president biden in the face of congressional inaction took the action a leader takes. >> secretary mayorkas how soon can people apply for this program? >> reporter: we intend to open up the process for applications towards the end of summer. we are moving very, very rapidly because of the humanitarian objective of this program. and the humanitarian need for it. >> so while you are focused on humanitarian need, trump advisory called it unconstitutional executive
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amnesty for illegal aliens, your response, secretary? >> reporter: i will drive right by that. [ laughter ] >> so many have contributed so significantly to the well being of our country. in terms of local communities. our national economy, we need people who are willing to work hard to serve on the frontlines like so many of the dreamers have done for so many years. they are a shining example of what is accomplished and what can be accomplished when we open our arms to those who have been here for so long and who really know no country other than ours as their home. >> also said the group america first legal would challenge today's action in court. can you talk me through how in the crafting of this specific
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policy the administration has anticipated such legal challenges? >> reporter: what we do before we take action is we study the law and ensure that the actions that we take are indeed lawful. that we have done with respect to this action like we have done with all of our prior actions. it is no surprise that steven miller intends to attack this in the courts. we stand by it. not only in terms of its legality but in terms of the public benefit for america. >> the "new york times" wrote that quote today's new policy allows biden to balance his recent crack down on asylum with a sweeping pro immigrant measure. should these two executive actions be seen at separate or complementary? >> reporter: i think they reflect the president's overarching approach. the fact that we can secure our border as it is our
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responsibility to do, and, we can take action to make the immigration system more fair and just. both can be done, both are not exclusive of one another and that is precisely the approach that president biden has taken from day one. and it is on day one of his administration that he first presented congress with a comprehensive legislative proposal to fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system but congress does not act >> it is notable to me that this parole in place for spousal, it is not new, right? you had a policy like this since 2017 for u.s. members of the american military. you know what this looks like. you know how this works. similarly it is interesting that their efforts to build on daca, one of the parts of the announcement the president making it easier for daca
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recipients to receive work visas, talk to me about how that is going to work. >> reporter: these are individuals daca recipients, dreamers more broodily, who have received a degree, higher education degree who qualify for skilled labor in the united states. something which we need desperately and every chief executive officer around the country will say so. and rather than have to have that blocked we now have opened access to it a benefit for which they qualify and made it available to them. here again we are matching an american need to an american opportunity. that opportunity rests in the hands and qualities and talent
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of people who already have contributed so much. >> we are going to talk to one of the recipients, someone who will benefit from this plan. before we go, president biden campaigned on making a safe and orderly and humane immigration system do you believe that has been accomplished? >> reporter: we work at that every single day. across the department of homeland security. across our administration, with our partners to the south and around the world. we have established more lawful, safe and orderly pathways than any other administration. we are working every day to strengthen the security of our border. fundamentally, we are underfunded and we are dealing with a broken immigration system which is why bipartisan group of senators came together, made compromises and presented one of the most ground-breaking and important legislative proposals that we have seen in 30 years. it was as you noted, blocked.
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so the president has taken and will continue to take action to do what congress has proven unable to do. that is leadership. >> thank you very much, secretary, for your time. >> reporter: thank you. now, i want to bring into this conversation, a daca recipient that came to the u.s. at the age of 10. he since married an american citizen and serves as an assistant da in the philadelphia district attorney's office. thank you for being here. you know, i have had trouble today expressing to people who are not immediately impacted by this, who are not part of the immigrants right movement what a bfd this really is. perhaps hearing from you about how you are feeling today about what it felt like to be at the white house and hear the president announce this major action will drive it home for folks, how are you feeling?
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>> reporter: it was a life changing thing for me. i have been living in this country, contributing to this country. all my life i wanted to live the part of the american dream, i purchased a home, my wife and i are raising our 10-month-old son. i no longer have to leave the country and face 10 years of a permanent bar just because of outdated immigration system. it was just wonderful news and being there and seeing history made where families can be united and families do not have to risk the separation just to be able to obtain legal status. >> today, i think a lot of people have this sense that if you are, regardless of the class of immigrant if you are married to a u.s. citizen you can easy piecey apply for american citizenship, that of course is not so. what is this going to mean for you, for your wife, for your baby? >> reporter: absolutely.
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there is going to allow me to allow me to adjust my status right away. a lot of my friends and family members say hey, you are married and you and your wife are together for a year you must be a u.s. citizen, right? no. you have to be patrolled or inspected into the united states which has been a tremendous barrier for a lot of families to have to risk going to a 10 year bar out. some of our members have gotten stuck outside of the country. multiple families just like mine. it is a life-changing opportunity. spoken by someone who is in a mixed family and seasoned attorney i hate on this vair happy day tell you what trump has been out there saying but i want to get your response. he inside wisconsin tonight that today's action was a quote direct attack on american democracy and that if he is elected to a second term the plan will be, quote, ripped up
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and thrown out on his first day in office" as an attorney, as a noncitizen, your biggest concern about a second trump terms. >> one of my greatest fear for my community and for my family members. many families who are married like myself to u.s. citizens have strong ties. and it is absolutely scary of a second term trump term, the idea of being able to be ripped apart from my wife, ripped apart from my community in philly which i am seeking justice for every day american citizen. it is just not common sense approach to take. i would say to donald trump or anybody out there, there is already in place for us, being a spouse of a u.s. citizen, this current law states we can allow to adjust our status. however, it is just something that the president announced today that will be taken out of the way to allow millions of families just like myself to be able to look at our children
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and family members and stay here and contribute to the society and the economy without risking separation. it is about family unity, families stays together that is what it is and that is what the president did today. >> i have 30 seconds left but i remember 12 years ago when daca came down. i was with a friend who missed cut off by just a matter of months. there will be couples living in this country tonight who are excited for people like you but pained this was not more expansive. what do you say to them? >> this is just the start. this is a big victory for us, for our community today and the fight continues. i say to family members, friends of mine that did not qualify for this, the fight continues. we are going to take that fight as we move on and we will take the strides and the wins we have gotten today and celebrate it. however, the next day we wake up and continue the fight, condition this movement.
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>> an assistant da in the philadelphia district attorney's office, thank you for being here with us this evening. we have people trying to put donald trump's name on everything, airports to money to coastal waters surrounding the u.s., i kid you not. plus, senate democrats are on the record as they oppose common sense gun reform, just ahead common sense gun reform, just ahead at. thank you. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at protect against rsv with arexvy.
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. you said this week you would support a bill banning bump stocks. >> most of us. never heard of a bump stock until its tragedy. however it gets fixed. i would support >> ban bump stocks. makes it truly an automatic weapon, i willing to take it off of the table >> mention issue of bump stocks, i am glad that the president said those should be regulated >> those are republican senators in 2017, 2018, supporting a ban on bump stocks. the push to ban it received brood support after a shooter in vegas used a bump stock to carry out the deadliest mass shooting. in response, then president trump ordered a ban on them. last week, the conservative majority on the supreme court
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struck down that trump-e are ra ban, ruling any ban had to -- trump-era ban, ruling any ban had to. now, they are blocking the reform that both parties endorsed six years ago. >> we need to pass my bill to ban bump stocks and do it now >> this is the same bill that i first introduced in 2018 in the aftermath. >> is there an objection? >> i object. >> joining us now, the lead sponsor on this latest effort to ban bump stocks. senator, i wonder what explanation, if any, your republican colleagues have given you for why they changed their position so dramatically on bump stocks? >> reporter: if you don't mind if i could right at the top, i would just ask your viewers to keep my constituents in mind tonight. we had a fire start last night a wildfire ravaging in new
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mexico and i have thousands of constituents out of their homes right now. i would ask everyone to keep them in their thoughts. the rational does not make a lot of sense. it is that it is much more expansive than bump stocks but we have a number of these devices, block switches as well that just turn semiautomatic firearms into automatic weapon. that is not appropriate for the streets of this country. >> your colleague, tim scott, asked if he still supports this legislation. i want to play that for you and get your reaction on the other side. >> on bump stocks would you now favor a congress-acting to ban bump stocks. you said after the shooting in vegas that if the vote came up it would sail through congress. so, are you in favor of that ban right now? >> well, i am strongly in support of the second amendment.
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what we are going to do in the party. >> i asked about the ban on bump stock. >> we are going to focus, we are going to focus on the priorities of the american people, and the priorities of the american people today are focus on closing our southern border. >> and that sir is what we call a hard pivot. there is to me so much telling in that pivot what do you make of that response? >> reporter: well, i think a lot of my colleagues are not taking on the gun lobby at all. i am a gun owner. i have been a gun owner almost my entire life. these things just do not belong in the hands of civilians, they are effectively machine guns. we have lived in it country with a law against machine guns for almost 100 years. how this is in any way different it is beyond me. and, i think justice sotomayor said it, if something walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck i
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am going to say it is a duck. these are machine guns and have no place on the streets >> republicans are calling it a messaging bill. they are saying asking for consent proves it is a stunt. are democrats going to move forward with a full floor vote on it? put every senator on the record on this issue? >> i hope that the leader puts this on the floor. i think that we should make sure that the american people know where everyone of us stands on such a common-sense gun safety issue. >> speaking of where people stand on a common sense issue, a spokesperson for the trump campaign told nbc news that the supreme courts ruling quote should be respected. i just wonder what it says to you that donald trump won't even defend his own policy on this. >> well, and i think, you know, what is clear is that donald trump picks and chooses when he respects the court. i think all of us should bear that in mind as we go into the
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2024 election. >> i want to read you something. this is from the "new york times" about the nra support for trump's bump stock action back in 2018. they write the nra supported an atf review of bump stock devices seemingly breaking with its usual practice of fiercely opposing any new restrictions on legal access to firearms the association's chief lobbiest chris cox later bragged that the organization's actions had succeeded in slowing down momentum for legislative reform. do you think that the gun rights lobby was sort of always banking on the idea that the supreme court was going to kill this? >> reporter: yeah, i think there was an underlining strategy here, right? what it may take to overcome this is the same pattern we have seen before. it takes a complete tragedy on a huge scale to get people to do what is common sense. >> striking down this bump stock rule of course the latest
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decision from this court recently president biden broke his silence about the supreme court at a democratic fundraiser, take a listen. the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. two more. he appointed two that are very negative in terms of the rights of individuals. the idea that if he is re- elected he is going to appoint two more upside down. it is really, i really mean it. >> how do you set those stakes, senator, for voters? >> well, i think people need to understand that this supreme court can takeaway your freedoms and they have a history of -- as they did in the dobbs decision coming right for the freedoms that many americans cherish the most that is what is at stake in this election. it is your freedom to choose, your freedom to vote, your freedom to feel safe in a movie
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theater or at your church that is what is at stake in this election. >> democratic senator from new mexico, we will, as you suggested keep your fellow states man in our thoughts, thank you for joining us this evening. we have other sad breaking news to bring you tonight. baseball player willie mays passed away. he earned a reputation of one of the greatest baseball players of all-time. mays began in the negro leagues in the 1940s before hitting 660 home runs and twice winning the mvp with the giants. his over the shoulder catch in the 1954 world series is considered one of baseball's most celebrated defensive plays. the man known as the say hey kid, defies the game of baseball for generations. willie mays, again, 93 years old. still to come tonight, how do republicans favor the guy who likes to see his name on things? you know, by attempting to put
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his name and his face on everything from airports to u.s. currency. that is coming up. plus, joe biden's re- election chances depond a handful of swing states like nevada. could move on immigration and gun safety move the needle. that is next gun safety move the needle. that is next clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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. we lost nevadans that day. families torn apart, for us, the carnage created by bump stocks is very real. so shame on anyone who says it say fake problem. >> that was nevada senator responding today to her republican colleague jd vance calling efforts to ban bump stocks legislating in a way that solves fake problems. pointing out to nevadans that they are blocking what should be a no-brainer. in a state where victory is by no means certain. also today, another policy move, potential game changing fer the state of nevada. centers on immigration. legal protection to the undocumented spouses to u.s. citizens. it is a move that impacts lives
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of hundreds of thousands of people including nevada voters that live in mixed status households. editor of the nevada independent, john, thank you very much for being with us. we know this immigration action absolutely monumental for the impacted families. your sense of how it plays in a battleground state like nevada. >> well, i think the democrats must think that this is a good way to try to eper guise the hispanic vote here. that has been essential to the temaccurates winning the presidential race every cycle since 2008. they are concerned as other states democrats and they are moving away from them. for a variety of reasons, i am sure, daca a late issue making it a big issue it will be an energizing event. the counterargument to that is that it is only june 18th.
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hispanics are worried about the economy. it will take precedence. they will certainly try to use this to help their ends. >> just some of the reporting was that if this was done in advance of the debate that we would be hearing more about this at the debate. i want to get your reaction to the senate failing to advance legislation to ban bump stocks today. do you think republicans pay a political price for that? >> well, it is really surprising. jackie rosen. who is up for re-election this year, showed a little bit earlier is not a person known for getting very emotional or upset. i think that was real. you never know with a politician, of course, but, i think that was real. she was really upset with jd vance who ridiculously called it a fake problem. and it is obviously not a fake problem. if you go back to the october 1 shooting here that was a
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searing experience for this community and the carnage was greater because of that bump stock. again, it is early in the cycle relatively only june 18th but you can be sure that this is going to keep coming up because people here remember this shooting, there is an anniversary, you know, remembrance every october 1st here. and people know what a bump stock is because of what happened in 2017. and if i may, and you alluded to this earlier with the senator, what is most incredible about that is that this was a trump idea to ban these devices and republican senators were on board. and now suddenly after a supreme court decision, that by the way was not a second amendment case but essentially the supreme court saying the atf over10ed its bounds, suddenly, trump and these republicans senators are what bump stock? they don't know, we are not in
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support of that. so, could it become an issue? i think it could but i think it is really early. >> it is is anoticing when people like me parachute in for a long weekend and stand in parking lots and talk to voters and have a theory of the case but the thing that i was struck by when i spent time in your great state during the midterms was that one, that polling is difficult in your state, especially this far out. you can not start looking at them until you get closer to the race and that for all of the dynamics to play, and i agree with you the economy top of mind for a lot of voters t comes to bear when you are in the parking lot af i of a grocery store, people can not afford to do the full shop they might have done in the past. i heard one thing over and over again. it was the access that i heard from nevada voters, they are feeling that republicans had
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simply become too extreme, that the extremism was what was turning them off. they were, again, a lot of other things in the ether. as you got right up to election day that seemed to be the deciding factor for a lot of folks. >> reporter: i think that is absolutely right. before guy more into my answer i just want to say i don't mind national parachuters along as you announce the name of the state right. we appreciate that very much. but, to the seriousness of your question, one of the reasons that adam, the candidate for u.s. senate lost was because he was both painted as and actually is very extreme on a variety of issues. i think they will do the same thing in jackie rosen's race and sam brown and national democrats will try to do the same thing to donald trump. one of the reasons we have a
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republican governor is because he was not extreme and managed to thread the needle and go down the middle on some issues. and, so, i think that the same dynamic will exist sometimes. but, you know, it is in the execution of the campaign and if the messaging getting through to voters resinates with voters or not. >> john, thank you for assessing i am a gold star hand up a plus kid. thank you. >> you bet. coming up, the apparent competition among republican lawmakers to see who can kiss up to donald trump the most. it is beginning to get very strange. i will explain, after this break strange. i will explain, after this break
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ed gutters. the power of nature. call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit . good-bye dulles international airport, hello trump airport. a group of are looking to change the name >> it seemed like a late april fools' prank. a group of lawmakers wanted to change dulles to the donald james trump international airport. the reality is that the bill was dead on arrival. one person seemed to really like the bill any way. that week trump posted about
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the renaming effort on social media saying it would be such a great honor. after that, four more republicans add their name to the effort despite, again, no real chance that it could pass. there seems to be a republican competition to be trump's biggest fan. and as we approach the election that competition it is intensifying. earlier this month, arizona congressman gosar up today. introducing a bill to force the treasure to print a $500 bill with trump's face on it. no other republicans are supporting him but even if he could somehow get the votes to pass the bill, currency with trump's face on it would be illegal. there is a more than 150-year- old law on the books saying u.s. currency can only feature portraits of deceased individuals. to avoid quote the appearance of a monarchy. that apparently not a concern
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of gosars. maybe the appearance of a monarchy is the point. if renaming an airport or putting trump's face on u.s. currency strikes you as a little over the top, last week florida republican greg steube looked at it and said hold my beer. introducing legislation to rename all u.s. coastal waters, all u.s. coastal waters after trump. the bill would rename the more than four million square miles of the u.s. economic zone to the donald john trump exclusive economic zone. as a cherry on top, the bill was introduced on trump's 78th birthday. almost like a gift the competition in the republican party to win trump's love and affection is intense but nowhere more than in the short listers competing for trump's vice president. we will get into that today after the break l get intoha tt after the break the promise of this nation should extend to all from new york to new mexico,
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laska toma. but right now, people like you are losing their freedoms. some in power are suppressing voting rights. banning our kids books from libraries and attacking our right to make private health care decisions. we must act now to defend these freedoms and protect our democracy. and we can't do it without you. we are the american civil liberties union, and we're asking you to join us in protecting our democracy at the national level and in communities like yours. call or go online to to become a guardian of liberty today. your gift of just $19 a month. only $0.63 a day will help ensure that together we can continue to fight for the freedoms of all americans, no matter your zip code. if you also believe in the right to vote, the right to free speech, the right to learn,
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and you know, i love milwaukee. i was the one who picked milwaukee, i have to tell you. i was the one that picked it. these lying people, they say oh, he doesn't like milwaukee. i love milwaukee. i said you've got to fix the crime, we all know that. you have to make sure the election is honest, but i'm the one who picked milwaukee on the
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democrats or the radical left, lunatic says i call them, what they say is so terrible. they lie, lie, lie. >> that was former president trump earlier this evening in wisconsin, pushing back on reporting that he called milwaukee, quote, a horrible city. milwaukee happens to be the location of this year's republican national convention, taking place less than a month from now. also new tonight, a law enforcement source confirms to nbc news that there were talks between local law enforcement and secret service about security measures around trump staying 90 miles away at trump tower in chicago during the convention. after being pressed by news outlets, the former president changed his plans, booking a hotel in milwaukee to avoid another perceived slight against the badgers state. stakes are high for trump and biden in wisconsin. the race was decided by only about 20,000 votes. joining me now is former chief strategist for the romney 2012
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campaign and advisor for the lincoln project. the biden campaign have already released a statement, writing of course donald trump doesn't want to stay in milwaukee. he thinks it is a horrible city. we don't want him here either. wisconsinites rejected him four years ago and we will again this november. how bad are the useful pause by the trump campaign? >> look, they are not good and the problem the trump campaign has, what is your message? i don't hate milwaukee. what i said the other day wasn't true. i mean, this is not a compelling national message to run on. there is no policy here. what is the bargain that the trump campaign is trying to strike with the american public, that you vote for me and you get what? i have been involved in five presidential campaigns. i've never seen one that lacked any semblance of policy or agenda, other than the sword of
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donald trump is mad at the world and will still be mad if he gets elected. he was mad on inaugural day, and when he was elected in 2016 he was mad. the only person who can give an inaugural address in a bad mood. but i think it is what is wrong with this entire republican party. >> i agree with you and i am a policy nerd, so i am partial to a campaign that is run on policy and at the same time i think part of the appeal is that you can project whatever it is that you want onto that blank canvas because they are not leading with policy and in a state like wisconsin, the stakes are high. in 2020 the race was decided by tens of thousands of votes. your sense of what will make a difference in those swing states. >> look, i think first of all these polls that show republicans doing better with african americans, getting 15 to 20% of african americans. all my life on republican
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campaigns i have seen this. i can't tell you how many times i saw polls by really good pollsters close to an election that showed us getting 15 to 20% of the black vote, but i can tell you how many times it happened and that was never. they would model an eight or 9% and that would prove to be accurate. i think that the trump campaign is in this sort of slow process of losing ground. they have never really addressed the issue that he is a convicted felon and i think there is something about it that is disturbing to people. say what you will, i'm going to vote for donald trump, but do you really want to vote for a convicted felon? i think that question has become increasingly difficult to get answered. i think small towns in wisconsin. >> i want to enter into this
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conversation. you have folks who have trump amnesia. they talk about four years ago without remembering what life was like four years ago, so one visit that wisconsinites probably don't remember is is 2018 visit. the groundbreaking of a new tech facility complete with golden shovels that trump promised would be the eighth wonder of the world. that project eventually scaled back. the rapid response team needs some effort ahead of trump's rally to remind voters. the mechanics of this campaign feels like getting past everything about what his presidency has looked like. >> all former presidents look better after you leave the office. i think that becomes less so when the choice gets tighter. when you're looking at him as a
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potential president. they talk about how terrible things are in the country. i'm not sure really the things disturbing him the most, that stock markets are at record highs or unemployment is at record lows. i really don't think this is going to work, this idea that we are going to forget covid and forget donald trump is the only president since herbert hoover to leave office with your jobs -- with fewer jobs than when he entered office. he was impeached twice. he instigated a riot and tried to overthrow the government of the united states. >> right, so when people forget to remind them of these truths and greatest hits. stuart stevens, thank you so much for your time. that is our show for tonight. now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening. >> i just realized we have three senate candidates joining us tonight. sheldon whitehouse and from delaware,


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