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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  June 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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i think that becomes less so when the choice gets tighter, when you're looking at him not as a former president but as a potential president. they talk about how terrible things are in the country, i'm not sure what's really the things disturbing the most the fact that the stock markets are at record highs, or unemployment is at record lows. i really don't think this is going to work, this idea that we're going to forget covid, that we're going to forget the donald trump is the only president since herbert hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than when he took office. that's just an abysmal record. that he was impeached twice, that he instigated a riot and try to overturn the government of the united states. >> so when people forget, you remind them of all of these truths and greatest hits. stuart stevens, thank you so much for your time and for being with us. that is our show for tonight, now it is time for the last
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word with lawrence o'donnell, good evening. >> good evening, i just realized we have three senate candidates joining us tonight, sheldon whitehouse, sharad brown and from delaware lisa blunt rochester. all running for the united states senate. they're all going to have their chance to talk to voters here tonight. >> that is a good booking list, someone did you very well there. >> thanks, alicia. thank you. at the end of this hour we're going to have to say our final farewell to willie mays, who sadly died tonight at the age of 93. the stock market hit record highs again today. something that that religion called trumpism insists is impossible because in the last presidential campaign donald trump promised this. >> if he's elected, the stock market will crash. >> trump is him depends on stability. it has to. because donald trump is so profoundly stupid himself, it
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is impossible to get stupidity out of trumpism. there was a time when i could tell you that every publican in the united states senator knew donald trump was lying when he said that china paid american tariffs. american tariffs for the entire history of the american government have been paid by the american people, that's how tariffs work. they are sales taxes paid by the american people. paid by the consumers in america who by the imported goods. but, donald trump has always insisted, to his followers, at his rallies, that china pays the tariffs that donald trump imposed on china. to be fair, to the 99% of trump's boaters who have never gone to a trump rally, it does appear that the very stupidest of trump's boaters attend the rallies and cheer for the breathtakingly stupid statement by donald trump about tariffs. but i promise you joe biden
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ever claimed that a foreign country pays american tariffs, the new york times would destroy him in a massive front- page headline, and begin to debate whether joe biden was lying about tariffs or whether this was a sign of neurological decline in joe biden. who pays tariffs should be a question at the next debate. the debate questioners always pride themselves on the complexity of their questions. that never lead to yes or no answers or revelations of the shocking ignorance patterns of people like donald trump. donald trump introduced insult comedy to american presidential politics with his nasty nicknames come up first for the republican candidate he was running against in 2016, all of whom then proved themselves to be worthy of even nastier nicknames for publicly offering their complete loyalty to donald trump after he humiliated them and insulted
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them and insulted some of their wives and gave out their personal phone numbers, things like that. senator joshua holly has not been on the receiving end of an insult from donald trump because he never ran against donald trump. but in his long shot current campaign for the vice presidential nomination, senator hawley today tried his hand at trumpian insult comedy. the hawley insult was based on a lie circulating in right-wing media claiming that joe biden did not want to have to stand for the 90 minutes of the upcoming cnn debate. cnn said that was a lie, with a cnn spokesperson saying, cnn's proposed format was to have both candidates stand, and both sides agreed to the rules when they agreed to debate. and remember, joe biden was the
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first to agree to debate. he was the first to agree to stand for 90 minutes. but the lie that senator hawley used to insult joe biden revealed just how much he doesn't know about the country he lives in. senator hawley tweeted, he can't stand for 90 minutes, but he's 100% able to be president? have fun explaining that. okay. i can explain it in three words. franklin delano roosevelt. he was our longest-serving president, elected to four consecutive terms of president of the united states before term limits were established in the constitutional amendment. as president, franklin roosevelt was in a wheelchair. the same wheelchair he was in as his two terms of governor of new york. franklin roosevelt lost the ability to walk when he was by polio at age 39, so, no.
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standing for 90 minutes is not a presidential job requirement. and what did when roosevelt wheelchair? he did more things than any president before him or since, including winning world war ii. adolf hitler was a younger, healthier man than franklin roosevelt, but from his wheelchair, president franklin w roosevelt forced adolf hitler for 1000 miles away in berlin to commit suicide in his bunker as the allies commanded by general dwight eisenhower was closing in on the german capitals. hitler could stand for 90 minutes. he did it all the time. 90 minutes was a short speech for adolf hitler. josh hawley would have loved adolf hitler if standing for 90 minutes and ranting incoherently is something josh hawley really admires as presidential. josh hawley knows that it
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doesn't matter how long the president can stand. josh hawley knows the republican governor of arkansas who republicans believe is the greatest texas governor in history has been in a wheelchair every single day of his governorship. but wiseguy josh hawley wants to do his joke about standing for 90 minutes so that he can impress the world's worst insult comedian, donald trump. senator hawley is one of the unindicted participants in donald trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. senator hawley was the first member of the senate to agree to join republican house members in their land to challenge the electoral votes won by joe biden. if only house members challenged the electoral votes, those challenges would have been immediately ignored. but if the challenge comes from the house and the senate, then both parties have to vote on the challenge. no republican senator was willing to step forward to support those challenges that
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they knew were coming from the house until senator hawley , craven lee, became the first. then he was immediately joined by his other comrades like senator cruise and others. without senator hawley, the trump criminal conspiracy alleged by special prosecutor jack smith would have been incomplete. are there friends of donald trump? were not so lucky as josh hawley, today boris epshteyn became the newest alleged trumpet co-conspirator to face arraignment, this time in arizona where he pleaded not guilty to criminal charges for his role in the fay collector conspiracy there. boris epshteyn is an utterly incompetent buffoon, like most trump operators, who would never have found a position of responsibility of any kind in a serious republican presidential campaign before donald trump. boris epshteyn is a nonpracticing lawyer who knows
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nothing about the practice of law. and so's and every day of the trump criminal trial in new york sitting in the front row of the spectator seats, totally ignored by the real lawyers handling donald trump defense boris epshteyn was one of the very first, and was the very last trump's supporter who appeared as a guest on this program. it was during the 2016 presidential campaign and he appeared them to be the most reasonable of the trump operator who only lied a little bit. not every word. but after listening to him on this program, i realized it was a disservice to the audience to ever-present wires paid by donald trump to come on television and live for him. it is an abuse of television time to get the microphone i have never seen a successful interview of a trump operative, because they will lie about anything, and it is impossible
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to pursue all of those lies but boris epshteyn is now going to find, as a criminal defendant with donald trump has found. which is that fast talking lying on tv that trump and his people do just doesn't work in a courtroom where donald trump, in fact, was afraid to even open his mouth. when he was on trial, as a criminal defendant in manhattan. trumpism has infected the supreme court in ways that were unimaginable before donald trump. but, some of which were actually happening before trump. it is inconceivable that justice samuel alito and justice clarence thomas and both of their wives suddenly became rabid right-wing trumpian republicans only at the emergence of candidate trump's. we now know the financial corruption of clarence thomas, the outright selling of his supreme court seat, or at least what we can all agree is the financial exploitation of his
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seat on the supreme court has been happening for decades. clarence thomas was just never admitting it. clarence thomas was violating the rules of financial disclosure for supreme court justices and flaming that as a supreme court justice it was impossible for him to understand these very simple rules that you do not have to go to law school to understand. rules that anyone could understand on their first reading. where is thomas's defense has been the kind of defense that disqualifies you as a supreme court justice. it's the claim that he is just too stupid to understand these very simple ethical rules. that would mean he is, by his own confession, too stupid to be a supreme court justice. but trumpism means never having to say you're sorry for being stupid. so everyone in republican politics accepts clarence thomas's defense that i was too
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stupid to understand the ethics rules that apply to supreme justices. and just when we think we know it all about justice thomas, there's more. the senate judiciary committee released information revealing that clarence thomas took three more flights than previously known on the private jet of republican mega donor harlan crow. that's three more flights than the public knew about when data compiled by the watchdog group fixed the court showed that clarence thomas received at least more than $4 million in gifts between 2004 and 2024. in the same two decades, no other justice reported even half $1 million in gift for a quarter million dollars in gifts. samuel alito came in second with roughly $210,000 worth of gifts in that same two decades. the records do not show the purpose of clarence thomas's trip on that jet, the
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washington post estimated that such flights might have cost between 500,000 and $625,000. as joe biden said this weekend in los angeles, if donald trump is elected president, he will have at least two supreme court seat to phil, president biden didn't specify which seats, but it's easy to see how quickly donald trump and rich republicans would be able to purchase clarence thomas a supreme court seat from justice thomas by providing him with the fabulously wealthy lifestyle that justice thomas so openly grades. justice thomas is 75 years old. donald trump would make him an offer he couldn't refuse the golden motorhome offer. the unlimited private jets wherever you want to go offer for the rest of your life. multimillion dollar income by sitting on corporate boards, making speeches to closed-door republican gatherings, and donald trump would make samuel alito an offer that samuel
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alito's wife would not let him refuse, according to a recently recorded comments about how much she hates her husband's job. donald trump would replace at least two supreme court justices in their mid-70s with extreme right wing republican lawyers like, say, 44-year-old joshua hawley , who could serve on the united states supreme court comfortably for another 40 years. where he could do much more damage than he tries to do now in the united states senate. leading off our discussion tonight, is democratic senator sheldon whitehouse of rhode island, a member of the senate judiciary committee. he is also the author of the scheme, how the right wing used dark money to capture the supreme court. senator whitehouse, i've been wanting to get your reaction to what joe biden said this weekend about those two
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possible supreme court justices, which is not something that we in the media have been focusing on, the possibility that there could be openings him a but as soon as we heard him say it, we could see how that deal made for those two openings. >> and there is a history of making deals for openings. justice kennedy left in what looked an awfully lot like a deal to put his former clerk brett kavanaugh on the court. and it's customary for republican justices who claim to be nonpartisan to wait until there is a republican president before they retire and create a vacancy. i think, more importantly what it reminds the american people of is what the stakes are of another trump presidency, and an even more rightward entitled and extremist supreme court. just moved from 5-4 to 6-3 made
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a profound difference in the courts behavior. it would go, let's say to 7-2, i think a rogue court would become a downright berserk court, and it's very hard to get rid of them, because they have these lifetime appointments. it's a very real threat to the country to have trump have more appointments to this court. >> senator, have i oversimplified the clarence thomas defense which, to me, seems to be, i couldn't possibly understand these complicated rules for financial disclosure for supreme court justices. this is someone who has to analyze antitrust cases as we know, all sorts of law that is far more complex than these very simple english language financial disclosure
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requirements. am i, i mean, that seems like a defense that disqualifies you from being a supreme court justice. >> his first line of defense is to say nothing at all, just to be mute. so he's never said a thing officially about what his situation was as regards his wife's role in the insurrection when he was ruling on cases that related to investigation of the insurrection. he just refused to answer, refused to engage. so nothing, there, just mute violence. then you move on to the filings he's made when he's caught making mistakes, he makes these weird partial corrections that he knows aren't complete, and then says that his failure to file very obvious requirements was inadvertent. if a lawyer made to justice thomas the argument that their mistake was inadvertent, they'd be taken to task by justice
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thomas, so it's a double standard as to what they demand of the bar around them and the way they behave themselves. and then very simple things like understanding that when a $250,000 debt is forgiven for your motor coach that that is income, all you have to do is read the plain language of the statute of the disclosure rule to know that. and he doesn't seem to have managed to file this proper disclosure and we're invested getting whether he's managed to file his proper taxes. >> and this is a judge who is in the federal appeals chain of tax evasion cases. and of cases of failure to comply with taxes, both civil and criminal cases that find their way up there, where he has to be the ultimate interpreter of tax law as it applies in that case. >> we are going to find out what the facts are, and they look very much like a supreme court justice has committed tax
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fraud, and we're going to get to the bottom of all of these disclosure violations, but, i've gone to the senate floor to disclose what happened when executive branch and legislative branch officials engaged in similar disclosure violations. they were prosecuted. they pled guilty to criminal charges. so, we're dealing with very serious matters about which we have a supreme court justice who is simply not providing honest answers. >> senator sheldon whitehouse, thank you very much for starting off our discussions tonight. >> thank you. coming up, democratic senator sherry brown is running for re-election in ohio, a state donald trump has won twice. senator brown's re-election could depend on how much ohio voters like fast talking car salesman, because that's who senator brown is actually
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running against. senator brown joins us, next. n the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. the cockroach. resilient creatures. where there is one, others aren't far behind. well that's horrifying. always scavenging... ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be.
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to make our city vibrant again. she's building 82,000 new homes and helping first time homebuyers, just like us. and london's hiring hundreds of police officers, and arresting drug dealers. san francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at as ohio goes, so goes the nation. that's the way it used to be until joe biden won the presidency without winning the state of ohio. the last president to do that was john f. kennedy in 1960. donald trump won ohio twice. but joe biden was able to be donald trump by picking up enough electoral votes in other states. that might be the way ohio goes
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this year, when the most important win for democrats in ohio could be senator sherrod brown's re-election. for the democrats to hold onto control of the senate, sherrod brown has to hold onto the majority of voters in ohio who have already elected him to the united senate three times. sherrod brown won his last re- election in ohio with 53% of the vote. two years after donald trump won ohio with 51% of the vote. everyone in the senate in both parties wants to know how sherrod brown does it. how he wins re-election. in an increasingly challenging political environment for his party in his state. the only person on the senate who actually knows how sherrod brown does it is sherrod brown, who will join us in a moment. what we know is at stake in sherrod brown's re-election is whether democrats will still be
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able to confirm federal judges, including possible supreme court justices for the next four years, another one of the things at stake in sherrod brown's re-election is whether the united states senate will pass a national abortion ban which sherrod brown opposes. the democratic party control of the senate is not the kind of issue that swing voters usually find very compelling. sherrod brown's campaign seemed to turn on the personal relationship and trust he has developed with the majority of ohio voters. that's one of the reasons why unions come up in force for sherrod brown in his campaigns. in what has already become a hugely expensive senate campaign with a trump endorsed rich republican nominee, rudy marino, who got rich selling some very expensive cars, the brown campaign is now emphasizing marino's zero experience in government and, in effect, testing how much voters trust car sellers.
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>> hi, i'm bernie marino. >> as a car salesman, bernie marino would say anything to sell a car. >> 52 car washes a year. >> amazing vehicle. >> now that he's running for senate, bernie moreno hasn't changed. not one bit. you couldn't trust him as a car dealer. >> really cool car wash kit. >> why would you trust him as your senator you mark learn more at truth about i'm sherrod brown and i approve this message. >> joining us now is democratic senator sherrod brown of ohio, running for election to the united states senate. how does ohio become maybe the most expensive senate campaign in the country you mark california is a bigger state, more expensive media markets, but ohio seems to be just exploding in how much it cost for you to run. >> it's a big state that trump carried twice by eight points
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both times. mitch mcconnell and donald trump, it's his number one targeted senate race, mitch mcconnell is pledged to spend upwards of $90 million once labor day rolls around, he's spending millions already. interest groups want to be me, drug companies want to be me, wall street wants to beat me, oil companies want to be me. we stand up to these interest groups, it makes it expensive and it makes the race tough but it's also why i win. because we've talked, we talked before, lawrence. most people don't see politics left or right, liberal and conservative, they see it as who's side are you on. that's why i asked able to come to sherrod and contribute five or $10 or whatever you feel like doing, but come to sherrod and help us out. >> the voters of ohio know who you are. they don't really know your opponent as well. this is one of those opponents who comes basically out of the moneyed world, what they call a self financing candidate, he's got him a lot of money to pay
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for the campaign. moreno is going to try to identify himself to voters, what about you identifying him to voters you mark >> the contrast is clear. part of that contrast is ohio passed by 50 for 7% a constitutional commitment supporting abortion rights. i was on your show the night we did that, that was an exciting moment for all of us in ohio. moreno has said i'm 100% pro- life, no exceptions. the other contrast is clear, bernie moreno has always been up for himself for the way he's done business in the he's defrauded his workers, paid a huge fine for it then destroyed the records, and as a senate candidate he's out for himself. he said he doesn't really want to work with anybody that he doesn't agree with. in that sense, that's the ticket to getting nothing done. we've passed the pension bill to save the pensions of 100,000 ohio workers, we passed an interceptor bill, we put a cap on perception drug prices. you do that because you figure out how to work with the other side and you get things done.
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that's why we were able to team up with a bunch of republicans on the pact act so that veterans exposed to those football for size burn pits get help from the va, and that bill is named after an ohiowa named pete robinson who died from his exposure. if you want to get something done, you figure out how to do it. you don't come here as an ideologue and say i'm only going to work with people that are right-wing like i am. >> we've already seen republican proposal to cut social security benefits by raising the retirement age and other methods to cut social security benefits, so that they can do yet another tax cut for the rich, you remember the senate finance committee with jurisdiction over social security, obviously if you remained a member of that committee and if the democrats control it, nothing like that, no cut to social security like that is going to get through that committee. >> and you know from when you were staff director at what was then and still is the most
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important committee in the senate, how important social security and medicare and trade and pensions and taxes are in that committee. and the chairman is going to let nothing like that through his committee and i'll be standing with bob casey and others shoulder to shoulder to make sure they don't work one of the things we're trying, i don't do many field hearings, we had one in columbus on friday, we had a 73-year-old bus driver who drives 200 miles a day along the ohio river, she's done this for 40 years. she gets a small pension because bus drivers don't get rich driving buses for school rural school districts. she would lose some of her social security because of the peculiarity of the law, sources. fairness act would fix that. make a huge difference for her and police and fire and teachers and school custodians and cafeteria workers and clerks and state offices who work hard and don't see the hard work they do, don't see the kind of support that they
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should in terms of pensions and income and benefits. my job, always, always thinking about the dignity of work. it's why i wear this canary pin, to focus on what workers need, and this society works, and people do well in this society because workers produce wealth, it's whether it's a local school district in ohio, or whether it's jpmorgan chase and 20,000 employees in columbus, people work hard, they should be able to get ahead. >> i just heard your description of your opponent, he sounds like donald trump. you say he's up for himself, he only cares about himself, he doesn't want to work with anybody in the other party, doesn't want to work with anybody who doesn't agree with him. why wouldn't ohio voters go for someone like that in the senate if they've been willing to vote for donald trump? >> that's a really good question. one of the differences, he's spending his own money, he spent a lot of his own money to buy this seat. i think that we're explaining who bernie moreno is before
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people know who he is around the state, and we want to make that contrast. i make that contrast clear everyday, i fight for workers, he cheats his workers out of pay, i fight for women's health believing women and their physicians and their families should make these decisions, bernie moreno wants the federal government to ban abortions nationwide, so we will make that contrast consistently, and my reputation of fighting for workers and fighting for the dignity of work, i'll contrast any day with a guy who clearly is out for himself every day in his business and in the community. >> senator sherrod brown, thank you very much for joining us tonight, thank you. >> thanks, lawrence. coming up, we will have the last word about willie mays at the end of the hour. today, president biden simplified an immigration policy that now allows spouses of american citizens to remain in the united dates when they
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apply for permanent resident status. of course, donald trump is lying about that new biden policy. that's next. licy. that's next. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy®
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we can both secure the border and provide legal pathways to citizenship. we have to acknowledge that the patience and goodwill of the american people is being tested by fears of the border. they don't understand a lot of it. these are the fears my predecessor is trying to play on when he says immigrants, his word are poison the blood of the country. i'm not interested in playing
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politics with immigration. i'm interested in fixing it. i said it before. i will work with anyone to solve these problems. that's my responsibility as president. that's our responsibility as americans. >> president biden will allow spouses of u.s. citizens to apply for permanent residence status without having to first leave the country as per current policy requires. donald trump's campaign, of course, lied and accused president biden of offering mass amnesty and citizenship. no one will get citizenship because of this change in policy. no one. this will simply allow the spouses of u.s. citizens to remain in this country while they apply for permanent resident status, which they qualify for. those applications take sometimes several years to
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process. years. not one boater will be added to voter registrations in america because of this change in policy biden/harris campaign released this ad this weekend. >> joe biden and kamala harris really care about keeping our families together. >> the only country that we've ever known to be home. >> who want to separate us. >> they're poisoning the blood of our country. >> i urge my friends, family, and community members to vote for joe biden. >> joining us now is democratic senator robert garcia, a member of the house oversight and homeland security committee, also a member of the biden/harris campaigns national advisory board. this change in policy is really a change in the conditions of filing an application. that's what actually happens today, as i understand it.
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>> absolutely. this is a really great day for keeping families together. people believe that family should remain together, this is an incredible moment for those families and for our country. we're talking about half 1 million people, 500,000 people we have an undocumented person that have been here for 10, 15 years that is married to a u.s. citizen, and who does not have a legal pathway to be a permanent resident and possibly, eventually, a u.s. citizen. it is very hard in this country to earn citizenship, as we know. this action is going to keep families together. imagine being a son or daughter and one parent is a citizen, the other is not, and knowing that that parent can be not just deported, both of them to even apply for residency they have to actually leave the country and separate that family. that is unjust, inhumane, and the president has done the
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right thing. what a contrast with donald trump and his terrific rhetoric about deportations and separating families here >> i discovered this policy about having to leave the country when applying for a change in status literally decades ago in college, a friend of mine from france discovered that she actually had a legal right to a green card, to permanent residency through her mother, what she didn't realize, but then discovered, i have to leave the country in order to file that application, and i remember discovering that at the time and finding it to be, even then, for someone who has a right to this status to say you can only do it if you go to your home country and file it through the state department there, it seemed like a completely unnecessary on that applicant. >> it's also just cruel and inhumane. i'm an immigrant, i came here as a young kid, i became a u.s. citizen in my early 20s, i earn
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citizenship with my family. i'll tell you that these folks are going to be impacted, they're going to make some of the most patriotic americans in our country. they love this country. they're working hard, oftentimes taking jobs that other folks don't want. they are as american as our neighbors that we know your i applaud the president. this is an important moment for him in the administration. frankly, it's a promise kept that he made to not just focus on the border and securing the border, which we all know is necessary, but also providing real relief to families across this country. i've been hearing from folks all day, messages all day from people really grateful and excited that this actually took place, and i think is going to make an impact on good policy across the country. >> so when you hear donald trump talk about poisoning the blood of this country, knowing that he's literally talking about you, how do you feel? >> disgusted. this man, this con man, this
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traitor to our country, this criminal is somehow trying to dehumanize us, who came here as children, who are giving back to our country, who have done everything. i'm a former teacher, teachers and nurses and people that are working in construction and in our classrooms, that's who immigrants are. that's what we contribute, and we improve this country as we have, as you know, for hundreds of years. so this idea that we're somehow killers and murderers and we're inhuman, i think, is something that we have to look ourselves in the mirror as americans and as voters and ask ourselves, this person, does this person deserve to be the president again? i'm hoping that more and more people are realizing that this person would not just for immigrants, but hurt all americans who believe in human decency. so i'm proud of president biden, and i'm hoping that donald trump can quickly be memory for all of us,
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especially for us immigrants who he demonizes and hates every single day. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight. coming up, the cochair of the biden campaign, delaware congresswoman lisa blank rochester officially filed your candidacy papers for united states senate in delaware today, and she will join us next. next. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis
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>> deller congressman lisa rochester announced her candidacy for senate last year and today, her candidacy papers in delaware. >> almost a year ago to this day we launched our historic campaign for the senate, and in one year, much has happened. today, we face attacks on our reproductive freedom and a woman's right to choose when, if or how to grow their family because of the dobbs decision and republican extremists who have double down on their attacks on reproductive freedom . we have seen in states across the country that abortion bans have been in place like never before, that sometimes people don't even know they're pregnant and they're being at risk, criminalizing doctors just for doing their jobs and even
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forcing women to leave their home states to seek the healthcare they need to survive. they are even challenging the right to birth control and ivf. this is not only policy for me. it is not only political. it is personal. i am here as a grandmother today because of ivf, and so for me, this fight is real. >> joining us now is democratic representative lisa blunt rochester of delaware, national co-chair of the biden-harris re- election campaign and is now running for u.s. senate in delaware. first of all, how do you do both? how much of your day is co- chair trying to re-elected joe biden, and how much of your day is trying to win that senate seat?
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>> first of all, lawrence, it's so good to be with you. the stay in particular is such a special day because we made it official and it started at about 5:00 this morning and we are ending on a high on the lawrence o'donnell show but truly, i feel like i am wearing multiple hats. i am a congresswoman and we have that job because we have important work we are doing on strengthening our economy, our supply chains and making sure we lower the cost of living in goods and do that work as well as lowering the cost of healthcare. we are bringing clean drinking water to delaware. the other hat is the biden- harris co-chair hat. this is my second time doing this. it was so nice to ask me twice so i am glad to be back helping to make sure that this president and our vice president are re-elected, and
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then the other hat is running for the senate, and that is something that is new to me. fortunately, in delaware, i represent the whole state so i'm used to running up and down the state, which over the 24 hours of this announcement, we will be in all three counties because we are three counties that are urban, suburban, rural and coastal and in the last half was the new job that i got which is grandmother, and as you showed that clip just to see my granddaughter, it was so special because as soon as i started talking about her, i noticed she held the sign up for the campaign, shows she is on the campaign trail doing work as well so we do it because we have a great team, we have a great family and because we believe passionately in this country and the opportunities for this country and really that is why the theme of our campaign is bright hope in the name of the church my grandmother attended for 70 years in philadelphia because we want to bring some bright hope to the senate and to our country, as well.
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>> you told us about your granddaughter on this program when ivf was threatened and is still threatened by republican policies now that roe versus wade is not the law of the land and we learned then, as you told us that night, that you have your granddaughter because of ivf. >> yes. it was the first time i really talked about our family story. not only did i share about the birth of lennox, but also that a year and a half or so prior to that, my children experienced a miscarriage and the thought that my daughter-in- law could have possibly been turned away at a hospital, which is happening to people in emergency rooms, could've died -- again, these things are personal to families in our country and i think it is one of the reasons why it is bringing democrats, republicans and independents together and why people are recognizing that
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donald trump owns this. those extremist republicans pushing for these draconian laws across the country, they on this but you got a champion in joe biden and you got a champion in me and i hope that people will be a part of our campaign and think about joining us in this movement. you can go to lisa blunt i want to make sure people know where they can reach us and find out more information but this is truly about our families, our safety, our rights. this is the first time a constitutional right has been taken away from us and in the senate, i'm going to fight for it. >> delaware senate candidate lisa blunt rochester, thank you for joining us tonight. tonight's last word about the great willie mays is next. e great willie mays is next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using.
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captured hearts across america. his life story reminds us of the power of hard work and determination and his legacy continues to inspire generations of americans. >> willie mays' son, michael mays, announced tonight my father has passed away peacefully and among loved ones. i want to thank you all from the bottom of my broken heart for the unwavering love you have shown him over the years. willie mays was 93 years old.