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tv   Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire  MSNBC  June 20, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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authoritarian regimes. and in fact he's attempting to emulate them with his plan 2025 and his attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms, and that's exactly what mr. anderson represents, and that is not in line with the values and interests of the voters in the seventh congressional district. they're interested in -- and why they were drawn to my campaign is they were interested in integrity, in moderation, and they're interested in a government that will work for them. >> retired lieutenant army colonel eugene vindman, thank you so much for being with us. that is the show for us tonight. "way too early" is up next. we're just a week away from the first presidential debate, and there's new polling that is swinging in president joe biden's favor. we'll go through those numbers and the issues that matter most to voters. also ahead, a major escalation in the strained relationship
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between president biden and benjamin netanyahu after the israeli prime minister accused the white house of withholding military aid. plus, we'll have the latest from vladimir putin's state visit to north korea and the pact that he just signed with kim jong-un. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this thursday, june 20th. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day with us. and we'll begin this morning with the race for the white house. and exactly one week before president joe biden and donald trump meet on the debate stage, we've got new polling that shows that the sitting president has moved into the lead. for the first time since october the latest fox news survey finds biden ahead of trump, 50% to 48% among registered voters. now, to be clear, that 2-point
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difference is within the poll's margin of error. but this new survey marks a 3-point swing towards biden for last month and a 7-point swing for march. that number matters. the change is being driven in large part by independents who now say they've backed biden by 9 points after trump held a 2-point lead with the group a month ago. as for the issues motivating voters, 68% say the future of democracy is extremely important in deciding who they vote for. that's 2 points ahead of the economy, which ranks second. a separate new poll, this one from npr, pbs news, and merris college also shows them flipping the script. after he trailed by 12 points just last month. despite that big shift, the poll finds the two candidates tied in the overall race at 49% each,
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which is essentially the same as a month ago. that's because although biden has made in-roads with independents, trump has expanded his own lead with white voters. meanwhile, trump appears to be lowering expectations and making excuses ahead of the upcoming presidential debate with president biden. that's set for one week from tonight. during his rally in wisconsin on tuesday trump even pushed a conspiracy that biden can only do well if he's pumped up on drugs. >> is anybody going to watch the debate? he's going to be so pumped up, he's going to be pumped up. you know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house? what happened? who left it -- somebody left it. let's see, somebody left a laptop in an office of a gentleman who was supposed to fix the laptop from hell. he never picked it up, and
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somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. i wonder who that could have been. i don't know. actually i think it was joe. >> none of that, of course, is true. trump also told his followers to be suspicious of the whole debate enterprise although his campaign negotiated the terms of his participation. trump added that he'll be up against multiple adversaries at one time, not just biden but both of cnn's moderators who trump said are incapable of treating him fairly. and when it comes to trump's debate preparations, he's reportedly been meeting with policy experts and other allies rather than holding full-fledged mock debates. senator marco rubio and j.d. vance have been involved in these meetings. meanwhile, president biden will begin wholesale debate preparations at camp david. according to politico biden's long time advisor and first
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white house chief of staff ron klain will be involved in the sessions. last month the chair of biden's re-election campaign put out a memo explaining biden will go on the offensive and push trump to talk about how his three appointees to the supreme court helped overturn roe v. wade and how he could further undermine abortion rights in the second term. meanwhile, the biden administration is rejecting israel's claims that the white house has been withholding weapons. prime minister benjamin netanyahu made the accusation earlier this week suggesting that the u.s. is slowing israel's offensive in the southern gaza city of rauf mauch netanyahu did not say which weapons were allegedly being withheld. last month president biden did delay the delivery of heavy bombs amid concerns the operation would worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis. but the white house says that pause only applied to that one
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shipment. >> we genuinely do not know what he's talking about, we just don't. a couple of things i do want to add, and you're right there's one particular shipment of munitions that was paused. you've heard us talk about that many times. we continue -- we continue to have these discussions with israelis for the release of that particular shipment that i just mentioned and don't have any updates on that. there are no other pauses, none, no other pauses or holds in place. >> the biden administration is also denying published reports that it canceled a high level meeting with israeli officials because of netanyahu's comments. a white house official tells nbc news that the details of that meeting had not yet been finalized and that it is still expected to happen at some point. joining us now white house reporter for the associated press, darlene superville who's been traveling with the president there to delaware.
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biden heads to camp david this evening. darlene, good to see you. let's start with this relationship between president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu. the white house down right perplexed, and aides that i talked to about netanyahu's claims that other weapons are being withheld. they're saying that's simply not the case, and they're deeply frustrated with these accusations. so where does this relationship stand at the moment? >> good morning, jonathan. i think a good way to describe the relationship at this point is probably that it's a tense relationship. the -- president biden and prime minister netanyahu remain at odds over israel's offensive in gaza, and that has been a big source of tension. and of course adding to that now are the comments that the prime minister made on the video recently claiming that the u.s. has been withholding weapons, when that in fact has not been the case.
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i believe there is some members of congress who have recently signed off on another weapons shipment or distribution to israel, another billion dollar shipment. so as you heard the white house press secretary say in that briefing the other day, the white house doesn't know what he's talking about, and so that is more fuel for the tension that has been brewing in this relationship between two key u.s. allies. >> and certainly a cease-fire which the white house desperately wants in gaza. darlene, let's turn to the upcoming presidential debate. it is one week from tonight. tell us a little bit more about what we know about the president's upcoming debate prep. he's expected to be in camp david for several days but also how his team is approaching it stakes of this debate. it does seem and they acknowledged it this is really big early inflection point in the campaign despite movement in
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the polls we saw today has largely been static and remains very, very close. >> that's right. and as the president might say himself in the debate next week is going to be a big deal. he's in rehoboth right now. later today he's going to be headed up to camp david and secluded retreat in the mountains of maryland where he's supposed to spend the next week pretty much hunkered down and focused on preparing for the debate. there are a number of advisors who are going to be going up there with him. you mentioned ron klain is going to be part of the debate. the team and ron klain has had a long history with working with democratic presidents and preparing them for debates. and advisers have said that part of what they're going to be doing up there is helping the president anticipate the kinds of comments and commentary that's going to be coming from the former president, donald trump. there will be some mock debate
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prep sessions, that's usually the standard way that presidents and candidates who are getting ready for debates get ready for debates. they prac nchs someone will stand in and play the role of former president trump and mimic his commentary, his mannerisms, all sorts of things to get the president ready. and remember president biden, it's been a few years since he's debated. it's been since 2020, so he has some -- some work to do. but i would say that in a lot of the fund raisers that he's been doing lately, he's been cracking jokes at the former president, and i think in some part the fund raisers have been kind of a -- a little bit of a warmup for president biden. >> and usually the presidential challenger comes off the primaries in sharper debates, but let's remember trump skipped all the debates this year, so both men could be rusty. live for us from rehoboth beach
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delaware where she's traveling with the president, darlene superville. meanwhile, millions of people from the midwesz west to the north east will face extreme heat for a fourth straight day. the national weather service is predicting record highs again today in several areas, and the heat is expected to last into the weekend and perhaps beyond. meteorologists say the dangerous temperatures are the result of a heat dome that is covering large of the country. yesterday some areas saw temperatures climb well into the 90s and approach 100 degrees. we'll have more on the extreme weather a little bit later in the show. and coming up here on "way too early," amid that dangerous heat the united states' top climate diplomat john podesta and former california governor arnold shwarzenegger will join me ahead of one of the largest climate summits in the world. you'll not want to miss that. plus, louisiana becomes the
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first state to require all public classrooms to display the ten commandments. what state officials are saying about the controversial move. those stories and a check on sports when we come right back. n sports when we come right back sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga.
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welcome back. there is still no winner in the highly contentious republican primary in virginia's fifth congressional district two full days after voters went to the polls. john maguire currently leads bob good-bye less than 300 votes. despite being too close to call, maguire declared victory. good stated on social media
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yesterday that he believes he can, quote, still prevail and asked for patience while awaiting certification of the vote, there's also the possibility of a recount. meanwhile, louisiana is now the first state in the nation to require all public school classrooms to display a copy of the ten commandments. the new law signed yesterday by governor jeff landry makes it mandatory to display the commandments on a poster or framed document printed in a large easily readable font. the poster must be in every classroom from kindergarten through to state funded universities by 2025. the display also must include a, quote, context statement that says the commandments were a major part of public education for nearly three decades. opponents of this new law say it's a clear violation of the separation of church and state. multiple groups including the aclu have already announced a joint lawsuit against this
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louisiana state measure. quote, the first amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice without pressure from the government. politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools. that's from that lawsuit. louisiana's attorney general issued a statement on the bill writing this, moses you may recall brought the ten command. >> down from mount sinai appears eight times in carvings that ring the united states supreme court court great hall ceiling. i look forward to defending the law. louisiana has a republican super majority in its state legislature. both texas and oklahoma republicans have pushed for a similar bill in their states. up north emerson college in boston has announced layoffs citing an enrollment decline for the upcoming school year, which the administration says is connect today the campus protests of the war in gaza between israel and hamas.
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the emerson college president notified the faculty of the layoffs in an e-mail yesterday along with plans to go without filling some vacant positions for 2025. the administration blames the enrollment decline on a number of factors including in part, quote, negative press and social media generated from the demonstrations and arrests. back in april more than 100 protesters were arrested after police broke up a pro-palestinian encampment created by emerson college students next to the school's downtown boston campus. emerson's president says the enrollment decline is only expected to last the one year, but warns the financial effects will be felt for the next few years. next up here we'll return to sports and the return of the yankees ace pitcher garret cole. we'll show you how cole did on the mound after missing more than two months of action. plus wnba rookie star caitlin clark puts up some impressive stats as she helped
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lead the indiana fever to another win. those highlights when "way too early" returns. e highlights wheo early" returns
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have not hit a three in the first quarter the mystics. knocks down a three. in the slot, off a pin down. feet under her shoulders, and launched. >> from the blind side with a steal and a bucket. >> caitlin clark follows up a deep three-pointer with a quick steal and score to make for an impressive five-point sequence for the indiana fever. finishing with 18 points and a career high 12 rebounds, playing well. the teammates scored 13 apiece, the big three if you will, and in indiana rolled to their third straight victory with an 88-81 win over the washington mystics.
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we turn to major league baseball and a return to the mound last night for garret cole. the reigning cy young winner. he was okay. he's got to work his way back to full strength, but cole's return did not net the yankees a win. the baltimore orioles secured a 7-6 extra innings victory in a second of a three-game battle between division leaders. yankees won the first one, orioles won yesterday. yankees 1 1/2 games ahead of the o's atop the al east. the red sox completed a sweep of the blue jays. to minnesota now the twins royce lewis hitting a tie breaking solo home run and knocking out a section of led lights on the video board that fronts the second deck above left field. look at that, had gone dark.
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lewis also cost the twins the game on a throwing error with two outs in the tenth inning. oh, bad one. rays win 3-2. to the college diamond it will be an all sec men's world series final for the second year in a row. texas a&m knocked off the florida gators with a clenching win last night. game one of this best of three championship series is saturday. and now to a costly celebration at the olympic qualifiers in france. watch this video. the swimmer in the red cap who you'll see in a second reportedly dislocated his shoulder while celebrating his second place finish this week. that had secured him a spot on the french national team at next month's paris olympics. you can see him clenching in
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pain there. the 17-year-old has not commented on the incident or disclosed the diagnosis. unclear if he'll be able to compete next month, but he is in a lot of pain just there. all right, speaking of pain, hot a humid here in the north east. let's bring in meteorologist michelle growsman for the forecast. it's not just hot, it's not going anywhere. >> it's not going anywhere. we're going to see it at least to next wednesday and the extent outlook. 65 in the north east, ohio valley, great lakes, new england under heat alerts. we have heat advisories, heat watches, heat warnings from detroit, pittsburgh, bangor you felt like 106. it's going to be equally as hot today. once you factor in the humidity especially in new england we're going to feel like 103 in bangor, feeling like 104 in new york city and the heat index feeling like the mid-90s in detroit, buffalo, pittsburgh. so another hot day today. look at tomorrow even hotter
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than that in inspots. some spots in triple digits without that humidity factored in. feeling like 99 in lexington. look at d.c., 95 tomorrow and new york city feeling like 95. it's going to be a hot one throughout the weekend as well. no relief in sight before the beginning of next week either. cincinnati into the 90s. near 100 degrees on saturday in st. louis, and we're looking at philadelphia near triple digits saturday, sunday. monday a little bit of relief at 91 degrees. let's talk about the tropics, too, because we're about to make landfall with our first named storm of the season, tropical storm alberto. it's moving quicker now at 13 miles per hour. should make landfall the next hour or so or shortly and do have impacts this morning with heavy rain still falling, coastal flooding, the chance of a few tornados as well, but things will improve in southern texas as we gow the day once it makes landfall. >> we'll keep an eye on that. good to see you. next up here the united
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states top climate diplomat, john podesta, and former california governor, acting superstar arnold shwarzenegger, are standing by. they'll join us from austria ahead of one of the largest climate summits in the world. we'll be right back with the two of them. world we'll be right back with the two of them. l today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. new herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant based ingredients your hair will love and none of the stuff it won't. our sulfate free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. new herbal essences.
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welcome back to "way too early." it's exactly 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this thursday morning. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. we just told you about the extreme heat blanketing much of the united states and a tropical
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storm hitting texas. here's some more on extreme weather. in new mexico two very dangerous wildfires have claimed the lives of at least two people while forcing an entire town of more than 7,000 to flee. officials say that both the south fork and salt fires were 0% contained as of late yesterday. the fire's ravaging flames have destroyed more than 1,400 structures as well as having burned 23,000 acres. the governor has deployed all available resources including the national guard after declaring a state of emergency for lincoln county as well as a native-american tribal reservation that's right there. meanwhile all this is happening one of the largest climate conferences in the world is happening right now in europe. climate leaders from several countries are taking the stage in vienna, austria, to discuss and offer solutions on how to fight climate change with a goal of connecting people, businesses, and industries.
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it's all part of arnold swars negger's annual austria world summit, and this year's theme is be useful, tools for a healthy planet. and joining us now from vienna are indeed arnold shwarzenegger as well as john podesta, who currently serves with president biden on international climate policy and invited to speak at this year's summit. good morning to you both. thank you for being with us. governor shwarzenegger, let's start with you. good to see you again. this year's theme is be useful, tools for a healthy planet. tell us what that is, what that means for individual people, and what's the goals today >> well, first of all, let me just say it is wonderful to sit here with john podesta. and i think, again a message to the people around the world that the environmental issue should never be a political issue. he's a democrat. he's working for the biden
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administration. i'm a republican, and the people from the green party here, from all different parties and walks of life are here because there is no republican here. there is no democratic here or republican water or democratic water. we all drink the same water and breathe the same air. i'm a big fan of his because he has tremendous energy and knows environmental issues. we wanted to have him over at the environmental conference to exchange ideas and have him talk about what they're doing in america, what the biden administration is doing in america and howl we're going to achieve the goal or reduce pollution and reduce greenhouse gases. but it's how we all get behind it, and i've used the theme this year from the speech to talk about the permitting process because every time we delay a project, the green project if it
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is a solar plant or wind farm or anything and holding it up for years and years and years, it's a huge victory to the oil companies. what i'm saying to the people is we've got to stop that, cut down the permitting process and all work together here to get it as quickly as possible off fast. every time we hold up a windmill farm it means a big victory for the oil companies. >> this summit comes against the backdrop of extreme weather here in the united states. what's your central theme to the audience today? >> action, jonathan. i think your lead in tells the story about what we're seeing in the united states all across the globe, certainly here in europe, which is the fastest warming continent on the planet that we need action, we need it now, and we can't turn back. and i think that's what president biden and vice president harris have promised and they've delivered to the
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american people through a passage of the -- of the largest investment in clean energy in the history of the planet. and that's what we're all about trying to get these projects built. i agree with the governor that we need to cut through the red tape, cut the timelines. we have to build and build and build. and we can do that and we're seeing that with the tremendous levels of investment in the united states for clean energy. >> so governor shwarzenegger, let's talk about your message to nations who have been less inclined to deal with climate change, bigger polluters like china, india, and the rest. how do you reach them? >> well, i think that there will always be obstacles. i always say let's not go after the low hanging fruit, let's go after the higher hanging fruit. there's some difficult moments we have to go through, and i think it always has to do with
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communication. i think with communication i've seen this with the fitness crusade when we wanted to rally the world together to stay fit and build gymnasiums and food supplements and stuff every hotel, every military installation, every fire station, police station, college, everyone has a gymnasium, so it worked. we want to do the same thing here. we want to communicate the right way. i think this whole climate change dialogue is not going to work. i think this has been used for the last few decades. i think we should address it directly what it is, which is pollution. we want to terminate pollution and that's the message we should get out there. whether it's the chinese, the russians, whatever we may not agree with them, but we have to bring with them and work with tem. >> everyone, republican, democrat, we all breathe the same air and yet climate change has become a political issue in the united states. it is, of course, an election
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year. how do you break through that sort of political noise to make sure all americans understand just how important this is? >> look, i think you've got to be practical. you've got to put it on the ground as to what's really happening, the jobs that are being created, the costs that are being reduced because we're investing and supporting people to move to more efficient appliances, putting solar on the rooftops, et cetera. and i think actually the two of us being together we're demonstrating that republicans and democrats can talk to each other, find common sense solutions. we're also demonstrating that people with extremely different body types can sit next to each other and work together to solve the climate crisis. so the governor feels the burn in his arms, so when he works out in the gym, i feel the burn in my legs when i go running. >> can you believe he goes running this morning? gets up at 5:00 in the morning and goes running for 6 miles.
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it's crazy. john is in real shape. >> you both are a paragon of physical fitness in different ways, and we appreciate you both being here this morning live for us from vienna. and it's an important conversation. arnold shwarzenegger and john podesta, thank you both. next up here we'll go live to cnbc for an early look what's driving the day on wall street as investors await new economic data. plus u.s. regulators are suing a popular software company over its subscription cancellation policy. we'll dig into the allegation and how the company is responding when we come right back. the company is respondi wnghen we come right back
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to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. welcome back. time now for business, and for that let's bring in cnbc's charlotte reed who joins us live from london. charlotte, good morning. wall street on a collection of economic data beginning today that will closeout the second
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half of the trading week. give us a sense as to what's to come and how the market's shaping up this morning. >> good morning, john. indeed, markets reopening today after being closed yesterday for the juneteenth holidays. s&p futures in the green this morning as investors look for the bench mark to add to its record high reached ones. as you were saying today all eyes will be on several economic data released today including housing and building permit. last week showed jobless claims. economists say it continues upward and could prompt the fed to reassess its timetable for interest rate cuts to sooner rather than later. >> so speaking of interest rates, the swiss national bank once again trimmed its key interest rate. that's the second cut of the year. what's the sense of other major global economies? are they going to follow suit? >> well, interesting. so really busy day today for central banks in europe.
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as you were saying the swiss national bank just this morning cutting its interest rate to 1.25. it's the second time the swiss national bank is cutting its interest rate. it has surprised the markets back in march in cutting its rates already. the first major central bank to do so and only to be followed by the european central bank. just only recently now the norwegian central bank is also announcing its rate cut, and the bank of england as well. when it comes to the bank of england the economy is expected to keep rates unchanged at 525 despite inflation finally coming to the 2% target just in may just yesterday showed there were higher than expected services in inflation and the underlying price pressures aren't slowing as fast as expected, and that could postpone the boe's first rate decision to later this
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year. >> and lastly back here at home the u.s. government is suing the software giant adobe for a number of alleged violations. please tell us more. >> yes, well the u.s. federal trade commission is suing adobe and the one that makes photo shop for heat and fees on what it calls absurdly hard to cancel subscriptions and alleges the software company violates customer rights and consumer protection laws by making it too difficult to cancel and trapping customers. now, the ftc said they failed to disclose these terms clearly to customers. adobe disputes these claims and say it will fight the lawsuit. >> we can all relate to having challenges of unsubscribing to various subscriptions. next up here russian president vladimir putin pays a visit to vietnam in an effort to strengthen his ties in southeast asia. we'll have the latest on that as
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well as the deal he signed with north korean leader kim jong-un. "way too early" will be right back. r kim jong-un. "way too early" will be right back i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for
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to international news now. russian president vladimir putin is in vietnam this morning, one day after visiting north korea for the first time since the year 2000. there putin and kim jong-un signed a pact pledging mutual aid if either country is attacked. after a signing ceremony putin said the agreement reflects shared desires to elevate the relations between those two nations. nbc news is reporting the partnership could expand transfers of military technology to pyeongyang in exchange for supplies of munitions which moscow's military badly needs for its ongoing war to ukraine. in vietnam putin was greeted with a large welcome ceremony for his state visit. the russian leader is expected to remain in the country through tomorrow in a trip that will likely frustrate nation. vietnam as recently developed better ties with that includes
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the united states, a real issue for both the trump and biden administrations. citing an expert, "the new york times" reports russia supplies vietnam with a majority of its military equipment, making up 60% to 70% of vietnam's defense arsenal. a spokesperson for the u.s. embassy in hanoi denounlsed the trip saying no country should give putin a platform to promote his war of aggression and otherwise allow him to normalize his atrocities. meanwhile, russia says it's awaiting a response from the u.s. concerning a possible prisoner swap. russia's deputy foreign minister told a state run news agency yesterday that the, quote, ball is in the united states court when it comes to the exchange. according to "the wall street journal" the official said americans are probably not happy with something including the proposal but added, that's their problem. he didn't elaborate further. it's possible but not certain that russia's proposal could involve detained wall street
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journal reporter evan gerschkovich, who's been imprisoned for more than a year and indicted on espionage charges last week. the state department has previously said there's an intensive effort under way to secure the release of gerschkovich and paul whelan, the former u.s. marine who has spent more than five years in russian detention. elsewhere a pair of climate protesters have been arrested after spray painting the stonehenge monument in southern england. video of the incident shows two people running towards the stone stonehenge monument. two people are seen spraying the monument and a third tried to stop them and a fourth. the climate activist group just stop oil has taken responsibility for the incident. the group says the protesters seen in the video are a 21-year-old oxford student and a 73-year-old man from birmingham. the charity that manages
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stonehenge says curators are investigating the extent of the damage. up next, just hours from now, the supreme court could decide donald trump's claim for presidential immunity for acts he committed while in office. we'll have a discussion on how the court could rule and a lengthy delay for its decision. and then coming up on "morning joe," we'll break down new polling that shows president joe biden ahead of donald trump in a recent fox news holland the key demographics that biden is leading most. plus, democratic senator jacky rosen of nevada shows us how abortion rights are playing out in her race as she seeks re-election. also ahead, actress cleopatra coleman will be live in the studio with a new look at her new hulu series "clipped." "morning joe" just moments away. " "morning joe" just moments away. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga.
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for is donald trump's presidential immunity claim. the court heard oral arguments way back on april 25th, and a decision is expected before the end of the money. the decision is being announced today, tomorrow, a couple of days next week as well. on msnbc yesterday former attorney general eric holder expressed concern that the justices could come to a dangerous conclusion. >> anything less than a decision by the supreme court that says a president should be held to the laws just like any other american citizen should be, anything other than that is absurd. the notion, for instance, that apparently some justices are fooling around with it. well, if the president violated the criminal law but was doing so in his official capacity there may be some basis to say that that's okay. we need to step back and think about that. you know, wait a minute. a president can violate the american criminal law if he or she is doing something in their official capacity. that is an absurd and dangerous
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conclusion, and i'm worried given the length of time that it has taken for the supreme court to decide this case that something along those lines might come out of the supreme court. joining us now msnbc contributor and author of the book "how the right lost its mind" charlie sykes. good to see you. let's talk about the supreme court. first of all, your reaction to the delay and how long this has taken, a delay that may push the january 6 trial beyond the election. that's first, and second, what are your concerns like we heard from the former attorney general as to what the supreme court may rule? >> well, the delay has been the story. the delay is a decision because for all practical purposes the supreme court has granted donald trump immunity because it seems extremely unlikely that the january 6 trial will take place before the election, and, of course, this did not have to happen. i believe it was andrew weissmann who has pointed out it's been 112 days since jacks
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smith had asked the court for a ruling in all of this, so the foot-dragging has already perhaps been decisive on this case, and i have to say that i -- i share the attorney general's concerns about this. look, this ought to be a slam dunk decision. the appellate court in washington, d.c. came down with what all the to have been the definitive decision on presidential immunity. the court could have simply said what they said. they could have gone along with it. the fact that it has taken this long i think raises all of those questions, and you do feel like we are edging toward an institutional and a constitutional crisis because this court was not able to very, very quickly say no, of course, the president is not above the law. of course he's not immune for crimes that he or she committed in the course of their duties. >> charlie, we opened the show with new polling that shows a shift towards president biden. look, his feed in this bol just
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two, within the margin of error but what might be is the seven-point shift towards biden in the last few months. what do you make of it? >> well, again, all the caveats are in order here. these polls go up and down. it is within the margin of error. we'll have to wait for other surveys, but, you know, there has been this sort of maybe cynical conventional wisdom that nothing matters, that nothing hurts donald trump, that even being a convicted felon won't make a difference. this poll suggests that there might be some shift. that people are looking at donald trump, and they may not like necessarily all the policies of joe biden, but the prospect of four more years of this guy might be too much, so i guess the question is are we entering a phase of this campaign where with more attention being focused on donald trump that there's this national amnesia that's breaking and people are going, yeah, that really wasn't so good. we really don't really want to put this guy back in charge of
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nuclear weapons again. who knows. >> well, i think to that point the debate next week looms large as a reminder for americans just what the trump era was like? charlie, we also mentioned earlier on the show the congressional race that involves house freedom caucus chair bob good remains too close to call. what the lessons can we learn here about, a, donald trump's continued hold over the republican party but also a lot of virginia districts are sometimes viewed as bellwethers for national elections or presidential elections. what do you think? >> well, it's maga on maga violence. it's hard to choose between these two guys. i think it was adam kinsinger who said it's like choosing between dysentery and flu. what is interesting is, look, congressman good is about as right wing as you get. he's the head of the freedom caucus and is not good enough. it all comes down to -- it all comes down to loyalty to donald trump. he committed the sin of endorsing ron desantis, so this
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is not about issues. it is not about policy. it is not about rinos versus maga, it's all about donald trump's absolute complete demand for loyalty and he's about to blow up this congressional race spending hundreds of thousands on a seat they didn't have. we ought to notice how fall the republican party used to be fallen. this used to be represented by denver riggleman, a man of real integrity and principle, and he was defeated by bob good because he committed the unforgivable sin of presiding at a same-sex wedding so we've gone from denver riggleman to god knows what in this particular district. >> so reflective of where the republican party it. >> charlie sykes, contributor, thanks for joining us, and thanks for all of you for getting up with its "way too early" on this monday morning. "morning


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