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tv   The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart  MSNBC  June 23, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> that does it for me. thanks for watching. i will see you back your next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. and before that, i will be on all four hours a morning joe tomorrow morning, starting at 6:00 a.m., right here on msnbc. right now is the sunday show. the final countdown. we are four days away from president biden and donald trump squaring off in their first face-to-face meeting since 2020.
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we will take a closer look at how they can reshape the race for 2024 and what it takes to prepare for the ultimate wildcard that is donald trump. former biden aide megan hayes is here to walk us through the historic showdown. one heartbeat. donald trump says he has chosen his vice presidential running mate, and that person could be at thursday's debate. i will talk about the possible contenders going full maga right now with my sendoff panel. and the fight ain't over. two years after the supreme court repealed the right to choose an abortion, democrats are turning their attention to an obscure 150-year-old law that could be a backdoor to a national abortion ban. tina smith is here to talk about her effort to reveal the comstock act. i am jonathan capehart. this is the sunday show.
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>> buckle up. this week could be a wild ride and a critical turning point in the race for the white house. on thursday in atlanta, president biden and donald trump will face off on the debate stage for the first time since october of 2020. that is actually the last time they have been in the same room. it will also be the first ever debate between a sitting president and a twice impeached former president was been convicted of felony crimes. the guy on the right. trump is also awaiting trial on three other federal indictments, in case were following along at home. and the pre-debate drama is building. last night at a rally in philadelphia, the disgraced former president repeated the ridiculous and false accusation that biden plans on using performance-enhancing drugs before the debate. >> so little before debate time, he gets a shot in the --, and that is -- want to strengthen him up.
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so he comes out. he will come out -- okay. i say he will come out all jacked up, right? >> for real? with nonsense like this, perhaps it's a good thing there are new debate rules that could rein him in. the 90 minute matchup will take place in a tv studio with no audience, and each candidate will have his microphone mutated until it is his turn to speak. but who are we kidding? you know, i know, we all know that a muted mic won't keep trump quiet. the biden campaign already seems to be preparing for that. >> who knows what donald trump is going to do it any minute or any time. i bet he's going to talk over the microphone 1 million times like he does because he is a bully. but the best way to fight a bully is to stand up to him. joe biden has done it before and he will do it again. >> he has, quote, no strategy for this debate except, to,
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quote, make america great again. translation -- i'm going to wing it. president biden is immersed at debate prep at camp david with advisers, including his personal attorney, bob power, will once again play trump in mock debates. in an interview with me yesterday, he described preparations as, quote, and attempt to really give the opponent a feel for what they would likely face. and if past is prologue, we know what to expect from trump -- utter chaos. like the kind that prompted this response from biden at a 2020 debate. >> vote now. >> make sure you in fact let people know -- >> i'm not going to answer the question -- >> the question is -- will you shut up? >> trump's annoying tactics are nothing new. back in 2016 during his second presidential debate against --
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hillary clinton, trump's dr. around the stage like a malevolent land shark as she addressed voters. and his childlike behavior continued in their third debate, during a heated discussion about russian president vladimir putin. >> from everything i see, he has no respect for this person. >> will that's because he rather have a puppet as president. and it's pretty clear -- >> you are a puppet. >> so with that kind of petulant, unhinged behavior coming at you, how do you even begin to prepare? my next guest is the perfect person to answer this question. joining me now, former deputy assistant secretary of state and former spokesperson for senator hillary clinton. he also played donald trump and hillary clinton's 2016 mock debate session. welcome back to the sunday show. two things we need to talk about. first thing, this accusation that president biden is going
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to use performance-enhancing drugs, this is not new. trump me the same accusation against hillary clinton in 2016 . calling for her to take -- >> he did it after state of the union. the reason he is doing it is because he very stupidly, along with his campaign and the republican party and the right- wing at large, have gone with this talking point that joe biden can't stand up straight for 90 minutes. that is going to fall over at the podium. they are realizing that that is not actually a good thing to keep saying, because that's not what's going to happen. with a few days left, he's trying to do this 182 asked lane, he's going to be perky and really good. same exacting after the state of the union. they didn't think you would make it through 75 minutes. not only did he make it, he knocked it out of the park. >> so as we go, heading into thursday, and the president is at camp david and on breakdown
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and preparing. how has trump changed since you prepared hillary clinton for a debate? >> in 2016, i would start with the fact that his campaigns have changed, in the sense of what his message is. ultimately, a debate while it's in front of a large audience you will be speaking to during the general election campaign, should be consistent with what you are saying day today. fundamentally, he was talking about immigration, he was talking about obama care, jobs going south. obviously, he was attacking hillary left and right. there was a consistency between his debate performance and his campaign message. if you fast-forward to 2020, the guy had no message. he was just an angry, angry man. he was upset about russia. he was upset about covid. and you know, the shut up moment was well deserved, because he just was a malfunctioning appliance that was spewing all these things.
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so the question is, you know, some people say -- there's only one. he doesn't have a strategy. what he has is a list. he has a list of things that are always on his mind, always pent up, because you pointed out the really important part of this. they really don't like each other. inc. about how that works for someone you don't like. >> somebody i don't like? they are dead to me. >> is what he complained about in 2016, we complained about in 2020. is what he complains about now, his trials and being gagged, and i'm sure he's going to complain about being muted, pretending he didn't know. then there's a third bucket of policy. not that he has suddenly immersed himself in the minutia, i believe he thinks one way to go at the president is to throw numbers and data. that are probably lies. and just throw data at the wall, hoping that it overwhelms the president.
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that is what i would guess. the thing is, he doesn't have an order, so he doesn't know what comes out when. >> in an interview you did in politico in january of 2021, so in the lead up to, you know, something -- it talks about the lengths you went to prepare to be donald trump. you were three inch heels. you we're knee pads and a back brace. big suits and everything. and another thing you did after watching hours upon hours of tape of donald trump is that you noticed he never makes eye contact. and that with secretary clinton, and one debate session, you did not look at her for 5 straight hours. what was the significance of that? >> he is fundamentally a coward. i mean, if you look at mitch landry saying the way to do with a bully is to fight back, that is what he does. and part of that is, he has a
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hard time going at some of the personal stuff. in 2020, he went after the president about his brother and hunter on the conspiracy stuff and digressed into some other stuff. but generally, he is a coward. and he shies away from it. i think the president -- if you really want to understand, look at 2020, the first debate. it's going to be probably joe biden, similar. strong, vigorous, having stuff to state about what i've done for you, and what we are haven't had two presidents in 134 years tried to steal each other's job back and forth. and it's like a baton. they can shape these, they can present these, they can carve them in all sorts of ways. you could have the smartest economist up there, and -- the
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muting actually might help the moderators more than anyone, because it will give them a moment, or 90 seconds, to just retreat into silence. did he just say that about inflation? because i want to follow up on that. >> real fast, because we are out of time. or something else it was really interesting. he takes great pride in being able to predict what trump might say, do, or tweets before he does it. this is your former colleague saying it was uncanny watching you nail moments in debate before they happened. you still have that ability? >> i had an advantage, because i was a new yorker. it also in 2016, nobody was paying attention. he is the most predictable person. i think it's pretty safe to say he's going to complain about the muting situation, even though his campaign agreed to it, even though the moderators
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20 minutes earlier will have said the campaign has agreed to this. it is easy to say what he is going to do, and there's things that, you know, if i were him, i would do that i don't want to say out loud. >> please don't. >> in the story as you saw, itself if i don't take my medication to fully channel him. >> one other thing that is mentioned in that interview from 2021 is that you pointed out to the campaign that he complained about his mic during his own campaign. >> is been doing that in primaries. he's been complaining about teleprompters recently. he has this thing about planning about technical aspects of his appearances as yet another way of being aggrieved. they are coming after me to jail me. they are muting me. what is joe afraid of? let me speak. >> i'm sure that's exactly what we are going to hear thursday night in atlanta. take you very much for coming to the sunday show. joining me now to continue this
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conversation, megan hayes, former special assistant and democratic strategist. welcome back to the sunday show. were going to shift gears a little bit. just wondering, how cognizant do you think the biden campaign is about the incumbents first debate curse? of course, i'm relating to president obama famously bombing his first debate against republican nominee mitt romney in 2012. you think folks gathered it camp david right now have that top of mind? >> i do. he hasn't debated in four years. so that's an advantage, but he hasn't debated in four years. the one thing about joe biden is he prepares and shows up on game day, he will show up and he will be -- he will put his best foot forward for a debate. >> how do you think the president will respond if donald trump goes in on hunter? because we are talking about an opponent who has no sense of shame, no sense of guilt.
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everything and everyone is fair game. >> i think that the president will have to take a deep breath. his family is deeply personal to him, but i think the president will handle it like he did in 2020. no family in this country is not been impacted by addiction. hunter was going through a terrible time when this gun incident happened. he is now convicted. the president has made it very clear what he will do and not do for hunter in his legal troubles. he can't let his temper get the best of them here to fight back as a father. he has to fight back as a president. >> great segue into what i was going to ask you next. should i expect to see president biden go on offense? he is running against a convicted felon. >> the president is notorious for not being bullied. that's part of who he is. he does not like when people are being bullied. i do think you will be on the offensive a little bit here,
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but he will push back any respect away. that's is not who he is. so, you know, he will be on the offense, but he also has a great record here you can highlight for the american people. >> as you well know, democrats default setting is panic. so do democrats have any reason to fear that president biden will not meet the moment on thursday? >> as someone who has worked for him for over a decade, i don't think so. i think he always shows up. the president has a great record to run on. he has a great vision for the next four years. but most people are democrats, and the democratic party is going to do what we are going to do. >> since they are so predictable at panic, anything that happens that is a mistake will be blown up and amplified. i'm just wondering, can president biden recover if he makes a mistake like forget a name or freezes or -- or something else that will send democrats into a panic? >> no. historically here, people, when the cameras are on you for 90 minutes, you are going to make
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mistakes. that is not a mistake that is going to decide this election moving forward. i think the mistake here is where president biden doesn't lay out his vision for the future and remind the american people what he's done for them. he needs to draw a contrast here. >> everyone is going to be watching the other guy, both camps watching the other guy to see if that person makes in take. who has the most to lose if they do make a mistake? >> i think president trump has a lot to lose here. he is a chaotic person. he was a chaotic president. the more he's going to remind people about how chaotic his presidency was, and i think that was a huge liability for former president trump. >> megan hayes is sticking around for sound off. still to come, the fight for reproductive rights. democrats were the trump use a 150-year-old law to ban abortion nationwide if he is elected again. i will speak with minnesota senator tina smith later in the
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show. but first, my sound off panelist here to talk about the latest news, including some of the contenders to be donald trump's running mate, trying to prove their loyalty, even though trump says he has already made his decision. don't go anywhere. more of a jampacked hour ahead on the sunday show. y show. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer.
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>> i think what you're going to see is obviously the cnn moderators going to do everything they can to go after president trump to try to get under his skin. >> tomorrow, i'm sending in a letter to president biden, to his physician and his entire cabinet. i'm going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs. >> maybe these two dudes should go first. i was congressman byron donalds
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and congressman ronny jackson. an actual doctor parroting donald trump's dumb demand a president biden four days before their debate in atlanta. megan hayes is back with me, but also joining me, renee graham, associate editor for the boston globe, and stuart stevens, associate projector and the conspiracy to end america, why the old party is driving democracy to autocracy. thank you all very much for being here. renee, you go first. i would love your reaction to donald's -- okay. renee cannot hear us. stuart, i hope you can hear us. your reaction to the nonsense we just heard. >> i know a little bit about -- i wrote the infamous article where i took a bunch of performance-enhancing drugs. and i can tell you, i don't know what he's talking about. it's crazy.
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nothing like that is going to make you smarter or better or know more about the country or more likable. it is really -- it's a classic example of projection. i mean, this dr. with a dubious history of drug use, certainly, donald trump -- many articles and studies have been printed about his drug use during the apprentice. it's the oddest mascot stealing sort of level of debate that the president of the united states -- i think it just sort of shows what they have to talk about. >> and megan, what do you think? was ronny jackson the white house medic when you are at the white house? >> he was. but he oversaw the vice presidents office. i never dealt with ronnie. but i was going to say, it's rich coming from a man being
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investigated by the united states sanction for how he was giving up prescription drugs to people. it's also rich because this is a president who does not drink. to imply that he would then use drugs, it's something that's just a little bit out of bounds and a wild assumption here. i think they have to do anything to sort of lower expectations after everything they've been doing for the last couple of weeks. >> i'm assuming we still don't have renee back, but let's switch gears and talk about the debate. and let's listen to what mitch landry, senior adviser on the re-election campaign -- well, what he expects from the debate. watch this. >> it really doesn't matter how donald trump shows up. if he comes in unhinged like he is most of the time or sits there and is quiet, people know that he is a twice impeached convicted felon who has been found to have defamed somebody, sexually abused somebody, and got bankrupt six times. they will always know that. >> stephen, since people are going to know, does he mean
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that the president is going to go after donald trump in that stark of language? or is he talking about just all that information is out there for anyone who wants to? >> i think he's talking about the fact that, you know, these are facts. these are given. is nothing that's going to change when he walks out on the stage. personally, were i advising president biden, i would say he should go on the attack from the very beginning. whatever the first question is it comes to him, i will say, i will answer that question. but it's a disgrace to donald trump. 34 conviction villainy counts, he's on the stage running for president. this is the oval office we are talking about. it's a disgrace, but i will answer the question. i would go straight at the attack. >> megan, you have worked with a man. would president biden actually do that? >> i'm not sure he would do that out of the gate without being provoked. that doesn't seem authentic to who he is, but you never know.
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it might work. i think you just laid out the negatives pretty succinctly here. >> he knows who is vice presidential pick is and he hasn't told that person, but that person is going to be there on thursday. lord only knows who is going to show up. there's three people that nbc news are saying are on the short list. let's play with governor burgum, the governor of north dakota, has to say on cnn earlier today. >> well, i think we just have to live with the fact that president trump could win this race regardless of who is vice president. i think everybody in the whole country may be knows my background, which is both success in business and success in the executive branch as governing. >> stuart, everybody knows? >> there are crickets better
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known to the american people than this governor. i actually think that trump might pick him because he is the least threatening of the group. jd vance has proven that he will say anything, do anything, he will debase himself to any level, and is also from ohio. so i think he would be the best pick, but donald trump really does the best thing. he makes them most comfortable. and jd vance is a smart guy. he knows his stuff about policy, and both of those do not apply to donald trump. i think you may pick this guy from north dakota that no one has ever heard of, and after he loses, no one will ever hear about again. >> also, the governor of north dakota is, relatively speaking, a wealthy man. you know, you got a presumptive republican nominee that has a lot of legal troubles with need for a lot of money. don't go anywhere.
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my sound off panel will be back with me after a break. you are watching the sunday show. show. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ this is clem. clem's not a morning person. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. (♪♪)
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>> and my sound off panel is back with me. megan hayes and stuart stevens. on a serious note, yesterday, my colleagues over the weekend interviewed the president of the heritage foundation, and just listen to his answer when he was asked if heritage would accept the results of 2024 election. watch this. >> is your organization going to accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome? >> yes, if there is a massive fraud. >> what does that mean? >> there was not massive fraud. >> we have a database that is documented that over years. >> just to be clear, that database he is talking about includes just over 1500 proven instances of voter fraud since
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1982. just putting that out there. stuart, why can't he just say yes? >> because they don't believe in democracy. it isn't complicated. this is weatherly put in so much. look, the heritage foundation was and sadly still is sort of intellectual beating heart of the republican party. their voting party has become an autocratic movement. what he gave is the same answer you would give in russia. the same answer -- it's even worse than what they would get in hungary. they don't believe in democracy. so it's not surprising that they say that they are only going to accept the results of they like the results, and that means that they win. that's not what it means to be a civil democracy. >> megan, last night, donald trump had a rally in philadelphia.
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i have no words for what you are about to hear, america. just listen to this. >> i said, dana. dana. i have an idea for you to make a lot of money. you are going to go and start a new migrant fight league. migrants. only migrants. and then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion, and i hate to tell you, dana. i think the migrants might win. that's how tough they are. >> megan, this is just some -- how am i speechless? this man is running for president of the united states and he talks about human beings like their chess pieces, or worse. >> this is not something that's appropriate to discuss, people that are coming to the united states for a way better life. that there what to do cage fighting? it's disgusting and horrible. every time you think you are at the low with him, he goes lower.
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it's disgusting and inappropriate and gross. again, human beings, not animals. >> stuart, and her reaction? >> donald trump is obsessed with this kind of macho stuff. this is a guy who has a hold role model of hannibal lector. life always imitates high school. he's the kind of guy who would huff and puff. but he showing up in the waffle house, he wouldn't be there. the man is a coward. this is just -- it is disgusting, but look -- this is really about who we are. it's not about who donald trump is. he has made it clear. he's not going to change. but who are we as a country? ronald reagan announced him from the statue of liberty. his last speech was to all of the immigrants. now we are going to this place where the center-right party in
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america is advocating basically some sort of roman coliseum's tactical. i think it is -- a base character test of what america is today and who we are. >> i'm going to play one more bit of sound and i just want to tell you the context first, and then we are going to play it. donald trump was talking about how he has done more to defend america and religious freedom from marxist and communist forces, and he has the wounds to prove it. nevermind the presidents lincoln and kennedy were both assassinated. now with that context, listen to donald trump at the faith and freedom coalition conference , what he had to say. >> and i have the wounds all over my body. if i took the shirt off, you would see a beautiful, beautiful person. but you would see wounds all over me. i've taken a lot of wounds, i can tell you. more than i suspect any president ever will.
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>> you know what? i'm just going to let that sit and breathe, like a fine -- like a fine wine. stuart stevens, megan hayes, thank you both very much for coming back to the sunday show. we want to apologize to everyone that we could not get rene graham back, and i want to tell you that she has a four part series in the boston globe that takes a look at the 20th anniversary of the landmark decision in massachusetts that legalized same-sex marriage there 20 years ago. so please go to the boston globe website and read rene's -- rene graham's great work. after the break, tomorrow marks two years since roe v wade was overturned. now democrats are targeting archaic 19th-century law that republicans could use to justify a national abortion ban if trump wins. senator tina smith of minnesota
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joins me next to discuss why she is leading the effort to repeal the comstock act. act. and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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>> tomorrow is the second anniversary of the dreadful dobbs decision. that's a supreme court ruling that stripped away a nearly 50 year constitutional right to an abortion established by the 1973 roe v wade decision and ushered in an appalling post roe reality. more than a dozen states have banned abortion reality since dobbs, and others have severely restricted access. and we are still waiting for the supreme court to handout its decision in the moyle case, which could restrict abortion care even further. at issue is whether state abortion bans overriding federal law protecting the rights of emergency life-saving treatment. the ruling against it would put even more lives at risk.
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but that's not the only way abortion opponents are working to turn back the clock. republicans want to enforce a long ignored 19th-century law called the comstock act, which could ban the mailing of abortion pills nationwide. enforcement of the comstock act features prominently in the plans of project 2025, the extreme blueprint for a second trump term from the heritage foundation. one democratic lawmakers fighting back with a bill to repeal the 150-year-old law. senator tina smith of minnesota calls the comstock act, quote, a backdoor national abortion ban and warns, quote, it is too dangerous to leave this law on the books. joining me now is the democratic senator in the great state of minnesota, tina smith. she is a member of the senate health committee and a former planned parenthood executive. senator, great to see you again. and keep her coming to the sunday show. senate republicans have already been built protecting access to
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contraception and ivf. why are you introducing the stop comstock act? >> thank you, jonathan. it is so good to be with you. i want to raise awareness about this plan by these maga republican extremist divan access to abortion medication without ever having an act of congress. this is an outdated law that has been ignored by folks as a zombie law for decades and decades, and now come to find out that these extremists are using it as a way to ban abortion. i don't want people in states like minnesota and nevada and places where they feel as if their reproductive rights are protected by state law to understand that there is this plan to take away those rights without any action of congress. and i think that this is a mobilizing issue for people. and frankly, people are really angry when they hear about it. >> the architects and trump's project 2025 shared his stance on abortion yesterday. listen to what he said on msnbc. >> why are we talking about --
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>> i just want to know, -- >> until three days after the person is born. this is an absurd freedom. >> that's an absurd of assertion. >> does heritage and project 2025 believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion if her doctor says that she needs one? it's a yes or no question. >> abortion is not healthcare. abortion is the murder of a human being. >> senator smith, your reaction to hearing that? >> this just gets at the core of what donald trump with his abortion bans want to accomplish in this country, and with a national band. we believe that women should have control over their own bodies. they are the ones making these decisions. we trust women. they clearly don't trust women. they believe that they should be the ones were controlling the decisions that people make about their healthcare. i am here to tell you that most americans agree with us.
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they want the freedom to make these decisions for themselves. >> the supreme court, as you well know, is expected to roll on emergency abortions possibly this week. here's what one woman in texas that about doctors withholding treatment options during her pregnancy. >> they would get halfway through a sentence and then just stop. scared because of what the laws meant, and how the laws of the state were just taunting these hospital room visits. and it wasn't -- it wasn't their fault. they would pause and just say, i'm so sorry. i can't say anymore. >> senator smith, you are shaking your head in just -- what is going through your head? >> i am thinking about these judges and politicians who act as if they are the ones in the emergency room with these women , these women who are potentially, they say, life- threatening health conditions. and in the case of idaho, we
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have this ridiculous case, they are basically saying, we should be the ones who decide whether a woman is able to get access to the emergency medical care she needs to save her life. because that abortion ban in idaho says abortion is only if a woman is going to die. think about what position that puts physicians in. that's why one in five physicians, ob/gyn's in idaho, are leaving. we went are able to get the healthcare they need. because physicians can't practice in an environment where they are fearful of being prosecuted, of being held criminally liable, and facing jail time. >> senator tina smith. thank you as always for coming to the sunday show. up next, a critical race in a bid to control the house of representatives. i democrats are hyper focused on california's 41st district. will rollins joined me next to
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explain why he is trying to flip a long-held republican seat for the second time. stay with us. ♪♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years.
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rollins is a former federal prosecutor who ran for and lost the same house seat -- house race two years ago. the surprisingly competitive race against republican candidate, ken calvert. he was first elected in 1992 and is california's longest- serving republican in the house. with the recent redistricting in an area that is changing demographically may give rollins a better chance of winning this time. in one of his campaign ads, he cites conservative values to argue that he's a better candidate and his republican opponent. >> they told me the gop stood for smaller government, personal responsibility, law and order, and standing up to russia. the reason i'm a democrat today is the party my grandparents once believed in no longer stands for any of those things. just extremism and the politics of division, which is kept ken calvert in office for 32 years. i'm a lot of what the republican party used to be,
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but isn't anymore. i care about your freedom and your security. >> 20 me now is democratic congressional candidates, will rollins. will, thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. as we mentioned, this is the second time you're going up against congressman calvert. you lost to him by about 11,000 votes in 2022. why are you running again? >> that was the first time i'd ever run for public office and actually spent most of my career in law enforcement, worked as a federal prosecutor at the department of justice, which was a job that i absolutely loved and got to work on cases involving ms-13, the sinaloa cartel, traffickers, and then unfortunately, had to help track down about two dozen of the people that attacked the u.s. capitol on january 6th. i originally decided to run for congress. i always joked kind of impulsively, but the truth is
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that i was mad, because calvert voted to decertify the election and eventually called for dropping charges. i had only about six months after my primary to run in 2022. we almost beat them in the midterms. i know we can get the job done a '24, because we continue to build a coalition of not just democrats, moderate republicans who believe in the rule of law. people like my grandparents. i know that's the kind of coalition it takes to flip a district like this one. >> one of the things that could possibly help you is redistricting. you running in an area that used to be reliably read. but ahead of the last election, your district now includes palm springs, which has a significant gay community. and as an out gay man, do you think it will help you unseat calvert this time around? >> yeah, look. this is part of my life story. on september 11, 2001, i saw
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the north tower collapse, thought about entering the military, but was terrified of being outed like a lot of kids at the time and eventually had to find a different path and service. that's how i made it to counterterrorism at the department of justice. people like ken calvert were still in office who has some of the worst anti-lgbtq voting rights records of anybody in the house voted against letting us serve in the military, voted against the matthew shepard and james byrd jr. prime hate crimes act. that's a powerful motivator for our community. the truth is that equality and freedom for gay americans makes this entire country stronger. i think people see that across party lines and i think that's why we are flipping the seat in november. >> you wrote on twitter, we deserve a representative who cares more about the 750,000 of us in riverside county then one convicted felon in new york. will trump be a factor for voters in your district in this
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election? >> i think he will. and i think people, more importantly, like calvert were in the house of representatives have started saying dangerous comments about the fbi being infiltrated, that the department of justice has weapon iced, that have voted to defund federal law enforcement, that kind of message from the maga caucus in the house of representatives is a huge turnoff to moderate republican voters in my district, to people who believe in the rule of law who believe that the system of justice, that nobody should be above the law in this country. that's why am really proud to have the endorsement from people like the former assembly republican leader, former republican sheriff in riverside county. because there are people of good faith on the other side of the aisle that we can bring to the table in this campaign, and that's how we win seats like california. >> another endorsement you got and i want to mention before we go, you got the palm springs --
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you got the palm springs police officers association endorsement, which is significant, because they endorsed calvert when he ran against him in 2022. will rollins, democratic congressional candidate for california's 41st district. thank you very much for coming to the sunday show. >> you people want to help, they can go to will rollins for >> we also want to note that we did invite congressman ken calvert to come on. didn't hear back. more of the sunday show here on msnbc after a break. straps bot and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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a programming note for tomorrow. you can see the full interview with vice president kamala harris on the second anniversary of the decision to reverse roe v wade at 6:00 a.m. eastern. thank you for watching. i will be back. follow us and catch clips of the show on youtube. you can listen to every episode as a podcast for free. scan the qr code on your screen to follow. don't go anywhere. ayman mohyeldin is next. good evening. all but a rerun. trump and biden debate again this week. republicans hoping


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