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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  June 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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biden was asked if he requested -- if he considered the request to drop the charges. next month, on the 10th of july, julian has an appeal hearing scheduled. that appeal hearing focused on the freedom of expression grounds related to his extradition. i think there was a little bit of a push for the doj to end this before the uk courts heard on this freedom of expression grounds. that's what they have done. they put this plea together. hopefully, it comes to an end and julian can rest and recuperate. as you said his health, it has
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been in decline for many years. we are hoping for him, that he has time to just relax, be with his family, recuperate his health and just be a normal person again. >> thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your -- this moment you are having as a family. we appreciate it. that's going to do it for us. see you back here tomorrow. andrea mitchell picks up our coverage right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," ready for a rematch. presidents biden and former president trump, cramming in their own ways, focusing on the tactics and their opponent's triggering ahead of the first presidential debate now just two days away. israel's defense minister at the pentagon today after
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criticizing prime minister netanyahu. the man behind one of the most damning leaks of u.s. classified documents in history, setting julian assange on a path to life as a free man. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. biden campaign insiders telling nbc news the president is preparing to face off with two different versions of donald trump on the debate stage thursday. as they describe him, the combative and sometimes unhinged trump, who uses extreme rhetoric at his rallies or the more disciplined donald trump who biden advisors say the president is still going to attempt to trigger by getting under his skin. that's their game plan. "the new york times" is reporting a movie theater and airplane hangar have been transformed into a mock debate stage as more than a dozen
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advisors are converging for the fifth day of prep. these photos are of the president there last summer. the trump team is praising biden as a good debater after years of trying to diminish him. today, mr. trump is back at mar-a-lago after a closed door fund-raiser in new orleans last night. over the weekend, he hinted at two possible approaches that he might take on thursday. >> should i be tough and nasty and say, you are the worst president in history? or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? >> we begin with nbc news senior white house correspondent kelly o'donnell and "washington post" national political reporter ashley parker. how is biden preparing to throw trump off his campaign? is there concern how much needling trump could play with
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the voters? >> reporter: in preparation, part of what the team has been doing is looking at examples of donald trump. there are so many on the campaign trail. also looking at local interviews where that more controlled donald trump sometimes shows up. looking at ways that could potentially prompt what they hope the american people will see, to see the kind of donald trump that has a short fuse or goes off on tangents or talks about things that are very much a different vision than president biden wants to present about his leadership and what the country needs going forward. it's a tactical approach. it's also rooted in the policy and idea preparation that the president has been doing, looking at the portfolios of accomplishments he will argue his administration has made and the priorities and plans for going forward. substance, style, tactical moves to try to have the best night possible for the president.
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embracing the idea that this is high stakes. it's one of the earlier debates we have seen. it comes at a time when the race has been consistently tight and trying to find an event that could change that dynamic and help to reach voters who have not yet made up their mind or might be persuadable. it's about those kinds of ways of having a donald trump in the room at camp david with president biden as he prepares through his personal lawyer and having teams of experts both from the white house and the campaign side who are giving the president the kind of prep that he wants to use going into thursday night. >> ashley, we have seen a change in donald trump's rhetoric about president biden. he has been calling him the worst debater, then a worthy challenger. how is the trump campaign trying to reset expectations? >> you are seeing it in the former president's words. he has spent the past year
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trying to claim that president biden is feeble and a puppet whose strings are being pulled by others and not up to the job. now you are hearing him say, he is quite a strong debater and saying without evidence, to be very clear with no evidence that president biden may get a shot of some substance to help, quote, jack him up and make him have a good debate performance. you are seeing donald trump try to play the -- he is trashing the two moderators saying it's going to be unfair. while he is not doing the sort of traditional prep that kelly outlined so well that president biden is doing, he is in the court of public opinion trying to work things in his favor. >> ashley, you have written so much of your reporting with those who are the double haters or double doubters. what could happen thursday night
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that would turn them off of both of these candidates? >> to be fair, the challenge with this group is they are pretty turned off from both of these candidates. although, a lot of them i talk to have said, i'm going to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. something that could turn them off of donald trump is -- this is what they told me. they don't like his behavior, his personality. that's why president biden is trying to get under his skin and show the short fuse trump that americans came to know and largely dislike. they had a lot of concerns about both men's age, but especially president biden's age. something that could turn them off or make them more concerned about president biden would be a physical or verbal stumble. him forgetting something. him not able to go toe to toe and match wits with former president trump. >> ashley parker, kelly
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o'donnell, as the anticipation mounts, thank you both so much. before the biden and trump campaigns can face off on the debate thursday night, the two parties are in hand-to-hand combat in several primary fights and key house races that could affect whoever wins the white house. steve kornacki is at the big board for us. it's primary day. let's start with the white house. where are the numbers? is this still a race that's so tight? >> yeah. tight is certainly the word that applies when you look at numbers like this. here is an average of the national polls going back six weeks to the start of may. trump, 43.9, biden, 43.6. we have had quite a bit happen in the six weeks, including the conviction of donald trump in manhattan to the extent there's been any movement from that, if
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there has been, it's been extremely slight. of course, this is pointing to an election that's going to be decided on the margins by some potentially swing of half a point this way, half a point that way. underscores the challenges, the opportunities and the risks for each candidate as they head to the debate stage thursday night. >> what about some of the races? talk to me about new york. >> these house races, very interesting. two relatively -- in colorado and new york, two relatively junior members of the house. but each has a national reputation, national profile. each one has been the subject of lots of controversy and different circumstances and different expectations. we have had -- we are looking, tracking incumbent members of the house have any loss so far. one in alabama. that was when two republican districts were merged together. of course, there's the bob good situation in virginia. looks like he is going to lose. it has not been certified.
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let's dive into new york. you have bowman being challenged by latimer. a lot of the race has to do with the national perception, the israel-hamas war with pro-israel side supporting strongly latimer going against bowman. it's a bronx west chester district just north of new york city. about 94% of the vote is going to come out of west chester county. 6% is going to come out of the bronx. bowman had a couple of primary challengers in 2022, district was about the same back then. in the west chester portion of the district, bowman won by four points. his margin came from getting 90% plus of the vote in the bronx section of the district. even before now, there was, with jamaal bowman, a lot of antipathy towards him in the
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west chester part of the district. now it's two years later, two years more controversy. in the wake of october 7th and the israel-hamas war and his comments -- there's a sense in west chester, his support might have eroded further and puts him into danger. >> apec has rallied so much money. this could be one of the most expensive house races in history. that makes a big difference. i know that area well. i grew up in that area. that was our district in west chester. that could drive turnout. bowman has had bernie sanders and aoc, a whole lot of progressive democrats campaigning on his behalf. elizabeth warren, i think. >> yeah, absolutely. they were there over the weekend. the names you are mentioning. that rally -- there was a rally that got a lot of attention. it wasn't held in the 16th congressional district. it was in the bronx but not in a part of the bronx that's in this
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district right here. one other thing to note as well, in terms of west chester county, all the counties in the country, there's more than 3,100. it has the 12th highest concentration of jewish voters. you talk about a potential backlash to bowman and the stand he has taken. there are towns, sections of this district in west chester county that have close to, perhaps have actual jewish majority populations. those were towns where bowman was already doing poorly in those 2022 -- with the 2022 primary challenge. we will see tonight, one of the things we are looking for, does the floor fall out from beneath him in those places? >> it's fascinating. of course, lauren boebert in colorado in a new district. steve kornacki, you have your work cut out for you tonight. those are late closing polls in new york. thank you. thursday, racial and team are leading special coverage and analysis of the first
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presidential debate hosted by cnn. watch thursday at 7:00 eastern right here on msnbc. balance of power, democrats trying to hold on to the senate, making republican threats to abortion rights and other reproductive programs a central part of their case. tina smith joining me next when "andrea mitchell reports" is back in 90 seconds. stay with us. you are watching msnbc. from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade.
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alarm about what could happen to abortion and reproductive rights if republicans keep the house and/or elect donald trump. joining me now is senator tina smith of minnesota, vice chair of the democratic senate campaign committee. the map is against you this time. you take turns. last time you had some advantages. this time, you have more seats in play. you have joe manchin retiring. that was already going to be a problem. you have a tough republican in maryland. and, of course, montana is another -- always a tough fight for democrats. what are you looking at? >> thank you, andrea. i'm glad to be with you today. i actually feel a ton of optimism about our candidates for a variety of reasons. our senators are tried and true. they know their states. they are loved and respected in their states.
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also, the issues are on our side. on the other hand, you have republican candidates that are -- some cases they are not even from the state that they are seeking to represent. on the issue of reproductive freedom, we are a day past the commemoration of the loss of roe and what impact that has had on women's lives, people's lives in this country. in every single case, our candidates are on the side of fighting for reproductive freedom. the republican candidates have all opposed women's freedom to make their own decisions about their health care. this is going to be one of the most decisive issues in the campaigns. it favors our candidates. >> in terms of the debate coming up on thursday, what is your advice to joe biden? what do you want to see him focusing on? he will be on defense on immigration. he will have to defend inflation, even though it's coming down. what are his good trigger points? >> i expect the president to be strong and forceful. he performs well under pressure.
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he is a seasoned and wise and experienced leader. what i hope will happen -- and i expect will happen -- is americans will see two different visions for this country. joe biden and kamala harris are fighting for people's freedom and to make their own decisions about their lives and giving them power to be able to build the lives that they want. on the other hand, you have donald trump who doesn't trust women, who is wanting to put more power in the hands of big corporations and who said he wants to be a dictator on day one. that difference is going to be very clearly laid out by the president. it will be a really important moment for americans to see what the differences are between these two candidates and also be reminded of the chaos of the former president -- the trump administration. i think people are going to look at that and go, i don't want to go back to that. >> before i let you go, being from minnesota, i want to ask you about the extraordinary flooding and the railroad bridge
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went down, i'm not sure if that was iowa or minnesota, but the dam was under threat. what do you know about the dam? are you getting help you need from fema? >> it's just really a terrible time. i was looking at some of the damage that we are experiencing in southern minnesota a couple of days ago. this dam is holding. but there's a lot of water that's seeping behind the dam, as you can see on the image. i don't believe we're in danger of people losing their lives. everybody that has to be evacuated has been. minnesotans are going through a lot right now with so much water. we are grateful that -- i know the white house will be there for us as we measure up, count up the damage with governor walls and senator klobuchar and figure whether national assistance will work for us. >> senator tina smith, thank you so much for being with us today.
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>> thank you. mending fences. israel's prime minister hit with an israeli supreme court decision that could threaten his hold on power. that's next. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. ." this is msnbc. iberogast bloating iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast. wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. (man) every time i needed a new phone,
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on october 7th. it shows them being taken away by armed militants. in israel, israel's defense minister is at the pentagon today. he is trying to smooth over tensions between prime minister netanyahu's conduct plus the threat of escalation in the north. joining us, ben rhodes. ben, this public rift between the white house and netanyahu is troubling on its face, but now you've got him -- the hostage families are challenging him. now the supreme court has come out with an opinion that orthodox men have to be eligible for the draft rather than excused to do their studies. this is threatening the right wing ministes and his coalition. can netanyahu survive these competing pressures?
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>> well, he is a political survivor if nothing else. the reality is he is facing pressure from different fronts right now. i think the families have been very disappointed and angry, understandably, that he has not embraced the proposal for a cease-fire. the administration had a proposal but netanyahu said he didn't want the phased proposal that the u.s. has been pushing. he wanted something smaller that he knos hamas will not accept. for his political survival, his coalition to survive, he draws on support from right wing parties, including ultra orthodox parties that have as their own red line the israeli government not getting rid of that exception from military service. as you know, this has been very polarizing in israeli society.
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there's conscription for everybody else. most people, including most of the centrists that netanyahu's relied upon, have wanted to get rid of this exception. the israeli supreme court siding with the majority of israeli society and saying that exception needs to go. this is a trying time for netanyahu. what he has done is turn to his right flank to try to shore up his right flank. he cannot afford to lose the support of those ultra orthodox parties. he is going to try to muddle through this. these different positions are getting harder to reconcile. >> aside from the political threats, there's the military threat from hezbollah which is getting increasingly dangerous. they have 150,000 plus missiles. there's pressure from the families and the political leaders from the north. they have been evacuated for 90,000 people, it's a school
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year approaching. they want to get home. some of them are advocating to take on hezbollah in the north, open up a second front. >> that's right. this is something the biden administration has been trying to prevent since october 7. the reality is that netanyahu political identity rests on that he is mr. security. that took a huge blow on october 7th, the most deadly terrorist attack in israel's history. now the challenge for netanyahu has been the fact that there have been these evacuations of tens of thousands of israelis pretty much since the days after october 7th. the question is rising, why can't you secure northern israel against the hezbollah rockets? there's a major escalation into lebanon, hezbollah is a much more powerful force than hamas. they have a more significant rocket capability. if there's an all-out war between israel and hezbollah in lebanon, not only could that be
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catastrophic for lebanon, which has gone through a lot, it could light this region more on fire. hezbollah has many allies in different parts of the region. earlier in the war, we saw them engaged with u.s. forces. the challenge here is preventing this whole thing from becoming one big escalation across the region, particularly in lebanon. you are seeing active diplomacy from the administration to try to tamp this down. >> as if that were not enough, there are reports across israeli media, netanyahu's wife told the hostage families that the military is trying to carry out a coup against the prime minister because of their criticism of his military policy and his maximalist approach to hamas which they say is not achievable. saying they are trying a military coup against the prime minister.
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>> it's just -- it's not the case. the reality is that the israeli military leadership have been public with their concerns. the concerns articulated by the minister of defense and others are that there's no clear end game in gaza. there's no achievable objective. you can't eradicate hamas military when they have political leadership outside the country and they have blended into the population in different parts of gaza. they regenerated in parts of gaza. there's no plan for who will administer gaza. the u.s. wants the palestinian authority to do that. netanyahu has not put forward a plan. that's what gallant was complaining about. the bottom line is that the root of all this is a lack of a clear plan from netanyahu about the future of gaza. what's the military end game, military objective? that's why you see building pressures on him. it's in the vacuum of a plan. the hostage families want the hostages released, understandably. people in the north want to go
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home. these things cannot be achieved with the ongoing military operation. that's creating this escalation risk. i think that they are not good answers we have seen from netanyahu. his focus seems to be on his own political survival and holding enough support to keep his coalition together. that objective is at odds with the reality on the ground all around. that's creating this variety of tensions that he is dealing with. >> as you say, he is a survivor politically. ben rhodes, thank you so much. the face-off, people who worked on past debates are predicting for thursday's showdown. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc t? buckle up! whoa! there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a 400 dollar professional treatment. pilot: prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. ♪♪ lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin.
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as we are looking forward to thursday's historic debate between president biden and donald trump, hillary clinton, the only person to have debated both men, is sounding an alarm about the role of political theater in choosing candidates. hardly a disinterested observer, clinton writes, when you see these two men side by side, think about the real choice in this election is between chaos and competence. joining me now is lani chen, he worked on debate prep for
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romney, and doug high. this could be calm. it could unravel. what do you predict? >> we have seen that before. what i'm interested in is where donald trump said, who should i be? should i be the calm person or should i be a wrecking ball? we know he does wrecking ball very well, very effectively. donald trump for 90 minutes goes in a lot of different directions. i may start as one and morph into the other. with biden, some is the same issue. biden was loud and forceful. had a lot of back and forth with republican members of congress that benefitted him. a lot of democrats said afterwards, this is a game changer. the game didn't change. if biden does well on thursday night, the game doesn't change either. this is a 162-game season.
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both candidates need to lock as well as they can every step of the way. >> arguably, donald trump doesn't have to inspire or reassure the maga base. he needs the undecideds and the double haters or double doubters. you have done debate prep with romney and rubio. how do you prepare anyone to debate someone like donald trump? >> extremely difficult. this is a little bit like trying to respond to someone who you know is going to stick a lot of stuff up against the wall, and some will stick, some won't. fundamentally, i think for joe biden, the task is really about reminding people of the years when donald trump was in office, drawing that contrast with his four years and donald trump's four years. remember, these are two incumbents. they are well defined. they have well-defined policy decisions and records. it's about drawing the contrast. for trump, the focus really needs to be on issues. this will be a challenge for
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sure. on the key issue dynamics in this campaign, whether it's immigration or the economy or other issues that americans say they care about, donald trump in the polling at least has an advant he needs to go to that point if he wants to, in my mind, have the strongest ground in this debate. we will see if both are able to get to their preferred places. the challenge is to secretary clinton's point, this is all about political theater. debates are not necessarily about substantive exchanges on policy anymore. they are about theater. that's something i think whether we like it or not, that's the reality. >> what hillary clinton learned is that you can prepare as much as you want on policy, but what people took away from it is either -- it didn't make a difference or she won all the policy points against donald trump, but that he didn't lose the debate. >> look, one of the things we know is how donald trump likes to throw sand in his opponent's
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eyes. where does he do that with joe biden? it's easy to see donald trump get a question on the federal reserve and use that to talk about how he loves all of his grandchildren and joe, do you love all of your grandchildren? to use that as a talking point over and over again. i think trump needs to talk about those issues where he is beating joe biden in the polls, immigration and the border and costs and prices, especially. biden has to address that as well, because he is in a deficit on that. when you talk to the 25% of voters who are double haters, they view this as the movable object against the resistible force. if one can stand strong, it's not a game changer, but it helps them moving forward. >> we will have to keep talking to you guys. thank you so much. home free. wikileaks founder julian assange flying back towards australia to
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an american commonwealth in the middle of the pacific, the south pacific, and a plea deal with the justice department, closing the book on one of the worst leaks in american history. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. " onc or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married.
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helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. julian assange is expected to plead guilty to the largest leak of classified documents in u.s. history.
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it's part of an unusual plea deal with the justice department. he is expected to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disseminate classified information and prison time for the five years he has served in england. joining me now is paul charlton and joyce vance, a former u.s. attorney and a professor at the university of alabama's school of law. paul, tell me what you think of the plea deal. >> well, andrea, in a limited sense, this plea is like every other plea. there's a give from the government, a give from the defense, and a compromise. in the vast majority of facts, this is one of the most unusual plea agreements i have ever seen. to begin with the fact that this is taking place in the a commonwealth. the only other commonwealth is puerto rico. the government says mr. assange wanted to be as close as he
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could to australia. i'm sure joyce will agree to say typically the government doesn't usually do this. this plea agreement and sentencing will take place on the same day. you will recall in the trump manhattan case, former president trump had to conduct an interview to help the judge understand what's the best sentence here. this judge isn't going to have that opportunity. the plea will take place tomorrow. the sentencing will take place on the same day and he will be on his way, if all goes well for him, to australia. the government said, you have spent a little more than five years in prison in great britain. the united states government are going to accept that time spent in a foreign prison as time spent in a u.s. prison. if you put all of these facts
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together, it tells me that this was a deal that both mr. assange and the united states government wanted to get done and get done very, very quickly. >> joyce, let's turn to another issue of classified documents, very different, donald trump. the hearing in florida, judge cannon again today -- yesterday, she reprimanded the prosecution team from jack smith's office saying she didn't appreciate his tone. he was arguing for restraint similar to a gag order on the false claims from donald trump that there was something about his affidavit that was in any way different from any other search warrant, which the government feels could be threatening to all fbi employees, all fbi agents, who are serving warrants. she took offense at that. what is going on down there? >> right. she's held almost three days of argument on motions that are
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fairly pedestrian, that could have been handled on the papers. from reporters inside of the courtroom, we understand that prosecutors were frustrated because they were all dressed up and ready to go for this lengthy and seemingly unnecessary hearing and once they got into the courtroom, the judge seemed unwilling to let them make their arguments. prosecutors knowing that this is likely headed for an appeal if she rules against them have got to get their arguments on the record so an appellate court can consider them. you can understand why prosecutors were frustrated here. >> at this point, she's asking for briefs on what the threats could be so they can make their arguments in a brief. then she's going to have another hearing on the briefs, potentially. this is going on forever and ever. when will it get to the 11th circuit that you are so familiar with? if she turns them down on this, they could take it to the 11th circuit and try to get some kind of ruling. >> right.
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she will actually have to make a ruling before there can be an appeal. we have been waiting for that. she scheduled the hearing almost 30 days after the government made this request. it's not a straight-up gag order. it's a request to modify donald trump's terms of pre-trial release. if she denies the government's request, they are entitled to take an immediate appeal to the 11th circuit. i think her request for more briefing here is merited in this limited sense. she told the government she was concerned that they hadn't shown her a direct enough harm between the potential that donald trump would make these comments and that there might be fbi agents put at risk. she's giving the government the opportunity to put more evidence into the record. i'm sure they will take advantage of that opportunity. >> joyce vance, paul charlton, thanks to both of you. still to come, striking a cord. youtube and the state department partnering to promote peace,
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rolling out a roster of new global music ambassadors. my conversation with one of them next. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. . the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. let's get started. talk to a healthcare provider bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space?
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powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪♪ country singer lanie wilson wowing the summer concert crowd on the plaza and the "today" show this morning. wilson with chuck dee, herbie hancock and others have been picked by the state department to serve as ambassadors of american culture abroad. tony blinken playing guitar in a rock band, reviving a state department tradition that goes back decades. from louis armstrong in the congo to duke ellington in india, america's best musicians have often served as our cultural ambassadors. chuck dee spoke alongside secretary blinken yesterday about why he's joining the effort. >> so, this is nutrition, it is
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beyond governments, plural, but the responsibility for governments in this world collectively, you don't want the music and the culture to be run by governments so it is not, nor do you want it to be run by industry. so, we as a culture in music have a wish and a demand and a dream to keep those two areas accountable, responsible and to balance out this earth to teach human beings true peace, not just in talk, but in action. >> i sat down with assistant secretary of state for education and cultural affairs elise satirefield and country singer and songwriter breelen who talk about the program. first, the importance to secretary blinken and to you as a cultural ambassador of bringing all these great musicians together and giving them ambassador status, which means a lot overseas and here at
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home, to go abroad and tell people more about america. >> yeah. we're so proud that secretary blinken and the head of global music at youtube are announcing a new partnership to elevate the role that music can play in diplomacy. and we're excited to announce a new slate, a new generation of american artists who are going to promote peace all around the world and use their voices to connect with people in communities, and to bring us together. now is the time. >> and now more than ever music is as they say universal. breelen, why do you and certainly a younger generation of musicians, but preceded by duke ellington and louis armstrong, why do you want to be part of this? >> yeah, as you said, i'm definitely standing on the shoulders of giants here some of the most iconic and influential
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artists of our times have been able to do exactly what it is that we are given the opportunity to do here. and i consider it to be a major honor. i just think for me within my career, beale a black artist in country music, my music is kind of different than a lot of the other music within the format. and i've always tried to build bridges domestically here in america between the different genres and i've traveled abroad and tried to build bridges in that way as well. and i think this is a really natural extension of something that is really important to me, which is using music to bring people together and unify communities. >> we want to bring together americans and people from all over the world to really highlight the point that we have more in common than we have that is different between us. and elevate music because it transcends borders and goes beyond barriers and reaches people at their core and can
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find a way to connect and show that we need to choose love and peace and understanding and getting to know one another again. and it has been 75 years since the first jazz ambassador went out on behalf of the united states, and 40 years ago we are the world where american artists collaborated on something important and meaningful. and so we really feel like now is the time again to call on these amazing storytellers, and artists and musicians and songwriters to do what we can to make the world a stronger, safer place. >> and you mentioned herbie hancock, denise graves is one of those ambassadors, a hero of mine and great cultural ambassador here at home and abroad. so, breland, what is it about your generation that is important, you know, to communicate here? because you are uniquely a country star, a black star,
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young. >> yeah, yeah. i think for my generation, you know, there are so many young people around the world that are connected now in ways that we really haven't been historically because we have the internet, but i think music allows us to see each other's humanity in a new way. you know, being music innately promotes empathy, allows us to understand each other's stories or shared experiences and realizing that there actually is so much more that unites us than there is that divides us. and that's why i think it is so powerful, you know. i think back to some experiences that i've had, we played shows in different countries, played shows over in amsterdam, where, you know, english isn't the primary language. and i'm playing my shows and, you know, trying to tell my jokes and do what i would normally do and nobody is really responding and i asked crowd, hey, how many of you all don't speak english as your primary
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language and it was almost everybody in there. and i was, like, oh, okay, let me go back to the music and they're singing along with every word. and i'm, like, that just goes to show you how powerful it can be. even though we don't speak the same language or we don't have the same upbringing or might not even share a lot of the same beliefs, we can all agree on the music and i think that's a really great starting point. >> well, congratulations to you, you're a great ambassador. ambassador breland, nice to see you. secretary satterfield, thank you so much. >> thank you. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow the show on social media at mitchell reports and you can watch the best parts of the show anytime on youtube. go to "chris jansing reports" starts right now. good day. i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. a rematch for the