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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  June 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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college ball in philly. it's driving me crazy. >> the knicks did extremely well this year and took us to places we haven't been in a long time. new york pride with the knicks. hope next year we go further. >> as long as it's not the celtics, we can agree on that? >> go knicks, not going to get into that. >> not getting into that. you always look fly. >> thank you. >> comes with the turf. but before i let you go, anything you want to tell us about what is sparkling there? >> this is a diplomat shirt gifted to me by a designer from japan, name was mike. get obama one of those, too. david has his number. jim jones, david plouffe, thanks
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to you. "the reid out" starts now. ♪♪ >> tonight on "the reid out." >> donald trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental american value. he doesn't care about you, only himself and will hurt anyone and anything in pursuit of power. >> republican adam kensinger endorsing president biden as they try their best to lower expectations and make absurd accusations about biden. the supreme court has sprung another leak, this time accidentally releasing what appears to be a draft decision in an ohio abortion case. we begin with a question to
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pierce through the noise about the debate. will it matter? as a concept, it matters deeply. a democracy depends on pitching policies for the country. that's a normal part of an election, candidates who present themselves in a civil way as they have done since the beginning of the country. that's not what we have. we have a normal president and a former president who rants and rambles and lies. a 44 count felon and coup plotter who tried to steal an election and admires dictators. who likes vengeance and said he will be a dictator. hates black and brown americans but lots of seeming respect for
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leaders like hitler. this is how we've always done it right? but the normal formula doesn't work for someone like trump. so we don't get debates, we have dumpster fires. that's how the lincoln project portrayed trump's so-called debate prep. >> unemployment is 100% or biden. >> since lincoln. >> what about schools sir? >> let them eat bootstraps, they want the guillotine, that's why they scheduled shark week during my campaign. election interference, the sharks. biden so confused. i'm a hammerhead and everyone looks like a nail. off with their head. you think sharknado happens in a
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vacuum? >> that's objectively funny, i would watch that show. but a good point. how can the debate matter, the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist is also absurd. what matters is democracy. not saying don't pay attention, but donald trump is dangerous and he's not hiding what he intends to do. project 2025 is a real thing and threat to all americans, a blueprint for his presidency should he win, a chilling roadmap for the subversion of checks and balances, creation of new authoritarian executive powers and christianizing the federal government. this debate? even the maga minions are trying to lower expectations after months of going after president biden's mental acuity. take a listen. >> trump's team should not underestimate joe biden and his
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team's ability to, you know -- whether they're going to jack him up on mountain dew, whatever it is. >> no one expects that joe biden will be on cocaine, but they ask question and they're objectively -- i think it makes sense why, people are asking will he be on energy drinks or something. look, his energy levels vary depending what format and forum he's in. >> okay, what? but if this dig on a low energy candidate hopped up on coke and mountain dew sounds familiar, it is the literal same attack trump hurled add hillary clinton in 2016. >> i think she's actually getting pumped up. you want to know the truth, she's getting pumped up. you understand. in fact we're going to be talking about that in a few minutes. she's getting pumped up for wednesday night. >> he never has new material.
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this is what trump is saying about president biden now. >> is anybody going to watch the debate? he's going to be so pumped up, pumped up. >> the truth is, the only candidate who sounds manic is donald trump. it is impossible to debate him and arguably a waste of time. he interrupts, bullies and stalks and acts creepy, says the white supremacy out loud. he had a rough night in a primary, a trio of his endorsed candidates losing. trump endorsement is not the prize it once was. the party is not entirely unified behind him. are we entirely sure he will even show up? this is our political reality we
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have to question whether the presumptive nominee will be on stage. will the debate matter? cofounder of the lincoln project, host of podcast. and cohost of "how to win 2024." jennifer, you're the obama campaign veteran, and hillary campaign. we'll talk about her debate with him. it is summer, people taking their kids to camp. will it matter? >> i think it's going to matter a lot. what biden's team has been trying to do is show everyone the visual. these are in fact your two choices. lot of people want somebody other than biden or trump. but get him on stage without an
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audience where he can say he's the one responsible for the trump abortion ban, who will not accept -- he won't accept outcomes like he has a fair trial, that democratic outcome, and he can say the digital moment you can edit from that of everything he's accomplished. it's something, a reset. >> the content. >> it's a content reset. that's important for democrats because it's hard to break through and you want to do it early. >> donald trump will be sentenced in july. his convention is 15th through the 18th. two days after he's sentenced. don't know if he will have an ankle bracelet on. then the democratic convention in august this. debate happens, what is the immediate result as a veteran of the other side? otherwise just play the cartoon.
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which i would watch. >> need to send that out wired. you have a debate with a rational actor, in joe biden, a normal person, as you pointed out. donald trump is used to having a dramatic presence, lurking over hillary clinton, or throwing in all over the place. this debate is formalized and structured. they've said for weeks that joe biden is senile, can barely walk and talk. he shows up at state of the union, correspondents dinner, himself, donald trump loses the debate. they'll spin after it. but he can't control himself, goes off on weird stories about sharks, batteries, refrigerators and washing machines. it's going to remind people that the instability and craziness
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they wanted to forget about is the only choice if you want to vote republican. he's going to be in a tight situation trying to spin it after. not going to work out. >> just to remind people, there's an amnesia effect people forget how weird he is. here is he debating hillary clinton. a little bit of that. >> my social security payroll contribution will go up, as will donald's, assuming he can't figure out how to get out of it. but what we want to do is replenish -- >> such a nasty woman. >> try to get the costs down. here's what i don't want people to forget, talking about reining in the costs, the highest priority of the next president -- he would rather have a puppet as president. >> no puppet, you're the puppet. >> you won't admit that the russians -- >> bad memories, flashbacks to 2016. i watched all the debates in
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realtime, and hillary clinton won all of them. even the moderator won. but in the end he won. >> i think debates matter a lot and really to democrats because it's hard to break through. it's hard to hold him accountable at all. biden can't -- this is your only opportunity to do that. he couldn't go on stage worried about what he's going to do. the fact there's not an audience is biden's help. but without it, maybe he will control himself. they'll look at him quizzically when he goes on about sharks. so biden can take the opportunity to say things the american people need to hear about abortion and roe, about the economics and things he's
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done. he's got to go out thinking just that. and biden, that first debate in 2020, that was a debacle. >> train wreck. >> but biden is good at the aside. he can throw it back. >> i have a clip. montage of donald trump debating biden. take a look. >> guess what, a lot of people die and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter a lot quicker -- >> stand back and stand by. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> the radical left. >> will you shut up, man? >> that was my favorite line. >> i have it on a t-shirt. >> you have been great at trolling donald trump, it's great, the lincoln project what should biden do? >> say donald, you're not the same guy. >> he calls president obama
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barack, they're friends. so he should call him donald right? >> it also bothers trump dramatically to call him donald, little donald, wee donald. but bring up, say donald you're a failure. you failed. i've led a strong administration. stronger on jobs, national defense and the border than you ever were. you failed. when we beat you and we'll beat you again, you launched an attack on the capitol. drive hard on it. wouldn't surprise me you would do that because you're a criminal. convicted felon with 44 counts. that's not who people want as president. drive it up to him. he needs to be hit in the face. bullies don't suspend well to being punched in the nose. joe biden can't go thinking he's
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going to say paragraph 84 of the inflation reduction act did this. he has to say i won, you lost. i accomplished things you never good. >> mary trump's book, the thing that comes through is the word that hurts him most is fail. thing they were not allowed to be was failures in that family. he's sensitive to failure and not being loved. he's very needy. it does seem there are key words biden could use. fail is one, felon feels like a good one. is that what the biden team is drilling him on to get these words in to bug him? >> they will. you can't, if you try to -- let your candidate go out with too many things in their head, that is not good. >> overprepare. >> and most important is for people to see biden with a good, strong performance. if he's flummoxed because
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something doesn't land, it's not as important as the juxtaposition of the two of them, and him hitting key points. if you're trying to do too much -- but biden is good at this already. he has zero respect for donald trump. >> why would he? >> not having any respect for someone born wealthy and didn't work hard. this is deep. i don't think he's intimidated by trump the way that the republicans want to say. >> are you all as offended as i am about the fact that it's possible for this person, who is a felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter, to stand next to the actual president and we're supposed to take him seriously? there's something deeply offensive about that. should biden exhibit that? >> i was writing ads for republicans, i would say why would the president stand with a
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convicted felon! associating with someone with 34 felonies. you can see it inverted. but i'm offended by the fact that donald trump has practically universal support by the republican party even though they know who he is. biden should say to trump, i talked with a lot of republicans, and they want to work with me. doing infrastructure, they show up for the ribbon cutting. >> name names, john kelly, adam kinzinger, why are they with me? >> 42 of the 44 people who worked with you as senior officials. >> name them. the thing that people still are bothered about is his age. he can't do anything about it. he's old guy. he does well when he leans into it, makes fun of it. >> make fun of yourself but also
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make the point that he has the breadth of experience no american president has had, all needed in this moment. i may walk slow, i may not speak as strongly as i once did, but that comes with all of it. >> and end every sentence with, at least i'm not a felon. >> you could, for sure. but also, joe biden should say i'm 81 years old, i'm not the man i was 20 years ago or ten years ago, but like millions of other americans i'm a man in full and believe every morning when i wake up i can still do good for the country and people and millions of americans believe that, too, they're staying active, volunteering. he has a chance to talk to voters in his demographic who, a lot of them tend to vote republican, and think he can
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reach some of those people and own the age issue. doesn't have to be self-deprecating, just acknowledge it. >> age is wisdom. >> as jennifer correctly pointed out, he has a unique portfolio of experience no other president has it. >> to maneuver between ukraine and nato and gaza. >> may not want to lean into that. >> could be another president with not as much experience could be in a more difficult situation. when you look how leaders are doing in other countries, they're not as popular as biden and they're making mistakes. only thing people say about biden, not he's not doing a good job, just he's old. and. >> and we have the best economy in the world. we made it matter. people will love it without the
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cartoon. which is awesome. the supreme court showing ineptitude again posting what appears to be a draft report of an abortion case and corruption. coming up after this. se and cor. coming up after this but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i've had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule.
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moment we got three new decisions from the supreme court. it was only supposed to be two, but the court accidentally posted a rough draft of another key case whether or not a hospital in idaho can perform emergency abortions to protect the life of a mother. bloomberg was the only media outlet to catch the post. the court doesn't think they can weigh in so they're sending it back to the local court. bold move for a court with federalist society ideology. the second leak in two years is another ding against the roberts court mired in ethical scandals with thomas and alito who accept gifts from major political players, perhaps call them bribes or gratuities. to that point, this morning they
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did what they were put on the court to do, make political corruption easier in the name of deregulation. james schneider, former republican mayor in indiana, convicted of taking money from a trucking company after he steered city contracts to the company. his lawyers claimed it wasn't a bribe, rather a gratuity. justice brett kavanaugh writing on behalf of his fellow conservatives who have received gratuities from benefactors, said it wasn't a crime to accept gratuity, and to say so would be infringing on federalist principles. she writes snyder's absurd and
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atextual reading of the statue is one only today's court could love. the tail wagging the dog. she ends with this, the real bone the majority has to pick with the law is the concern about overregulation. that's it. regulating or reining in blackmail, bribery and corruption is bad for business. public officials should be free to receive financial rewards forring partisan bidding if you call it gratuity, donated trip to bali, alaska or a gifted vehicle. fun. senior editor for slate, your thoughts. >> i think the dissent is shading them because she goes out of her way to say the majority view of bribery, artificially excludes gifts paid after the fact based on a wink
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rather than a handshake saying it's corrosive to democratic function. we rely on officials to represent all of us, not just the wealthy and corporate class. here it was a $13,000 check, cold hard cash. >> i was their consultant after i got the million dollars. >> he said it was like family giving a gift to a beloved postal worker. >> that's a lot of delivered mail. >> it's undermining our ability to feel represented by our elected officials. >> in the back and forth, you see increasingly nasty back and forth, everybody wants to write a concurrence or a dissent. it's getting ugly. in the case of bribery, you have justice jackson saying this ain't complicated, read the law.
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you can't take gifts, gratuities, end of story. she's making the textual argument. then the other leaked draft we weren't supposed to see but got a peek at, you read the back and forth, nasty. alito is claiming he knows what the law says, you can never provide abortion in any circumstances, i'm going to act like a doctor and explain it. then he names the other justices, especially the liberal women, says they don't know what they're talking about, can't read the statute. >> there's bad blood, we're seeing in the case about corruption and the leaked draft. if we take it to be true, what the supreme court has done is punted this really important issue about emergency abortions past the 2024 election. there's no reason it couldn't decide now. >> they heard the oral
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arguments. we listened. they have all the briefs. they could just make a decision. alito does have one point, why not just decide it. could it be that roberts is afraid that they will lose and trigger more deaths and people having to be flown out of idaho and texas? >> i think roberts is ready to vote against it and the biden administration. he and barrett and kavanaugh will vote to ban emergency abortions with a woman's health in jeopardy, but we know this is a politically toxic issue for republicans. joe biden is out with victims of these bans saying this is what donald trump has wrought and what his supreme court did overturning dobbs. the supreme court doesn't want to confirm it legalized extraordinary human suffering. so it's seizing on an unbelievable technicality to say
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maybe 2025 will be a better time for us. >> other thing that goes through the cases is the chaos their rulings create. create chaos with dobbs and they have to clean up in other rulings. maybe you can get medicine. then mess up guns. then try to clean it up. make law trying to make american law today fit the 18th century, which you can't do it. chaos ensues and they try to clean it up. >> and doesn't work. >> and defending old decisions. >> all the conservative judges blazing with academic theories to make the law align with 1789. in practice it sows chaos, they're a chaos agent and has the gall to blame the lower courts for being confused about their decisions overturning precedent. you throw everything into the
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air, no idea what is going to come next, lower court judges are searching in the dark for guiding principles to decide important cases and the supreme court won't offer it. they have themselves to blame for the mayhem in the judiciary. >> are you saying you can't apply laws that existed when women and black people were property to 2024? >> i would actually say it turns out women and black people have given a lot to our democracy, made it fairer, stabler and more equal and we should listen to what they have to say and how they have changed the law and apply those laws rather than reaching back to the white, slave-owning wealthy men and what they said the law should be. we used to do that and it worked out well for society. >> say more on this idea that john roberts is timing these
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cases. we're waiting for immunity, maybe they'll drop it tomorrow to change the news cycle. he's timing cases to not hurt donald trump's chance to become president. >> that's a possibility. or sam alito or clarence thomas is dragging out a dissent behind the scenes to run out the time for donald trump's immunity case. every day they don't rule is another day he doesn't have to face trial or discovery. but this case reeks of john roberts. >> let's not mess up republican chances of getting a majority. you wanted to be a republican. mark, thank you so much. is this loss unique or does it say something about the progressive movement. i'll talk to an original member of the squad after the break. tk
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all week we've told you to keep an eye on the democratic primary in new york's 16th congressional district, parts of westchester county and the bronx. the most expensive house primary in u.s. history was under way to unseat squad congressman jamal
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bowman, one of the fiercest critics of israel. those were successful partly through the israel public affairs committee who spent money and backed the other candidate. bowman is the first incumbent democrat to lose a primary this election cycle and first of the progressive squad to be ousted from power since the group formed after the 2016 elections. joining me now, a member of the congressional caucus. thanks for being here. you were part of the group that spoke at the final rally. i want to play a little bit of your comments that day. do we have it? we don't have it. okay. you were there, others spoke for representative bowman. characterize for me, do you think this was an issue of other
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issues he had, fire alarm, criticisms of performance, was it redistricting? what do you think went into this loss? or was it the money? >> first joy, it's been an honor to serve alongside jamaal bowman, he dedicated his life to middle school children, effective legislator, loving husband and father and we've done great work alongside one another, whether the baby formula shortage crisis or clean drinking water, or safer schools or mental health supports for students. while i was on the ground, one of the moments that touched my heart, the last day of school several teenagers came running up the block saying there's jamaal. they wanted to take a selfie with him. they knew who their congressman
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is, who their champion was. as they were taking a selfie with him, someone else was riding by on a bike, said love you brother. i get your birthday card every year. this is someone who led with love, centered all the people from every walk of life. his perspective and voice will be missed next term. it is a collective loss for our democratic caucus. it is also a loss for our congressional black caucus and our congressional progressive caucus as well. i think this unprecedented sum of money, $20 million, we cannot allow special interests, dark money, super pacs, to buy congressional seats. it is a threat to our democracy. when i was on the ground, i came in faith houses, with small
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businesses, at community events. people said we're so tired of the negative ads. one restaurant talking to voters, i was there for 30 minutes, and in that 30-minute span, eight negative ads ran. >> and we know that a lot of that money came from aipac affiliated groups. they got people to switch from republican to independent, a couple thousand people to switch to vote in the primary. we know that happened. we know there was just a ton, an avalanche of spending. but there was also a change in the district, right? preredistricting, it had more of the bronx, postrestricting, it's almost all westchester. it's hard to read too much into what happened with bowman, but you're a target of the same
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organization and their super pac, so is corey bush, there's bragging by people saying she's next. st. louis prosecutor wesley bell, a former campaign manager for an antiabortion republican, who has benefitted from ads paid for by aipac. even if we're overreading what happened, is cori bush, are other progressives prepared for this to come? you have a race coming up. >> you were speaking about the supreme court a moment ago, i want to speak to how all of this is connected. citizens united is what has created this climate, and allowed for this infusion of dark money, special interest money, to come in and influence elections in this way. we have the very same mega
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donors, leonard leo and others. the people who worked to influence the decision for citizen united are behind project 2025, a far right manifesto, this policy plan, transition plan, the same people who sought to influence justices with lavish gifts and who want more justices like them seated. this is all connected. these special interest groups, dark money and super pacs, they support insurrectionists. 100 who are election deniers. they support dozens of extremist republicans who want a national ban on abortion. so this is a threat to our democracy. these republican donors, although we don't have a full autopsy on the donors into new york, i'm sorry, but the point is, cori bush is a valued
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member of the democratic caucus, a leader on repro rights and reform. she has a grassroots campaign and path to victory. to be a black woman in america and be targeted is nothing new, especially for special interests, dark money and super pacs. it's a testimony to the strength of the movement that they have to spend unprecedented sum of money to defeat bowman. >> ayanna pressley, original member of the squad and progressive caucus in the house, thank you very much. thank you. coming up next, the horrifying story of a texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to drown a 3-year-old palestinian muslim child after she asked the child's mom which
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remarks to the mother, wearing a hijab, questioning where she was from, asking if the two children in the pool were hers. she tried to grab the 6-year-old boy who got away, and then allegedly grabbed the 3-year-old girl, and snatched the hijab off the mother's head and beat her with it. she's out on bond despite charged with attempted capital murder of a child, the police recommending it be treated as a hate crime. thank you from the mom, who is not being named for her own safety. from a press release, we are american citizens originally from palestine and i don't know where to go to feel safe with my kids. my country is facing a war and
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we are facing that hate here. my daughter is traumatized. when i open the apartment door she runs away and hides, telling me she is afraid the lady will come into mercer head in water again. how is this lady out on bond? >> that is what happened and i think that is why we are concerned. we asked for a higher bond, for the safety of the whole community, not just this family. we are definitely traumatized. we still have some safety concerns. i can see that the mother is healing because of the community support that she can see now. you know when this incident went out to the media, she is feeling more empowered. able to go outside for the first time, last saturday. i was the first time since the incident. >> the reports of this get worse and worse. this woman was taken away by the police.
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the attacker then reportedly shouted at a bystander woman who was calming the mother down, saying tell her i will kill her and i will kill her whole family. it seems shocking to me that while authorities say it should be treated as a hate crime, this woman seems to have been treated with relatively kid gloves and bonded out very quickly. how is the community reacting to that? >> what really shocked me with this incident is the violence and the amount of entitlement this woman acted with. if you hear the mom telling the story, how she held the daughters thighs, leaving bruises for days after the incident. snatching the hijab of the mom. beating her with the hijab, kicking her in the water and pulling the swimsuit, to the level that she ripped off the zipper in the back and exposed her body. the entitlement. how she treated these kids as if they were her own property and
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she has the right to destroy them. not only saying to the mom that she will kill her and kill her family, but also she was really upset that other people stand by the mother. she was telling them, how come you stand by her when i am an american person? my parents and my grandparents were born here. she has her own, i think unique tradition of being american. >> report shows a very thousand complaints last year of anti- muslim violence and hate crimes and threats since the israel hamas war began. a 50% increase since 2022, so it is a problem nationwide, but i guess my final question would be, these children must be very traumatized. we heard the little girl is afraid to come to the door and i'm sure the little boy is traumatized, too, because he is also a little kid.
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the mom you said has been able to go out on her own. how are the children doing? >> the mom also from what i have seen, i am in contact with her, calling her every day, sometimes multiple times a day. she is still remembering details from the incident and crying and then feels empowered and grateful for people who helped. like the african american person, the man who listened and came and rescued the girl, she would tell me without him i would lose my girl and who knows, maybe she would even kill my son and me after. >> please wish her well and tell her our thoughts are with her. thank you so much. we will be right back. back. oh, why leaffilter? it's well designed, efficient,
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big news out of kenya today as the president says he will not sign a controversial bill containing tax hikes on things like imported eggs and hospital equipment in a country where people are already struggling. the about-face comes after a month of street protests over the bill reached a fever pitch yesterday when thousands stormed kenya's parliament and set parts of the building on fire after lawmakers voted to pass the tax legislation. nearly two dozen people were killed and hundreds injured after police opened fire and deployed to tear gas on protesters. former president barack obama's half-sister was tear gas during
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a live interview with cnn. >> young kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. they are demonstrating with wags and banners. i can't even see anymore. we are being tear-gassed. >> the chaos comes one month after president biden hosted the kenyan president at a lavish white house state dinner where he celebrated the u.s. kenya partnership. yesterday the first of 400 kenyan police officers arrived in haiti to lead a peacekeeping force to tackle gang violence there. that is tonight's "reidout". be sure to join me tomorrow night for special coverage and analysis of the first presidential debate hosted by cnn. "all in with chris hayes" starts now.


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