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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  June 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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saturday night in philadelphia, donald trump said that he expects other candidates on the presidential ballot including jill stein and cornell west to help him win the presidency again. >> cornell west, he's one of my favorite candidates, cornell west. and i like, i like her also, jill stein, i like her very much, you know why? she takes 100% from them, kennedy is probably 50-50 but he's a fake . he's a fake. he's a total fake. >> a vote for any third-party candidate is a vote for donald
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trump. he is right about that. that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts right now. tonight, the final countdown to a landmark event, the 2024 campaign moves to a new phase as biden and trump are set to face off in their first debate plus a new supreme court leak, as documents related to a pending ruling in a high-stakes abortion case go public. a republican take the leap and that he will vote for the president. could he be the first domino to fall and republicans backing biden, as the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. >> good evening once again. i'm stephanie ruhle, live from the aspen ideas festival in colorado and we are now 132 days away from the election and we are less than 24 hours until the first debate in the race for the white house. it pits president biden against x president and convicted criminal, donald trump. but tomorrow could also bring
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major rulings from the supreme court. earlier today a document related to an outstanding opinion on emergency abortions was accidentally posted online and we will have more on that just ahead. i still can't believe it happened but the high court's decision to overturn roe two years ago has fueled efforts to ensure abortion access and made a very key issue in the election. one that will be a big part in tomorrow night's debate. gabe gutierrez has more on how these candidates are getting ready tonight. >> tonight, the stage is set. president biden at camp david, out of the public eye for nearly a week, holding mock debates. former president trump back at mar-a-lago, doing more informal pet. today calling into a campaign event with black businessmen. >> inflation is a disaster. it's killing the black community and the country. >> tomorrow's face-off will be there first heated classes in 2020.
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>> will you shut up, man? >> hoping to -- there will be no live studio audience. mr. trump, expected to focus on the economy of the border wall president biden will likely zero in on abortion rights and threats to democracy. today, touting the endorsement of former gop congressman and frequent trump critic adam kinzinger. >> this about defending the greatest country in the world. >> will he be on some sort of energy drinks or something, okay? >> the biden campaign said the former president is resorting to desperate and false lies. for both, tomorrow is a crucial test to appeal to skeptical voters who dislike both options. >> if caffeine is illegal, send us all to jail. the percent of voters who dislike both options is the highest it has been in the last
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10 elections. which means it seems like president biden and donald trump will have a lot of convincing to do tomorrow night. let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. conservative lawyer george conway is with us and -- carol, the ap found most americans are planning to watch some, if not all of this debate. how much does this level of interest matter at this stage in the campaign? >> stephanie, it's really interesting that so many people want to tune into a debate that is happening so early in the cycle, earlier than a presidential debate has happened in recent times and it's almost, according to some of the interviews with some of these folks, it's almost as if they are looking to see a train wreck.
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almost like who's going to make the gaffe first, or who is going to attack the other in a more crass and course way. there's a lot of interest in this as performative art, you know, will biden be able to send off the sort of alpha male behavior at times of donald trump, as he exhibited with his debate with hillary clinton. and will donald trump say something so outlandish that people sort of have their job dropped, that's a big question for a lot of american viewers tonight. some of them, it's a bigger question for them that who they are going to vote for because they've already decided. >> let's talk about the so- called double haters. i like that you brought miami vice. i'm just saying, i like it. there's no haters here. let's talk about them, all of these people are saying i don't like the current or former president. could tomorrow night sway them? >> yeah, you're going to see a
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contrast between the two individuals. i mean, you have donald trump, who is i will say, for the 1 million time, a narcissistic psychopath who can't control himself and who is easily provoked by even the slightest criticism. and i think what joe biden has to do is provoke him, and it doesn't take much, all you have to do is say well, my opponent, the criminal conduct, you know, all you have to do is say that and when he starts to lose it and talk about the election that he did lose, and that will get him started talking about the election, he is very easy to trigger, and almost predictably so. and what i hope that the biden campaign has done has prepared joe biden, president biden, to figure out ways to just sort of get under trump skin because it's not that hard. and then, for his part, jill biden has to behave like a normal human being. and just smile whenever trump says something crazy and say, lean over and say, do you need
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to talk to your lawyers by any chance, something like that. >> that would be your strategic advice. last night i spoke to the maryland governor and he had different advice for the current president that doesn't involve antagonizing or provoking or even thinking about donald trump, watch this. >> i think the president needs to focus on his vision for the future. i think asking to counter everyone of trump's lies will be unfair and ridiculous. actually think there's other people and other things that can be done to counter every single by that comes out of donald trump's mouth. i think the president needs to focus on the vision for the next four years. >> i agree with wes, actually, in the sense that, our tendency is to want to see the performative, to pay attention to the battle between the two, to see if he can rile, you know, donald trump or if the
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irish joe will show up at the seriousness of the moment, it's incumbent upon us, as people who are covering the debate, to not get caught up in the one- liners, get caught up in the performance, to get caught up in the theatrics of it all because democracy is at stake and it's up to president biden to elevate the seriousness and of course when donald trump tries to bring him into the pigsty, right? >> what about the excitement, what about the opportunity to inspire america? >> he should be trying to inspire america to talk about his vision for the future but the fact is the central issue in this campaign is one candidate is off his rocker. and that has to be brought home to the american people. people have forgotten that because you know, he's busy off at his trial, falling asleep in courtrooms, and people have to remember how that donald trump is and they have to have it brought home to them.
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>> but a lot of people aren't thinking about trump or biden, they think the government doesn't work for them and what they like to hear if someone speak to them about what the candidate will do for them and the future that they can have. >> and one candidate will basically destroy the rule of law. >> that has to be made clear. what i think so, what we have to do and i think what biden has to do is to understand that he is the adult in the room, and he has to perform that, he has to make that clear and that involves not just him contrasting himself to trump, as i'm the adult and that is the rotten and spoiled child but also, i have a substitute vision of the country that is more than just simply, it's not donald trump. >> i agree with that. >> but i think it's important, as commentators, as pundits, that we don't fall for the trap and that is to read this as the traditional debate where we are looking for the one-liners and paying attention to the performance, our democracy is
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at stake. >> carol, with the wars in gaza and ukraine, don't forget ukraine, how tricky is foreign- policy for president biden to navigate but also, for donald trump, who, i'm going to say, is a friendly ally to vladimir putin, remember that, america. >> and remember, america, i mean, donald trump has been a friendly ally to every autocrat that walked in to the oval office. he welcomed people that were engaged in human rights abuses, engaged and linked to nasa curse of their opponents. people who were reelected in sham elections and donald trump
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congratulated them on being elected in a way that basically the other opponents were removed from the possibility of winning. and speaking of putin in that case. i think it is tricky stuff. i'm glad you raises because donald trump could say in his arsenal, hey, we are at war, two wars, during this presidency, i didn't get us to do that situation but biden's response can easily be, i remember when the diplomatic community was petrified that you were in charge because they were fearful at all moments that you would pull us out of the alliances that kept our country safe and of course, that is nato. multiple generals, secretaries of state, national security advisors, chief of staff at the white house, they were losing their minds when donald trump threatened to do that because it has kept our country safe in ways that are highly classified and ways that are highly obvious. >> how do you get people to remember that, we know that foreign-policy, especially the situation in gaza is so tricky for biden but it's as though
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trump gets off scott free. no one to even thinking about him when it comes to foreign policy but think about all of the autocrat that donald trump charms and the situation we could be in, the only person who wants donald trump to win as much as trump does, is putin. >> one of the most powerful tools you can use is cereals, when trump tries to position himself as the strongman is just call all the generals, all the secretaries, everything, just call the row, one after the other and let donald trump face the fact that all of these people, many of whom were in his administration have said this man should not be anywhere near the white house. call the role. >> like john bolton, i was interviewing him a few weeks ago and he basically said, the foreign leaders think of trump as a laughing full. >> i didn't watch the panel but
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you know what john bolton didn't say during the panel, he said he's the world most dangerous person but he didn't say that he's voting for joe biden, so let's move that in the back row. let's talk about what biden to do, he's had several successes in the last few days. inflation reduction act, has reduced the prices of 64 more drugs, the number of uninsured people in this country is now at a record low and there's been a 40% drop in illegal crossings at the southern border since the president's executive action. that's just this week. from a policy perspective, trump, we've heard almost nothing in fact the only thing he told us about what he would do to address inflation, we now have 17 former nobel prize
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winners saying his policies would be like a bomb to our economy. when will we see this hit centerstage tomorrow night, actual policies, will the american people start to hear him? >> i think there's room for discussion of these policies but i think the biggest thing from the economic standpoint is to my mind, is the effect of another trump administration on the rule of law and the stability of the american government. and that, to me, is the biggest danger that we have of donald trump. by basically doing what he wants to do and contrary to the law, i mean, this is the man who tried to launch an insurrection, the man who, you know, he won't pay attention this time around when people tell him you can't legally do this or that. >> it's important if president biden goes down this route, to
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tell what he has done and achieved, he's going to have to do it quickly and then contrasted to what trump did and what trump suggests, because if he tries to get to into the weeds around policy, he's going to get run over. >> democrats and the details. just got to go with the big headlines. he's got some good ones this week. george, we've got legal issues, so i'm not letting you leave. what the supreme court leak tells us about how the judges could rule in this high stakes case. which republican says biden has his boat come november, hint, it's not john bolton. the 11th hours just getting underway. you know what, it's not john bolton yet, but it could be. co. [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill
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the supreme court may be poised to allow emergency abortions in idaho at least for now. earlier bloomberg reported the supreme court briefly posted a copy of the idaho decision on its website and not long after the court admitted that it did accidentally post a document related to the case and it was later removed. too late. we don't know if it's a draft decision, the actual decision
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or neither. if true, it could deliver a small win for the biden administration ahead of november. >> tonight, a mistake of epic proportions rocking the u.s. supreme court. a closely watched decision on abortion set to come down any day now mistakenly and briefly posted to the courts website this morning. it indicated the high court is likely on the verge of allowing emergency abortions in idaho. the document obtained by bloomberg law before it was quickly removed from the website. the court spokeswoman explaining the courts publication unit inadvertently and briefly uploaded a document to the courts website adding the courts official opinion will be issued in due course. the media is rare advanced access in this case, harkening back to an unprecedented leak in and other abortion case just two years ago in dobbs, when
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politico published the draft decision overturning roe versus wade. the current battle over idaho's law which criminalizes nearly all abortions, except to save a mother's life. the biden administration sued the state arguing, that abortion band directly conflicts with the federal law requiring hospitals that receive federal funding provide abortions to women facing health emergencies. even if not on the brink of death. that conflict, doctors say, puts them in a dangerous bind. >> it's a heavy burden to carry to have the five years of potential incarceration to take care of patients. >> the document published by bloomberg, includes an unsigned opinion from the court, punting on the ultimate dispute for now, sending it back to the
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lower court, which means women in idaho will be able to obtain emergency abortions while the lawsuit continues to play out. but it also highlights deep divisions of the high court. the justices trading barbs in the document. justice jackson thing today's decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in idaho. while this court donald and the country waves, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position. while justice alito called the court's decision, baffling think the court has simply lost the will to decide the easy but emotional and highly politicized question that the case presents. >> we need some explanations. for more let's bring in mark joseph stern, a writer covering courts and the law at slate and george conway is still with us. mark break this down, if it is the final decision, what does it mean for abortion in america? >> it means very little, probably across the country. it would only mean that in
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idaho, women well in theory, be able to terminate their pregnancies when they are experiencing medical emergencies that are serious but not yet directly life- threatening and that is because in this draft, a majority of the court lifts a stay that it had previously imposed on an injunction protecting women in idaho but there are at least a half-dozen states with identical laws that bar abortion and pose criminal penalties unless a woman is on the brink of death. this decision if it's the final decision, will have zero impact on any of those other states. they include states like texas which are in the fifth circuit court of appeals and the fifth circuit had already said it rejects the biden administration's reading and it thinks that states are well within their rights to force patients to undergo life- threatening conditions like sepsis before they are allowed to get an abortion. so it's a win for pregnant patients, and extraordinary narrow one and one that isn't likely to last long. >> george, this is the second
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time in two years that a major scotus ruling about abortion has leaked, or in this case, was accidentally posted, the first actually was broke, does this seem like a strange coincidence to you? >> i pick it is a coincidence. i don't think someone who has access to the public website of the court would be doing this other than highly accidentally. i do think it's completely different than what happened with dobbs two years ago although i will say, it's bad. >> okay, fine but when we think about the supreme court and the clerks, the lawyers that work for the supreme court, they are the best of the best, the highest caliber, this, to me, seems like the lowest bush league mistake ever. how does this happen? >> people make mistakes. i will say for my own personal
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experience, i mean, the staff at the supreme court, from the clerks office to the public affairs office, i mean, it's top-notch, and it's a great operation, but sooner or later, something bad is going to happen and somebody accidentally put the wrong document on the website at the wrong time and i would not want to be that person but i don't think, i mean, i don't know, i would be careful if i had my finger on the mouse that took these decisions on line but look, mistakes happen but it's unfortunate for the court, but at the end of the day, i think this will be forgotten. i think the dobbs week was much more significant because it was a draft opinion, and it was clearly done by somebody who definitely was doing it intentionally. >> mark, you wrote about one of the decisions that the supreme court did release today, throwing out a lower court ruling that claimed that biden administration had coerced
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social media companies into removing content. can you explain to us? >> this case is another example of the supreme court really losing patience with the fifth circuit court of appeals. the fifth circuit and trump appointee had issued the sweeping gag order that bars millions of federal employees from communicating with social media companies to ask them to remove or moderate this information. the biden administration had partnerships with facebook and twitter and other companies where they could flag this information specifically about the covid vaccine and platforms would consider taking it down. these very conservative anti- biden george -- judges answer these frankly lawless decision that gagged all of these federal employees from the white house down from even saying facebook, this is a dangerous lie, we think you should consider taking it down. the supreme court reversed those, amy coney barrett said the plaintiffs in this case
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never had any standing to bring the case, this was a major litigation, this lasted for several years. a bunch of high-ranking officials were dragged into federal court and now, you have barrett, joined by kavanagh, roberts and three liberal saying they should not have been in federal court in first plate -- place. barrett is policing that line, she's still very conservative but when she sees nonsense like this, she will absolutely call it out. >> george, we are also seeing more and more judges current and retired, call out the supreme court. they are not happy with them. what does that tell you about the status of things?
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>> these are difficult times in the judiciary because people have been attacking the judiciary because of the instability -- >> and sometimes for good reason. >> absolutely, some of these ethics issues are significant but i think, a decision like the one that mark was just talking about it shows you that there is a corrective capacity in the supreme court. i think the fifth circuit is becoming the conservative version of what the ninth circuit used to be worth something wacky would come out and he would say it must be the ninth circuit will that's what's happening now with the fifth circuit and what's amazing to me about this case is that it got that far. i mean, it was completely whacked out case of the notion that the fifth circuit decided in the way it did and it took the supreme court to fix it and then three justices dissented, it's just beyond me. so i get it, i get why people are upset but at the end of the day, the supreme court does mostly, mostly does it's job the way it should.
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i hope i will be still saying that in two days but we will see. >> mark, it's also been exactly 9 years since the supreme court ruled in favor of marriage, when that court overturned roe, justice alito appeared to suggest that this case could be next. what do you think? >> you know, i don't think that on this current court today, there are five votes to overturn marriage equality. but i think that the conservative justices might be 1 to 2 votes away from achieving that goal of reversing it. once the court starts unsettling the precedent that protects individual rights and privacy, it does imperil a line of decisions that includes the -rights decisions, first and foremost, i think i'm so, just last week, justice sotomayor issued a case where she really
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raise the red flag and said, i am worried that my colleagues are rolling back the constitutional rights of married couples and she seemed to be suggesting that even if they aren't quite there yet, it's a possibility that could be happening in the near future and so people need to sit up and pay attention. she was really talking to the public as much as i think she is talking to typical readers like george and me and i think this is an important flag for everyone. no one should assume that marriage equality for same-sex couples is settled law as dobbs showed us but the court is always just one decision away from overturning what seemed to be settled precedent and upending millions of people's lives. >> in your expertise, both of
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you, that's why we are so lucky to have you. mark, george, always good to see you. a former republican congressman is backing biden, and head of the first presidential debate. how the endorsement could help flip anti-trump republicans when the 11th hour continues from aspen, colorado. aspen, colorado finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, was special to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride?
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on the eve of tomorrow's debate, president biden score the support of a republican. a former congressman, adam consider endorsed biden and he
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said he never thought he would endorse a democrat but knows that biden will protect democracy. earlier this month the campaign made kinsinger's former chief of staff it's republican outreach director. mike madrid is here, former political director of california's republican party, he is the cofounder of the lincoln project. mike, it's not a surprise that adam kinzinger is in voting for trump, he despises the guy. it is a big deal that he came out officially to say that he's voting for president biden. do you think he will be the first of many, is he the tipping point? >> i think he will be the first of quite a few.
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but i will say it's more than we had in 2020. this is a growing effort, more and more republicans are coming to the conclusion that this is not about supporting the party, i think adams getting off the sidelines will give the permission structure needed to see her and more republicans come out. >> do you agree with mike and b, in 2020, you are one of those republicans, you endorsed joe biden, are you endorsing him this time? >> i'm not voting for trump -- >> that is not answering the question. >> i think joe biden needs to start talking to the center of the american public rather than the center of the democratic party. i'm not going to vote for donald trump. but i will tell you, i'm disappointed with some of the
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policies that i've seen on student debt forgiveness, the afghanistan fiasco, and there are other issues, overspending on the american rescue plan. so i want to see him move more center like i said, -- >> you do know what president trump will do to the economy will balloon the inflation situation. >> i wish the two political parties would listen to the american people, two thirds of americans are telling us they think the one candidate is too old and the other is to dangerous and they gave us the two candidates that we didn't want. that's why rfk jr. will get a lot of votes. the people are very dissatisfied and a part of that two thirds of american -- >> we saw multiple trump endorsed candidates lose and we saw the same time, squad member jamaal bowman lose his primary. is this a coincidence or is this america's centrist majority getting loud?
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>> there's definitely a statement being made, broadly amongst the american public that we've had enough with the extremes. i think of course that place to biden's benefit. i think he's more centrist than donald trump certainly would be but there's no question that people have had it with the parties system and they are not feeling heard and i think they are starting to take that out at the ballot box but i will say this, donald trump's problems with his base are more than just adam kinzinger, he's a dear friend and i'm proud of him but donald trump continues to lose 20% of republicans at all of these primaries, heading up two weeks before his convention. he's not in a good spot with his own base and most of the rejection of our own parties as americans is coming from the right, it's coming from the republican party. >> last night, last night was a really good night for team normal. look what happened next door in the state of utah. congressman curtis, who did not endorse trump won
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overwhelmingly, over 50% of the vote in a four-way primary, this is a great thing to happen. >> isn't that interesting. a month ago i sat down with mitt romney and he said i don't have a home here. my flavor of the republican party does not exist. and then last night, utah proved it did. >> i mean, they couldn't have nominated a better person. look what happened and of course new york, with latimer winning. latimer beating bowman, that is a vote for normalcy, stability, to bring things back to balance. this is great, and this is bad for trump because trump last last night in utah, he lost in new jersey and he lost in south carolina, he's lost in a number of places. i don't think that his endorsement needs as much as he thinks it does. yeah he endorses a lot of incumbents were going to win anyway but in some of these contested races, he's not doing so well. >> i couldn't agree more. you've got states like arizona where you are seeing grassroots efforts to start putting
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together delegates at the convention to push trump out. there's a five alarm fire going on in the gop and it has a lot to do with the fact that donald trump is an extreme threat to not only the country but increasingly to the end -- the republican party. >> we want to get this party back to something based on core principles. about the constitution, about the union, about a sensible foreign policy peace, free markets, and fiscal discipline, that's what we want to get back to. >> you know the current speaker of the house is johnson, you know that mitch mcconnell endorsed trump. >> remember there are probably a third of republicans who want
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something different. i understand that mike and i are in the minority but we want to start a conversation now and we are looking beyond 2024. our roots are deep. from abraham lincoln to theodore roosevelt eisenhower, reagan, these maga roots, they are very shallow, and i'm sorry, facility -- fidelity to one man, this is not a long- term remedy for the gop. and a lot of republicans know it. >> the only way you are getting past 2024 if you make sure democracy is intact. thank you both for being here and when we return from the quick read rebound after the key bridge collapse to the presidential race, we are going to get into all of it with governor wes moore. moore. theo now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin.
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with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. maryland governor wes moore is a rising star in the democratic party, he's the states first black governor and only the third in our nations history. i sat down with him at the aspen ideas festival and we talked about the challenge of dealing with the key bridge collapse and the issues that matter most to voters. watch this. >> i'm thrilled you are here, but we have to start with the last reason why maryland was on our focus and that was the collapse of the francis scott key bridge, how did it happen? >> there's still investigations to figure out what happened. and it shouldn't have and let's
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be clear, the port of baltimore which was closed at that moment is worth about 13% of our state's economy. we had tens of thousands of people that were about to wake up and realize they didn't have a job. six people, six souls, who were unaccounted for, and the thing that we know is when you think about that situation, that scenario, we have more questions than answers and that morning but the way that the state rallied, the way that the state responded, they said they were afraid with the unemployment rate would be when you consider there's tens of thousands of people that lost their jobs, not only, because of the collective work that took place, not only did we end up once again, for the 12 month in a row, one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, maryland gained 7000 jobs and when they said it could take up to a year --
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>> it took you 11 weeks. how? lots of people think the government doesn't work for us, government projects take years, how did you go from a nine month, to one year-long estimate to 11 weeks? >> by working together. >> who? >> everybody. i remember those first days, you know, watching the support of the federal administration, the first phone call i got from the white house was at 3:30 that morning on the president, when you here in a moment like that, that i knew my job was to provide comfort and support and confidence to the people of my state, that we were going to make it through this, i cannot stress enough how, when you get a call from the presidents of the united states saying governor, we will be with you every step of the way. the same thing i was trying to provide for my stay, the president provided for me. me.
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because if i go into hagerstown or highland town and say so what impact does the chips act had in your life they will say what's the chip act had on you, they're going to say what is that. i'm a full supporter of the president, i will go any where and everywhere to make sure the president gets re reelected in
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november. but it's very personal and it's not because i'm afraid of the alternative. i think that's a losing argument. they're not saying vote for that guy, they're saying vote for me because of x, y and z. >> i'm not going to serve my community by saying be afraid of the alternative. you're not going to win an election because yoof that. i think you need to be optimistic. >> you're exciting and people are not excited. >> i think people feel like we had the same match up in 2020. and there's a frustration. and i think we all have to be honest about it and i get that. i also know this. right now we have a binary choice. and in november, this country is going make a choice. and for me, the choice couldn't be more clear. and again, it's not, it's not,
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i don't think that people need to spend time focusing on the dangers of donald trump or trumpism. i think the people need to really focus on the things that we can actually proactively get done. i know the partner that i have in the president. i know i have a person who keeps his word. and when he says, ongov i'm wit you every step of the way. i want to be very clear, this president has been with us every step of the way. on our entire journey. and i respect that because i respect people that keep their word. and so, i understand, i understand the complexity and the frustration. i do understand that this is still a uvery divided country and no matter what happens this country is going to need a real sense of healing. i just e know in a binary environment we have a person that's going e to focus on the healing. and we have a person who's not. and i think that should matter to people as they make their journey into the ballot box.
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>> a big thank you again to governor wes moore, we'll be right back. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it.
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sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at f0 that does it for me here in aspen. tomorrow i'll be back for our special coverage of tomorrow's presidential debate hosted by cnn. tune in right here on msnbc. on that note i wish you all a very good night. from all of our leagues across the networks of nbc news and all of us here in colorado, thank you for staying up late with us. i'll


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