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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  June 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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good day to all from msnbc world headquarters here in new york. welcome to alex witt reports. we begin with no reaction to the new york times editorial board urging president biden to drop his re-election bid after his debate against former president donald trump. anita dunn, biden campaign strategist tried to put it in perspective this morning. >> i thought barack obama put
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it best. i will remember being on sets like this in 2012 after the first debate that he conducted. he's had bad debates happen and they do happen. good debates happen. as the president said maybe he isn't as great a debater he used to be. i would tend to say it wasn't his greatest debate. it is 90 minutes. in a campaign and in an administration where he has achieved enormous things maybe it wasn't a great debate that he has been a great president. >> fellow democrats voicing their support for the damage -- also deserve scrutiny. >> let's be crystal clear donald trump is a liar and lied over and over in that debate. president biden told the truth, he was honest, he showed the kind of man he is, he took on donald trump on the issues he needed to take him on and i am proud of our president.
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>> both candidates hit the campaign trail friday delivering these messages to voters. >> we are in a battle for the soul of america. i look around at the pride, hope and light that all of you, all of you bring. i know the battle we are going to win and continue to make progress. lgbtq+ people are some of the most inspiring i know. >> many are saying after last nights performance that joe biden is leaving the race. the fact is, i don't really believe that because he does better in polls than any of the democrats. >> president biden is a fundraiser on long island today, his campaign saying the president remains committed to his second debate against trump in september. we will ask a former spokesman for hillary clinton about how the campaign can move forward, that'll happen in our next hour. after weeks of waiting the supreme court is set for immunity on monday.
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that is the same day steve bannon is set to report to prison. the supreme court rejected an appeal delay the sentence of the far right podcaster and former trump white house aide. >> am serving my country now as a political prisoner. it will not change this show, it will not change our impact, it will change me, it will not suppress my voice. >> we will have more a bit later but first we have a number of reporters in place ready to go with these new decision 2024 developments. we begin right here with aaron gilchrist with no reaction from the president's advisers. what are we hearing from the campaign? >> it really is saying onward and upward. they acknowledge the president's performance on thursday night but we know president biden and the first lady now are on their way to the hamptons for a couple of fundraising events there before they go to new jersey to raise more money for the campaign. they are trying to continue with the work for the president
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during the campaign cycle. they did mention it was not the president's best performance. he said himself he recognized it was not his best performance, but they do feel like substance is what really matters here. while donald trump's performance may have been better they felt president biden did a better job of talking about the issues and his plans for the future. anita dunn saying earlier today he was interested in the issues and interested in talking about the issues. i want to play more what she said this morning. >> the president is who he is. he does believe the american people have a right to know what he's done and what he's going to do moving forward but he believes the american people need to understand the contrast. if you saw him yesterday in north carolina as you will see him over the next several weeks on the campaign trail that's what he will be doing. >> drying that contrast is something the campaign is talked about being a key part of what they need to do to
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create and draw this picture for the american people that says four more years of trump presidency would be disastrous and dangerous for the country. we did learn this morning over the last two days the campaign raised about $27 million more than that they say from grassroots efforts as well as the big gala fundraiser they had in new york city last night. as you noted, they intend to still debate a second time. >> that is the plan for now. i want to tell people we are backing up what you share, the fact is we're looking at air force one there and that is that westhampton beach at the airport. i've got to be honest, i thought with the president departing new york city and going as far as the hamptons i thought they would be using marine one. that is a lot to put air force one up in the air and bring back down. >> there are two air force one's.
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this is the smaller one they are using. sometimes it is easier to carry him and all the support that has to go with him on an aircraft as you see the president exiting the plane here with the first lady who has been by his side since thursday night. she does a ton of campaigning and fundraising on her own and the times we see them together are days like today where she spent all that time with the president on the ground in atlanta and traveled to north carolina and back with him today here in new york and new jersey. >> he's going to go over to new jersey, i think redbank is one- stop. >> we understand the governor's hosting that event. >> it'll be a traffic tie up for anybody in the hamptons certainly today. thank you for joining us, good to have you. thank you. joining me now is megan hayes, former special assistant to president biden and message planning. welcome back, good to see you as we keep these pictures of the president and first lady on the
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tarmac heading to a fundraiser and westhampton beach. let me ask you what your reaction was to the new york times editorial board calling for the president to step aside and do you think that came as a surprise to the biden camp? >> it probably absolutely came as a surprise that he came out yesterday. i don't think it's a surprise the editorial board is not in favor of joe biden. it's a sentiment the campaign thought on the campaign in 2020. they chose two people in 2020 and neither one got very far. as you can see joe biden is the president. her endorsement didn't go far so it hits with a certain group of people which are not the voters of wisconsin and michigan and arizona that he needs to reach. right you think it was a surprise it came out yesterday it's not a surprise to the campaign they did not endorse joe biden. >> let me say i was right there isn't going to be use of marine one that is going for the little jump from the airport to the actual fundraiser in the
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hamptons. you see, aaron gilchrist. anyway, how do you think the president is feeling about all of this? we heard him say he thought it went well then he appeared very energized at that north carolina rally. what do you think is running through his mind giving your past work with him? >> he's a fighter, he's used to being an underdog and coming back and used to having people count him out and goes back. i'm sure he knows his performance on thursday was not his best, i think that's clear. you can see in his face when he was at the event afterwards and that waffle house. it was not his best performance however he did come back strong yesterday and i think he has the next hundred plus days to show to the american people he is up for the job for another four years and thursday night was an anomaly and a bad night for him. you can tell he understands his performance was not up to par but you know he will take the steps to prove to the american people he's for the job.
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>> what are the conversations happening in the white house and those inside the campaign? we heard from anita dunn earlier she framed the strategy as maybe it wasn't a great debate but he's been a great president. can that approach, over time, diminish some of the impact from the debate? >> i think it's important to remind people he is a good president said done a lot. his performance on thursday night i do think he needs to take the next hundred days plus and prove to the american people he's up for the job. everyone knows he's a great president that will vote for him. he has delivered for the american people but now he needs to show he's up for the job and thursday night was a bad performance which i think he is starting out strong. he was strong at stonewall, he's reminding people what a trump presidency will do for them and what he will continue to do for them if re-elected. >> how about barack obama both from an actual messaging standpoint as well as a
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signaling standpoint? how he framed his message and what it signaled to other democrats. if barack obama is not giving up that means something. >> the president and former are extremely close. they went through a lot together in the eight years they were in office together and having that support of former president obama is huge and means a lot to the president and party and recognizing people do have bad performances and people do have bad nights. to not let that take over and be the narrative for the next hundred plus days. there's a lot of work left to do in this term and there is more work to do in the next term. >> in terms of why, given the joe biden you know do you think he may have been over prepared and that made him somewhat more halting expressions and wording as he was searching for exactly rehearsed answer, something he memorized and was told you have to put this out there? that might not have been what would naturally come to him.
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>> you saw eric holder tweet about let biden be biden. the best president you see out there in the best person we saw on the campaign trail and the person you see in the white house is the authentic joe biden when he's out talking to voters and doing his retail politics and not giving these long speeches and figures. he is an empathetic man who connects to american people and understands the struggle and wants to do right by them and what's good for them. i think it was probably shocking to him that trump was lie after lie that would be disorienting to anyone when you are going through that, but i do think the president is best when he's being his authentic self and connecting to voters and i think that's what he needs to do on the trail moving forward. >> aaron gilchrist made this point and we saw this, the first lady by his side constantly which brings us to this, the washington post saying it is time for the first lady to have a conversation with biden not necessarily
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saying he should drop out but making sure he understands the reality of the situation. she could do it from a place of love, from the unique perspective of an american who cares as much about what the office of the president is doing to joe biden and she cares about what joe biden can do for the office of the president. would she do that? is she the only one who could even go there? >> the president is not a stupid man. he understands the gravity of the next election or he would not be running again. he understands what it takes to be president. he said he intends to win and knows he can do the job. he says i give my word. that means something to him, it's not just a hyperbole. do i think the first lady and have have carriers conversations? i'm not sure of the number but they have been married for a long time. they have been on all these different adventures of his campaign and his political career together and i do think they have those conversations.
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she would not be doing this if she did not also believe in the president. >> do you think the second debate should happen in september? does the reward outweigh the risk been so close to the election? >> i don't think donald trump wants the debate again because i think it puts him open for everyone pointing out how much he lies and all the inconsistencies. the president agreed to another debate so i would assume he will show up if donald trump is showing up. i'm not sure that it means a lot to voters at the end of the day. i think early voting starts the beginning of september, i'm not sure of the timeline so i think a lot have already made up their mind. i don't think we can lose sight this is an election that will take place in five or six days with 50 or 60,000 people we are trying to reach to sway the undecided and folks who aren't paying attention yet. i don't think it's necessary, i think it's helpful for people to see a contrast in their message but i do think there's other ways to do that besides the debate. >> chicago, six or seven weeks from now. do you think it is going to go
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as planned or do you think we should all get ready for something rather extraordinary? all the talk of an open convention, what is your bet on? >> it's not possible. these delegates have been pledged to the president so he would have to release them and that be on his own to do that. there's no such thing as a broker convention doing that. back in the day, he won primary and the delegates already pledged to him so i do think the convention will go on his plan. i think it'll be exciting for the president and first family to be there to get something to have that experience we did not get to have for them in 2020. as you remember it was at the chase center in delaware to a room of 12 journalists maybe. he gets to have that moment. >> always good to talk with you. i know we will do more of it. thank you. we will have more about donald trump's rather stunning comments about black jobs at the debate, what some black voters had to say about that
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later on this hour. and is the day you want to keep your eyes glued to msnbc because how the supreme court rules could have a major impact on this race. back in a quick 90 seconds. the cockroach. resilient creatures. true miracles of evolution. where there is one, others aren't far behind. always scavenging for food, the cockroach... well that's horrifying. ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier. one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days.
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not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. a huge and historic ruling expected monday from the supreme court. the last day of this term. justices will release a long- awaited decision on donald trump's claim of absolute
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immunity from criminal prosecution. meanwhile the court issued other major rulings this week including allowing emergency abortions in idaho, pausing an epa plan to include air quality and blocking purdue pharma bankruptcy plan. it's latest decisions yesterday overturned a 40 year president known as the chevron doctrine reducing the power of federal agencies to regulate many facets of american life. in another highly anticipated ruling it narrowed an obstruction of an official proceeding charge for january 6 the rioters which could also affect some charges against donald trump as well. joining me now, katie fang, host of the show that immediately preceded this one. thank you for the ot my friend. co-host of the broadcast and professor of law at the university of michigan law school. good to see you. i will start with you. first on these obstruction charges decision unlike the
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other cases decided yesterday along ideological lines liberal justice sided with the majority and conservative justice with the minority. spell out this decision and how it could impact the january 6th writers going forward. >> with the decision did is it narrowed the interpretation of one of the statutes many of the january 6th have been charged with obstructing an official proceeding. what the six justices said in the majority is in order to obtain a conviction under that statute they had to show the defendant obstructed a proceeding in a way that affected the availability of documents, evidence or records because the statute was passed and that was basically congress's purpose and design in enacting the statute. that decision could be significant for donald trump's case because two of the four charges that special counsel jack smith brought in the election interference case were based on this statute. i think the most significant side of this ruling to donald
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trump's case is it could add some additional delay because it's going to require the prosecutors to add in some additional proof and proves some additional elements in order to obtain a conviction in this case and given the supreme court has already delayed the possibility of an election interference trial that delay could prove significant. >> katie, when you have two of the four criminal charges donald trump faces in the generally six case that deal with obstruction what are the implications specifically for donald trump's prosecution? >> that's a great question and here is the indictment that you are speaking about. conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and obstruction of or attempt to obstruct a proceeding. that is the exact statute that was an issue in the fisher case. the good news for special counsel jack smith as just explained you can actually continue as jack smith traveling under this federal statute because the ruling that came from fischer yesterday
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did not destroy the case against donald trump. the decision yesterday bolstered the idea that donald trump conspiring to obstruct accounting or certification of the electoral votes by the submission of fake electors ballots is a part of that case. the bottom line is the government was told i the supreme court it overreached in terms of the breadth of the statute and what to apply. fischer wanted a narrow reading, a lot of people think this will impact a lot of defendants but it's a small subset that are being prosecuted right now by the doj. when it comes to donald trump's case the indictment still stands and special counsel jack smith is on decent ground even considering this ruling that came from the court yesterday. >> did anything in the obstruction decision or other decisions hint how the court will rule monday on trump's claims of immunity?
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>> i'm not sure we can read into any decisions thus far as to how they will rule on donald trump's immunity claim. in some ways the most significant we have gotten was the dissent in the colorado disqualification case where the three democratic appointees basically accused the republican majority of being in the bag for donald trump given how they wrote the opinion in that case. that could perhaps feed that signal of what will happen in donald trump's immunity case. i don't think the court is going to embrace donald trump's full version of immunity because that's absurd but i think what is likely is they could send the case back down to the trial court to make additional findings, which will give donald trump additional delay that he really wants in order to postpone the trial until after the election. >> jack smith's trial against donald trump was set to begin on march 4th that's been delayed for months while the supreme court considers the immunity question. why would the court release this ruling on the very last
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day of the term? >> we don't know the exact reason. this case was argued on the very last day of the supreme court's term. on one hand it's not exactly surprising it would end up being a final decision but i do think it's concerning the supreme court is taking much longer to decide this case than it did for example in the colorado disqualification case it's taken roughly twice as long the time between granting the case in deciding the case as it did in the colorado disqualification case and that doesn't even add on the time that the supreme court added by not taking up jack smith's request to hear the case back in december. i think there are really serious questions about whether the court is potentially or some justices potentially are dragging their feet in order to prolong the proceedings in this case and delay the possibility of a pre-election trial or pre- election verdict. >> the supreme court has ways it could rule on immunity. what are the different ways it
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could play out? >> you are going to see a whole agreement by scotus as to absolute immunity. what you will see is a ruling of a reverse and remand meaning they will take it back to the district court level and i believe, as do others, the judge will be told she needs to make a determination as to what conduct that is alleged is official access president, what is unofficial asked they do not get the immunity i think the supreme court is going to give to presidents through the course of their as president. i'm a believer and have pushed this idea you will see the judge will do and i think very quickly she's going to put the pedal to the metal on this. the evidence your hearing will be an opportunity for jack smith to present the entirety of the indictment because i believe the indictment against donald trump is all unofficial asked. none was kosher or supposed to happen. you will see special counsel jack smith put on what i call a mini trial for the course of
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evidence your hearing so americans can hear what donald trump did. it'll be that federal election interference case in d.c. not in front of a jury. that will wind up being appealed i'm confident but americans will hear the conduct of donald trump. >> you agree there's no chance this will go to trial or even start signal would necessarily be in trial two weeks before the election? >> we canoodle the numbers a little bit. there was a short window of time that was left before the case went up on appeal and then to scotus but i don't think you will see that happen. i do think at this time based upon what she rolls and what is official and not official i think you'll see an appeal of that even though they are not given freely in any capacity in criminal cases. >> yesterday the supreme court rejected trump ally steve bannon's effort to avoid his
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four-month sentence for defying subpoenas from the generally six committee. he will report to prison on monday. what you think their justification was? >> the jury rendered its verdict. it's been challenged, this idea that bannon given actually by his trial judge this opportunity to appeal what was going on and the supreme court said you're going to go to prison. the jury heard your case and a jury rendered its verdict and the judge gave you your sentence , so tough, you're being treated like any defendant in our criminal justice system. they didn't find any grounds as a supreme court to be able to give him a reprieve so that's exactly why steve bannon is reporting on monday. >> as mentioned earlier, the court overturned this week the 1984 chevron president which weakens the power of federal agencies to approve regulations.
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how big of an impact could this ruling have on americans in their everyday lives? >> it's extremely significant. this decision fundamentally reallocate's power among different branches of federal government because whereas before you had expert administrative agencies like the environmental protection agency or securities and exchange commission deciding how to regulate financial markets or deciding how to achieve clean air or clean water or you had expert agencies like the faa deciding how to make transportation safe. now those questions will be resolved by federal courts who aren't as expert, aren't as accountable to the people and now are staffed by a majority of republican justices on the supreme court who are very skeptical of regulation and very receptive to deregulation. i think this decision will mark out dramatic change in how americans, most of their everyday lives interfaced with government. >> i want to thank you both.
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leah, i've been laughing at the t-shirt you're wearing. i hope it's not president of what you think will happen on monday. time for some bad decisions. that's not good. >> is a specific reference to the chevron decision, but also a warning of what may come on monday. >> thank you for that. thank you for your time. katie, i thank you. you can all watch the katie phang show saturdays at noon eastern right here on msnbc. in the next hour, a closer look at the january 6th supreme court decision with tim hy-vee. we will get reflections on that and donald trump's revisionist history during the debate with respect to nancy pelosi. i will be speaking with michael fanone, former capitol hill police officer assaulted on january 6. french revolution? it's not exactly that but something big could be starting in parents. it's not just croissant batter.
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on sunday voters in france will head to the polls for the country's most consequential election in decades. the outcome of france's snap parliamentary election could see the far right government since the world war ii occupation or no maturity emerging at all. french president emmanuel macron calling for the election earlier this month after his party's crushing defeat in the european parliamentary vote. joining me now from london is megan fitzgerald. welcome. who are the top contenders in this election and what could results mean not only for france but the rest of europe? >> reporter: a lot is at stake here. to sort of make sense of what is happening, voters go to the polls tomorrow to vote for seats in the national assembly. we could compare that to u.s. citizens going to the polls to vote for the house of representatives for example.
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right now exit polls are showing that far right party, the national rally party is actually leading right now. we have seen the far right rising for the last several years. you look at 2017 when she faced off in the presidential election. she lost but she got about a third of the vote. in 2022 she faced off against him again in the presidential election losing, but what was significant was the fact we saw her garnish more of the vote there. we have seen this rise of the far right. as voters go to the polls tomorrow and next week it's very possible we could see her party take the lead here. if they do, we will likely see 28-year-old jordan bordello become the prime minister. a bit controversial throughout the country because he's been very vocal about his plans of pushing forward laws that are, for example, making sure it is
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illegal to have headscarves in public, pushing against anti- immigration legislation. a lot of people have been calling him islam phobic, there is a lot of concern about his leadership but what is for sure we know this could impact mccrone to push forward his legislation. he's not going to be able to run again in 2027 but this could be very consequential to french and throughout europe. macron stays in office and has nothing to do with him as president. it's about what his agenda has done and implemented. it also comes really at a time that is somewhat embarrassing. i imagine he hosts the world with the olympics. that's another thing that is hard to see that publicly playing out. thank you so much. it is a postdebate world and maybe nothing has changed.
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new today president trump's campaign is making a move following this week's debate opening a field office in pennsylvania. both candidates are certainly eyeing the area as it was a major factor in bidens 2021. the campaign is taking action to sending thousands out as voters in key swing states appear to waver in support
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after the president's performance on thursday. let's bring in chief white house correspondent for the new york times and co-author of the divider trump 2017 to 2021. you know what i'm starting with. the editorial board, your paper, the new york times is urging president biden to leave the race. you can see the headline, we are putting it up again. that as you know is no small thing. did it surprise you that members made this call so quickly after the debate and what kind of impact this have? >> as your viewers i assume know there's a difference between the news side of the new york times and editorial side. i have nothing to do with the editorial side so just so everybody understands this is something separate from what i do in terms of reporting. it is an important editorial platform in the country. i think more portly it reflects
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a lot of conversation among democrats, put aside the media for a second, what you are hearing from people many of whom have supported very strongly joe biden over the years is a great sense of disappointment, a great sense of fear and uncertainty and a great sense that maybe he's not at the point where he can carry this out through the fall much less the next four years. that i think has been an undercurrent among many professional democrats for a long time but now it's been brought in the open away we haven't seen before. >> you are on the news side very different, you have nothing to do with the editorial side and no hand in writing it. i have more i want to ask. it says there are democratic leaders equip to make clear, compelling and energetic arguments. they leave out names. i can throughout obvious ones. are you hearing names? >> i think we are all hearing the same names. the question is anybody doing anything about it but the names
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are obvious. you have the sitting vice president kamala harris, you hear gavin newsom from california, j.b. pritzker from illinois. i could probably name five or 10 others. what would be interesting is if president biden stepped aside this would be such an open field and a jump ball in a compressed time with a small electorate, about 3900 delegates to the democratic national committee would decide it. we haven't seen anything like this in modern times. we have not gone to a convention with an open field ever before in my lifetime and i think that we don't know how it would play out. at the moment, it depends on what president biden wants to do. there will be no contest to replace if he doesn't decide to voluntarily step down. >> this morning anita dunn is attempting to put the debate in context. let's take a listen. >> a debate is one moment in a campaign. the president is going to continue to be out there and
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make his case for why donald trump is a threat to this country and why there is a better path ahead for america. >> is there no doubt in their minds that they are moving forward with joe biden? if so, how are they going to best frame what happened as they move forward? >> they're moving forward with joe biden until they're not. if he does consider stepping aside they wouldn't tell us that is under consideration until the last second and when it happens. up until that moment if that moment were to happen they will be full in because they don't really have a choice. their argument is that one debate but look what is done for the country, he's accomplished all these things on climate change, economics, healthcare and foreign policy, student debt and all that. do you want somebody who can have a stumble at a debate who does the things you want him to do or do you want somebody like donald trump who has been convicted for felonies and
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doesn't believe in democracy? it is a hard message to sell right now but their argument is it is june. they have four months to work on this and if they have to go forward with him if biden doesn't decide to step aside to make the case bigger as they can. >> there's more to talk about from that editorial because the board points out donald trump's debate performance was the qualifying. he lied brazenly and repeatedly. that generated headlines elsewhere which of his false statements though was most egregious, which one should of been counted on stage by someone , if you're inclined to make that judgment? >> he said so many things that were not true. we read that and others have written that and it did get overshadowed the comments about president biden and his performance. he said joe biden indicted me, he said the election in 2020, he said so many things flatly and factually wrong.
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you could make arguments in a political debate that each side might think is not fair but these are factual statements he's saying are not true and he's promoting them from the highest stage you can have in a campaign. because they were not effectively challenged by the president, they are in real time , biden lost an opportunity to say this is not reality. he did say several times he's lying but it wasn't very effectively demonstrated there on stage. >> the new york times also reported yesterday president biden is committed to the september 10th debate suggesting maybe trump won't show up. what is your guess on this? >> that is an open question. if your trump you may decide you don't need to show up because you got the best debate you'll have. biden not doing well is probably the best result trump could've hoped for. why go back to the stage on september 10th if you risk that? we don't know what it'll be
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like in september. we don't know what the race will look like and it may be in his interest he might feel like to do it but he's also a guy who has a healthy ego there and maybe a not healthy one that would want to get up there and make his case to the american people and think you will do great even if people might not agree. >> after the debate you wrote three new articles, they all had a common theme which is democrats are worried about biden's performance. what exactly have you been hearing from insiders and if it calls for democrats for president biden to step aside? have they quieted or do you sense they are growing? >> i don't think they've quieted. he helped himself yesterday with his performance at the rally in raleigh where he came across as forceful, energetic, made his case clearly. a lot of democrats asked the question where was this guy the night before? relatively a few people saw that speech compared to the 50
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million who watched the debate. it helped a little bit because it allowed democrats to point to something and say he had a bad night but he's still there, can prosecute it. there is a lot of anger out there among democrats. there are democrats who worry that the white house hasn't been fully transparent about whatever issues the president may be having about how age is affecting him. there's a lot blaming the staff for putting him in the first place. why agree to a debate? there's questions about his preparation. that may all be unfair because at the end of the day it is biden up there and not staff but you can see how the firing squad is pretty intense right now and there's a lot of uncertainty of how to go forward because they see trump as an x essential threat and the question is not joe biden, how do we be trump? >> all that will be answered in time. thank you for staying and talking with us. the second donald trump you probably went.
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this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is. reactions from a critical group after the first presidential debate, some taking issue with a comment donald trump made. >> as a country digest this the first presidential debate. the
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campaign is hoping their messages resonated with a particular voting group both have been targeting. >> what you say to black voters? >> 87% backed biden in 2020 but the support has slipped down to 71% according to recent polling by nbc news. >> raise your hand if you voted for biden in 2020. >> we watched the debate in philadelphia with three black voters who told us they are now undecided or disappointed with president biden, but this moment from per former president trump left this impression. >> his big kale on the black people is that millions of people he's allowed to come into the border -- they are taking black jobs and hispanic jobs. >> there's no such thing as black jobs. we are very diverse people. >> his perception of how he sees us as a community. >> the constant use of division
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to try to put working people against each other. >> for many black voters we spoke to disappointment in both candidates. nbc news watched the debate with voters in battleground arizona. >> why are you talking about golfing? this is about presidency. you are talking about golfing right now and who has the better swing. >> the reaction from many, frustration and even sadness. >> it makes you not want to vote for the presidency. it really does. >> if black voters choose to not turn out in key swing state cities like philadelphia that could almost certainly spell trouble for president biden in november. >> thanks for that. a picture from a big celebration that will make you smile. next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt.
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today's other top stories, a new york man has been charged with drunk driving after crashing into a nail salon killing four people and injuring nine. police say the driver slammed into the front of the salon and nearly came out the other side. an off-duty nypd officer is among the victim, the driver sustained non-life-threatening injuries. topical storm barrel will strengthen into a hurricane as it takes aim on barbados. beryl could grow into a major hurricane as it moves across the caribbean. the world's largest rainbow flags return to san francisco's market street. the laser flag named freedom is .1 miles long and it'll be lit
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up from dusk until dawn all weekend. it wasn't good for president biden that new york times editorial but it sure wasn't good for donald trump either. nobody in the trump camp is high-fiving themselves over it. the data all of you, welcome to alex witt reports. we begin this hour with president joe biden hitting the campaign trail trying to put on strong show after his debate performance. he arrived in long island a short time ago. new headlines today focusing on how the campaign moves forward while reassuring major donors and democrats who may want him off the ticket biden supporters highlighting one particular point this morning. >> the president is the only person out there who has ever beaten donald trump and he will


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