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tv   The Beat Weekend  MSNBC  June 29, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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the song, it is been intentions road and now that we've started doing in-person screenings, we can see there are different opinions and we really want people to be able to come together and listen and discuss and really give a space for people to think more provocatively about what this means and where we can go from here know that race cannot be considered. which to do that, for those people who will watch this and do so with their family, friends, colleagues and the like. i want to thank you both for joining us. for all of you, you can certainly watch admissions granted a sunday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. congratulations you guys on this film. that will do it for me. see you at 1:00 tomorrow. up yonext, the beat weekend.
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welcome to the beat weekend, let's get right into the headlines. this is a debate that certainly is memorable. but not in a very happy way. it seems to be another in a series of shared american experiences and memories that feel more infamous than famous, more traumatic than cathartic. and so tonight, together with you right now, as we are still within these first 24 hours of that face-off, we're going to take stock with the evidence, trying to look at the significance and the fallout and the actual real possibilities. we are not going to devolve into, or take too much time with the fantasy screenplay scenarios, because while there is talk of rain play style solutions, what matters more, for what this is about what we are going to do, is what is
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possible. indeed, the screenplay talk, the fantasy talk me tell you about the reactions of the dark -- of the democratic party, it may matter in that sense but not of the screenplay coming true. what if it is true, in what we've seen in this short period between the debate and these next few weeks of the two party conventions, is we have a campaign going on. and it is a campaign where the nominees have been chosen. today, you had a clear indication that against the backdrop, joe biden knows he fell down at this debate, because he referred to getting knocked down and how to get back up while speaking in north carolina. >> when you get knocked down, you get back up. i don't walk as easy as i used to. i don't speak as smoothly as i used to. i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. i give my word is biting, i
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would not run again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul i can do this job. >> so first, biden knows how he did and how it was viewed. he just referred to it. he is the one using the analogy of being knocked to the ground. and second, president biden, has seen the same coverage and headlines and palpable concern that everyone who's paying attention this thing is right now, today shutting down any talk of a change in this nomination that he already won. reiterating his running with his full believe he is up to the job. biden's campaign, using today's appearance to try to show that in a very real way, that whatever people saw last night, he's out there, he's busy, he's energized they say, and is up to the job and they are arguing while the debate did start out poorly, they don't dispute that, they point to the fact that over time he did get in and decent minds. >> the only person at this stage that's convicted alan is the man i'm looking at right now.
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>> when he talks about a convicted alan, his son is a convicted felon at a very high- level. >> he was staring at a four- star general and said i don't want to go in there because they are a bunch of losers and suckers. my son is not a loser, he's not a sucker. you are the sucker, you are a loser. >> he made up the suckers and losers. he should apologize right now. >> he has the morals of an alley cat. >> will you accept the results of the election regardless of who wins, yes or no. >> if it is a fair and legal and that election, absolutely. >> i doubt you will accept it because you are such a whiner. the idea you will lose again, you can stem a loss. something snapped in you when you lost the left time. >> there works changes -- works changes like that. and that is not what drives the headlines. and by the way it does say something when threats of a coup leader in these exchanges about porn stars are the top -- aren't the stop -- the top takeaways. and said, the competency to do
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the job. the reason is how joe biden sounded and how he looked. and you can say yes, that is the optics part. but the reason for that is also, how it times, the logic and coherence of what he was expressing was in and out. and that may leave a lasting impression. >> and i'm going to continue until we get the total ban on the total initiative, relative to what we are going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers. this guy told you, told trump, do whatever you want. look, so many young women have been included, including a young woman who was just murdered and he went to the funeral. with the covid, excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if we finally beat medicare. >> now, those moments read is
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more than verbal gaffes. if you happen to watch any of the ramp-up coverage before this debate, before anyone knew how it would go, you probably heard the references to high- stakes of all of that, david plott has said debates are the most important 90 minutes in any year-long campaign. on this program, where we draw on history and evidence for how debates are, the rare moments that reach voters who may tune out once another campaign business. and what the voters saw and what prompted even longtime democratic biden defenders to muse about, was the rough parts of this debate. musing about the once unthinkable. the ap reports biden's uneven performance particularly early crystallized concerns of many americans that at 81, he's too old to serve as president. it sparked a fresh round of calls for the democrat to
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consider stepping outside. the "new york times" dubbing it a halting and disjointed performance, which prompted a wave of panic among democrats and reopened discussion of whether he should be the nominee at all. end quote. nowadays, people don't watch entire debates, in fact, people don't finish articles around online. today, people are seeing the headlines, even in quick snippets. however they get their news online, social media, clips, the headlines were as tough as the quotes. a fumbling performance by a halting president. a panicking party. the wall street journal, "la times", openly speculating about replacing biden. a democratic insider proclaiming he's quote, toast. this is not the first time democratic elites have strong reactions and public anxiety. it's not the first time even joe biden has been counted out. it again, following the evidence tonight, this is measurably wider and deeper, then some of the other moments. we checked and if you look in
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and swing states you see some pretty rough local headlines. one of the largest papers in the key state of nevada, everything that was discussed, the policies, all the exchanges, their headline for the readers was biden shows his age. so that is out there. biden's problems also distracted away from trumps huge and outrageous lies and claims last night. some other papers around the country, i want to tell you, did hit both candidates, the detroit news talked about how they lobbed insults, and pennsylvania, a case that you have headlines about them trading barbs. in colorado there was a comparison of biden's fumbles to the implication of trump's falsehoods. and you can be the judge of whether you would rather have an occasional bumble or serial liar. any reliable gauge of how this affects millions of voters, even if if it affects him and
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all will take some time. you can keep that in mind but the snap polls which i wouldn't say are super reliable register something, kind of an instant take and the tape was overwhelmingly a view that trump won. to get to 67% that includes a lot of people, statistically who have never voted for trump, who didn't plan to vote for him, who aren't republicans saying he won. anecdotal interviews, have also captured a flavor from last night as people felt disappointment, with both candidates and thus, with the current choice. >> terrible for biden, i mean that was really sad. >> i thought he stumbled. you know, it happens. i thought trump was unhinged for 90 straight minutes. >> i was so disappointed in biden, he was worse, he was pale, he looked really frail. , trump just lied through his teeth the entire time. >> double frustrated. >> double frustrated, how about you?
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>> trump did his litany of lies and biden was a disappointment. >> two candidates i'm embarrassed to say are running for president. >> we are doomed. [ laughter ] >> doom and laughing through the concerns. debate watch parties are a big tradition. last night we have examples whereby the supporters were watching the debate and looking quite despondent, as it went on, grinding forward. you can see some of that here. these are not actors, this is not punditry, this is where they have photojournalists watch people watching the debate and you tend to get a real-time indication. we also have footage of course from the trump watch parties, trump supporters celebratory, excited, feeling like they really got a face-off they wanted. now then, there is the interplay between an event, in this case the debate, and its image, its view, its brand as
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they say. it is politics we are dealing with, reactions, optics, the pictures in people's head does matter and this is one of the times that picture was not polarized, it was not two everett americas, not earth one and earth two. there was uniform concern including from top democrats in public that biden materially hurt his chances. exposed vulnerability on the very thing that fairly or not, a lot of people including independents and some democrats worry about him. it is a reaction that ranged from understandable evidence- based concern to outright televised panic. >> i do think people feel like we are confronting a crisis. >> one thing that matters more than anything else tonight, that was joe biden's demeanor. >> it is a devcon one moment. >> from the moment he answered the first question he got, i think america looked and said, this man should not be re- elected. >> i think the panic that set
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in, there would be discussion about whether or not he should continue. >> they are three years apart. they seem 30 years apart tonight. >> he had to prove he has the energy, has the stamina and he didn't do that. >> tragically did not rise to the occasion last night. >> not just panic, it is pain of the night. >> panic and pain, one writer said if biden does lose november, lose the election, quote, history will record it took 10 minutes to destroy a presidency. >> now there are democrats who also question whether biden should remain on the ticket. there is no mechanism to force a change of the nominee. to force a change of who is on the ticket, from the outside. joe biden won the race under the roles. he has the delegates. there is also no precedent in history for a change the slate. no incumbent president has dropped out of the race so late in the campaign cycle. is "new york times" noted in covering those discussions today.
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the only way biden will not be the nominee and on the november ballot is if he decides to break that precedent and dropout. he has not been open to that. and he rolled it out again today. if joe biden did abdicate the nomination, that would hand a vacancy and quite complex rushed political problem to his party and innocence to the country. there is no time, nor state mechanisms to hold russia primaries. there's no path for how to pick a replacement, a replacement would not have a mandate from past primary state wins or seasoning that comes from running for years, which is how we do it in this country. and if there was no agreement reached, and that is not clear that a -- that an agreement could be reached quickly, given what we are talking about. if hypothetically the person
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that is not dropping out did dropout, there could be a battle that stretched into the convention or later. i told you we would deal with evidence tonight. let me show you the calendar. next month, donald trump is been convicted of a felony in a new york will be sentenced following the verdict he reached in and the hush money trial. a few days later you have the republican convention any plans
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>> reporter: any other candidate would have to face those realities. so what can i tell you? you may have heard other things, you may hear chatter about other things. there is a lot of talk going on but if we are dealing in realities and my job is not to tell you the reality that sounds best or are the most popular or may like you -- make you like or dislike the news, the actual reality is weight of the fact checking. and this is where people are wondering how things work and what the realities are. here's the reality, it is measurably unlikely, not technically impossible, we could say possible but measurably unlikely you could have a change in the democratic already nominee. and all of this, that i'm
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telling you, is pretty well known. you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. and you probably don't need an anchorman to remind you of the things that i mentioned because if you follow news or politics you know this. you know that the primaries are over. he has a delegate lead. he's running and you know today he reiterated that well aware of the views of the debate performance. you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. the political winds are blowing against president biden today. and he already won the nomination so under the rules he is the only person who can release and abdicate his nomination. the debate may have changed a lot. today, tomorrow, next week and even next month. but it has not changed the core choice which we know so many in our country and nation have already reviled, which is the reviled congress, the supreme
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court and other things. and here is the choice. it is between an incumbent who does face real questions over his professional competence and a challenger who is a failed coup leader, convicted felon, facing real questions over his ethical competence. if lies, coos and crimes were aged on narrative ailment, donald trump may have had a harder time last night. on the optics. but objections to this set of choices are unlikely to change the choices, to change the ballots being printed. in reality. we will deal with these realities in america with two very special guest. all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider
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>> president biden >> president biden speaking around midnight at the waffle house after the debate. i'm joined by washington post reporter and -- a veteran of seven campaigns including the obama/biden campaign. i walk through the measurable realities and the realities of the democratic roles and calendar. we come to you because you ■çha experience, but, and i don't mean to over flatter you on this big day in america, but you spin and lie less some other political operatives. so in that spirit, what can you say truthfully about the performance of joe biden who is somebody you have supported in the past and what can you tell people about how it actually works and could he easily be removed from the ticket? >> let me first of all do the second one, which is whether he can be removed from the ticket. let's put that to rest, that is a fantasy. joe biden will be the nominee of the democratic party. and that will be the case unless joe biden, who for some
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reason, if there is no evidence, no indication, decides that he no longer wants to be the nominee of the party. so it is extremely unlikely that the nominee of the democratic party will be anyoneç other than joe biden. there simply a mechanism for that. all of the delegates of convention have been selected and they are pledged to vote for joe biden and that will be the case as long as joe biden wants it. as far as the first question, i'm not going to lie. it was a really bad night. it was an extremely bad night for joe biden and the democratic party. and quite frankly biden has to be better. i can say, it's only one night, the campaign moves on. we are going to talk about choice and reproductive rights. we are going to knock on every door in america. that is all going to happen. but the candidate has to be better. there's no substitute in american politics or can it -- candidate performance and joe biden simply must be better than he was last night, going forward.■ç
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>> jackie, the biden campaign pushed for this early. they want to facedown what was widely discussed is an issue that doesn't just plague them on the right or in certain places. but even among their coalition. 89%, i will put that up, 59% of adults before the debate said they were not just concerned but the higher measure quote, very concerned about his age. how does that number play into what is happening today? >> this has always been joe biden's weakness, something that is been the topic of conversation. his style over the substance, for the past year, even longer. he did little to allay concerns. we all know that, every single pendant who went on tv last night, either formally of the biden administration, former obama people, former biden campaign people, they didn't do him any favors by taking■ç the panic attacks straight to national television. in those moments, right after
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that debate last night. it is clear that joe biden has a problem, you don't need me to tell you that, on top of all of the other voices. but what has been really interesting to watch is the way the rest of the party has been so reactive to this. we saw this again last night, we saw on capitol hill this morning. although there were voices out there saying that when you are panicking it may not necessarily be a good time to talk to the press, that people need to take some time to think. that democrats need to be a little bit more like the republican party in in this respect. when you saw donald trump get convicted, of a felony, and in court, just last month, you didn't see the rest of ■çthe pay going, running to television, running to supporters and criticizing him and potentially calling to oust him as the republican nominee. you didn't see that as well, even during access hollywood tapes. perhaps his worst point is a
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presidential candidate, back in 2016, there were some people who remained quiet, but there weren't too many people calling for his removal and replacement. i think everyone could stand potentially to be more on message as to what you saw biden's top campaign advisers trying to do this money. they started with a meeting at the ritz carlton hotel in atlanta, according to reporting from my colleagues, where they tried to assure donors and the top surrogates that everyone is going to be fine, that yes it was a bad performance obviously. but then this ■çis still the first quarter, and their are months left. is also more time until people start paying attention. we know this, tried and true. and then, he's already started his comeback before today. >> will jackie raises two related points, one is what we call the mood, the political culture of the different
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parties. especially since donald trump has taken almost a cultlike hold of the right were even felonies or other problems are reasonably dealt with. and that might turn loyalty into a bad thing. but to take your point. and second, whether this is the mood and culture or it reflects the fact that the age issue has been quietly repressed within the democratic conversatsjrand in public for a long time. and as we know, you need a ton of therapy -- don't need a ton of therapy to know if you feel strongly for a very long time, within your family or your heart, what it does come out, it might be more severe than had it been worked through constructively. and that is not therapeutic advice for you, i am not a licensed therapist. i'm not saying that is something we all need to work on going into the weekend. jackie, you understand. but i am a humble reporter and you don't want to get therapy
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from lawyers. but that therapeutic issue may also be part of why everyone exploded. what do you think? >> i think the difference of the two parties is best so up by a joke from the simpsons where it had the ■çrepublicans and the slogan that said we hate democrats and then he had the democrats and the slogan said we hate ourselves. and that tells you a lot about the differences between the two parties. democrats are always like this. no question about that. and yes, the emphasis should be from democrats on donald trump. last night donald trump was a fascist. he was a racist. he was mean. he was deceitful. he was evil. okay, he was all of these things. but the problem was, that the candidate joe biden, he didn't have a good night. and it is very hard when the candidate doesn't do that in a national debate, and to have all the surrogates tried to do that afterwards. >> thank you both, hope you have a restful we can after the busy week.
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and i am thrilled to tell folks watching at home, someone i can't wait to hear from at this time, a ■çseasoned and sober journalist, bob woodward will be speaking out for the first time. he has chosen the beat and we are happy to have him. bob woodward on the debate and the road ahead. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is.
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new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. as we look to make sense of it all and be sober with the first draft of history we have, the veteran journalist bob woodward, here tonight. mr. woodward joins me in just a moment. is written 10 oaks about american presidents. there may be no other journalist who speaks to somebody presidents across so many periods. not just when they want to be heard from or at press conferences. he spent much time discovering the issues of the day with many different presidents including former president trump, who is on that stage last night. his most recent book dealt with donald trump's handling of
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covid, and includes a series of the so-called trump tapes, lengthy discussions and interviews during that white house and national crisis. the legendary journals and two times pulitzer prize winner bob woodward joins me now. welcome, bob. >> thank you. >> when you look at the debate, what comes through for you, and what do you say to people who think this engenders doubt or disqualification discussions about the president? >> will biden's performance was so bad, so awful, the way i look at it, is a reporter, there must be some explanation, what really happened. he was preparing for this a long time, he knew it was consequential, and then it was this bad. it is like a golfer who plays country club golf in the '90s, and all of a sudden shoots 140,
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and you wonder, something went wrong. he broke his foot or his angle. i think the answer here, is in reporting, in and seeking very aggressively, and explanation, what happened here. we don't want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years, or a decade. we need to know now, and i tell you, it was so bad, so awful. i don't want to speculate on possible explanations. but suppose -- i want to speculate because i think that the answer is in the realm, you always talk about evidence. and maybe had some knockdown,
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drag out fight with his campaign manager. there is an explanation. and that is where the reportorial energy should go in my view. >> and bob, you have followed closely, how washington is taking this in. when you hear calls to reconsider the nomination or the idea that maybe biden should drop out, do you think that is merited now, or too early for that talk? >> well it is inevitable because his performance, i sat there and watched it, and i could not believe it. i said, not only is this a political drogen bomb for him, and the democratic party, you know, what happened? what happened?
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i think something happened, and if you look back at this, he hold up for days working on this, preparing for eight. he knew its significance. somebody who is a practiced politician like biden will internalize and rehearse lines. there must have been some of that. but he got thrown off his own game somehow, and i really think there is some sort of very large explanation for this. because it was so -- it was almost impossible. >> let me read to you one comparison that i think over the last part of what you are raising, this is from stephen collins, a writer.
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there's been no public signed biden is quote, unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency which include tough decisions on national security. just returned from two grueling foreign trips. it on thursdays evidence, his ability to communicate with the country and even to sell his own vision for a second term, is severely compromised. that we read, because it makes a comparison many americans are feeling. and that then i have a breaking item from the "new york times" editorial board, which as you know is different from the reporter side. i just want to remind the audience, the "new york times" reported by gathering the fact but we have breaking news from the editorial board speaking for one of the key papers in the country, the editorial board says quote, to serve his country, president biden should leave the race. and they describe the threats posed by donald trump and say, and i'm reading to you, and i imagine it is breaking news and you are hearing for the first time, quote, the president appeared as the shadow of a
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great public servant. struggled to respond to trump, struggled to hold trump accountable for his lies, delays and chilling plans and then says quote, more than once he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. printed out, i will show viewers that this runs about three pages. it is a lengthy and somewhat considered piece. it is also in the era of our best reactions, a quick reaction to last night, which is inside the 24 hour window. response to that news, mr. woodward, and you think it is too hasty? >> it is not necessarily hasty, but the energy needs to go act, what really happened. look, step back. if a building blows up, down town of some city, the story will be, what happened, and then the story will be, how did this happen? why did it happen? and that is where i am very,
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very curious. because this was a mega disaster. i was so shocked. i could not. did this really happen? and i listened to the replays, now. explain, candidate biden, candidate biden's staff. people close to him. i want to hear the explanation. because, -- that will guide us in a direction. i think, to understand it. can't downplay it though. i've got to say, oh well, it was a bad night. it was an incoherent night.
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>> incoherent night. i have one minute left. final question, referenced you had many interviews and discussions with then-president hump -- president trump and his handling of the covid crisis. which trump did you see last night, based on your reporting and what did you think of his assessment of both covid and the plans he has, where he would to return to office? >> i've done a lot of reporting on this, the covid failure, for this country was trump's responsibility. he received a warning, he has seen -- received plans. he just kept saying, i was interviewing him the entire year, 2020, the last year of this presidency when covid came. and in a way, i almost felt like i was living in a room down the hall of the white house, because i could call him any time. he would call me, nine hours of interviews about this.
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and he failed miserably. it was one of the historic health catastrophes of all time. >> up next, joe biden, looking through what obama has done and figuring out ways to deal with past american legal targeting. more on the story, next. nex start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪♪ ♪♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe.
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we are we are not a nation that says, don't ask, don't tell. we are a nation that says, out of many, we are one. we are a nation that welcomes the surface of every patriot. >> welcome every patriot, that was president obama in in 2010, repealing what was then a don't ask, don't tell policy that literally has government and military policy, told people to stay in the closet.
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or to hide themselves at work if they are lgbtq and served our military. now obama was joined as he sat by his then best -- vice president biden now is president is continuing the legacy of trying to deal with, and sometimes right the wrongs of past u.s. disc nation. biden is now pardoning about 2000 veterans were convicted and expelled from the military from a truman era law that basically criminalized being gay and having same-sex relations, as they called it while serving. they were denied benefits. this was not a technical matterç for people affected, they lost the benefits even after serving their country because politicians, back in the day said, you are not allowed to be gay and serve america. it is recognition as well, and deals with the wider stigma that exists in our society. here's a soldier that was speaking out after facing two years, a two year sentence in a military prison. >> i thought my military life was over, but in that moment i thought my life was over. people who are hanging under the weight of something that is
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no longer valid, should be made whole. >> fare. and as for how this military and a total justice system works, will this is an example of how an executive, and in this case the chief executive, has the pardon power to deal with things like this. we heard so much about abuse, ■ç misuse of her daily thing of part of, this would be using pardons now to write past wrongs. and it is a theme for this president. biden has also pardoned marijuana charges because we have seen states rollback the laws but it is only the pardon power that can deal with the past convictions. a president who so many have seen is an entrenched veteran of a certain kind of d.c. politics, showing a willingness , right now to use the powers of his office on these issues. >> back in a moment with more of the beat weekend. e disease, or t-e-d, whed a different doctor.
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♪ ♪ so clearly you. [ speaking minionese ] no. no. no. no. no. no. [ gasps ] [ chuckling ] good job, junior. way to go. [ chuckling ] [ speaking minionese ]
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diplomats are diplomats are in the news a lot in the united states, top diplomat tony blinken, announcing top ambassadors this week which we covered on the beat and he spent years working on diplomas to end russia's war and ukraine. across history, society honors diplomats from colin powell to thomas jefferson for their skills, statecraft and communication. great diplomat celebrated for using laíg. resolve conflicts or even bring an end to wars. to say someone is diplomatic, is to say that they have mastered tact, rhetoric, strategy. so tonight we have a very special edition of fall back with two people, skilled in strategy rhetoric, and being diplomatic. we're talking about the other diplomats, the legendary harlem hip-hop group, the diplomats led by cameron and jim jones. you see right here, our guests tonight, along with the very diplomatic david bluff, who managed obama's presidential
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campaign. jones led the group to its gold debut project, he has seven solo out of -- solo albums as well as collaborations with j. lo and more. ♪■ç ♪ ♪ >> his recent projects include albums back in my prime, lobby boys and reset the trends and his new single. also joined by david bluff, known for his collapse with then senator barack obama, plus -- kept by the senior adviser, known for his work on strategy, messaging, organizing and breaking barriers and celebrating music in the white house from beyonci and jay-z to bruce springsteen, who you see right there, bob dylan, whom the president awarded the medal of freedom. both -- great to have you both
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here. great to have you. >> we have summer vibes. o@ &c welcome back. on your fallback list, i heard you are looking at the ai projects, which are sometimes stealing music. >> it is kind of tricky right now, artists working so hard to put the original creativity out there, as well as music, and then you have technology, that has ai, that is able to copy anybody's voice, and make music. therefore, there stealing from my plate. i don't think it is fair to the artist and we need to figure out how to make this work. naturally, the natural progression from where technology has gone, but how do we make it work for the artist. >> you make a great point. there are some musicians and labels doing some of these groups.■ç what is striking, is you are known for your voice, among
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other things and the technologies that place, can basically simulate your voice, but they changed it slightly and say, -- if they stole a recording, that would be out of bounds in the court. they say, we altered it. it is a little different. but no, it is the voice. >> when you have a sampling on your record, no matter how you go about trying to clear that sample, you clean it, it is still the likeness of the sample and it is the same thing when it comes to the likeness of the artist's voice. it is the lightness of my voice. people know you are trying to emulate when you made that song. so how do you get compensated? >> and david, you know we call that, we call that ■çwritings u -- biting someone's of style. and that is not cool. i'm not a really cool guy but i listen. i study. you can't bite someone's style. that is not okay. that is normal day today. if you bite someone's style
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commercially, you're taking food off the plate. that is wrong. >> more important fallback to the polls. >> you have been around the politicians and one issue that goes from what jim is saying which is fair to fixing it, is some of these politicians in congress, they are not learning about this. they are not catching on whether it is about music or the deepfakes we see in in politics, which are designed to defraud and confuse people. there is no a live -- ai law. >> members of congress have a hard time talking about social media, the internet. so okay, that is what we are dealing with and this technology is innovating at ■ç warp speed. and it is going to hurt a heck of a lot of people. it doesn't mean we should put too many guardrails up because you need innovation to bloom but we are way behind the ball. >> it seems like the government needs to be bringing up to speed on the issues that doesn't have to do -- with social issues that can impact
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society, heavily. it seems like they always need to be brought up to speed on this type of thing. >> they are really behind the curve. >> thank you for watching, join us weekdays at 6:00 eastern. the beat on and does -- on msnbc. mmatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them...
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