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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  July 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i'm pretty delicious! >> bingo, i got a big one here. >> you thought it was good, but you never know until people make that judgment and go to see it and embrace it. i'm happy it worked out. my kids grew up with this thing. i love it. it's a very sweet part of my life. >> "despicable me 4" is in theaters. that is it for this special holiday edition of "morning joe." the news continues now on nbc.
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>> i had a bad night. and the fact of the matter is that i screwed up. i made a mistake. >> president biden out with new comments this morning about his poor debate performance. plus, we're learning that allies of vice president kamala harris are privately discussing what her candidacy could look like. also hurricane beryl and where the category 3 storm is headed next. good morning. welcome to msnbc's live coverage on this fourth of july. happy independence day.
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president biden is working to reassure staff and supporters that he plans to stay in the 2024 race. biden was forceful and adamant that he's in it for the long haul, saying no one's pushing me out. i'm in this race to the end. vice president harris said, we will not back down, we will follow our president's lead, we will fight and we will win. some governors joined in person while others joined personally. all potential successors joined in person.
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they told reporters they were frank with biden about their concerns but every governor continues to support his candidacy and think he is foot for office. >> we are all looking for the path to win. he has had our backs through covid, through all of the recovery. we're working together just to make very, very clear on that. a path to victory is the number one priority. >> it was a great conversation with the president and vice president because it was honest. it was candid. we believe when you love someone you tell them the truth. we were honest about the feedback we were getting. we were honest about the concerns from people.
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we said we would stand with the president. >> those are just some of the comments you're hearing publicly. what are you seeing? >> reporter: good morning. as you just saw right there, those democratic governors are really trying to show party unity. publicly president biden is not backing down saying to staff, let me say this as clearly as i can, i am running. but privately president biden is torn. he's aware the debate aftermath may grow too large to overcome. the president is weighing his
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instinct and the advice of his family. publicly the white house is staying the course. >> did biden tell the governors he had a medical change-up? >> that's difference than what the press secretary said yesterday. she said he had not had a medical exam since february. he did tell the governors he had had a medical checkup after the debate. several of the governors would be considered possible
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replacements if the president were to drop out of the race. the president is reassuring everyone that he is up for the job. many congressional democrats will be watching over the next couple days. he has that trip to battleground, wisconsin, tomorrow. >> a lot of eyes will be on all of that for sure. gabe gutierrez, thank you. we learned biden reached out to senate majority leader chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and jim clyburn. according to a clyburn spokesperson the conversation between the two was very long. they noted the substance of the
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call would remain private, but he supports president biden staying in the race. an arizona congressman became the second democrat calling for the president to step aside. he needs to shoulder the responsibility for keeping that seat and part of the responsibility is to get out of the race. hours after those remarks congressman seth moulton said, president biden is not going to get younger.
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i respect the colleagues who have already spoken out. we should have all viable options on the table. texas congressman lloyd dogget called for the president to step down. >> do you think there will be more people who say president biden should not be the party's nominee? >> i think it's very difficult for some members to say it publicly. i would encourage people across the country to talk to their senators and congress members while they're back in their districts and what they think about the debate and how we would proceed.
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>> joining us now is ali vitali and jonathan allen. >> the really nuanced position seth moulton is taking here is not explicitly calling for biden to step down. on capitol hill right now, lawmakers aren't there, but they're still talking and trying to figure out the best political reaction they can have. for some democrats in safe
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seats, it might be easy for them to come out against the president. there are so many different factors to this. so privately there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes biden knows the hill, knows the way these things come together. though he is defiant publicly and says he's going to stay in this race, maybe the behind the scenes jostling could be too much to overcome. >> how long can this jostling
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happen? there's a window. the biden campaign can redeem what happened a week ago. what can they do? >> as our great hill whisperer ali vitali says there is bubbling underneath the surface of what we've seen publicly. what a lot of democrats are saying is basically they'll be with him for as long as they can until it becomes too political ly difficult. at one level the longer this
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goes on, it may actually be helpful to biden. we'll have to see what happens. what i do know is very little that the white house has done in the past week has reassured democratic lawmakers, officials and donors the -- they're having a lot of trouble making it better. >> the house democratic leadership planned to hold a call last night. what are your sources telling you? >> not unusual for them to meet. they're on recess.
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it's notable we've seen very little come out in terms of a read out of that meeting. the top democratic echelon are who everybody will be looking to. john hits on something i'm hearing a lot from lawmakers which issiest the idea the calling around the hill should not have started yesterday or the day before. it should have started over the weekend in the minutes after the debate. before he got off the debate stage people were freaking out. that's not a secret.
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the campaign knew that. they've taken a lot of time. it could have hurt them and could still hurt them as people watch to see how he does on the trail and in the upcoming interview. >> we had several polls up in the week showing biden losing. is he in the recovery period now of what happened a week ago? >> if he has not hit bottom, democrats are in deep trouble. i think this is something a lot of democrats have not been willing to acknowledge, that
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donald trump was already leading in this election before the debate and things only got worse after the debate. we have some metrics for that, some data for that. if the bottom drops out of that polling you'll see a massive move from democrats. >> hill whisperer ali vitali. we're tracking hurricane beryl. plus we'll look at what aaa is saying about this potentially being the busiest july 4th in
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it does reemerge out into the gulf of mexico. we've been talking about how warm these waters have been, more like september for this region, instead of what we typically see for this time of year. so there's plenty of fuel. as it traverses the gulf of mexico, becoming a potentially category 1 hurricane. we have a lot of uncertainty. we likely will still see the potential for impacts, but where those are is the big question. probably northern mexico, southern texas. if you live in this area, you want to make sure to get this information as we get through the next couple days and the weekend. i think it's safe to see we'll
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see more rip current risk. hurricane force winds don't seem all that likely, but this is definitely something to watch. >> thank you. meanwhile, a record number of travelers are on the move over this july 4th holiday. nearly 71 million people are expected to travel around independence day, making it the busiest travel season ever, with experts pointing to gas prices and a humming economy. coney island new york we find emilie ikeda.
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>> reporter: triple digits at the beach. the biggest celebration goes on when the sun goes down and fireworks light up the sky across the country. there are no credible threats at this point, but new york city acknowledges it's been a complicated threat environment in recent months, so they're rolling out more police for a safe and spectacular holiday. with just hours to go before fireworks light up the night skies, many americans are waking up to a holiday heat wave, more than 100 million under heat alerts this july 4th. wildfires in california, thousands evacuating in oroville. across the country final preparations are under way to celebrate america's independence. the fbi and department of homeland security telling local police to stay vigilant and the
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biggest threat comes from loan wolves. but there are no credible terror threats for the holiday. in new york city a fireworks show will take place over the hudson river for the first time since 2013. nearly 71 million are traveling this week, according to aaa. a flight heading to amsterdam wednesday was diverted to jfk because of spoiled food served on board. delta apologizing to its customers. overnight in washington, a dress rehearsal for the capital's
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fourth of july celebration, with music and fireworks. a family business now in its fourth generation has been designing the fireworks over the capital for decades. >> it's an epic moment. it never gets old. >> reporter: nathan's famous hot dog eating competition is being set up nearby. notably absent will be joey chestnut. he's competing at another event. we'll have to see if anyone can beat his record of 76 hot dogs in a mere ten minutes. >> it's never too early. you could set the women's record if you eat 48 1/2.
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>> unfathomable. there's growing chatter among some donors about what kamala harris might look like at the top of the democratic ticket. we want to dig in to new reporting on that, next. reporting on that, next. sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add a base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at
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vice president kamala harris has been very vocal and very categorical in her support of president biden in the aftermath of his poor debate performance last week. but behind the scenes, allies and donors of the vice president are reportedly holding private discussions about how they could support her candidacy if biden were to drop out of the race. harris has emerged as an early favorite to replace the top of the ticket. that does not mean there aren't more contenders and a potentially messy battle for the nomination. her focus on reproductive rights, her outreach to black voters and marginalized communities are a couple of examples. her remarks in february in
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germany when she emphasized the support of ukraine in its fight against russian invasion. president biden's team has said he's not dropping out of the race, and vice president harris has remained loyal to the president. a biden campaign representative did not return request for comment. >> what are you seeing in terms of kamala harris being the top candidate if president biden were to withdraw from this race? >> so i had access to a private phone call with donors and various strategists who, you know, expressed a lot of concern about the presidential debate and just felt biden wasn't the option. they were giving different options about who they should be looking for.
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in that conversation, one strategist said it appears that in swing states that a comatose or dead biden was still more viable than kamala harris. now, that strategist has since sent a letter out to confirm or tell his donors that he was not specifically saying that himself, but you know, in an extreme case, that he wanted to clarify it wasn't coming from him, but that is a notion that's out there. >> some new reports are saying that allies of vice president harris are quietly preparing if biden does drop out. in our reporting, we reached out to seven people, those who are involved in the democratic party, and they said she would get broad support. is that also what your reporting is sighing that if she were to get the nod, would she get broad
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democratic support? >> yeah. from the few democratic lawmakers i've reached out to about this, they unequivocally said they would back the vice president. no one has even suggested there would be not option. i know there's also reporting to say people would support a mini primary about who should succeed joe biden. so it's not clear what the process would be, but yeah, i haven't talked to anybody who says differently. she is presumably the person that would replace joe biden. >> in early polling, it shows that she would do better in some scenarios against donald trump, the vice president if she were to be top of the ticket. your sense of how the vice president would fare against donald trump from what you've been hearing from those in the democratic party? >> i have no idea how the vice president would fare.
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i think what's important is whether or not she would have the backing from her democratic colleagues. you know, in general, the vice president is usually not in the limelight, right? so this would be a huge transition for vice president kamala harris. you know, at a moment where she would be able to put forth or amplify what she's been doing for the past four years under a joe biden administration. lawmakers seem very positive. actually i talked to them after this polling came out that suggested she would be in a better position than joe biden at this point to beat donald trump. many of them agreed and said, yeah, they would totally back her, speaking to lawmakers specifically. >> sort of a rock and a hard place right now in terms of the
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kamala harris team. before we go to break, another story making headlines this mornings, reproductive rights could be on the ballot in two more states this november as activists in arizona and nebraska have submitted enough signatures to get a proposed amendment that would enshrine abortion access in those two states' constitutions. states' constitutions. coming up, voting is now under way in the united kingdom's first parliamentary election in five years as the conservative party looks to keep its majority, if it can. that's next.
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voters are heading to the polls today across the united kingdom for the first parliamentary election in almost five years. the labour party is expected to sweep into power, ending 14 years of conservative rule.
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polls close at 10:00 p.m. in the united kingdom in one of the most anticipated elections in quite some time. joining us in london is raf sanchez with the very latest on the election. how does it look? >> reporter: the polls have been open here for about seven hours on this unusually sunny election day in london. we expect that to get exit polls around 5:00 p.m. eastern, that will give us a sense of where this election is going. from all the voters we speak to, every indication is this is an election about change. the british people are voting for a new government and a new prime minister. after a lightning-fast six-week campaign voting is under way across britain.
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prime minister rishi sunak asking voters for another chance. >> your vote will make a difference. >> reporter: but with prices high, economic growth low and four conservative prime ministers in a row forced to resign since the 2016 brexit referendum that saw the ik crash out of the european union, many voters here are in an unforgiving mood. >> we want them to get what they deserve after behaving so badly. >> reporter: polls suggest the conservatives are facing a wipeout and the center left labour party heading for a victory. >> we've now had 14 years of chaos, of division and failure and the choice tomorrow is to bring that to an end, to turn
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the page and start to rebuild with labour. >> reporter: a former prosecutor, starmer is a political centrist, whose policies align with president biden. next year he may be dealing with a second-term president trump. does keir starmer have what it takes to stand up on the world stage? >> i think he'll stand up for what else in. our support of nato is the cornerstone of our foreign policy. >> reporter: we head to one of the country's closest races. the conservatives won the last election here by just 150 votes. now labour candidate joe powell is hoping to flip the seat. >> we think this is going to be very close. whatever the national polls show, this is not a traditional
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labour seat. >> reporter: do you think people are excited about voting for labour, or they just want to punish the conservatives a little bit? >> they're desperate for change. >> reporter: the reform party led by an ally of donald trump. the u.k.'s election system means it's unlikely to win many seats in parliament. here in the u.k. there's no transition period between the election and a new government taking office. assuming that the labour party wins, keir starmer will give his victory speech tonight, sleep for a couple of hours, head to buckingham palace to see the king and then he'll immediately begin his duties as prime minister. an israeli official tells
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nbc news prime minister benjamin netanyahu will meet with his cease-fire negotiation team to discuss the latest proposal from hamas. the group provided an updated response yesterday, saying the response is constructive and opens the door to more detailed negotiations. president biden outlined the framework deal back in may. it consists of three phases which includes the release of hostages. the second phase is sustaining calm. it's not clear what changes hamas is now requesting in its latest response. meanwhile, a source familiar with the situation telling nbc news president biden is expected to people with netanyahu today. vladimir putin and xi jinping are meeting with members of therapy eurasian summit club.
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the club was founded in 2021 and has since expanded to include india, iran and pakistan. xi called putin an old friend in opening remarks and said they should keep up the relationship in response to a, quote, ever changing international situation. putin is expected to discuss with the group the creation of a new set of security treaties. last month the russian president said a regional security system is necessary, and its aim should be to gradually remove any external military presence in the area, which is a reference to the united states. still ahead, donald trump is taking a victory lap after the debate. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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(♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. the future of president joe biden's 2024 campaign, donald trump is prematurely potentially gloating about knocking his opponent out of the race. in a video posted to his own truth social account yesterday, trump can be heardnt disparagin
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both biden and vice president kamala harris, while on the golf course with his son baron. take a listen. >> gave me so much -- how did i doho in the debate last night? >> fantastic. he just quit, you know, he's quitting. >> is that right? >> i got him out of there, and that means we have kamala. i think she's going to be better. she's so good. she's so pathetic. i just can't imagine -- can you imagine that guy dealing with putin and the president of china who's a fierce person, who's a fierce man, very tough guy. just announced he's probably quitting. >> joining us now, msnbc contributor and author of the book "how the right lost its mind," charlie sykes. charlie, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> maybe not surprising, the comments that we saw there from
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donald trump, but what do you make of this temperament, his confidence right now? is it a little bit over, a little bit under, right sized? >> let's be honest, it'd been kind of a winning streak unfortunately, and the supreme court handed him a huge victory, which of course makes trump 2.0 presidency even more dangerous than it was before. i mean, on this july 4th, we celebrate that momentwe when america said wece don't want a king anymore, and then the supreme court on monday said, hold our beer. in fact,y the president ought be above the law in certain cases. so you know, at some point when we're done, you know, dealing with the fallout from the debate, we do need to refocus on this uniquely malignant character who, if he returns to the white house will be far more powerful and unrestrained than any president in american history. >> and the one person that could keeper him from that very perch
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joe biden, and turning to a new piece you wrote for "the atlantic," it was titled is the biden bubble bursting, you just mentioned one of them, the supreme court, obviously the debate itself, how do you think the president will stay in this race? and you know, how have they been doing in the last week to try to make that happen? >> he's got to do three things, and i think this is what he's hearing from democrats. number one, he's got to get out there. he's got to give interviews like the oneo he's going to give to george stephanopoulos. he has to give more. he has to give an unscripted press conference, and quite frankly, he's going to have to have some transparent and credible medical information about his condition. now, of course, so does donald trump. he needs to do all of these things. and i understand the frustration about all ofrs this, but the bin
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bubble that i was describing here is i think we have to ask ourselves why were so many people shocked by joe biden's performance. andde it is perhaps because, i think, that people have been unwilling to, you know, believe the evidence, of their own eye and this is a dangerous thing in politics. i understand loyalty. i understand the people who believe that he deserves another term, but the big question right now is can joe biden beat donald trump? because the stakes are so high. if he can prove that he can, fine, but he's got a very, very small window to do that, and i have to say -- and you asked the question -- what has he done over the last seven days. he hasn't done any of the things that i think he needs to do to reassure fellow democrats that this was just one night, just 90 -- you know, just a bad 90 minutes. he didn't do any interviews. he hasn't had that press
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conference. in fact, it feels like he's beer in a bunker. so in many ways, i think that he has made the situation -- he certainly has not solved the situation. so tomorrow is really his first and maybe his last chance to begin turning thisst around. >> 30 seconds here, charlie. when you look at it, does he have to have state of the union level performances now or greater to offset that which happened a week ago? >> yes. but the thing is that even that is necessary but not sufficient. it's not enough for him to speak from the teleprompter. he's going to have to be in an unscripted situation. necessary but not sufficient at this point. and plus, he'sed going to have be good, not just tomorrow night but every night because his margin for error is vanishingly small. >> those soundbites will always be out there. thank you so much, that does it for us this morning. yamiche alcindor picks up the live coverage after a short
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right now on msnbc, defiance or acceptance,


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