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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  July 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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so, i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair... every time i dried it! it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. you'll love swiffer or your money back! hello, i'm craig melvin, and this is "dateline." wow. >> i don't know what it is
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about my mom that has captured the heart of so many people. there is something to her that people connect with. what was so beautiful about her , it made her a target, too. >> she was the queen of the million dollar listing, the real estate broker who sealed the deal. >> her customers love her. the most genuine person you ever met. >> she headed out to show a house that day and never made it home. >> i'm texting her and calling her. >> what happened here? >> something is wrong. >> was she in danger? was someone behind this? >> please don't call the police. if you call the police, it could be bad. >> you can hear how scared she was. >> suddenly, an all-out manhunt. >> it's like a moving. >> good anyone creature in time?
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>> i have to be stronger >> emotions are everywhere. >> i know she pleaded. did you find her? is she alive? and sful real estate welcome to dateline. beverly carter was well known in little rock, arkansas. she was a beloved mother, wife, and a successful real estate broker with a long list of clients. and then she vanished. police knew it was a race against time to find her before it was too late. here's andrea with the client. >> beverly carter was making a name for herself in little rock, arkansas. >> her face was in the paper every week. >> she had a billboard on one of the busiest interstates. >> is a top selling realtor,
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beverly carter had become somewhat of a local celebrity. with her infectious smile, she put house hunters at ease, trusted to find the perfect home, she often did. >> nobody could do it like beverly could. >> but there was a downside to her celebrity. >> this realtor had a target on her back >> she did and she didn't know it. >> for beverly, being a realtor was more than just closing the deal. >> was she in the perfect job for her personality? >> yes. >> her sons, chad and carl junior and his wife came were always amazed at how much their wives clients loved her. >> she had gone to their wedding and went to a baby shower point she just sold them a house. i think that speaks for itself. >> she had a nice smile. >> beautiful smile. she had a left that would fill a room. >> she was hands down the most genuine person you ever met.
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>> jack, beverly's youngest son says it was like his mom glowed . >> she was very radiant. i think that's what spoke out to people, the confidence that people notice. she was naturally beautiful. >> it was that natural beauty that caught the eye of her husband carl. they met when they were just kids. >> she was 16, i was 19. >> where did you meet? >> texas. she was working at a little hamburger joint. i said, did i know i was going to get a wife when i got a hamburger? >> you just knew? >> yeah, right there. >> a wedding soon followed, a quick stop at city hall. >> it was a very small wedding but she loved me and i loved her. we thought it was love, anyway. >> their young love letter to three children, all boys and later six grandchildren. they had their share of marital problems, including money issues and infidelity. but they worked them out.
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when their 20th anniversary rolled around, they decided to renew their vows and throw a big party. >> i just asked her, would you marry me again if i ask you to? >> she said, well, yeah. i says, okay. >> they wanted to renew their love. it was a way for her to get her dream wedding. >> a few years after she got her real estate license, and her best friends, stacy, brenda and denise to say it didn't take long for beverly to bill's a loyal clientele. >> did she sell a lot of properties? >> she was the top listing and selling agent in 2013. she did over 12 million. >> what was at that made her so good at closing the deal? >> she just had that magic about her. she had such a bubbly personality that it made you fall in love with the house. >> the women work together in the same office, although they say it felt more like play then
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work. >> we would laugh at anything. you talk about things that are personal or things that you find funny. we would tell stories and she had this huge goofy laugh. you could hear her all the way down the hall. >> as realtors, they looked out for each other. their office even came up with the secret code, a text that signaled there was trouble. >> red folder was the code? >> you would have the red folder on 123 main street. >> a code they hoped they would never have to use. >> coming down the home stretch. >> as her 50th birthday approach, she was determined to get in shape. she started running, working her way up to 5k races. >> the reason she started running some of the times was the metals. >> she lost nearly 60 pounds and threw herself a big birthday party. she gave herself a present, cosmetic surgery. >> she had the tummy tuck but also had implants because she
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had a lift and it was kind of a big joke because when they put the implants in, they were a little bit larger than she wanted them to the -- the. we had some big laughs about the and she was going to have them reduced because she was like, they had not fallen and they were sitting up here. >> but she did look good. >> being a real estate agent, she felt it was important to look her best. on an unseasonably warm september day in 2014, beverly was easing back into work. brenda remembers beverly telling her she was going to show a house not from her home. the potential buyers were offering cash. >> she didn't want to go. she was tired, but she was hoping that she would be able to get a fast close because if it's a cash close you can close it quicker. >> this is kind of an everyday run-of-the-mill showing? >> yeah. >> she left the office and headed off to show the property to a young couple. she told her husband she would
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be home for dinner. but you didn't hear from her? carl says he started to worry. beverly had given him the address so he decided to take a ride over. >> if she's over there, her car would be there. i drove around there and there was her carpet >> she was in the house? so this is panic time for you? >> i thought it was weird because beverly wouldn't leave unless she was in her car. >> do call the police? >> yes. instantly. >> that call set off a frantic search for beverly carter. where was she? coming up, what happened to beverly? >> all of a sudden beverly text me. >> our phones started beeping at the same time with text and she said i'm sorry, my phone has been dead. >> some simple miss communication? the mystery was just beginning. >> i still can feel the same pain. >> when dateline continues. dat
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hey, flo. cool leg warmers. thanks. they are just for the bus ride to work. they are not part of the official uniform. no tunes today? no. my apartment was robbed last night. took my cable ready tv, vcr, portable cassette player. yup. all the latest tech. if only progressive had renter's insurance like their home insurance. then we could bundle our cars and get the same 24/7 protection. -i think we just invented that. -huh. this is the best day ever. well i still got robbed. well still pretty good day. it's started. it's... the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination—a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own.
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i just scheduled an appointment online and the inspection was a breeze. they explained everything. leaffilter's technology protects your gutters for good! now my home is protected. call 833 leaffilter or visit andrea canning: carl carter was worried now my home is protected. wife carl carter was worried about his wife beverly. she had promised to be home for dinner after showing this house not too far away. it was dark now. she wasn't answering her phone and at the property for sale, her car was in the driveway but there was no sign of her. carl says he called the police.
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>> he says, it's almost 9:00 and he says, son, i haven't heard from your mom. have you heard from her? and i'm texting her and calling her and i can't get any response. my first thought was, dad, this is just the nature of the business. >> to reassure his dad and himself, carl junior and his wife kim drove over to beverly's office hoping she would be there. >> there was no one there. the place is completely black and about that time dad let me know that he made it to the property where mom told him she was going, and her car was there but she wasn't. >> he figured there must be an explanation. stacy and brenda, they thought maybe she had gone with a potential buyer to show the mother houses. >> we went to the two vacant house things and checked the lockboxes and see if anybody had opened them. >> as the hours tick by, her
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friend denise couldn't sleep so she checked her phone. >> there was an email from brenda and i can still see the words that said, it is with a very heavy heart that i let you know that we can't find beverly. she want to show a house and she is missing. i still can read that and feel the same pain. >> police and beverly's family gathered at the property, trying to figure out where she was. >> how was your dad handling everything? >> he was hard to read. he would sneak away from time to time, get some collection on his thoughts. >> event around 1:00 a.m.. >> bam, bam, bam, i hollered at the officer. beverly text me. >> word that beverly was texting if everyone hope. >> i was like, this is her phone , it died. its charge, it's good. >> beverly's friends got texts of their own.
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>> our phones started beeping at the same time with text, and it was such an eerie feeling. it was like, oh my gosh. >> she said, i'm sorry my phone has been dead and i just turned it back on. >> it sounded promising but a little off. concern, brenda used the safety technique the office had come up with. she texted beverly the special code. i said, tenney -- can you tell me if you left the red folder on the desk? >> if she was in trouble she would know to text back or location. >> there was no response. >> the one that i got was, i'm out having drinks with friends, and i was like, we are right here. >> the text on beverly's husband's phone were just as deflating. they read, yes, sorry phone been dead, and having drinks now. carl junior knew his mom would never go out and not tell anyone. >> to go from this, she's okay, this is all over to the second we saw that screen and saw
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those text, we knew. someone has her phone. >> totally flipped me out. she has been took. >> the patrol division who responded to the call decided they needed backup. detective jeff allison rushed over to the property. >> beverly had not been missing for that long, so why were you called here? >> the division showed up and started speaking with the husband and determined that some of the factors in the case were odd. >> not only was beverly's car parked in the driveway, her purse was locked inside. >> did you have a grim filling right out of the gate that this woman did not disappear voluntarily? >> i was hopeful but i did have a feeling, yes. >> they searched the vacant house. it was pitch black. the electricity was off. >> i got on the floor and with my flashlight, you can shine a light at a specific angle and seat disturbances in dust.
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it looks like somebody had walked through there. >> no signs of a struggle inside, but he did discover a clue outside the front door. >> there were tire tracks and it looked like somebody pulled up next to the front door. >> the neighbor across the street had seen something? >> yes. she saw a black vehicle pulled in the driveway and 25 to 30 minutes later, so a skinny white male with short hair outside of the house with a vehicle back to the front door. put two and two together that's probably where the tire tracking from. >> they found more to go on in the back of beverly's car. >> i found a notebook that she kept with realtor information on it that showed a listing for that house. >> was there anything in that notebook that was providing you with any clues? >> attached to the listing was an email address and phone number. >> did you call it? >> no. >> he did not pick up the phone for a good reason. the detective had a theory. >> i felt that beverly, wherever she was, she was being
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held against her will. >> if this was a kidnapping, he knew they had to tread lightly with any possible suspects, like the couple she met at the house. if they were involved, the last thing he wanted to do was to them off, and the detective says, there was someone else he had his eye on. coming up, you are the husband and you just completely contaminated our crime scene. why did you do that? >> i knew that i was a suspect. when dateline continues. at. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining.
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and skyrizi is proven to help deliver long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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as the sun rose the next morning, there was still no sign of beverly carter. family and friends were out searching. >> we had beautiful color flyers that we were posting everywhere. she had some new head shots done. >> we had hundreds. >> and hundreds of people joined search parties all over the area. >> her family, office family, came together and we had realtors from all over the state helping us. by that afternoon we had the search that up and everybody had an assignment. >> many realtors felt this was personal. one of their own, while out doing her job, went missing. agents were already on alert. there had been a rise in crime against real estate brokers across the country, brutal assaults, and even murder.
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>> how often do you talk about safety? >> we always talked about it but a lot of times if somebody would call and ask to show a house, it was kind of out of instinct, you would jump up and go. >> this was not a last-minute showing for beverly. brenda said she had been in contact with the client for a few days. >> she had some concerns initially because it was a man who had contacted her. >> she wanted to make sure the wife was going to be there also. she wanted to show them both at the same time. >> the deal was made that both parties would be there? >> the wife got on the telephone and told her, yes she would be there. her friends pointed out, the neighborhood where she was showing the house was one beverly knew well. >> she felt very comfortable in this area. >> she had sold several houses on that street, so she was very familiar with that area. >> her pastor lived on the street. >> that street was now a crime scene. news stations help to get the word out.
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>> and arkansas real estate agent remains missing this evening. >> did this become the lead story on every newscast? >> every newscast, all kinds of feedback from viewers, the biggest store online, biggest story on facebook. viewers immediately latched onto it. >> shannon miller covered the story for nbc affiliate ka rk. she says funding beverly became a local obsession. people came out in droves looking for her. wondering, or could she have gone? it left a huge mystery. what happened to her? >> her husband carl made a televised plea. >> i would like to tell my wife , there are crazy people out there. >> not everyone was buying the distraught husband story. >> people were saying, oh, the husband had some to do with it. he must've hired somebody. we watch a lot of dateline. >> carl junior, so worried about his mom, no feared his dad could become a suspect.
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>> they were asking questions like, you are the husband and you just went into this home and searched for her. your fingerprints are everywhere. you just completely contaminated our crime scene. why did you do that? and so you can just see the wheels turning. it was like, oh no. >> he was right to worry. detective allison brought carl senior in for questioning. >> did you put carl in an interview and treated him like this is somebody we need to take seriously? >> yes. any time you do an interview, it's best to get into a setting. in an interview room i'm giving an interview. it plays on their emotions. >> did you consider that carl could have paid somebody to do this? >> yeah, i thought about it. >> did you know why you were considered somebody that they needed to talk to? >> once i got in there, i started getting questioned, then i knew that i was a
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suspect. >> as detective allison continue to question carl, he discovered some skeletons. they were having financial issues? >> yeah, --. >> how much did she have in her checking account? >> it wasn't much. >> $126? was there a life insurance policy? >> several hundred thousands of dollars. i don't remember the exact dollar amount. >> they also learned about other issues he found disturbing. >> did you have any affair? and i said yeah. one. >> something else that was troubling. years before carl says he got violent with beverly as she tried to stop him from driving drunk. >> i mean, i even hit her. one time. that's when she got out of the truck and said i'm not going to ride with you. stay here then. i just drove off. i drove straight into a ditch. >> did you regret it?
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>> oh, yeah. i felt like -- as far as that goes. i really needed to roll with it. >> did you worry how that would look? >> no, i didn't worry a bit. i wanted to find beverly. one thing, i wanted to find beverly. i said, you know, i hit her and it was that. but, this one time out of 34 years, when slap upside the head, that isn't bad. >> he says that was many years ago and beverly never held that against him. >> she forgave me right then because she knew that i wasn't me. >> detective allison said he wasn't ready to cross carl off his list. he had other work to do. the email address and phone numbers of the prospective buyers found in beverly's notebook were fake . truck and the couple required more digging. he had a new clue to follow. beverly's cell carrier retrieved eerie photos taken inside the
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house just before she went missing. >> what had happened inside that house? a new lead morphs into an all- out manhunt. coming up. >> jumps out of the second story window. >> it's like out of a movie. >> when dateline continues. ne this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur.
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welcome back, i'm craig
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melvin. the hours that turned into days since family and friends had seen real estate agent everly carter, and it was some good old-fashioned detective work that gave police their first big clue. once again, here is andrea with the client. >> detectives searched computer and phone records and data was pouring in. they were hoping it would lead to the missing real estate agent. beverly carters cell carrier turned over everything on her phone, and there was one thing that caught investigators attention. these blurry and dark pictures she took of the house she was trying to sell. not exactly showcase material, and when her daughter-in-law had a chance to see them. you have a theory about why they are badly taken photos? >> you can tell that it was like just quick. i knew she knew something was wrong. >> she believed beverly was scared of those buyers and was
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rushing to finish showing the house. it was all bad news. beverly carter had now been missing for 3 days. >> i never felt that kind of loss of control. you feel utterly hopeless. >> and helpless. you can't do anything. what they didn't know was that detectives were about to crack this case wide open. the team that had discovered the buyers contact information was fake, kept investigating. >> they took the email address and phone numbers and sent out search warrants and subscriber information. >> the names pop-up? >> yes. >> their real names? aaron and his wife crystal lowery. police raced over to put their house under surveillance. >> this was a delicate operation. >> yes. we were working with the hope that she was still alive. >> detective allison said he wasn't sure if the couple was
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involved. you first wanted to see what aaron looked like. remember, their eyewitness saw a skinny white man with short brown hair the night beverly disappeared. they had not been -- when a man matching the description walked out the door. they didn't approach him. >> were you hoping he would lead you to beverly? >> yes. we felt if we made contact to early, if he was the one were looking for, everything is shot. >> got into his car and that's when the detect gives said the plan quickly fell apart. >> he saw us sitting there so that's when he started speeding off. >> he knew you were following him? >> yeah, he went around a corner and rex and was out of the vehicle by the time we went out of the corner and saw him. >> he was injured. police photographed him and rushed him to the hospital. >> we are not allowed to go back with them while they are getting certain treatment. the detectives were waiting for the treatment and they take him
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back to get mri or c.a.t. scan or whatever, and he decides he is going to leave the hospital. >> and he doesn't come back? >> he doesn't come back. >> aaron bolted from the hospital , what seemed the closest link to beverly carter, had slipped through their fingers. police launched a citywide manhunt. was that one of the first things you did? get his photo out to the news media? everybody knows. you have to get this guy. and beverly's life is at stake. reporter shannon miller remembers her station cut into programming with the breaking news. >> searching for a man wanted for kidnapping beverly carter, a realtor. >> was the city glued to their tv sets as the hunt for this individual was on? >> absolutely. so many people this picture and the space. >> and everyone was on the lookout. managers at a mortgage company who knew beverly from real estate deals were discussing the case in their office.
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>> as we are standing in this room looking out, aaron walks right in front of the window. >> been immediately called 911. >> hi, i'm sitting over here and they are looking for a guy here that was involved in the realtor being kidnapped. this guy looks like him. and he is nervous and out here at the bus stop. >> conan went out to the bus up to confirm it really was . >> i approached him and he was standoffish so i made quick conversation about the bus routes and times, which put him at ease and i thanked him for his time and went back inside and told my colleagues, absolutely, that is aaron without a doubt. >> they started --. he is caught on the security camera and when he left. >> someone from a distance had made the comment, i think that is him, and that's what spooked him. >> he took off across the street towards this apartment
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complex. >> people were chasing him and we knew we were in different areas. we were confident where he was unlikely we saw the police coming in. >> he takes off running into the apartment and jumps out of a second story window before he is taken into custody. >> this is like a movie. this chase and kidnapping. if you like that? >> oh, yeah. still does. >> the cops finally had a suspect and what he revealed would send detectives on a hair- raising ride to find the missing real estate agent. coming up. >> carl, it's beverly. a haunting recording. >> i'm okay. i have not been hurt. >> good beverly still be alive? >> i had hope. you have to. it's what keeps you going. >> when dateline continues. ne discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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police had a suspect in custody, his name was aaron . he was an unemployed truck driver who had been convicted of petty crimes in several states. to beverly sun carl junior, he did look like a kidnapper. >> he looks like a regular guy. it's almost like, what did this punk want with my mom? it didn't make sense. so i almost was like, are we sure we have the right guy? >> detectives believe they did, but the roller coaster ride for beverly carters family and friends was far from over.
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>> i can remember the feeling when he was captured. we were all like, yes, okay now where is she? we are ready to find you. >> as investigators focus on aaron , they backed off of beverly's husband as a suspect. detective allison was keeping carl in the loop. >> he said, we got him. >> where is beverly? and he said, we are still questioning. we are going to find out. we will keep going until we find her pick >> did you have a little burst of hope? >> a little bit of hope. that's all i had. >> your biggest task is to find out where beverly is. >> my biggest task and biggest concern at the time. >> did know where beverly was? and if he did, would he tell a detective? >> where was beverly? >> he said that he kidnapped beverly and it was because of money. he said that he found her on the internet, searched around a massage she was a broker and
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felt like she had money. >> he described in detail what he claimed happened. when he contacted beverly about the house showing, she told him she didn't feel comfortable meeting just him. so he got his wife crystal on the phone to say she would be there, too. >> he shows up and goes in and makes an excuse as to why crystal couldn't come. and erin tells me that he had beverly take photographs of the house with her phone. >> that explained why those photos the detective sought were dark and blurry. is that he asked beverly to send them to crystal since she couldn't be there. >> she said they walked upstairs and when they got to the top of the stairs, he pulled out a flashlight taser and told her that she was about to have a bad day. and she asked, what are you talking about? you are being kidnapped. >> she must have been absolutely terrified. >> no doubt. >> then claimed he had an accomplice and he wasn't talking about his wife who had
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set up the meeting with beverly. it was someone else. >> if anything happened to beverly, trevor done it. trevor is a guy that aaron lived with for a short time. >> did this give you hope that there was an accomplice and that maybe he did have beverly? >> i hoped we were going to find her alive. you have to. it's what keeps you going. >> said the last time you saw beverly , she was with trevor, and offered evidence that she might still be alive. played a recording from his phone and it was chilling. >> carl, it's beverly. i just want to let you know i'm okay. i haven't been hurt. just do what he says, and please don't call the police. if you call the police, it could be bad. just want you to know, i love you very much. >> it was encouraging, but it only proved beverly was a life at the time of the recording. the detective told , he needed more. >> that's when he finally says, i will take you to where
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the last place she was. >> this is a big moment now. in this whole case, this is it. >> yeah. that's when we loaded him up and we started going to arkansas. >> beverly's family prayed this nightmare was about to end. did you know aaron was saying your mom was alive? >> yes . we knew that after they had him and they were interrogating him. >> it was a big boost of energy. when he was telling us, it was like such an uplifting thing. >> is everyone sitting by the phone waiting for the call? we got her? >> pacing. >>lead detective allison on a road trip 30 miles out of town to the last place he claimed to have seen her alive, a shed on the side of the road. >> what are you thinking as you are approaching this shed? there's a really good chance she could be here? or not so sure? >> i'm hoping she is in their.
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we go in and she wasn't in there. she had never been in there. >> that is such a letdown. >> it was bad. it was bad. >> but wasn't done. he had a captive audience and he knew it. he took the police to a new location, a house about 35 miles away. >> he says, this is where i initially took her after i abducted her. we walked in and there was nothing. >> another letdown? are you feeling like this guy is taking us on a wild goose chase? >> yes. i was so mad that i couldn't drive him back. i had to ride back with another detective. >> there was a woman's life at stake and he is messing with the police. >> playing games. >> while was leading detectives on this wild goose chase, another cop tracked down this trevor, the man claimed was his accomplice. >> we figured out he was in
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the military, assigned to little rock air force base. we did make contact with him and interviewed him. >> the interrogated trevor for several hours and then let him go. >> he wasn't even in town when this happened. >> he had an ironclad alibi? >> absolutely. we confirmed to his job through the air force base that he was on base that day. >> lies after lies. there was no accomplice. neither location turned up anything. police were running out of options. and then detective allison thought of one more possibility, a cement plant called our goes, where had recently worked. >> i point-blank asked him if beverly was at our goes. and at that point he was looking down at the table. he looked up and he said, -- i figured that's probably where she was at. >> police raced over to the factory hoping to find beverly
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a live. coming up, another game from aaron . >> i was so mad. how dare you try to tarnish our suite beverly's reputation. >> an answer for her family. >> we found beverly. >> when dateline continues. lin it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush,
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why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. reporter (voiceover): four days after beverly carter disappeared, police pulled up to this remote cement plant.
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they frantically searched for the missing real estate agent. you just now have this gut feeling that that's where she's at. yep. four days after beverly carter disappeared, police pulled up to this remote cement plant and frantically searched for the missing real estate agent. you just now have this gut feeling that is where she's at? >> yeah. >> shortly after arriving, an officer stumbled on something straight after a crime novel, and elbow sticking out of the shallow grave. it was beverly. detective allison went to see carl. >> you never forget the look on somebody's face when you tell them that you found their spouse. >> he said we found beverly. i said well, was she live? and no. i'm sorry. but she wasn't. >> we worked so hard to find her. we just really tried to do right and it wasn't enough. >> i know she pleaded for her life and to be sent back to us and for her grandbabies, and i
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just have to know that god was there comforting her. >> aaron lewis was charged with murder and kidnapping and his wife, krista lowery, charged as his accomplice. they pleaded not guilty but his words to reporter shannon miller outside the sheriff's office did not sound like those of his innocent man. >> reporter: why beverly? >> [ inaudible ] >> it was just as chilling in person as it was in tv and then he gets into the car and you're going, what did he just say? >> two weeks layered -- later, shannon interviewed lewis in jail. was he willing to cop to anything? >> know. >> i didn't kill her. i didn't murder her. and, anything that did occur was an accident. >> then, he tried to say beverly played a role in her
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own death. he implied she willingly met him at the house for asexual hookup that would wrong. in your opinion, how far- fetched was this news story about the sexual encounter? >> it was 100% made up. it was completely far-fetched. >> chief deputy prosecutor john johnson was assigned the case. he believed it was a kidnapping gone wrong, but needed help proving it in court. he turned to lois' wife, krista lowery. >> i thought from the very beginning that we would need to flip crystal, and it would be important to the case for her to testify. >> she agreed to testify against her husband and plead guilty to murder and kidnapping in exchange for a reduced sentence of 30 years. >> it's good for the jury to be able to hear, you know, the back story of what went on and the why of what went on.
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>> aaron lewis went on trial. the prosecution's star witness, krista lowery, took the stand and told the jury all the grisly details. she claimed it was all about money, not . -- sex. she testified that she was in class that nursing school when low subducted beverly. >> she got a text from erin lisch saying look at this or something like that and it was a picture of ms. carter bound in the truck of the car. she said that when she got home, he had brought ms. carter back to the house. >> she told the jury when she got home, beverly was locked in their bathroom. what she said next showed how little thought went into this plan. lewis had forgotten beverly's purse with her atm card at the property, so he went back to
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get it. crystal says when he got close to the house, cups were everywhere. one even pulled him over. >> this particular officer just stopped the car that was coming in and said hey, have you seen -- he just ask questions and put the person on alert. >> the officer could not have known that aaron lewis was the man they were looking for. >> as carter was still alive, and he just did not know it. >> one lewis return home, crystal told the jury, that is when the couple will run out of options. >> she was in the bathroom with cripp -- crystals medication and she knew crystal's name. >> beverly had seen too much. she knew she had to die. >> they took ms. carter from her house and put her in the car and drove her out to the plant. >> that is one prosecutors believe lewis wrapped beverly's face in duct tape and let her suffocate. >> he came home and told crystal she was dead. >> them, the heart of the prosecution's case, the
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recording of beverly plating to her husband. they played it for the jury. >> if you call the police a be bad. >> prosecutors argued the recording contradicted lewis's claim of a hookup, so how would the defense explained that tape? attorney bill james chose to ignore it. >> i was unable to come up with any plausible explanation for that recording that helped us. >> this was one of your biggest obstacles, then? instead, he led jurors in a different direction, beverly's personal life. >> you said this case is about secret lives. what did you mean by that? >> in order for our defense to be correct, she would've had to be living a life that was basically secretly doing something other people did not know about. >> ears were lewis' story got even stranger. he was no longer implying that he had sex with beverly. he claimed he was out of the
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house at the time? >> yes. >> lewis said the tryst was between beverly and crystal. he said beverly accidentally died during rough sex. >> he said she was with his wife and he was protecting his wife and trying to cover up for her. >> james suggested to the jury that beverly had been prone to poor judgment. he pointed out that she was broke, but driving a brand-new cadillac and getting expensive plastic surgery. >> i'm saying, she made some bad decisions. maybe she made another one. >> finally, aaron lewis took the stand until the jury the story about the alleged rendezvous with beverly and his wife. during cross-examination, prosecutors pounced. they questioned him about every detail, including that one piece of evidence that seemed to contradict his entire story. beverly's voice on that tape telling her husband she had been kidnapped. >> what he ultimately told the jury was that he had done it
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himself. he had synthesized her voice and created this tape. >> you will forgive me if that sounds maybe a little silly? >> will you forgive me if i remind you i didn't say it happened. i'm just telling you what the trial was. >> to beverly's friends and family, lewis's story was not only preposterous, it was painful to listen to. >> we have been victimized over and over again by him. i was angry not only that he was able to do it but that he continued to be able to hurt my mom. >> i was so mad because i thought, how dare you try to tarnish our suite beverly's reputation. >> the verdict was back in less than an hour. >> we hear footsteps running. they're like, the verdict is in. what? very quickly. >> @? >> great sign. >> aaron lewis was found guilty on all counts and given two life sentences. >> i felt relief.
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instantly, relief that we got him. >> and, beverly's family is working to make sure this doesn't happen to someone else's family. they started the beverly carter foundation. her son travels the country training real estate agents about safety. >> it's a blessing for me because i get to not only raise awareness, talk about safety, best practices, but then i also use that as an opportunity for me to kind of slide in some great stories about my mom, and so kind of keep her alive. >> is off for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. hello. i am andrea canning, and this is dateline.


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