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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  July 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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we are developing agents... with powers far beyond mortal men or you might just explode. [ laughing ] good afternoon, i'm yamiche alcindor, live from washington, d.c. right now, as president joe biden insists he's not going anywhere, his campaign faces a make-or-break moment. the president is set for a key
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rally in a major interview that could be consequential in determining whether he can save his embattled candidacy. we'll bring you live to that rally when it happens, and we'll dig into what both sides are watching for. the strongest july hurricane on record is setting its sights on texas as it slams through mexico after ripping through the caribbean. we're tracking the storm as millions of americans travel this holiday weekend. what experts say travelers should do to be prepared. and a brand new exclusive, one year after the worst mass shooting in baltimore's history, i spoke to two mothers of young people who were killed that day, the bond they forged and their thoughts on the investigation as the killer who took their children and injured 28 others remained unidentified. we begin with the critical few hours ahead for the biden campaign. the president is hoping to turn the tide on a wave of calls for him to drop out of the race.
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he projected some optimism to reporters just a short time ago. >> mr. president, are you ready for today? mr. president, is it time for you to drop out of the race? can you still beat trump? >> president biden will soon hold a rally in the critical swing state of wisconsin. after that, he'll sit down with an interview with abc news. everyone from donors to voters are likely to closely scrutinize his performance now that it's been a week since his poor debate threw his campaign into chaos. the biden team says it's full steam ahead. they're launching a $50 million ad blitz, along with a plan to visit every battleground state this month. some democrats tell nbc news president biden's debate performance was not an anomaly. joining us now, nbc news's vaughn hillyard, who covers the
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trump campaign for us. nbc news' mike memoli is reporting from madison, wisconsin, and also with us, former republican congressman from florida, carlos curbelo, and msnbc political analyst, so, mike, i'm going to start with you. you have always been our biden whisperer on this network. where are our expectations within the biden campaign for today. >> as we're waiting for air force one to touch down in wisconsin, should be any moment now. there is good energy. significant anticipation in this room. it's about as jam packed i have seen a biden campaign event. it's a small room, but this was a hastily arranged event here as the biden campaign is eager to put the president out there as much as they can at this point to try to reassure those democrats throughout the party who are concerned about his candidacy moving forward. it's not an accident this event is in wisconsin where in just over a week, we will see republicans gather in milwaukee to start their convention, and what the biden campaign is
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trying to do is turn the page to look forward, to talk about what they think this campaign should be about, the contrasting visions between president biden and former president trump, and not about the president's own performance. but there are a lot of questions about what the president's plans are moving forward, and the goal for this interview is to have the president forcefully answer those questions directly, and so two events today that could really dictate the future of the president's campaign going forward, even as the campaign is signaling it's not just thinking about next week with that nato summit, the president hoping to demonstrate continued world leadership from his administration, but then moving forward with campaign events on the west coast, even during that republican convention. that's what campaign is planning for, at least at this point, yamiche. >> definitely high stakes there in the way that mike lays it out. vaughn, of course, as mike said, there's going to be the rnc in wisconsin, republicans gathering there. how is the trump campaign watching all of this as it unfolds? >> the trump campaign is seeking
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to go on offense on this front, just take the social media post here from donald trump a bit ago in which he called for another debate against joe biden, but not in the traditional format. the debate is not scheduled until september, but donald trump saying let's do another debate. this time, no holds barred, all on discussion, with just the two of us on stage, talking about the future of our country. trump has no actual events here this weekend, but he has a campaign rally in florida on tuesday, before the following saturday, a week from saturday, holding an event outside of pittsburgh, and of course, you said it, next monday, july 15th is the beginning of the republican national convention, so for donald trump, his campaign feels competent coming out of the debate, they feel like they're in a good position, and you should expect to see donald trump continue to try to pose these sorts of challenges
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to joe biden. >> there are going to be challenges ahead. carlos, one of the challenges is whether or not this day, this rally, this interview if it's going to be enough to inject the kind of confidence that biden needs to have to continue to move forward. do you think there's going to be enough happening on this one day or do you think this is going to continue to follow the president maybe even until election day? >> well, yamiche, i think what the president is going to try to do today is specifically address the concerns of congressional democrats and major donors. that's the big target audience. obviously they hope as many people as possible tune into the interview and the rally. we know most americans, most voters won't be tuning in. however, insiders in the democratic party will. a lot of those people who have expressed concerns about his candidacy will. they're hoping they can convince those, and then move on to convincing most americans. i still think it's a big up hill climb for the biden campaign because at the end of the
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day, 3/4 of the voting public don't believe that he has the mental capacity and fitness to serve another four years, especially after watching that debate and to reverse that, it's going to be very difficult. i don't know that he'll have enough time. >> yeah, this is certainly a boulder being pushed up hill, carlos, and i want to stick with you here. as we see people pushing for president biden to step aside, voters are sticking with him. in four battle ground states, more than half of voters who supported president biden in 2020 now tell "the new york times" he should drop out of the race but, the times says every voter but one said they will still vote for president biden if he remained in the race, and "the new york times" editorial board just last week called for president biden to step aside, but also said biden would be their unequivocal pick if he remains in the race. is he losing anyone here?
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is it about his ability to serve beyond the ability to win? >> yamiche, the issue is that our country is so polarized, we're not going to see major shifts in the polls. of course we have seen in all of these recent elections how a very small number of voters, swing voters in swing states determine the outcome, and those are the ones we have to watch. there has been a shift in the poll, and that's certainly indicative of those kinds of swing voters saying, hey, i may not like donald trump, but joe biden is just not up to this job. i can't vote for him. even though the shift in the polls is not significant, doesn't stand out, certainly it matters and it will be the difference in this race if things don't change. >> yeah, and when you think about things changing here, mike, i want to come and ask you about the idea that this 90 minute debacle that's been going on, there have been nbc news reporting saying that some democrats think that that 90-minute debate, really was dismal for president biden, that
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it wasn't really sort of what -- it wasn't a moment there, this wasn't an anomaly, in times they have seen a sort of tired biden that looked like the person on stage. even though some also said this is not what they have seen. what are you hearing from the sources, the deepest biden sources we've got here. >> yeah, yamiche, there's some uncomfortable conversations democrats are having, and it seems the debate performance frees up democrats that harbor concerns and their own interactions with the president, to bring them forward primarily anonymously, but injecting them a little bit more into the conversation. we continue to hear from the president, from his team, about how demanding, frankly, he is as boss, how they all need to be on their game to brief him. at 81 years old, he's a different candidate that i have been covering than when he was in his 60s when i first started covering him when he was chosen as barack obama's running mate.
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that really is part of the conversation that democrats really are grappling with. we're asking the country to elect him for four more years, and they have seen in their view, a decline over the course of the time that he has been in office already, and what does that look like going forward. i will tell you, talking to some of the voters here today and i should say supporters, they feel like this conversation is completely misguided. they feel like this is a distraction when we should be focused on donald trump, as you laid out, the degree to which they view the panic that is going on within the party about the president's candidacy is actually more damaging than what the president did on the debate stage a little over a week ago. >> it's interesting to hear biden supporters say that. part of the reason the panic continues in the democratic party, the president had a high stakes meeting with democratic governors and president biden told them in order to get more sleep, he might limit events to after 8:00 p.m. california governor gavin newsom who some have said might be the person that should replace him, hence that was a figtive
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8:00 p.m. i wonder how this is landing in the trump campaign bond when you think about the conversations that are happening and a headline that president biden, really, i'm sure, would not want to see. >> i think this comes down to what, yamiche, donald trump tries to emote about who he is as a person and as a political figure. and that largely is the idea of strength. he's been doing this for nine years, ever since he made the claim that i alone can fix it back in 2016. to being dictator for a day. donald trump has made the suggestion that he would be able to end the russian aggression into ukraine on day one in the white house, that he would be able to end the israel-hamas war in one day, and so for donald trump, so much of the character that he has built for himself politically is this idea of convincing americans that he embodies the idea of strength. and that is where, when he swears himself up against his
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opponent, you should continue to expect, as you have for the last four years, since he did back in 2020, calling him sleepy joe biden, hiding in his basement, this is a mantra that he has tried to use against joe biden, and there is no reason to believe that he's only going to try to up the ante on that. because for him, if he can draw a contrast in the minds of the american public between a candidate of supposed strength and the way that he prescribes it or suggests to the american public that he embodies compared to one of weakness, that's a political contrast that he has every intention to continue to draw the next four months. >> and carlos, thinking about former president trump's strategy here, the "wall street journal" says the battleground map shows signs of expanding for trump as biden struggles, minnesota, new hampshire and virginia, states that typically back democrats in the presidential elections are now being closely watched and possibly even seen as being able to be flipped. what's your sense here as
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someone who obviously has run a race, was a republican, is a republican, i wonder what you think about that? >> well, certainly it goes back to what we discussed. even though the shift in the national polls is not dramatic, we have to look at the staples. before the debate, donald trump had slight leads in the swing states. as some move more towards donald trump, others will start coming into play, and this will of course only intensify the calls in the next few weeks for president biden to step aside. democrats are very nervous, not just about the presidency, but a lot of these congressional democrats are worried about their own race as you're already starting to see some swing district members distance themselves from president biden, even congressman golden of maine, stating that he believes donald trump will win this race. so the trend here is a bad one for president biden, his
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campaign, and while today's events may go well for him, i don't think they're going to move the needle significantly, and i think the general mood of democrats, especially congressional democrats is going to be one of concern and of hope that there's another alternative. >> yeah, well, all of us are talking to those concerned democrats. i know my text message fields are just full of democrats who are worried, so thank you so much to vaughn, to mike, to congressman carlos curbelo for your reporting and analysis as well. and up next, the latest on hurricane beryl, we're tracking the storm as it makes its way through the caribbean, where it could show up next. wild weather upending holiday travel plans. what you need to know to reach your destination on time. and later, i sat down for an exclusive interview with two mothers who lost their children a year ago in baltimore, how they're coping after the worst mass shooting in the city's
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history. we're back in 90 seconds. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ hurricane beryl made landfall in new mexico despite weakening into a category 1. it has unloaded torrential rainfall, storm surge, and damaging wind as it traveling inland. after this, beryl is expected to make its way toward southern texas where it's tracking to become the first u.s. storm to make landfall this year. this extreme weather is happening as millions of americans are traveling over the holiday weekend. joining us now, nbc news
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meteorologist bill karins. bill, you have the latest. beryl has weakened to a category 1. it's still causing mass destruction, so what and who are in its path right now? >> the biggest question is what's going to happen when it makes its way to texas. we know it's heading to texas now. we don't know at what strength. right now, you can see it's about halfway across the yucatan peninsula. you can see it's made landfall and weakened considerably. they all do over land. we want this to be as weak as possible. once it gets over the warm waters of the gulf, it's going to strengthen again. you can see all the bright reds are disappearing. that's the cold cloud tops, raining, wind. now that we're down to 70 miles per hour winds, there's no wind destruction being done anymore. this is the 11:00 a.m. advisory. the next at 5:00 p.m., does take the landful, north of brownsville, toward corpus christi. they have it as a tropical storm, slowly getting a little bit stronger, little bit stronger, up to a solid category
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1 hurricane at land fall. so the question is intensity forecast are not as good as accuracy of where the storm is going. notice all of our computer models are in south texas. somewhere in here, we're going to get hit. now it's drifting closer to victoria, which is going to bring into the houston area into this, and as far as the rainfall is going to go, we're going to get rain no matter what. doesn't matter what the intensity of the winds are. the intensity of the winds is what's going to matter for the storm surge and how much wind damage we get. right now, it looks like anywhere from a tropical storm to a category 2 would be worst case scenario. that's why the hurricane center has it at a category 1. as it moves northward, the heavy rain threat comes with it. brownsville to corpus christi to victoria. we get over 6 inches of rain in a short period of time, flash flooding, possibly some river flooding. if anyone follows houston, and their history with flooding, you know how flood prone they are. the forecast is 2 to 4 inches, as high as 8 if the storm gets closer to the houston area.
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this is how it's going to play out as we go throughout the weekend. everything is fine on saturday. clear, everyone is getting their preps done on the south texas coast. by the time we get to late in the day on sunday, brownsville, south padre island, that's when the storm will start appearing. we'll start seeing it on radar, the winds pick up and water gets choppy. everyone has the daylight hours over the weekend, and then sunday night into monday, that's when we're going to have our impacts. stay tuned on this one. the warm water in the gulf, you know, it's warm enough for a strong storm. it depends if the storm can get its act together or not. it looks messy, we want to keep it messy all weekend long. that will be critical. >> we will hope that it stays messy then, thank you so much. bill karins. >> thank you. >> joining us now, nbc news correspondent, guad venegas. how are preparations being made? >> yamiche, texas got hit by alberto two weeks ago. the same area where they're watching the forecast, where
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they expect the hurricane to hit, had a lot of rain two weeks ago with the other storm. local authorities did get a chance to prepare then, and again now, they are preparing for what may come with this storm that has weakened, right, but anything can happen in the next two days. and it's not just the wind of a storm that worries authorities, it's that possible flooding in that area. texas governor greg abbott has sent a message to the department of emergency management to have all of its resources ready. we're talking about multiple state agencies that will have these resources. we're talking about vehicles for rescues, as well as personnel. the national guard, that can help local authorities, counties and cities along the texas coast, depending on what may happen. everyone there is prepared as they pay close attention to the storm that will be making its way through the gulf, yamiche. >> definitely a lot to think about as this storm continues to go and barrel through. thank you so much, guad.
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coming up, could a cease fire deal finally be near. what a senior biden official is revealing about the latest talks between israel and hamas.
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a delegation of top israeli officials are in qatar right now reviewing a new cease fire and hostage proposal from hamas. yesterday, president biden discussed the terms with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. israeli officials say hamas's
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response represents major progress, opening the door for more details negotiations that could result in a deal to at least pause the violence in gaza. nbc's matt bradley is reporting from tel aviv. >> it is another round of hostage negotiations that looks like we're starting to see here. there's a lot of optimism coming from washington. we heard from washington people in the biden administration saying that there was a breakthrough, that hamas had softened their position on that same proposal that the biden administration had been promoting at the end of may, calling it israel's own proposal and that was later enshrined in a united nations security council resolution that passed last month, almost unanimously. now it looks like, according to israeli authorities and the u.s. and hamas who spoke with hezbollah today, reuters quoting hamas as saying they actually had agreed to this deal. i spoke with two israeli officials this morning. they said that we should temper our optimism, and they said specifically that this wasn't a
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breakthrough. that this was actually the beginning of a process that could last for several weeks. now, if there is a deal that would be a massive breakthrough. it could free those remaining hostages in the gaza strip. there are thought to be about 120 of them, many of them are already thought of died. it would also free many palestinian prisoners who are currently in israeli prisons. those numbers have yet to be decided and it would also, perhaps most crucially to the entire world who has been watching the situation, bring a measure of peace to the fighting in the gaza strip. that remains the main issue. hamas has said from the beginning, they would not agree to any hostage negotiation deal that doesn't include a permanent cease fire in the gaza strip and a full withdrawal of israeli troops. the israelis, led by birdie, they will not leave until hamas is completely destroyed. of course that's something that
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hamas is very unlikely to sign on to, but this is the central full com, so now we have reached a familiar impasse, high expectations on both sides and it's going to be up to the israelis to decide whether or not they're going to agree to the proposal that was just issued by hamas. >> and thank you so much, matt bradley, for that comprehensive report. i want to now bring in barry mccaffrey, retired four-star general and msnbc military analyst. thank you so much for being here. >> good to be with you, yamiche. >> thank you. the main divide between israel and hamas in the recent talks has been whether the idf pulls out of gaza permanently or for just a period of time. israeli insists they are not stopping until hamas is totally destroyed. do you believe the two sides can bridge that gap? >> we better be hopeful they can. gaza has been devastated, there
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have been massive civilian casualties. the idf alleges, i think, correctly, they just probably killed half the hamas fighters, maybe 14,000, but israel also has suffered significant casualties. well over 4,000 killed and wounded. never mind, they are now starting to find equipment failures and reservists failing to report for duty, and so it's a desperate struggle. but there is no political settlement yet on the horizon that says here's who will govern gaza. hamas is the only alternative, nor is it likely that israel would ever agree to completely withdraw from gaza without somebody in place maintaining law and order, so i'm cautiously optimistic, but don't understand where the political solution is. >> yeah, it's a big question of where the solution is.
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we were showing the devastating pictures of people trying to make sense of the devastation there, and we have seen on the ground, our team at nbc news, ordinary palestinians openly criticizing hamas in public. we have often seen israelis demonstrating against their government, almost every day, often, but it's rare to see that in gaza, so i wonder is hamas really responsive to the pressure from ordinary, every day palestinians who are bearing the brunt of this war, and could that pressure lead to people publicly turning even more on hamas. >> well, i think you make an important point, look, at the end of the day, the suffering of the palestinian civilian population, the destruction of the infrastructure, perhaps 60% of the buildings in gaza have been damaged or destroyed has been intense, and they are obviously trying to get out from under that attack. we shouldn't misunderstand, though, from israel's perspective, the overwhelming majority of the population wants hamas destroyed. the families of the hostages are
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putting intense pressure as they should, and understandably on netanyahu. at the end of the day, the israelis will never forget for a hundred years, the demented, cruel attack of 7 october with the death and mutilation and torture and abduction of hundreds of israeli civilians, so it's tough to see where all of this goes. hamas is under major military pressure. that's the good news. perhaps it will nudge them toward release of the hostages, and the israeli generals want out of this war. they're worried about hezbollah, 100,000 fighters, well over 100,000 rockets, that will be a fight for israeli's existence, so nobody wants a war to biden, the biden administration, secretary blinken has been extremely effective trying to tamp down escalation of the conflict. >> yeah, i mean, it's a good way to break down sort of the
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multifront wars that israel is looking at right now. and while i have you, i want to turn to iran, if that's okay. there are voters there voting for a new president today. they'll choose between a hard liner or a man considered to be a more moderate reformer, does the outcome change anything about how the u.s. and israel approaches iran? >> well, i don't think it's good news. very low voter turnout. the iranian population by and large wants a connection with europe, with the global economy, with freedom, with the release of women from the incredible despotism they're under from the iranian government. having said that, it seemed to me unlikely that anyone can confront the iranian leadership, theological leadership, who are dedicated, publicly, to eliminating israel as a force. so it's not good news.
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i also think the iranians have made up their mind to go nuclear. they're probably, you know, six months from possessing multiple nuclear weapons. material is there. they're also still supporting all of these terrorist organizations. hamas, hezbollah, the houthis closing off a lot of the commercial activity in the red sea, so it's not good news. but iran does not want a war with israel. if they do, they would risk suffering an economic catastrophe and military defeat. >> yeah, and as we talk about elections abroad, there's of course the uk, which has a new leader for the first time in 14 years. the labor party is in charge. what are you watching for there? >> well, certainly democracy in action, through 14 unsuccessful years, rampant inflation, brexit hasn't worked out. the brits are sick of the government. so this new prime minister
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hopefully will be able to cobble together, the brits have been solid on support for nato, and support for ukraine. that won't change. so the nato summit coming up this next week in washington, d.c., vitally important bringing together the 32 nato nations. we'll have to see what the communique says, but i think you're going to see reinforced support for ukraine, and the biden administration has set this up to try and get beyond trump's threat to the very center of american deterrence, nato deterrence in europe, so it's a big week coming up for president biden for secretary austin, and secretary blinken. >> a big day for biden, a big week next week. a lot for biden to handle. thank you so much, general mccaffrey. >> good to be with you, yamiche. and next on msnbc, millions of americans are traveling this
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holiday weekend. we'll talk about what is happening with the weather and how it could upend even the best laid plans. plus, the over tourism backlash as flocks of visitors descend on popular destinations, the new restrictions to try and limit the crowds. crowds i had some health issues which affected my hormones and my metabolism literally just crashed on me. i've tried everything and starving myself just didn't work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. for kids, summer break is the best. but for parents? well... that's why makes it easy to find childcare that fits your summer schedule. from long-term nannies and daycare to date night babysitters.
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travelers are expected this week. 60 million of those will be driving. that's 3 million more than last career, and sunday will likely be one of the busiest days. it's the same day hurricane beryl is projected to impact plans in the south and as millions try to cool off under extreme heat warnings. joining us now to make sense of all of this, the points guy managing editor, clint henderson. thanks for being here. with millions traveling in uncertain weather conditions, how can folks make the most of the potential travel delays and traffic jams, and i'm asking for america, but also for my cousins two texted me saying it's so hot out here. >> yeah, you just got to -- road trips, you have to be prepared, make sure you have backup water supplies and a backup phone charger, things like that. these days, you want to be as -- knowledge is power during these situations. go into the airport, having the airline app installed, you want to make sure you know if your flight is on time. there's such good tracking software out there now that you
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can really find out where is your plane supposed to be coming from. did it leave that place on time, are there storms where your plane is coming from. knowledge is power. that goes for everything from booking the trip all the way through to the trip's completion. >> knowledge is power is definitely one way to put it, and definitely an important message there. and for those flying in their flights canceled here, is there anything they can do other than just sort of cry in the airport, which is what i do when my flight is canceled. >> no, again, you really have to have the airline app installed. you're going to be competing with people on the council with delayed flights to get rebooked. you have been recording record breaking travel, when a flight gets canceled, you're going to be competing with those people to get rebooked, so you want to have the airline app installed on your phone. nowadays, you can rebook yourself on the phone. you want to know what airlines are flying your route, in case you can beg, get ahold of the
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airline service, there's a huge storm or something. have the international toll free number available for that airline. a lot of times the overseas offices will be able to help you by phone faster, and then follow the airline on social media. sometimes the social media team will help you get rebooked. lots of tools out there. >> the social media team rebooking you, that's definitely something i'm learning. there's also of course, the fact that gas is 2 cents cheaper than last year. tell us how to stretch those dollars. >> there's all kinds of really cool fuel savings apps and fuel programs. there's discounts, if you're a member of costco or you go to walmart. a lot of times there will be discounts if you have a certain kind of gas station fuel app installed on your phone. there's all kinds of hacks out there. >> definitely all sorts of hacks and a lot of them you broke
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down. thank you so much. i'll make sure my cousins see this segment. thank you. >> anytime. summer is officially here and for many people, that means it's time to go on vacation. but the record surges in travelers means that the tourism industry is actually overwhelmed and they're pushing back. emilie ikeda has more. >> with summer travel soaring to record levels, some popular destinations are now trying to slow the surge of tourists. >> it gets busier earlier and earlier every single year. >> crowds like these have become the norm in salem, massachusetts. and not just in october. the halloween hot spot famous for the block buster hocus pocus films along with its dark history of witch trials has spun up year round traffic, and some say it's just too chaotic. >> it's really increasingly difficult to live in downtown salem. >> reporter: now the city of 45,000 is trying to scare away
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some crowds. with new $350 licensing fees for tour guides. a massive jump from the previous cost of just ten bucks. >> i have 37 tour guides, and that means 37 times $350. >> reporter: tour operator beth crowley insists the tours aren't the problem. >> the tours are actually keeping people from wandering around. >> reporter: salem's not alone. over tourism has become a growing challenge across the country. look at america's national parks. >> our national parks are like the disneyland of outdoors. they are super packed, super touristy. >> reporter: more parks are having to require timed entry reservations to ease congestion, like mount rainier, which saw a 40% increase in visitation over the past decade. >> and the impact of the pandemic on over tourism was to accentuate it because frankly, we want to travel now more than ever. >> reporter: travelers in the u.s. spent $1.3 trillion in
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2023, producing an economic footprint of nearly 3 trillion bucks, a boost that in some cases comes at a cost. at japan's magnificent mount fiji, there's a new fee and visitor cap. and even venice, italy, a tourist mainstay. >> st. marks square is super crowded. >> reporter: is now charging day trippers to therein out throngs of sight seers. >> every major country in the world is staring down the barrel of this issue. too many tourists in the same place at the same time. >> reporter: emilie ikeda, nbc news. and thank you, emilie, for that reporting. next on msnbc, painful memories for the city of baltimore, 28 injured and two dead, a year ago in the worst mass shooting in the city's history. i sat down for an exclusive interview with the mothers who lost their children. >> i re-live this day like there's no tomorrow. and to think our kids just wanted to enjoy themselves.
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. as many americans celebrate our nation's independence this weekend, residents in baltimore are marking the one-year anniversary of a mass shooting that left 28 people injured and two young people dead. the mothers of the two victims sat with me for an exclusive interview, their first together to share memories of their beloved children and their thoughts on an investigation that still has not identified a killer. >> tamika and krystal gonzalez cannot stop thinking about the nightmare they lived one year ago. >> to think our kids just wanted to enjoy themselves. >> their children, 20-year-old, kylis fagbemi and 18-year-old aaliyah gonzalez were shot and killed during the worst mass shooting in baltimore's history. 28 others were wounded. >> i found my son, but in order
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for me to get to my son, i went past aaliyah first. when krystal got there and the way she screamed, any mother would have felt that in their bones. >> that was the beginning of the worst night of my life. >> kylis and aaliyah died after people started shooting at an annual block party in the community. >> he wanted to become a traveling ultrasound tech. he was supposed to leave on that monday. so, yeah, he wanted to go and help people. >> aaliyah was the warmest, compassionate, beautiful soul i've ever encountered. it should have never happened. and this could have been prevented. >> nine victims remain at area hospitals. >> that sentiment that this does not have to happen echoed by baltimore's top brass. last year, mayor brandon scott released a report detailing the
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actions of multiple city agencies. baltimore's police department was singled out for failing to respond to multiple warnings as the crowd swelled to an estimated 900 people. and for officer indifference to several calls for help, including reports that some in the crowd were armed. >> they didn't give a damn. plainly and bluntly. >> i'm trying to locate the address. >> it's brooklyn homes, brooklyn homes. >> okay. >> oh, they're shooting again. they're shooting again. >> okay. get down, ma'am, get down. >> the people who were calling, begging for someone to come help them. it was heartbreaking. >> last week, baltimore's police announced disciplinary action against eight officers and four staff members, two of them are facing termination. >> do you believe that police should have been at this annual event? >> i think it's fair to say that if you were there the year before, you should have been there then.
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>> a statement to nbc news, baltimore's police commissioner said in part that the department has made several arrests and significant progress in addressing the issues from the brooklyn day shooting, and that the investigation continues. that's not enough for aaliyah and kylis' mothers. they're planning to sue the city. >> explain why you're suing. >> because the police neglected this community. they weren't acting the way should have acted to police and protect and serve. >> these people can go on and they can find another job. here it is, tamika and i are living a life sentence. >> and five young men and boys have been charged in the shootings. one was just 14 years old at the time of the shooting. at least two of the teens pleaded guilty to gun charges, but so far the murders of aaliyah and kylis remain unsolved. krystal told me she moved from new jersey to maryland to try to escape gun violence.
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on the anniversary of the shooting she hosted an event called aaliyah day. she brought people together to talk about preventing more gun violence. tamika said she attended the brooklyn day event, even though she has moved from the area. she wanted her former neighbors to gain strength by seeing her push forward. and focused on being a supportive grandmother to her son's young daughter who will grow up without a father. next on msnbc, over 100 million americans are under heat alerts nationwide. some areas could see temperatures as high as 118 degrees. and we're keeping our eyes on wisconsin where any minute now, we'll see the president deliver what could be a pivotal speech. we'll have that live for you as soon as it happens. sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $800 off mattress sets at purple.
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12:00 pm
good to be back with you for another hour right here on msnbc. extreme heat impacting millions of americans. wildfires forcing thousands out of their homes, and a hurricane churning towards texas. all of this comes as millions are hitting the road this holiday weekend. what many are doing to prepare. plus, has president biden done enough to quash the growing pressure among some in his own party to drop out of the 2024 race. we're watching his key rally today in wisconsin. and could the supreme court's immunity ruling make donald trump's promises of


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