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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  July 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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now today's other top stories. the drunk driver who plowed into a crowded car was arraigned today on 17 counts shocking videos as the moments before daniel haydn drove into a new york city park on july 4th killing three and seriously injuring several others. according to the new criminal complaint, haydn told officers in the hospital he consumed a few alcoholic drinks the night of the crash. an increase in shark attacks has officials and beachgoers on edge but one shark bit three people at south padre island in texas. an incident that officials are calling unprecedented . on florida, the same day a man was bitten on the leg iran's presidential runoff election for the first time in decades. he beat the hard-line candidate in an upset. he has advocated for better relations with the west.
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what president biden's campaign is saying after last night's interview. as i bid you all a good day from msnbc headquarters in new york. welcome to "alex witt reports." new this hour, warnings have been issued for parts of texas as tropical storm beryl makes its way across the gulf . it is projected to restrengthen to a category 1 before landfall with life threatening surf and current conditions officials in one texas county issuing voluntary evacuation orders. in the caribbean and in mexico, people are grappling with beryl's destruction and the deadly aftermath. guad vanegas is joining me from the national hurricane center in miami. i know you just got an update from officials and you were scheduled to do so. what is the latest? >> reporter: alex, they just released the latest is dorm has changed very little in the last
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few hours but is still a very dangerous storm minutes ago we were able to speak to the director of the national hurricane center talked about what this means for the individuals in texas. there is hurricane watches in effect as well as tropical storm watch is in effect for parts of texas. people need to think about two things. the wind that comes from a storm whether it is a hurricane or tropical storm and the water. the rain and the possibility of storm surge but whether it is a hurricane or tropical storm, people need to pay attention. let us hear from the director, who was speaking to me minutes ago. >> don't pay too much attention to whether it is a tropical storm or when it becomes a hurricane. the hazard is what you want to pay attention to, the water hazard, dorm search and rain flooding with the greatest potential to hurt you. >> reporter: those are the hazards that local authorities in texas will pay a lot of attention tough. we know that state of the shows have declared a severe weather disaster or emergency in texas. that increases the preparedness level. the the texas division of
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emergency management will also have a lot more resources. the cities and counties can tap into it once they feel the effects of the storm. a lot of these parts of taxes suffered flooding from alberto that hit about two weeks ago. i asked the director, what is the difference between what they saw with alberto and what they see with beryl . these are two different storms. he expects this one to have more water and more of a storm surge. these are things to keep in mind when they think, we just have a storm. this one could possibly be different. these arbors are still in effect. people should pay attention to the forecast because everything can happen in the coming hours as the storm makes his way through the gulf >> thank you so much for that. hakeem jeffries will meets with house democrats to talk about president biden is 2024 candidacy. sources are telling nbc news that they will discuss the calls for the president to step
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aside from the campaign it comes one day before lawmakers return from the fourth of july recess and after the president 's first prime time interview since the debate. >> i have talked with him today. i have an hour conversation with hakeem jeffries. i spent time with many hours in the last little bit with chuck schumer. it is not like -- i had all the governors. >> reporter: if you are told from your friends and supporters in the democratic party, house and senate, that they are concerned you will lose if you stay in, what will you do? >> i will not answer that question. it will not happen. we met the biden/harris campaign staff mirroring their focus on voters. >> reporter: at the end of the day, the fundamentals have not changed.
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we just saw a poll this morning showing that the president has narrowed all swing states. states like wisconsin and michigan. we are going to continue put in the work to make sure we are communicating to voters. the campaign that runs the hardest and communicates to as many people as they can is going to win. canon, adjusting some deadlines and donald trump's classified documents case granting a delay hours after trump's lawyers requested a stay in a ruling on their motion to dismiss all charges. we have a correspondent and a member of congress ready to go over all these new developments. we will start with nbc allie raffa in wilmington, delaware, where the president spends his weekend. what are you hearing after this interview? is biden really this confident about the state of the race? >> reporter: we know the president was aware that he have a lot to accomplish in this exclusive interview he had
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with abc news as he tries to quiet these growing concerns among democratic lawmakers and nervous democratic donors, his own staffers and most importantly, voters. all eyes were on whether this would flip the script and convince the voters that he is fit and able to continue staying in this race and possibly serve another term in office. the main takeaways from that exclusive interview with abc that the president was defiant. he said that he remains and still believes that he is the best candidate to stay in the race. the best candidate to beat his predecessor, former president trump. also, when george stephanopoulos asked him about what polls and polls have shown is that voters have concern about him with his mental fitness. the president refused to commit to taking a cognitive test. some democrats are saying that this interview did not do much to relieve their concerns. saying that the president sang in this interview, quote, only
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if the lord almighty comes down when he dropped out of the race. that did not do much to restore confidence in him. even though, alex, pulled since last thursday debate have rain. some of them have shown the president behind donald trump and others show him as much as six points behind former president trump. the president downplayed the polls and saying it is not he is seeing for members of his team. listen to his reaction. >> reporter: it might be much tougher to win the 2024? >> not when you are running against a pathological liar. not when he can be challenged in a way he will be challenged. i was also doing a lot of lifting. i was keeping nato together. >> reporter: do you really believe you are not behind right now?
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>> all the pollsters i talked to tommy it is a tossup. >> reporter: alex, the thinking is that the president bought himself some more time with this interview performance, more time to show voters that he is able to stay in this race. we know that the biden team is planning for an impromptu off the cup -- off the cuff and scripted appearances. the president teased one of them talking about how he is going to be able to demonstrate his foreign policy chops next week when he holds a press conference at the nato summit that will be hosted in washington. by the same token, this also buys more time for the democratic lawmakers and the donors to really weigh their options here and consider how to approach, possibly, the present about stepping aside. >> allie raffa in wilmington, thank you, allie. joining me right now is california congressman robert garcia. let us get into this. after the debate last week,
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congressman, you set on msnbc, the big performance did not meet expectations. you were also amazed that so many supporters were abandoning the president quickly. let us take a listen to some of what the president said about the debate in the interview from last night. here it is. >> the whole way i prepare, no one's fault but mine. i prepared what i would usually do sitting down as i did come back with foreign leaders or nasa security council for explicit details. >> is seem like you're having trouble from the first question in even before you spoke. >> i just had a bad night. >> give me your impression of the interview last night. to what extent do believe he began to reinsure voters that he has what it takes to remain in the race and be donald trump?
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>> the president did exactly what he had to do last night but obviously i watch the debate as i think a lot of his supporters and folks across the country. the president made it very clear that he is the one person that has defeated donald trump. when we were -- remember just a few years ago, recovering from the covid pandemic, over 1 million americans had died the economy was in terrific shape and donald trump was destroying our institutions. joe biden stepped up in a tough primary, one where he was counted out by the press, by many voters, by elected leaders across the country. he won the primary and he defeated donald trump. i have been proud to support the biden/harris administration. the current ticket and i think the president will continue to do what he did last night, which is talk directly to the american people to go out and do press conference and interviews and rally like he did in wisconsin and in north carolina, which are energetic i
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continue to fire up the grassroots base of voters that will make the decision in november. democrats need to unite and focus on one thing and that is defeating donald trump in november. >> you mentioned you watch the debate, i watch the debates. i will add to the conversation. preliminary numbers, not official, preliminary numbers with a little over 8 million people watched the debate. that is not even a 20% of those that watch the debates. we are looking at fewer people getting the take away that you did from the interview last night. in the take away they took from the debate significantly fewer. there are reports, as you know that house democrats are resigned to the belief that biden's campaign is unsalvageable. many of them are panicked about winning in november. you have five house democrats calling on biden to step down. you think more will join that course when the house returns from recess? is there a point that you believe you should step down? >> i respect my colleagues and democrats. we are all united in
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our passion to be donald trump. a lot of what you are seeing is people really digging in on making sure that we do everything we can do to defeat the most dangerous person ever to be president. we are all united in that. people will have a different perspective. what i believe is that when you look at what is happening in both polling and the grassroots,/harris raise more money in the moments after the debate than they had the entire cycle . when you look at polling, even this morning, look at bloomberg, he is closing the gap in swing states. this race has remained largely unchanged from the time prior to the bait -- debate until now. democrats will have different perspectives. i strongly believe that i will stand behind the one person that already has proven that he can be donald trump in my opinion has been the most productive and progressive president of the modern area. fighting for the lgbtq+
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community, infrastructure, climate. the record speaks for itself. and the president has earned our support. i also think the president deserves an opportunity to bounce back from what was a bad night at the debate. and i think he's doing that in the days coming up and he did it last night. >> you mentioned the one poll, we are actually -- josh, throw up the graphic of the poll as well where ed former president trump is leading joe biden by a decent margin in some of them, and three of the four. look, if -- we are playing a lot of hypotheticals. if biden were to step aside, is vice president harris the best option to's face off against trump? >> i love vice president harris. she is from california. the president could not have picked a better governing partner than the vice president
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and all of us agreed that she is an incredible partner but this is the biden/harris ticket. i will not get into hypotheticals. i will focus on is defeating donald trump, the most dangerous person. a trader, a con man, someone who wants to internet project 2025 to rollback the rights we have earned and gained over the last 50 years. every single day i will support president biden and vice president harris and that is where we need to put our energy. this next week, of course, i understand. people that want to defeat donald trump will have real conversations about what that looks like. i think is important we put all of our energy into taking on donald trump every single day. that is when we are the most productive and beat him in november read >> what about where you put all your money? you have your top democratic donors. they are starting to organize pushing biden out of the race. abigail dizzy for one.
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she said that she will withhold donations unless biden drops out. there are other top donors, rather, trying to erase what is $100 million escrow fund to bankroll a biden replacement. how big of an impact could this have on biden's campaign if he stays in the race? should this be a factor in biden and leadership decisions going forward considering the money? >> the fundraising has been off the charts for biden/harris. i would encourage donors that we have had multiple lanes. we have to get the biden/harris ticket elected. we also have to win the house. i would tell people invest in the house races. those races across the country, the house members need our support. let us make hakeem jeffries the speaker. there are many opportunities and many places where donors can get engaged. whether it is the presidency, the senate and as a member of the house, let us support our fellow house members and win back the house and make it blue and ensure we can pass polities national policies. they will
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continue to put their money there. >> money is one thing but are you concerned there might be a sense of apathy with joe biden at the top of the ticket and there will people that will stay home and that could endanger the house races? let us be clear about one thing. this was always going to be a close election. no one in the biden campaign.this would be a slamdunk. even the president has said this would be a close election from day one. we were always going to have a tough election and a close one. we have to fight to make sure that we win. my focus will be on winning the november election. the president is a nominee. by the way, he is the nominee because millions and millions of people voted for him to be our nominee. the grassroots have spoken. he and vice president harris are nominees. i am going all in. until something changes, i don't expect that the president has been clear. we have to ensure that we are supporting the ticket.
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>> robert garcia, congress may from california, my friend. thank you so much. next parker ball -- remarkable new developments that can be tied back the supreme court immunity ruling. we are back in 90 seconds. [paparazzi cameras] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh...
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justice clarence thomas to get his classified documents charges dismissed. he is making his case not just on presidential immunity granted in this week's historic supreme court ruling but also on the legality of jack smith's appointment as special counsel written into the immunity opinion only by justice thomas. joining me now joyce vance, former federal prosecutor and law professor at university of alabama. and host of the sisters in law podcast. good to see you, joyce. before we get to justice thomas, give me your interpretation of judge cannon's new deadlines today. >> reporter: the new deadlines are precisely the kind of deadline she always sets. ones that are not real and indulge every request by trump for delay, no matter how unnecessary. alex, there is a legitimate question. she does need to resolve the meeting of these rulings for
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this case. that is not difficult. that is not something that requires setting everything much further out for the simple reason that the conduct alleged in the florida case occurred after trump left the presidency. we went by that description, is there any question as to her bias and influence with donald trump in the way she is conducting herself and this court? >> reporter: she certainly has never hesitate to put her fingers on the scales of justice in his favor. >> you wrote that the issue of jack smith's appointment was not part of the immunity case but how did that get into the whirling? can trump rely on it to get his charges dismissed? >> reporter: justice thomas wrote a concurrence on this issue. he makes the point that in his view, jack smith was improperly designated special counsel because the attorney general did not jump through the right hoops. of course, this is a concurring opinion that no other justice signed off on. it does not have the force of
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law. charlie, judge cannon could take note of it. she might even reference it in passing when she writes her opinion on this topic trump filed his own motion in this regard months ago. the judge has already held oral argument. this is the issue where she took the unusual step of inviting lawyers who are not parties in this case to come in and help her make up her mind. there is nothing new here that should influence the outcome of her decision. >> let me ask. given this ruling, could trump now say, i decided to keep government records while i was present and cannot be prosecuted for holding onto them. or are there substantial bad acts after he left office that can still go to trial? >> reporter: it is a real double edge sword for trumpeter prosecutors did not indict him with taking these items from the white house presumably for the simple reason they cannot prove that. what they could prove was his possession, his unlawful possession in a florida that is
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a continuing crime. even if you can make some convoluted argument that when he took the documents out of the white house, you might have immunity for that. i think it is a terrible argument but i will spotted you for the sake of argument. this ongoing crime of possession that occurs day after day when he is not president, in a normal world, he would not get immunity for batch. we now live in a world where the supreme court has engaged in this it definition of what constitutes official conduct for a present. there will be a ruling by judge canning that's mechanic in florida. this is the case that should go forward but nothing is certain in this entire legal rubric that we are dealing with. >> you are implying that he might be able to take them or make the argument for that but he cannot keep them. >> reporter: exactly.
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here is a great analogy. firearm possession by someone who is prohibited from possessing a firearm, it is a continuing crime. every day you are doing it, it is still a crime again. even if you could make an argument and maybe this is a bad example. for those 10 days, he was not a famine or attic so the possession was legal. about for these other 10 days it was unlawful. you can still charge that crime, same with trenton. even when he took these documents, that was legal. i don't think it is. the ongoing possession and the obstruction of justice, all of which occurs after he has left the white house is conduct that he should stand trial for. >> and trump's d.c. january 6th case. judge chutkan is required to figure out which trump's actions were official and must be stricken from the case and which were unofficial acts. what kind of evidence do you think will be off-limits, joyce?
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>> reporter: there is two parts to this ruling. the part that says you cannot charge official conduct and the says that says you cannot use evidence that constitutes official conduct. in some ways that part may trouble prosecutors you will remember that jack smith in his brief said that, by the way, even if you did miss charges because they are official conduct, i can still use this evidence. the supreme court said, not so fast. we will not give you the green light on using that evidence. now judge chutkan will have to look up the indictment. there will be argument from the parties. it is likely that she may want to hear from some of the witnesses to make the fine line distinctions between what is official conduct, court conduct that the constitution only requires the president to undertake. what is the bucket of conduct that would be public conduct, official conduct by a present but perhaps in an area of
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shared responsibility with congress or others. the judge has to decide whether that presumptive immunity will stay in place. of course, she might find that some of this conduct is personal conduct. conduct that i would have described before we saw this opinion is conduct committed by candidate trump, not as is official capacity. the court has created a lot of wiggle room. she will have to distinguish between all of those and then the supreme court gets another crack to save whether they believe she got a right or not. >> are you surprised at all by the washington post reported that the doj plans to move up with all federal cases up to inauguration day. if the election were to break for trump you see the january 6th getting to trial before that? >> reporter: i think a lot of that depends on how quickly judge chutkan gets to work and whether or not the supreme court expedites the appeal that follows from her decision.
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it would be a heavy lift to get there. it is absolutely the right thing for the justice department to continue to do its job until it can no longer do it. that is what we would do in any other case. your obligation is to pursue the facts and the law to their logical conclusion. and that means continuing to move towards trial. >> joyce vance, always a pleasure. new reaction from capitol hill to president biden's interview last night. max ho omfo. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat, it would ask for... relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $800 off mattress sets at purple. visit or a store near you today.
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new today five house democrats are calling on president biden to drop out of the race. a number of lawmakers expressing concern to nbc news anonymously after his interview last night saying he was quite out of touch with reality. let us bring in julie tsirkin on capitol hill. what more we hear from lawmakers after the interview last night? >> reporter: i talked to a number of democratic lawmakers asked have my colleagues here at nbc.
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the interview that the president had with abc might not have been as bad has debate performance but it was not enough to quell concerns that biden, at 81 years old, after the debate that we saw is the best person to face off against former president trump in november and carry the rest of the party to victory. as democrats in the house have a chance to put the chamber here this november. i want to read to you a couple of the conversations that we had. a couple of quotes with those anonymous lawmakers. the reason they are anonymous is because democratic lawmakers do not know if they should stick their neck out and go out on a limb and think things like, quote, the drip, drip, a loss of support will not stop and is at risk of becoming a torrent if not fixed. the interview made me sad pretty completely out of touch with reality. this democratic lawmaker told me they will be breaking their silent soon and calling on biden to step aside from the race.
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other lawmakers think still shaky under controlled conditions. another, it did not quell anyone. of frontline house democrat telling me, yep, we are doomed. on the flipside you have different reactions but you have democrats that are still standing in the president's corner as he bows to stay in this race. that is gerry connolly of virginia. you will also hear from mike quigley, who has been in the house for the same amount of time seeing the complete opposite. >> mr. president, your legacy is set. we owe you the greatest debt of gratitude. the only thing that you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this. >> i support this president. i believe he has been consequential and deserves grace, dignity and respect. he won every primary. he has 39 plus pledged delegates but you cannot trust that aside because you decided
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looking at polling data or talking to people that he is not viable. >> reporter: because a biden already won all of the pledged delegates, 99% of the democratic delegates and past the primaries. it is biden's choice alone whether to stay in this race or bow out. come monday, you will not see tourists behind me enjoying the july 4th recess. you will see democratic lawmakers and republicans back in these halls having to face our questions and trying to answer whether they do think the leader of their party could need them this time around in november. >> julie, thank you so much. joining me now we have former adviser to the obama campaign, amisha kross and brandon buck, political analyst and previously served as press secretary to paul ryan. brandon, you first. biden was repeatedly asked if he was being honest about his chances of beating trump and was asked this question about the stakes.
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take a listen. >> if you stay in and trump is elected and everything you're one that comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i will feel as long as i gave it my all and i did the good job i know i can do, that is what this is about. we met what was your reaction to that? >> one of the bullets i think have democrats most upset. that is not what this is about. a lot of people are working hard to prevent donald trump are being president. what other things that is a problem is that the president thinks all of this is about him. he is not understanding both the stakes work of the house and the senate. obviously, the white house. he's seems to have bought into what i think is a bit of a myth about his legacy. he talks about how in 2020 he came back and defied the odds to become president. that is
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certainly true. he is also trying to cite the 2020 midterms. the 2020 midterms, democrats did well because roe v. wade got struck down. he seems to think he is this unstoppable force. maybe people are telling him ese things and telling him what he wants to hear. he needs to recognize that there are a lot higher stakes and just trying hard. >> i am curious your take away to the interview last night. also, does biden not believe -- does he not believe that his campaign is at a perilous moment ? or might he be trying to show competence? or is it possible he is not being told the alarm that exists after his debate? >> i do not think anyone understands the alarm to our nation of a re-election of former president trump more than the current president joe biden. in addition this is a president who was showcasing strength last night. they fully understand the debate did not go well. i don't think he is disillusioned by that at all.
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he recognizes that there has to be a path forward. with as much as media wants to stay with what happened days ago's at this point he recognizes that it did not just start and did not end with the debate. he recognizes that he has been cannot by media and polls. he has been carried out by prognosticators. each time he has come back and he has excelled. this is a president who knows what is at stake. he understands the importance of his legacy but the importance of writing for and maintaining this democracy. which is at stake should trump get re-elected. he knows that project 25 is. he knows that former president trump wants to eradicate our basic civil rights. he is in a high prior charge to do so but i definitely think that president biden is alert and aware and being active in recognizing the debate was one not. it does not eradicate his work as president. he is not eradicate the work as a vice president under former president obama. it is not eradicate the
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importance of keeping america on a track forward. >> after the debate, brandon, many had hoped his performance was a one off that he was over prepared or really had a cold, whatever it was. there is reporting that suggest lawmakers notice some memory lapses with the slurring of words that we can all hear . of bank it look at times. did last night interview fight off or reimburse those views? it was not a bad interview and it did not do a lot of damage by most accounts. >> it was not a bad interview but i think it also showed him completely out of touch with reality. there was a very painful back and forth between george stephanopoulos and the polling reality that he faces. it was unclear whether he does not believe a lot of the polls that are out there or if he is being shown data that is just in conflict with what everyone else is seeing. george made the point that i have never seen a president get
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re-elected with 36% approval. he denied that is what is going on. the other person who is being accused of struggling with her cognitive ability to show you are bit out of touch with reality, i don't think that helps anybody. this will not make it all better. i think julie is right when members come back tomorrow or monday, it will be absolute feeding frenzy. it is really important to appreciate. they are pretty far out there on the limb saying that their own president is struggling with his ability to process things. you cannot go back from that. at this point it would be hard if he sticks around. i think they will realize that they need to push much harder to get him out or they will all be on the record themselves questioning their own nominee wing up against donald trump. >> bill kristol noted for the bulwark that nancy pelosi stepped down from her role at 82 think biden will be -- he
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said that pelosi could play a pivotal role in helping biden decide whether or not to step aside. do you think would have the biggest impact on this decision or do you believe that he is staying in, as he said quite definitively during the interview last night? >> i think that joe biden has made it very clear that he is in this to win it. and that any question to the contrary are being driven by polls again, some of which you have not shown a biden in the best light since 2020. i think there is something to be said about his frustration with the polling. it has been consistently wrong. what we do know is that this race will be tight. it was tight before that debate and it will be tight after this debate. he fully recognizes that the person who is make the decision and only person who can make the decision is joe biden. joe biden is in this thing to find it and anyone who does not want to see a donald trump re- election has to also abide by and vote for the biden/harris
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ticket. that is a ticket for the democratic party, period. >> what about the money rented? it includes the disney air, one of them, abigail disney, who says they will not give money to parties until biden drops out does this reinforce the need for the party to make a decision either having a biden step aside or putting in the work to win over these donors. would donors sit out the race knowing that may help in the white house to trump? >> it feels like a bit of an empty threat. of is a, the president is already losing. he had a bad debate performance that made the situation worse off and now you take money off the table. that is a huge problem. you need to push this quickly. this cannot drag on much longer. he needs to put this -- i think he is trying to put this to rest. it feels like he is stringing us along. they want him to do this interview and now they say they
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will be a press conference next thursday. keep an eye on that. he is just trying to drag this out and buy more time. i don't know that is getting the job done. i think it is all going to come to a head. if they are not able to push him out i would expect quickly a lot of the democrats will start shutting their mouth and getting on the team. this cannot be the conversation for much longer if they expect to turn it around. >> what is your take on donors? and the timeframe -- how much longer can this conversation, these questions continue without doing permanent damage? >> it depends on how long he wants to engage in the conversation. for president biden , we know what his schedule is going to look like he will be in the battleground states fiercely. he is utilizing his sugars in the battleground states. those are the states that count the most in this election cycle. his campaign has made that very clear. i think that he understands, again, that turnout is going to be everything. this never was one that was in
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the bag. he has got to go old-school, guerrilla style when it comes to getting your voters out. he fully understands this concept. what we are going to see in the next few months and honestly next week as well is him out here and having the events. meeting with the people that matter on the ground. making sure that those donors understand that he is not going anywhere. in the same days that the republican donors were shy to give money to trump because they thought someone else would appear to become the head back of the republican party. we saw them coalesce around trump what everyone else fell off. we will not see biden drop out of this race. donors will get on board and stay on board. i don't assume that will change. this president has already made it painstakingly clear that this is the ticket. kamala harris is actually in new orleans now having this conversation with black voters, largest recipients -- the largest portions of people at the festival. they are making clear that these
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two run in tandem. it is the biden/harris ticket. logistics of that would be wild. democrats will be on board with this as well. >> okay, ameshia cross and brennan but, we will see. thank you. what to make of the latest news by the former president? anti-dandruff shampoo made with only nine ingredients - no sulfates, silicones or dyes and packaged with 45% less plastic - giving you outstanding dandruff protection and leaving hair beautiful and moisturized. major dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. new head & shoulders bare. ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma.
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president biden is taking a day off for the campaign trail as reaction of the headline making interview continues. in a new campaign email president biden reiterated he is staying in the race because, quote, the stakes are too high. joining me now here in studio nbc 2024 campaign nominee egg one roof. we should let voters you are really tall. he is really tall. how are the voters reacting to all this trauma on the campaign? >> in the aftermath of the debate we start to talk to
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voters right away. they responded to all of this and been shellshocked to an extent but they have been very pragmatic eggnog at four months out from election despite concerns over age joe biden still may be the best bet to take on donald trump. take a listen to conversations we had in battleground michigan about this. >> if he is wise and able to do the job, they should not have anything to do with it. we may i also feel that i trust his judgment i think that if he felt that he needed to step down, that he would come forth and say that. when he says he is in and running, i believe him and i believe he will do a good job. >> we all have concerns. proof will be in the pudding i just asked joe biden to prove us wrong and show his real soon. >> what i will say is those sound bites represent the two overarching themes i've been hearing from voters and some core supporters feel that the
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four years he has had in his first term should matter more than the debate performance that they concede was a disaster and sad. they also feel that they trust joe biden one thing he told george stephanopoulos yesterday if i did not feel i was up for the job, i would not do it. they believe it should be up to joe biden and joe biden alone to decide if he is equipped to run again. i've also heard a lot from the last voter, even if they are supportive they want him to prove it. they want to see him hold moralities -- more rallies. he wants to do more interviews. to demonstrate that he is open and willing to be accessible. more importantly a lot of them have told me they want to see another debate performance and see him perform significantly stronger than he did during the first debate. we met the proof in the pudding. that is what he said. you did not hear a lot of people saying, he has got to step aside. that was not overarching theme? >> even voters who did say
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maybe we could have a stronger candidate, it is always hard for them to say who that candidate is. there are people who support vice president harris. a lot of them feel that joe biden is the one guy who can beat donald trump before. maybe the best bet is not shaking things up four months before the election. we met we should know all of that. we appreciate that as well. thank you, thank you. remarkable start right outside the window for 150 million americans. alizes i auma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i wanted all the boost i could get! i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present. it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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today millions of people across the u.s. are feeling the heat big time as record high temptress blister both coasts. nearly 115 million americans are in some kind of heat advisory as parts of several state's multiple days of 100 degrees or higher. joining us now from chicago adrian. where are these temperature spiking the most and what kind of records might we see in the coming days? >> reporter: i will start with your first question, alex. we are keeping our eye on the west coast specifically arizona, california, las vegas. that is where we can see some of the areas of break records. we are in the timeframe right now where the temperatures will max out between 100 and 120 degrees. palm springs already breaking its highest record that record was met yesterday. the high temperature was 124 degrees.
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previously, it was 123 degrees but it was set about four years ago. death valley temperature watches something we are looking at. the temperatures there could go high. many are wondering how high. we heard from a park ranger, who is also keeping his eye on things. listen in. >> it seems like most projections and most the models from the national weather service are showing it will be closer to about 128 which is still pretty extreme temperature. there is the off chance that we could go up to 130. which would match 2020 and 2021 , which are really kind of the highest temperatures in the modern era. >> reporter: extreme heat. we know this extreme heat can also cause illness. for example, on the west coast, not much relief there. overnight, the temperature still ranges between 60 to 80 degrees.
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if you have to be outside health experts are reminding people to make sure they have their sunscreen with them and to stay hydrated. here in chicago, you see folks behind is having fun. a little bit of relief here. we are on the other side of our extreme heat wave. if you do not have to be in it, stay inside. back to you. >> i can still not get my head around 134, even 128. what does that file? i don't want to know. thanks. appreciate that. the election upset and what that could mean for the rest of the world. ♪ ♪ cherry chewables ♪ ♪ liquicaps ♪ ♪ that make relief easy. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ pepto bismol. ♪ pick your pepto.
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12:00 pm
treatment new today, voters in iran elected a reformist to the presidency. delivering an upset election over the conservative party. he advocated for more moderate policies domestically, has criticized


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