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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  July 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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president biden making it abundantly clear this morning he's not taking advice from party leaders or big donors. he's listening to voters, staying in the race. >> i don't care what those big names think. they were wrong in 2020. they were wrong in 2022 about the red wave. go with me, come out with me. you make a judgment. you make a judgment. >> and a quick programming note, you can catch me saturdays at 12:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. that does it for me tonight "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. ♪♪
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tonight on "the reidout" -- >> the bottom line here is we're not going anywhere. i am not going anywhere. i wouldn't be running if i didn't absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat donald trump in 2024. we have a democrat tick nominating process where the voters spoke clearly. >> president biden vowing to fight on. why not? at the maintains support among much of the base. namely defeating maga fascism, donald trump and project 2025, the same project 2025 that's wildly unpopular. trump is claiming he knows nothing about it, even though insider advisers for him wrote it for him. the far right suffers a defeat in parliamentary elections. the far right also lost big in
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the uk. is that a preview of what we'll see in our elections in november? we begin tonight with a party in civil war. no, not the one led by the raving felon, the other one. the media frenzy over the weekend saw people tripping all over themselves, calling on biden to quit the race and be elderly somewhere else. this despite polls that remains the race still a tie. two must-win states for the incumbent. still, the drum did the beat to quit so deaf any s. biden calls into "morning joe" this morning with choice words for his critics. >> i don't care what those big
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names think. they were wrong in 2020. they were wrong in 2022 about the red wave. they're wrong in 2024. come out with me, watch people react, you make a judgment. you make a judgment. i'm getting so frustrated by the leaks. i'm not talking about you guys, but the elite in the party that knows so much more. if you think i shouldn't resident, challenge me at the convention. meanwhile, i just came from the annual essence festival in new orleans, where a cross-section of the kind of americans who would be at the greatest actual risk under a trump project 2025 dictatorship were gathered. thought leaders, including vice president harris. here's how that sounded.
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>> when the united states supreme court essentially told this individual who has been convicted of 34 felonies that he will be immune from essentially the activity he has told us he is prepared to engage in if he gets back into the white house. understand what we all know, in 122 days, we each have the power to decide what kind of country we want to live in. >> be a better ancestor that dizzy scent end. what kind of love letters do you want to send to a future generations. the rights that we have, we have to legislate, litigate, agitate for every single one of them, things that were birth rights to everybody else. please be a better an zestor than descendant.
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>> it was over 30 lies that trump said, and i realize he thinking he continue to say spit rhetoric just to keep you discombobulated. >> after the debate who do you trust more? >> if i had to choose a person, just strictly based off the debate, of course it would be biden. >> and it tracks with what virtually every black person i spoke with or otherwise interacted with in new orleans, again from all over the u.s., they said to me the most loyal base of the party nose that joe biden is old and didn't do well at the debate. what they actually care most about is beating donald trump. biden also went to philly, to a black church filled with actual black people on sunday, which went like this.
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>> did we ever lock arms, with an election that we cannot wind, there's no enemy we cannot defeat. we are together because we love our president. we pray for our president. >> i've been doing this a long time. i honest to god have never been more optimistic about america's future if we stick together. we must unite america again. that's my goal. that's what we're going to do. god bless you all and may got bless our troops. thank you, thank you. thank you. >> that's an entire black church, not a black church filled with maga visitors, chanting "four more years for biden." he then spoke to labor leaders
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in his home state. all of this happened this weekend. but please, you keep defenstrating your leader. you're scared for your own seats, and apparently don't know how to campaign on a surging economy. you're the most important thing here, right? you and your donors, of course, not the actual voters in the party base who can't afford to see prices double due to trump's china tariffs, and the first ones fired until project 2025, or shot in the streets by symptom petroleumers as they protest. you do you. media is super entertained, that's super important, and this is also your brand. obamacare is popular now.
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was actually quite toxic. they didn't want obama to campaign no them or endorse them. they treated him as a pa rya alison grimes, a democratic secretary of state challenging mitch mcconnell refused to reveal whether she had even voted for president barack obama, dodging a question by reporters, even during a debate of the kentucky senate race. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there's no reluntancy. it's a matter of prison pell. our constitution grants here in kentucky, the constitutional right for privacy at the ballot box for a secret ballot. you have that right. of kentuckyian has that right. >> she had no problem saying she
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is was a delegate for hoda kotb. it's quite on brand, running from obama on 2014 helped to xleep. you know who paid the highest price for democrats scaredy cat fundamental bling when a democrat holds the white house? the same kind of voters and essence fest. stalled expansion of obama care. radical abortion bans in states like louisiana. book bans and total bans on teaches accurate black history. black americans are the proverbial canary in the coal mine. when conservatives hurt us, that they have always done, the pain is soon shared by everyone of every race, who is not a rich,
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white, straight mans on his loyal voting wife. but that's kind of a democrat's brand. the editorial class at one point or another has called on every democratic president to withdraw their candidacy for reelection and elected democrats have promptly fled from that president. it's kind of a tradition. republicans briefly did the same after the "access hollywood" tape came out and for a hot second after the january 6th insurrection. or killed a million people about lying about covid, and telling folks to inject bleach rather than takes the vaccine his own government head fund the creation of. that doesn't last, either time, because in the end, the republican party stands for nothing except accumulating
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power for its own sake and for the sake of tax cuts for their donors. most of the media just enjoying the drama. real people actually get hurt by this stuff. over time, the restrictions that republicans erect to voting and the disillose triggered by every advancement canceled and placed by increased poverty and want, while a number of small rich people eat up the money and destroy the literal air that non-rich people breathe creates the vicious cycle that produced 23% voters turnoff in the off-year election that put jeff landry in the governor's mansion. for the grace of god and voters, america could soon be louisiana, florida, texas or tennessee. republicans are determined to inflake the same poverty and mass incarceration and woman slavery, and unchristian
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nationalism that they have condemned their states they run on to us all, with trump as their project 2025 marionette, and a star chamber. most democrats and media will tell you it's democratic presidents every time. meanwhile, we have a taste what this they have in mind. this person writing at the rue pertain murdoch rag, sliming vice president harris as the dei hire president. first, the question -- exactly who are you? charles government asparino? literally who are you? what qualifies you to write a editorial about the presidency, other than you being a white
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guy? what are your qualifications? a presidential historian or something? no, all right, you're just a discount rat conservative angry person, now sliding on unqualified at all, are you? and now the statement, which i will edit to pg-3 as this is a family show. we are not going to let a bunch of mediocre whiney conservatives turn it into a slur. 9 that laid is was a senator which currently qualifies her as vice president of the united states, and were she to become president, not only would chef earned it ton tens of millions of votes, she would also possess more qualifications than you. what was the name again? something gasparino, could hope to have on your best day. go write good golf our your actual skill sets. she's doing her black job and
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has no time for you. i, however did have time tonight. there you go. now back to the news. president biden will host a high-stakes nato summit, because he's the actual president, which means meetings, and on the other party, donald trump spent the weekend pivoting between -- and like the plague, should be spending this week answers question why every sing 8 person is directly connected to him and his former administration, and the campaign's plan, you know, if the democrats would get off the stage and allow our attention go back to the actual threat to cement sit. nbc news has six sources confirming that biden is talking at any moment with the congressional black caucus to discuss the stakes of the 2024 election. a short time ago i spoke to congressman jasmine crockett,
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who is doubling down on her biden support. and we'll have that interview next. stay with us. t. and we'll have that interview next stay with us oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪
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and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. just moments ago, house democratic leader jeffries told reporters he continuing to support president biden. in this hour, the president is set to hold a virtual meeting
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with the black caucus. many have been the strongest defenders. a short time ago, i spoke with one of the members who will be in that meeting, jasmine crockett of texas. thank you so much for joining us. now, i know that president biden is set to call into the cbc caucus meeting you are holding today. what are you expecting to hear from the president? >> you know, i think the president will make sure he ushers in the importance of unity. also, it's been laid out that he plans to thank the black caucus. as it relates to the people stepping out and saying thing against the president, there's yet to be a black caucus member. black supportsers on the ground have made it clear, they understand the stakes. i think what people need to star centering on is the stakes.
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we will be the ones in a direct line of fire if trump is allowed to enter the white house again. >> you make a very good point. on the senate side, senator warner with a group of we don't know who else is with him, on the house side, you know, you put the names up there, you do not see an african american among them. yet, when you look at the people who are vocally supporters, you have represent tiff barbara lee, joyce beatie, representative clyburn, et cetera, it's very obvious, it's become almost a racial divide inside the party. is that what it is? is it the black members are more personal the stays? what he's threatening to do will impact black and brock communities, minority communities more directly.
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>> that definitely is what it feels like. we didn't necessarily have a come to jesus together, saying all black folk, stand with the president, but i think we innately understand what the supreme court has done to our rights and it's disproportionately impacting people of color. so i think for us, as a matter of stay the course, make sure everyone knows that donald trump and maga are the real enemies, and no matter who is on the ticket, they say we adopt care if we have to wheel him around, we are voting for president joe biden, and i stand with them. >> you know, it's interesting you say that. you have a weekly caucus meeting. is that something that the black caucus is prepared to say directly to the other members in the meeting tomorrow?
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>> yes. i wouldn't pretend to speak on behalf of the caucus especially if i'm a freshman member, unless i want tock kicked out -- [ laughter ] >> no. but the question is can we have an honest discourse when we have people violating or circle of trust. we supposedly believe in democracy and freedom of speech. we should be able to have an honest conversation with our colleagues without them running to the press. los angeles, if somebody wants to -- we don't need anybody going and snitching, talking about and mischaracterizing, as we saw where they mixed up twoation members. just tell your story. mind your own business, and we'll all be good. >> that is wise advice. let's go outside the democratic caucus. i think people are assuming,
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let's say it was vice president harris, i think people would be excited in theory to have her as a candidate, but here is the reception she would receive. she's also receiving it from rando writers in "new york post" but here's chip roy from texas, the guy in favor of bringing back lynching, and admitted he only byron donnell, just setting up the audience who he is. >> at the end of the day, i don't think they'll go there. i don't think they can. they're in a box where they have to choose between a mentally incompetent president and dei vice president. they know they face a problem either way. >> i know that you all want to read a loser when a loser says a thing, so i'll just let you comment on those words. >> again, you know what?
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i want people to listen. if you just listen to what they say, 28 tell you everything you need to know. number two, you can see he wishes he had half the competency of vice president kamala harris. don't talk to me what a dei hire looks like. we know you have never engaged in diversity, equity or inclusion in your office, so you know nothing about that, so one of the real facts about diversity in this country, we're missing out on trillions of gdp. they can check the receipts if they want to, because we have the governors that are anti-deform i, the rogue governor in florida, and so forth. they need to get over that are incompetent and get on their level and start to come up with actual policies, instead of going after people because of
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how they look or how they were born, and instead focus on taking care of the american people, when means you take care of people other than just white folk. brown, hispanic, asian and everyone. >> we can always count on this particular freshman to keep it real, and tell it like its. congresswoman crockett, thank you. >> have a good one. coming up, donald trump is trying to make the claim he knows notion about project 2025. we cannot let him get away with it. republicans have written an extreme new platform, and we have new details on that, next. e have new details on that, next into the interior walls. or maybe they've spotted mold in the attic. but most often it's the more obvious signs of damage like rotten soffit, fascia, or water pooling near their foundation. you can get ahead of costly damage by protecting your home's gutters today. we're in your neighborhood and ready to help. schedule your free gutter inspection today,
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lost in the democratic hang wringing is a danger posed by a second trump presidency. today the national committee approved its proposed platform after skipping it in 2020. it's nothing short of a love letter to and from donald trump, as well as a faciali fever dream. stopping the mike rant, with rounding um migrants and putting them in concentration camps. thing about the last time you went to walmart, flip over every product, a lot of it comes from
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china. think about the price of each of those things doubling, because a tariff is what you, as a consumer paying for every at this time item from country that's targeted. and closing the department of education, which facilitates student loans and grants, and ensures that laws by and for the people is a fancy way of what they used to call states rights. then keeping men out of the women's sports, and just want to mess with it. this road map comes as donald trump lies about another extreme right-wing road map, project
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2025, which advocates, among other things replacing civil servants with trump lackeys, putting the justice department under trump's control, and banning abortion medication nationwide. trump posted i know nothing about project 20 that. that means trump doesn't know the people who worked in his administration. just to name a few. russ vout, and there's trump's former personal aide, john mcintee, and step miller, the ghoul behind migrant family separation, whose right, the project's director paul dans, and there's also former cabinet secretaries ben carsing, christopher miller and ken couch
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nelle, and peter navarro, currently in prison. i guess he also didn't snowe kevin roberts from the heritage foundation, the guy who promised violence if the left resists, who is seen here shaking the dear leader's hand. joining me is maya wiley. and joe, political columnist, all thor of requests the longest con." maya, i'm going to start with you. the project 2025 proposals, they may not read the 900 pages, but it is frightening stuff. talk about where you stand on it from a civil rights point of view. >> i have to laugh, though it's not funny at all. if you read even just chapter 18, which is the chapter that says we're going to get rid of
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the department of education, we essentially don't like pell grants, is a frontal attack on every civil right we have won through the civil rights act of 1964 that we're celebrating its 60th anniversary. even the president of the heritage foundation wanted to celebration the civil rights act of 1964 at the same time that he is standing proudly on a document that says we are going to take it all away, because we think it hurts white people. when the trust is everything we have done, every advance we have made, whether it's literally extending the life expectancy of black personsly 3 1/2, 4 years, the civil rights act helped do that, increasing the size of the black middle class, that's because the funding that finally said we are going to have a fairer -- not fair enough, but
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fairer education sim, so it's simply an attack on the civil rights that the vast majority of this country actually believes in, and what it's doing to attack it, as you said, is essentially saying we will make government ideological, and we will take the executive branch and say, no matter who sits on top of it, we're going to allow that person, if it's donald trump, it will be donald trump, to put tens of thousands of people into the federal government, instead of civil servants, ideologues. >> how do with he get here, joe. i argued -- i asked somebody just stitch my video and name one thing that conservative, whether religious or political has ever done for people who are not rich. not one thing that conservative has done. in my mind it's been fairly
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static. you argue in this book it's changed. how do we get to a place where we're threatening violence? >> i would say it's basically taken over by con men and frauds. actually, you know, paranoia and often hate to draw people into right-wing movements, but mostly it's now become kind of a swindle, a con game, a way to fleece those followers out of their money. you see this all the way up to the top with trump, who is the epitome of that kind of politics. when trump tells a blatant line, like i don't know anything about project 2025, his press secretary did a recruiting video for it last year. you can see it online. sometimes i think we need to hook donald trump up to a permanent polygrave, like an iv,
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so you can see, you know, in graphic terms when he's lying. this is how they operate. he is the master of it. this is how we got here. the success in sort of training people on the right. those voters, to believe all kinds of stuff that's not true, and to turn over their money as they do it, to be willingly ripped off by committees, causes, candidates, and, you know, trump is the master of that, too. he used the election, the 2020 election, which he lied about constantly to get people to send him money, a quarter of a billion in two months. it was historic. >> and, you know, maya, that is an excellent point. even stephen miller has created a group that raises lots of money, getting people to send him money, so he can sue anybody
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who does anything for anybody black, and he's a white rights activist. it's very lucrative, yet when they find out how understanding popular the ideas are to the general public, they run from it. donald trump is claiming he doesn't know about project 2025. agenda 47 is exactly the same. like, it's literally the same thing, maya, but he thinking that people are dumb enough to think if he says he doesn't know, they'll believe him. >> it's interesting to me about donald trump trying to distance himself from his own platform, because even when people didn't know what project 2025 was, he was saying all these things out loud, as part of what he was running on. >> yes. >> i think we should remember --
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it's really important to remember, this is the same donald trump, who is now suggesting he wasn't necessarily antiabortion when his entire platform -- this goes to joe's point -- bus his entire platform was he was going to overturn roe v. wade, and followed the federalist society's blueprint on supreme court justices, including those ignoring decades of precedent to drive presidential immunity. this is always a playbook, and always has been for some. i just wasn't to underscore one point that joe makes. i think it's an important one. the civil rights act of 1964 had 73 senators vote for it. there were reps voting for the civil rights act in 1964. we struggled to get one vote for the voting rights act in 2021.
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there's something that's changed. it is wrong for the country and demonstrates an ideology over sensible policymaking. >> i would say, i totally agree with maya about that. it's a huge threat not only to civil rights, but to everybody's rights of all kinds. you know, they want to seize the power to control the budget and put it in solely the president, which would mean just destroying every program up to and including social security, medicare, the affordable care act. everybody is endangered by this power grab. you know, there once was a type of conservatism that played an important part in american history and american politics. it had a guard rails role for our democracy. that's not what this is anymore. i don't call them conservatives.
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i don't like call them that. they have dishonor that term. >> indeed, if we had time, we would get into servicer specific ones. >> now j.d. vance thinking than a complement. >> fair point. maya and gee, thank you. pick up "the longest con." i believe it drops tomorrow. despite all hand wringing, the opposite has happened with the anti-brexit labour party winning in the uk, and in a big move, iran elected a reformist president. what does all of this mean ahead of our own election. we'll discuss that next. who is calling me? we'll discuss that next. who is calling me?
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there is a lot of fear right now surrounding the november election and a potential second presidency for donald trump and his far-right masa movement. before you enter full-fledged panic mode let's look at what happened the past couple days around the world. voters from three different countries all show up and rejected far-right extremism. yesterday france's leftist
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coalition defied all expectations and blocking a fire-right takeover, despite polls predicting that the far-right national rally party would win the most seats in parliament. they ended up third behind iman macron's centrist party. in iran they elected their first reformist president in decades. voters chose him over his ultra-conservative rival. in the uk, the center-level labour party won in a sweeping landslide, installings keirst -- starmer.
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now the voters have spoken and outwardly rejected that very trend. shouldn't we be reading the reversal? is this a sign of what's to come in the u.s. in november? president biden think sos sark i saying this early this morning. >> france rereqqed extremism. democrats will reject it here as well. trump is a guy that's an extreme candidate. i can't think of a candidate in my lifetime that's been more extreme. he makes george wallace look like a patriot. we'll talk about all of that and more, after the break. lk abt and more, after the break. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ what if we don't get down in time
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[ crowd chanting ] struggled the streets of francis weekend celebrating solidarity with anti-fascists to find out election as a leftist coalition beat the far right into third place. crucially stifling their legislative push for power. that is a sentiment that also holds true here in america in just four months time. joining them is nicholas kristof, author of chasing hope coleman a reporters life. at least 70 countries around the world are holding elections this year. that puts about nearly half the world's population living
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somewhere where elections are being held. how much hope should we take from the wins against fascism and extreme right ideologies in iran, england and france? >> i think we should take some hope but not too much. fundamentally, particularly in britain and in all three countries, it was a vote against incumbency and elites. i do think that it does show that liberals can take advantage of that feeling. it is not as obvious to me that president biden can take advantage of that. it is also, i think, interesting that in britain, starmer won by matching a very strategic campaign. he moved to the center. he actually came at the conservatives from the right on immigration. which was bizarre
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to see. he did win this incredible landslide it suggested that voters at the end of the day really were comfortable with him. in france, you have the centerleft work together and figure out what the best cabinets would be in each constituency. again pulled this rabbit out of the hat. >> yes. >> things can be done but one has to be careful and strategic about it. >> the thing that struck me is the turnout in these elections was considered high but it was our kind of hybrid in the 60s. it feels like there is a retrenchment from a believe in democracy and voting not just here but around the world. you think of high voter turnout elections and role relative turnout in iran. the result was something -- when he was killed no one could imagine a reformist having any traction at all.
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yet, here we are even in iran. the idea of something less extreme. that feels hopeful to me. >> in iran, it was striking because the man who won, he was completely unknown. people did not even know he was really -- they did not know anything about him, a former health minister until the last week or so and he was in the finals. people just voted for reform. people are just that up with the regime bear and the treatment of women but not just that. the economic catastrophe that is today's iran. people were desperate for change. >> we can only hope that i feel like there is this fundamental question i have about right wing conservative is in political and religious specifically conservatism but how destructive it has been regardless of the religion that you have written a lot about what is happening in israel. you have seen what happened.
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that is a right wing government. it revise it self or is very fond towards vladimir putin. which allied to extreme religious right ring figures. untold that in gaza. land confiscation in the west bank on an unprecedented scale. no hope for peace. that is kind of what you get when you put a right wing autocrat in jail especially one who is afraid of going to jail. >> there is always been two israel and the hard right israel that occupies palestinian territory and builds new settlement that can be enormously impressive especially in the territories. and then you have israeli civil society and the economic dynamism in the country and judges and nonprofits that are the picture of enlightenment. i am afraid over the last decade or so, what you have seen has been, you know, the
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decline of the more benevolent israel and the rise of the hard- line, hard right conservative israel. i think that is -- we in the u.s. have helped in power that in gaza and the west bank. >> and also here. i feel like there is such a parallel between trump and netanyahu. these are both men who face criminal prosecution. they have allied themselves even though neither of them seem to be overly religious. they have latched onto the far religious right in each of their religions. they have allowed that to drive them to their power. netanyahu has been in office for 14 or 15 years. his kind of autocracy is what trump wants. >> the parallel is that it is also all about him. it is all about netanyahu. it is not about the country.
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israel is in this terrible situation where 70% of the people would like a new prime minister. a large number of people would like to end the war in gaza and bring the hostages home. that yahoo is not going to do that. if that happens, then he will probably be out of power very soon. i think that selfishness of leadership holds true. >> i love doing international news because i think it is important for americans to realize we are not this one offered we are part of the world and that happen can happen to us. you have to look at the international situations because you see yourself in some of these foreign countries. it ain't foreign what it hits home it is such a pleasure. thanks so much for being here. >> good to be with you. we that is tonight's "the reidout" you can probably on tiktok. please follow our show accounts on on instagram tiktok. "inside" with jen psaki starts right now.


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